Literary pseudonyms of children's writers. Comic aliases Evgeny Petrov - Evgeny Petrovich Kataev

Municipal educational institution of the city of Noyabrsk

"Secondary school No. 5"


Riddles of pseudonyms of Russian writers and poets

Completed by: students of grades 6B, 9B

Project Manager:

Sabinina I.A., teacher

Russian language and literature



I. Introduction. From the history of pseudonyms……………………………………………………..3

II. Main part……………………………………………………………………………4

1. The theoretical aspect of the study of pseudonyms……………………………………..5

1.1. The science of anthroponymy……………………………………………………………………...6

1.2. Definition of "pseudonym". Different approaches to the definition…………7

1.3. Types of aliases. Ways of their formation, classification. Causes

appearance and use of pseudonyms…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1.4. Reasons for the emergence and use of pseudonyms ……………………………………9

2. Literary pseudonyms…………………………………………………………………10

2.1. Pseudonyms of Russian writers and poets……………………………………………….11

3 . Aliases in the modern world…………………………………………………………..12

III. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 13

I.Y. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………..14

Y . Applications……………………………………………………………………………...15

The motive for choosing the research topic and the relevance of the study.

One of the most important sections of modern Russian onomastics is anthroponymy - the science of naming person, which includes personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, etc. Names, patronymics, surnames have long been the subject of interested attention of scientists, they are collected, described and studied in various aspects. Pseudonyms are a large layer of unofficial naming- have not yet been sufficiently explored in terms of language theories, so they represent a special linguistic interest.

By exploring this topic and focusing only on writers and poets, we hope that some of our peers will look at such a subject as a book in a completely different way, perhaps that a teenager who never reads anything will want to read something. Therefore, we consider that subject our research relevant enough .

The purpose of the research work is:

the study of a significant layer of literary pseudonyms used by Russian writers and poets;

study of the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms of Russian writers and poets, their classification according to the methods of formation ;

finding out the reasons why people give up their real name and take pseudonyms.

Research objectives:

1) consider different approaches to the definition of the concept alias;

2) to study the origins and causes of pseudonyms;

3) determine the ways of forming aliases;

4) identify the most popular literary pseudonyms of Russian writers

and poets;

5) having studied the biography of poets and writers, find out what pseudonyms they signed their works with;

6) find out the main reasons that prompt them to take a pseudonym;

7) find out how relevant the use of pseudonyms is in modern times. The object of the study is section of the science of anthroponymy - pseudonyms (the science of false names), the names of famous Russian writers.

Subject of study : pseudonyms of Russian writers and poets, whose work is studied in grades 5-11 under the program of V.Ya.Korovina.

During the work, the following research methods :

theoretical (analysis of facts from literary and Internet sources, generalization of material);

mathematical (statistical processing of the material).

The practical significance of the research work: materials and results of the work can be used in the lessons in the course of teaching the Russian language and literature at school.

Hypothesis: pseudonyms allow a more complete presentation of the history of literature, a closer look at the biography and work of writers.

1. Introduction.

From early childhood and throughout life, a person does not hear a single word as often as his name. And what is a name, why is it needed and how does it affect our lives? After all, the name is what remains after us.

The name of a person is shrouded in a veil of secrets. Maria, Elena, Anna, Dmitry, Anton, Oleg… What is it? Just names that allow us not to get lost in the crowd, or something more - our own path, winding, not quite distinct?

What is hidden behind the name that we receive at birth, like a fragile and expensive gift, and is it possible, knowing the name, to highlight from the darkness at least the outlines of a person’s life path? There is no consensus on this matter - there are only assumptions and versions.

People had personal names at all times. Each person can be called only by name, thanks to the name all his good and bad deeds become known.

Choosing a name is a serious task, because it is given to a person for the rest of his life.

In our country, it is customary for a person, immediately after birth, to receive a first name, patronymic and surname. But throughout our lives, many of us acquire second names: pseudonyms, nicknames or nicknames.

Sometimes, additional names in terms of frequency of use come out on top, thereby displacing the first name, patronymic and last name given by parents at the birth of their child. Previously, people were proud of their names and surnames, because they associated them with their ancestors and their great achievements. Why do so many of us try to forget about it? Why do we give ourselves a new alternate name?

Who first came up with aliases, not known for sure. But there is a widespread opinion on this topic. Our ancestors believed in the mysterious power of the name over the fate of a person.

It was believed that the name can protect a person from evil spirits, therefore

it turns out that the first aliases appeared along with the name. The child was given two names: one, by which everyone called him, and the second, the real one, which was known only to the priests (clergymen), parents and the person himself. Thus, all the names that were in use were in fact pseudonyms.

2. What is an alias? From the history of pseudonyms.

In linguistics, there is a special section devoted to the "art of giving names" - onomastics and its "daughter" - anthroponymy, the science of human names.

“A name is the sweetest sound for a person in any language,” wrote renowned psychologist Dale Carnegie. All people in all civilizations had personal names. What he said remains true to this day. Each person has a name, and each name, whether its owner likes it or not, contains a huge amount of information about its carrier.
The results of the study indicate that most of the writers whose works are offered for study by the school curriculum had pseudonyms. Why did they do this? What are their motives?

Alias ​​(pseudos - lie, onyma - Name; Greek) - a fictitious name or conventional sign with which the author signs his work. A pseudonym replaces the real name or surname of the author, sometimes both.

The law does not allow the disclosure of a pseudonym without the consent of the author, except in cases where the pseudonym is used to falsify authorship.The science of pseudonyms is sometimes called pseudonomastics.

The custom of replacing one's name with another arose long ago, even before the invention of printing. Who was the first writer to use a pseudonym is not known for certain. But nicknames are even older than pseudonyms. Sometimes nicknames became literary names, regardless of the will of their bearers.

The real names of the creators of many wonderful epic works have not come down to us, but we know the nicknames of their authors.

So, one of the first Indian poets who wrote the Ramayana (5th century BC) is known as Valmiki, i.e. "anthill" (in Sanskrit). Where does such a strange nickname come from? The legend says that in his youth he was engaged in robbery, and in his old age, having repented and becoming a hermit, he sat so motionless for many years that the ants built their dwelling on him ...

We do not know the real name of the ancient Indian poet, whose drama "Shakuntala" (about love

king and a simple girl) gained worldwide fame. We only know the name of the author -

Kalidasa, that is, the slave of Kali, the goddess who personified the birth and death of all living things.

Some nicknames were associated with the appearance of the author. So, the first ancient Roman poet, whose works have survived to our time, is known not as Appius Claudius, but as Appius Claudius the Blind.

The name of the famous Roman speaker - Cicero - a nickname received for a wart (cicero - pea), the Ancient Roman poets Ovid and Horace also had third names that marked the features of their appearance: the first - Nason (nosed); the second - Flakk (lop-eared).

Sometimes the nickname emphasized some trait in the character of the author, his life or work. So, the Roman fabulist, who first introduced the genre of satire into literature, where people were depicted under the guise of animals, was nicknamed Phaedrus (in Greek - cheerful). He lived in the first century AD. e.

In ancient times, when surnames did not yet exist, the names of the authors could coincide, which caused confusion. So, in ancient Greek literature there are as many as four Philostratus, which have to be distinguished by numbers: Philostratus I, Philostratus II, etc.

Various methods have been used to avoid confusion. One of them was based on the use of the name of the father or grandfather. The famous scientist of the 11th-12th centuries, who lived in Bukhara, went down in history as Ibn-Sina, that is, the son of Sina (in the Latinized form, this name turned into Avicenna). In essence, it was the germ of a family name: after all, the Ivanovs and Petrovs appeared among us because one of the more or less distant ancestors was called Ivan or Peter.

The first pseudonym dictionaries appeared in the 17th century. At the same time, a treatise was written by the Frenchman Andrien Baye, which for the first time described the reasons for the replacement of their names by other writers, as well as the ways in which these replacements were made.

In Russia, this issue was studied somewhat later. In 1874, the "List of Russian anonymous books with the names of their authors and translators" compiled by N. Golitsyn was born.

The most authoritative Russian source on this topic to this day is Masanov's dictionary, the last (four-volume) edition of which dates back to 1956-1960. It contains over 80 thousand pseudonyms of Russian writers, scientists and public figures. Relatively recently, the works of another Russian researcher V.G. Dmitriev were written: “Hiding their name” (1977) and “Invented names” (1986). .

Dmitriev proposes the most universal classification scheme for pseudonyms, based on the method of forming pseudonyms and dividing them into two large groups: those associated with true names and those not associated with them. In the first case, the author's name can be deciphered, in the second - no.

3. Classification of aliases: types (types) of aliases.

All pseudonyms, whatever they may be, are divided into certain groups, which are based on the principle of their formation. According to researchers, there are now over fifty different types of aliases. So, Dmitriev V.G. in the book "Hiding Their Name" identifies 57 classification groups of pseudonyms.

*aliases - characteristics

*literary masks

*joking aliases

*collective aliases

* not invented by themselves

An acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of the lines form a word or phrase.

Allonym, or heteronym - the surname or name of a real person accepted as a pseudonym.

An anagram is a cryptonym obtained by rearranging letters. I don’t know why the classics liked this group of pseudonyms, but their “lion’s share” refers specifically to them.

Anonymous is a literary work published without indicating the name of the author.

An antionym is a pseudonym formed in contrast, in contrast to the meaning with the true surname of the author or with the surname (pseudonym) of some famous person.

An apoconim is a cryptonym obtained by discarding the beginning or end of a given name and surname.

ON THE. Dobrolyubov under the famous article "Dark Kingdom" signed N.-bov

Sometimes only final letters were left from the first and last names.

From the first syllables of the name and surname, comic pseudonyms are composed: Nick-Nek -ON THE. Nekrasov .

Aristonym - a signature with the addition of a title, most often not actually belonging to the author.

Astronim – a signature consisting of one or more asterisks.

These are some kind of aliases-riddles. The number of stars in these signatures varied (from one to seven), as well as the arrangement (in a row, a triangle, a rhombus). Asterisks were put instead of their last nameON THE. Nekrasov, S.N. Turgenev, F.I. Tyutchev (Derzhavin, Baratynsky, Pushkin, Odoevsky, Gogol, etc.).

Athelonim - a cryptonym obtained by skipping part of the letters of the first and last names.

More often, however, the beginning and end were left from the surname, and the middle was replaced by dots or dashes. At the same time, there were coincidences: for example, the same signature T ... in stands under the verses of F.I. Tyutchev in "Galatea" (1829), and under the letter of I.S. Turgenev about Gogol's death in Moskovskie Vedomosti (1852).

Geonim or troponym - an alias associated with a geographical location. The geonim can serve as an addition to the real surname: Mamin - Sibiryak.

Geronim - the surname of a literary character adopted as a pseudonym: or a mythological creature.

hydronym - a special case of a geonym - a signature based on the name of a river, sea, lake.

Zoonym - a signature based on the name of the animal.

Initials - the initial letters of the name and surname (or the name and patronymic, or the name, patronymic and surname).

incognitonym – a signature emphasizing that the author wishes to remain anonymous.

Signatures N. and N.N. were very common, which were abbreviations of the Latin words nemo (no one) and nomen nescio (I don’t know the name, but in a figurative sense - a certain person). These pseudonyms were put under their works by dozens of authors, both Russian and foreign, since this was the simplest way to remain incognito, without bothering to either invent a pseudonym or encrypt your last name. Signed N.N. putON THE. Nekrasov (Derzhavin, Karamzin, Griboyedov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Kuprin ).

Ichthyonym - a signature based on the name of the fish.

Kalka is a pseudonym formed by translating the name and surname into another language.

A koinonym is a common pseudonym adopted by several authors who write together.

Contamination is the combination of two or more words into one.

Latinism is a pseudonym formed by rewriting the name and surname in the Latin way.

Literary mask - a signature that deliberately gives false information about the author, characterizing the fictitious person to whom he ascribes authorship.

Matronym is a pseudonym formed from the name or surname of the author's mother.

A mesostich is a poem in which the letters taken from the middle of each line form a word or phrase.

A metagram is a permutation of the initial syllables in words next to each other.

A metonym is a pseudonym formed by analogy, by the similarity of meaning with a real surname.

So, N.G. Chernyshevsky Ethiopian signed (Ethiopian - Negro - black - Chernyshevsky).

An imaginary pseudonym is the surname of the plagiarist or a surname erroneously put instead of the real one.

Negatonym - a signature that denies the author's belonging to a particular profession, party, etc. or opposing it to one or another writer.

Neutronim is a fictitious surname that does not cause any associations and is set as a signature.

Ornithonym - a signature based on the name of a bird.

Pizonym is a comic pseudonym intended to produce a comic effect.

Comedians have always tried to sign in such a way as to achieve comic effect. This was the main purpose of their pseudonyms; the desire to hide one's name faded into the background here.

The tradition of funny pseudonyms in Russian literature dates back to the magazines of Catherine's time ("Very different things", "Neither this nor that", "Drone", "Mail of Spirits").

ON THE. Nekrasov often signed with comic pseudonyms: Feklist Bob, Ivan Borodavkin, Naum Perepelsky,.

I.S. Turgenev

A palinonym is a cryptonym formed by reading a given name and surname from right to left.

A paronym is a pseudonym formed by the similarity of sound with a real surname.

A patronymic is a pseudonym formed from the name of the author's father.

So prosaic talesL.N. Tolstoy were signed by Mirza-Turgen. This pseudonym goes back to the legendary forefather of the Turgenev family, from which the author descended from his mother, Alexandra Leontievna, nee Turgeneva.

A polyonym is a signature that gives an idea of ​​the number of authors who write under it together.

A semi-alonym is a pseudonym consisting of a combination of a surname belonging to a real person with another, not his name.

A prenonym is a signature consisting of one author's name.

A proxonym is a pseudonym formed from the names of persons close to the author.

A pseudoandronym is a male given name and surname adopted by a female author.

A pseudo-geonym is a signature that masks the true place of birth or residence of the author.

A pseudonym is a female given name and surname adopted by a male author.

Pseudo-initials are letters that do not correspond to the true initials of the author. Some encrypted titlonims may look like initials.

Pseudotitlonim - a signature indicating the position, title or profession of the author, which does not correspond to the true ones.

Pseudophrenononym - a signature that gives such information about the character of the author that is contrary to the content of the work.

A pseudo-ethnonym is a signature that masks the true nationality of the author.

Stigmonim - a signature consisting of punctuation marks or mathematical symbols.

Tahallus is a literary name of the frenonym type among the writers of the peoples of the East.

A televerse is a poem in which the last letters of a line form a word or phrase.

Titlonim - a signature indicating the title or position of the author.

Physionim - a pseudonym, which is based on the name of a natural phenomenon.

A phytonym is a pseudonym based on the name of a plant.

A frenonym is a pseudonym that indicates the main character trait of the author or the main feature of his work.

A chromatonym is an alias based on the name of a color.

Diphronim - a surname or initials encrypted by replacing letters with numbers. This group of pseudonyms was awarded the title of the most rare among known pseudonyms.

For example, the Roman numeral X was signedON THE. Dobrolyubov.

Eidonym - a pseudonym or nickname that characterizes the appearance of the author.

An entonym is a pseudonym based on the name of an insect.

An ethnonym is a pseudonym indicating the nationality of the author.

Among Russian writers and poets, whose work is studied at school, 17 groups of pseudonyms were distinguished according to the method of their formation. Here are some of them:

*aliases - characteristics

*literary masks

*joking aliases

*collective aliases

* not invented by themselves

* pseudonym that does not cause any associations

*pseudonyms associated with the true name

*pseudonyms not related to the true name

*pseudonyms replacing the real name.

As a result of the study of the types of pseudonyms, we found out that the pseudonyms of these people can be classified as follows:

A. P. Chekhov Apoconym: Anche; Paronym: Antosha Chekhonte

Paizonym: Man without a spleen, Doctor without patients, Champagne, Nut #6

M. Gorky - real name - A.M. Peshkov.Paizonym: Yehudiel Chlamys

Rasul Gamzatov - real name: Tsadasa Rasul Gamzatovich:Patronymic

Anna Akhmatova - real name: Anna Gorenko:Matronym

Sasha Cherny - real name - Glikberg A. M .:chromatonym

George Sand - real name - Aurora Dudevant:pseudoandronym

Erich Maria Remarque - real name - E. Kramer: palinonym

4 . Reasons for the emergence of pseudonyms

Most literary works have an author whose name is placed on the cover. But this is not always the true name of the writer.

There are cases when works are not signed, presented as a find or translation, attributed to another person, but more often, in order to hide authorship, they resort to a pseudonym. Why is an alias needed? Why are people not satisfied with their own names and surnames? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Here are some of them:

* Silent, funny surname, real surname;

* pen test (fear of debut);

*fear of censorship the desire to avoid persecution for writing accusatory * character);

*social status;

* the presence of namesakes;

* the desire to mystify the reader;

* it was fashionable to write under a pseudonym;

* on the advice of other people;

*comic effect.

We have compiled a table in order to understand whether the reasons for using pseudonyms have been the same at all times. The pseudonyms of fifteen famous writers and poets of the 19th and 20th centuries were chosen for analysis.

19th century

20th century


A. S. Pushkin

L.- M. Yu. Lermontov

V. Alov -

N. V. Gogol

Antosha Ch.-

A. P. Chekhov

Nicholas Shchedrin -

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Friend of Kuzma Prutkov - F.M.Dostoevsky

N.N. - N. A. Nekrasov

T. L. - I.S. Turgenev

L.N.- L. N. Tolstoy

Maksim Gorky

A. M. Peshkov

Anna Akhmatova -

A.A. Gorenko

Alexander Green -

A. S. Grinevsky

Andrey Bely

B. N. Bugaev

Demyan Bedny -

E. A. Pridvorov

A.A.B.- A. A. Blok

Igor Severyanin -

Igor Lotarev

Revealed whythe authors of the works turned to the choice of pseudonyms:

1 . Attempt at writing

Perhaps one of the most common cases. A rare aspiring author is one hundred percent sure of his success. Why not use a pseudonym or not subscribe at all.

Below are the names of poets that fall into this category and their pseudonyms relevant to this case.

S.A. Yesenin - 1) Meteor 2) Ariston
N.V. Gogol - V. Alov
I.A. Krylov - 1) unsigned 2) I.Kr. 3) Cr.
M.Yu. Lermontov - L.
V.V. Mayakovsky - 1) -b 2) V. 3) M. 4) V.M.
ON THE. Nekrasov - N.N.
A.S. Pushkin -1) Alexander 2) P 3) 1…14-16
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - S-v.
I.S. Turgenev - 1) ... in 2) T.L.
A.A. Fet - A.F.

2. Comic effect

Another case that occurs among poets - pseudonyms, the purpose of which was to create a comic effect, are called paizonyms (from the Greek paizein - to joke). As a rule, they were temporary and arose not so much to hide the real name as a joke, or to emphasize the satirical nature of the work.

V.A. Zhukovsky - Maremyan Danilovich Zhukovyatnikov, chairman of the commission on the construction of the Muratov house, author of a cramped stable, fire-breathing ex-president of the old garden, cavalier of three livers and commander of Galimatya.
N.A. Nekrasov - Bob Feklist, Ivan Borodavkin, Naum

A.S. Pushkin - Feofilakt Kosichkin.

They decided to combine the material in a table and find out the percentage of the reasons that prompted the authors of the works to use pseudonyms.

Attempt at writing

Alexander N.K.Sh.P. -

A. S. Pushkin The first poem of Pushkin (then a 15-year-old lyceum student) that appeared in print, “To a Poet Friend,” was secretly sent from the author to Vestnik Evropy by his lyceum comrade Delvig. No signature was given.

In 1814-1816. Pushkin encrypted his last name, signing Alexander N.K.Sh.P., or - II -, or 1 ... 14-16.

V. Alov - N.V. Gogol

Antosha Ch. - A. P. Chekhov

The 19 year old did the same. Nekrasov, on the first book of poems "Dreams and Sounds" (1840) put only his initials N.N., following the advice of V.A. Zhukovsky, to whom he brought the manuscript to get his opinion. Zhukovsky positively evaluated only two poems, saying: "If you want to print, then publish without a name, later you will write better, and you will be ashamed of these poems."

My first fable Ivan Andreevich Krylov signed I. Kr., then either did not sign the fables at all, or put one letter under them TO. And only at the age of 37 he began to sign his last name.

Under the first printed linesI.S. Turgenev (he was then 20 years old) - the poems "Evening" and "To the Venus of the Medicius" in "Contemporary" (1838) - stood ... in. Then the future author of the "Hunter's Notes" signed T.L. for a number of years, i.e. Turgenev - Lutovinov (his mother was nee Lutovinova). Under these initials, his first book was published - the poem "Parash" (1843).

20 year old A.A. Fet hid his name and surname on the first book of poems - "Lyrical Pantheon" (1840) underinitials A.F.

22 year old ON THE. Dobrolyubov in Sovremennik he published his 6 poems under the pseudonym Volgin, this was the first publication of his poetic heritage.

24 year old L.N. Tolstoy , then an officer, his first work - "The Stories of My Childhood" (this is how the editors of Sovremennik changed the name of "Childhood" without the knowledge of the author) - signed in 1852.L.N., those. Lev Nikolaevich.

A. M. Peshkov-

M. Gorky

Alexander Green-

A. S. Grinevsky


A. A. Blok

Andrey Bely-

B. N. Bugaev


A.N. Radishchev

N. G. Chernyshevsky

Nikolai Shchedrin -

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

T.L. - I.S. Turgenev

Dr. Friken-

S. Ya. Marshak

class prejudice

K.G. Paustovsky I had not yet finished high school when I brought my first story entitled “On the Water” to the Kiev magazine “Lights”. This was in 1912. “Did you sign the story with your real name? the young author was asked. - Yes. - In vain! Our magazine is leftist, and you are a high school student. There may be trouble, come up with a pseudonym. Paustovsky followed this advice and appeared in print under the name K. Balagin, to which he subsequently did not revert.

Friend of Kuzma Prutkov

F.M. Dostoevsky

A. A. Akhmatova-

A.A. Gorenko

Anna Akhmatova

Other profession

A. I. Kuprin

A. A. Perovsky

Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky served as a trustee of the educational district. His novels were signed by Anthony Pogorelsky , by the name of his estate Pogoreltsy.

L.- Lermontov

Alexander Green

Andrey Bely-

B. N. Bugaev

comic effect

A. P. Chekhov

A. S. Pushkin

Among the journalistic pseudonyms of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Feofilakt Kosichkin is the most expressive and significant.

N. A. Nekrasov - Feklist Bob, Ivan Borodavkin, Naum Perepelsky, Churmen, stock broker Nazar Vymochkin.

ON THE. Nekrasov often signed with comic pseudonyms: Feklist Bob, Ivan Borodavkin, Naum Perepelsky,Literary exchange broker Nazar Vymochkin.

I.S. Turgenev feuilleton "Six-year-old accuser" signed: Retired teacher of Russian literature Platon Nedobobov.

Demyan Poor-

E.A. Courtyard

Presence of family members.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

In the 80s of the XIX century, in the satirical magazines "Alarm clock", "Dragonfly", "Shards" began to appear stories signed by Antosha Chekhonte, Doctor without patients, Nut No. 6, Akaki Tarantulov, Someone, Brother of my brother, Nettle, Hot-tempered man .

Many do not know that Anton Pavlovich had brothers Mikhail and Alexander, who also acted in the literary field. (Michael signed

M. Bohemsky (under the influence of the legend that the Chekhovs come from the Czech Republic), in addition - Maxim Khalyava, Captain Cook, S. Vershinin, K. Treplev.

Alexander used other pseudonyms - A. Sedoy, A. Chekhov-Sedoy, Agafond Edinitsyn.)

They didn't come up with it themselves.

This is, for example, one of the signatures ON THE. Nekrasov, concealing a hint of censorship harassment. The poet was not allowed to publish the second edition of the poems for a long time. Finally, in 1860, one of the courtiers, Count Adlerberg, who enjoyed great influence, obtained the necessary visa from the censorship department, but subject to the introduction of numerous banknotes. “Still, they cut you off, put a muzzle on you! he said to the poet. “Now you can sign under comic verses like this: Muzzles.” Nekrasov followed this advice, signing his satirical poems Savva Namordnikov.

Sometimes its creator, in order to convince the public that the author he invented exists in reality, described his appearance in the preface (on behalf of the publisher) or even attached to the book his portrait, allegedly painted from nature. A classic example is Belkin's Tales. Acting as their publisher, Pushkin in the preface gives a verbal portrait I.P. Belkin, gives data about his parents, his character, lifestyle, occupations, circumstances of his death ...

So Pushkin tried to assure readers of the reality of the existence of the author he invented, whose name he put on the book instead of his own with the addition: “Published by A.P.”.


2.1. Pseudonyms of Russian writers and poets

As already mentioned, aliases used by writers and poets, politicians and criminals, actors, directors and other people who would not like to know their autonym (the real name of the person hiding under pseudonym).

In this section, we consider the pseudonyms of Russian writers and poets.

Akhmatova Anna(1889-1966). In the notebooks of Anna Akhmatova there are entries: “Everyone considers me a Ukrainian. Firstly, because my father's surname is Gorenko, secondly, because I was born in Odessa and graduated from the Fundukleev gymnasium, thirdly, and mainly, because N. S. Gumilyov wrote: “From the city of Kiev , // from Zmiev's lair, // I took not a wife, but a sorceress ... ”Shortly after the wedding in 1910, Nikolai Stepanovich and Anna Andreevna settled in Tsarskoye Selo in the house of Gumilyov's mother. In St. Petersburg, N. Gumilyov introduced his young wife to famous poets. She read poetry in their circle, began to publish under the pseudonym Anna Akhmatova, which later became her last name. In brief autobiographical notes, Anna Akhmatova writes: “They named me after my grandmother Anna Egorovna Motovilova. Her mother was the Tatar princess Akhmatova, whose last name, not realizing that I was going to be a Russian poet, I made my literary name. So Anna Gorenko, who was considered a Ukrainian, became a Russian poet with a Tatar surname.

Yesenin Sergey(1895-1925). He signed his first poetic experiments Meteor. And for the first publication (the poem "Birch" in the journal "Mirok", 1914), he chose a different pseudonym Ariston, although he was dissuaded from this in every possible way. In the future, he did not use pseudonyms.

Krylov Ivan(1769-1844). His first work - an epigram in the journal "The Cure for Boredom and Worries" (1786) - the future great fabulist signed I.Kr. And he printed the first fables without a signature at all, then put the letter under them TO. or Navi Volyrk. He began to sign with his full surname only at the age of 37.

Lermontov Mikhail(1814-1841). The first publication of Lermontov - the poem "Spring" - refers to 1830. Under the poem was the letter L. For the first time, the full name of the author appears five years later - "Khadzhi Abrek" was printed in the "Library for Reading". But this happened without the knowledge of the author: the poem was taken to the editor by one of his comrades at the cadet school.

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich(1799-1837). Alexander Sergeevich also often used pseudonyms, especially at the dawn of his creative biography.

A few more pseudonyms of Pushkin are associated with his lyceum past. This Arz. under the epigram in "Northern Flowers for 1830" And Art. under one article in the "Moscow Telegraph" (1825) - Arzamas and Stary Arzamas, respectively (in 1815-1818 Pushkin was a member of the literary circle "Arzamas"). And St ... ch.k under the poem "To the Dreamer" in "Son of the Fatherland" (1818) and Krs under the poems "Kalmychka" and "Answer" in the "Literary Gazette" (1830). The first stands for Cricket (nickname of Pushkin the lyceum student), the second is an abbreviated palinonym. The poem "Skull" in "Northern Flowers for 1828" was signed by the poet I.. Another playful pseudonym of Pushkin is known, with which he signed two articles in Telescope: Theophylact Kosichkin.

Nekrasov Nikolai(1821-1877/78). Nekrasov's first book of poems "Dreams and Sounds" (1840), signed with the initials NN. was received very coldly, in particular, by Zhukovsky and Belinsky. Nekrasov acted like Gogol: he collected all unsold copies from bookstores and burned them. Nekrasov actively resorted to pseudonyms while working at Literaturnaya Gazeta: he signed most of his articles Naum Perepelsky. He also used such humorous pseudonyms as Petersburg resident F. A. Belopyatkin(in the satirical poem "The Talker"), Feklist Bob, Ivan Borodavkin, Churmen(probably from "fuck me!"), Literary exchange broker Nazar Vymochkin.

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Efgrafovich(1826-1889) also began as a poet - with the poem "Lyra", signing it with the initials S-in. He was then 15 years old. The writer also had other pseudonyms - M. Nepanov(the first story "Contradictions") and M.S.(story "A Tangled Case").

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich(1820-1892). Under the first printed poems of Turgenev ("Contemporary", 1838) stood ... in. Then he started signing T.L., i.e. Turgenev-Lutovinov (his mother is nee Lutovinova). Under these initials, his first book was published - the poem "Parash" (1843).

Chukovsky Roots(1882-1969). The pseudonym of the poet is very close to his real name (in fact, it is formed from him): Korneychukov Nikolay Vasilyevich. Anna Akhmatova at one time told how this pseudonym appeared: allegedly, in the heat of controversy, someone used the phrase "Korneichuk's approach."

Maksim Gorky (1868-1936) first story published in 1892 under a pseudonym Bitter, which characterized the hard life of the writer, this pseudonym was used in the future. At the very beginning of his literary career, he also wrote feuilletons in Samarskaya Gazeta under the pseudonym Yehudiel Chlamys. M. Gorky himself emphasized that the correct pronunciation of his surname is Peshkov, although almost everyone pronounces it as Peshkov.

The most inventive in inventing pseudonyms was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov(1860-1904). Over 50 known .

In the index of Chekhov's pseudonyms there are: A.P.; Antosha; Antosha Chekhonte; A-n Ch-those; An. Ch.; An, Ch-e; Anche; An. Che-in; A.Ch; A. Che; A. Chekhonte; G. Baldastov; Makar Baldastov; My brother's brother; Doctor without patients; Hot-tempered person; Nut #6; Nut No. 9; Rook; Don Antonio Chekhonte; Uncle; Kislyaev; M. Kovrov; Nettle; Laertes; prose poet; Colonel Kochkarev, Purselepetanov; Ruver; Ruver and Revore; S. B. Ch.; Ulysses; C; Ch. B. S.; H. without S.; A person without a spleen; C. Honte; Champagne; Young old man; "... in"; Z. Chekhov's humorous signatures and pseudonyms: Akaki Tarantulov, Nekto, Schiller Shakespeare Goethe, Arkhip Indeikin; Vasily Spiridonov Svolachyov; Famous; Turkey; N. Zakharieva; Petukhov; Smirnova.

First in a row takes the signature Antosha Chekhonte. He became the main pseudonym of Chekhov the comedian. It was with this signature that the young medical student sent his first works to comic magazines. He not only used this pseudonym in magazines and newspapers, but also put it on the cover of the first two author's collections (Tales of Melpomene, 1884; Motley Stories, 1886). Researchers of the literary heritage of the writer believe that the pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte(options: Antosha Ch***, A-n Ch-te, Anche, A. Chekhonte, Chekhonte, Don Antonio Chekhonte, Ch. Khonte etc.) arose when Chekhov studied at the Taganrog gymnasium, where Pokrovsky, the teacher of the law of the gymnasium, liked to change the names of the students.

Chekhov signed a comic letter to the editors of "Oskolkov" Colonel Kochkarev(a hybrid of Colonel Koshkarev from Dead Souls and Kochkarev from Gogol's Marriage).

Origin of the pseudonym My brother's brother researchers attribute to the fact that since 1883 Chekhov began to publish in the same humorous magazines in which his older brother Alexander had spoken before him. In order not to create confusion, Chekhov on the title page of his book At Twilight (1887) wrote a surname with corrected initials: An. P. Chekhov. And then I started signing My brother's brother.

The rest of Chekhov's pseudonyms were, as a rule, short-lived and were used solely for comic effect. And only a pseudonym had a serious semantic component of a “medical” nature. Chekhov used it for more than ten years. Under this alias (and its variants: Ch. without S., Ch.B.S., S.B.Ch.) 119 stories and humoresques and 5 articles and feuilletons were published. An unusual Chekhovian pseudonym, scientists believe, originated at the medical faculty of Moscow University, where the anatomy course was considered the most difficult course, with which, perhaps, the combination Man without a spleen

Thus, there are many reasons for the appearance and methods of formation of pseudonyms of writers and poets, their study, “decoding” is of particular interest.

3. Aliases in the modern world.

Most people have never heard of pseudonyms in their lives and don't need them. Only a narrow part - writers, poets, artists, scientists - know, use and understand a lot about pseudonyms. It is about them that the media always talk - TV, radio, the press, it is they who are always in sight, and as they have now begun to be expressed: "by ear!". With the spread of the Internet, the use of pseudonyms has never been moretopical : almost every web user has a pseudonym, which is usually called .


There is a Latin proverb: "Habent sua fata libelli" - "Every book has its own fate." We can say that each pseudonym has its own destiny. Often his life was short: a fictitious name, under which a novice author, out of caution or for other reasons, entered the literary field, turned out to be unnecessary and discarded. But sometimes, and not so rarely, a literary surname completely replaced the real one, both on the pages of books and in the lives of their authors.

Pseudonyms deserve to be studied as one of the important factors in the literary life of all times and peoples. We think that acquaintance with such an interesting topic will broaden the horizons of literature lovers.

The name has a greater influence on the life and character of its bearer. And when adopting fake names, a certain personality is formed, associated with a combination of surname, name and patronymic. That is, it turns out that by choosing a pseudonym for himself, the writer himself chooses his fate, first of all, in writing. For someone, a name change will bring success and fame, for someone, on the contrary, it will turn out to be a fatal step in their career.

When we hear a person's pseudonym, we learn much more about him than when we hear just a name. After all, a pseudonym characterizes a person, carries a large flow of information about him.

It was very interesting for us to conduct this study, it makes us want to look into the mystery of the name, to understand the reasons that encourage people to take this or that pseudonym.

On the example of studying the pseudonyms of some Russian writers, we can draw the following conclusions.

The main reasons by which people use pseudonyms are:

1) In the 19th century, it was, first of all, censorship, the first literary experience and class prejudices.

2) In the 20th century - fear of persecution, a test of the pen, dissonance of a name or surname.

3) In the 21st century - the influence of social status, another profession, the first literary experience.

4) For satirists and humorists at all times - to produce a comic effect.

With the help of the definition of classification, we learned what an amazing variety of aliases exists in a world that we did not even know existed.





Comparative table "Reasons for the use of pseudonyms in different periods of time"

A. S. Pushkin

The first poem of Pushkin (then a 15-year-old lyceum student) that appeared in print, “To a Poet Friend,” was secretly sent from the author to Vestnik Evropy by his lyceum comrade Delvig. No signature was given. In 1814-1816. Pushkin encrypted his last name, signing Alexander N.K.Sh.P., or - II -, or 1 ... 14-16.

N. V. Gogol

20-year-old Gogol, embarking on the literary path as a poet, released the idyll "Hanz Kühelgarten" signed by V. Alov. But when negative reviews appeared in the Northern Bee and the Moscow Telegraph, Gogol bought up all the remaining copies of the idyll from the booksellers and destroyed them.

A. P. Chekhov

20-year-old A.P. Chekhov's humoresques in "Dragonfly", "Spectator" and in "Alarm Clock" were signed by Antosha Ch., An. Ch. and A. Chekhonte. A comic letter to the editors of "Oskolkov" Chekhov signed "Colonel Kochkarev."

M. Gorky

M. Gorky, under the notes in Samarskaya Gazeta and Nizhny Novgorod Sheet (1896), put Pacatus (peaceful), and in the Red Panorama collection (1928) he signed Unicus (the only one). In Samarskaya Gazeta, the feuilletons Samara in All Relationships, with the subtitle Letters from a Knight-Errant, were signed by Don Quixote (1896). Gorky in his captions to feuilletons often used the incognitonym N. Kh., which should have read: "Someone X."

A. Gaidar

The author himself did not write unequivocally and clearly about the origin of the pseudonym "Gaidar". The name "Gaidar" reminded the writer of his school years, meaning that "G" in this name meant "Golikov", "ay" - "Arkady", and "dar", as if echoing the hero of Alexander Dumas D'Artagnan, "in the French manner" meant "from Arzamas". Thus, the name "Gaidar" stands for "Golikov Arkady from Arzamas".

A. S. Grinevsky

Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky, inventing a pseudonym for himself, shortened his surname so that it acquired a foreign, exotic sound, like the names of many of his characters, like the names of alluring cities and lands that he describes. He also called himself Grin Grinych Grinevsky: "I am three times as I am."

Kir Bulychev

Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich (1934-2003)
Russian science fiction writer, screenwriter, historian-orientalist (candidate of historical sciences). Author of scientific papers on the history of Southeast Asia (signed with his real name), numerous fantastic novels, stories (often combined into cycles), the collection "Some Poems" (2000). The pseudonym is composed of the name of the wife (Kira) and the maiden name of the writer's mother. As the writer admitted, the idea of ​​a pseudonym arose long ago, when he was still a graduate student at the Institute of Oriental Studies and wrote the first fantastic story. He was afraid of criticism, ridicule: “I skipped the vegetable base! He didn’t show up for the trade union meeting… And he also indulges in fantastic stories.” Subsequently, the name "Kirill" on the covers of books began to be abbreviated - "Kir."

Grigory Gorin

Ofshtein Grigory Izrailevich (1910-2000)

Russian writer-satirist, as well as the author of feuilletons, plays, monologues. When asked about the reason for choosing such a pseudonym, Grigory Izrailevich answered that it was just an abbreviation: "Grisha Ofshtein Decided to Change Nationality".


A.N. Radishchev

The first book that denounced the horrors and barbarism of the serfdom, the famous "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" by A.N. Radishchev was published in 1790 without indicating the name of the author, under a deliberately harmless title. But never before has such a bold protest against slavery been issued in Russia. The book remained banned, "dangerous" for over 100 years.

P. V. Dolgorukov

Prince Pyotr Vladimirovich Dolgorukov published in Paris in French, on behalf of Count Almagro, the brochure Notes on Noble Russian Families, which contained incriminating materials about high-ranking persons. The pseudonym did not help the author: upon his return to Russia, he was arrested and, by order of Nicholas I, exiled to Vyatka. Later he became a political emigrant.

N. G. Chernyshevsky

N.G. Chernyshevsky, the author of the novel “What is to be done?”, which thundered in his time, was sent by the authorities to hard labor, and then into exile with a ban on appearing in the press, still sometimes managed to smuggle his works into the wild and abroad. So, in the London printing house of Russian emigrants, the first part of the novel "Prologue", written by Chernyshevsky in hard labor, was anonymously published. After the exile, the disgraced writer, whose name was forbidden to be mentioned, was able to publish a number of articles under the pseudonyms Andreev and the Old Transformist.

S. Ya. Marshak

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, being in the years of the civil war on the territory of the White Guards, was published in the journal "Morning of the South" under the pseudonym Dr. Friken. Only a pseudonym, carefully guarded by the editors, helped Marshak avoid reprisal for making fun of the tyrant generals.

Julius Kim - Julius Mikhailov
In the late 60s, Russian poet, composer, playwright, screenwriter, bard
due to participation in the human rights movement, Yuli Chersanovich Kim was "recommended" to stop public concerts; from the posters of performances, from the credits of television and films where his songs were used, his name disappeared. Later, Kim was allowed to collaborate with film and theater, provided that he uses a pseudonym. And right up to perestroika, he signed the name of Julius Mikhailov.

Arkady Arkanov

Steinbock Arkady Mikhailovich (born 1933)

Russian satirist. In the early 1960s, Arkady Steinbock began to engage in literary activities, but not everyone liked his surname - it was too Jewish. As a child, Arkady was simply called Arkan - hence the pseudonym.

Eduard Limonov

Savenko Eduard Veniaminovich (born 1943)

The infamous writer, journalist, public and political figure, founder and head of the liquidated National Bolshevik Party. Since July 2006, he has been an active participant in the Other Russia movement, opposition to the Kremlin, and the organizer of a number of Marches of Dissent. The pseudonym Limonov was invented by the artist Vagrich Bakhchanyan (according to other sources - Sergey Dovlatov).

class prejudice

A.M. Beloselsky-Belozersky

Prince A.M. Beloselsky-Belozersky - Unprinceetranger. Under this name ("Foreign Prince") he released in 1789. his French poetry.

E. P. Rostopchina

K. K. Romanov

K. R. is the pseudonym of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov. For the first time this pseudonym appeared in 1882 in the Vestnik Evropy under the poem "Psalmist David", in order to then enter Russian poetry for three decades.

Anna Akhmatova Gorenko Anna Andreevna (1889-1966)

Russian poet. With her pseudonym, Anna Gorenko chose the surname of her great-grandmother, who was descended from the Tatar Khan Akhmat. Later, she said: “Only a seventeen-year-old crazy girl could choose a Tatar surname for a Russian poetess ... Therefore, it occurred to me to take a pseudonym for myself, because dad, having learned about my poems, said:“ Don’t shame my name. ”-“ And I don’t need yours name!" I said.

Other profession

A. I. Kuprin

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, at the age of nineteen, being a cadet of the Alexander Military School, published the story “The Last Debut”, signing it Al. future officer with paperwork.

A. A. Bestuzhev

The stories of the Decembrist Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzhev were published under the pseudonym Marlinsky (after the name of the Marley Palace in Peterhof, where his regiment was stationed). Marlinsky enjoyed great success as a novelist; in it, according to Belinsky, "they thought to see Pushkin in prose."

A. A. Perovsky

Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky served as a trustee of the educational district. His novels were signed by Anthony Pogorelsky, after the name of his estate Pogoreltsy.

B. Bugaev

The son of a Moscow professor of mathematics, Boris Bugaev, as a student, decided to publish his poems and met with opposition from his father. The pseudonym Andrei Bely was invented by Mikhail Sergeevich Solovyov, guided only by a combination of sounds.

K. Bulychev

Kir (Kirill) Bulychev - Igor Mozheiko. Science fiction writer Doctor of Historical Sciences, member of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He published his fantastic works exclusively under a pseudonym, which was composed of the name of his wife (Kira) and the maiden name of the writer's mother. The writer kept his real name secret until 1982, because he believed that the leadership of the Institute of Oriental Studies would not consider science fiction a serious occupation, and was afraid that after the disclosure of the pseudonym he would be fired.

Irina Grekova

Elena Sergeevna Wentzel (1907 - 2002).
Russian prose writer, mathematician. Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of numerous scientific papers on the problems of applied mathematics Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov (1883-1945), a university textbook on probability theory, a book on game theory, etc. Like Lewis Carroll, she published her scientific works under her real name, and novels and stories under a “mathematical” pseudonym (from the name of the French letter “y”, which goes back to Latin). As a writer, she began to publish in 1957 and immediately became famous and loved, her novel "The Department" was literally read to the holes.

Alexander Green

G. N. Kurilov

He began to write his first poems in 1961. He wrote under the pseudonym UluroAdo.

D. Dontsova

Journalist Agrippina Vasilyeva, having married, changed her occupation, her last name and first name, and became Daria Dontsova.

Discordant name or surname

F.K. Teternikov

In the editorial office, where he took his first works, he was advised to choose a pseudonym. And then Teternikov was chosen a pseudonym - Fedor Sologub. With one "l", so as not to be confused with the author of "Tarantas".

Sasha Black - Glikberg Alexander Mikhailovich.
The family had 5 children, two of whom were named Sasha. The blond was called "White", the brunette - "Black". Hence the pseudonym.

Demyan Bedny

Pridvorov Efim Alekseevich (1883-1945)

Russian and Soviet poet. The surname of Yefim Alekseevich is by no means suitable for a proletarian writer. The pseudonym Demyan Poor is the village nickname of his uncle, a people's fighter for justice.

B. Akunin

Boris Akunin - Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili. As the writer himself admitted in an interview, the merchandisers of bookstores would never pronounce Chkhartishvili's name anyway. And Boris Akunin speaks easily, and immediately sets the reader who has graduated from school to the classics of the 19th century.

comic effect

A. P. Chekhov

Numerous pseudonyms of Chekhov, used exclusively for comic effect: G. Baldastov; Makar Baldastov; Doctor without patients; Hot-tempered person; Nut #6; Nut number 9 and others.

A. S. Pushkin

Among the journalistic pseudonyms of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the most expressive and significant is Feofilakt Kosichkin.

N. A. Nekrasov

ON THE. Nekrasov - Bob Feklist, Ivan Borodavkin, Naum Perepelsky, Churmen, broker Nazar Vymochkin of the literary exchange.

M. Gorky

To make readers laugh, Gorky invented comic pseudonyms, choosing old names that had long been out of use, combined with an intricate surname. He signed Yehudiel Khlamida, Polycarp Unesibozhenozhkin. On the pages of his home hand-written journal Sorrento Pravda (1924), he signed Metranpage Goryachkin, Disabled Muses, Osip Tikhovoyev, Aristid Balyk.

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Writers, especially beginners, often take literary pseudonyms for themselves, the reasons for this can be very different. And it often happens that these pseudonyms of theirs “grow together” with the authors so much that they replace real names and surnames for many in life.

A.P. Chekhov and his pseudonyms

Chekhov was the greatest master of inventing pseudonyms. He had over forty of them.

And the most famous, which everyone knows from the school bench, of course, was Antosha Chekhonte. It was under this pseudonym that, while still a medical student, Chekhov sent his first humorous stories to magazines. Antosha Chekhonte was jokingly called the young student Chekhov by one of the teachers of the gymnasium.

And it is all the more surprising that out of so many pseudonyms, none of them “got accustomed”. For all Chekhov, as he was, and remained Chekhov.

Grin Alexander - Grinevsky Alexander Stefanovich

At school, the guys addressed Alexander briefly - “Green!”, And one of his childhood nicknames was “Green-pancake”. Therefore, it was precisely such a pseudonym that he chose for himself, without much hesitation. " I feel like only Green, and it seems strange to me when someone says: Grinevsky. It's someone I don't know". Even his third wife, when changing her surname, received a passport in the name of Nina Green.

Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich - Korneychukov Nikolai Vasilyevich

The fact that he was illegitimate, in his youth, was very burdensome for Chukovsky. And having taken up literary activity, he began to use a pseudonym, which was his last name, divided into two parts: Korneichukov = Korney + Chukov + sky.

Subsequently, without further ado, he also came up with a middle name for him - "Ivanovich". After the revolution, changing his real name, patronymic and surname to a pseudonym, he became Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky also according to his passport.

Anna Akhmatova - according to the passport Anna Gorenko

After her divorce from Gumilyov, Anna took the name Akhmatova as a pseudonym. The female branch of her mother was descended from the Tatar Khan Akhmat. She later recalled: Only a seventeen-year-old crazy girl could choose a Tatar surname for a Russian poetess ... That's why it occurred to me to take a pseudonym for myself, because dad, having learned about my poems, said: "Do not shame my name." “And I don’t need your name!” - I said…»

Ilya Ilf - Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg

There are several versions about the origin of this pseudonym, and one of them is as follows:
In his youth, Ilya Fainzilberg worked as a journalist, wrote articles for newspapers. But his last name was not very well suited for the signature - it was too long and difficult to pronounce. Therefore, Ilya often abbreviated it - either “Ilya F”, then “IF”, then “Falberg”. And, in the end, it turned out - "Ilf".

Evgeny Petrov - Evgeny Petrovich Kataev

Eugene was the younger brother of the then-famous writer Valentin Kataev. Not wanting to use the fruits of his fame, he came up with a literary pseudonym for himself, forming it on behalf of his father, that is, from his patronymic. So Evgeny Kataev became Evgeny Petrov.

Arkady Gaidar - Golikov Arkady Petrovich

Arkady Golikov, under his real name, wrote only the first book - "In the days of defeats and victories." All the rest were published under the pseudonym Gaidar, under which he became a well-known writer.
As for the origin of this pseudonym, one can only guess about it.
It may have originated from the Mongolian "gaidar" - "a rider galloping in front."

According to another version, while on duty in Khakassia, Gaidar often had to ask the locals - “haidar”? ("where to go"?). Perhaps that's how this word - "haydar" stuck to him.

Daniil Kharms - Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev

The writer Daniil Yuvachev also invented many pseudonyms for himself (Khharms, Khaarms, Dandan, Charms, Karl Ivanovich Shusterling, etc.), signing one of them, then another. Until he finally settled on one thing - Daniil Kharms. However, its meaning is interpreted ambiguously. “Sharm” in French means “charm”, while “charm” in English means “harm”, “suffering”. But based on what Kharms once wrote in his diary: “ Yesterday dad told me that while I was Kharms, I would be haunted by needs.”, then the English version is still preferable. The writer adored this pseudonym to such an extent that he even manually attributed it to his surname in the passport.

There are also many examples in Western literature when pseudonyms replaced the real names of the authors:

O. Henry - William Sydney Porter
Lewis Carroll - Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Voltaire - Francois-Marie Arouet
Stendhal - Marie-Henri Beyle
Mark Twain - Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Pseudonyms are also widely used in Eastern literature. So, everyone heard the name of the Japanese poet who lived in the 17th century - Basho.

But this is also a pseudonym, and it means " banana tree O". At his house, the poet planted a banana tree, which he looked after. Neighbors began to call him that - "basenoo" - an old man living near a banana. His real name - Matsuo Munzfusa - few people know.

And in continuation of the literary theme.

We know some writers and poets under an assumed name and surname. Many of them take pseudonyms so that they are not compared with namesakes or well-known relatives, in order to simplify their complex name or make it more euphonious and effective.

10. Anna Akhmatova (Anna Andreevna Gorenko)

Anna Gorenko's father was Andrey Gorenko, a hereditary nobleman who once worked as a fleet mechanical engineer.

She wrote her first poems after a serious illness, she was then only 11 years old. For several days the girl was delirious, her relatives no longer hoped for her recovery. But when she woke up and regained her strength, she was able to pick up her first rhymes.

She read the poems of French poets and tried to compose poetry herself. But the father did not really like his daughter's hobby. He not only was not interested in her poems, but also spoke dismissively of them.

Realizing that Anna nevertheless decided to become a poetess, he forbade her to sign her real name, because. was sure that she would dishonor his name. Anna did not argue with him. She decided to choose a pseudonym for herself. Upon learning that her maternal grandmother had a sonorous surname "Akhmatova", she took it.

So the famous Russian poetess chose a Tatar surname for herself, which allegedly went to her ancestors, because. they were from the clan of the Tatar Khan Akhmat.

9. Ilya Ilf (Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg)

The famous author of "12 Chairs" took his pseudonym to make it easier to sign his work.

His daughter said that his real name, Fainzilberg, was too long for a newspaper article. And, in order to shorten it, he often signed "Ilya F" or "IF", and gradually his pseudonym "Ilf" turned out on its own.

But there is another version. At birth, he was Yehiel-Leib Arevich Fainzilberg, was born into a Jewish family. And his pseudonym is an abbreviation in accordance with the tradition of Jewish nominal abbreviations.

He sometimes signed by other names. So, acting as a literary critic, Ilya called himself Anton Extreme.

8. Evgeny Petrov (Evgeny Petrovich Kataev)

The elder brother of Evgeny Kataev was Valentin Kataev. He was a famous writer, founder and editor of the Youth magazine.

Not wanting to use the fame and popularity of his brother, Eugene took a pseudonym. He became Petrov, slightly altering the name of his father, Pyotr Vasilyevich Kataev.

7. Arkady Gaidar (Golikov Arkady Petrovich)

The writer himself never told why he decided to become Gaidar. When asked about it, he usually joked, never explaining anything.

There were several versions of the origin of his name. The most popular was the version of the writer B. Emelyanov. He was sure that the pseudonym came from the Mongolian word "gaidar", which meant a rider galloping in front.

There is another version. A school friend of the writer A.M. Goldin is sure that the pseudonym is an encrypted message. Since childhood, he was a great inventor, he loved to invent his own ciphers. “Gaidar” is deciphered as follows: “G” is the first letter of his last name Golikov, “ay” is the first and last letters of the name Arkady, “d” is from the French “de”, which means “from”, and “ar” is the first letters of his hometown. It turns out "Golikov Arkady from Arzamas."

6. Boris Akunin (Grigory Chkhartishvili)

The writer publishes critical and documentary works under his own name. He became Boris Akunin in 1998, after he began to write fiction.

At first, no one knew what the letter "B" before his new name meant. A little later, in an interview, he said that this is the first letter of his name - Boris.

There are several suggestions as to why he took this pseudonym. "Akunin" can be translated from Japanese as "a supporter of evil or a villain." Someone believes that this pseudonym is associated with the name of the famous anarchist Mikhail Bakunin.

The writer himself explains that his novels are not like his other activities. Akunin's thought does not work in the same way as Chkhartishvili, who writes articles. They are two completely different people, Akunin is an idealist, kind, and believes in God. In addition, you should not write detective stories with such an unpronounceable surname.

5. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter)

Once he was accused of embezzlement and was in a hard labor prison. He had an education as a pharmacist, so William was allowed to work in the infirmary as a night apothecary.

At night, sitting on duty, he composed his stories. Some of them got free. But the writer did not want readers to know about his hard labor past. He was always ashamed of him and afraid of exposure. Therefore, it was published only under a pseudonym.

It is believed that he became O. Henry, remaking the name of the pharmacist Etienne Ocean Henri. He was the author of the reference book, which was also used in the prison pharmacy.

William himself assured that he chose the initial "O" only because it is the simplest letter and it stands for Oliver. And the name "Henry" he took from the newspaper.

4. Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)

The writer was a famous English mathematician, graduated with honors from Oxford. In order to become a professor and give lectures, according to the charter, he had to take the clergy, which he did when he became a deacon.

After that, it was dangerous for him to sign humorous stories with his own name, because. both the church and colleagues could react painfully to his work. In addition, he did not like his own name, it seemed to him boring and dissonant.

Dodgson had a double name, in honor of his father and mother. He translated both parts into Latin, it turned out "Carolus Ludovicus". After that, I changed their places and again translated into English. This is how his pseudonym Lewis Carroll came about. But he always signed his mathematical works with his real name.

3. Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)

Once an aspiring writer worked as a sailor on the Mississippi River. The safe depth through which the steamer could pass was considered a mark of 2 phantoms or 3.6 m. In the slang of sailors, this depth was called "twins". Boatmen measured it with a special stick, and if everything was in order, they shouted “by mark twain”. This combination of words was to the liking of the writer.

2. Daniil Kharms (Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev)

The writer came up with this pseudonym while still a schoolboy, signing his notebooks with this surname. He later made it his official name.

It is still unknown why he chose such a surname for himself, there are many versions of its origin. But the most common - Harms sounds almost like Holmes, and this was Harms' favorite character. From him, he adopted the style of dressing and often posed with a pipe in the pictures.

1. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov)

The writer was illegitimate. His father was Emmanuil Levenson, and his mother was the peasant Ekaterina Korneichuk, who was his maid. Therefore, the boy did not have a patronymic.

After he became a writer, he used a pseudonym - Korney Chukovsky, adding a fictitious middle name to it. And after the revolution, the pseudonym became his name.

A) pseudo-andronym(from the Greek pseudos - false and aner, Andros - man) - male name and surname adopted by the female author.

Often the writers were afraid that the publisher would not accept the manuscript, having learned that it was written by a woman, the reader would put the book away for the same reason, and the critic would scold. It was not easy to overcome the long-established prejudice to the creative work of women. Therefore, women writers often signed their works with male names.

AND I. Panaeva under the pseudonym I. Stanitsky published (together with N.A. Nekrasov) the novels “Three Countries of the World” and “Dead Lake”. Under the same name, she performed independently (the novels "Women's Lot", "Little Things in Life", etc.)

B) Pseudogynim (from the Greek gyne - woman) - a female name and surname adopted by a male author.

The propensity for similar hoaxes was also fed by the authors - men, who, on the contrary, signed with female names.

L.N. Tolstoy in 1858, he mystified the editor of the newspaper Den, I.S. Aksakov: having written the story “Dream”, he put N.O. under it. - the initials of N. Okhotnitskaya, who lived with Tolstoy's aunt T. Ergolskaya. The story was not published, it was first published only in 1928.

comic aliases

Paizonim (from the Greek raizein - to joke) is a comic pseudonym intended to produce a comic effect.

Comedians have always tried to sign in such a way as to achieve comic effect. This was the main purpose of their pseudonyms; the desire to hide one's name faded into the background here.

The tradition of funny pseudonyms in Russian literature dates back to the magazines of Catherine's time ("Very different things", "Neither this nor that", "Drone", "Mail of Spirits").

ON THE. Nekrasov often signed with comic pseudonyms: Bob Feklist, Ivan Borodavkin, Naum Perepelsky, broker Nazar Vymochkin of the Literary Exchange.

I.S. Turgenev feuilleton "Six-year-old accuser" signed: Retired teacher of Russian literature Platon Nedobobov.

Collective aliases

A) Koinonym (from Greek koinos - common) - a common pseudonym adopted by several authors writing together.

There are many cases when it was not the names of the co-authors that were masked, but the very fact of collective creativity: the work was signed with one surname, but two authors and even more stood behind it. One of the most striking examples is the famous Kozma Prutkov - a pseudonym L.N. Tolstoy and brothers Alexey, Alexander, Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov. Calling the name Kozma Prutkov, we can say that this is a collective pseudonym and a parodic personality (mask) of a writer - an official, created by writers. For him, the authors also composed a biography with the exact dates of birth and death: “He was born on April 11, 1803; died January 13, 1863. Satirical poems, aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov ridiculed mental stagnation, political "good intentions", parodied the stupidity of officials. For the first time, the name appeared in print in 1854 on the pages of Literary Jumble, a humorous supplement to the Sovremennik magazine. But few people know that Kozma Prutkov had a real prototype in life - the valet of the Zhemchuzhnikovs, who bore this name and surname. ( Allonym (or heteronym) - the surname or name of a real person accepted as a pseudonym).

The play "Happy Day" written by A.N. Ostrovsky together with N.Ya. Solovyov in the estate of the first, Shchelykovo, was published in Otechestvennye zapiski (Notes of the Fatherland) (1877) signed Shch..., i.e. Shchelykovsky. ( Toponym - alias associated with a specific location)

So in the magazine "Pantheon", in three issues, an extensive poetic feuilleton "Provincial clerk in St. Petersburg" is published ON THE. Nekrasov under a pseudonym - Feoklist Bob, and after a few issues the continuation of “Provincial clerk again in St. Petersburg. The trouble is imminent and the joy is mighty ”already under the pseudonym Ivan Gribovnikov. Later I. A. Pruzhinin, K. Pupin, Alexander Bukhalov and others will appear; almost nothing is printed under his own name.

They didn't come up with it themselves

It happened that the pseudonym was not chosen by the author himself, but in the editorial office of a magazine or newspaper, where he brought his first work, or friends, or the person who helped publish the book.

This is, for example, one of the signatures ON THE. Nekrasov, concealing a hint of censorship harassment. The poet was not allowed to publish the second edition of the poems for a long time. Finally, in 1860, one of the courtiers, Count Adlerberg, who enjoyed great influence, obtained the necessary visa from the censorship department, but subject to the introduction of numerous banknotes. “Still, they cut you off, put a muzzle on you! he said to the poet. “Now you can sign under comic verses like this: Muzzles.” Nekrasov followed this advice, signing his satirical poems Savva Namordnikov.

Neutronim - an alias that does not cause any associations

In addition to the reasons for the emergence of pseudonyms, which are discussed in the abstract, there are many more that cannot be classified. In addition, it is not always possible to accurately determine the motives for which certain pseudonyms are taken. There may be several options for explaining a single case of using a pseudonym instead of a real name, unless, of course, there is evidence of the owner of the pseudonym or his contemporary.

What is an alias? The word is of Greek origin, and literally means a false (fictitious) name. Most often, pseudonyms are used by famous personalities - artists, athletes, scientists, religious figures, etc.

One of the most famous pseudonyms of Russian writers is Maxim Gorky, under which Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov worked. The practice of using a literary name other than the real one is quite wide and dates back to time immemorial. Often we get so used to famous names that we don’t even suspect that a completely different person is hiding under them, and sometimes a whole creative team. What are the reasons for this? Let's consider this in more detail.

In ancient times, and even today in some nations, a person's name could change several times throughout life. This happened in connection with significant events, emerging character traits or external signs, career, place of residence or other changes in a person's life. At the same time, it was often difficult to distinguish a pseudonym from a nickname, that is, a name given by others. For example, given the fragmentary biographical data, mainly taken from legends, today it is difficult to say whether the term Valmiki was a nickname for the Indian religious poet Ratnakar or a classical pseudonym in today's sense.

English Literature

No less popular are pseudonyms among writers and poets in English-speaking countries. Samuel Langhorne Clemens is known as one of the founders of American literature under the name Mark Twain. The pseudonym was taken from the terminology of the pilots of the Mississippi River, with which the life and work of the great writer are closely connected - literally mark twain meant the minimum allowable depth for the passage of the vessel, two fathoms. However, already a well-known writer, Clemens published one of his novels under the ornate name of Sir Louis de Comte.

O. Henry is one of the most famous names in American short fiction, but not everyone knows that it appeared during a three-year prison sentence, which was served by bank clerk William Sidney Porter, accused of embezzlement. Although he wrote before, even published a literary magazine, it was at this moment that the story "Dick the Whistler's Christmas Present" was published with the name O. Henry, under which William Porter will go down in history.

Another reason for the appearance of a pseudonym for Lewis Carroll. The son of the parish priest, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, was very versatile, and if photography or chess were on a slightly different plane, then publishing works in the field of mathematics and works of art under the same name seemed inappropriate to him. Therefore, in the mathematical field, the works of Charles Dodgson are known, and as the author of the popular fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and many other works, we know Lewis Carroll. The pseudonym is formed by interchanging the synonyms of the name and surname: Charles - Karl - Carroll and Lutwidge - Louis - Lewis.

Initially, many English writers published under pseudonyms or anonymously due to doubts about their talent, and only after success was the real name revealed. For almost his entire life, Walter Scott, originally known for his poetry, published novels incognito, signing himself "the author of Waverley" (his first published novel), and only a few years before his death, intrigued readers learned the real name of the writer. The first samples of Charles Dickens's pen were published under the playful nickname of Boz, who came from childhood, and only after checking the success of his work, the writer began to use his own name. The famous prose writer and playwright John Galsworthy signed his first stories and novels as John Sinjon.


The role of Sandor Petofi in the development of Hungarian poetry can be compared with Pushkin for Russia or Shevchenko for Ukraine. In addition, he was an active participant in the Hungarian national liberation movement. But it turns out that the ethnic Serb Alexander Petrovich worked under this pseudonym.

The tradition continued among Soviet writers. For example, the editor suggested a pseudonym for the writer Boris Kampov, translating his last name from Latin (campus - field). As a result, we know him under the name Boris Polevoy.

One of the most famous pseudonyms of children's writers and poets is Korney Chukovsky, under whom Nikolai Korneichukov worked. A little later, Ivanovich also acquired a full-fledged patronymic name - Nikolai Korneichukov himself was illegitimate and did not have a patronymic. After the revolution, the pseudonym became his official full name, and his children bore the patronymic Korneevichi.

A similar situation happened to Arkady Golikov - his pseudonym Gaidar became a surname for him and his children.

Kirill Simonov had a problem with diction - he was not given the sounds "p" and a hard "l", so he changed his name to Konstantin and entered the history of Soviet literature with him. At the same time, his children wore a "real" patronymic - Kirillovichi.

Researcher Igor Mozheiko believed that his literary work would interfere with his main professional activity, so he used the name of his wife, Kira, and his mother's maiden name, becoming known as Kir Bulychev.

Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, according to him, took a pseudonym, since many editors and readers could not pronounce his last name. This is how the well-known author of detectives Boris Akunin appeared. Works that were not included in Akunin's "classical canvas" he signed as Anatoly Brusnikin and Anna Borisova.

In the same area, Marina Alekseeva, known as Alexandra Marinina, is published abundantly.

If at the beginning of the 20th century many carriers of foreign surnames aspired to become Russian in literature, then by the end of the century the situation changed - in order to somehow separate from the mass of one-day novels, some writers took foreign pseudonyms. One of the most famous examples is Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky signing their joint works as Henry Lion Oldie. Initially, the surname was taken from the first two letters of each name (OLeg and DIma) with initials corresponding to the surnames of G.L. The "deciphering" of the initials was made later, at the request of one of the editorial offices with which the authors collaborated.


This article did not set the task of revealing the origin or at least listing all the pseudonyms used among prose writers and poets - special reference and encyclopedic resources are created for this. Therefore, you may not find many favorite and well-known names. The main task is to explain the main causes of this phenomenon and give the most typical examples.
