Cinema at home: free movie catalogers. Creating a personal movie catalog Adding a link to a file

My Movies Free - accounting of films through the cloud

This mobile application is specifically designed to create catalogs for your home media library. With it, you can easily add the movies you have in your collection to the database, and get information about them from the developer's online service, which contains data on more than 800,000 films released on DVD, Blu-ray and HD DVD for various countries.

Conveniently, the collection view can be configured both as a list, and as a virtual shelf or CoverFlow. Automatically added to each movie short review, a custom list of actors with links to roles in other works. You can also find audio tracks and subtitles for non-localized movies by title.

There is also a convenient viewing of trailers through the built-in player. The program implements advanced filtering and database search. Because Since the cataloger uses the IMDB database, most of the information is given in English.

The free version supports up to 50 movies and 10 release list items. Also, of the minuses, it is worth noting that to work with the cataloger, you need to create an account on the program service. Internet access is also required to access the database. Full version this application costs 360 rubles.

Photo: manufacturing companies

Almost every person collects his personal film library in his entire life. It may consist of favorite films that do not cease to please even over time, or it may include films of different genres, reminiscent of more collection. Collecting films, like selling ATVs, requires a certain approach. Few today even try to set aside a shelf for disks, let alone create a film library. There is an understandable moment in this, because all films can be found on the Internet and, in principle, there is no need to waste time and effort on collecting them. But in fact, the film library has a lot of advantages and there are whole line reasons.

What is the use of a film library?

Having collected all the films in a single collection, you can not waste time looking for the right series or tape, you can sort through your favorite masterpieces of cinema and just have a great time. Although there are all the films on the Internet, finding the right one is not so easy, and their quality, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. In memory, the names of films may not linger, so it’s still better to make your own personal film library. It can include films that motivate movement, self-development, which awaken positive emotions, make you think about beauty.

What should not be in the film library

It is better to refuse to store films with cruel scenarios, propaganda of low quality and so on. They do not motivate and from frequent viewing the vitality will not increase. Even if you really like such films, it is better to keep them separately. You can structure the film library in different ways, it can be alphabetical order, sorting by genre, actors' activities, popularity, by personal assessment, and so on. A film library can help solve the problem of a boring evening, a bad mood, or simply dispel a negative mood, but on the condition that it contains films suitable for this.

  • For fans of one genre of films, it is worth trying to diversify the film library with new films, for this it is worth watching award-winning tapes, occupying leading positions in the ratings, and so on. Then the collection will be replenished more actively, and the evenings will be more interesting and entertaining.

Yes, for these purposes we found an interesting free program - video cataloger - ArchiVid. The latest version of the program is available on the official website of the program at this link.

Program installation.

Run the downloaded file to start the installation ArchiVid2.exe". Installing the program is quite simple, so we will not describe the process in detail here.

Description of the interface.

The program interface consists of three vertical areas (Fig. 1).

1. The leftmost area, in turn, is divided into " Categories" And " Filters".

2. The average is a table with information on films. By default, the table contains columns " Category", "Text", "Images" "Movie No.", and " Name". In the first column, the category icon is displayed (when creating a category, it can be assigned an icon), in the next three - in fact, information about the availability of relevant data in the movie card. For example, if there is an icon in the "Images" column for a particular movie, then there are pictures (frames from the film, covers).

The columns in the table can be changed. To do this, in the main menu of the program, select " Settings" - "Settings", in the window that opens (Fig. 2) select " Table" - "Standard table". In area " Table fields" you can check which columns should be shown in the table with checkboxes. The author of this article left only the "Titles" column. For a number of reasons: columns like "Images" or "Text" inform about the presence of text or images in the movie card, so they seemed unnecessary Plus, it saves space.

There are also 2 large buttons (with green arrows) for determining the order of the columns in the table. When you have finished selecting columns, click " OK".

Adding a category.

To add a video category, you need to right-click on the so-called " General category" - in the program is called " All entries", and in the menu that opens, select " Add category". In it you need to enter the name of the category and, if desired, select an icon for it. You can create subcategories in the category, for example, you can create a category " Movies", and in it the category " Foreign".

Adding a movie card.

ArchiVid has a very interesting ability to quickly add comprehensive movie information to the database. In the main menu of the program select " Tools" - "Web search". In the window that opens, enter the name of the movie, click " Search". The program will search and offer you to choose from the found options. Select the desired movie with the mouse and click " Further". After a while, the program window will display thumbnails of images. Select the ones you like best (they will be included in the movie card), and click again " Further". The found information on the film will open (Fig. 4). After checking the data, click " Add".

Adding a movie to a category.

A new movie has been added, but it has not been assigned a category. In the left part of the main program window, select the category " All entries"- the table will display all the videos available in the database. Double-click on the newly added movie, a window will open - movie card (Fig. 5):

Rice. 5. Window for editing the movie card. Categories tab

Select tab " Categories" and check the boxes next to the ones you need. If you add a movie only to the lower level category, then it will be visible from all categories above. For example, you can add a movie only to the category " Movies/Foreign", and in the category " Movies" This entry can also be seen. After selecting the desired categories, click the " Apply".

Adding a link to a file.

Now go to the tab " Description and people". Here you can correct the description of the movie, but it is also here that one of the most "delicious" features of the ArchiVid program is implemented - the ability to store a link to a file on disk directly in the movie card, which seems extremely convenient to the author of the article. In the window above the description, click on the button " Add link" (see Fig. 6):

Rice. 6. Window for editing the movie card. Description and people tab.

A small window for adding a link will open (Fig. 7), click on the button with the ellipsis (" ... "), select the desired file on the disk and click the " Open". The path to the file will be added to the " The path to the file", and the field " Link text" will be filled in automatically - the file name will be used. If desired (if the file name is not beautiful), you can change it. The value of the field " Link text" will be displayed in the movie card. Press the button " Add" - the link code will be added to the description. This code is easy to distinguish: it always starts with " " . Therefore, if desired, it can be placed anywhere in the description.

The result can be viewed by selecting the added movie in the movie table of the main window. The entry card will be displayed on the right side, where you can see a link to the file (immediately after the description, Fig. 8):


Having a large collection of films, sometimes you want to see in the table only those films that meet certain criteria. Filters are designed to solve this problem. Filters in ArchiVid are quite powerful and very useful tools. For example, you can select "all Johnny Depp films" or "Movies before the 80s". The following is a description of how to add the "90s Movies" filter.

From the main menu of the ArchiVid main window select " Filter" - "Add filter". The window for adding a filter will open (Fig. 9).

Why do you need high-speed and unlimited Internet traffic? If you, without hesitation, answer: "to download movies", then this review is written just for you. Fortunately, the speed of an Internet connection, at which a movie is on the hard drive in just a few minutes, has long ceased to be a rarity, thanks to which it is always possible to quickly find a fresh movie for tonight if there is nothing worthwhile on TV. And what to do with the film after it has been seen? There are probably three options: delete it, leave it lying around on the hard drive, or burn it to CD / DVD. If most often you resort to the second or third options, then you will probably very soon encounter a problem that sooner or later overtakes any collector: how not to get confused in all this wealth? How to remember if there is a particular film in your collection, and if so, where to find it? All these questions can be answered by movie cataloging programs. Since the choice of such software is quite large, in this review we limited ourselves to only a few utilities that we selected according to two criteria: the presence of a Russian interface and free status.

Movienizer 1.9

Developer: Movienizer
Distribution size: 6 MB
Spreading: free Despite the fact that Movienizer is one of the youngest movie catalogers, it has already gained considerable popularity. However, this is not surprising - the program is quite functional, but it is absolutely free, which is rare for programs of this kind. Another important advantage is the support for several interface languages, including Russian. Almost every cataloger uses its own format for storing data. Because of this, users often find themselves hostage to a particular program. Once they start keeping track of the collection in one of them, they are simply not able to try another solution, since entering information again is quite tedious. The creators of Movienizer offered an excellent solution - automatic conversion of databases of other programs to the format of this cataloger. When you first start Movienizer, it searches for files with databases and, having found them, offers to convert its format. Popular applications such as All My Movies, Ant Movie Catalog, EMDB and others are supported. Support for some programs is implemented as add-ons, so if the utility that you used before was not found, it makes sense to look at the Movienizer website and look for the appropriate plug-in.

The Movienizer interface is very similar to a browser, and working with a database is most similar to navigating a website. Using the toolbar, you can quickly open the program's start page, return to the pages of movies you've watched before, open a search window, play a movie with an external or built-in player, and so on.

On the start page of the program, you can see the total number of films and personalities in the database, quickly jump to the latest added or last modified films, and perform a search. The working area of ​​the program contains textual information about films, graphics (frames, covers, etc.), as well as links. It is the latter that constantly make you think that you are working on the Internet, and not with an offline database. Links are created automatically when you add various information about movies. For example, when you enter information about a movie's release year, the numbers are automatically converted into a link. Clicking on it - and you find yourself on a page where all the films released this year are collected. The same applies to all personalities who took part in the creation of the film - actors, directors, screenwriters, etc. Genres are also presented as links. The collection is displayed as an alphabetical list on a special narrow panel in the left part of the program window. At the request of the user, you can view all films or only those whose names begin with the selected letter of the alphabet. The collection can also be represented as a tree structure. On the page of each movie there are several handy buttons that help manage the collection. They can be used to indicate that this movie is currently in the collection or given to a friend, that it is wanted, that it has already been seen, and that you are ready to sell it.

Adding movies is implemented quite conveniently. You can add them by name, by barcode, as well as specify the path to the file on the disk or by inserting a DVD into the drive. Since Movienizer works with several large Russian-language online movie databases, one of the most convenient ways to add movies is by title. It is enough to enter one or more words that are found in the title, and the program will try to get all the information about the tape from the Internet. The search takes a few minutes, after which you can see the found films that fully or partially match the query.

After selecting one of them, you will have to wait a little more until the data is loaded. If necessary, you can configure some data loading options, such as the maximum number of images, the maximum number of characters in the description, etc.

EMDB 0.80

Developer: Wicked & Wild
Distribution size: 890 kb
Spreading: free EMDB (an abbreviation for Eric's Movie Database) is another free cataloger that can qualify for the user's choice. In addition to the free status, the program has another important advantage - it is constantly updated and improved. EMDB has a Russian interface, however the translation is not always correct and incomplete, so even choosing the Russian language, you can find the English names of the options.

EMDB will be of interest, first of all, to those who collect foreign films. The fact is that the program works with a single online database - This is a base in which descriptions of all films (even domestic ones) are presented in English, so information in Russian has to be added to the film cards manually. EMDB provides a lot of fields for entering information. You can specify the media on which the movie is recorded, the languages ​​in which there are subtitles for it, the presence of menus and bonuses on DVD. If your collection is dominated by rips, then you can specify the path to the file on the disk, as well as the source from which the conversion was made - DVD, Blu-ray, video cassette, etc. Each movie has fields that you can use to indicate that the movie has been seen, is in the collection, or that you just want to purchase it. By default, the main window of the program displays a list of all films in the collection, but if you wish, you can, for example, display only those that have not yet been seen, or those that you are going to buy. In general, flexible interface customization is one of the strengths of EMDB. The display of information in the main window can be customized to your liking, choosing both the color scheme and what information will be displayed. The program has a rental manager, thanks to which you can use it to keep track of disks that you have given to friends for a while. EMDB remembers when discs were borrowed and returned, and maintains a rental history. Finally, it is worth noting such an important feature as data backup. It will be needed, first of all, if you want to transfer the movie database to another computer or reinstall the system. Backup can be performed manually, as well as automatically - every week or monthly.

ArchiVid 2.4.09

Developer: Kuribko Konstantin
Distribution size: 1.4 MB
Spreading: free ArchiVid is another fast-growing and still free cataloger. The developer offers two download options - an EXE installer or an archive with all the files necessary for the program to work. If you choose the second option, then ArchiVid is very convenient to use on a USB drive, since in this case installation is not required. One of the interesting features of the program is the automatic addition of technical information about the file to the movie card. This opportunity will be convenient, first of all, for those who download movies from the Internet, and do not buy DVDs. It is enough to specify the path to the video file, and ArchiVid will analyze it, after which it will add information about it to the database, including file size, video duration, image resolution, codec with which the video is compressed, etc. And if you specify the folder in which films are stored, the process can be automated as much as possible. Cards for all films detected by the program in this case will be created and filled in automatically.

The program interface is presented in the form of a table that includes several columns: the name of the film, its number in the collection, the presence of a description, the presence of graphics, etc. You can control the display of columns by hiding or, conversely, displaying the information you are interested in. It is convenient that you can sort by each of the columns. You can use filters and categories to quickly find movies in your collection. The user can create filters using any information about the movie: release year, genre, description, codec used to compress the video, etc. As for the categories, they are displayed in the main window of the program in the form of a tree. Categories can be created based on criteria such as watched/unwatched movie, favorite movie loaned to a friend, etc. Categories can be created manually. The same film can be assigned to several categories. Like other catalogers, ArchiVid supports online databases, making it easy to fill out movie cards. Despite the fact that the program works with several large databases, it may happen that the movie you need is not in any of them. In this case, you can use one of the convenient features of the program - a quick search for a movie in the Google search engine by its name.


It is unlikely that a collection can be of any value even if its owner does not know what exactly is in it, and therefore cannot find anything in it. That is why cataloging programs are necessary for everyone who appreciates and cherishes their films. It is worth spending time once on compiling a database, and in the future you can always find the answer to the question: "What to see tonight?"

I welcome everyone! Today we will review and download an excellent movie cataloger program - Movienizer.

With Movienizer you can organize your film library- for example, move the movie to the desired directory and save all the necessary technical data about it, whether it is the presence of subtitles, different language tracks, covers, etc. There is also the ability to add additional information, such as a short description, which can be downloaded from a text file or DVD. In addition, the program itself collects interesting information about films: the number of awards, actors involved, box office receipts or the budget allocated for filming. Thus, the process of managing a movie library becomes quite an exciting experience.

Some Functions of the Movie Cataloger - Movienizer

  • Create an interactive movie catalog just the way you want it.
  • Find information about a particular movie, download DVD covers.
  • Add movies by scanning folders with video files.
  • Find information about actors, directors, screenwriters, upload photos.
  • Find information about several people from a movie at once.
  • Use barcode scanners to add movies.
  • Scan barcodes with a webcam.
  • Use various online databases, upload information in different languages.
  • Choose the amount of information to download (allows you to save time).
  • Enjoy advanced support for serials.
  • Make a list of films with the participation of a particular actor.
  • Easily switch between movies, actors, etc.
  • Customize the content (review, images, bios, comments, rating) of each page.
  • Organize your own movie collection by specifying the exact location of each DVD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD, VHS or other media type.
  • Receive information about the release of new films with your favorite actors, actresses, directors, screenwriters.
  • It's easy to select the movie you'd like to watch again without having to manually search through all the physical media. All information about your collection is in front of you.
  • Find and mark movies you would like to watch in the future.
  • Read technical information about a file/DVD.
  • Watch movies using the built-in or external player.
  • Search for records in the database by certain parameters.
  • Instantly find a movie with a quick search.
  • Create wish lists thanks to the quick filter.
  • Export data with user-friendly reports.
  • Add multiple versions/series to a movie using the publishing mechanism.
  • Create movie lists by genre, actors, directors, title, release year, etc.
  • Create lists of movies by MPAA rating, by movies watched.
  • Make notes about movies that you have given to see friends or acquaintances.
  • Enter the necessary information in custom fields and custom lists, sort movies by them.
  • Process information about several films at once.
  • Transfer information to Movienizer from other catalogers using plugin support.
  • Get acquainted with technical information from .mkv files, etc.
  • Sort movie output in file list by title, release year, date added, disc number, rating, IMDB rating.
  • Customize items in the collection.
  • Display statistics window.
  • View information on people and movies when hovering over them with the mouse.
  • Merge two databases into one.
  • Select scripts for downloading information about a person, a movie and changing the appearance of the program.
  • Use the portable version.
  • Add pictures using Drag&Drop.
  • Save multiple frames at once from a DVD or video file.
  • Add file characteristics using Drag&Drop.
  • Create an illustrated catalog of films for Dune players.
  • A step-by-step guide for creating a Dune catalog.
  • Removing unwanted movies from the Dune catalog.
  • Uploading movies that you have not seen to a separate folder in the Dune player.

Watch the best video from the creators of the movienizer program
