The Story of a Dealer Girl: "Women almost never lose big." - It turns out that you can still win at the casino

casino girl

When he was 16 years old, he and his parents came to live permanently in America. Here he graduated from high school, but neither humanitarian nor mathematical subjects interested him. When he was born, he was given the name Kuzma, at home they began to call him Kuzya. In America, Kuzya turned into "Kaza" or "Goat" in the mouths of his schoolmates. One day a friend of his parents said:

Your grades won't get you into college. You don't look like your father. He studied well at school and at the university, and when he came to America, he quickly managed to adapt, learned English, found a job, and you? And he added in verse: “Well done to your father, and not what you are, a sheep!” This stuck to him, they began to say to him - you are a Sheep, in English pronunciation he turned into Ovsi, and at home, in the end, into Ovsey. Among the thousands of different names that aliens from different countries in America wear, his new name did not seem strange to anyone. And he quickly got used to it and remembered his real name only when he had to fill out an application (application) for a job.

Unlike many young people who came from Russia, he retained the Russian language. It was the merit of his mother, a teacher, who spared no effort to study with him in the evenings. And although he communicated with his schoolmates, of course, only in English, his close friends were the same as he was, immigrants from Russia, with whom he often spoke Russian. But they also began to call him by the name “Ovsi”, already familiar to him.

He began to look for a job, but without education, without a specialty and experience, it was extremely difficult to find not only well-paid, but generally any work. In the end, he was taken to a restaurant, where he was engaged in washing dishes.

The only thing that really interested him was sports. While still at school, he was engaged in boxing, wrestling, athletics, but he really became interested in bodybuilding. By the age of 21, he had lean muscles and dreamed of repeating the career of Schwarzenegger in the cinema.

But then a big problem happened to him. A young girl who lived next to them, also of Russian origin, with whom he was friends, said that he was a rapist. He, in turn, said that everything was by mutual agreement. Both his and her parents demanded that he marry, but he flatly refused. The girl did not go to court, but after the scandal that had occurred, he left the house and began to rent a small apartment with a friend. There was very little money, barely enough to pay for housing and food. He still had a used car bought by his parents, in which he drove to a restaurant to work.

He was haunted by a dream: to go to California, to Hollywood. He believed that as soon as he was there, all the directors would come running to offer him the main roles in new films. The comrade with whom they lived together cooled his dreams:

Who needs you there? Do you think you're the only one in America that has that kind of muscle? But even if we assume that in the end success awaits you there, then this will not happen immediately, but you need to eat every day, besides, in California, housing prices are crazy, where will you live there - on the beach? So you will be arrested as a tramp, and everything will end in prison. No, to go to Hollywood, you need to have at least some kind of money.

I agree with you, - answered Ovsi, - but where can I get them?

From his meager budget, he began to allocate twenty dollars a month for the purchase of lottery tickets. At first, he bought tickets, on which it was possible, by erasing the silver veil, to immediately know whether you won or lost. He sometimes won, but the amounts were miserable: $2.5 at the most, and then once - 20. Then he began to fill out state lottery tickets, hoping to win millions. But, as a rule, he could not guess more than two numbers. Once he guessed three or four numbers and the winnings were $200. But that kind of money won't get you far. One of his friends, with whom he talked about his problems, advised him to go to the casino - you can definitely win there!

Ovsi lived in Houston, and unfortunately there are no casinos in Texas. The nearest ones are in Louisiana, in Lake Charles. He was afraid to go there in his old car: he would not get there, besides, an abyss of money would go to gasoline. Ovsi found out that the casino can be reached by bus, which takes people to the Capri Island casino three times a week. The ticket costs only $15, of which $10 is returned to you at the casino in the form of a special card that allows you to play for this amount.

On one of his days off, Ovsi came to the bus stop, bought a ticket and got into a beautiful comfortable bus with very soft seats. It took two and a half hours to drive. He began to look around. He was struck by the composition of those who rode with him. He was the only young man, almost all the other passengers were of pre-retirement or retirement age. “Wow,” he thought, “American pensioners live well if they can risk losing money in the casino.” He began to listen to what they were talking about among themselves. Everyone vied with each other about how much they had won during the previous trip. And one of the passengers said that last time he lost everything to the last dollar, there was still more than an hour before the bus left for Houston, and he began to walk around the casino, watch how others play. And suddenly I saw a piece of paper on the floor. It turned out to be one dollar that someone lost. He inserted that dollar into the machine and immediately won back everything he had lost before, and even left with a full pocket of money. Some bus passengers said that it is best to stay in the casino at night, slot machines supposedly give fabulous winnings at night. These stories reminded him of "fishing tales", when each fisherman shows which pike he has caught, spreading his arms as far as possible. “Maybe they really win a lot? Pensions are probably still small, and they live on what they win at the casino? But this is impossible, the casinos would have gone bankrupt long ago, and they are said to be very profitable. It is not for nothing that entire Indian tribes live from the income from the casinos that they open on the lands of the reservations allocated to them. No, probably not everyone is lucky, but I must be lucky! Moreover, as they say, for beginners, money goes into their own hands when playing!”

The casino struck him with its pomposity. There was an artificial waterfall in the foyer, you had to go up the escalator, where, in fact, the entrance to the casino was located. They say that once in the laws of the state of Louisiana was written a ban on the construction of casinos "on the land of the state." But the law was easily circumvented by starting to create casinos not on land, but on water. For this, special ships moored to the shore were used. The Island of Capri casino was also located on the ship, but the ship had three large decks, on which there were countless slot machines, and on one of the decks there were several tables with roulettes and for playing cards. The croupiers looked like they were aristocrats straight out of 19th-century paintings, more like imposing, but to Ovsi's surprise, there were women among them.

First, Ovsi decided to play roulette. He bet $20 chips on the number 13, his birthday and what he believed to be the number that should bring him happiness. A 27 came up and he lost. Then he switched to slot machines. He inserted 5-dollar bills into the slot, but at first he played no more than 50 cents at a time. Soon he began to understand a little about machine guns. In addition to the traditional "one-armed bandits", there were more modern cars that were more interesting to play. When a certain combination of pictures came out, usually three pictures or more, on which “bonus” was written, a second screen opened, on which you had to choose something - if you guessed correctly, you won up to 20-25 dollars. Sometimes another combination came out, which led to a free rotation of the wheels of the machine (“free spin”). In this case, how lucky: you could win a lot, but you can - and nothing. And, finally, the third option, which Ovsi especially liked, was when identical pictures came out in a row, interspersed with the inscriptions “double” or “wild”. In these cases, the player hit the "Jackpot" and the winnings were much more significant, 200-350 dollars and even more. Of course, if you play not for 50 cents, but for one or two dollars, you could win much larger amounts. On a special section of the hall, separated by a low fence, there were slot machines for 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. Local connoisseurs assured that in Las Vegas there were supposedly machines even for 500 and 1000 dollars. But Ovsi did not dare to risk playing on such expensive machines.

Soon he began to go to the casino regularly. Sometimes he won, sometimes he kept his own, but often enough he lost. He soon realized that he would not be able to raise the necessary amount for a trip to California by this method.

However, one day, when he was in the casino and playing the machine, two pictures came out with the inscription "bonus", and he expected and hoped that a third would appear. In such cases, the machine begins to ring, buzz, and the remaining columns move much faster. His hopes were not justified, the third picture did not appear and he cursed in Russian:

Damn you!

A girl passing by at that moment with a tray, who was serving free soft drinks, asked:

Do you speak Russian?

Yes talking!

They got to know each other. The girl's name was Natasha, in America she became Natalie. She was young, pleasant, had a thin waist and long legs - quite in Ovsi's taste. They agreed to call each other, and after several days of telephone conversations, she came to him in Houston. Both had little money, nevertheless they had fun. A week later she came again and this time stayed with him for the night. Everything about their relationship was wonderful. He told her about his dream - to go to Hollywood, become an actor, and then a screen star. But for starters, it is absolutely necessary to have some amount of money “for overclocking”. On one of her visits to Houston, Natalie said:

Let's do this: you come to the casino and follow me. I learned all the machines and all the tricks associated with them. I will go with a tray and go to the machine, which will be free, look at it and move on, and you immediately sit down at this machine and start playing. Play for 15-20 minutes or until you win $100, then take the check and leave. And follow me again. So you play on three or four machines. You won’t earn much, of course, but you will get something. And there you will see. But in no case do not talk to me - there are a lot of cameras that record everything.

Ovsi did just that. True, he lost on one of the machines, but he really won on the other three, and the total winnings amounted to about $ 200. This went on for several weeks. Success sometimes, but rarely, gave way to failure, but, in general, everything went fine.

The relationship between Natalie and Ovsi got better and better. And one day she said to him:

Don't you think that we should somehow streamline our relations!

What do you mean?

What, what - people meet, and then get married, get married!

What is it for? - he said. - We are already good with each other!

But you're going to go to California, and I'm going to stay here and you'll kick me out like a boring dog? Fed up and quit? Don't you think that this is, to put it mildly, not very fair to me?

But Ovsi did not agree with this formulation of the question:

It is your Russian origin that speaks in you, in America people live with each other for years, and sometimes they enter into official relations at the age of forty or more, and we are still young, we can still take a walk!

Don't you want to say that tomorrow you will leave me for another?

Everything can be!

Natalie didn't say anything else. But she held a grudge.

Some time passed, and one day Ovsi told her:

You know, a small amount of money has already accumulated, of course, it’s not enough to go, but if you managed to double it, then you could say that everything is already in order, at least for one or two months I’ll have enough, if I save , and during this time I am sure that I will find a job in some film company, and there it’s not far from a role in a movie!

Well, - said Natalie, - in order to double the amount, you need to play not on slot machines, but at roulette.

Yes, I have tried and failed.

I'll tell you which table to go to and when to start playing - it all depends on the croupier, and I know them all there. But several times in a row, roulette is won only in the movies. If you win at least two times in a row, they will immediately notice it and draw the appropriate conclusions. So you can bet only once and the entire amount at once. And you should not bet on the number, it is too unreliable, but on red or black. This will give a double win, as you need, and it will not be so conspicuous. If you win, take your chips and leave immediately, don't play again.

Ovsi did just that. He went to the table she indicated with a roulette table, put all the chips, as she said, on red. The ball went in a circle, and cold sweat broke out on Ovsi's back. He closed his eyes. And began to wait. The ball spun for a long time and suddenly rolled sharply towards the numbers and stopped in the black hole, and the croupier grabbed all the chips, including those that Ovsi put. He opened his eyes and stared silently at the green table. He did not understand anything, she said that she had agreed! Ovsi violated her order and went looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found. He played a little more in the casino, but he no longer had the money to play even on slot machines. And, frustrated, he went back to Houston.

From the road, he began to call her from a mobile phone, then called from home, but it was all in vain: she did not answer the phone. He realized that she did not want to talk to him, she saw on the phone screen that he was calling, and did not pick up the phone. Then he went to the trick. He asked for a mobile phone from his partner in the apartment and called her from it. She picked up the phone.

What's happening? - he asked. - I lost everything, how did you agree?

You are too naive, it is impossible to negotiate with the croupier. I deceived you. Did you think to treat me like you did that girl you raped and dumped? But now you can go to your California, and I'll find myself another guy here in Louisiana, or in Texas, maybe he will really love me, and not the money from the slot machines!

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Why Belarusian casinos do not like women who lose big, how women can prevent this, about the difference between sports and gambling - former croupier Natalia Gilevskaya told about this and other secrets of Belarusian casinos.

The girl recalls her work in one of the largest and oldest gambling houses in the country as a “push to life” and is grateful for the experience, the ability to understand people. Now Natalia is a successful manager of a real estate agency. She believes that if there were no casino and poker in her life, nothing would have happened. The girl, who had previously only been able to play “throw-in”, luck smiled for the first time in the metropolitan subway.

The croupier read about recruitment to the school in the subway car. I called and they invited me. Then I had no idea what awaited me, but the job promised a good income (salary and tips). Before I was hired, I went through a rather tough selection process. After all, casinos do not like women, and although this does not apply to staff, the imprint is transferred to him.

There were other very exotic criteria. For example, a croupier should not have tattoos - at least those that can be seen from under his clothes. Even piercings are banned. It is believed that this can distract and even provoke the aggression of the players. I got my first tattoo when I had already worked for a year. And so that it was not noticeable behind the sleeves of the shirt.

Why don't they like women in casinos?

- This applies only to visitors. Women play completely differently. Despite the fact that excitement is also not alien to them, they never lose touch with reality and almost never lose big. A man comes to the casino to feel the taste of life, to hit the jackpot, and in this excitement he can go very far, up to losing the apartment. A woman comes to the casino to show herself, her independence and modernity. They can easily get up at a critical moment and leave. You can't keep them in the establishment with traditional tricks. But most of all in the casino they do not like it when a woman accompanies a man to the casino. From such visitors, the institution rarely remains in the black, since the woman here plays the role of restraining chains for the man. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a wife, a girlfriend or just a work colleague. Of course, there are exceptions, sometimes very exotic ones, but in general the picture is exactly this: if only women went to the casino, all establishments would quickly go bankrupt.

Are you a gambler yourself?

- No. Absolutely not gambling. When I worked as a dealer, some competitive interest, of course, was present, but nothing more. As a rule, people who have worked in a casino understand how it all works and that it is impossible to win at a casino. But the casino sparked my interest in poker. No, I don't play poker in a casino - I don't like gambling, but sports poker is another matter. There you play against other people just like you. I started playing in tournaments of the Belarusian Poker Federation, now I can participate in tournaments at Pokerdom, in those where the buy-ins do not exceed 10-20 dollars. I am here, thanks to the work in the casino, I can control myself.

Does the feeling of virtual poker replace being at a real table?

- It's hard for me to judge, I'm not a professional yet and not the person for whom the game is the only possible form of recreation. They say that online and offline poker are two different games with the same rules. Online poker is faster, you don't see your opponent there. Offline has more atmosphere and psychology. But I will try to combine it - in early November there will be a big tournament on the Internet, its finalists will come to Minsk and continue playing at a real table at the Belarus Poker Tour series. Now I'm determined to win this tournament.

- Could you connect your life with a player?

- Depending on which one. There are athletes, and there are gamers, people for whom, apart from excitement, nothing exists. A sports card game is a common game, and you can often meet smart guys in it. IT specialists, successful managers. And the gambler is most often a poor person, loses everything that he has, and cannot stop.

— If you fell in love with poker, why did you leave the casino?

— Well, first of all, it's not sports poker in the casino. Secondly, I felt that I needed to grow. You won't get much from being a croupier. Some worked for 10-15 years. But then what? I left the casino but stayed in the sport.

Are casino players aggressive people?

- Not all. But often a big loss can end in obscenity and scandal. When a player leaves tens of thousands of dollars at the table in one night, it is impossible to predict his reaction. But sometimes disappointment in luck develops into aggression. Especially if the person is drinking alcohol!

- It turns out that the croupier is a dangerous profession?

No more and no less than any other. They can throw chips at the croupier, and on my shift, a client tried to hit me with a coffee cup. Luckily there were other staff nearby and everything worked out. But there are few such people, and they are known by sight. As well as those who come regularly and behave politely. So, with a frequency of once every two months, an employee of one of the diplomatic missions came to us. And… always lost. And lost a lot. But at the same time he never lost his sense of tact, he was polite and courteous. Apparently, he needed to throw out energy and feel the excitement.

- Natalya, you say that you lose a lot. What amount are we talking about?

For some, even a hundred dollars a night is essential. Others lowered a hundred thousand or more ...

- What does a person look like who can spend a three-room apartment at a table?

- No way. None of these people stand out from the crowd. It was that the money was brought with them in cash. They were folded into an ordinary backpack. Of course they were men. It is very difficult for a woman to understand how much money she has with her and how much she is ready to lose. But women do not rely solely on luck, as men do. We never put luck first. And in a casino, even owners can put luck above all other factors. Once, the owners fired an entire shift when customers won too much money from the establishment overnight. They really thought the staff was out of luck.

- It turns out that you can still win at the casino?

- Yes. There were also those who were very lucky. And the winnings are big too. But again, winning men are loved in the casino, because the one who won today will lose just as willingly next time. But the woman who won is unlikely to come back.

— Are there so-called blacklists? Lists of people who are not allowed into the casino under any pretext?

- Of course they do. But there are exceptions to every rule. If a client has money and is ready to lose it, no casino will blacklist such a visitor. More often, these lists include casino employees (due to corporate rules) and cheaters.

Let's talk about the latter in more detail.

- At one time, several young people came to play with us. Always stuck together and never drank alcohol. This in itself is suspicious. We sat down for poker. And almost always left "in the black." It seems to me that even when they lost, it was a planned move so that the staff would not guess. But they were "calculated". Suspicion was enough to forbid them entry.

Do you miss the night shifts? Did they interfere with the girl to establish a personal life?

I don't miss night shifts. At the age of 20, in such a rhythm of life, you can find some kind of romance: there is a lot of money around, stylishly dressed people, emotions. When I grew up a little, the priorities changed - I realized that I spend most of my life in a smoky room, without windows and clocks.

- Watches are prohibited by the rules?

- Rather, it is an unspoken standard for any gambling establishment - a guest should not keep track of time, remember about some business and worries. For the same reason, reputable casinos do not bill for food and drinks, the money is only for playing. If the player fell asleep after the cards were dealt and only the dealer was left at the table, we have no right to wake him up, we also cannot change. You just need to stand and wait until the visitor sleeps and continues the game.

- Have you ever entered “your” casino after being fired?

- No. Although sometimes you want to work another shift. To again feel the excitement that the institution is filled with. But no more than one shift. Remember the past, thank some ...

- For what?

- Stress resistance, the ability to understand people, quickly make a portrait - make a decision how to behave with one or another player. There are also mainly players in the real estate market, it is important to see if a person has money and what exactly he is ready to spend it on, what risk he himself wants to take. At the same time, both the amounts and risks in real estate, as a rule, are orders of magnitude greater.

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At all times, people have been attracted to thrills. At the casino gaming table, the dream of fantastic riches, from which only a few card combinations separate you, becomes close and seems easily feasible. Our story is about one of the central figures and the manager of this game - about the croupier (from French croupier - banker, banker).

The croupier's working field is a game table, at which he (or she!) can act in one of three roles: a dealer, an inspector or a chipper.

The dealer conducts the game as an authorized casino and communicates with the players present in the hall. The inspector monitors the observance of the rules by the participants of the game. Chipper works only at roulette tables and helps players to collect chips.

Why is the croupier profession so attractive for young girls? First of all, croupier training is very long. In Europe, to become a croupier, you need to unlearn 4 years, practically get a higher education. In some other countries, the croupier course takes 3 months, during which candidates are taught all the tricks of the job - mainly card deck skills, game rules and counting. The croupier must count a lot.

The requirements for candidates are strict: you must have a mathematical mindset, have developed intuition, iron endurance to work with problematic and aggressive clients, be hardy (not every fragile girl
can stand 12 hours in a row at a table covered with green cloth), and, of course, have an attractive appearance.

Here is what 20-year-old croupier girl Regina says about her work.

A mandatory ritual, says Regina, is dressing up. An employee cannot receive visitors in their own clothes. Uniform only: light green blouse, black midi skirt with sewn pockets. It is clear why. So that the banker could not, well, purely by chance, put the chip instead of a slot in the table into his pocket. There are also inconveniences - a locker room is common for all staff, where both girls and guys change clothes - bartenders and security guards. At first, as Regina said, some were embarrassed, but then they got used to it. Those who are especially shy are asked to turn away.

But shyness in our work is superfluous, - croupier Regina comments on this moral value, - such clients come across ... They swear at us and throw chips in the face. And how they call names ... The most harmless - a goat and a chuvyrla. Freak out, of course, those who completely lost. From one even sweat suddenly flowed in streams. First, he put his head in his hands, and then how he yells at me: “You know, s... that I lost the common fund!” I did not immediately understand what a common fund was, but it became scary. Then I kept silent, but not all girls are so unrequited. We have one that will hit anyone. One player somehow sent it to a well-known address, and received: “Go there yourself!” And she had nothing from the management, because she is very experienced.

It is not clear where the idea of ​​the croupier as a deadpan, impassive banker came from. Each of them is always focused on the game, although they try not to show it, they do not care at all what is happening around. AND
Behind the dance of graceful hands on the gaming table lies professional concern about what is happening - after all, the croupier's responsibility is very great. For any violation, whether it is an inconsistent appearance, inappropriate behavior or errors in calculations, the croupier is penalized. At the same time, the criteria for the appearance of croupier girls are different. If in a casino in the post-Soviet space (where they still remain) - female croupiers are usually dressed in mini-skirts and defiantly tight-fitting blouses, then, for example, in the West in some countries they are completely prescribed
come to work in trousers so that nothing distracts customers from the game. And finally - confirmation that there are funny moments in the croupier profession :-) A couple of anecdotes from the life of a croupier.

If you get distracted and forget that you are in a casino, then many things are perceived differently. The same "split" when playing blackjack can be very erotic. Here's the situation: A player wants to "split" and tries to push the cards apart. But, since he
it is forbidden to touch the cards, the croupier girl indignantly issues: - Do not touch with your hands, I will open it myself! At the same time, neither she nor the player is funny to anyone. It's only funny if you imagine this phrase without the surrounding atmosphere of the gaming hall. This variant of events can occur both on roulette and on blackjack, when the player, outraged by the fact that they did not pay the bet, asks:

Why didn't you give me?
- You did not stand - the croupier answers indifferently and somewhat reproachfully.
