Drawings by Cleo Denil from Monster High. How to draw Cleo Denil from Monster High step by step

"Monster High" ("Monster High") is an American series of dolls based on horror films. Almost all characters are related to the children of such monsters as Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf, Zombie, Gorgon, etc. One of the most popular at school is Cleo de Nile (Mummy's daughter).

To portray Cleo de Nile, you need to imagine a beautiful Egyptian princess with black long hair, sparkling jewelry and a diamond on her face. Then you should decide in what form the drawing will be, and then draw the model in stages. As an example, let's try to draw Cleo de Nile from Monster High in several ways.

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Cleo de Nile full body

You can draw Cleo de Nile in full growth using ordinary pencils. To do this, you first need to draw the italic lines of the figure, and then add volume to them. You can do it like this:

  • Draw a circle with a dotted line;
  • Make an angular face out of it;
  • In it sketch out the outlines of the eyes, nose and mouth;
  • Close the entire forehead with an even bang;
  • Draw weighty earrings;
  • On the right cheek (on the cheekbones) add a diamond;
  • Draw the contours of the body;
  • Make an exquisite torso with a thin waist;
  • Add the outlines of the hands;
  • Draw legs and hips;
  • Draw a light blouse on the body;
  • Draw a wide belt at the waist;
  • Add bracelets to the hands;
  • On the leg above the knee, draw a belt with a phone;
  • Dress your feet in high platform shoes;
  • Finish the ties on the leg above the ankle;
  • On the head draw long hair below the waist;
  • Erase all dotted lines;
  • Add long nails on the hands;
  • Color the drawing if desired.

Cleo de Nile in profile

Cleo de Nile is often depicted in profile to the waist - this allows you to make her appearance more clear and focus on the details of the image. To perform such a drawing, you must:

  • Draw the circumference of the head in profile;
  • In the lower right quarter of the circle, draw the contours of the face;
  • Outline with strokes the hair falling on the back;
  • Draw a curved right hand;
  • Behind it, add the left one, which should be visible a little;
  • Put in the hands of a pet - a cobra.


When the outline of the sketch is ready, proceed to the details of the image:

  • Draw a hoop on the head;
  • From under the hair add hanging earrings;
  • Wrap around the neck with decoration;
  • Close the body with an elegant T-shirt;
  • Wrap your arms up to your elbows with ribbons;
  • Paint over a few strands on the head with a golden color;
  • Paint the rest of the hair and bangs black;
  • Draw big eyes and black eyebrows;
  • Add green shadows on the eyelids;
  • Draw lips;
  • On the cheek on the cheekbones, draw a sparkling diamond;
  • Paint over the entire body with the color of milk chocolate;
  • Paint the shirt in turquoise;
  • Add a pattern to clothes;
  • Paint over the bandage on the arm, neck and earrings with gold;
  • Make the cobra green;
  • Add shadows.

Let's finally try to draw Cleo de Nile from Monster High, this fashionable and stylish student, a real Egyptian princess.

Step 1.

You will be drawing the frame for Cleo's body as you see here. Start with a circle for her head and then add lines for her face, jaw and body.

Step 2

Define the shape of the face like you see here and then start drawing her beautiful eyes, nose and mouth. Next, her shoulders and then the top or blouse.

Step 3

Finish her eyes as you see here and then sketch out her eyebrows. When this is done, you should consider her big gold earrings. Ready to sketch out her mouth and then start drawing her arms, waist and legs.

Step 4

You will start drawing out her head and hair, add some more details for her big gold earrings and then draw her neck, next sketch out her shirt and then finish her arms. Continue to draw out her legs and then you can move on to the next step.

Step 5

Sketch in the headband and be sure to add in the jewelry - she's the princess, and then her belt. Add some details for her arms, legs and then stylish boots.

Step 6

Draw the entire hairstyle and then sketch out all the wrapped bandages all over the body. Well, maybe not her whole body, just her forearms, waist and legs.

Step 7

Here is the famous Cleo de Nile, drawn by us, now all you have to do is color her in!

Cleo from Monster High is a stylish regal beauty, the daughter of a mummy. She has a sister - Nefera de Nile, who always tries to emphasize her superiority.

The Cleo family is the Egyptian kings and pharaohs, hence the perfection of the style in the clothes of this girl. True, all her outfits are stylized as ... bandages.


The biography of Cleo de Nile from Monster High began about 6 thousand years ago. In more detail, Cleo is the daughter of the mummy Imphotep. She prefers jewelry in the style of ancient Egypt.

The girl is rude to her friends and a little arrogant. This quality of hers is also indicated by the diary of Cleo de Nile, where she writes down her thoughts. At first she met with Claude, brother of Claudine Seth, but then her boyfriend was destined to become Deuce Gorgon.

Cleo's favorite pet from Monster High is a cobra named Hisseta, who is also wearing a lot of jewelry.

Cleo's questionnaire tells about her preferences and hobbies. Her favorite subject at Monster High School is geometry: Cleo is very fond of pyramids and various geometric shapes. What she dislikes most is the story.

The heroine's favorite color is gold. And her favorite food is grapes.


The site contains pictures, photos, coloring and video unpacking of Cleo dolls.


The Cleo de Nile Creepateria doll from the Monster High series features the heroine in a stylish one-shoulder dress with a pattern stylized as bandages, decorated in blue, lilac and gold tones. Cleo de Nile's outfit is adorned with a blue belt, and she wears golden sandals on her feet. From jewelry - a triangular blue bracelet and lilac earrings.

Strands of Cleo's hair are also dyed blue, lilac and black. The set comes with a yellow tray, a blue bowl with treats and a green glass.

This Monster High series also comes with a stylish cafeteria where Cleo prepares treats for her friends. The cafeteria consists of a table and two chairs with lilac tops and seats on black patterned legs. The cafeteria also includes a bar counter in the form of a trapezoidal pedestal with patterned black walls. There is a blue shelf inside the rack. On top of it you can see a knife, designed in the form of a guillotine. The cafeteria shelf top is adorned around the edges with a semblance of flowing lilac cream. The cafeteria also includes cutlery with refreshments.


The Cleo de Nile Scary doll is presented in a black dress with a blue pattern imitating crossed bandages. She has a beige striped fabric tie around her neck. On her feet are golden sandals with blue membranes. Of the jewelry in this series - a golden hairpin in loose hair, a blue bracelet and a black handbag with a golden lid, stylized as Egyptian designs.

photography day

The Cleo De Nile Photo Day doll represents Cleo, who is about to have a photo shoot. For this, she put on her best outfit. The doll from this collection looks just amazing.

Cleo is wearing a blue short dress with silver and blue stripes. The dress is worn with breeches in gold and black stripes. On her feet are sandals with a golden platform and blue membranes. The Cleo De Nile Day of Photography doll is holding a charming blue handbag with a golden buckle. The hairstyle of the heroine Cleo is loose hair and bangs cut like Cleopatra.

A photo shoot in this set is impossible without an additional comb and a golden rectangular clutch. Pictures, photos, video unpacking and review on the site will help you to consider this and other outfits in more detail.

Here is one video of unpacking the doll

Another unboxing


The base Monster High doll is dressed in a stylish jumpsuit with breeches with a pattern reminiscent of yellowed bandages. A blue transparent cape is worn over the overalls, and a golden pearl belt is worn on the hips. On the feet of the doll are yellow high sandals with bandages. Of the jewelry, the base doll wears two golden bracelets, massive earrings and a hoop. Cleo de Nile's make-up is made in full accordance with Egyptian traditions: her eyes are lined with black arrows and green shadows, her lips are dark red lipstick.

Oasis 13 wishes

The Oasis Cleo de Nile 13 Wishes Monster High doll is wearing a short dress with a puffy turquoise skirt. The bodice is painted in an intricate pattern with geometric shapes. The Oasis doll has golden high-heeled shoes on her feet, long golden earrings in her ears, and a trefoil-shaped hairpin on her head.

The oasis itself consists of several parts. Firstly, it is a black pool stylized as a log from a sawn tree on which two palm trees grow.

On the edge of the pool is a tray for treats with a bowl and glasses. For dolls, there are patterned golden armchairs and a gazebo on black carved stands with a lilac curved roof and a golden emblem at the top. The Oasis composition is completed by a small lamp with a black round stand on legs and a blue lid with holes.


The Cleo de Nile Masquerade doll represents the heroine in a festive dress, which she specially prepared for the gala evening. Cleo de Nile's Halloween Party.

The Cleo de Nile costume from this collection consists of a golden top with greenish ribbon ties, a sheer black floor-length skirt, a golden-black robe in the form of individual ribbons with a snake-shaped closure and emerald ball shoes.

Of the decorations on the doll are two gold bracelets and a gold mask, which she holds in her hand. The hairstyle is the hair collected high on the head, and the rest of the strands are cut short. Makeup is done in black and gold tones.

The set comes with a blue bowl shaped bag, a blue skull hairbrush, a large bowl with a snake, a small golden cup and a strainer.

gloomy beach

In the collection "Gloomy Beach" Cleo is shown in a short top with a strap on one shoulder. From the top down to the hips obliquely descends the sash, made in the same colors: black and gold. The bathing suit of the "Gloomy Beach" series is completed with the same color swimming trunks and a sea-green pareo.

Cleo from the Dark Beach series has green glasses on her head. On her feet, she wears navy-colored sandals, and on her left leg she wears a black and gold Egyptian-style bandage. In the hands of Cleo "Gloomy Beach" holds a Chinese yellow fan with blue veins. The heroine has triangular earrings in her ears, and her makeup is also made in yellow and blue.

Fear, camera, motor

Boo York with Deuce Gargon

Cleo with the collection I love shoes

With Deuce Gargon

Dancing until the morning

Together with Gulia Crazy Science

Darkness and bloom

Dressing table

Dressing table Cleo de Nile is worthy of an Egyptian queen. It is made in golden and black colors. The front legs of the table are decorated with figurines of mythological creatures, while the other two legs branch down like snakes' tails. The round mirror stand is a combination of wings, tails and curly flowers. The bedside table is also decorated with an Egyptian pattern. On the table is a black and turquoise box, a colored pyramid and other accessories. A turquoise transparent lamp is suspended above the table.

The highchair with a turquoise seat also has a back in the form of intertwined plants. The legs of the chair are black, curved, the front legs are decorated with golden creepers.

Pictures and video review of the table can be viewed on the website

Also here you can find out how much the Cleo de Nile dressing table and dolls of this collection cost.

How to draw Cleo

Pictures and coloring on our website will tell you how to draw the heroine Cleo. You can also follow a few simple steps.

We will draw Cleo in this way. If you follow all the instructions, you will get a great coloring of the heroine.

  1. First you need to draw a circle with cross lines, a nose and eyes.
  2. We finish the rest of the contours of the face and bangs.
  3. We finish the decorations.
  4. Now you should measure the distance from the bangs to the chin six times down and draw auxiliary lines.
  5. Next comes the upper body.
  6. Draw the legs and erase the auxiliary lines.
  7. We finish the blouse and other details.
  8. All that's left is hair and headbands.

It turns out here is such a coloring.

More video instructions:


On our website there is a video unpacking of dolls and songs of the heroine Cleo. The songs focus on her relationship with Deuce Gorgon, Cleo's boyfriend. The songs are full of sadness and at the same time bright hope. Songs and music of Cleo de Nile are available for listening on our website.

It turned out better, I think. But still, I decided to publish this lesson on how to draw Cleo De Nile. For example, let's take a picture from puppeteia: Cleo de Nile is a student of the school of monsters, the daughter of Imhotep, a friend of Draculaura, although she is 4242 years older than her. She wears Egyptian jewelry and bandages all over, which reminds me of Lila Dallas from the movie The Fifth Element. Likes to mess around and give orders. This is especially true for girls from the support group. But already in the second season, Cleo has become kinder and treats girls a little softer. She also has a bad temper, although many readers write that Cleo is the best. In addition, the yellow press reported that Cleo loves Claude, but Claude loves Draculaura. So now Cleo loves Deuce. Damn them what's going on. I'm confused. I'll go look again. In the meantime, I'll give you this lesson:

How to draw Cleo De Nile with a pencil step by step

Step one. So, sir, make a sketch of the puppet body. It's not difficult, just repeat as in the picture below: Step two. We mark on the face the location of the eyes, nose and mouth, add shoes and shape the handles. Step three. Now draw the eyes, nose and lips. Then we move lower, draw clothes, hands, on the body we will make horizontal lines indicating the bandages of the mummy. Step four. The final moment, it remains to add hatching. Want to draw the rest of the Monster High characters? We have such lessons.

Get to know the characters of the cartoon "Monster High" to share the interests of your children. Show them how to draw popular dolls on their own.

To make it easier to create cartoon characters, learn how to draw them on paper. Then later you will be able to portray the facial features of your favorite heroine on the face of the doll. But first, let's take a look at some of them.

Cartoon "School of Monsters": characters

There are a lot of them. To cover everyone, let's include them in different groups. This:
  • main characters;
  • students;
  • hybrid students;
  • exchange monsters;
  • graduates;
  • Monster High staff;
  • related characters and celebrities;
  • new characters;
  • pets;
  • centaur monsters;
  • younger sisters and brothers of the Monster High family;
  • other dolls.
Let's take a look at the main characters. This:
  • Frankie Stein;
  • Cleo de Nile;
  • Claudine Wolfe;
  • Draculaura;
  • Gulia Yelps;
  • Blue Lagoon;
  • Spectra Wondergeist;
  • Abby Bominable.
Frankie Stein is one of the main characters in Monster High. Her father is Frankenstein. Frankie is curious, naive, friendly. She likes to learn new things, make friends. When you draw this Monster School character or make dolls with your own hands, do not forget that she has long hair, and black strands are adjacent to white ones.

The skin is light, slightly casts green. The girl's eyes are different: the left one is blue, the right one is green. This is because the heroine, like her father, was assembled from various parts. This is evidenced by the seams on the arms, legs and neck, as well as under the eye. She has two plastic bolts around her neck. Her best friends are Claudine Wolfe and Draculaura.

Frankie Stein has a pet. His name is Watzit. He is also assembled from various parts, but pets, looks like a puppy.

The fact that Claudine Wolf is the daughter of a werewolf is not hard to guess. After all, she has fangs, wolf ears, dark skin. Claudine has many relatives. She dresses fashionably for girls, eventually wants to create her own design agency.

Monster High doll Claudine Wolf loves her pet cat, whose name is Crescent. It is this word that means in translation into Russian his nickname Kresttsent. If you make this kitten, remember that it has a heart on the tip of its tail.

As can be seen from the name Draculaura, the father of this doll is Dracula. But the girl herself is a vampire-vegetarian, she cannot stand even the sight of blood. This Monster School doll loves Japanese-style clothes, keep that in mind when designing her outfits.

She also likes the combination of pink and black. To be able to go outside on sunny days, the Monster High Draculaura doll carries an umbrella with her. You will create it with your own hands when you make accessories for this character. You can also make a bat, which is her pet. Although he is a boy, the mistress likes to dress him in a black and pink robe. Therefore, using these fabrics, you can make an outfit not only for the Monster High Draculaura doll, but also for her pet.

Cleo de Nile is the daughter of a mummy. This is an Egyptian princess who is over 5,000 years old. Her body, as it should be for such a heroine, is wrapped in bandages. The girl is very fashionable, her face flaunts a blue gem instead of a mole, she wears ancient Egyptian jewelry. Even Cleo de Nile's pet, which is Hisset's cobra, is all studded with gems.

When you create the image of the Monster High Laguna Blue doll, make the skin blue and freckles on the face. The girl's hair is greenish-blue and her eyes are green. She is the daughter of a sea monster, which is why Laguna Blue has fins on her legs, which, by the way, can be removed at any time, on her ears and forearms. And she has webbing on her fingers.

When making the accessories that the Laguna Blue monster will wear, make some nautical-themed earrings. They can be in the form of fish, inhabitants of the underwater kingdom, anchors.

Of course, her pet is a fish, but not a simple one, but a piranha. You can make with your own hands an original women's handbag in the form of a transparent aquarium, in which Laguna Blue's pet will live.

Deuce Gorgon is a boy. As his name implies, he is the son of the Gorgon Medusa. That is why his hairstyle on his head is made in the form of green snakes, they are styled in a modern style in the form of a mohawk, the hair is scales.

Deuce Gorgon has a handsome face. He has an athletic figure, delicate skin, bright green eyes.

When you create this doll, do not forget to make sunglasses for him. Deuce Gorgon wears them not only outdoors, but also indoors. After all, like his mother, with just one glance, he can turn others to stone. But, unlike her, not forever, but only for 24 hours. He also has a pet, a two-tailed rat named Perseus.

Gulia Yelps has beautiful blue hair, light gray skin and wears glasses. She is smart and unhurried, of course, because she is a zombie. She has a favorite pet owl.

Spectra Wondergeist is descended from her parents, who are ghosts of royal blood. Of course, her arms and legs are as transparent as theirs. Fashionable hair has several colors, the main one being purple. The eyes are ice blue, sometimes they become dark blue, the skin is white. This monster school character has his own pet, which is a ghostly ferret. His lower half is transparent and he wears a purple bow over his right ear.

Abby Bominable is Bigfoot's daughter. This was reflected in her appearance, since the girl's lower jaw sticks out more than the upper one. She belongs to the toothy monsters. Abby Bominable has white hair interspersed with purple, pink and blue streaks.

Her body and face shimmer like ice and snow glitter. Abby's pet is a friendly and sweet mammoth named Shiver.

Now parents have the opportunity to get acquainted with Monster High characters in order to speak the same language with their children, to share their interests.

After all, it is very important from an early age to be for your daughters and sons not only senior comrades who can always help, give smart advice, but also friends who share their interests.

Continue your positive communication with the children by showing them how to draw their favorite characters on a piece of paper.

How to draw Monster High dolls: a step-by-step master class

Very soon, a cute monster Draculaura will appear before you. Show the children how to draw her. First let them draw a circle, then draw two lines on it so that they meet in the middle, just below the center.

Below comes the neck depict the narrow shoulders. The eyes will be symmetrical about the vertical line, just above the horizontal. Draw the ear and the blank for the mouth as shown in the photo below.

Very soon the girl Draculaura will get hair. To make her bangs even, draw another semicircular horizontal line that is parallel to the original one.

The outlines of long hair, like the bottom of the bangs, are highlighted in red in this photo. But you draw with a simple pencil in order to erase unnecessary lines at the end of the process.

Outline the girl's small nose. Draw a heart on the left cheek, make the eyes more expressive by depicting eyelashes.

Draw this character Monster High eyebrows. A small circle will help you create her mouth, place your lips in it. depict the right ear, which is pointed towards the top.

In the next step, draw an earring in it, make the chin sharper.

Now depict her curls on her head with semicircular vertical lines, almost the same, but longer, coming from the back of her head, going down to her shoulders.

Draw the neckline of the dress, after which the heroine needs to be painted. The hairstyle consists of alternating purple and black strands, the dress is lilac, like the lips, a heart on the cheek. The eyes are almost the same shade.

Please your daughter, show her how the Cleo de Nile doll is drawn. The outlines of the face of this Egyptian woman also begin with a circle. At the bottom of this shape draw an elongated chin.

Next come the thin neck and narrow shoulders. Divide your face into 4 parts, the top two will be larger than the bottom two.

Above the horizontal rounded line draw two large eyes, on the left, the ear of Cleo de Nile.

Her lush hair frames her head, her eyes become more expressive due to eyelashes and pupils.

Now draw her plump lips, a small slightly snub-nosed nose, rounded lips, beautiful earrings.

Make the face of Cleo de Nile more refined, draw her long bangs and hair, mark the strands, depict a beaded decoration at the top of the hairstyle.

Let's decorate this girl from Monster High, as shown in the next photo. Draw the top of the clothes.

Next, you can draw the daughter of a sea monster on paper. To bring Laguna Blue to you, take:
  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.
We will depict in a semi-profile, for this draw an oval, sharpen it at the bottom. Draw an ear, draw two horizontal stripes on the face, as in the photo.

Now draw big eyes with lush eyelashes between these two dashes. Draw the lips of Laguna Blue, her nose, her curls.

Then you need to shade the eyes. First, their light part is highlighted, and then the dark part. Draw a shadow using an HB pencil, circle the outline of the nose using a B6 pencil.

Use it to circle the contours of the hair. Paint over the flower in the hairstyle, the upper part of the girl's clothes, taking a B2 and B pencil. And circle her outline with a B4 pencil.

You can draw Laguna Blue further using paints or colored pencils. Do not forget that the skin of her face has a greenish tint.

The Claudine Wolfe doll is created according to the same principle. First, draw a circle so that it turns into a face. Make a pointed chin.

Next, draw the neck and shoulders, draw two intersecting lines on the face. Draw the outline of the eyes on the horizontal line.

Having erased the auxiliary lines, circle the main ones with a simple pencil. If you wish, decorate the heroine.

This is how you need to draw some of the main characters from the cartoon Monster High. If you want to see how others do it, then see how they draw Laguna Blue, for example.

The second video shows a quick master class that will teach you how to draw Claudine Wolfe from Monster High.

These skills will certainly come in handy when you make these dolls with your own hands, draw makeup, sew clothes, and make accessories for them.
