Runes white magic in runes. Runic magic for beginners

Over the years, black magic has elevated many sorcerers to the rank of deity, who could easily influence other people and certain phenomena. They were helped in this by several means, including fortune telling on Tarot cards, various spells, and ritual ceremonies. Today, an equally popular attribute used in black witchcraft are runes. In skillful hands, they can not only change life for the better, attract money and happiness, but also bewitch a loved one or bring illness to a person.

Possibilities of runes in black magic

Runes represent letters of the ancient Germanic alphabet. Using graphic images, each of them symbolizes a specific Scandinavian god, as well as a natural phenomenon. Rune magic lies not only in fortune-telling, but also in influencing the natural principle. They are connected with black witchcraft through rites and ritual actions. Thus, the owner can look into the future and realize a lot for himself. In addition, using runes, the magician can:

  • Make a shift (shift the grief onto another person);
  • Make a person an outcast. In this case, magic is used to take revenge on the enemy and make him lonely in society;
  • Perform a love spell;
  • Instill a variety of thoughts;
  • Curse the area. Here the magic lies in summoning dark forces that will make life in a given area unbearable.

The fact is that rune magic It can be not only positive, but also negative, you can see if you understand some of the runes in detail. For example, Nautiz inverted means grief, tears and need, inverted Berkana can cause infertility, mirrored Eyvaz and Teyvaz can affect back damage, and Vunyo’s action is aimed at causing poisoning. The worst thing is that death is carried by the runes Hagalaz and Eyvaz.

Many sorcerers claim that reversed runes will have greater impact if they are drawn several times. After this, the effect will not take long to appear.

Using runes in black magic

Since ancient times, runes have been applied to wood, as evidenced by the many artifacts found by archaeologists. However, in black magic they can be applied to cosmetics, photography, clothing, and talismans can be made based on them. To ensure that the effect on the enemy is fully realized, sorcerers try to use damaging formulas. But the effect of their action can be significantly increased if appropriate spells are cast over them and ritual rituals are performed.

Therefore, before writing down the formula, it is necessary to make a reservation, namely:

  • Say out loud the formula and name of the runes;
  • Identify for yourself the purpose of the ritual;
  • Make clarifications, if any;
  • Say the name of the runes again.

All that is needed to perform the ritual of inscribing runes is: the text of the reservation, a chair and table, a pen or pencil, two candles, a knife, a piece of paper. In silence, the magician must sit down at the table, write a formula on a piece of paper, while pronouncing a reservation.

Once the symbol is drawn, you need to trace the sign through the air using a knife. At the end of the ritual, the symbol is hidden in a bag and the candles are extinguished.

It's important to remember that rune magic does not tolerate amateurs, therefore, if you really want to perform any ritual with them, first become thoroughly familiar with their actions, and also study the nuances of using such magical attributes.

Consequences of using runes in black magic

An experienced magician or a beginner should know what the consequences of black witchcraft can be. And they can become very deplorable. Firstly, the person conducting a black magic session takes sin on his soul. Secondly, your dark desires may manifest themselves on the wrong object to which the spell is directed, and a person who accidentally ends up in the wrong place may suffer. And thirdly, the sorcerer himself and the person who turned to him for help in this or the next life can themselves seriously suffer. No one knows exactly what the price for black witchcraft will be, but experienced magicians and sorcerers know that it can be a serious illness, failures in life, or even death. And this can affect not only the person himself, but also his heirs: children, grandchildren, etc.

Runic signs are often used by both black and white magicians. If they are activated, they have very great power and feed their owners with it. Thus, the use of runes helps sorcerers and wizards create the most powerful magical effects.

To use runes, no matter for black or white magic, you need to make them with your own hands and then activate them. Signs are applied to plates made of natural materials - wood or leather. For the runic alphabet to work, you need to breathe life into it.

Initially, magic cannot be divided into black, white and other colors. It is a force that exists in nature regardless of good and evil. What makes magic good or bad is the people who use it for their own purposes. In many cases, even the spells used by sorcerers and wizards are the same. For example, with the help of very similar actions and words, you can either find a missing child or commit a kidnapping, since before you kidnap a person, you must first find him. Similar manipulations are used to induce and remove damage, and there are quite a lot of such examples. When teaching black and white magic, everyone is taught methods of mastering power.

By definition, black magic brings evil, forces a certain person to commit acts that he would never have allowed if he had not been under the influence of spells. In many cases, white magicians do the same. Ridding a client of various addictions also involves changing his behavior. Good and evil fight in the souls of people; what will be good for one can turn into a severe test for another. Therefore, at the very beginning of learning magic, the adept must choose his own path and follow it throughout his life.

Black magic and runes have always been connected. Each magician has a complete set of such cards, made on natural material and activated with the help of his spiritual energy. In some cases, activation occurs by blood. After this, the runes become like living beings and help their owner in everything. They must be treated with respect and never given into the hands of uninitiated people. Depending on the purpose, the signs are drawn on a piece of paper and given to the client. They have no soul, and are destroyed immediately after achieving the result.

In many magical rituals, the sorcerer uses a personal set of runes. They help him strengthen the effect of any ritual, tell him when and how to cast spells and at what time to influence people and nature. When becoming a black magician or witch, you must remember that there will be no turning back. The spirits summoned during initiation will not leave him alone even when the sorcerer realizes the unrighteousness of his practices and tries to stop his connection with the dark side. Much depends on how much darkness a person has plunged into. In many cases, the matter may end in madness or death of the magician. When you give your soul to the devil, you should not hope that he will return it and allow you to live in peace.

White magicians use runes as often as black ones, but unlike the latter, with good intentions. Runic signs can predict the future and warn against some wrong actions. With the help of tablets, experienced magicians successfully ward off trouble from a person. The personality of the wizard himself matters a lot. Some of them are afraid to influence events that are already predetermined. Others take on this difficult task; without the help of activated runes it is difficult to change the line of fate, but strong magicians sometimes manage to save the person who has applied from death.

It is known that a sorcerer can cast a strong spell on any person. Failures and serious illnesses begin, and not a single doctor can establish the cause of the illness. This alone should alert you and start looking for a strong wizard or sorcerer. If treated in a timely manner, white magic and runes may well not only remove the negative impact, but also direct it towards the offender. This is done with the help of special rituals and spells. To find out about the nature of the damage, the wizard uses runic signs. They are also used when making protective amulets. The master writes signs on paper in a certain sequence and tells the client what to do next.

White magicians also activate runic signs, but the ritual is radically different from the same process for black ones. The action involves not demons, but good spirits - entities that do not need bloody sacrifices. In most cases, wizards activate runes with their breath and energy. You should know that signs should not be given into the wrong hands, even for a short time. You need to communicate with living signs from time to time and feed them with good spiritual energy. Then the set will be connected with the magician and will serve him faithfully.

When making an amulet for a stranger, the magician tries to tune it to the customer’s wavelength. Such an item is valid until what the client actually came for has happened. If the talisman is needed for a long time, then the master periodically updates it. When the result has already been achieved, you need to return the amulet to nature. Wooden or paper is burned, but if it is made of a material that does not burn, you can simply throw it into the river. Flowing water will wash away and take away the magical effect and it will not be able to harm anyone. As a last resort, the object is buried in the ground, preferably in the forest.

It is not recommended for an inexperienced person to practice rune magic himself. If handled ineptly, such terrible forces can be summoned into the world that even a professional magician would find it difficult to cope with alone. To neutralize the negative, two or three have to join forces.

Magic and runic signs themselves cannot be good or evil. They become such only when used by white or black magicians. You can cut a cucumber with a knife, or you can kill a person. So is magic - sorcerers maim people with its help, and wizards cure serious illnesses.

I was inspired to write this article by my friend, who was not very well versed in runes. One day she confidently told me: “runes are black magic!”, which plunged me into complete shock. I was even more surprised when I started to put everything into perspective, and received the answer: “but black magicians use runic magic!” Yes, they do. Many are very successful. And what? What does this mean?

She was sincerely convinced that runes were something terrible and that by frequently practicing runic magic, you could bring a lot of trouble into your life. In part, this is true, but not entirely. Trouble can only be attracted with the wrong approach, which I will talk about later.

So, in fact, this article was written so that people who are just beginning to learn about runes can understand their features, as well as in order to dispel a bunch of myths and doubts among people who are poorly versed in runes.

I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth, this blog is just my personal vision based on experience working with runes.

First, let's figure out what runes are and what they are eaten with.

Runes are symbols that, when drawn, carved, drawn in the air or visualized, release energies.

In fact, no matter what they say, runes (to some extent) are just a tool. Magic tool. Therefore, runes are used in conjunction with visualization and personal power. That is, there is a certain mechanism due to which the runes start working. If you draw runes on a piece of paper and don’t specify them, don’t give them a specific task, don’t start this mechanism - they won’t work. Yes, they are drawn on a piece of paper, but they are not launched, and therefore the symbols that are depicted somewhere on the piece of paper are just symbols, and nothing more.

If runes are compared to a tool, just a tool (say, a hammer) with which you want to hammer a nail, then the same principle applies: there is you, there is a hammer, there is a nail. If you place a hammer on a nail, it will not cause the nail to hammer itself. You will probably take a hammer in your hands, apply force and hammer a nail yourself. So it is in runes. Another example. There is a saucepan, there are vegetables, seasonings, spices and other necessary ingredients for cooking, say, borscht. If you put vegetables in a pan, the borscht will not cook on its own. You will prepare it. The principle is clear, right? In fact, a great many such examples can be given, but their essence lies in only one.

I don’t argue: runes are actually quite a powerful thing, but they always work at the expense of someone else’s energy. This principle applies not only to runes, but also to any other type of magic, and to our everyday life (examples are given above).

Now we will figure out whether runic magic is black. In fact, there is only one answer - NO. This is neither black, nor white, nor any other magic. Runic magic is runic magic. That's all. This is the main thing to remember.

So that you understand why I undertake to say this, I will explain in more detail.

Conventionally, magic is divided into certain types: it can be black, white, and in general, there are many directions in magic.

However, this division does not indicate the harmfulness of one or another section in magic.

These conventional divisions were invented by people to make it easier to navigate in directions, but these divisions are not an indicator of anything.

You can argue about this for a very long time, tediously and a lot, but my article is devoted not to white or black magic, but to runic magic, in order to determine whether it belongs to one of these types or not.

White magic is white magic, black is black, runic is runic, energy is energy (working with energies). Any type of impact can cause harm. Anyone.

You work with icons - you are a white magician, you work with devils/demons - you are a black magician, with energies - you are a bioenergeticist, with runes - a runologist. But magic has no color. Some influences are harmful, others are beneficial, but in any case this is a change in fate, an invasion of the energy sector.

By the way, another proof that runes are not black magic: when working with runes, we do not call on anyone. Runes are an independent tool and may well work on your personal energy. Yes, if you wish, you can turn to the Gods, but this is only when you need their help, and this action is not considered mandatory. There are no such concepts as ransom, and therefore this cannot be considered black magic by any means.

And since we gave an example with a hammer earlier, we will build on it. If we again compare runes with a hammer, then they can either hammer a nail or pierce someone’s skull. If you hammer a nail, you seem to be doing a good deed (what’s wrong with hammering a nail? :D), if you break the skull of a living person, this is already a crime, which a priori cannot be a good deed, even if you killed, as you it seemed for the good.

How we use runes depends only on ourselves. From us and our intentions. Runes can cause both harm and benefit: they can cause damage, quarrel with people, bewitch someone, but they can also heal, reconcile, improve some area of ​​life. The intentions with which people use this type of magic do not make the runes white or black. Runes are runes, and they relate only to runic magic, and not to white, green and brown-crimson.

Of course, with the wrong and thoughtless approach, you can mess things up and end up in trouble, but these troubles can be brought into your life without magic, or you can attract them with the help of other “types” of magic. However, again, this does not make runic magic any bad. A thoughtful approach is the key to success. Remember this. And practice for your own pleasure, putting aside all fears and doubts. Otherwise, why start if you are constantly afraid? Runes read everything from the subconscious.

The magic of runes lifts the veil of the mysterious and expands human capabilities.

Rune- symbolic key. It can open the door behind which is everything you need: happiness, health, love, wealth, success - any goal or dream.

Rune magic- a tool with which you can create your own happy life.

Attention! Runes - Very powerful magical tool!

Why do modern people need runes?

Runes are the ancient Germanic sacred alphabet. These are symbols that were used by the warlike and brave peoples of Western and Eastern Europe to convey secret knowledge and predict the future. Rune magic was also practiced by the ancients.

“Rune” from ancient German means “secret”. In terms of semantic content, runic writing is similar to all eastern ones, including ancient Slavic initial letters. Perhaps that is why interest in runes in our society, along with a return to the origins of Slavic culture, is only increasing.

Black rune magic - rituals aimed at causing harm. Curse, damage, illness, poverty, quarrel, bad luck and other misfortunes - all this can be brought about with the help of runic symbols.

White Rune magic is rituals that bring goodness. By her neutralized black magic runes:

  • damage is removed
  • the disease is expelled,
  • life difficulties and so on are eliminated.

The magic of runes is aimed at helping to achieve happiness in each area of ​​life - on attraction:

  • love,
  • money (see figure),
  • Good luck,
  • health,
  • mutual understanding,
  • work and so on.

Rune Magic: Basics

Attention! Runes are a powerful magical tool!

Do not contact them for fun, for trifles. Also avoid using non-professional magicians.

Illiterate use of rune magic harms.

You will find experienced, responsible and professional magicians-runologists in the team of specialists of the Planet of Joy project. If you have a serious problem that requires the help of a specialist, contact a runologist, since independently performing powerful runic rituals is a dangerous activity.

The rune itself is such an energetic symbol that its simple outline- already magic.

Rune magic for beginners is a ritual of applying the symbol of a particular rune to any medium. Usually runes:

  • draw on paper
  • embroidered on fabric
  • cut/paint on wood (ash and oak are preferable),
  • carved on stone,
  • applied as temporary tattoos to areas of the body.

Rune- the key that opens the flow of natural energy. The location of the rune determines where this energy will be directed. The rune includes both the creative flow of life and the destructive. It all depends on:

  • what kind of rune is this?
  • is it inverted (in which case its meaning becomes the opposite),
  • whether it is drawn and applied correctly.

The combination of runes is called “ becoming” or “runescript”. At the station central rune is the main and main one. This is where the drawing begins.

Runes to the right and left of the central one in the stave - additional, reinforcing. They should partially touch the first one, as if united.

Each rune has its own meaning. By combining runes, the magician conditionally writes a meaningful sentence.

Remember emoticons! More precisely, how they can express their thoughts. Runes are the same conventional symbols.

24 runes: meaning

If you have never used rune magic, do not rush to move on to staves.

Start with an outline one runes:

  1. Feu – money, property, material wealth.
  2. Otal – clan, inheritance and spiritual heritage.
  3. Gebo – gift, generosity, finding love.
  4. Yera - a rich harvest, material acquisition.
  5. Raido – journey, movement, determination.
  6. Vunyo – joy, favorable changes.
  7. Soulu – sun, energy, victory.
  8. Inguz – positive energy, successful completion of a life stage.
  9. Teyvaz is a warrior, victory, achieving a goal.
  10. Dagaz is a day, a turning point, new opportunities.
  11. Berkana – fertility, creating a family and having children.
  12. Ansuz – sacred knowledge, negotiations.
  13. Uruz is strength, energy, the embodiment of power.
  14. Kano – inner strength, independent transformation.
  15. Evaz – rapid movement, physical strength, movement from a “dead point”.
  16. Nautiz – need and restrictions, protects from evil people.
  17. Algiz – protection from enemies and physical dangers.
  18. Eyvaz – aversive forces, defense, removal of obstacles.
  19. Perth – the unknown, magical abilities.
  20. Laguz – intuitive perception, information exchange.
  21. Thurisaz – destruction, the gateway to another world.
  22. Hagalaz is hail, a destructive element.
  23. Isa – ice rune, stop, stagnation.
  24. Mannaz is a person.

Practical application of runes

Before mastering rune magic, come to purity and awareness in your life. Make yourself a good person first. Only then will any of your magic be pure - white.

White color and light are a manifestation of high vibrational energy.

By increasing his frequency to purity, a person attracts the same light, like himself, energy. And this same energy is shared with the outside world.

Be kind and bright!

Statistics of search queries on the Internet show that people are more often interested in black magic runes. This is neither good nor bad. Freedom of choice is the law of the Universe.

However, we encourage you to use for the benefit of your strength and the strength of everything, as well as everyone around you, the entire Universe. For the benefit of yourself and her!

Immediately before the ritual of applying runes, you should:

  1. Cleanse the body both outside (water procedures) and inside (proper nutrition and drinking regime).
  2. Wear clean clothes.
  3. Clear your mind. Another option is to enter a state of meditation.
  4. Apply a rune or become on any medium. The simplest thing is to draw a symbol with a marker on a piece of paper.
  5. Place the rune in the place corresponding to your wish. For health, carry the rune with you (it is better that it is in contact with the body), for work - put it on your desk, for money - in your wallet, and so on.

The most complete description in all details is a runic love spell, becoming black or white magic with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Anyone who has done a runic love spell will confirm its effectiveness in 100 percent of cases. However, first you need to have an idea of ​​how love magic works in general.

Without thinking about the subtleties, without details, you can greatly harm both yourself and the one you are bewitching.

The fact is that esotericists who cast a strong love spell practically do not apply their strength to it, which has serious consequences. When performing a love spell, the magician turns to the Higher Powers, sensitive to this direction of magic, becoming a kind of guide.

A strong light or dark runic ritual appeals to good or evil forces, church love spells work with complex egregors of specific religions.

But when performing a runic ritual, the magician turns to northern spirits and strong Gods who have incredible power and determination, and often they go ahead. It is important to treat them with respect; with the right approach, the effect can be obtained immediately, and no one can stop their work.

Often, only the person who performed the runic ritual or a professional witch can diagnose and remove the consequences of such work. This is why a magician needs serious preparation before starting to work with runes. Therefore, we advise you to prepare well before starting the ritual, because it will be quite difficult to remove the consequences and even diagnose rune magic; you will have to seek the help of a magician.

Ritual: serious preparation and adherence to the rules

Preparing for a runic ritual is a mandatory stage, otherwise diagnosing and relieving the severe consequences of an unsuccessful procedure can become a serious problem. The most important thing is to carefully study the runes that you will need to work with. The minimum knowledge about runes is the ability to determine the name of the sign, its meaning, and be able to depict it on paper without prompting. There are twenty-four of them in total, so even a couple of days will not be enough for you.

The best day for the ceremony is Monday or Friday, since they are the days of the patrons of love.

When creating a strong love spell with runes, vises are often used, which are analogues of conspiracies. Ideally, you should come up with them yourself, but remember that they must rhyme. You can’t start the ritual if you’re tired, it’s better to get a good night’s sleep and calm down before work, then a strong effect is guaranteed.

Mages also advise three days before the ceremony to undergo a strict fast, which allows you to cleanse your body and spirit, becoming cleaner. Be sure to take a bath or just perform ablution. One of the most important parts of the work is to concentrate on the image of the person you want to bewitch, otherwise the consequences will upset you, and it will be impossible to remove them and diagnose them.

The best love rituals

Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you, since runic magic does not tolerate disrespect, complete concentration is required. Sit with your eyes closed, you can even meditate, imagining the goal of the love spell. Light one or more candles. Get a prepared item that will remind you of your significant other. Then the prepared runes from the formula are applied to it, for example Nautiz-Gebo, Berkana-Inguz. It is very important not to confuse them, not to swap them.

Then the needle heats up over the fire, let it cool a little, and then pierce your finger with it until it bleeds. Blood should be dripped onto each rune, in the same order as when applied. Then again concentrate on the image of your loved one and say the prepared verse.

The thing on which the runes were applied is worn close to the body for three days, and then buried in the ground.

The second method begins with the acquisition of magic runes, from which you need to choose Evaz, Dagaz, Ansuz.

Then choose 6 more runes that will describe what you want to get from a relationship with your lover (in this case, knowledge about runes will come in handy). Then all the runes are laid out in a row in front of you, only so that Ansuz lies in the center. Then the candle is lit, after which you need to read the visu several times.

Melted candle wax is dripped onto each of the runes.

Once you feel that it is time to finish, you need to put out the candle. The talismans, sealed with wax, are placed in a prepared fabric or leather bag, and a candle is also placed there. After this, the bag can be hidden, and the effect will appear in the very near future. The bag, having become a talisman, is not shown to anyone. Removal and diagnosis of a love spell are available only to an experienced magician.

The consequences of the ritual under the condition of labor - sincere love

In the worst case, jealousy can lead to assault. Think twice, because removing a strong love spell is more difficult; the man will lose many attractive features, becoming an obedient doll in your hands.

It is important to understand that falling in love caused by a love spell is not sincere, so you need to be one hundred percent sure that you want to live with this person all your life.

For love to become mutual, you will need to work a lot on the relationship yourself; no magic will help here. The most important thing is to follow the rules, because one slight mistake can lead to the opposite result, and your other half may begin to hate you. For diagnostics of love magic, they turn to only the best witches and magicians.

Removing the effect of a love spell is not an easy task

Diagnosing and relieving the consequences of a strong runic ritual is the work of a professional. Practice shows that removing and diagnosing a strong love spell is only possible for the person who performed it and for experienced magicians.

Therefore, if you are not sure that the ritual really needs to be carried out, it is better to pause.

It is quite possible that to start a relationship with your lover you just need to pay more attention to him, and no magic, especially dark, will ever make your feelings truly mutual.

How to do runic love spells correctly? Which love spell should I use?

Runes are considered a very effective and dangerous item of magic. Their alphabet makes up a secret key that opens the door to the other world. A runic love spell can bring back faded feelings and awaken love in a person.

Runes are considered a very effective and dangerous item of magic.

What you need to know about runes

Runes are usually carved from wood or drawn on paper, the body, or things. During the manufacturing process, it is necessary to sprinkle them with blood. The set includes 25 symbols, each of which has its own interpretation. Signs tell about events of the present and future. When fortune telling with runes, a person gives them part of the energy as payment for the information received.

The set must be stored in a special fabric bag. Runes should be taken out periodically and talked to them. A person’s faith in their miraculous power plays a big role before any magical action. For anyone who has no idea what runes are and how to work with them, it is better not to engage in any magic using them at all. They do not forgive mistakes and bad attitudes.

Stav represents a fusion of runes. There are bets for good luck, weight loss, wish fulfillment and others. All mergers are subject to specific rules:

  • connected runes should not contradict each other;
  • you need to understand why becoming is done;
  • light-colored runes are not used for negative actions;
  • the symbols do not turn over, they must touch each other;
  • the first rune starts the work of the entire stave.

You need to know that all magical manipulations, including runic love spells, will be valid until the destruction of the runes with which they were carried out.

Runes are usually carved from wood

Features of a runic love spell

If the performer of the ritual doubts his abilities, it is worth entrusting the runic love spell to a specialist who knows exactly how to do it. For beginners, it is better to use simple combinations that help attract love.

The execution time depends on several factors:

  • energy of the object of desire;
  • the energetic power of the performer;
  • accuracy in performing the ritual.

If the victim has already been cast with a love spell by another magician, even the most effective ritual will not help. You won't be able to bewitch a stranger. Drying is prescribed for Friday or Monday. These days are considered the best to attract love.

It is necessary to carefully study the meaning of each symbol, understand the principle of working with runes, and learn about the rules and consequences. Only after this can you cast a runic love spell. The maximum result is obtained on the 21st or 22nd lunar day.

Runic love spells are not as complicated as they might seem. There are ready-made bets on love. If the performer has extensive experience with runes, he can compose a magical formula himself. Only an experienced magician can perform a runic lapel.

Love spell with photo

For it you will need the signs Gebo, Vunyo, Evas, as well as a photo of your loved one. This drying will help awaken feelings of love in the object of desire. On the back of the photo, draw the following symbols and say the text:

“Everything in this world is changing, and you’re tired of rushing around in search. All roads intertwine into one, which leads you only to me. This path is the only correct one. Will lead you to happiness and fidelity!”

Each sign is sealed with your blood, just a drop is needed. Then the photograph is removed to a secluded place and stored where no one will find it.

The signs Gebo, Vunyo, Evas need to be drawn on the back of the photo

Another strong love spell will help improve relations with your husband if disagreements arise. To do this, take a thing or a photograph of your beloved and depict on it the runes Gebo, Otila, Algiz, Vunyo. This must be done discreetly, as the item will have to be returned to the owner. After this the words are said:

“Disputes, disagreements and quarrels are immediately forgotten, all traces of anxiety and resentment have left our family, all adversity melts away like a candle. Our family is protected from any troubles. Passion and love have a place in the house.”

To consolidate the magic formula, you need to drop some blood on each symbol. Hide the photo and put the item in its place. This addition will help restore mutual understanding, love and respect to the family. The relationship will reach a new level, passion will appear in it again.

Betting on love

To achieve sincere love and affection from your chosen one, you can use the following phrase. For it you will need the runes Evaz, Ansuz, Dagaz. Together with them, choose six more symbols that will represent the relationship with your loved one. Place the runes in a row exactly in the order they are listed. Light a candle and say several times:

“I’m breaking my loneliness, not finding love in my native land. I’m setting off on the road, because my dear (my dear) is in a foreign land. I won't miss the meeting! I'll see it, I won't miss it! And he (she) will not miss me when he meets me! When he sees me, he won’t overlook me! Love is on the way! Love is on the way! Love already sees the fire and light in my window! Hurries and flies towards me! Runes will help and protect! They will reward me with mutual love!”

Then drop a little melted candle wax onto each sign and extinguish it. The runes and candle are hidden in a bag and put away in a secret place. This bag will become a kind of talisman for the performer. The powerful effect of the love spell will manifest itself very soon.

Ready-made love formulas

The most common signs used in love magic are:

  • Kenaz. Increases the victim's sexual desire.
  • Berkana. Strengthens family union, returns love.
  • Soulo. Helps you find a new life partner.
  • Vunyo. Fulfills dreams, charges with positive energy.
  • Gebo. Protects against betrayal and lies, improves relationships between spouses.
  • Uruz. Gets rid of past relationships.
  • Tourisage. Eliminates opponents.
  • Inguz. Consolidates the result and promotes the effective action of other signs.

Ready-made bets on love help beginners understand runic symbols

Ready-made bets on love are time-tested. They help beginners understand runic symbols and save time for those who have no desire to understand it. Using the following runes will help save your family:

You can get rid of your rival and attract your lover’s gaze by using the following phrase:

To stop yearning and suffering because of unhappy love, you need to use the Nautiz-Gebo symbols. Becoming Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo will help to arouse passion in your lover.

A strong runic love spell consists of four symbols called “Thurisaz”. This form has a fairly quick effect, so the result will not be long in coming. This sign will provide complete protection from ill-wishers. Despite the instantaneous effect, it will not last long. We will have to renew the faded feelings of the chosen one again. Still, you cannot get carried away with this runic formula; its frequent use can negatively affect human health.

The consequences of a runic love spell

A runic love spell is the effect of black magic, so you should understand that each spell can have consequences, including negative ones. It is necessary to clearly understand that the love that will arise in the victim of drying will not be sincere. Before performing a strong ritual, you should think several times and try to find another way out.

In order for a person’s feelings to become mutual, it is necessary to make one’s own efforts, and not just hope for the influence of a runic love spell. Any mistake during the ritual can lead to irreversible consequences.

Anyone who uses runes for the sake of interest or selfish motives will face serious trouble. In this matter, the main rule is sincerity and pure intentions. If, after drying, the customer regrets what he did, he needs to perform a runic lapel by contacting a powerful magician or sorcerer.

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Working formula: Nautiz-Kenaz-Mannaz-Uruz-Vuno

Apply red ink (blood can be used) to the area of ​​your rabbit's heart chakra. If there is no photo, use links to the object. Draw a man with a heart (imagine a real person), write references next to the drawing, i.e. Full name, date of birth/age, address, phone number, hair color, eye color, etc. Just don’t overdo it – don’t write a biography!

The love spell is not gender specific, so it works equally well on both men and women.

If you are performing a ritual:

Days: Monday – appeal to Freya, Friday – appeal to Frigga.

Gifts: honey drink, apples/apple juice, sweets, flour products, etc. - whatever they ask. Pour it under the tree you like and place the sweets on the ground at the roots with gratitude.

Activation of runes: by breathing (the so-called revival of runes), by burning - I do not recommend it, but by fire (carefully pass the flame over the runes).

Nautiz – the object is drawn to the operator, he feels the need/need to see the operator, hear, feel, hold the hand, be close.

Kenaz – fire, the passion that the rabbit feels towards you, the object’s sexual desires/attraction to the operator. Here you can specify what the rabbit would like to do with you.

(Psychological aspect: Kenaz is a torch that illuminates the road for the walker, helping to see its unevenness, holes and stones lying on the way to you).

Mannaz - the rabbit himself, who is “hooked on you like a hook,” then turn on the visualization, imagine a satisfied face in love with you.

Uruz - action. aimed at winning you as the most desirable partner (anything - the rabbit wants to meet you, call, hug, kiss, carry you in his arms, etc.), including sexual desire for you. Provides a love connection, harmonizes relationships, ensures sympathy between partners. In general, it fills all relationships with strength. Where the power of Uruz is present, relationships will not deteriorate.

Vunyo – causes joy, high spirits in the rabbit when he sees the operator, communicates with (your full name), he doesn’t feel as good with anyone as he does with you, he experiences psychological comfort, enjoys any interaction with ( Your full name). The operator is a kind of drug for the rabbit, both psychologically and physically.

Validity period: a week (works great without updates), then depends on the personal strength of the operator. If you feel that the effect has weakened, renew it. If everything is in order, leave it as is.

And one more thing - you shouldn’t expect instant results, remember: the runes need some time to promote the embedded program (from a couple of hours to 1-2 days). But when the ligature “takes root” to the rabbit, you can “warm it up” simply by visualizing it - it works instantly. Draw, for example, on the back under the guise of a massage.

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Love spell seeking protection from the goddess Freya

Freya (whose name means “mistress”) is a Scandinavian goddess from the Vanir tribe, the sister of Frey. First of all, she is known as the patroness of love, beauty and fertility. This is the goddess of sensual pleasures and passions, the giver of good luck and abundance. She gives joy and pleasure, blesses unions and quenches the thirst for love. In addition, as a widow who has experienced the bitterness of loss, she helps those who have lost their loved ones cope with grief. Not only is she accessible, but she also often takes an active role in reaching out to those who need her - this happened to me, and this is what I have read about in many modern clergy. In addition, she is one of the few goddesses who is served equally by both women and men.

Altar and offerings:

  • colors (for cover and candles): gold and green;
  • altar decoration: amber; gold jewelry (symbolizing the famous golden necklace or belt of Freya - Brisingamen); figurines or images of cats (sacred animals of Freya); heart-shaped stones or amulets; rune Fehu; symbols of the elements of Earth;
  • offerings: sweet pastries, sweet berries, honey, sweet wine, blood sacrifices are welcome.

Golden Freya, appear at my request,

Rescue your heart from a new misfortune!

Stand up, armed, in gentle warfare

Runes are ideally placed on a carrier and lining. Options: photo, hand and touch the object, etc.

Runic love spell - features of Viking magic

From time immemorial, magic has been a wonderful assistant to man in almost all areas of his life. The rich experience of our ancestors turning to various witchcraft rituals in order to achieve what they wanted has been preserved to this day, and modern people often resort to the help of mysterious forces. A runic love spell is one of the varieties of such magic.

Runes are one of the most powerful magical attributes. With their help they tell fortunes, clear space of negativity, make amulets, and perform various magical rituals. Runes are also successfully used in love magic: runic love spells are among the most effective. It is about them that I want to talk about in this article.

The concept of runes

Runes are a powerful magical tool of ancient times. They contain all the power of their creators and all those powerful individuals who used them for their own purposes. To some extent, runes are a kind of ancient alphabet, consisting of secret words that have enormous power. It is easy to assume that runes were not used by people in ordinary life, or rather, not for ordinary purposes.

If you also decide to turn to runic magic, I advise you to carefully prepare for this: learn the runic alphabet, get acquainted with the name and style of each character, try to understand and feel each of the runes so that they can really help you achieve what you want.

In general, there are a lot of runes. But in love spell magic, 24 symbols are usually used, their common name is “Futark” (an abbreviation of the initial letters of the first row of runes). Futhark runes have been used by sorcerers and magicians for centuries, so they carry powerful magical potential. A runic love spell helps to get an effective result and can be used even by a novice magician.

Love runic staves

A runic love spell involves the use of special formulas created from runes with a specific meaning. By composing a formula, the master is able to obtain almost any result he needs. A person who is far from magic can use ready-made formulas in his practice. The most popular runograms:

  • Berkana-Inguz- “Freya’s seal”, a runic love spell aimed at concluding marriage bonds.
  • Nautiz-Gebo- “chains of love”, aimed at causing love’s longing.
  • Teyvaz-Uruz-Gebo- has an easy effect, makes the customer of the love spell attractive in the eyes of the object of the ritual.
  • Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo- runic focusing on passion and sexual desire.
  • Algiz-Berkano-Vuno- gives women good luck in family life.
  • Kenaz-Gebo-Laguz- helps to find true and sincere love for marriage.
  • Gebo-Inguz-Evaz- aimed at calm relationships in marriage.
  • Perto-Kenaz-Gebo-Nautiz- a powerful becoming that suppresses even people with a strong will.

In the process of a runic love spell, the required runogram (depending on the final goal) is applied to some thing, and a hang (spell) is cast over it. This thing is usually:

  • Photo of the love spell victim;
  • Personal belongings of the subject (clothes, dishes from which he eats or drinks).
  • Food products that the person being bewitched should consume in the future.
  • Present.

It doesn't matter how you apply the runes. The only condition is that the person being bewitched should not suspect anything about the ritual directed towards him. Often, a love spell requires dripping a little of your own blood onto the rune, so make sure you have a sterile needle on hand in advance.

Several interesting formulas can be seen in this video:

In order for the result of a runic love spell to be effective and quick, it must be done in compliance with specific requirements:

  • Perform a ritual on the waxing moon;
  • The best days for a runic love spell are: Monday(day of the goddess of love and passion - Freya), Friday(day of the goddess of family hearth and marriage - Frigg);
  • Use special spells - vises. You can use ready-made hangings, but it will be best if you come up with them yourself, in the form of a poem;
  • The chances of a successful love spell are increased by visualization - do not forget to use your imagination and imagine yourself together with your loved one;
  • The ritual requires serious preparation: study all the runes well, rest, get enough sleep, and be in a good mood:
  • Cleanse yourself before the ritual: fast for three days, wash in a bathhouse (but not in a public one).

Remember that a runic love spell is a black ritual, and the consequences from it can be the same as from any love spell from the arsenal of black magic. Follow all the above recommendations carefully.

An example of a runic love spell

Runic love spell from a photograph

Attributes for a love spell: photograph of the chosen one; three runes - Evaz, Gebo, Vunyo; sterile needle.

Love spell task: force the person being bewitched to see only positive qualities in the person who ordered the love spell, instill in him a great desire to build a future together with her.

Take a photograph of your chosen one and on the back side draw the signs of the above runes. After this, read the visu - a spell. It might look something like this:

“Everything is changing in this world, you’re tired of rushing around in search. All roads intertwine into one, which leads you only to me. Only the right path will lead you to fidelity and happiness!”

After you read the verse, prick your finger with a needle and place a couple of drops of your blood on each of the runes shown in the photo. When the ceremony is completed, hide the photo in a secret place and store it.

Are runes black magic or not?!

I was inspired to write this article by my friend, who was not very well versed in runes. One day she confidently told me: “runes are black magic!”, which plunged me into complete shock. I was even more surprised when I started to put everything into perspective, and received the answer: “but black magicians use runic magic!” Yes, they do. Many are very successful. And what? What does this mean?

She was sincerely convinced that runes were something terrible and that by frequently practicing runic magic, you could bring a lot of trouble into your life. In part, this is true, but not entirely. Trouble can only be attracted with the wrong approach, which I will talk about later.

So, in fact, this article was written so that people who are just beginning to learn about runes can understand their features, as well as in order to dispel a bunch of myths and doubts among people who are poorly versed in runes.

I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth, this blog is just my personal vision based on experience working with runes.

First, let's figure out what runes are and what they are eaten with.

Runes are symbols that, when drawn, carved, drawn in the air or visualized, release energies.

In fact, no matter what they say, runes (to some extent) are just a tool. Magic tool. Therefore, runes are used in conjunction with visualization and personal power. That is, there is a certain mechanism due to which the runes start working. If you draw runes on a piece of paper and don’t specify them, don’t give them a specific task, don’t start this mechanism - they won’t work. Yes, they are drawn on a piece of paper, but they are not launched, and therefore the symbols that are depicted somewhere on the piece of paper are just symbols, and nothing more.

If runes are compared to a tool, just a tool (say, a hammer) with which you want to hammer a nail, then the same principle applies: there is you, there is a hammer, there is a nail. If you place a hammer on a nail, it will not cause the nail to hammer itself. You will probably take a hammer in your hands, apply force and hammer a nail yourself. So it is in runes. Another example. There is a saucepan, there are vegetables, seasonings, spices and other necessary ingredients for cooking, say, borscht. If you put vegetables in a pan, the borscht will not cook on its own. You will prepare it. The principle is clear, right? In fact, a great many such examples can be given, but their essence lies in only one.

I don’t argue: runes are actually quite a powerful thing, but they always work at the expense of someone else’s energy. This principle applies not only to runes, but also to any other type of magic, and to our everyday life (examples are given above).

Now we will figure out whether runic magic is black. In fact, there is only one answer - NO. This is neither black, nor white, nor any other magic. Runic magic is runic magic. That's all. This is the main thing to remember.

So that you understand why I undertake to say this, I will explain in more detail.

Conventionally, magic is divided into certain types: it can be black, white, and in general, there are many directions in magic.

However, this division does not indicate the harmfulness of one or another section in magic.

White magic is white magic, black is black, runic is runic, energy is energy (working with energies). Any type of impact can cause harm. Anyone.

You work with icons - you are a white magician, you work with devils/demons - you are a black magician, with energies - you are a bioenergeticist, with runes - a runologist. But magic has no color. Some influences are harmful, others are beneficial, but in any case this is a change in fate, an invasion of the energy sector.

By the way, another proof that runes are not black magic: when working with runes, we do not call on anyone. Runes are an independent tool and may well work on your personal energy. Yes, if you wish, you can turn to the Gods, but this is only when you need their help, and this action is not considered mandatory. There are no such concepts as ransom, and therefore this cannot be considered black magic by any means.

And since we gave an example with a hammer earlier, we will build on it. If we again compare runes with a hammer, then they can either hammer a nail or pierce someone’s skull. If you hammer a nail, you seem to be doing a good deed (what’s wrong with hammering a nail? 😀), if you break the skull of a living person, this is already a crime, which a priori cannot be a good deed, even if you killed, as you thought , for the benefit of.

How we use runes depends only on ourselves. From us and our intentions. Runes can cause both harm and benefit: they can cause damage, quarrel with people, bewitch someone, but they can also heal, reconcile, improve some area of ​​life. The intentions with which people use this type of magic do not make the runes white or black. Runes are runes, and they relate only to runic magic, and not to white, green and brown-crimson.

Of course, with the wrong and thoughtless approach, you can mess things up and end up in trouble, but these troubles can be brought into your life without magic, or you can attract them with the help of other “types” of magic. However, again, this does not make runic magic any bad. A thoughtful approach is the key to success. Remember this. And practice for your own pleasure, putting aside all fears and doubts. Otherwise, why start if you are constantly afraid? Runes read everything from the subconscious.
