On the prevention of winter injuries at the enterprise. Prevention of childhood injuries in winter consultation (senior group) on the topic

In the autumn-winter period, the number of street injuries associated with falls increases significantly, especially during icy conditions. Either above-zero air temperatures or frosts cause the formation of ice and ice on sidewalks and roads.

According to statistics, the number of street injuries doubles in winter. Traumatologists are especially in demand on so-called “ice days,” when the number of visits to emergency rooms reaches a maximum. In general, according to statistics, “winter” injuries account for up to 15% of morbidity with temporary disability.

The most common are fractures of the radius, ankles and collarbone, bruises of the humerus, fractures of the shin bones and damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle and knee joints, and traumatic brain injuries.

Due to the age-related characteristics of the skeleton, elderly people often receive very serious injuries - even a small blow can cause them a fracture. Most often they break the spine and femoral neck. In 95 percent of cases, a hip fracture occurs in women, as they are prone to osteoporosis (brittle bones).

In winter, bruises and bone fractures (about 15%) and dislocations (about 10%) predominate. The victims are predominantly of working age (about 80%). Children under 18 make up 2%, and people over 60 make up about 8%.

Factors influencing injury rates can be divided into external and internal. The first group includes ecology, the condition of habitats, work areas, recreation areas, sidewalks, roadways, and the serviceability of machines and mechanisms. Internal are compliance with safety precautions, principles of safe living, traffic rules, and principles of a sober lifestyle.

A common cause of ice injuries is haste. Many people simply do not notice the ice covered with snow, as a result of which they fall and receive various injuries. The most traumatic places are icy ones: paving slabs, steps of entrances and underground passages. In addition, a significant proportion of injuries are associated with public transport. They slip and fall both when entering and exiting a bus or trolleybus. Children and youth love to take a running start on a slippery path or slide. In this case, they usually get off with bruises. But not always.

Quite often, people get ice fractures while intoxicated. This is due to weakening of their muscle tone. Moreover, being “under the influence”, a person can ignore pain for some time, even with a serious injury. Thus, he misses the opportunity to see a doctor in a timely manner.

How to prevent possible injuries?

Preventing injuries falls under the umbrella of injury prevention. To prevent winter injuries, you must follow these simple rules:

Choose the right shoes. It is advisable to purchase shoes with a deep tread pattern, the elements of which are directed in different directions. The preferred sole material is thermoplastic elastomer. The polyurethane tread glides much more in the cold.

You can glue pieces of sandpaper to the soles of existing slippery boots or boots. A very simple option is an adhesive plaster. It won't last long, but it will help ensure stability even in the most severe ice conditions.

It is better for the fair sex to avoid wearing heels in slippery weather. After all, the larger the area of ​​contact of the sole with the ground, the more stable our position. That is why you should step on ice with your entire foot at once. You need to move slowly, in small steps, your legs should be relaxed, the center of gravity shifted slightly forward. If possible, it is advisable not to carry anything in your hands; you should also not keep them in your pockets. Hands help maintain balance.

Fall right . Try to sit down (reduce the height of the fall), group yourself (pull your chin to your chest, press your elbows to your sides, your hands to your stomach). A fall on straight arms is almost always an injury (fracture, dislocation, ligament rupture).

Slippery stairs are a high-risk area. If we fall, we need to protect our face and head with our hands. If we fall on our back, then we press our chin to our chest and spread our arms wide. This will help protect against traumatic brain injury.

If you lose your balance, you need to group and turn to the side. In this case, the impact will be on the side surface of the body.

You can practice these exercises at home to build muscle memory. When walking down the street, especially on icy days, control your every step.

Safety precautions should be observed when engaging in extreme sports , use all necessary protective accessories (elbow pads, knee pads, helmets, etc.). It is important to teach your child to follow safety precautions when skiing, skating, and sledding. Don't forget to provide your children with all the necessary protective equipment. Adults need to be able to provide first aid to a child.

Never walk on the edge of the sidewalk next to the roadway. Also, when waiting for the bus, do not stand at the edge of the stop. Losing balance in this position threatens not just a fall, but also the danger of getting run over by wheels. Do not under any circumstances cross the roadway. It is better to lose a few minutes and calmly cross the street in the absence of cars than to find yourself helplessly lying in the middle of the road. Remember the drivers too. Stopping a car in icy conditions, even at low speeds, is not easy. Therefore, when approaching a pedestrian crossing, do not rush to enter the roadway, wait until the cars stop moving.

Following these simple rules during icy conditions will significantly reduce the number of injuries.

First aid for injury

Cold and rest are first aid for all injuries. By rest we mean immobility of the injured limb. It is necessary to fix the damaged joint, or two joints adjacent to the fracture site. That is, you need to fix the arm or leg in order to immobilize it and prevent further injury. By the way, this also reduces pain.

And cold is a spasm of blood vessels, therefore reducing swelling and trauma to soft tissues. And, of course, cold is a reduction in pain. Further actions are transportation to a medical facility to provide professional assistance.

Attention and caution are the main means for preventing injuries, and not only winter ones. Therefore, when going out into the street, especially on those days when the “plus” on the street changes to “minus” or vice versa, you need to evaluate every step you take! Remember, the best prevention of winter injuries is caution!

Prepared by specialists from the public health department of the State Institution RCGEiOZ.

Winter is a time of increased injury. The cause is often icy conditions, early darkness, and slippery shoes. The deterioration of the condition of the roadway is reflected in an increase in the frequency of road accidents and an increase in the number of victims. The most common injuries in this case: traumatic brain injury, fractures of limb bones, combined trauma. According to statistics, winter injuries account for up to 15% of morbidity with temporary disability.

When winter comes, with the first snow falling, the frequency of requests for help from medical institutions for injuries increases by 2-3 times. In winter, bruises and bone fractures (about 15%) and dislocations (about 10%) predominate. The victims are predominantly of working age (about 80%). Children under 18 make up 2%, and people over 60 make up about 8%.

It is known that the possibility of influence on the level of injuries by doctors is no more than 10%, and the remaining 90% depends on other factors that can be divided into external and internal. The first group includes ecology, the condition of habitats, work areas, recreation areas, sidewalks, roadways, and the serviceability of machines and mechanisms. Internal are compliance with safety precautions, principles of safe living, traffic rules, and principles of a sober lifestyle.

By changing a number of external and internal factors, you can protect yourself from injuries in the winter. And if the first group of reasons often does not depend on us personally, then a number of internal factors are available to most potential victims.

Basic the cause of injuries in winter is banal haste. Many people do not notice the ice covered with snow, as a result of which they fall and receive various injuries.

Besides, a significant proportion of injuries are associated with public transport. They slip and fall both when entering and exiting a bus or trolleybus. Falls on slippery steps can be especially dangerous. Children and youth love to take a running start on a slippery path or slide. In this case, they usually get off with bruises. Although not always.

The most common, in descending order, are a fracture of the radius in a typical location, fractures of the ankles and collarbone, bruises of the humerus, fractures of the shin bones and damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle and knee joints, and traumatic brain injuries.

Fractures of the limbs occur due to the fact that, when falling, a person instinctively puts his arm forward and falls on it with the entire weight of his body.

A similarly awkwardly placed leg breaks at the shin area. In women, wearing high-heeled shoes also contributes to this. It is easy to trip and fall in it.

Elderly people are especially susceptible to fractures due to the age-related characteristics of their skeleton (increased fragility of bones, less elasticity of ligaments and muscles). Even a small blow can cause fractures of the limbs, ribs, spine, as well as serious injury - a fracture of the femoral neck. In 95% of cases, this fracture occurs in women. It is better for elderly people not to leave the house unnecessarily in “slippery” weather; they should postpone trips, trips to the store and all kinds of authorities.

In icy conditions, it is better to stay at home, but if you need to go outside, then wear the most comfortable shoes with flat soles, avoid rushing, and avoid dangerous areas; When exiting public transport or going down stairs, be sure to hold on to the railings or ask passers-by for help.

Chills and frostbite (15-17% of all winter injuries) are another serious problem in traumatology. You can get chills in the extremities at a temperature of +4 degrees if there is high air humidity. Shoes should be warm and spacious, this will prevent chills and frostbite.

If you have frostbite, never rub the affected area with snow. To prevent tissue death, warming the affected area must be gradual! When the victim gets into a warm room, wrap the frostbitten hand with a scarf to prevent a sharp rise in temperature. If frostbite is not severe, you can lightly rub the area with a clean woolen cloth. Give the victim some hot tea to drink.

An aggravating factor in injuries is the state of alcoholic intoxication, which accompanies injuries in almost 30% of cases. In winter, alcohol intoxication can become a direct cause not only of hypothermia, frostbite of the hands and feet, but also of freezing in relatively mild frosts.

To reduce the risk of falling during icy conditions, you must follow these rules:

It is advisable to wear shoes with flat soles or low square heels;
you can attach a strip of sandpaper or a regular adhesive plaster to the sole of your shoe, it will work better
shoes with grooved soles;
you need to walk in icy conditions in a special way - as if sliding a little, as if on small skis, stepping on the entire sole;
look carefully at your feet (in a hurry, you may not even notice open ice);
It is advisable to walk as slowly as possible. It is important to remember: the faster you go, the greater the risk of falling;
girls should not wear high, thin heels during icy conditions;
if you wear a long coat or fur coat, be sure to lift the hem of your clothing when getting out of a vehicle or going down stairs;
Do not walk very close to the walls of buildings - an icicle or a piece of hardened snow may fall from the roof.

If you feel like you've lost your balance, try to fall with as little damage as possible:

When falling, you need to group yourself - this will reduce the force of impact on the ice; try to sit down - the height of the fall will decrease;
at the moment of falling, you need to tense your muscles - you will get away with a bruise;
It’s safest to fall on your side, this way you can protect your pelvis, spine and limbs;
when falling on your face, it is better to pull your head into your shoulders, press your elbows to your sides, straighten your back, bend your legs slightly; Under no circumstances should you land on straight arms;
when falling on your back, press your chin to your chest and spread your arms wider;
If you fall down a slippery staircase, try to cover your face and head with your hands. Do not try to slow the fall by spreading your limbs, this will increase the number of fractures.

If you receive an injury, you must call an ambulance or, if possible, go to the nearest medical facility yourself. Independently or with the help of others, create conditions for immobility for the injured limb using available means. You can do without consulting a doctor only in case of a slight injury, with the exception of a head injury. It is enough to apply cold to the sore spot and treat the bruise site with ointment or gel that resolves bruises.

When engaging in winter sports, use protective equipment- elbow pads, knee pads, helmets. Teach your child how to ski, skate and sled safely. Adults must be able to provide first aid to a child. During the New Year holidays, I would like to warn against the possibility of injury as a result of the use of a variety of pyrotechnic products, which often cause very severe burns or even death.

So, The main way to prevent injuries in winter is prudence and caution. when moving on sidewalks and paths, pedestrian crossings on the pavement, especially in the presence of snow drifts and ice. It is important to choose the right clothes and shoes according to the weather conditions. Follow the rules of safe behavior when engaging in winter sports and games, and do not leave children unattended. Drivers of vehicles must strictly observe traffic rules and show increased attention, observe speed limits and be as attentive as possible to all road users.

Based on materials

We present to your attention an interview with a pediatrician, head of the department of medical prevention of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "DGP No. 12 DZM" Svetlana Yuryevna Ovchinnikova on the topic: “Prevention of childhood injuries in winter.”

— How dangerous is the winter period in terms of childhood injuries? What are the statistics on childhood injuries in Russia?

In general, children are always active, and this does not depend on the time of year. However, it is during the winter period that the number of injuries increases significantly - especially during school holidays, when children are more often left without adult supervision. The main causes of injury include weather conditions - ice and icicles - but winter fun outside comes first.

According to statistics, in the winter, bruises and bone fractures (about 15%), dislocations (about 10%), which account for a quarter of all types of injuries, predominate.

— How do injuries differ in children of different ages?

Injuries can be divided as follows:

  • Infancy: Children of this age are under the supervision of adults, so adults are the culprits in an accident with a child. At this age, hypothermia and frostbite are dangerous.
  • Preschool age: While children under 3 years old learn to walk, run, and jump, they learn to walk, run, and jump, while older children are very active in winter activities - downhill, ice skating, skiing, and snowball fights. Fall-related injuries and bruises most often occur at this age. Hypothermia and frostbite also occur.
  • School age: This is the most traumatic age. Wanting to show their abilities and strength in front of their peers, the guys lose their sense of self-preservation. At this age, fall-related injuries most often occur - bruises and fractures. In addition, there is another entertainment: exploding firecrackers without adult supervision and without observing safety precautions, which leads to dire consequences.

— What types of recreation most often lead to injuries?

Sledding and snowmobiling often leads to fractures and bruises; on snowboards - to wrist and ankle injuries; on skis - to injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament of the supporting leg; on snowmobiles - to fractures.

— How do you understand that your child needs to be seen urgently by a doctor or call an ambulance?

It is worth calling a doctor if, after a fall or blow, the baby cries harder and longer than usual, he turns pale, breaks out in a cold sweat, and his palms become cold and wet. The child cannot move the injured limb and/or the limb “hangs” in an unnatural position.
Also - if after a head injury there is nausea, vomiting, fever or loss of consciousness.
After an injury, the eyes should be alerted to any changes, such as swelling, bruising, lacrimation, photophobia, or involuntary closing of the eyelids.

— What basic rules for observing safety measures need to be explained to the child?

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the following rules:

  • On a slippery road, you must walk carefully, do not roll on the ice, do not push, do not run, and do not play. If someone falls, you need to help him get up, and if necessary, call an adult for help;
  • You cannot play near roofs where icicles hang or snow may fall;
  • Safety rules on the ice slide:
    • ride only on ice skates;
    • do not ride standing - only sitting;
    • do not push or cling to other guys;
    • Once you've had a ride, you need to get up and leave quickly, because... another one rolls after him and can knock him down;
    • do not go down the slide until the previous child gets up and gets out of the way;
  • Do not go downhill on sleds or ice skates near roads, trees or fences.

— What are the features of safe stay on ice (black ice, speed skating)?

Children must be accompanied by an adult on the ice; You can’t push and cling to other guys. If someone falls, you need to help him get up, and if necessary, call an adult for help.

— What popular types of recreation should be prohibited for a child?

These types of recreation include:

  • Games on the frozen river;
  • Games near icicles;
  • Sports games without adult accompaniment (snow scootering, snowboarding, snowmobiling, etc.);
  • Launching firecrackers.

— How to prevent frostbite while vacationing in the cold?

It is important to dress correctly when going outside: clothes and shoes should not be tight, because... in this case, it may impair blood microcirculation. The top layer of clothing should be made of moisture-resistant fabric. A hat, scarf and warm mittens should be made of natural materials to protect from the wind and keep warm. For stability, shoes should have non-slip, flat, ribbed soles.

The following rules can be distinguished:

  • Young children must be accompanied by adults on the street, and it is important to have safety conversations with older children;
  • When choosing winter shoes, you need to choose ones with non-slip flat ribbed soles;
  • You should avoid areas of icy conditions. Do not stand or walk under awnings and roofs, where icicles may form and snow flows may fall;
  • It is important to teach your child safety precautions when sledding, skiing and skating;
  • If a fall cannot be avoided, you should try to fall on your side, and when falling forward, do not put your hands in front of you and do not land on them;

In a word, it is very important to talk with children and clearly explain to them how to behave in a given situation, what is good and what is bad.

Interviewed by Maria Zelenskaya,
Head of Public Relations of the Association of Medical Journalists,
Chief editor of the magazine "Digest of the Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology"

The main cause of injuries in winter is banal haste. Many people simply do not notice the ice covered with snow, as a result of which they fall and receive various injuries. In a hurry, a person tends not to notice even open ice. In addition, a significant proportion of injuries are associated with public transport. They slip and fall both when entering and exiting the bus. Children and youth love to take a running start on a slippery path or slide. At the same time, crowding and knocking each other over. In this case, they usually get off with bruises. Although not always.

The most common injuries - fractures of the limbs - occur due to the fact that when falling, a person instinctively puts his arm forward and falls on it with the entire weight of his body. A similarly awkwardly placed leg breaks at the shin area. In women, wearing high-heeled shoes also contributes to this. It is easy to trip and fall in it. Elderly people, due to age-related characteristics of the skeleton (increased fragility, less elasticity of ligaments and muscle frame), often receive very serious injuries. They often break the spine and femoral neck. In old age, even a small blow can cause a fracture. In 95% of cases this occurs in women.

By changing a number of external and internal factors, you can protect yourself from injuries in the winter. And if we are often unable to change the first group of reasons, then a number of internal factors are available to most potential victims. Let us remind you that it is necessary to comply with the principles of safe life, traffic rules, etc.

How to fall “correctly”?

If you feel like you are falling, try to sit down - this will reduce the height from which you fall. In addition, at the moment of falling you need to group yourself - pull your chin to your chest, remove your hands to your stomach, press your elbows to your sides. Try to push your shoulders forward and keep your feet together. In combination with a squat, this will give a tuck. The main condition for correct execution is not to be afraid of bruising in advance.

If you slip and lose your balance, do not land on straight arms! Try to group yourself and turn to the side so that the blow hits the side surface of the falling body. This way you will protect your spine, pelvis and limbs from overload. This technique is recommended for people over 50 years of age.

If you fall on your back, press your chin to your chest and spread your arms as wide as possible. This will protect you from traumatic brain injury.

If you fall down a slippery ladder, it is very important to protect your face and head: try to cover them with your hands. Do not try to break your fall by spreading your arms and legs - this will only increase the number of fractures.

How to prevent possible injuries?

Preventing injuries falls under the umbrella of injury prevention. And, as the same ubiquitous statistics show, this significantly reduces their number. To prevent winter injuries, you must follow these simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to wear shoes with flat soles or low square heels. It is better if the sole has large ribs that do not slip.
  2. You need to walk in icy conditions in a special way - as if sliding a little, as if on small skis. It is advisable to go as slowly as possible. There is no point in sliding on ice on purpose - this increases the icing on the soles. Remember, the faster the step, the greater the risk of falling.
  3. Elderly people, who are most susceptible to injury, are recommended to attach special “anti-icing” pads to the soles of their usual shoes. They can be purchased at appropriate retail outlets.
  4. You should follow safety precautions when engaging in extreme sports, use all necessary protective accessories (elbow pads, knee pads, helmets, etc.).
  5. It is important to teach your child to follow safety precautions when skiing, skating, and sledding. Don't forget to provide your children with all the necessary protective equipment. Adults need to be able to provide first aid to a child.

Attention and caution are the main means for preventing injuries, and not only winter ones. Therefore, when going out into the street, especially on those days when the “plus” on the street changes to “minus” or vice versa, you need to evaluate every step you take! Remember, the best prevention of winter injuries is caution and prudence!

How to provide first aid correctly?

Statistics show that in more than half of the cases, assistance to victims of “winter” injuries and their transportation to a medical facility are carried out incorrectly. This aggravates the severity of the damage and complicates further treatment. The population as a whole is poorly oriented in matters of first aid.

The essence of first aid depends on the type of injury.

Injury. This is the most common type of injury and occurs when struck by a hard, blunt object. Pain, usually mild, occurs at the moment of impact or shortly after it. Swelling forms relatively quickly, and bruising appears after a few hours. In case of deep tissue injury, it may appear after 2–3 days. The function of the bruised limb in the form of limited movement is slightly impaired.

First aid for a bruise is aimed at reducing hemorrhage and relieving pain. Apply a pressure bandage and cool the injury site (ice pack, cold compress, wet cloth, cold metal object). The bruised limb is given a state of rest (the arm is suspended on a scarf, the joint is fixed with an 8-shaped bandage or splint). To make the bruise resolve faster, lubricate it with heparin or troxevasin ointment. This will prevent the spilled blood from clotting, and it will quickly resolve without pain or swelling at the site of the bruise. A good effect is achieved by applying a “mesh” of 0.25–0.5% iodine solution to the skin. To do this, a regular 5% iodine solution from a vial must be diluted with alcohol or vodka.

Contusions to the head, chest and abdomen may be accompanied by hidden injuries, so consultation with a doctor is required!

Observe the bruise that forms at the site of the injury. If it changes color over time from red through purple, cherry and blue to yellow-green, then everything is fine. If it only turns more purple or swelling and pain intensify, then suppuration may begin - consult a doctor immediately.

Dislocations(persistent displacement of the ends of the bones that make up any joint) occur during a fall, impact, and sometimes during awkward movement. Sharp pain appears at the time of injury and intense pain in the first hours after it. Normal movements in the joint become impossible. The joint is deformed, its outline is changed in comparison with a healthy one.

First aid should be aimed at reducing pain and delaying the development of swelling. To do this, cold is applied to the joint and the limb is fixed (the arm is hung on a scarf, bandaged to the chest; and the leg is covered with soft objects and left in the position in which it finds itself). Then it is necessary to urgently transport the victim to the emergency room or hospital. Under no circumstances should you attempt to correct a dislocation yourself if you do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Fracture bone is called a violent violation of its integrity. Fractures can be closed - without breaking the skin and open - with their rupture. A fracture will be indicated by acute pain in the affected limb, which intensifies at the slightest attempt to move it. Because of this, movements become impossible. Externally, the limb has an unnatural shape due to changes in its axis and shortening (usually) as a result of muscle contraction. With open fractures there is always a wound in which the end of a bone fragment is sometimes visible.

First aid is to ensure fixation and rest of the broken limb. Build a tire from what you have at hand - a stick, a board, a large branch. Using a scarf, scarf, or belt, tie it so that the splint covers two adjacent joints. For example, if you have a broken leg bone, apply a splint that covers the knee and ankle joints. This way they will be motionless, and bone fragments will not be able to move, injuring surrounding tissues and causing pain. The splint is especially important when the hip is damaged. If there is nothing nearby that even remotely resembles a future splint, tie (bandage) the injured leg to the healthy one, and the arm in case of a fracture of the humerus to the body. Only after this can the victim be transferred to the car and sent to the hospital.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all of us not to fall into such situations. And remember that your health is, first of all, in your hands. Be careful on the roads!

Surgeon S.P. Kondratiev

Winter is slowly receding, but after a very short period of time, it will return again. This is our southern Ural climate, so advice on preventing winter injuries will always be relevant.

Like wonderful winter sports: skiing, skating, sledding, snowboarding give an unforgettable experience and a surge of adrenaline. However, they can be traumatic and even dangerous to health. The most risky activity is skiing or snowboarding; sledding is slightly less dangerous. In children most frequent the causes of injury are not bruises, but frostbite face, nose and cheeks.

Ice and injuries

The danger of injury exists not only during winter sports, but also in everyday life, one might say, out of the blue. The reason is simple inattention and inability to fall correctly and group when falling. And the cause of the fall is roads and sidewalks that have not been cleared of ice and snow, especially during icy conditions.

Injuries that occur during a fall can be divided into three main groups - dislocations and fractures, soft tissue bruises and sprains, and minor injuries. This is the order they are placed in order of frequency of occurrence. Most often, in 85% of cases, the upper and lower extremities are affected. Injuries are especially dangerous for older people, for whom even a slight fall can result in a fracture of the femoral neck or even the spine.

Main causes of winter injuries

The main thing is haste and inattention; sometimes in the weather behind departing vehicles, a person forgets to look under his feet and to the sides, which leads to falls and injuries. Injury guaranteed if, when falling, a person instinctively puts his hand forward and transfers the entire weight of his body to it. Instead, it was worth sitting down a little, bending your elbows and knees, falling a little sideways and absorbing the shock, avoiding serious injuries, fractures and bruises.

Frequent patients in emergency rooms in winter are people with frostbite, while 90% of them were in intoxicated . In addition, the causes of frostbite can be uncomfortable, tight or damp clothing and shoes that do not warm you properly. In addition to clothing, the reasons may be: malnutrition, weakening of the body as a result of illness, old age.

The best way to avoid injury in winter is to be as careful as possible on the roads, avoid rushing, especially in icy conditions, and dress for the weather.
