A series of numbers nnn which means. What does the ECX number mean? FSO cars

In Russia, a license plate means more than just a plate on a car. From it you can sometimes find out what status the owner of the car has.

In 2019, AMR numbers in Moscow have practically lost their thieves' value, many just want to get a beautiful combination of letters and numbers.

What are car numbers

In Russia, the majority state numbers on the machine are made according to the rules of GOST R 50577-93, which was adopted in 1993 and has not changed much since then.

The GOST states that the numbers of military, route, diplomatic vehicles, as well as trailers, motorcycles and special equipment may differ from the standard one.

In addition to official differences, citizens came up with combinations of letters and numbers indicating the privileged position of the owner.

Standard numbers are printed with a combination of 3 letters and 3 numbers, which cannot be the same as an already existing number.

The numbers mean the number itself, and the letters indicate the character series. The law allows the use of 12 Cyrillic letters, which coincide with the Latin alphabet.

October 15, 2013 in Russia has changed the regulations for the registration of vehicles. The new rules established that when changing the owner of a car, it is allowed to keep the old license plate (except for obsolete Soviet numbers) if it is in good condition.

There should be no cracks, dents or abrasions on the sign, numbers and letters are easy to read. If you want to save a damaged number, you can make a duplicate in the traffic police. In 2019, instead of registration and deregistration, citizens undergo a re-registration procedure, which allows them to keep rare numbers.

Issuance procedure

State signs are issued when registering a new car in the traffic police. Most drivers get a random combination of numbers and letters that they can't influence.

However, among some drivers, a beautiful combination, for which they are willing to pay, is considered important.

WITH There are 2 options to get a special number:

  • through acquaintances in the traffic police during the initial registration of a car, but this method is prohibited by law;
  • buy a car with beautiful numbers from another owner.

There are several sites on the Internet that sell the numbers of the Federal Security Service, the presidential administration, etc. Such signs cost several tens of millions of rubles and appear quite rarely.

When the driver buys numbers, you need to approach the insurer and update the information in the OSAGO policy. Otherwise, it will be invalid.

What does AMP mean?

Thieves signs appeared in the Soviet Union. The first wave of beautiful numbers began in 1939, when Red Army vehicles received numbers with the letter A and could drive through territories closed to others without presenting documents. Government vehicles received MA marks.

In Moscow and in Russia as a whole, the special AMP97 series is considered the most thieves and expensive. These numbers were formed after the replacement of signs with the Russian flag. They cannot be bought, only rented.

AMR is installed on official cars of the most prominent officials, for example, State Duma deputies, officials of the FSO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the RF Investigative Committee, the Federation Council, etc. If there is such a sign on the car, the traffic police inspectors know that high-ranking officials are sitting in the car.

The second most prestigious number is AMP77, it is more realistic to buy it for money for ordinary drivers. These cars in the past belonged to the Central Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, now the cars have been transferred to private owners.

They rarely appear on sale, there are many buyers. The number AMP77 costs from a million rubles and more. The most expensive is the A0 ** MP777 series, that is, the first 100 cars produced with these signs.

The remaining AMR numbers (except 77) cannot be bought without a close acquaintance with high-ranking officials and other government officials.

Deciphering thieves numbers

In Russia, there are still combinations of numbers printed in an edition of up to 100 pieces, which are especially valued among wealthy drivers:

From A001MP97 to A136MP97 The Government, the Federation Council, the State Duma, etc. have these numbers. Each state apparatus owns no more than 50 cars with such numbers
From A137MP97 to A201MP97 They belong to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Central Electoral Commission. There are less than 70 such numbers
From A203MP97 to A369MP97 Assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, now private owners have numbers (about 170 pieces)
A362MR97 Owned by Yu.M. Luzhkov, who travels accompanied by a traffic police car with numbers A18 ** 99
From A370MP97 to A400MP97 The cars belong to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other federal agencies. Numbers less than 20 pieces
From A371 to A37497 Assigned to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, one of the rooms belonged to Mikhalkov, now bought out by a private owner
From A401MP97 to A600MP97. The numbers belong to directors of executive authorities in different regions of Russia. There are less than 90 such signs in Moscow. Another 90 belong to the heads of executive power in nearby regions of the country
From A401MP97 to A489MP97 The signs belong to the governors of various regions of the country. There are only 4 of them in Moscow and the region, these numbers are not available to private drivers for any money.
From A501MP97 to A589MP97 The numbers are assigned to the largest speakers of the country. There are less than 85 of them in Russia, most of them are located in Moscow. Such signs are prohibited for sale.
From A601MP97 to A697MP07 The signs are designed for the federal structures of the country. The majority belongs to the Courier Service, the Ministry of Turnover and Rosfinmonitoring also have it. Less than 100 issues released
From A698MP97 to A999MP97 Numbers from Rosstat, the Federal Security Service and Rosatom. There are more than 200 of them, so they are the cheapest and most affordable on the market.

How to get a nice number

To buy a rare AMR number, a citizen must have a large amount of money. In 2015, the number of the government series was put up, for which they demanded 15 million rubles. Badge A082MR97 belonged to the head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

It was not sold separately from the car, but together with the used Audi A8 L, for which it is registered. The agency decided to put the car up for sale almost immediately after the law allowed to keep the numbers when changing ownership. It was bought almost instantly, the owner's details were not disclosed.

There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of rare or thieves, but it is almost impossible to find the AMP sign. For example, mirror figures in Moscow they cost about 30 thousand, repeated figures can be found for 100 thousand.

How prettier combination letters, the more expensive the final cost will be. The sales scheme is always the same: rare signs are installed on old cheap cars, formally a citizen buys a Soviet car, but in fact receives unusual state numbers.

Gradually, more and more thieves' numbers appear on the black market. Prices for AMR start at 2 million rubles and are quickly sorted out, but you can contact the dealer and find out about the available combinations of letters and numbers. AMR can only be rented, you cannot buy such numbers.

Idle in traffic jams, drivers involuntarily begin to pay attention to various trifles, trying to pass the time. Many, for example, look at license plates. What can this or that combination of numbers and letters mean?

The usual Russian car number consists of two sections: main and additional (on the right). In the latter, a two- or three-digit code is stamped, by which you can easily determine from which region of the Russian Federation this or that car arrived (for example, the number 62 means that the car is from Ryazan region), while the letters RUS mean the country where the car was registered.

License plate format

The main part of the number has the following form Y XXX YY, where X are the numbers from 0 to 9, and Y are the letters of the Russian alphabet. The latter, by the way, are not used by all, but only those that have analogues in the Latin alphabet, that is, A, B, E, M, K, H, O, P, C, U, T, X.

On the road, you can see completely different combinations of letters and numbers, so many motorists mistakenly believe that license plates represent a random set of characters, but this is not the case.

In the process of registering vehicles, plates are issued in order (the only exceptions are special series, which will be discussed below), while the order of changing characters here is slightly different (not from left to right). So, the numbers change from right to left, that is, after the number T 359 OK, T 360 OK will be issued.

The letters change only after the numbers, and the first character changes first, that is, after the number T 999 OK, the number U 001 OK will be put into circulation. Then the third letter is replaced, and only then the second.

By correctly “reading” the state sign, you can determine the status of the car owner (for example, his belonging to law enforcement agencies). It happens that traffic police officers, having seen a special number, do not slow down the driver, even if he slightly violated traffic rules.

The list of "thieves" numbers is quite wide, so it simply does not make sense to list them all, but it is still worth noting the most common of them. For example, let's go over the state signs of Moscow and the capital region as a whole, while noting that each region has its own special numbers that are listed only within its territory, and beyond it they lose their privileges, becoming simply “beautiful”.

AMR, ECX, TFR, etc.

Perhaps the most privileged are the numbers of the AMP 97 series, which indicate that this car is at the disposal of the State Duma, the government, the Federation Council, the leadership of the FSO, the IC of the Russian Federation or the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. These numbers are considered "untouchable", that is, traffic police officers do not have the right to stop such cars without permission from above. It is impossible to buy them, and rent them only for very big money.

The AMP 77 series officially belongs to the Central Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while individual numbers are given to private individuals, which means they can be purchased, only the price “bites”. According to rumors, they ask for them from 1 million rubles and more, and the closer the number is to the first hundred, the higher its price.

Privileged are also numbers with the designation EKX 97, which indicate that this machine belongs to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO). There are rumors that these numbers were put into circulation after a dialogue between the ex-president of Russia Boris Yeltsin and the then head of the FSO Yu.V. Krapivin.

The latter turned to Yeltsin with a request to introduce new letters to the numbers, since the old ones were no longer enough. After joint deliberation, it was decided to use a combination of letters EKH, which, according to legend, is an abbreviation that stands for “Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good.”

However, the official designation of the abbreviation sounds different - "Unified Kremlin economy", while a different decoding is walking among the people - "I'm going where I want" (and its more obscene version). To date, the series of EKX numbers has already been canceled, although they can still be purchased in the regions, but for this you will have to pay a significant amount of money. But the purchase will not give any advantages.

Rather, on the contrary, the owner of the car should be prepared that he will often be stopped on the roads with a check. The latter is due to the fact that the traffic police know the list of current “untouchable” numbers, but all the rest are no longer such.

Also, the numbers of the XKX 77 series, which previously belonged to the FSB, can be attributed to the “decommissioned” ones. Now most of them are at the disposal of private owners. They are in demand among owners of SUVs and luxury cars. Also, a considerable part of the MMM 77 series of numbers, which is used to designate official vehicles of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, was given to private traders.

The SKR 197 and SKR 199 series are valid and are at the disposal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the numbers of the 197 series are not for sale, while the presence of such a number in a private person means only one thing - it is a fake, which means that if a negligent driver is braked on the road, then he will not be fined to avoid. But the signs of the 199 series periodically become available for purchase, but they cost a lot.

Cars with a number from the CCC 77 series belong to special communications services and other similar organizations. In turn, the CCC code 99 refers to the tax, GOKHRAN and GUIN, and the CCC code 97 refers to various special services. You can buy such a number, but again it is problematic.

Most of the AOO 77, VOO 77, MOO 77 and SOO 77 series have been given to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. However, with special desire and luck, you can buy them, but again for a fairly substantial amount.

No less remarkable on the road are the car numbers of the AMO series. It belongs to the city administration and various ministries. Periodically, such numbers appear on sale for the appropriate price.

The presence of MMP 77 or VMP 77 series numbers indicates that the car belongs to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. They are also available for sale, but the buyer will have to fork out properly. Plus, it is worth mentioning the OOO 77 series. Previously, FSB officers drove cars with such numbers, but now they can also be bought.

No less popular in Moscow and the adjacent territory are the numbers of the PMP 77 series, which were designed specifically for justice. They are in considerable demand in the market, only the price for them is slightly lower than the series listed above.

Numbers of the EP 177 series, designed specifically for members of the United Russia party, are most often found in the capital. They are of no particular value and are freely available.

In addition to the “thieves” numbers listed above, there are simply “beautiful” ones. The latter are a meaningful selection of symbols and letters (for example, B 123 OR) and can be bought at the traffic police, but they do not give any privileges on the road.

"AMP" is an authoritative, respected series of car numbers. Any motorist knows about its existence. In tandem with the numerical characters "97" these are car registration plates related to the most influential representatives of the state. The AMP77 series can often be found on official vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. Private owners get such legendary license plates by overwork, mainly for a rather large amount or through connections with the highest ranks from government agencies.

What does the "AMP" number mean?

Among motorists there are several versions of how these three letters are deciphered. The most common of them are the following:

  • A car M inistra R Russia;
  • A administration M Moscow R region;
  • A d M inist R ation.

Most car enthusiasts joke that a license plate with AMP symbols is an excuse for the inspector to “bow it up”. But everyone knows that every joke has its share of truth. According to a tradition established over many years, anyone can drive a car with such a registration number - a current or former government official, a wealthy businessman, important members of law enforcement agencies. Hence the attitude towards such vehicles. Despite the fact that the license plate AMP 77 was on limited sale, it was still a "forbidden fruit" and was difficult to obtain for ordinary people.

How to buy an AMP number?

Most motorists simply dream of putting such a “thieves” number on their car at the place of its registration, but unfortunately, this will not work, because according to the new rules, the inspectors cannot influence the process of assigning a license plate to a car, in this case everything is decided by the “computer ”, generating a random combination of numbers and numbers. Thus, almost all transactions for the purchase / sale of AMR marks are carried out on the Internet. To date, on the expanses of the World Wide Web, many sites have been created offering car license plates, and with a huge discrepancy in price. If you are going to make a deal, you need to be as careful as possible, since the network is full of scammers - they don’t have any numbers, their goal is just to steal money from the client.

In order not to become a victim of scammers, and to be completely sure of the legitimacy of the transaction, we suggest using the services of our resource. By contacting us, you will receive these license plates at the most reasonable price.

Record price tag for an AMP number in the capital of Russia

In Moscow, the registration mark of the AMP series was estimated at 15,000,000 rubles. A certain citizen put up for sale his own car from the company "Audi", which he became the owner of 10 years ago, having bought it from the Ministry of Tourism. The initial cost of a supported foreign car, together with a unique AMR number, was 10,000,000 rubles, but after seeing the hype from the public, the seller raised the price by another 5,000,000 rubles. new owner was found instantly, and he left the old Audi to the owner, taking only cool numbers.

In this material, we have made for you an interesting selection of series of car numbers that are assigned to cars of influential people and organizations in Russia. This decoding of the so-called "thieves" numbers will be a guide for you, with whom it is better not to compete on the road. In addition, this article will debunk the myths about those vehicles whose numbers actually mean absolutely nothing.

Types of license plates

The car number is a unique registration code, similar to what is given to all citizens with a passport (identification number), which corresponds to the registration of the car in the territory of the state. It consists of a specific number set and various variations of twelve letters. They line up in certain order. In order to correctly determine whether a car belongs to Russia, the flag of the Russian Federation inscribed in a rectangle, the word RUS and the code group of the region in which it is registered are displayed on the right side of the number. Such rules for the design of car license plates are fully consistent with GOST. The letters indicate the series, the numbers indicate the number.

Interesting to know! The very first numbers of special significance appeared in the USSR in 1965 in the city of Leningrad. It was a limited edition of twenty-five issues. These numbers were intended for the top of the CPSU branch of Leningrad. At that time, special numbers for "mere mortals" were not officially provided. But all kinds of "thieves" numbers could already be obtained by special order through good friends or money.

Can be distinguished whole line special car numbers. Of course, among those there are undoubtedly thieves' numbers, and deciphering the letters will give you the first idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe people in these vehicles.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Ministry of Defense of Russia.

diplomatic missions.

trading companies.

Urban passenger transport.

transit signs.

Special numbers for semi-trailers and trailers.

Such numbers began to be in great demand even in times Soviet Union. But the global demand for thieves' numbers is rooted in the middle of those same "dashing" nineties. It was then that new license plates were introduced for three numbers and three letters, which replaced the old black and white "union" numbers.

For some, the duplication of the regional code on the license plate is of particular importance. Someone's fetish is three same digits s or letters. But the most elite numbers are those in which one letter and one number are duplicated three times. Deciphering the thieves' numbers on a car overtaking you will help you decide who is better to miss by changing lanes.

As soon as new license plates were introduced, aesthetes-lovers of everything beautiful, including car numbers, immediately appeared. But in order to get such, it was necessary to have good connections in the traffic police traffic police. Employees of this particular organization were engaged in MREO. Today, everything is much easier. If the wallet is tightly packed, the problem is solved almost instantly.

In any search engine, ask the query you are interested in regarding the acquisition of difficult numbers, and there are already people there. And believe me, there are many ready to provide such services for a fee. On the expanses of the Russian "black" market, numbers with the same numbers, for example, 777, will be valued at tens of thousands of rubles.

Did you know? The most expensive license plate in the world was sold in the UAE in 2008 for $14,200,000. This is number "1".

There are also numbers that cannot be purchased even for a lot of money on the "black" market. These are numbers with a certain letter code. Such is assigned exclusively to a certain state structure or departmental organization. And there are very few such types of rooms, about a hundred. You can buy them only if you have a big connection in certain state structures or serious connections.

Deciphering the series of thieves numbers, list

If you see a car with a flasher on the road, then subconsciously something tells you that you need to skip it. But here is a decoding of a series of thieves' license plates to help you. You will know who you missed, and whether it is worth it at all.

AAA- The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as private individuals with connections in the traffic police.

AMM– police or private individuals

AMO– City Hall or private individuals

USAID– Russian government or private individuals


VMR– government officials, bank managers or individuals

SBI- Managing Director of the President

EEE- thieves privateers


EP- The State Duma

KKK- thieves privateers


KMM- firefighters and thieves private traders

KMR– government officials and thieves

COO- The Constitutional Court, the President's affairs manager, thieves

MMM- police or thieves

MMR- the government, private individuals who have connections with the traffic police, the FSB, banks

MOO- Executive Office of the President

HHH- private individuals who have blat in the traffic police

OMR– government employees, heads of banks or crooked individuals

OOO- FSB or thieves private traders

RMP– Ministry of Justice

CAC- FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, thieves

SMM- police, thieves

SOO- Presidential Affairs Manager, Federation Council

CCC- FSO, FSB, government officials, thieves


UMR- government employees

uuu- thieves subjects


XXX- thieves

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Does it exist in modern Russia the concept of "thieves" numbers?

Many car owners strive to buy a beautiful license plate for a car. The experience of motorists suggests that special, "thieves" numbers are a kind of message for traffic police officers, in which the special status of the car owner is encrypted. Time goes by, privileged series of license plates are supplemented with new abbreviations, but such a service as the sale of state car number plates on a car is in constant demand.

Each car owner has his own motives to buy a "thieves" number of a privileged series. For some, re-issuing numbers with beautiful identical numbers and letters of the series is primarily a whim, a desire to decorate their (usually expensive) car in this way. Others see practical benefits in beautiful license plates, because not every traffic police officer dares to stop such a car. And in the general urban traffic flow, other road users try to avoid conflicts with the owners of "thieves" numbers. Who knows who can be driving a brand new Audi or an executive Mercedes with a beautiful number 777?

Almost all car owners know that you can get a beautiful number on your car only with some effort.

To do this, you must either have useful contacts in the relevant state power structures, or pay a tidy sum for the coveted number. Both of these are not available to everyone.

And now let's figure out what messages to traffic police officers can be hidden behind a certain abbreviation of the license plate of a car.

What do the numbers on the car mean?

First of all, let's answer right away - special series of car numbers really exist and can be a source of information for traffic police officers about the status of their owner. Most of the special series numbers belong to the Presidential Administration, the Government, the mayor's office, law enforcement agencies and other state authorities. Deputies, senators, Judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Court ride on special numbers. A logical question arises: where can “mere mortals” get such numbers from? The answer is simple: the numbers of many special series were partially released into free circulation, from where they got to representatives of the business elite and famous people(to athletes, show business stars, etc.) Schemes for reissuing "thieves" numbers can be very diverse, including the purchase of a car with a beautiful license plate. You can find out how to re-register a number for your car in the Registration section.

Let's decipher the special series of thieves' numbers

We give examples of some of these series and describe what the abbreviations of special series mean, which are most often the subject of interest of car owners:

· AAA– Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

· AMP97- the most prestigious part of the series of numbers *MP, which replaced the so-called "flag" numbers with a tricolor. It is installed on the vehicles of the Government, the Presidential Administration, the Federation Council, the FSB, etc.;

· AMP77, KMR77, PMP77, OMP77, BMP77, MMP77, TMP77(and others * MP77) - partly owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies, various secret research institutes and other similar structures. Sometimes they are found in private cars, but not every "private trader" can get such a number for himself. For these series, there is no information in the databases about the owners of numbers, so there is an opinion that some of these numbers were given to car owners who go through witness protection programs;

· AKR177, WRC177, KKR177, EKR177- special series of license plates, assigned mainly to official vehicles of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They replaced the blue service registration plates. They are little known to most motorists, but they are well known to the traffic police and work well on the road;

· ECX- belong to the FSO, FSB and cars of other departments with similar immunity;

· HKH77- belongs to the FSB of Russia, but some of the numbers turned out to be with private car owners;

· KOO77– most of the series numbers belong to the fleet of the Constitutional Court;

· EP177– partially owned by cars State Duma, the majority of the party "United Russia";

· AMO77, AMO99- Moscow Mayor's Office;

· AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, COO77- a special series of car numbers assigned to the Presidential Administration;

· AAA, BBB, EEE, KKK, MMM, NNN, OOO, RRR, CCC, TTT, UUU, XXX- not only beautiful, but often informative series of license plates. Separate series belong to cars of Spetssvyaz, FSB and other law enforcement agencies. So, the CCC series was issued to law enforcement agencies, often cars with numbers of this series can be found on the roads equipped with flashing beacons. The MMM77 series belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, such numbers can often be found on the cars of the leaders of this structure. As mentioned above, AAA special series numbers have a special status. Some of them belong to the Presidential Administration, some belong to the FSB. It is almost openly stated that license plates of the EEE, KKK, MMM, NNN, LLC, UUU, etc. series belong to private individuals who have “blat” in the traffic police, FSO and other similar structures. In general, all beautiful car numbers with an abbreviation of three identical letters are regarded on the road as privileged and indicating the special status of their owners.

Beautiful car numbers: a feasible dream and a bonus to karma

But not only a beautiful or significant series of car owners are attracted by "thieves" numbers on a car. Spectacular number - another "fetish", for which many are willing to pay a tidy sum. Favorites are combinations of the same numbers (especially cool if they match the region numbers) - 111 (three units), 222 (three deuces), 333 (three triplets) 444 (three fours), 555 (three fives) 666 (three sixes) 777 (three sevens) 888 (three eights) 999 (three nines) and the first serial numbers - 001 (it is clear that the owner claims leadership in everything, including on the road), 002 , 003 , 004 , 005 , 006 , 007 (specially for James Bond fans) 008 , 009 . The numbers of Moscow and the Moscow region with regions have the greatest value in Russia: 77 , 99 , 97 , 177 , 199 , 197 , 777 , 50 , 90 , 150 , 190 , 750 .

Beautiful, "thieves" numbers often have an aesthetic function and express the desire of the car owner to stand out in the stream of cars. On the other hand, the re-registration of thieves' numbers also has a purely practical function. All car owners and traffic police officers are well aware that it is not at all easy to get beautiful license plates. Wealthy businessmen and politicians have a special love for beautiful numbers. The preponderance of beautiful car numbers is practiced by pop stars or famous athletes. In any case (and every traffic police officer knows this from his own experience), a beautiful, “thieves” number is evidence that its owner has connections in government structures, a special social status or financial opportunities(and often all together). Accordingly, there are unspoken rules for dealing with such car owners on the road, putting them in a privileged position.
