Drawing a gift to yourself. Children's creativity: Drawing What kind of drawing can you draw a gift cool

Everyone loves gifts, and whoever says he doesn’t love them secretly buys them himself and gives them to himself. Winter time- a paradise for gifts different sizes and appointments. It is in winter that you spend on gifts more money than they could spend not on gifts. And if you are a child, then you are in paradise at all, since you don’t even need to do anything, just write a letter to no one and hand it over to your mom or dad. And here we find out how to draw a gift with a pencil. After all, there is a good answer: best gift made by hand.

A gift is something wrapped in paper, often provoking outbursts of happiness, fear, bewilderment and various forebodings. In addition, a gift can be completely intangible, such as hitting a bag of potatoes from around the corner or a free trip to caribbean behind . Most often, a gift is of no value, and its vocation is to give pleasure from observing the reaction of the one who received it. It is best to give a gift that you can then use yourself (racist Jewish proverb). And it is even better to give food, because according to the unwritten laws of God, with a probability of 98%, such a gift will be shared with you. Also, a gift is a way to raise your status, as effective as the most expensive invisible panties in the world or an uncharged Magic wand. And lovely women know a lot about gifts. They do not clearly know what they want, but they are sure that others should know it.

What can you give, unusual gifts:

  • Your place in the cemetery;
  • Your phone or wallet (sometimes they are taken by force);
  • A box of air (although it’s better not to give such a creative to someone who cannot appreciate the beauty of this gesture);
  • Marked money (to bribe-takers);
  • Licensed software (for computer scientists);
  • CD with a set of the best blatnyak of the 90s (for cool guys on );
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Machine (economic option: washing or sewing);
  • Give warmth and joy (recommended by doctors for relatives and loved ones);
  • What gifts do you usually give? Answers in the comments!

In the meantime, I'll show you the drawing instructions.

How to draw a gift with a pencil step by step

Step one. I don't see the point in commenting. I think everything is clear from the pictures.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
Step five.
I recommend trying to draw more such things.

The purpose of the lesson. Increasing self-esteem of participants, expanding ideas about themselves, the formation of friendly relations in the group.
Materials. Markers, felt-tip pens, pencils, paints for students; large sheets of paper for joint drawing of drafts (5-6 sheets), markers for the presenter.


We show the children several drawings - still lifes.
Leading.What do all these drawings have in common? How can you call them in one word? (Still life.) Today each of you will draw a gift-still life yourself close person. Who do you think?
We listen to all the options, offering clues-riddles.
Who can you trust with your most important secret? Who knows everything about you and even a little more? Of course, it's you. Today we will draw a still life - a gift to ourselves. This will be a vase of flowers.
Together, we will first make a draft of the drawing.

The presenter makes sketches on large sheets, taking into account all the proposals. Drawing is carried out according to the following plan:
What shape can a vase be? (Large, round, low, like a bowl, with a narrow neck. We draw all the options offered.)
Choose the shape of the vase that you think will work best for you.
Unfold the leaf according to the shape of the vase you have chosen. (We show the painters how to arrange the vase on the sheet more beautifully.)
Mentally divide the sheet into three parts (horizontally) and draw a vase in the lower third. Color her.
Show with lines that the vase is on the table.
We draw flowers in a vase. There will be five of them. First we will draw the centers of the flowers, they will be large and round.
Place the five center circles anywhere you want above the vase.
Add stems to the flowers, show that they are in a vase.
Let's think about what shape the petals of our flowers can be. (Rounded, serrated, long, very small, etc.)
The leader draws big sheet all offered options; helps those who draw if they find it difficult, showing two or three of their options.
paint over the petals different color, How do you like. The main thing is that when you look at the picture, your mood improves.
Now think and write down on a draft what qualities you like in people.
Children work first individually, then discuss what they have written with a neighbor. After that, it is made common list: the presenter writes down all the proposals on a large sheet.
Do you have any of these qualities? Choose the qualities that you have as a gift. Try to choose five qualities.
Return to the drawing. Let's give it the name "My virtues".
Place in the middle of the flowers you have drawn those qualities that you have chosen for your bouquet.
Look at your bouquet. It shows everything that today you can be proud of.
Optionally, you can arrange an exhibition of still lifes.

What to give an artist? Surprise selection for creative personality- it's a very delicate thing. If you want to present useful tools, be careful, because even choosing brushes or pencils can be difficult. All due to the fact that each artist has his own preferences in the toolkit for reproducing masterpieces.

Our editors agreed that a gift for an artist should be either universal or full of inspiration. And we know exactly what is better to choose as a gift for both a novice artist and a professional artist!

1. Graphic tablet or touch brush

Professional drawing tablet - a great gift idea for an artist, regardless of the specifics of his work. With such a thing, the recipient will be able to learn new or improve acquired skills. Creating masterpieces with this gadget is a pleasure, because with it you can not only draw new pictures, but also work with photographs and other graphic elements.

The price in online stores is about 3,400 rubles.

Dedicated drawing tool for touch screen gadgets Another great gift idea. Before the invention of the electronic brush, drawing on tablets was difficult, but with the advent of this device, the problem was solved. Now it has become easier to create works of art on electronic media, and the artist also has the opportunity to correct any accidental stroke.

Buy touch brush You can in online stores at a price of up to 3,000 rubles.

2. Stainless steel brush washer

Sometimes the artist can postpone the purchase of such accessories until the last. Good quality washer A great gift idea for any occasion. In addition, you can purchase a solvent and present such a kit to your friend or girlfriend.

The cost of a brush washer in domestic online stores is 2,400 rubles.

3. Sketchbook with different types of paper

Stylish sketchbook in craft cover - an idea for a female artist. The main feature of this sketchbook is that there are several types of paper in it, respectively, you can make any sketches and sketches in it.

Such a gift will cost 500 rubles and will be a good sign attention to the recipient, whether he is a beginner or a professional.

4. Leather pencil case for art


Stylish quality organizer for storing and transporting tools - a good idea for a good gift. Big and roomy leather pencil case useful to any artist and will become not only a practical thing in the activity, but also a beautiful accessory. Folded dimensions - 21x12 cm.

The cost is 3,500 rubles.

5. Stylish accessories

Purse-paint- a cheerful gift for a young and sonorous artist. Bright, colorful accessories are held in high esteem by people who always need to draw inspiration from the world around them and things. Bright wallet in shape watercolor paints will be appreciated by positive and young artists, so this accessory is a decent gift option.

You can buy in online stores at a price of 1,700 rubles.

Another useful accessory that is suitable as a gift - umbrella-blot, changing its coloring under the influence of moisture. This is a great gift because, firstly, it has colorful blots, and secondly, it changes its color depending on whether it is raining or not.

Online stores offer a creative umbrella for 1,700 rubles on pre-order.

Three-dimensional drawings in real time and space are interesting fun. Suitable as a gift for young and adult artists. The pen works on the principle of a 3D printer, Special plastic ink is included in the kit. When exposed to heat, it melts, thanks to which it is possible to create multi-colored three-dimensional drawings. The pen is powered by USB.

You can buy for 3,700 rubles.

7. Electric pencil sharpener

If the master uses pencils in his work, then electric sharpener would be a particularly suitable option. This will facilitate the work of the artist and relieve unnecessary stress on the hands. Material - plastic, works from a network.

Sold in online stores for 1,300 rubles.

8. Drawing tablet with water

No paints or pencils are needed with this thing. This tablet is designed for drawing with water. The set includes a bamboo brush and a stand into which you can pour water. Zen tablet is ideal for stress relief and total relaxation.

The offer price in domestic stores is 2,500 rubles.

9. Silver money clip

Everyone likes beautiful status accessories, and artists are no exception. Themed money clip featuring an easel and stone inlays - a worthy gift for your friend-creator. Material - silver.

It is available in online stores, the price is 32,000 rubles.

10. Functional furniture

- a worthy presentation option for an artist, regardless of gender and age. Suitable for both beginners and professionals. A comfortable, functional drawing table will become an art station for creative person. You can store all your tools in drawers and on shelves.

The drawing table is on sale in online stores. The cost is 10,000 rubles.

Another required item furniture - a special box for storing art supplies. The box is equipped with several compartments of different sizes for easy storage of paper, pencils, brushes and other consumables. Dimensions are compact - 20x32 cm.

You can buy on order in online stores. The cost is 6,000 rubles.

11. Literature with reproductions of paintings

Books are always a profitable option that you can't go wrong with when choosing a gift. Literature from famous paintings great creators will not just gather dust on a bookshelf, because great painters have a lot to learn. For example, you can try to recreate a copy of Rembrandt, Michelangelo or Raphael.

Amazing books can be ordered in online stores at a price of 1,400 rubles.

12. Epidiascope projector

Thanks to this equipment you can display the image in question on the screen, zoom it and see details that are not amenable to viewing with the naked eye. Such a gift is suitable for any artist, regardless of the specifics of his work.
