Mozhaisk deanery. Orthodox Christians celebrate two major holidays in August

Uncovering the relics of St. Seraphim, Sarov miracle worker.
- Cathedral of the Kursk Saints.
- Icons of the Mother of God Tenderness Serafimo-Diveevskaya.

Day of Elijah the prophet or Elijah's day. This saint is one of the most popular among the people, he was called the applicant of God's holy law. Elijah punished sinners by sending hail to their fields. And for the industrious and pious peasants, the saint showed paternal care: he watered the crops with blessed rain, exterminated pests.

According to legend, Elijah the prophet expresses God's wrath. His punishing right hand punished the spirits of darkness, and especially evil demons. Therefore, the evil spirit is afraid of him like fire.

The future prophet was born in the city of Thesvia (Thesba) nine centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ. At the moment, the father of Elijah had a vision in which heavenly angels were swaddling and feeding the baby with fire. It became prophetic - the boy grew up and became a beacon of faith. Elijah went to live in the desert, where he prayed a lot and observed the strictest fast. Later, he was called to the prophetic ministry and began to struggle with wicked deeds and departure from the true faith.

Christians and Jews believe that the prophet was taken to hell alive. His disciple Elisha saw the saint ascend to heaven in a fiery chariot.

Also on this day:

Uncovering the relics of Athanasius of Brest.
- Icons of the Mother of God of Galich, "Sign" Abalatskaya, Orsha.

Prophet Ezekiel.
- Venerable Simeon of Palestine and John.
- Hieromartyr Peter Golubev, presbyter.

Myrrhbearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene.
- Transfer of the relics of the holy martyr Phocas.
- Reverend Cornelius Pereyaslavsky.

Martyrs Trofim, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs.
- Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God.

Martyr Christina.
- Blessed Princes Strathorpians Boris and Gleb, in the holy Baptism of Roman and David.
- Cathedral of the Smolensk Saints.

Assumption of rights. Anna, Mother of the Blessed Virgin.
- Reverend Macarius Zheltovodsky, Unzhensky.

Hieromartyrs Yermolai, Hermipp and Hermocrates, Priests of Nicomedia.
- Reverend Moses Ugrin.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.
- Reverend Herman of Alaska.

Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk, named Hodegetria (Guidebook).
- Cathedral of the Tambov Saints.

Martyr Kallinikos of Cilicia.
- Martyrs Seraphim.
- Rev. Korstantin and Kosma Kosinsky.

Martyr John the Warrior.
- Uncovering the relics of St. Herman of Solovetsky.
- Celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God Okonskaya.

Prefeast of the Origin of the Holy Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
- Hieromartyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and the murdered Hieromartyrs Archimadrid Sergius and Martyrs Yuri and John with him.
- Righteous Evdokim the Cappadocian.

Assumption fast begins, which will last until August 28. According to church tradition, the Mother of God learned about the time of her transition from this world and prepared for it by fasting and fervent prayer, although she did not need to cleanse her soul, since her whole life was a model of holiness.

Orthodox fast, imitating the feat of the Most Holy Theotokos, wishing at least in part to become like her purity.

Also on this day:

The origin (wearing) of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
- Honey Spas.

Transfer from Jerusalem to Constantinople of the relics of the first. Archdeacon Stephen and the acquisition of the relics of the righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Aviv.
- Blessed Basil, Moscow miracle worker.
- Achair Icon of the Mother of God.

Venerable Anthony the Roman, Wonderworker of Novgorod.
- Reverend Cosmas the hermit.

The seven youths who are in Ephesus.
- Venerable Martyr Eudoxia of Rome.

Prefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Rev. Martyr Job Ushchelsky.
- Hieromartyrs Arfira and Favius.
- Martyr Eusignius of Antioch.

Transfiguration. This day is considered one of the main holidays of Christians, when the church is blessed.

For the first time, the holiday began to be celebrated in the 4th century, when a temple was built on Mount Tabor, which was consecrated precisely in honor of the Transfiguration.

The history of the Transfiguration of the Lord is described in the Gospel of Matthew, Luke and Mark. All three stories are similar to each other. Jesus took three disciples with him, with whom he went to Mount Tabor to turn to God. During the pronunciation of the prayer, the face of God's Son brightened and lit up with the rays of the sun. The prophet Moses and Elijah also appeared at this time, who talked with him about future sufferings. It is this event that is called the Transfiguration of the Lord. It personifies the union in God's son of everything human and Divine.

Also on this day celebrate Apple Savior.

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Uncovering the relics of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh.
- Reverend Anthony of Optina.

Saint Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus.
- Transfer of the relics of Saints Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky
- St. Myron the Wonderworker.

Apostle Matthias.
- Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints.

Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the holy fool, Kaluga.
- Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Solovetsky.

Martyr Archdeacon Euplas.

Martyrs Photius and Anikita and many with them.
- Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana.
- Martyrs Pamphilus and Capito.

Commemoration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- The Repose and the Second Finding of the Relics of St. Tikhon, Wonderworker of Zadonsk.
- Martyrs Hippolyta, Irenaeus, Avundius and Martyrs Concordia.

Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caves.
- Prophet Micah.
- Celebration of the icons of the Mother of God Besednaya and Narva.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to legend, the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, lived for 72 years.

Once, during a prayer, the Archangel Gabriel told the Mother of God about her impending death and presented a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and decay: “Your Son and our God with archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, with all heavenly spirits and souls of the righteous, will receive you mother, to the kingdom of heaven, so that you may live and reign with him for an endless time.

Before her death, at her bed, the Virgin Mary saw all the apostles and disciples of her son, whom the Holy Spirit miraculously gathered in Jerusalem. Thus, the Mother of God was able to say goodbye to them. She asked them to rejoice, not to grieve. After all, "Her death is just a brief dream, and she departs to her Divine Son."

At that moment, light filled the room, the roof of the house opened, and Christ descended into the upper room with many angels. The Most Holy Theotokos turned to the Lord with a prayer of thanksgiving and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. After that, Mary joyfully gave her soul into the hands of the Lord.

The Mother of God was taken up to heaven, and when the disciples of Jesus came to the cave where Mary was buried, her body was no longer there - only funeral vestments lay. Since human death did not touch Mary, the death of the Virgin is called the Assumption.

Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
- Bread Savior, also referred to as Nut Savior or Savior on Canvas.
- Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Reverend Pimen of Ugreshsky.
- Armati Icon of the Mother of God.

Martyrs Florus and Laurus.
- Icons of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa.

In August, the Orthodox celebrate two major holidays and observe a multi-day two-week fast. From this point of view, the month is quite full of various events. Of course, in addition to major holidays and fasting, the church daily celebrates the days of memory of various saints. What does the church calendar for August 2018 look like - all Orthodox holidays and fasts of the last summer month.

In August, the Orthodox church calendar contains two twelfth non-transferable holidays. These days are among the 12 holidays that mark the main events of the earthly life of Christ and the Mother of God. The word non-transitory means that the dates of the holidays do not change. In August 2018, they are celebrated on the same dates as usual.

The first of these holidays will be celebrated on August 19. It's about the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The Feast of the Transfiguration is dedicated to the gospel event, which was witnessed by three apostles: Peter, James and John. During a long prayer on Mount Tabor, where Jesus took the apostles, the disciples saw the transformation of their teacher. At some point, the face of Christ began to shine like the sun, and the clothes became snow-white. The prophets Moses and Elijah came to Christ, with whom he calmly discussed his upcoming

The second twelfth holiday of August is celebrated on the 28th. This holiday is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Blessed Mary outlived her son, Jesus, according to various sources, by 10, 15 or 22 years. She lived in the house of the Apostle John the Theologian, and the disciples of Christ often talked with her and prayed together. Mary loved to visit the places described in the Gospel, where the main events in the life of her son took place. She often prayed, including in her prayers, Mary asked Jesus to take her to him.

During one of these prayers, the Archangel Gabriel descended to Mary, who told her that in three days her earthly life would end.

For the Blessed Mary, this was good news. In fact, she died three days later. At that moment, Mary's room was lit up with a bright light, and Jesus Christ personally received the mother's soul.

From August 14 to 27, the Orthodox observe one of the four multi-day fasts of the whole year - the Assumption Fast. The dates of this post also do not change. Fasting is dedicated to the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is observed for two weeks on the eve of this day.

The Dormition Fast is the second strictest during the year. Only Great Lent is stricter. As for the Petrovsky and Filippovsky fasts, they are less strict towards those who fast.

According to the rules of the Dormition Fast, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, “dry food” must be observed. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, boiled food is allowed, but only without oil. Wine and oil are allowed exclusively on Saturdays and Sundays.

The church calendar for August 2018 will tell you about all Orthodox holidays, fasting dates, saints' commemoration days and special periods of commemoration of the dead.

In August, believing Christians will celebrate 84 Orthodox divine holidays.

August 2 - Ilyin's day. The spiritual day of memory of the prophet Elijah, who was very revered by the people, along with Nicholas the Wonderworker.

August 14 - Honey Spas. The first Savior of 2018 is otherwise called the Savior on the Water. On this day, it is customary to come to church to consecrate the first harvest of honey. According to the rules, honey brought to the temple should be left to the poor on the porch.

August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord, is one of the twelve feasts and is celebrated by the church on the 19th. The Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ - described in the Gospels, conveys the Divine majesty and glory of Jesus Christ before the three closest disciples during prayer on the mountain.

August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Feast of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, dedicated to the memory of the death of the Mother of God. In Orthodoxy, it belongs to the number of the Twelve. According to church tradition, on this day the apostles who preached in various countries miraculously gathered in Jerusalem to say goodbye and perform the burial of the Virgin Mary.

Lay believers are waiting for the Dormition Fast, which will last from August 14 to the 27th. During this period, Christians refuse fast food, indulging in prayers and frequent trips to the temple.

From August 28 to 31, the autumn meat-eater begins, which will last until November 27. During this period, it is allowed to eat meat and animal food.

August 29 - Walnut Spas. Traditionally in Rus', fairs were organized on this day, where fabrics were sold, so the holiday has a different name - canvas Savior.

We remind you that one-day fasts on Wednesdays and Fridays will be valid all the time, except for those days when major church holidays are celebrated or fasts are made. Dry eating must be observed on August 1, 3, 8, 10, 29 and 31.

Those who wish to pray for the departed relatives will be able to after the end of any church service.

In addition to the major holidays of the church calendar, the Orthodox Church also celebrates the days of memory of saints, which are present on the calendar every day.

In August 2018, the church pays tribute to the following saints:

  • August 1 - Rev. Diy of Constantinople, hegumen;
  • August 2 - the prophet Elijah;
  • August 3 - the prophet Ezekiel;
  • August 4 - Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene;
  • August 5 - righteous warrior Feodor Ushakov;
  • August 6 - the martyr Christina of Tire;
  • August 7 - righteous Anna, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • August 8 - Martyr Paraskeva of Rome;
  • August 9 - the great martyr and healer Panteleimon;
  • August 10 - the apostles from 70 Prokhor, Nikanor, Timon and Parmen deacons;
  • August 11 - the martyr Theodotia and her three children;
  • August 12 - the apostles from 70 Siluan, Criskent, Epenet and Andronicus;
  • August 13 - Martyr Julitta of Caesarea (Cappadocia);
  • August 14 - martyrs in Perga of Pamphylia: Leontius, Attius, Alexander, Kindei, Minsitheus, Cyriacus, Mineon, Katun and Eucleus;
  • August 15 - blessed Vasily, holy fool for Christ's sake, Moscow miracle worker;
  • August 16 - Saint Cosmas the hermit;
  • August 17 - Martyr Iya of Persia;
  • August 18 - Hieromartyrs Anfir and Favius, Popes of Rome;
  • August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • August 20 - Martyr Potamia the Wonderworker;
  • August 21 - Martyrs Eleutherius and Leonid;
  • August 22 - Apostle Matthias;
  • August 23 - Blessed Lawrence, for Christ's sake holy fool, Kaluga;
  • August 24 - Martyrs Theodore and Vasily of the Caves, in the Near Caves;
  • August 25 - Martyrs Photius and Anikita and many with them;
  • August 26 - the martyrs Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Avundius and the martyr Concordia, in Rome;
  • August 27 - the prophet Micah;
  • August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • August 29 - martyr Diomedes doctor;
  • August 30 - Martyr Myron Presbyter;
  • August 31 - Martyrs Flor and Laurus.

August 1 - Makrid. Mokrin. According to the weather on this day, the whole autumn is judged: "Macrida is wet, and autumn is wet." "It's raining on Makridu - and all autumn, too, and next year rye will be born." If there is no rain on Makridu, dry weather often sets in for six weeks. "If the fluff flew from the aspen - go for the boletus." Gadflies bite the last day. Macrida plants autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​- winter.

Ts.Feast of St. Seraphim of Sarov - acquisition of relics. People turn to the saint for diseases of the spine, as well as for mental illness and neuroses. Name day of Roman, Stepan, Seraphim.

August 2 - Elijah the Prophet -, Ilyin's day."On Ilya before lunch - summer, after lunch - autumn." "From Ilyin's day, the night is long and the water is cold." After Ilyin's day they don't bathe. "Ilya ends the summer." Before Ilyin, the peasant bathes, and from Ilyin on the day he says goodbye to the river. Mornings begin. The day has been reduced by two hours! “Peter and Paul reduced the day by an hour, Elijah the Prophet dragged away two.” Haymaking ends. "Ilya the Prophet - mowing the term." And on this day it is useless to mow - Ilya will burn the mop with lightning. Ilya the Thunderer - Lord of lightning and thunder. Elijah the prophet rides across the sky in a fiery chariot. Cattle must not be released into the field because bastards go everywhere on this day. On this day, the merman celebrates his holiday. According to another belief, the water one is afraid of thunderstorms and lightning sent to him by Elijah the prophet. The leaves on the trees are starting to turn yellow. After Ilya second crop of mushrooms. Mosquitoes stop biting. The prophet Elijah ends the summer, the zhito (stubble) is reaping. By the day of Ilyin, at least whip with a whip, but fence.

Celebration Day icons of the holy prophet Elijah which helps with various ailments. One of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. Born in Palestine. Elijah was called by God to the prophetic ministry under the Israeli king Ahab (900 BC). By great miracles, Elijah contributed greatly to the maintenance of the true faith among the people of Israel and the destruction of idolatry. Through the prayers of St. prophet, for the apostasy of Israel from the true faith, the Lord closed the sky. And for three years not a single drop of rain fell on the ground. When the Israelites repented and turned from idols to God, through the prayers of Elijah, the Lord opened the sky and sent rain on the earth. For his fiery zeal for the Glory of God, the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven alive in a fiery chariot. According to legend, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the terrible second coming of Christ to earth and during the sermon he will accept bodily death. Temple of Elijah the Prophet, where the miraculous icon “The Fiery Ascent of the Prophet Elijah” stands in the iconostasis: Moscow, 2nd Obydensky per. 2 - metro station "Kropotkinskaya". Celebration Day Chukhloma or Galich and Abalatskaya "Sign" icons of the Mother of God. Name day at Ilya, Athanasius, Vasily.

August 3rd - Onufry with prostrations. The Monk Onufry raises the cornfield, directs the plow. Elijah the prophet with thunders, Onufry with prostrations. On this day, the bins were put in order. The name of the month of August came to us from Byzantium. And translates as majestic, sacred. August got its name in honor of the Roman emperor, great-nephew of Julius Caesar Octavian, to whom the Senate presented the title "August" - Caesar Augustus, that is, "exalted by the gods." In ancient Rus' they called him sickle, because at that time they reaped bread with sickles. Also called him glow, zornnik, zornnik - from clear dawns and bright lightning, which this month is rich in. August - Harvest Festival! Father-August crushes, but after that it amuses. In August, the woman oppresses the ridge in the field, but her life is honey, the days are shorter, longer than the night, backache, and pickles on the table. What you collect in August, you will spend the winter with it.

Finding relics blessed princess Anna Kashinskaya, prayer to which relieves a wide variety of ailments.

August 4 - Mary Magdalene, myrrh-bearer. Born and raised in the town of Magdala. According to legend, Mary was young, beautiful and led a dissolute life. Christ cast out seven demons from her, and she became a faithful disciple of the Lord. The gospel tells that Mary Magdalene was on Golgotha ​​at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus, fearlessly remained at the Cross along with the Mother of God and St. John and was one of the first to whom the Risen Christ appeared.

Mary is a berry, sweetie. kind and lucky day, but they don’t work in the field - a thunderstorm will kill. Goes collection of black and red currants, blueberries, take out flower bulbs from the ground "". They began to pick wild berries, and therefore they called Mary - Buttock. There will be strong dews on Mary - flax will be sulfur and braids "", i.e. dew destroys the whiteness of flax and shortens its growth. Thunder day. "If there is a thunderstorm, there will be hay behind the eyes." Elijah the prophet rushes across the sky in a fiery chariot and throws lightning-fast arrows to the ground in order to smash to death evil spirits hostile to man. From the smashing arrows of Elijah the prophet, the demon can hide in a person, but the saint will not spare the person and will kill him along with the unclean. Name day at Maria, Cornila.

5th of August - Trofim Bessonnik. "Long sleep - no good to be seen." Suffering is in full swing - not before sleep. Reap - do not doze off. Reap with one hand, and this with the other, early and quickly. On this day baked pies with the first raspberries, saying: “The bast from the raspberry is not large, but the berries are sweet, but you will pull the bast from the Kalinnik, but you won’t take the berries in your mouth.” Collection of viburnum and raspberry berries.

Celebration Day icons of God Mothers of "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (with pennies). Prayers to this image help cure epilepsy and other serious illnesses. In 1711, Tsarevna Natalya Alekseevna brought a copy of the Moscow icon to St. Petersburg, which received special veneration there. The Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" became one of the main shrines of St. Petersburg, she was revered as miraculous and numerous lists were made from her, including simplified ones. One of these simple copies became famous in a poor wooden chapel at the Glass Factory on the left bank of the Neva. This icon survived a lightning strike on July 23, 1888, while it was renewed and small coins (groshiks) remained on its surface, which had boiled during the strike. Coins (12 copper pennies) were nearby, in a begging circle before the lightning strike. Healings and other miracles occurred from the icon. Celebration Day Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Once upon a time, two monks settled in the cave of Pochaevskaya Mountain for exploits. Once one of these ascetics ascended a mountain to pray and saw the Most Holy Theotokos in a pillar of fire, standing on a stone. This was also seen by the shepherds grazing their flocks under the mountain. When the vision ended, in the place where the Mother of God stood, a foot was imprinted in the stone, which soon filled with clear water. Remarkably, the water in this foot does not decrease, although numerous pilgrims took it for their consecration and healing. Name days at Konstantin, Trofim, Apollinaris.

The position of the human body in a dream:- the sleeper should lie with his head towards the church or with his head to the south, otherwise you can block the way for the brownie. - to sleep on the right side means to sleep the guardian angel. -when all people fall asleep, then the night guardian angel bypasses the sleeping ones. Stopping in front of people who went to bed naked, he says: “This is a man!”, And passing undressed people, he says: “This is a deck!”, At such words, an undressed person shudders in a dream. - if a person sleeps on the right side, and his hand is thrown back with his palm up - he is loving and merciful. - the person who slips into his feet in a dream is dishonorable. - a man who pushes a pillow out from under his head lives in discord with a woman. - a person who is sleeping, and his hands are near the heart, that God-fearing. - if a person is sleeping and his hand is under his face, that sad person.

August 6 - Boris and Gleb Letnik. The first Russian saints canonized by the Russian and Byzantine Churches. They accepted death from Svyatopolk the Accursed, who wanted to take the throne of Kiev. "Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe." You can pick berries bird cherry. There are usually strong thunderstorms on this day. They tried not to work in the field: "Boris and Gleb will burn the bread." Sweat bubbles up until Boris-Gleb takes the bread away. By this time the rye was ripening. Name day for Boris, Gleb, George, Cyril, Roman, Christina, David, Polycarp.

August 7 - Anna Kholodnaya, winter guide. Macarius - fair - birthday girl. If the matinee is cold, and winter is early and cold. What is the weather before lunch - such is winter until December, what is after lunch - such is winter after December. If it rains, the winter is snowy and warm. Dedicated to Macarius Nizhny Novgorod Makariev Fair, which opened on July 15 and lasted until August 25. Name day at Anna, Makara, David, Olympics.

8 August - Yermolai - clean up the bread.

August 9 - Nikola Kochansky, Kochanny. Whacky day. Cabbage curls heads. There is usually a thunderstorm on this day. On this day collected medicinal herbs but they were careful not to work in the field - Panteleimon would burn with a thunderstorm. In the mornings, colds begin, and on the cabbage field there are a lot of cabbages. Cabbage is spherical, curly, bald on top - eat for health. A host without cabbage has an empty belly. Cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth. Cabbage and potatoes were the main food rally(late summer). It's time to dig potatoes. Birch branches thrown on garden beds, where cabbage grew, to protect against caterpillars. Panteleimon is called Paliy and they are afraid of thunderstorms on this day. Any dishes in the hut during a thunderstorm it must be overturned, if it is empty, poured should be hastily baptized and closed, eating anything during a thunderstorm is considered a sin, all classes are left. People stunned by thunder are buried in damp earth, only their faces are left uncovered, covered with raw cabbage leaves and fresh grass.

Panteleimon Paliy - . The healer, the great martyr relieves all ailments, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Is the protector of warriors. Lived in an area called Nicomedia in III-IV centuries. Having studied the art of medicine, he devoted his life to serving the suffering, the sick, the poor and the poor. When, by one slander, he was put to torture for the Christian faith, the Lord showed many miracles during his suffering: the most cruel methods of execution could not bring any harm to the martyr. When they cut off his head, milk flowed from the wounds. This happened in 305. By the power of prayer, Panteleimon managed to resurrect a dead child, heal a blind man, and others. The Church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, where his icon is located - Moscow, Region, Zhukovsky, Gagarin St., 77a. Church of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon in Solyany Lane, 17, St. Petersburg. Celebration Day Magadan Icon of the Mother of God. This icon was painted after the miraculous appearance of the Queen of Heaven in the city of Magadan on August 9, 1989. Birthdays Nicholas, Clement, Anfisa, Naum, Savva, Herman, Panteleimon.

10th of August- Prokhor. Prokhory and Parmen - do not start an exchange. If the winter crops are harvested, it's time to plow the field. "Prokhor plow and harrow get along." Church bells clear the air from evil spirits, which are especially animated during a thunderstorm. During a thunderstorm, all windows and doors are closed, all dishes are covered so that the demon does not fly in. To calm the storm, they kindled a fire in the furnace. In order not to get sick throughout the year, you need to wash yourself with water during first thunderstorm. During a thunderstorm, you can’t hide under a pine or spruce, as evil spirits live there, it’s better to hide under a birch. God's fire - a fire from a thunderstorm - is a sin to extinguish. During a thunderstorm, devils run in droves to the boundary. Plunging into the water, the devils turned into fish, so the fishermen did not eat the fish caught in a thunderstorm if it had red eyes. On a rowan night, when there is a storm with thunder and lightning, to protect the house and other buildings from evil spirits, it is useful to hang Easter tablecloth unless it has been washed.

Ts.Prazdnik - the icon of the Mother of God Grebnevskaya, called the Guide, who heals serious ailments. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared in Constantinople to two blind men and commanded them to go to Her temple, where she granted them healing. Residents of the city of Grebnya presented this icon to Dmitry Donskoy, who was returning after the victory over Mamai. The temple where the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God is kept: Moscow Region, Odintsovo, Moscow Highway, 72. Celebration Day Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk ("Hodegetria"). According to legend, the icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos and brought from Constantinople in 1046. In 1237, during the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, the icon performed a great miracle during the defense of Smolensk. Celebration Day Belozerskaya Icon of the Mother of God, Yugskaya Icon of the Mother of God. She was in the Yugsky-Dorofeev Monastery near the city of Pskov. Once, one ascetic was going home, to the village of Nikulskoe near the city of Mologa, and carried with him, by God's command, the icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria. Resting on the way, on the banks of the Yuga River, the elder put the icon on a tree, and when he wanted to take it down and continue on his way, he could not move it. “You are trying in vain to remove My image. I want a monastery for monks to be built here. May My image arrive in her and with it - My grace, ”he heard. Soon a monastery was founded here, which received the name of the Yugsko-Dorofeeva desert on behalf of the elder and the Yuga River. Name day of Moses, Prokhor, Nikonor, Nikolai, Vasily, Anastasia, Elena, Ivan, Julian, Pavel, Irina, Antonina.

11th August - Kalinnik, Kalinov day. Seraphim fiery. There will be no matinees on Kalinov's day, and Luppa (September 5) will not freeze. Time of trouble, gloom, twilight, darkness and density of air, haze and haze, dry fog hanging in the air. At this time, there are often morning frosts. "Bring, Kalinnik, a haze (i.e. fog), not frost." Fog on this day portends a good harvest of oats and barley. “If it’s foggy on Kalinnik, put in scythes about oats with barley. Kalinnik and Seraphim (fiery, fiery) are preparing mother earth together for the three Spas. Kalinnik fires apples, after which they acquire a pink, reddish color, they ripen by the Apple Savior, and Seraphim fruits and berries bloom. After all, Seraphim brings light to the earth. It is like a flame, fast and light. (The name Seraphim in translation means “fiery, fiery.” Seraphim are lights, lights, fiery angels). On this day, a woman named Serafima treats with raspberry pies mixed with viburnum juice. Name day for Konstantin, Seraphim, Mikhail, Valentine, Kuzma, Nikolai, Roman, Alexander.

12th of August - Strength and Siluyan. Silin. Memorial Day of the Apostles from the 70th Power, Silouan, Kriskent, Elenet and Andronicus. In the year 51, the apostle Silas, together with the apostles Paul, Barnabas and Judas, was sent to Antioch to clarify the conciliar message. Silant's Day. “If at this time the days are cloudy and cool, then there should be no fear of rain and work can continue.” "If the weather is windy on the Force and the rain is drizzling - to a long sputum." The power of bread is strong. “On Siluyan, the rye is drunk - full of grain, it tends to the ground.” The strength of the root is gaining strength on the saint. Early plowing of the fields and sowing for Strength - to a plentiful winter. On Strength, burdock takes strength from the earth. In burdock, you need to pluck those leaves that grow from the middle of the stem. Holy Strength will add strength to the peasant. Whoever sows rye for Strength will be born strong. Khlebushek- God's gift, God's grace. Not finishing the bread means offending him. In the bread, the strength and strength of the earth is hidden. Name days for Herman, Valentin, Ivan, Maxim, Anatoly, Luka, Angelina, Pavel.

burdock(burdock) also called grandfathers, since there was a custom to put a symbol of a good spirit - a sheaf of this thorny plant at the gate or door of the hut, barn, to drive away alien hostile spirits, evil spirits.

August 13 - Evdokim. Evdokimovo conspiracy before the Dormition fast. Prefeast of the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. If you don’t speak the harrow, you won’t please the horse. On this day, they talked with mother harrow, they said a prayer word. Yes, and agreed with the harrow-worker. Plow is a scavenger, and a harrow is a righteous one. The harrow pulls out all the weeds with its teeth and turns the earth into fluff. Makovei and Honey Savior are approaching - it's an hour for everything. They ate fresh and steamed turnips, even baked turnip pies. Name day at Evdokim, Benjamin.

There is a legend that the goddess Lada ordered Kvasura to pour a barrel of honey into a cauldron of water, add hops and stand in the sun for three days, stirring occasionally. He jumped up, wandered, foamed. Kvasura strained it through wool and got drink of the nine powers, the true drink of the gods, which our forefathers drank as a sign of goodness and community with the gods. Hence the strength of honey and drink . Hops - a plant and a god.

August 14 Spas First, Honey , Wet . Maccabeus. Ts.Prazdnik - The origin (wearing) of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. This holiday was established in Constantinople. In the summer in the Byzantine Empire, contagious diseases began due to the heat. Knowing the power of the Life-Giving Cross, the Holy Church established the custom on the first day of August (according to the old style) to bring Holy Crosses out of churches into the streets and crossroads. Applying to them with faith, people received healing from diseases. Since then, on the eve of the bearing of the Cross, it was delivered from the royal treasury to the middle of the temple, and until the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Cross was offered to the people for worship. Such wear and veneration of the Cross, the weapon of our salvation, happens two more times a year: on the Adoration of the Cross week of Great Lent and on the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord on September 27, according to the new style. Along with the consecration of water, the consecration of honey is performed and the tasting of its new collection is blessed. holiday associated with end of summer. The holiday was established on the occasion of signs from the icons of the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Cross during the battles of St. blga. book. Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgarians in 1164.

Spasovki - last from 14 to 29 August. Seeing off summer. It's beekeeper's day. Raspberries ripen. The beekeepers break the first honeycombs in the hives. From that day they began to eat honey. From the First Savior starts Assumption post [until August 28]. In the conciliar definition of 1166, under the Patriarch of Constantinople, Luke Chrysoverg, a uniform order of this post was established. The charter did not allow eating fish during the entire fast, except for the feast of the Transfiguration (August 19). On Saturdays and Sundays, boiled food with vegetable oil was allowed, on Tuesday and Thursday - without vegetable oil, and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday dry food was prescribed. The Assumption Fast is dedicated to the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God. It lasts exactly two weeks, but is a strict fast. The Dormition fast, like any other, has as its goal the strengthening of spiritual life. Fasting must certainly be combined with prayer, repentance, the struggle against sinful passions and habits, and the performance of good deeds of mercy. The fruits of true fasting are victory over one's sinfulness, spiritual joy, love for God and people. Cold dews begin, roses fade. Swallows and swifts fly away. The swallow begins spring and calls autumn. On this day they gave a tribute to water, hence the second name of the Savior - Wet, Spas on the waters. They noticed that the swallows fly off at three Spas - August 14, 19 and 29. There was a custom on this day to unite the whole family in friendship and harmony. It was customary for the oldest man in the family to go out onto the porch and bring honey in the combs to the wanderers to taste. At the first Spas and the beggar will try the medicine. IN that day they pinched peas.

Celebration Day Icons of the Mother of God the Forerunner. Located on Athos. Name days for Semyon, Markel, Alexander, Leonty.

August 15 - Stepan Senoval. "What is Stepan, such is September." Aftermath (newly grown grass) is mowed and haymaking is completed. On this day, our ancestors wove a wreath of different herbs, as if the sun was this wreath, fragrant with the smells of field and meadow herbs. And the herbs were chosen such that they had not even dropped a flower. And then they hung this wreath in a red corner. Sometimes this wreath was woven near a stone called a rusak. This stone was filled with earthly strength. Around him they thought, they vented their grief to him. St. Stephen the First Martyr is the patron saint of horses. They watered horses through silver for health, for offspring. They threw a small silver coin into the water, then watered the horses from a hat, in which there was also a coin. And the coin was hidden in the stable under the manger. This coin passed from father to son. The north wind during rain is a harbinger of good weather.

Day of Remembrance blessed basil, Christ for the holy fool, Moscow miracle worker. Prayer to him helps to get rid of eye diseases. Before the death of Blessed Basil, Tsar John visited him IV with Empress Anastasia and Princes John and Fedor. The blessed one prophetically said to the youngest of them, Fedor: “Everything that belongs to your ancestors will be yours, and you will be their heir” ... The Tsar himself carried the coffin of St. Basil to the grave. Name days for Vasily, Stepan, Plato, Roman, Taras.

August 16 - Anton Vikhrevey. Isaac Malinnik. If the wind is with whirlwinds, expect a snowy winter. What is Isaac, such is October. It can rain for a long time. The hostesses scald the tubs, cook for salting, pick cucumbers. At this time, the collection of forest raspberries is in full swing. Birthdays: Isaac, Anton, Kuzma, Ivan.

Holy icons have the most ancient origin in the Church. The first image of the Lord, according to legend, came out of His own pure hands. Prince Avgar of Edessa was ill. Hearing the miracles of the Savior, and not being able to personally see Him, Avgar wished to have at least His image, while the prince was sure that he would receive healing from one glance at the face of the Savior. The painter, having arrived in Judea, tried in every possible way to write off the divine face of the Savior, but because of the shining lightness of the face of Jesus, he could not do this. Then the Lord called him, took the cloth, wiped off His face, and the miraculous face of the Lord, not made by hands, was displayed on the cloth. The holiday for the sake of this icon is set on August 16.

August 17 - Avdotya Senognoyka, Malinovka, Borage. Raspberry. "What Avdotya, such November." " Avdotya came - pick the last cucumbers, remove the garlic and onions. It is often rainy and damp on Avdotya. "If it rains on Avdotya, all the hay will rot." From that day on, rains begin to fall, harmful to sowing. These rains were called hay molasses. According to the Malinukhs, note November: if it is better, then November will turn out to be fine. On Malinukha, a woman, like a raspberry, is filled with sweetness! I didn’t take raspberries in my mouth - I didn’t see life! On Avdotya, picking raspberries - prepare braids, and if there are raspberries - harvest for bread. The owner in the house is like a bear in the forest, and the hostess in the house is like a raspberry in the forest. How many sweet, tasty, fragrant pies women baked on this day! On this day, raspberry honey was prepared. In the evening, a feast was arranged with fragrant raspberry tea. Name day for Evdokia, Ivan, Konstantin, Denis, Kuzma, Semyon, Maxim.

August 18 - Evstigney Zhitnik. Prefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. On Evstigney start harvesting onions.

"What is Yevstigney, such is December." In the evening they went out onto the field, shouted and listened to the echo. If it is far away, there will be buckets; if it is close, it will rain. On Evstigney, the stubble was conjured on all four sides, they called on Mother Earth to help. This rite was performed so that evil spirits would not settle in the field and would not harm the cattle that grazed in the mowed fields. At dawn we went out into the field with hemp oil and, pouring it out on the earth, turned to the east, west, south, and north. Saying: “Mother-cheese earth! Take away all the unclean vermin from a love spell, turnover and dashing deeds; Mother earth! Swallow up the impure force into the seething abyss, into the combustible pitch; Mother earth! Satisfy all the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with a blizzard; Mother earth! Stop the midnight winds with clouds, contain the frosts with blizzards! After each turn and spoken words, the earth was poured with hemp oil from glassware, which, with the last words, was thrown to the ground and shattered. According to legend, this spell is only valid for one year, so every summer on the eve of the second Savior it was repeated again. They ate raw onions with bread, salt and kvass, and bundles of onions were hung in the rooms to purify the air. Name day at Evstigney, Nona, Semyon, Gregory, Evdokia.

August 19 - Second Spas, Apple. Saved on the mountain. Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ - . To sustain the faith of His disciples as they soon see Him suffering and dying on the cross, Jesus Christ showed them His divine power. Shortly before His suffering, He took the three disciples Peter, James and John, and with them went up to the high Mount Tabor to pray. While the Savior was praying, the disciples fell asleep from exhaustion. When they woke up, they saw that Jesus Christ was transformed: His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white like snow and shining like light. At this time, in the glory of heaven, two prophets appeared to Him - Moses and Elijah, who talked with Him about the coming sufferings and death that He was to endure in Jerusalem ... The apostles stood in fear and in joy, so that Peter said: “Lord ! It's good for us to be here." And there was a voice of the Heavenly Father to the disciples: "This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him." By the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, Jesus Christ showed the disciples the Glory of His Divinity so that during His coming suffering and death on the Cross they would not waver in faith in Him, the Only Begotten Son of God.

"What is the Second Savior, such is January." "With the Transfiguration, the weather changes." Consecrate the first apples. The Dormition Fast continues. Fish is allowed at the meal. The Second Savior breaks the fast with an apple. From this days they begin to eat apples, sow winter. Before the Transfiguration, it was especially strictly forbidden eat apples, generally tried not to eat any fruits except cucumbers. And from that day on, in Rus' they began to eat fruits and vegetables. Orthodox brought fruits to temples, over which prayer and sprinkling with sacred water were performed. On this day, the bird Alkonost flies to the apple orchard. A bird in the form of a woman brushes living dew from its wings. All the fruits on the apple tree become healing, they are transformed, hence the Feast of the Transfiguration. The fruits are alive. All fruits are full of miraculous power. Meet autumn. The apple-tree smell spreads throughout all of Great Rus' and the Russian land is filled with it, it calms the sorrows, troubles and sorrows of girls and women. On Apple Savior, a dry day - to dry autumn, wet - to damp, and clear - to a harsh winter. The weather starts to deteriorate. "Apple Saved a fur coat." What is the Savior, such is the Protection (October 14).

August 20 -Marina, Pimeny. Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Saint Pimen's Day. The Monk Pimen the Painful was ill from birth. Three days before his death, he recovered, he himself came to church, where he took communion of the Holy Mysteries and said goodbye to the brethren. On Pimen, raspberries are bitter, but sweet to eat. Look back at Pimen in the suffering, put a sheaf on the widow's field. Wash the sick Pimen, feed him, apply strength to his health."Pimena - Marina do not look for raspberries in the forest, after the summer they do not go to raspberries." On this day with apples, honey, pies went to hospitals, orphanages bringing gifts from his family. If the storks are preparing to fly away, the autumn will be cold. The flight of swallows continues. The swallow is a holy bird. While sailing in Noah's ark, a swallow tears off a mosquito's head so that it does not tell the snake that human blood is the sweetest in the world, since then the swallow and the snake have been at enmity, but the swallow is protected by a person.

Ts.Feast - St. Mitrofan of Voronezh - the miracle worker, acquisition of relics. Prayers to this saint help to cope with chronic ailments (male diseases). The saint left an edification to posterity: “For every person, this is the rule of wise men: use labor, keep moderation - you will be rich; drink temperately, eat little - you will be healthy; do good, flee evil - you will be saved. Church of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, where his icon is kept: Moscow, st. 2nd Khutorskaya, 40. Art. Civil from the Riga station. Birthdays: Pimen, Mitrofan, Marina, Anton, Alexander.

Signs about swallows: -Whoever kills a swallow will be left with luck in the household. - Swallow droppings are very poisonous. If it falls on a person's head, the head will be covered with scabs. - You can’t touch swallow eggs, otherwise there will be freckles. - The girl will soon get married if the swallow builds a nest on her house. - He who carries the heart of a swallow with him is always loved by women.

August 21 - Myron Vetrogon. Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Windrunners drove the dust across the wide world, sobbed through the red summer."What are Myrons, such is January." Early frost at the end of summer - for next year's harvest. There are strong winds on this day. If the grasshoppers crackle loudly - to dry weather. If there are clouds in the sky, but the bees are in no hurry to hide in the hives, there will be no rain. On this day collected autumn mushrooms.

Celebration Day Icons of the Mother of God of Tolga healing diseases of the skeletal system. For the first time, the icon of the Mother of God appeared in 1314 where the Tolga River flows into the Volga - in the Yaroslavl region. In 1392, the icon began to exude a fragrant myrrh with healing powers. The most famous miracle is the healing of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Exaltation of the Cross Church of the Holy Vvedensky Tolgsky Convent, where the list of the icon of the Tolgskaya Mother of God is located: Yaroslavl, pos. Tolga. Name day at Gregory, Emelyan, Leonid, Miron, Zosima, Nikodim.

Signs on the road : - If the oncoming person asks: "Where are you going?" - then the road will be unhappy, in order to prevent subsequent misfortunes and unpleasant surprises, you should answer: “Sell tomatoes to the Kudykin mountains!”. If you did not answer the question, then you should return, since there will be no further way. - There are three bad minutes in a day, and it is not known what minute a person will fall into when leaving the house. That's why, when he leaves the house in the morning, then he must say: “Whoa quila, whoa quila, whoa quila,” in order to warn against damage or illness thrown into the wind.

August 22 - Apostle Matthias. Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints. Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Matthew is badass. “Matvey lets in bad weather, interrupts with summer rain in autumn.” Birthdays: Matvey, Yuliana, Yakov, Alexey, Anton, Maria.

Expression - Friends, do not spill water. What kind of death grip do they hold on to each other? That is, they cannot disperse, they are tied to each other to death. Thus, friendship requires constant presence, this is a plot - to be constantly together.

Expression - To get to know each other, you need to eat a pound of salt together. A pood of salt is 16 kg, 1 kg is 1000 g. That is, a pood of salt is 16000 g. The daily intake of salt is 7 g. 2285 days are needed in order to get to know each other, that is, it takes more than 6 years. That is, 6 years is the time for the formation of the mind, but on the condition that people are constantly together and eat from the same plate. That is, you have to be classmates and slurp the same porridge from the same plate. Not without reason before 5 - 7 years in brides, grooms went, recognized each other. After all, there was no time for divorce, but in order to live together, it was necessary to get to know each other properly. Our ancestors were wise, they saw and noticed a lot of things and passed them on to us.

August 23Lawrence the Orator. Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. At noon they look at the water: if it is quiet, the boats do not rock, then the autumn will be quiet, and the winter without blizzards and evil snowstorms. If there is a strong heat or heavy rains, then it will be so all autumn. It was assumed that the weather of this day is set for the whole autumn. Fishing time. The seer of the dawns spread along the river, they, like a pink veil, fell on the mirror-like surface of the water. Autumn and winter live well, if on this day the water is calm and it rains. Moles make high heaps - the weather will soon turn bad . Birthday Alexei, Roman, Lavrenty.

Signs about fish: - Children, until they start talking, should not eat fish or fish soup, otherwise they will be dumb for a long time. - If a ruff is caught on the first catch, then the fishery will be unsuccessful. - The abundant appearance of fish in any area portends an imminent famine. - In order for the subsequent fishing to be successful, you need to spit three times in the mouth of the first fish you fished.

24 august- St. Theodore's Day. Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Martyrs Theodore and Basil of the Caves. Asceticised in XI century in the Kiev monastery. Once Rev. Vasily carried out his obedience outside the monastery for three months. The demon, taking on his appearance, appeared to Theodore and pointed out the treasures that were once hidden in the cave by robbers. The monk already wanted to leave the monastery in order to buy an estate and live in moderation. But when Vasily returned, the demonic deceit was revealed. Prince Mstislav heard a rumor that the monk Theodore had found many treasures in the cave. He called the monk to him and ordered him to point out the place where the valuables were hidden. Theodore answered the prince that he buried them away from temptation, and God took away his memory where they were hidden. The prince did not believe it and ordered the saint to be tortured to death. Mstislav ordered Vasily to be tortured, and then fired an arrow at him. Dying, Vasily threw an arrow at the feet of the prince and predicted that he himself would be killed by it. According to legend, St. Theodore tends goats, St. Basil gives wool to sheep. If on this day something was wrong with the goats, it means that the goblin got into the habit of riding and having fun with the goat. Goats were especially protected on this day. The people believe that on the night of the martyr Euplas, ghosts walk on the graves: whistles, howls and songs are heard. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow underneath, early sowing will be good. Sheep are usually sheared on Vasily, so that they can grow new wool before the cold weather. Seagulls fly high and circle above the water - to a strong wind, sit on the water - to good weather. The storm is still going on. Name day at Fedor, Vasily, Susanna.

About lightning: - An object lit by lightning does not follow, and it is impossible to put it out, since the dead devil is burning here. With relative impunity and success, such a fire can be extinguished with sweet milk alone. However, at the very beginning of the fire, the lit parts should be separated and trampled underfoot, covered with “cloth” or buried in the ground, but not filled with water, which itself ignites and intensifies the fire. - They cover the samovar with something so that the lightning does not see it and does not strike it. - An iron stick is put on the porch, because its lightning is afraid. - In a fire caused by lightning, you can not scream. - You can put out the fire with an Easter egg, but with the one that was first christened. If you throw an egg against the wind, you can deflect the direction of the fire in that direction.

25-th of August -Photius is respectful. Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Birthday Alexander.

August, 26th - Tikhon. Commemoration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. On this day, women whispered conspiracies so that autumn rot would not stick to winter storages. The spider strenuously weaves a network - to good weather. If there are a lot of “clothes” on the bulbs, the winter will be cold.

Day of Remembrance - Saint Tikhon Zadonsky, Bishop of Voronezh, who heals diseases that are considered incurable. Born in 1724 in the village. Korotsk, Novgorod diocese. He predicted many of the fates of Russia, in particular, about the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. Commemoration Day The seven-shooter icon of the Mother of God ("Softener of evil hearts"). Our Lady of Seven Arrows was pierced with seven arrows: four on the right side and three on the left. In Vologda, in the parish church of St. Demetrius of Prilutsky on Navoloka, there was a miraculous copy of the Seven-shot Icon. Celebration Day Passionate Icon of the Mother of God. Birthday Tikhon, Maxim, Ippolit.

August 27 - Mikhey Tikhovey. Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Rev. Theodosius of the Caves. Winds blow on Micah - quiet - to the bucket [warm] autumn; a storm on Micah - to a rainy September. If the cranes fly to Micah, then wait for frost in mid-October, and if not, then winter will come later. The beginning of leaf fall. "Mikheev's day with an Indian summer storm - the wind echoes." Mikheev day Assumption post ends, goes towards the autumn meat-eater. Mushrooms appeared - summer is over.

Celebration Day Narva Icon of the Mother of God. This icon became famous in 1558, when Russian troops stormed the city of Narva. The icon of the Mother of God was thrown by the Germans into the fire under the cauldrons where beer was brewed. The flame recoiled from the cauldron, flared up, and a storm swept in and engulfed the entire city in flames. The Russians stormed into Narva. The icon was unharmed among the ashes. A church was built in honor of the icon in the city. Celebration Day icon of the Mother of God, called "Besednaya". Birthdays Arkady, Mi hey , Basil.

August 28 Assumption of the Mother of God of the Most Holy Theotokos - one of the twelfth Christian holidays, established in memory of the death of the Mother of God. It has been celebrated since the 4th century, finally legalized in the 5th - 6th centuries - after the 3rd Ecumenical (Ephesus) Council, which confirmed the veneration of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. Often after the Resurrection of Christ, the Mother of God visited the Holy Sepulcher and prayed there. On one of these visits, the Archangel Gabriel appeared before Her and announced Her imminent death. Through the prayer of the Mother of God, the Lord miraculously gathered all the apostles on the day of Her Assumption. The death of the Most Holy Theotokos (according to the generally accepted tradition in 48) was marked by miracles. The Most Holy Theotokos bequeathed that Her body be buried near Jerusalem in Gethsemane, between the tombs of Her righteous parents and St. Joseph the Betrothed. At the hour of the Dormition, the holy apostles with hymns surrounded the splendid bed on which the Mother of God reclined. Suddenly, the top of the house, as it were, disappeared in the rays of the immense Light, and the King of Glory Himself, Christ, descended, surrounded by many angels. The Blessed Virgin gave her soul into the hands of Her Son and God. Ap. Thomas was not destined to be present at the Dormition of the Mother of God, and he greatly lamented this. The apostles, in heartfelt pity, decided to open the cave where the Ever-Virgin was buried, but, having opened the coffin, they saw only burial shrouds. And the apostles understood that the Lord took the most pure body of the Mother of God to His abode, just as He Himself is there in His resurrected body. Therefore, this event is not called death, but dormition - the Mother of God, as it were, fell asleep. The Mother of God did not leave this world to the end, but she always stands before her Son in holy prayers for people. The icon "Assumption of the Virgin" is part of the festive row of the iconostasis of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos was built in the depths of the Kidron Valley, encircling Jerusalem from the north and east. Near the valley in the gospel times was the village of Gethsemane. IN V century, a temple was erected over the tomb, which was destroyed in 614 during the attack of the Persians, but the tomb cave survived. Now, a covered staircase, built by the crusaders, leads to the cave temple, illuminated only by lamps and candles. The underground temple has a cruciform shape. In its center is a tomb cave with two exits (from the west and from the north). A daily Liturgy is celebrated on the Holy Sepulcher, and special celebrations take place here during the Dormition Fast and on the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos itself.

Dozhinki. Dormition - fall asleep, cover. Assumption - the death of the Virgin and the cutting of the last sheaf. They cut the last sheaf - the Virgin Mary's braid for the next year's harvest. The end of the harvest, and the meeting of autumn. There is a custom to leave uncompressed ears on the strip, which were tied in a knot - “twisted their beard”, bent to the ground with the words: “Mikola on the beard, so that the saint would not leave without a crop next year” - in order to return to the earth the strength that the harvest took. Also buried bread and salt in the ground to feed the earth. They finished plowing the fallow: “To plow before the Assumption - to press an extra mop.” The swallows fly away. The young begins Indian summer[before 9/11]. Dormition fast ended. Started harvesting various stocks. " On the Dormition salt cucumbers, and on Sergius (October 8) chop the cabbage. If the young Indian summer is windy [hot] - expect bad weather for the old \\ from September 14 to September 21\. A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - to a clear and cold winter. If on this day there is neither wind nor rain, then the weather will be good all autumn. It's time time to think about the soul.

Memorial Day of the icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Novgorod), Honored icons of the Assumption of the Mother of God, Mozdok, Atskur, Tsilkan, Blacherna (Georgian), Vladimir, Chukhlomaka, Surdek, Tupichev icons of the Mother of God.

August 29Third Spas, Bread, Nut , Canvas. Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord. Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Nuts are ripe for this day. If the crane flies off to the third Savior, then it will be frosty on Pokrov (October 14), but no - winter will come later. They bake pies from new bread. The first Spas - they stand on the water, the second Spas - they eat apples, the third Spas - they sell canvases on the green mountains, so the third Spas was also called "The Savior on canvases." Fairs, trade in linen and canvas. The Third Savior has stocked up bread and nuts. It was believed that the swallows fly away three times, three times the Savior. On the third Spas the last departure of the swallows. Also, the last dozhinochny sheaf could be compressed on this day. It was necessary to press it silently, hence its name silent. The spirit of the field lived in the ears of corn that remained on the field. When a dozhin sheaf is brought into the house, insects are driven out of the house, that is, they are sent to heaven for snow and the first call of mother winter!

Celebration Day icon of the Mother of God Feodorovskaya (Kostroma), healing various diseases, helping women in labor and young mothers. Known since 1164. In 1272, repelling the raid of the Tatars, the Russian army went into battle with the miraculous image of Our Lady of Feodorovskaya, the radiance from which burned hundreds of Tatars and they fled. It is called Feodorovskaya because in Kostroma, before the construction of the main Assumption Cathedral, it was in the cathedral church in the name of St. Theodore Stratilates. Since 1613, the bright image has become a family shrine of the Romanov family. The young Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich received a blessing for the kingdom from his mother. In Moscow, on this day, a religious procession was held annually in the Kremlin with the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Epiphany Anastasinsky Convent, where the miraculous Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God is kept: Kostroma, st. Bogoyavlenskaya, 26. Name day at Demid, Alexander.

August 30 - Miron. Alipy the icon painter. Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Help the widow. Beginning of leaf fall. The first to drop a leaf is a birch behind it - linden, elm, bird cherry. They noted: “Rain is like a guest: if it comes in the morning, then it will leave, and if it comes in the evening, then it will stay overnight.”

Celebration Day Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God. Birthdays Miron, Firs, Pavel, Ulyana, Philip.

August 31 Flor and Lavr - Memorial Day holy martyrs who heal serious ailments. Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Horsemen . horse festival. Cold matinees begin, in the morning it freezes slightly. We tried to finish all the field work. On this day, they did not plow on horseback. They were taken out to the meadow, fed deliciously, braided their manes into braids, and decorated them with flowers. They baked hoof-shaped cookies and sprinkled them with holy water..

Celebration Day Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" ("Pantanassa"), helping with cancer. Visit the Novospassky Monastery, where there is a copy of the miraculous icon (the original is in Greece in the Athos Monastery), bow to the icon (August 31), light a candle and read a prayer for the health of loved ones. Moscow, Krestyanskaya square, 10, Proletarskaya metro station. Name days for Denis, Ivan, Flora, Lavr, Emelyan, Illarion.

AUGUST 1 - acquisition of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov (1903). The Monk Seraphim of Sarov is a holy desert dweller, a recluse and a seer, a recluse and a seer, one of the most revered Russian saints. He was born into a merchant family in the city of Kursk. In 1778 he entered the ranks of the novices of the Sarov Hermitage, eight years later he was tonsured a monk. Voluntarily withdrawing into seclusion, he spent time in strict fasting, labor and prayer. Upon leaving the shutter, he attached special care to the dispensation of the Diveevo monastery. Many people flocked to his cell to reveal to him the secrets of their conscience, their sorrows and needs, and everyone received consolation. "Christ is Risen, my joy!" - with such words, the Monk Seraphim met every guest.
Heals various diseases.

AUGUST 2 - the memory of the prophet Elijah (IX century BC). Russian people have revered Elijah since ancient times, built many churches in honor of the holy prophet. Far beyond the borders of Karelia, the wooden Ilyinskaya Church, built in 1798, is known for its beauty. Every year, hundreds of people come to the Ilyinsky churchyard in the Vodlozersky National Park on Ilyin's day. The ancient temple is perceived today not only as a masterpiece of carpentry, as an outstanding historical and architectural monument, it is the main Orthodox shrine of the national park.
The prophet Elijah is prayed during a drought. There are often storms and thunderstorms on Ilyin's day.

AUGUST 3RD - memory prpp. Simeon and John (c. 590). Saints Simeon and John lived in Syria and were friends from childhood. They accepted monasticism in Jerusalem, where they came from Syria to worship the holy places. Then they labored inseparably for 29 years near the Dead Sea. Then, by the inspiration of God, St. Simeon left the desert to serve the salvation of people and accepted a high feat - foolishness for Christ's sake, and St. John, left in the desert, deeply honored his spiritual brother and sent everyone who turned to him to "the holy fool Simeon." Glorified by the gift of clairvoyance, miracles and healings, St. Simeon died peacefully. Rev. John also reposed in his wilderness. Both of them died on the same day.

4 AUGUST - the memory of the myrrh-bearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (I). A native of the city of Magdala on the shores of the Lake of Gennesaret, Maria was young and beautiful. Before meeting with the Lord, she led a dissolute life, but Christ healed her by casting out seven demons, after which Mary became His faithful disciple. She was on Golgotha ​​when Jesus was crucified, together with the Mother of God and the Apostle John, she was also among the myrrh-bearing women. Christ was the first to appear to Mary after the Resurrection.
In Russia, Mary Magdalene has long been revered as the patroness of orphans. In the last century, many communities operated throughout the country, which opened and patronized educational homes and schools for poor and orphaned girls.
She is prayed for the healing of the possessed, including those possessed by a prodigal demon.

5 AUGUST - celebration apparitions of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. The miraculous image protected the Pochaev Lavra (now the Ternopil region of Ukraine) from the invasion of the Turks, who besieged the monastery in 1675. The Mother of God herself appeared above the temple with heavenly angels holding drawn swords. Now the icon is known to the entire Orthodox world, it is in the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral and every morning it falls down on ribbons so that believers can venerate the miraculous shrine.
Before this icon, they pray for healing from blindness, chronic and incurable ailments, for the release of captives, and the admonition of sinners.

6 AUGUST. Today - day of Boris and Gleb, noble princes, sons of Prince Vladimir, the first Russian martyrs-passion-bearers. In 1015 they were killed by Svyatopolk, nicknamed the Cursed, who did not want to share the inheritance with his brothers. Svyatopolk was punished by God - his army was defeated in the war with his brother Yaroslav, and Svyatopolk himself died.
The memory of both holy martyrs has been honored in Rus' since ancient times, as evidenced by the many ancient monastery and parish churches erected in their honor. Chronicles are full of stories about miraculous healings that took place at the relics of the holy princes, and about victories won with their help.

8 AUGUST - memory of the venerable martyr Paraskeva who suffered for her faith in Christ during the reign of the Roman emperor Anthony Pius (138-161). She converted many pagans to the true faith. Her memory is sacredly honored in Russia. The saint is an assistant in family life, a female intercessor. In Essoila today, with the help of Orthodox Finns, a wooden chapel in the name of St. Paraskeva.

9 AUGUST - memory Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305) . A skilled physician who lived in Nicomedia and suffered for the holy faith in 305, one of the most revered healing saints. Panteleimon means “all-merciful”, he showed mercy to everyone, treating the suffering for free, comforting the prisoners and generously distributing his property to those in need. After his Baptism, Panteleimon healed all sorts of illnesses not so much with pharmacists, but with the invocation of the name of the Lord. In Petrozavodsk, on Drevlyanka, a temple is being built in the name of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
They pray to him for all kinds of ailments.

AUGUST 10 - the feast of the great Russian shrine, miraculous Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called "Hodegetria"(Guide). This icon, according to legend, was painted by the apostle and evangelist Luke during the life of the Most Holy Theotokos. About the time of its appearance in Russia, information differs. Of the numerous miracles that took place from this icon, the deliverance of Smolensk from the Tatars in 1239 is especially remarkable. The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God enjoys great reverence among the Orthodox people. Now this icon is in the Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk. Lists from it are distributed in huge numbers in churches and houses of believers. There are more than 30 miraculous and especially revered copies.

12 AUGUST - memorial day holy martyr John the Warrior (IV), defender of the unjustly condemned and offended, helper of the hungry.
Also on this day, the acquisition of relics is celebrated. Rev. Herman, the first of the ascetics who settled on the Solovetsky Island together with St. Zosima, who founded the famous monastery.

14 AUGUST - holiday Origin (wearing) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord; feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos.
The celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established on the occasion of signs from the icons of the Savior, the Most Pure Mother of God and the Holy Cross during the battle of St. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgarians in 1164, in which the enemies were defeated.
The people called this holiday Honey Savior- by this time, the bee stopped delivering honey and it was possible to break out the combs, which means that you could try the honey of the new collection. The church on this day consecrates honey and flowers.
Today begins the Assumption Fast, which will last until August 28 - the twelfth feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Assumption fast is strict: eating fish is allowed only on August 19 - on the day of the twelfth feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

15 AUGUST - Orthodox people remember today blzh. Basil, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow miracle worker (1557). Not only the townspeople, but also the kings put up with the words of the truth of this holy fool. The coffin with Vasily, who died on this day exactly 445 years ago, was carried by Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Metropolitan Macarius. Two years later, at the place of his burial, the Pokrovsky Cathedral was founded in memory of the conquest of Kazan, now known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

16 AUGUST - memory of Rev. Anthony the Roman (1147), Wonderworker of Novgorod. Born in Rome to Orthodox parents, at the age of 19 he was orphaned, distributed all his property to the poor, took tonsure and settled on a rocky seashore. According to legend, once a small part of the rock on which the monk stood and prayed broke off, and, standing on it, he swam across the sea to the Russian borders, through the Neva and Ladoga, and reached Veliky Novgorod in 1106. With the blessing of St. Nikita, he founded a monastery in Novgorod in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and gave it a cenobitic charter. Saint Anthony the Roman is considered the founder of monasticism in Novgorod. He died in 1147, and the archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Kirill, who received healing from them, contributed to the glorification of his honest relics.

17 AUGUST - memorial day the seven warrior youths of Ephesus(Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Constantine and Antoninus) (c. 250). These youths were closed in a cave by the persecutors of Christians, where they stayed for more than 170 years, then they were opened, awoke from their wonderful sleep, told about themselves and their torments, and died a few days later. This miracle was attested in the 5th century. Patients, exhausted by long insomnia, and parents praying for their sleepless babies turn to their intercession.

AUGUST 19 - TRANSFIGURATION . Great Twelfth Feast of the Russian Orthodox Church. At the end of the path of earthly life, the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to His disciples that He must suffer for people, die on the Cross and rise again. After that, He raised the three apostles - Peter, James and John - to Mount Tabor and was transformed before them: His face shone, and his clothes became dazzling white. Two prophets of the Old Testament - Moses and Elijah - appeared to the Lord on the mountain and talked with Him, and the voice of God the Father from a bright cloud that overshadowed the mountain testified of the Divinity of Christ: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt. 17 , 5). By the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the Lord Jesus Christ showed the disciples the Glory of His Divinity so that during His coming sufferings and death on the Cross they would not waver in faith in Him, the Only Begotten Son of God. Transfiguration is the beginning of the renewal of the human soul, the knowledge of the Holy Trinity, the revelation of God about the mystery of His omnipresence. The uncreated light emanating from the depths of the Divine permeates the entire universe and sanctifies our path to God.
The people call the Feast of the Transfiguration Apple Savior. Since apostolic times, it has been established by the Church to consecrate ripened vegetables and fruits on this day with the recitation of special prayers. This custom is connected with the fact that God's blessing rested on all God's creatures only as long as the person who violated the commandment of God did not introduce impurity into the composition of his being. Through man, all living things were defiled. The curse of God hung over the works of his hands. Such is the terrible necessary connection of our sin with everything with which man comes into contact. Only those who truly believe in Christ the Savior can defeat the nature that is at war with us. Sanctifying and blessing the first fruits of the earth, the Holy Church removes from them the ancient seal of the curse. The Church prays to the Lord that He would grant those who eat the fruits along with the sanctification of the body and the sanctification of the soul, so that He would keep their lives in peace and joy, so that the fruits themselves would richly multiply. In addition, our ancestors made it their duty to endow all the poor with fruits on this day, and send the sick to the house. Those who did not fulfill this old custom were revered by people unworthy of fellowship.

AUGUST 20 - Uncovering the relics St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Vorozhnezh (1832) . Patronal feast of St. Mitrofanievskaya male hermitage of the Vazheozersky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. It is located on the other side of Vazheozero, 5 km from the monastery. The skete with a church in the name of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, was built in 1904 by the penultimate rector of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Gennadiev-Nikiforovsky Monastery, hegumen Mitrofan (1889-1911) on a place revered by local residents as a saint. A wooden chapel has stood there since time immemorial.

21 AUGUST - transfer of relics reverend Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky (1566). Saints Zosima and Savvaty in 1429 founded a monastery on the Solovetsky Island of the White Sea. It was a major spiritual center of Russian Orthodoxy and an important defensive point, repelling the attacks of the Swedes, Finns, and British.
During the years of Soviet power, the Solovetsky Monastery became a camp for political prisoners. The first of these were bishops and hundreds of Orthodox priests. All clergy and followers of the Orthodox faith were shot at the end of the twenties. In 1991, the Solovetsky archipelago was completely returned to the Church.

On the same day, the memory is celebrated icon of the Mother of God "Tolgskaya" (1314). This icon appeared under outstanding circumstances. In 1314 Bishop Yaroslavl Prokhor conducted a detour of his diocese. Seven miles from Yaroslavl, he ordered to land on the right elevated bank of the river. Waking up at midnight, he was struck by a bright light. On the opposite bank, where the Tolga River flows into the Volga, he saw a pillar of fire and a bridge going to it across the entire river. Taking his rod, he alone crossed the river over this bridge and saw the icon of the Mother of God with the Child in her arms standing in a pillar at an unattainable height. After praying, the bishop returned to the place of lodging for the night. In the morning, the ministers could not find the rod, and the Right Reverend directed them to look for it across the Volga. The servants crossed the river and found a rod, on top of which lay the icon of the Mother of God. The bishop swam across the Volga, prayed and began to cut wood for the church, he was helped by the inhabitants of Yaroslavl who learned about the appearance of the icon. Soon the church was built and consecrated. On the same day, the bishop blessed to be at the church of the male monastery and appointed her hegumen.

Before this icon, they pray for deliverance from drought, lack of rain, as well as for leg diseases and demon possession.

22 AUGUST - memory Apostle Matthias (c. 63). A native of Bethlehem. He was brought up under the guidance of Saint Simeon the God-bearer. Originally St. Matthias was chosen among the 70 apostles, and after the Ascension of the Lord, by lot, he was numbered among the 12 apostles instead of Judas Iscariot. Saint Matthias preached the Gospel in Judea, Ethiopia and Macedonia. While preaching, he worked many miracles, healed the blind, lame, lepers, cast out evil spirits and raised the dead.

AUGUST 23 - memory of blessed Lawrence, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Kaluga (1515). He healed the sick with prayers, gave sight to the blind from birth; for faith in Christ
They pray to him for eye diseases.

AUGUST 24 - death day Hieroschemamonk Sampson (Sivers), an ascetic of our days (1979) .

AUGUST 26 - the second acquisition of relics St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk (1991). Due to poor health at the age of 45, he was forced to leave the administration of the diocese and in 1769 he settled in the Bogoroditsky Monastery in the city of Zadonsk, living in the simplest environment and laboring in deeds of love and self-denial. Saint Tikhon, a great teacher of Christian life, possessing the gift of insight, predicted a lot of the future fate of Russia (the flood in St. Petersburg in 1777, the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, etc.). He died in 1783, countless healings were given from his relics.

27 AUGUST - transfer of relics Venerable Theodosius of the Caves (1091), the founder of monasticism in Rus'. By the providence of God, his holy relics were preserved during the Tatar-Mongol invasion.

AUGUST 28 - THE DORMITION OF OUR Blessed Lady, THE MOTHER OF GOD AND THE ALL-VIRGO MARY. The holiday is called Dormition because the Mother of God died quietly, as if falling asleep, but basically it is called so for the short stay of Her body in the tomb, since after three days She was resurrected by the Lord and ascended into heaven. The Most Holy Theotokos stands before the Throne of God as the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the zealous Intercessor and Intercessor for the entire human race.
End of Dormition Fast- strict, two-week. This summer fast is not painful, although it falls during the period of intense and urgent field work. At this time, there is enough fresh plant food. With quiet sadness, the feast of the Assumption ends to give way to tomorrow, when such a bright and majestic holiday is expected, dedicated to Jesus Christ and called third Savior. This day is the magnificence of the miraculous image of the Savior.

29 AUGUST - transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ(944). According to legend, the sick ruler of the Syrian city of Edessa, Avgar, sent his artist to Christ to make His portrait, but the image failed. Then Christ washed his face with water and wiped it with a kerchief, on which His face was miraculously reflected. This ubrus He gave to the artist. The ubrus with the miraculous image of the Savior, transferred to Edessa, cured the sick Avgar and later preserved the city for several centuries. On August 15, 944, the Edessa shrine was met at the Golden Gate of Constantinople and placed with honor in the Blachernae Church. The Holy Face became for the Byzantines, and then for the newly converted Russians, the true image of Christ. During the XII-XVII centuries and later, a huge number of icons of the Holy Face were created in Rus'. Under the princely banner with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the troops of Dmitry Donskoy fought on the Kulikovo field. The Image Not Made by Hands was the main mentor of Russian icon painters: their apprenticeship began with a prayer to him.
This holiday is popularly known as Third Savior or "The Savior on the Canvas". In some places in Russia, the Third Spas was also called bread, and in some places nutty(the nuts ripened).

30 AUGUST - memorial day Rev. Alipy, icon painter of the Caves. Rev. Alipy from a young age labored in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. He learned to paint icons from Greek masters and became the first Russian icon painter. The monk painted icons for nothing; if he was nevertheless paid for his work, then he spent one part on materials for icon painting, distributed the other to the poor, and kept only a little for himself. St. Alipiy was awarded from God the gift of miracles during his lifetime: many icons painted by him became famous as miraculous. The last icon - in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin - for St. Alipiy wrote the Angel when he himself lay in his deathbed. The monk died, prayerfully overshadowing himself with the sign of the cross.
They pray to him during leprosy.

AUGUST 31 - Martyrs Florus and Laurus. They were siblings. By order of the ruler, they worked on the construction of a pagan temple, and at that time more than 300 people were converted to Christ. The temple itself was consecrated in the name of Christ and a cross was placed in it. In Megrege, Olonets region, the amazingly beautiful chapel of Florus and Laurus has been preserved, taken under state protection, but dying because of complete indifference to this monument of wooden architecture.

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”() . Oh, divine, oh sweet, oh sweet voice of Yours! Let us all follow the Lord who is calling us! But in advance we must feel that it is difficult and hard for us to feel, that is, that we have many sins, and these sins are grave. From this feeling will be born the need to seek relief. Faith will then show us the only refuge in the Lord the Savior, and our steps will automatically lead to Him.

The soul that desires to get rid of sins knows what to say to the Lord: “Take the heavy, sinful burden from me, and I will take Your good yoke.” And it happens like this: the Lord forgives sins, and the soul begins to walk in His commandments. And the commandments are a yoke, and sins are a burden. But, comparing both, the soul finds that the yoke of the commandments is light as a feather, and the burden of sins is heavy as a mountain.

Let us not be afraid to willingly accept the Lord's good yoke and His light burden! Only in this way, and not otherwise, can we find peace for our souls.

An audio performance about the Monk Seraphim of Sarov “The Flaming Seraphim” is directed by the director, screenwriter, poet and composer Natalya Valentinovna Agapova. For her work, Natalya Agapova was awarded the Order of Grand Duchess Olga. The performance uses church hymns performed by the sisters of the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery and music by S.V. Rachmaninov...

Life of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Once St. Anthony the Great asked an Angel how to be saved? And it was revealed to him: he saw that a certain person first worked a little, then prayed a little, worked a little more, and again prayed a little. And the angel said to him: "Do this also, and you will be saved."

So we begin our household chores - “Lord, bless!” We started the washing machine, we don’t spin it manually, - now it’s time to pray, read “Our Father ...” two or three times. You are preparing dinner - put everything in pots, let it boil, cook. At this time, take the prayer book in your hands, turn to the icon and read a few prayers. Then again - to the stove. And so it will turn out that the most ordinary, everyday life, dissolved by prayer, will be in constant standing before God.

Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin)
