Which planet rules you according to your zodiac sign. Zodiac sign Scorpio July horoscope Scorpio influence of planets

Scorpio Element: Water

Quality: fixed

Ruling planet of the sign Scorpio: Pluto

Symbolic image: scorpio (or snake), eagle

Part of the body: genitals and excretory organs

Subject:"I wish"

Key idea: transformation

Planet in exaltation: Uranus

House: eighth

Polarity: receptive

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio symbolizes the process of change, transformation. It is associated with the most intimate secrets of existence - sex and death, rebirth and renewal of life.

Being the eighth sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio is responsible for the processes of destruction and restoration. This is the strongest sign and, depending on motivation, can either actively manifest itself or remain passive.

In relation to children, the term “transformation” seems somewhat inappropriate, but Scorpios from early childhood show an extraordinary interest in this phenomenon, the physical manifestations of which are sex and death. Even little Scorpios live a rich inner life. Beneath the external calm and equanimity lies a very complex and active nature.

Scorpio, a water sign, is distinguished by increased receptivity, almost extrasensory abilities, and perfectly senses the “vibes” of the environment. Sometimes it seems that, like an X-ray, it shines through a person and sees what should have remained hidden, and this is disconcerting, to say the least.

The most misunderstood of all signs, Scorpio may seem withdrawn and aloof, but there is an explanation for this: he simply discovers in childhood that deep feelings can become a reason for ridicule, and therefore prefers not to express his thoughts out loud.

The most striking distinguishing feature of Scorpios is intensity, because this sign is responsible for desire, and you always want to get what you want very badly. This energy sometimes frightens those who do not share his obsession. Due to the turbulent inner experiences behind every desire of Scorpio, it is sometimes difficult for him to talk about his emotions out loud. As a result, others see before them a calm child who loves to spend a lot of time alone, immersed in his thoughts and trying to unravel the mysteries of life. Parents can only allow him privacy without demanding explanations. Never underestimate the power of a Scorpio's inner feelings.

This sign is known for its sexuality, and parents are sometimes perplexed by the vibes emanating from little Scorpio, when, logically, he should not yet have any sexuality. This sign is certainly associated with powerful sexual energy, but it is not the sexual act itself that interests it, but rather the potential of this energy, which underlies our most powerful experiences. It is these depths that attract Scorpio.

Sex and death are the most mysterious mysteries of existence, and Scorpios are drawn to everything mystical. They are inquisitive by nature, and can patiently and happily collect the information necessary to solve the mysteries that interest them, meticulously putting together individual fragments into a single picture. Since Scorpio belongs to the element of Water, his actions are characterized by smoothness, fluidity, and naturalness, while belonging to the fixed cross gives him perseverance.

Scorpios do not know how to love half-heartedly and can suffer seriously at the hands of someone who does not respect their feelings. But, despite their heightened sensitivity, they do not

They will hide from the offender and inflict a significant retaliatory blow on him.

Fortunately, Scorpios are not quick-tempered and only use their famous sting if the offense is repeated repeatedly. However, they endure insults hard and never forget insults, carrying deep emotional wounds throughout their lives. That is why Scorpios choose friends very carefully and prefer to have only a few of them, but loyal and constant ones.

People born under this sign need respect and, to a much lesser extent, approval. This doesn't mean they don't appreciate praise, it's just that they're too caught up in their inner feelings to care about what others think.

Scorpios are attracted to everything supernatural and mysterious. Their favorite reading is gothic novels and vampire legends, and they like horror films. These addictions are explained not by a love of violence and the sight of blood, but by a desire to comprehend the intricacies of the human mind, to know what is hidden in the depths of the psyche. Scorpio may develop an interest in psychology and occult sciences. He is not afraid of the dark sides of the human soul, he is driven by the desire to explore them.

In Scorpio, the emotionality of planetary energies intensifies; this sign inclines them towards their original purpose - transformation. If the planet responsible for relationships is in Scorpio, then its energy will push the person to change his life partner. Scorpio, focused on his own experiences, transmits his emotional tension to the planets, which can to some extent suppress the energies involved in the process of perception and cognitive activity.

Key traits of Scorpio:

✓ Passionate

✓ Mysterious

✓ Tensely worried

✓ Mysterious

✓ Sexy

✓ Ardent

✓ Reviving

✓ Owner

✓ Prone to paranoia

✓ Detached

✓ Stubborn

✓ Gusty

✓ Vengeful

✓ Prone to abuse of power

Key characteristics of planets in Scorpio


Target: learn the secret of life on the verge of fall and rebirth.

Personal qualities: deeply emotional, sexual, receptive, withdrawn, distrustful, devoted, prone to extremes, vengeful, stimulating, mysterious, healer.


Needs: intensity of emotions, devotion, strong feelings, depth of experience, security, intimacy, understanding, control, power.

Feeling cared for experiences being appreciated for his insight, trusted and allowed to act at his own pace, considered charming, not forced to express his thoughts out loud until he is ready to speak.

Feeling comfortable associated with an environment in which his strong emotions do not bother others, his feelings are respected even in the absence of understanding where he is allowed to experience them.

The Moon symbolizes the sphere of the unconscious, and Scorpio strives with all its heart to penetrate the secrets of a person’s inner world. Some believe that the Moon in this sign brings suffering, but, in my opinion, this opinion is caused only by the fact that with this position of the planet, emotional experiences intensify and this frightens closed people who do not openly express their feelings.


Thinks deeply, receptively, incredulously, unerringly, decisively, analytically, emotionally, tenaciously.

Studies, when he sees a need, when there is some hidden element or mystery, when he is fascinated by a subject, when there is an opportunity to comprehend it in his own way.

Speech behavior: expresses his thoughts vaguely, mysteriously, sarcasticly, taciturnly, laconically, defiantly.


Expresses love through passion, devotion, renewal, sexuality, trust, transformation, new impressions, strong experiences.

Desires: intensity of emotions, devotion, passion, control, power, feelings, absolute intimacy.

Preferences: extremes, complexity, knowledge, everything precise, mysterious, deeply personal.

Feels loved when he feels complete intimacy, when his emotions are understood, when their intensity is respected and not feared.


Valid passionate, mesmerizing, intense, devoted, risky, distrustful, obsessive, orderly.

Incentives: strength, self-discipline, risk, testing one's strength, internal transformation, esotericism, extreme experiences.

Angry slow, strong, vengeful, destructive, domineering, vindictive.

Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars was considered the ruler of Scorpio, and some still call it the co-ruler of this sign. Be that as it may, Mars and Scorpio still have a special relationship. The energy of the planet combines with the energy of the sign and flares up, intensifying the already raging flame.

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  • Influence of planets

Scorpio (October 22-November 22) is the eighth sign of the zodiac with a strong will. Patron planets are Pluto, Mars and Uranus. They characterize the character of Scorpio, the depth of his capabilities and relationships with the outside world. Pluto is the main planet of Scorpio and symbolizes intuition, power, suspicion and transformation. The influence of Pluto is fundamental for Scorpio; it determines his fate.

Influence of planets

Scorpio has not one patron planet, but three. These are Pluto, Uranus, and Mars, which influence the fate and decisions of a person together, so their influence must be considered together.

Pluto's influence

Pluto is the main patron planet of Scorpio, the ninth in the solar system. Its main sphere of influence is destruction.

The discovery of this celestial body happened in 1930, so astrologers do not yet have enough information. In astronomy, it is a symbol of death and further rebirth (like the Phoenix bird).

Scorpios, influenced by Pluto, have incredibly complex personalities. These people are distinguished by perseverance and endurance, able to calmly experience all life's difficulties. They strive to manage and dominate at any cost; if necessary, they can go over their heads.

With the negative influence of Pluto, the character of Scorpio acquires negative traits: a person is capable of committing a crime or betrayal. If the influence of the planet is weak, then it will be difficult for such people to achieve their goals in life due to impatience and suspicion.

Influence of Mars

Mars is the fourth planet of the solar system, it is a conductor for the sign, endowing it with internal strength and sexual energy. It gives a person a feeling of freedom, independence, confidence and the ability to quickly react and make the right decisions. Scorpio's health also depends on this planet - Mars affects the muscular and cardiovascular systems, the likelihood of getting burns, wounds, and bruises.

Mars improves the good qualities of the strong character of Scorpio, and tends to impart aggressiveness, anger, rudeness, and cruelty to the weak.

Influence of Uranus

Uranus is the seventh in the solar system. This planet characterizes freedom of choice, large space, it is a symbol of the revolution. Patronizing Scorpio, Uranus endows him with a desire for change and leadership qualities.

First ten days (October 24-November 3)

People, whose date of birth falls between October 24 and November 3, are under the influence of Mars according to the horoscope. In youth they are usually insecure, but in maturity they become active and powerful. Main qualities of the sign:

  • sharpness
  • aggressiveness
  • ruthlessness
  • cynicism
  • generosity and breadth of soul
  • bravery
  • fast response in extreme conditions

Mars also affects the future profession: people of this sign are suitable for military, medical and sports fields of activity.

Second decade (November 4-November 13)

The second decade of the sign isunder the influence of Pluto. Those born during this period are passionate and sensual people with a strong will and a broad soul. Main qualities:

  • impulsiveness
  • vindictiveness
  • commercialism
  • kindness
  • nobility

Pluto is the main planet of Scorpio, so under its influence people of this sign can achieve everything they want. They are uncompromising, conflict-ridden, possessive and insanely jealous. With age, traits such as:

  • commercialism
  • greed
  • the desire to achieve what you want at any cost

Pluto endows representatives of this sign with vindictiveness: they forgive nothing to anyone, and sometimes even enjoy their revenge. People of the second decade, under the influence of Pluto, are capable of causing harm to themselves, as they sometimes act contrary to their interests.

Third decade (November 14-November 22)

The third decade is under the influence of Uranus. People whose date of birth falls during this period are amorous and frivolous in nature and have artistic talents. Main features:

  • talent
  • frivolity
  • haste
  • artistry
  • amorousness
  • sexuality

Uranus is the planet of variability. She gives Scorpios creative energy, sexuality, charm and extravagance, sometimes reaching the point of hysteria. Representatives of the third decade marry early and often lead a double life: at home and in public they are two completely different people.

Under the negative influence of Uranus, Scorpios become gloomy, withdrawn into themselves, and are characterized by an interest in magic and the occult.

Patron planet in Jyotish

In Vedic astrology, the ruling planet is Mars. Being under its influence, representatives of this sign are characterized by the following character traits: sensitivity, caring, straightforwardness, honesty.

Scorpio's element is water, which speaks of his caution, generosity, but inconstancy. They do not tolerate lies and are a kind of “symbol of truth”, since they do not hesitate to tell it to their interlocutor’s face.

Mars endows people of this sign with charm and sexuality, hot temperament and impulsiveness. Scorpios have self-esteem, spiritual aspirations and curiosity.

Scorpios are a sign with incredible willpower. The main patron planet of Scorpio is Pluto. It determines the subtlety and depth of Scorpio’s ability to change fate. This article will tell you about the characteristics of this zodiac sign, as well as what is the patron planet of Scorpio.

Planet name

From ancient Roman myths and myths it is known that Pluto was the name of the lord of the underworld, who was the son of Saturn.

A similar hero in ancient Greek mythology was the ruthless and treacherous god Hades. This celestial object received its name almost by accident because of a letter from one girl that she sent to the observatory. However, the most surprising thing is that this name turned out to be very successful, and the planet actually lives up to its name.

This is a rather gloomy planet, which is very difficult not only to study, but also to understand. In addition, it carries a lot of mystical and unknown things.

Astronomical characteristics of Pluto

Pluto (in English Pluto) is the largest known solar system. It is the tenth largest celestial body revolving around the Sun (not including satellites), after the eight planets of the Solar System. Initially, Pluto was classified as a traditional planet, but at the moment this celestial body is considered a dwarf planet.

Pluto in astrology

Pluto is the main patron planet of Scorpios. In modern astrological science, she is the personification of death and further rebirth. Its main influence is destruction, change and, naturally, renewal of the energy flow. The discovery of this celestial object happened relatively recently, in 1930.

Based on this, astrologers do not yet have sufficient information about how exactly Pluto is able to influence a person. Pluto rules absolutely everything that is hidden in the depths of the human subconscious. Thanks to it, hidden negative energy can come out. Pluto guides changes in historical eras and has a strong influence on various social processes.

Pluto rules volcanoes and also activates earthquakes; under its influence, murders and many negative events occur. Pluto is fully responsible for the embodiment of all those forces that are hidden from the outside world. This planet also influences human instincts and a person's sexual and erotic life.

Pluto's influence on Scorpios

Under the influence of Pluto, Scorpios become surprisingly stronger. A person born under this sign is able to calmly endure temporary troubles and persistently moves forward towards his cherished goal, without paying attention to any obstacles. The temperament of a person who is under the influence of this celestial object is quite complex. Such a person constantly strives to control and dominate.

If the influence of this planet in the Scorpio horoscope is weak enough, then such people are capable of creating chaos and destroying everything, without having specific goals and plans. With the negative influence of Pluto on this water sign of the zodiac, a person becomes a real aggressor; at any moment he can hurt loved ones and even commit acts condemned by society.

This applies to both males and females. Thus, Pluto has a direct connection not only with the negative manifestations of human nature, but also with the best. The ruling planet of the zodiac sign Scorpio gives him such a negative character trait as vindictiveness.

Characteristics of Scorpios

Scorpios are very perceptive by nature. They are also natural financial analysts who know how to manage money. Scorpio psychologists often have to advise on the most difficult issues and problems of their clients, but at the same time they always help a person solve their problems from which they suffer.

A strong Pluto helps this zodiac sign and makes people of this sign more successful. The main principle of Pluto is the elimination of something personal for the sake of the common good, the awareness of the real truth. Pluto in a weak phase can make a person a destroyer, giving the desire to turn everything into chaos and destroy traditional order. The influence of Pluto is associated with diseases that can develop unnoticed. Scorpios are considered the most sexually active zodiac sign of all.

The second patron planet of Scorpio is Mars. It gives this zodiac sign energy and strength, but only in those situations when they definitely need to make an important decision and begin to implement their plans. This zodiac sign has two features: it can exclusively react to something, but it will never be the first to attack, and it has a special type of sexual energy. Pluto, Mars and to some extent Uranus are the patron planets of Scorpio by date of birth.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Scorpio


Character of Scorpio Scorpio is a warrior, and he often rushes into battle without even thinking about warning others about it.


If you are attracted to adrenaline in any form, be it a volcanic eruption or violent passion, then Scorpio is the person you need. No matter what, he won’t let you get bored and sour. However, perhaps your idea of ​​marriage was somewhat different, perhaps you imagined marriage as a quiet family haven - nothing can be done about it. If you have fallen under the deadly charm of a Scorpio man, then, I’m afraid, this is forever. The fact is that once Scorpio has chosen you, nothing will force him to back down. If this has not happened yet, think carefully about whether you know how to handle fire? The emotions of a Scorpio man are akin to a violent element that fascinates and delights, but can burn painfully.


“Oh, what a bliss it is to know that I am perfect!” Mary Poppins admitted in the famous film, and all the men around her absolutely agreed with her. Apparently, this amazing supernanny was precisely a Scorpio woman, since she managed to combine the mystery of a fatal beauty and sincere feelings, a storm of passions and external equanimity, even to the point of coldness. There is nothing to be done about the Scorpio woman: a real lady who knows her worth and not wasted on trifles. Her movements are leisurely and graceful, but there is a hidden strength behind them, like the deceptively soft movements of a panther. Her smile, her hand movements, her bewitching gaze - everything seems to be filled with hidden meaning.


Scorpio's love is mysterious and incomprehensible, as is the nature of this sign of the Water element. He knows how to be kind, caring, generous and gentle, but he will never show this to the people around him. The attractive and dangerous Scorpio may have good compatibility in love and marriage with a person who can see his true essence behind the external mask. To everyone else, Scorpio is happy to demonstrate his poisonous character, determination, willpower and strong position in life. Scorpio makes high demands on his chosen one. Next to him he wants to see an ideal life partner with high intelligence and many talents. Having met such a person, Scorpio builds a cunning strategy to win the object of sympathy and uses any means to achieve his goal. And sooner or later he becomes the winner and the absolute owner of the hand and heart of his chosen one.


A decisive, insightful, strong-willed Scorpio child is endowed with enormous vital energy, which from childhood manifests itself in violent outbursts of emotions and a desire to test oneself. Despite his independent character and categorical nature, he is in dire need of understanding and trust. Make sure that in his impulsive soul there is a place for patience, the ability to compassion and forgive, and the Scorpio child will grow up to be an irresistible, purposeful person. Scorpio baby


Decided to outsmart Scorpio? Most likely, you yourself will be left with your nose! Suspicious Scorpio will not believe you right away, even if you are honest as a pioneer, and if he catches you in insincerity, you will never gain his trust again. Scorpio reveals dishonesty and duplicity in people at once, while he himself is not distinguished by openness.


By nature, Scorpio is a winner who knows how to get his way. He is infinitely confident in his own abilities and is able to overcome any obstacles on the way to his goal, so he almost always gets what he wants. Another thing is that his horizons are too wide, and his goals are not always related to work. Nevertheless, if he still has the desire to make a brilliant career, invent a new device or discover a new law of physics, rest assured that over time, any of these super-tasks will be within his grasp. Scorpio will move towards his goal calmly and persistently, without giving way to anyone. His high intelligence, developed intuition and habit of relying only on himself can open any doors for him. Scorpio can fully realize his talents in any areas related to research, where he is a real pioneer and is responsible for everything. He can become an excellent scientist, journalist, psychologist, psychiatrist, writer, surgeon, researcher, detective, etc.


Scorpio love is like hot cocoa: the same bittersweet taste. A representative of this zodiac sign is capable of both warming and burning his chosen one. His significant other knows very well how passionate and intense a relationship with a Scorpio can be. However, his attractiveness is so high that few people will voluntarily give up the sweet torments of his love.


By nature, Scorpio has enormous vitality, which often makes him, both in his own eyes and in the eyes of those around him, a kind of superman, capable of coping with any illness. However, there is a catch in this: Scorpio is so incapable of calculating his own strength that when he finally reaches his limit, he is capable of getting seriously ill for a long time. In this case, Scorpio’s most vulnerable places are usually the back, heart, throat, nose and circulatory system . In addition, fearless Scorpios are more likely than others to be prone to accidents and injuries. However, Scorpio is capable of not only undermining his health with his self-confidence and violent emotions, but also independently healing from the most severe illnesses - his powerful willpower can work real miracles.

Each Zodiac Sign is protected by a specific planet. The planet of the Zodiac Sign sets the basic character of a person, bestows abilities and talents.

In order to attract the patronage of your planet, you need, firstly, to know its characteristics, and secondly, to follow its principles. Find out which planet is your patron according to your horoscope.


This planet is the patron Aries and Scorpios. Mars symbolizes willpower, activity, courage, masculinity. Representatives of the Signs of Aries and Scorpio often lack restraint and inner peace - this is also the result of the influence of Mars. In order to use the beneficial influence of the patron planet, you need to train yourself fortitude, confidence and determination.


Venus patronizes Taurus and Libra. This planet symbolizes love, family, harmony, beauty. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign need to develop their spirituality, strive for beauty and aesthetics, love art and pay more attention to their personal life, then everything will work out well for them in other areas of life too.


Mercury is considered the patron Virgo and Gemini. The planet bestows excellent intellectual data, communication skills, a flexible mind, talents in trading, and good public speaking skills. The strength of representatives of these Zodiac Signs lies in the ability to communicate, speak, and find a common language. They can achieve a lot through communication.


Moon is the ruler Cancer and Pisces. She bestows, first of all, a rich inner world, creative talents and the ability to empathize. Cancers and Pisces should not forget about their strong side - the ability to help, create and develop.


The sun is the patron Lviv. The Sun bestows representatives of this Zodiac Sign with the energy of creation, creative talents, brightness, and beauty. Leos should always be the center of attention and gather useful people around them to attract the favor of the Sun.


Pluto is the patron Scorpios and Aries. This planet bestows insight and keen intuition. To achieve success in life, Scorpios should listen to their inner voice more often and be able to read the signs of fate.


Jupiter patronizes Sagittarius. She bestows business qualities and luck. And for luck to always be on the side of the people of this constellation, they need to follow their life principles, without deviating from their ideas, ideas and goals.


Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. The planet is not very favorable for development in life. It symbolizes limitation, philosophy, internal laws. At the same time, it forces a person to become an individual and a person. Dissimilarity from others is the main requirement of Saturn.


Uranus patronizes Aquarius. Grants unconventional thinking, creativity, clairvoyance. Uranus forces you to be a pioneer and innovator. To attract the luck of this planet, it is enough to simply bring things to an end and begin to implement your ideas.


Neptune patronizes Pisces and symbolizes harmony, creativity, nature, sensitivity and love of life. In order to find harmony and enlist the support of Neptune, Pisces should live in unity with the whole world, realize themselves as part of it, rejoice more often, be in nature and be in a positive mood. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2015 09:16

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