Minecraft commands for single player play. All commands for minecraft server

If you have your own server in minecraft or are going to create it in the future, we recommend that you read and save this article. The knowledge gained in it will not interfere, but rather help server administration. Imagine you have made your own server, but you don't know how to ban, kick, change the game mode, etc. But these skills are basic in server administration. In addition, if there are other players on your game server, the knowledge of teams such as admin commands in minecraft are simply necessary.

In addition, commands can be used by opening the game in your local network. Some cheater or inadequate will come to you, what will you do? Naturally ban.

Commands in minecraft

The first command that absolutely everyone should know is /help. This command will show a list of all available teams in single player or server. Commands for minecraft below are on this list. /kick - kick the specified player from the server; /ban - restrict access from the server def. player (ban); /pardon - unblock a blocked player; /ban-ip - block access to the server for the given ip-address; /pardon-ip - open access to a blocked ip-address; /op - grant administrative rights; /deop - take away server administration rights; /tp - move the specified player to someone; /give - give resources by unique id; /stop - stop the server and save all data; /save-all - complete saving of the map; /save-off - disable the map save function; /save-on - enable the map save function; /list - shows a list of all players who are on the server; /say - sends a message with a prefix ; /whitelist on/off - enable/disable white list; /whitelist add/remove - allows you to add or remove people from the whitelist; /whitelist list - displays a list of all players on the whitelist; /whitelist reload - reload the whitelist on the server; /time - allows you to change the server time.

This is the list of commands. We recommend learning the first 10 commands, as well as the last one. The last command comes in handy when players ask you to change the time, or when you need day or night lighting/time.

The above commands are only a small part of all of them. If you are interested in other commands that the command block interacts with, etc., then you can read the article - codes for minecraft.

Much more options are available to admins of minecraft servers than admins in other games. Thanks to the commands, admins can easily regulate all processes occurring on the server, therefore, a well-trained administration quickly solves all issues and problems that have arisen on the server. If you decide to create a server in minecraft, then the first thing to do is to study admin commands in minecraft. At the first stage, at least the basic commands.

In order to use any command, you need to open the chat (by pressing the T button) and after the slash sign (/) enter the command you need. I also note that some commands may not work for you, because. it is necessary to additionally install plugins that expand the range of admin capabilities.

So let's take a look at the commands.

  • debug - by enabling this mode, after installing any add-ons (mods, plugins, etc.), you can check how the game works, see if there are any bugs in their work.
  • defaultgamemode - thanks to this command you can specify the default gamemode for new players.
  • difficulty - change the difficulty level of the game on the entire server.
  • enchant [level] - thanks to this command, you can change the level of any item.
  • clear [player] [item number] [amount] - this command completely clears the inventory of the player you specified, you can also delete a specific item by specifying the id of the item you need.
  • gamemode [player] - change the game mode for a specific person. Enter (s or 0) for Survival Mode, c or 1 for Creative, and Adventure Mode (a or 2). The player must be in the game, otherwise the command will not work.
  • gamerule [rule] - change the basic rules of the game.

List of rules:

  • doFireTick enable/disable fire.
  • doMobLoot mobs drop/mobs don't spawn.
  • doMobSpawning enables/disables mob spawning.
  • doTileDrops destroyed blocks give/do not drop.
  • keepInventory after the death of the player, the inventory is not lost.
  • mobGriefing enables/disables mobs from destroying blocks around them.
  • commandBlockOutput enables/disables the display of information in the chat when entering commands.

These were complex commands, now let's analyze quite simple, but not unimportant commands for admin in minecraft

  • give [item id] [amount] - You can give any player any item and in any quantity.
  • help - help to the admin.
  • publish - this command gives access to the minecraft world through a local network.
  • say [message] - a global message that players on the server will see.
  • spawnpoint [target] - setting a spawn point for the selected player. Indicators x, y, z are the coordinates of the spawn, if you do not specify the coordinates, then the spawn point will be those coordinates where on this moment the player is located.
  • time set [number] - a function that changes the time on the server: dawn = 0, noon = 6000, sunset = 12000 and midnight = 18000.
  • time add [number] - server time in numbers.
  • toggledownfall - enable/disable precipitation on the server.
  • tp is a fairly complex command that teleports players around the map. You can read information about this feature in this article.
  • weather [time] - change of weather during the specified time.
  • xp (amount) (target) - increases the player's experience in the range from 0 to 5000. By adding the letter L after the number, you can add or vice versa lower the player's level.
  • ban [Player nickname] [reason for blocking] - everything is simple here, you can block a player by nickname, indicating the reason for the ban.
  • ban-ip - blocking a player by IP.
  • pardon [Player nickname] - resuming access to the server by nickname.
  • pardon-ip - unblocking the player's previously blocked IP address.
  • banlist - get a list of all banned players.
  • op [Player's nickname] - issuance of the admin panel to the player.
  • deop [player nickname] - reset the admin panel by nickname.
  • kick [player nickname] [reason] - with this function you can kick the specified player.
  • list - get a list of all online players.
  • save-all - this command allows you to save all changes on the server.
  • save-on or save-off - enable/disable automatic saving of server data.
  • stop - stops the server.
  • whitelist list - list of players in the "white" list.
  • whitelist [Player's nickname] - adding or removing a player from the white list.
  • whitelist (on|off) - on on or off white sheet.
  • whitelist reload - reloading the whitelist, i.e. if you made changes to the white-list.txt file manually, then you need to write this phrase.

Having studied these admin commands in minecraft, it will be easier for you to manage

The game from the Swede Markus Persson, which managed to sell 4 million copies even at the beta stage, has already become a legend in the gaming industry. This is a whole art, which is now distributed for PS3, PC, Xbox-360 and Android. In this article, we will tell you about what Minecraft commands exist for players of all classes (ordinary users, admins, VIPs, etc.), and also reveal their essence.

Small overview

You can talk about Minecraft for ages, because this game is an endless source of all kinds of ideas and possibilities. Perhaps, every person who is at least interested in computer games. Graphically, the game is built on low-resolution textures, that is, the whole world consists entirely of blocks. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about the number of video cards and processor power in your system unit, because an “antediluvian” computer from the 1990s will also do. But take my word for it: the game is too voracious for your time, because the first session can last 5-6 hours, but not because you can’t understand how to play it, but because it’s terribly exciting. Here the whole joke is this: in this, let's not be afraid of this word, wide world no one will hold you back from any action, and therefore the hero is free to do whatever he wants, where he wants and when he wants.

The whole gameplay comes down to the following: our hero is thrown into a randomly generated world where he must survive, because in this world there is hunger, monsters crawling out at night, and other dangers. But after a while, the second level opens up, where creativity begins in its true form, because the number of different things that a player can do is off scale: you can build cities, farms, explore caves, craft and other equally exciting activities. There is no plot as such, because, as mentioned earlier, it all comes down to the usual survival of your character and the constant generation of new ideas of the player himself, which he can embody with complete freedom. In general, "Minecraft" is a really exciting game that is recommended for "trial" to all players.

Teams in Minecraft

For Minecraft, there are a huge number of different commands intended for different groups of people. They allow you to achieve certain features, so that the functionality of the game becomes a cut above. You can type commands through the console or directly in the chat (eng. T). In the latest versions, by the way, in a chat with the / symbol already entered, you can press Tab, which will automatically show all the commands available to the player. So, what are the commands in Minecraft? We list them in the following list:

  • Single team. As the name suggests, they are designed for single player.
  • Commands for admins.
  • Commands for private.
  • Minecraft server commands, including separate lists of commands for VIP and Gold-persons, moderators and users (ordinary users).

Full list of commands for the single

So, let's begin. The list is like this:

  • me - shows the message you entered, but in 3rd person (for example, it could be: "Player 1 is building a house");
  • tell<сообщение>, w<сообщение>- allows you to send a private message to another player (if you want none of the outside players to know the contents of the message, this command will come in handy);
  • kill - kills your hero (can be very useful if you suddenly get stuck in textures);
  • seed - by typing a command, you will find out the grain of the world where you are located.

This is the end of the list.

Commands for admins

The commands in Minecraft for admins are as follows:

  • clear [object number] [add. data] - this command allows you to clear the inventory of a certain player;
  • debug - starts or stops debug mode;
  • defaultgamemode - changes the default gamemode for newbies;
  • difficulty - allows you to change the difficulty from 0 (easiest) to 3 (hardest);
  • enchant [level] - in the Minecraft game, the enchant command enchants an item in your hands (you must specify the level);
  • gamemode [target] - allows you to change modes: Adventure (adventrure, a or 2), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Survival (survival, s or 0);
  • gamerule [value] - changes the basic rules;
  • give [number] [add. info] - allows you to give the player a certain number of necessary items;
  • say - converts the color of messages to pink;
  • spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] - with this command you can set the spawn point for the player in the required coordinates;
  • time set - using the command, you can change the time of day;
  • time add - the command will add more time to the existing one;
  • toggledownfall - enables/disables precipitation;
  • tp , tp - command for teleporting to the player or coordinates;
  • weather - allows you to change the weather;
  • xp - adds a certain amount of experience to a certain player;
  • publish - open access to the world via local network;
  • ban [reason] - ban a player on Minecraft servers;
  • ban-ip - ban a player by his ip;
  • pardon - unblock a player after a ban;
  • pardon-ip - unblock by ip;
  • banlist - the command allows you to show full list banned players;
  • list - shows a list of players of players who are online;
  • op - gives the player the status of an operator;
  • deop - removes operator status from the player;
  • kick [reason] - kick the player from the Minecraft server;
  • save-all - allows you to save all changes on the server;
  • save-on - the ability to automatically save on the server;
  • save-off - disables automatic saving;
  • stop - allows you to stop the server.

Commands in Minecraft for server players

To begin with, here are the commands that users can use:

  • /help - help on commands;
  • /sethome - sets a specific place as home;
  • /home - allows you to move to the place assigned in the previous command;
  • /who or /list - will show you a list of players who are online;
  • /spawn - allows you to move to the place of rebirth;
  • /m - send a message to some player;
  • /r - reply to the last message;
  • /mail read - allows you to read all incoming letters;
  • /mail clear - clears the mailbox;
  • /pay - allows you to send a certain amount to the player.

Teams for VIPs who have donated more than 50 rubles to further development servers:

  • All commands available to users.
  • /hat - allows you to put a block in your hand on your head;
  • /colorme list - allows you to view the range of colors for an alias (nickname);
  • /colorme<цвет>- changes the color of your nickname

Available commands for GOLD persons who have donated more than 150 rubles to the server:

  • all commands available to users and VIP;
  • /mhome<имя>- allows you to create a teleport to the house with ;
  • /msethome<имя>- allows you to set a house with a specific name<имя>;
  • /mdeletehome<имя>- allows you to delete a house with a name<имя>;
  • /mlisthomes - allows you to view the complete list of houses.

Commands for private in Minecraft

  • / region claim - saves the selected area under the desired name;
  • //hpos1 - sets the first point with existing coordinates;
  • //hpos2 - sets the second point;
  • /region addowner - adds players to the list of region owners;
  • /region addmember - adds players to the list of region members;
  • /region removeowner - removes players from the list of owners;
  • /region removemember - removes from the list of participants;
  • //expand - expands the region in the required direction;
  • //contract - allows you to reduce the region in the required direction;
  • /region flag - allows you to set a flag.

Spawn Commands

In the Minecraft game, the team of mobs, or rather their call, is as follows:

  • /spawner.

In order to call a specific mob, you need to enter its name (name) separated by a space: skeleton, spider, zombie, wolf, creeper and others. For example, /spawner wolf. Thus, you can call mobs into the game, of which there are a huge number in Minecraft now.

In which the long-awaited innovation was added - command blocks.

With the help of command blocks, you can set certain commands that can be distributed both to the entire server and to a random player.

Important to know: Commands can only be used to create a game world and only in creative mode. Command blocks in Survival mode do not work.

Many players do not know or understand how to use these blocks and what commands must be entered in order for them to be active.

To get a command block, you need to open a chat and write the command /give @p command_block

Then we select it and install a lever or any other activator to it.

How to set a command for a command block?

In order for the command block to perform a particular function, it needs to be given a specific command. To do this, click on the command block and a window with settings opens. In the “Console Command” field, you need to enter the command we need.

Below will be presented the Top 15 most popular command block commands for minecraft mobile.

Top 15 Commands for Minecraft PE

/title @a title Your message. With this command, you can write and send some message or instruction to everyone on the server.

/effect @a regeneration 2000 2000. Regeneration team. 2000 is the level and quantity.

/tp @a 0 0 0 . Where are your coordinates, and 0 0 0 are the coordinates where you want to teleport. To find out your coordinates, you need to download a special mod.

/clone~ -1~1~3~3~-3~4~-1~-3 Command for endless minecart road. That is, the road will be constantly cloned and created.

/setblock its diamond_block coordinates. Command to an infinite diamond block. This way you can get rich very quickly.

/weather rain . Command to change the weather to rain.

/weather clean .Clear weather command, disables rain.

/gamemode 0 - Quick transition to Survival mode. /gamemode 1 - switch to creative mode. We set for whom the mode will change, for example / gamemode 0 @a - this way the mode will be applied to all players.

/time set night - this command changes the time of day to night. /time set day - thanks to this command, the day will come in minecraft.

/give @a diamon 1 is a command that gives you the items you specify. In our case, these are diamonds. Where 1 is the number of diamonds.

/spawnpoint - thanks to this command you can set the spawn point after you have died.

/kill - A command that kills everything on the map. You can set what exactly needs to be killed, for example, animals or creeps.

/difficulty - a program that changes the difficulty in the game. You can bet from 0 to 3.

/say - a command with which you can also communicate with players on the server.

Hello my dear friend! The site site continues the line of instructive articles on the topic of commands for the minecraft game. This article is designed for a single version of minecraft, that is, all these commands work on the vanilla version of minecraft, and this does not require mods or plugins or a minecraft server.

How to enter Minecraft commands?

Fortunately, console minecraft teams very easy to use. When creating a new Minecraft world, you will be prompted to choose whether to allow or disable cheats in the game.
A good example can be seen in the screenshots below:

After selecting yes and loading the world, simply press the English key T (E on the Russian keyboard layout) or the "/" key. Console commands for minecraft are entered directly in the game chat. After entering the command, press the “Enter” key. Ready, console command minecraft should work.

Console commands and cheats for the game.

Help on commands:

/help [Command name]- Help for a specific team in the minecraft game.

Give yourself something:

/give [Player Nickname] [Amount]- Give yourself an item by id or item name on English language. For example, the command /give SyRauk 49 3 will give the player with the nickname SyRauk three blocks of obsidian.


/tp [Player Nickname] [Coordinates / or another player's nickname]- Used to instantly move (teleport) yourself or another player to a specific location in the world. Using another player's name instead of coordinates takes the target directly to the player's location.


/kill- Kills your character by adding the name of another player, will apply a command to them.

weather control

/weather- Allows you to select the weather or your world.

Game Mode Management:

/gamemode- Changes the game mode, each of which has certain qualities. survival - survival mode, creative - creative mode, adventure - adventure mode.

Game time changes:

/time set 1000- Sets the time in the world you are in. If instead of "1000" put "0" it will be dawn, "6000" will be noon, "12000" for dusk and "18000" will be night.

Change the difficulty in the game:

/difficulty peaceful- Changes difficulty to peaceful mode. Replace "peaceful" with "easy", "normal", or "hard" for more challenging game minecraft.

How to find the source code of your world

/seed- this command will show you the seed code of your minecraft world with which you can load this world in the future when creating a minecraft world.

Save inventory after death:

/gamerule keepInventory true- Ensures you don't lose your items when you die. To return this value, type "false" instead of "true".

Stop game time:

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false- This command will stop the game's day/light cycle in place, allowing you to live under constant sunlight or moonlight. To resume the day/light cycle type, enter and "true" instead of "false".

Call someone:

/summon- Instantly throws the desired creature or object into your world.
