The bastard beats the teacher. Recently, a story by Silvia Zolotova and aspiring singer Elena Petrova was released on Channel One. Petrov beat a girl

This wild incident took place in the secondary school N 339 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg in front of the children. The battered teacher required hospitalization. The scoundrel who raised his hand against the woman has already been detained.

It would be impossible to believe it if it were not for the surveillance camera that recorded what happened. The recording shows how a thin girl crosses the school hall at a quick pace. She is overtaken by a large man in a dark jacket. He punches the girl several times in the face, and when she falls, he continues to kick her.

The man is 28-year-old Andrey Petrov, an employee of a private security company and the civil husband of the mother of one of the first-graders. The girl is a 24-year-old teacher primary school Olga Kharitonova. She recently graduated Pedagogical University and in September took the first class in her life. The parents were pleased with the teacher: the girl enthusiastically set to work, having managed to find an approach to all first-graders, and the children answered her with love.

According to school director Oleg Kuzmichev, the cause of the current conflict was an incident that happened shortly before with a first grader Milena. While playing with the children on the aftercare, she fell and bit her tongue. The girl was assisted at the school first-aid post and advised her mother to take the child to the polyclinic just in case. However, the relatives were dissatisfied with the reaction of the school, and after a while Andrey Petrov came to sort things out. First-graders remember that a man broke into the classroom and literally dragged Olga Stepanovna into the corridor. Then the frightened children heard the screams of their first teacher...

Olga Kharitonova was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. Here, the girl was diagnosed with bruises and concussion. As soon as the doctors let the teacher go home, she immediately left the city, writing a letter of resignation.

I'm afraid she has literally kicked off the desire to work at the school, - says director Oleg Kuzmichev.

The school management did not hush up what had happened. On the contrary - did everything so that this nightmare story received publicity, and made public video from surveillance cameras. Such activity did not go unnoticed by Petrov and his comrades. For several days in a row they came to school, trying to continue the showdown - this time with the principal. The guests even left a threatening note demanding that the "teacher" take the statement from the police. However, as RG was assured at the school, despite the incident, the educational process proceeded as usual.

The support of Petrov's friends did not help. The Department of Internal Affairs for the Nevsky District initiated a criminal case against him under the article "threat to kill". It turned out that Andrei Petrov - former employee militia. And at one time he worked in the same 75th department, where the application was received from Olga Kharitonova.

But Petrov's former colleagues will not investigate the case. According to Vladimir Markin, official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee asks to transfer this criminal case from the Department of Internal Affairs to its own proceedings. Immediately decided to arrest the brawler. It turned out that the beating of a teacher is not the only thing that the former policeman is registered with. Andrei Petrov has long been in the field of view of the security forces as a member of a criminal organized group engaged in drug trafficking. On the night from Friday to Saturday, he was detained, while, according to the Investigative Committee, he tried to resist.

Criminal cases of assault on a teacher and drugs are combined into one proceeding. The detainee himself did not admit his guilt: they say that he talked with Olga Kharitonova, but did not beat her, but he does not know where the video came from.

It will obviously not work to hush up the Petrov case - it sounded too loud. Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matviyenko has already stated that she is taking the course of the investigation under her personal control. Commenting on the incident, the mayor does not hold back her emotions:

Some bastard, I can’t say otherwise, allowed himself to beat up a teacher at school, in front of the children. This is just a monstrous crime, which received, most importantly, public condemnation. I don’t know how this person can even live further in the city and how he can be called a Petersburger, ”said Matvienko.

After the arrest of Andrey Petrov, school N 339 breathed a sigh of relief, and the St. Petersburg teachers launched a whole campaign to prevent Olga Kharitonova from resigning. But the other day Olga herself denied the rumors about her leaving the school. “I will not give up my profession. I love children. And I don’t see my life without them,” the girl wrote on her blog.

Olga's Internet page is now filled with hundreds of messages from colleagues, graduates of school N 339, friends and strangers. Among them are the words of a police captain who writes that he is ashamed of his former colleague.

By the way, neither Petrov himself nor Milena's relatives considered it necessary to apologize to the teacher.

The students have now dispersed autumn vacation. This respite came in handy. Teachers and parents hope that in a week the children who witnessed the massacre of the first teacher will recover from shock, and Olga Stepanovna will find the strength to return to work.

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Each person has a job that he likes or to which he is predisposed. I, Dmitry Kuznetsov, wish absolutely everyone to find their favorite pastime and enjoy it all their lives. The pages of this site contain materials of my musical project D.K.Y, released under the record label.

Since 1994 I have been musical art And every time I discover something new. Creativity is a divine gift to people. An infinite number of sound shades, multiplied by the imagination and mood of the composer, gives rise to new ones every time. musical works. Music is built into the rhythm of our lives and is often associated with some significant events, it caresses our ears in times of joy and sadness and inspires new achievements. Bringing some unique musical touches into the mood of the listeners gives them the opportunity to look at ordinary things from a different angle. The purpose of the D.K.Y project is to give special colors the world of sounds in the formation musical culture present and future time.

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A video has appeared on the network revealing some of the nuances of the Sambursky family scandal IA SevastopolMedia with reference to Kryminform.

Recall that the head of the Nizhnegorsky district of the Republic of Crimea, Alexander Petrov, is accused of beating Yekaterina Samburskaya, a deputy of the Nizhnegorsky village council from United Russia, and her husband. According to the Crimean social activist Alexander Talipov on his Facebook page, Petrov is a relative of State Duma deputy Andrei Kozenko.

Light on the story was shed by the uncle of the victim Ekaterina Samburskaya, Sergey. According to him, the fight took place on the basis of a long-standing family conflict, and the head of the district, Alexander Petrov, became an unwitting witness to the assault and was forced to separate his opponents at the moment of peak passions.

Sergei Sambursky explained that the cause of the family conflict comes down to domestic relations and the division of property.

- Eat parental home, which has not yet been divided into three brothers, but one of the nieces, Ekaterina Samburskaya, settled there without our permission, without any contracts. She and her roommate Timur Mamatkulov just changed the locks and have been living there for more than a year. Persuasion to move out or occupy the third part, which will someday belong to them, ends with threats against us, - said Sambursky. - As a result, I was already in the hospital once: on June 11 of this year, I was beaten by Mamatkulov, and I ended up in the hospital with a concussion. An administrative case was initiated, but then closed for lack of corpus delicti, even before the results of the forensic medical examination were received.

On September 2, another scandal occurred. As Sergey Sambursky said, he came with his family and comrade Alexander Petrov from Simferopol from the "Find a Soldier" action.

- They brought the stands, brought them to the garage - we have nowhere else to store them, although a lot of interesting things have already disappeared from the garage ... From there I heard swearing: they were standing in the yard

Ekaterina and Timur called Alexander Valeryevich (Petrov) bad words. Although he was not even on the territory of the household, but was waiting for me on the street by the car.

Passing by, I asked - what problems do you guys have? In response, he received a blow in the face from Mamatkulov, a fight ensued. Alexander Petrov, of course, did not take any part in this. At some point, he went into the yard, tried to pull us apart, like my wife. After Mamatkulov and I were separated, I immediately called the police and wrote a statement, - Sergey said.

The materials collected by law enforcement officers confirm the above - Sergei Sambursky was the first to apply to the police by phone at the height of the incident.

A couple of hours later on the same day, Mamatkulov filed a complaint with the police about the infliction of bodily harm on him by Sergei Sambursky.

On the day of the incident, September 2, none of them indicated Petrov as a participant in the fight. However, when questioned by the police on September 4, Ekaterina Samburskaya testified that there was a verbal conflict between her and Petrov, as a result of which the official inflicted several blows on her head and arm. At the same time, at the first poll on September 2, Ekaterina Samburskaya did not indicate Petrov’s participation in the fight, and she did not write a statement about causing bodily harm, since she considered them insignificant and received as a result of a fight between her roommate and her uncle.

The video recorded by the wife of Sergei Sambursky immediately after his fight with Timur Mamatkulov clearly shows that Yekaterina Samburskaya cleans up the yard with no apparent effort and uses both hands (including the plastered one in the pictures circulated on social networks), and continues to swear with relatives.

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New details of the case of the beaten girl-deputy by the head of the Nizhnegorsky district

The fight of the Crimean officials will be discussed on federal television- Sevastopol

SEVASTOPOL, September 6 - Deputy from the party "United Russia" Ekaterina Samburskaya, who had a fight with the head of the Nizhnegorsk district, was invited to Channel One.
14:03 06.09.2017

New details of the case of the beaten girl-deputy by the head of the Nizhnegorsky district- Sevastopol

A video appeared on the network revealing some of the nuances of the Sambursky family scandal
10:29 06.09.2017 SevastopolMedia

Deputy rural settlement from the United Russia party, Ekaterina Samburskaya, who accuses the head of the Nizhnegorsky district of Crimea, Alexander Petrov, of her beating, has already been discharged from the hospital.
12.09.2017 Materials on the fight between the chairman of the Nizhnegorsk District Council, the deputy of the Nizhnegorsk Village Council and the former deputy head of the administration of the Nizhnegorsk District were received by the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of
05.09.2017 State Duma deputy from Crimea Andrey Kozenko stood up for the head of the Nizhnegorsk region, Alexander Petrov, who recently beat up the deputy of the local "United Russia" Ekaterina Samburskaya.

Some nuances have become known in the case of the beating of Yekaterina Samburskaya, a deputy from United Russia, by the head of the Nizhnegorsky district, Alexander Petrov, reports IA SevastopolMedia with reference to Kryminform.

Recall the head of the Nizhnegorsk region of the Republic of Crimea and her husband. According to the Crimean social activist Alexander Talipov on his Facebook page, Petrov is a relative of State Duma deputy Andrei Kozenko.

Light on the story was shed by the uncle of the victim Ekaterina Samburskaya, Sergey. According to him, the fight took place on the basis of a long-standing family conflict, and the head of the district, Alexander Petrov, became an unwitting witness to the assault and was forced to separate his opponents at the moment of peak passions.

Sergei Sambursky explained that the cause of the family conflict comes down to domestic relations and the division of property.

There is a parental home, which has not yet been divided into three brothers, but one of the nieces, Ekaterina Samburskaya, settled there without our permission, without any contracts. She and her roommate Timur Mamatkulov just changed the locks and have been living there for more than a year. Persuasion to move out or occupy the third part, which will someday belong to them, ends with threats against us,” Sambursky said. - As a result, I was already in the hospital once: on June 11 of this year, Mamatkulov beat me up, and I ended up in the hospital with a concussion. An administrative case was initiated, but then closed for lack of corpus delicti, even before the results of the forensic medical examination were received.

On September 2, another scandal occurred. According to Sergey Sambursky, he came with his family and comrade Alexander Petrov from Simferopol from the "Find a Soldier" action.

They brought the stands, brought them to the garage - we have nowhere else to store them, although many interesting things have already disappeared from the garage ... From there I heard swearing: they were standing in the yard

Ekaterina and Timur called Alexander Valeryevich (Petrov) bad words. Although he was not even on the territory of the household, but was waiting for me on the street by the car.

Passing by, I asked - what problems do you guys have? In response, he received a blow in the face from Mamatkulov, a fight ensued. Alexander Petrov, of course, did not take any part in this. At some point, he went into the yard, tried to pull us apart, like my wife. After Mamatkulov and I were separated, I immediately called the police and wrote a statement, - Sergey said.

The materials collected by law enforcement officers confirm the above - Sergey Sambursky was the first to apply to the police by phone at the height of the incident.

A couple of hours later on the same day, Mamatkulov filed a complaint with the police about the infliction of bodily harm on him by Sergei Sambursky.

On the day of the incident, September 2, none of them indicated Petrov as a participant in the fight. However, when questioned by the police on September 4, Ekaterina Samburskaya testified that there was a verbal conflict between her and Petrov, as a result of which the official inflicted several blows on her head and arm. At the same time, at the first poll on September 2, Ekaterina Samburskaya did not indicate Petrov’s participation in the fight, and she did not write a statement about causing bodily harm, since she considered them insignificant and received as a result of a fight between her roommate and her uncle.

The video recorded by the wife of Sergei Sambursky immediately after his fight with Timur Mamatkulov clearly shows that Yekaterina Samburskaya cleans up the yard with no apparent effort and uses both hands (including the plastered one in the pictures circulated on social networks), and continues to swear with relatives.

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At school 339 in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, the stepfather of one of the first-graders, who previously worked in the police, beat the teacher, according to, he is also suspected of trafficking drugs, according to the website of the UPC RF on Saturday.

"Former police officer Andrey Petrov was detained on suspicion of committing a crime under paragraphs a, d, part 3 of article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (drug trafficking)," the report says.

According to the publication, the children were playing in an after-school group when one of the girls bit her tongue. The nurse treated the wound and called the mother to school, who came with her common-law husband.

The mother took the child's bag and the girl herself and went out with her into the corridor, while the stepfather of the first grader began to beat the teacher in front of the children, hitting her until she fell. The mother and the girl waited until the stepfather came out and went home together.
Teacher Olga Kharitonova The teacher was taken to the hospital with a concussion and beatings, but there was no place for her in the ward and she was offered to lie down on a couch in the corridor. The husband took the girl, who worked at school for the first two months after graduation, home, where she is now on sick leave.

The teacher herself is not sure that she wants to go back to school because psychological trauma after the incident.

It is interesting that the materials on the incident were transferred to the same police station where the stepfather of the first grader who beat the teacher had previously worked. Having retired from the police, he now works in a security structure, writes.

Fontanka tracked down the girl's family, which became an unwitting catalyst for the conflict. I first managed to communicate with her aunt. Renata Akhmetdinova said that the family was outraged that the teacher did not follow the girl on a walk. Ekaterina Kononenko's sister's husband went to school to talk to a young teacher. But he allegedly met a boorish attitude towards himself - on the demand to leave the class in order to "talk", the woman allegedly stated that "she will decide who and where to go." Then the visitor took her by the hand and led her out of the room. The conversation did not work out in the recreation either - the brother-in-law, according to Akhmetdinova, realizing that further disassembly was pointless, allegedly decided to retire home, but Kharitonova for some reason began to grab him by the sleeve. The harassment man was quickly tired and he, as they say, “moved”. It is noteworthy that a woman characterizes a relative as "a balanced person." “How can he be unbalanced if he worked in the police?” She is genuinely surprised.

The prehistory of the conflict, according to Akhmetdinova, is as follows: on October 22, Ekaterina came for the child, noticing that her daughter had a broken lip and scratched her face (the girl explained this by the fact that some boy had pushed her), demanded to find the offender. Kharitonova allegedly said that the boy was from a dysfunctional family and did not study at their school. Kononenko, apparently, considered the arguments insufficient ...

“Milena fell on a hard football surface. In the emergency room, the beatings were removed from her. We have all references. True, not on hand, ”Akhmetdinova assured.

Ekaterina Kononenko declined to comment on the situation. “Fontanka” tried to talk to the “hero” of the plot himself, but Kononenko’s relatives did not connect with him, later a certain man picked up the phone, flatly refusing to introduce himself and stating literally the following: “I said everything.”

At school the day before, teachers held an emergency parent meeting - the children are afraid to study in the same class with Milena. Her parents insist that she be transferred to another school.

So far, nothing is known about Kononenko's intention to fulfill this wish, in contrast to Kharitonova's announced decision - she is going to leave the school. She even wrote a statement.

Investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg detained a former policeman who is suspected of beating a teacher high school and drug trafficking.

The department of internal affairs for the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg initiated a criminal case against Andrey Petrov under the article “threat to kill”.

The investigation sent a petition to the court for the election of a measure of restraint in respect of Petrov in the form of detention.

Earlier it was reported that the case was put under the personal control of Governor Matviyenko.

Earlier, a criminal case was initiated against Petrov under the article “Threat to kill”. Now the two records are merged into one. The investigation filed a motion with the court to order a measure of restraint against Petrov in the form of detention.

On the eve of his arrest civil husband The mother of a 7-year-old girl, because of whom a St. Petersburg school teacher was beaten, wrote a statement against the school, where she accused the teacher of negligence and improper childcare.

I came to pick up the child from the extension, and her whole cheek was broken and a hematoma on her lip, - says Milena's mother Ekaterina Kononenko. - I was told that some teenager pushed my child and she fell. But no one even called me, did not tell me about the incident! It is unacceptable!

Teacher Olga Kharitonova took the baby to the school medical center, where Milena was washed with abrasions and given a referral to the emergency room. According to the mother, when she asked to sort out the situation, the teacher suggested that this conflict be hushed up.

Apparently, the director taught the young teacher how to behave in this situation. We don’t know anything, we don’t remember anything, there was nothing, - Catherine complains.

Kononenko eventually asked to speak with the teacher of her fiancé, Andrey Petrov. How it ended can be seen on the CCTV footage.

Yes, perhaps Andrei went too far, but rudeness and disregard for children does not suit me, so we wrote a statement to the police against the school, says Katya.

The 34-year-old instigator of the fight with the primary school teacher himself also claims that the conflict was provoked by the teacher herself.

Milena with her mother Ekaterina

My future wife Katerina (we recently submitted an application to the registry office) came to the teachers for explanations, - Andrey Petrov said, - but she was simply ignored. So they said: “Go home, take a walk!” I realized that there was no point in talking. He promised to resort to the help of the police, he was already leaving, when the teacher ran after her, began to grab her clothes, scream and wave her arms. I had to endure all this?!

I am an adult male weighing 120 kilograms, I go in for sports. Do you think if I wanted to beat the teacher, it would be like this?! This is a domestic situation. It is a pity that now, because of this whole farce, Milena will have to look for new school. The girl will not be able to attend the class - she cries and is afraid that she will be beaten again at school and none of the adults will come to the rescue.
