Is the birth curse lifted through the psalter. How to remove a family curse? Proven Rituals

From this article, you will learn absolutely free of charge how to remove a family curse in a church on your own.
Do not be afraid, but I tell you right away that this article will not be short.
Please be patient to read it to the end.
The curse of the family is nothing more than a blockage of the energy channels responsible for marriage, wealth, health and good luck.
Ancestral Curse also called congenital corruption.

If your distant relative, who died untimely, became a victim of an evil sorcerer or a rabid ill-wisher, then you automatically become the heir to the curse of the family.
But this is only if your close person did not break the bonds of karmic bondage. After all, he could remove the curse so that it would not be inherited by you.
It was a small digression into the centuries to increase understanding of the occult reality.

So, in order to remove the innate negativity in the church with your own hands, you will have to follow these steps:

1). Having accurately identified the birth curse, do not try to appease it. Do not be afraid of it as something terrible. Start cleaning right away.
2). You need to visit 3 different Orthodox Temples, ordering Sorokoust about Health for yourself in each. You will also have to put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and on the eve.
3). Submit simple notes about the repose of the dead in three churches. Write down every relative you remember on your mother's or father's side.

When you put candles on the eve, say these conspiracy lines to yourself:

Let me go, dead man, let the curse end. Amen.

In this way, you are trying to break what binds you to the deceased.

Do not forget that the independent removal of the family curse involves the holding of all events in three church monasteries.

4). It is highly desirable to observe a strict weekly fast before visiting the Temples, reading the Holy Scriptures and Orthodox prayers.
5). You will have to take communion and confession in three different churches, with a small time interval between events. Suppose that today you visited the first chosen Temple, tomorrow you can confess and take communion in another, in a few days visit the third.
6). After all the work is completed in all three monasteries, you can begin to independently remove the family curse.

Please be careful and don't miss anything.

Self-removal of the birth curse

A). In the third Orthodox Church you buy twelve candles and Orthodox icons Jesus Christ, Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker.
b). Fill your flask with holy water.
V). You return back.
G). Secluded in a spacious room, light candles. Place icons and holy water nearby.
e). With a calm soul and unbridled faith, you begin to read the conspiracy written on a piece of white paper:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Break the fetters of the ancestral curse that binds me to a dead person. For the sins of others, do not punish me, for my sins, forgive me. Do not let the birth curse be reborn on my children and great-grandchildren. I beg you, have mercy and cleanse my soul from innate corruption. Protect me from death and don't let the curse destroy me. May your will be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!

e). You read the plot many times, slowly and with faith in your soul.
and). Watching them slowly fade away church candles. They melt, clearing you of the birth curse.
h). When all the candles burn out, throw out the cinders, and remove the icons and the sheet with the plot.
And). Drink holy water regularly.

When a positive result will come, I cannot tell you.
If nothing changes within two weeks, and signs of the birth curse persist, repeat the self-removal again.

The term "birth curse" carries a negative message. Just mentioning him gives you goosebumps and it seems that dark forces and fate bound together. You will learn about what a family curse is, what its signs are and how to remove a family curse from this article.

A curse is a strong negative emotion, a kind of energy blow that is sent by a person. Any curse that is imposed on anyone deliberately or accidentally is considered a serious danger to a person's energy field, to his physical and, of course, spiritual health and balance.

As for the generic impact, it is a so-called "time bomb" and has huge force destroying and destroying.

The consequences of such an impact affect not one person, but the whole family, negatively affecting all his ancestors. Identifying such an impact is not an easy task, although it is possible. Especially if it was applied very recently. In this case, you can trace the problems that have begun and their regularity and sequence.

It is important to identify the generational curse at its early stage, since it is gaining strength every day or year. That is why it is necessary to know the signs and how to remove the birth curse.

Signs of a generational curse

The most common signs of a birth curse include the following:

  • A large number in the family of those who committed suicide, went crazy, died in early age or from incurable diseases, tragically died under unclear circumstances;
  • Women in the family have problems with conception and in the female line, children who are born, sick or die early;
  • Drug addiction and alcoholism are addictions that many relatives suffer from;
  • Frequent divorce or lonely old age;
  • The next generation copies the fate of the parents and often sad or tragic;
  • Chaos reigns in many families, problems, there is no peace and harmony;
  • Women of the genus often become widows, even several times;
  • Almost everyone is haunted by various troubles and problems, luck bypasses;
  • Children disown their parents and cut off all contact with them.

As you can see, all these signs are quite serious and it is quite difficult not to notice them.

The main goal of all these reasons is the complete disappearance of this kind, which will lead to this curse in the future.

If you have at least a third of these signs, then you can already think about this problem.

The next step will be diagnostics, which will allow you to find out whether this black action actually exists on you and your family.

You can also remove black magic on your own, here a lot depends on the strength of the impact and on how long it has been in your family.

Self-removal is carried out when the curse is not too strong and is unintentionally imposed by a person. Various rituals and conspiracies will help get rid of these problems.

If the family has a strong curse, then the help of a magician may be required, since the person who can remove it must have strong energy.

If the diagnostics showed that there is a curse on the person and on his family, then you should not hesitate.

By the way, you can use a ritual with an egg, wax or a photo to identify a strong negative impact.

It is worth starting to get rid of this problem by reading a prayer. This action will help reduce the effect of the problem or completely get rid of it, depending on the strength of the curse. In any case, the effect will be positive.

Just one repetition of the prayer from the birth curse is enough:

“Mother and father, grandfather and grandmother, who are not next to me,
Those who received a generic curse, earthly misfortune,
Through the fault of which both I and my children suffer sorrows and troubles.
It was passed along the family chain, like an ulcer crept up to me!
I want everything to stop, and the curse back to the ground, returned!
As the morning comes, as the evening comes, I will repeat the words of renunciation,
Wanting to save your family, your family from the problem!

Try not to miss a single day, reading a prayer both in the morning and in the evening, since the effectiveness and efficiency of the ritual may depend on this. In addition, you must believe in what you are doing and sincerely desire a cure. Otherwise, the rite may not help you.

Also, it is recommended to go to church every Sunday and light candles for the health of all your blood relatives. In the house, in addition to everything else, there should always be holy water, which is recommended to be washed periodically.

How long does the birth curse last?

If the curse is standard, then it lasts as long as the victim is alive. As for the genus, it works for countless years, until the entire genus is exterminated, leaving no offspring.

The strength and effect of black magic may also depend on the suspiciousness and strength of a person’s energy: the more impressionable he is, the stronger the curse will appear on him and on his children, than stronger personality, the weaker the effect of the negative will be.

Here it is important to consider who brought the family curse. If someone did it by accident, then the action may be weak and manifest itself in only a few ways. If this was done on purpose, then the genus of the damned person may disappear after 2-4 generations.

The difference between a generic curse from the evil eye and damage

Also, do not confuse damage, evil eye and curse, since they all have different effects.

  • Evil eye- instant energy strike, harm, which can often be unconscious. The evil eye makes a person unlucky, can lead to health problems or those problems that have caused envy or too much praise. So, if someone is too surprised at your luck, then the action of the evil eye will be directed to this area.
  • Corruption- a program of negativity that affects the energy of a person. It is aimed at the enemy on purpose by anyone or by referring to the magician. A strong negative message comes to the spoiled with a variety of wishes that are introduced into his life and make it unbearable. The most terrible damage is to death, which can lead to the imminent death of a person.
  • A curse- also a negative program, but in the thoughts of the damned person it intensifies all the troubles and problems, often making his life unbearable. The victim can perceive even small problems as huge, and then ruin his own life on his own.

Birth Curse - Myth or Reality?

Causes of the birth curse

In addition to the verbal spell, other factors may be the reasons for such a serious negative impact.

Among them:

  • Deadly sins of ancestors, including murder, infanticide, driving to suicide, causing severe harm to anyone;
  • Anathema imposed by the church;
  • Self-imposed curse in situations where a person scolds himself too much, criticizes and so on;
  • A peculiar way of life that denies following conscience, the laws of God.

If you have identified a family curse, then you should not be upset. Having done everything in order to remove it, you yourself can solve your problem. As a last resort, please contact experienced magician that will help you bring back prosperity and happiness into your life.


Any curse is a serious danger to the energy fields and connections of a person, which always affects the spiritual and physical health and fate in general. A family curse has tremendous destructive power, affecting the entire family or clan of a person. Especially strong curses can lead to the death of people associated with the cursed person. Only psychic specialists can recognize a recently imposed birth curse, however, as such a curse “unwinds”, it can also be determined. ordinary people.

If you suspect that you have been the victim of a curse, it is best to contact a qualified psychic. Dealing with such a magical effect is quite difficult, especially if it was imposed by a skilled magician. If you decide to contact a specialist, choose him carefully, best of all through acquaintances who are associated with esotericism. This will save you from communicating with charlatans.

If you don't want to go to a psychic, you can try it yourself. The easiest way to do this is to turn to the help of the church. First of all, go to confession. Then light candles to all the relatives you know. Put candles on the eve, watch them. The curse comes from that relative whose candle will crackle and burn unevenly. If the flame on all the candles is even, then the curse comes from, in which case you will have to resort to another rite. Wait until the candles burn out by a third, in the process, read the prayers for the dead.

If you find out that the curse comes from, buy another candle specifically for him. Place this candle near the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Ask this saint for help in deliverance, do it best with words. After that, read the prayers that seem appropriate to you. Wait until the candle burns down by a third, and then order a prayer service (preferably an annual one) for deceased relatives.

You can perform another rite to remove the curse. For him, you will need a fresh one, which must be put in the Bible for a week. After that, you need to get a photograph, light a church candle over it and read the prayers you know. After reading the prayers in your own words, ask for deliverance from the curse. On this day, go to church, put candles there for the health of the whole family and read thanksgiving prayers. Bake an apple pie at home, preferably inherited. During its preparation, read prayers and say the following words: “I remove the curse with a heavenly apple. Amen". You need to treat all your friends with this pie.

Perhaps only those who are fundamental skeptics can deny the existence of magic, spirits and unearthly forces in general. The rest do not need to explain what the evil eye, damage, curses, etc. are. And some have personally encountered similar phenomena. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to how to remove a family curse, get rid of magical consequences on our own (quarrels, loneliness, illness, death) or eliminate an unfavorable maternal wish that gradually destroys the life of the victim. In this article, you can find prayers and rituals that can help in different situations so that the whole race would not be brought down from the world.

Ancestral curses are a separate type of negative energy pressure on a person, as well as on his entire family. Therefore, the question of removing such spells is quite relevant.

Generic curses are different from damage, the evil eye. First of all, these are verbal spells that are not accompanied by a ritual or ceremony. To wish a specific person and his heirs in the female / male line of evil and death is quite simple. Enough to hate this person. Therefore, many could face curses without knowing it.

The curse can be imposed on a specific person. But when it is sent to the whole race of this person, then it is called generic. The curse of such a plan is in effect until all the heirs are out of the world, or until someone stops it on their own.

Removing a family curse is difficult. Especially if these are the words of the mother. However, it is quite possible. For this there are:

  • various prayers;
  • reprimands and ebbs on wax;
  • unction.

How to define witchcraft?

To neutralize the curse in the male or female line, it is advisable to do this as early as possible. But here the question may arise, but how to find out about the presence of magic, and how the removal of the curse works. Witchcraft can be defined in several ways.

You need to get rid of the curse of the family immediately if you draw a parallel and find that:

  • mental illnesses accompany the family tree for more than a dozen years (either relatives in the female or male line suffer);
  • in the history of the genus, cases of death of infants and newborns were recorded;
  • among blood relatives there are many unmarried / not married, widowed, who are accompanied by loneliness;
  • the family tree contains many cases of parents abandoning children and children from parents, deprivation of shelter of one or another;
  • in every generation of relatives connected by blood, there are unnatural deaths.

The strongest are the curses sent by the mother in defense of her child. Faced with such witchcraft, it will be difficult to beg for the opposite effect. Therefore, those who are interested in how to remove the curse if it is sent to destroy the entire line (female or male) will need to stock up on patience and faith.

Going to church helps

Going to church and reading a prayer will help those who are interested in how to remove a family curse. A visit to the temple of God will be especially relevant for those who have noticed a sequence of negative events along the female line.

As a rule, in order to remove the curse from a particular person or a whole family on your own, you need to go to services in the temple of God for three years in a row.

If the curse was passed on over a long period of time from mother to daughter, then the rite of unction and alms will also be required.

Ritual to remove witchcraft

To carry out this ritual to remove the family curse, you need to know exactly which of the relatives is the primary source. Only in this case success is guaranteed, and it will be possible to remove the negative maternal influence.

To find out, you need to go to church and light candles. In addition, each candle should symbolize one deceased relative. After placing as many candles as there have been deaths in your lifetime, watch the flame. That candle, the wax, when heated, will crack, means the source of the curse.

While the candles you set will burn, say prayers for the dead to yourself. Then buy a candle for a dead person who has been identified as cursed by the flames and crackling of wax. Put it near the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. While the wax is melting, read prayers to this saint. Ask him for help. Tell me how important the removal of the curse is for you and all living heirs. Say the following text several times between prayers:

“My sins and sins (the name of the deceased relative) will be burned. May the ashes of the departed find peace, and the Lord will cover me with mercy. Thank you, Lord!

When the candle wax is melted, you can go home. Before leaving the church, order a prayer service for a year from the ministers. It must be dedicated to all the relatives who have died in the family, whom you remember. In addition, please every needy person sitting at the entrance with alms.

If the source is a living person

If a living person bears a generic curse, this can also be found out in the church. At the entrance to the temple, read the prayers to the Lord and buy a few candles. Their number should be equal to living relatives. Place and light each candle yourself, symbolizing it with a specific person. The one whose candle crackles and burns with a blue flame bears the curse of the family or the evil words of the mother. Energy negativity will accompany him through life. As a rule, this is loneliness, constant illness and loss of relatives. Therefore, a prayer from curses will act in the direction of this person.

After waiting for all the candles to burn out, you can purchase another one. Having placed it at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, say prayers, requests for the removal of the curse along the entire female / male line. Also read the words:

“An evil and evil eye fell on our whole family, witchcraft words. We were punished, but we did not break and did not give up. We carry our cross, we do not complain, we silently reproach ourselves. Now it's time for us to rest. Therefore, we ask for help and mercy from the Lord God and his henchman St. Nicholas. May our sins be forgiven to us, and all evil spirits will burn like the flame of this candle. Amen".

After that, wait until the candle burns out. After that, order an annual prayer service from the servants of the temple. Then, at the mercy of the church, donate as much as you can, so that the removal of the curse is effective. When leaving, distribute one coin to the beggars sitting at the temple. Go home and try not to think about relatives on this day. Especially about the victim, who became the first bearer of the generational curse.

Eliminate exposure with wax

You can also get rid of a curse that is passed down from generation to generation along the female or male line with the help of the ritual of pouring onto wax. To do this, in the church in the morning you need to buy candles. It will be necessary to purchase such a number of candles that would be enough to pour the wax, as well as to arrange a few in the room. Be sure to leave the change from the purchase for a donation. In addition, part of the money should be given in the form of alms. How to remove a curse at home on your own this method, read below.

When you get home, get ready. First, consecrate the room where the ritual will be performed. To do this, walk around the room with candles, crossing it with a flame in every corner. Then put the purchased candles on the table. Also get:

  • tin can;
  • glass cup;
  • water.

Take a shower before you remove the birth curse or the malicious words of the mother of the offended person.

After the procedure, dress in clean clothes. After entering the room, read the prayers. Then, over the flame of a candle in a tin, under the "Our Father" melt the wax removed from several candles. When the contents of the jar become liquid, quickly whisper the words:

“I ask the Lord and his son Jesus Christ for help and mother Mary for help. Have mercy on me, a servant of God (your name), remove the evil words from (name of a relative) and from our kind a curse. Amen".

After filling the glass with water in advance, pour the melted wax into it. Now you should pronounce these words:

“As in the spring snow pours into the river, as dirt is carried away from the bottom, so may the body, soul and shell of the servant of God (his name) be cleansed of evil spirits, the curse of the family, envy and evil words of the mother. I will be with God, and I will pour out the wax and get rid of the bad. Amen".

After waiting for the poured wax to harden, you can continue the ritual. To get rid of the negativity, you will need to take a glass of water and a wax lump in it out of the house. Go to the desert deserted place. Dig a hole there. Put a glass in it. From above, cover everything with earth. Upon completion of the procedure, return home. Wash your hands well first. Then ventilate the room. It is advisable to go to church on the same day. In the temple it is necessary to order a magpie "for health".

If the behavior of the victim or unexplained phenomena on the female / male line did not stop, a strong curse is in effect. Most likely, this is a mother spell, which is considered the most powerful type of magic. And you can remove it yourself by repeating the ceremony several times.

If the whole bloodline is cursed

Very often in the family, phenomena of celibacy can be observed. Especially in the female line. This is clearly the action of the malicious messages of someone's mother. Usually, in families with a birth curse, everyone quarrels with each other. In addition, they are accompanied by loneliness throughout their lives.

Before you carry out the removal of a generic curse of such a plan, you need to buy 7 candles in the church. Having connected all the candles together upon arrival home, you need to read the words:

“There is no tree without roots, branches, leaves. So let all my bloodlines (list the name of each person) be fine and friendly. Mother Ladushka, you have 7 keys, and I have 7 candles. From now on, from enmity and loneliness, let all the keys be locked.

Roll the melted wax of the burnt out candles into a small candle. Light it up and say over it:

“I make a bet on the way, goodness and peace in the family. May everything good and good, torn by the enemy, return.

Stick the rest of the wax of this candle on the coin of your of great importance. Take a penny with wax to the crossroads and, throwing it over your left shoulder, say loudly “Paid” to remove the curse from every blooded person.

A family curse seems to us something out of the ordinary, but upon closer examination, its signs can be found in almost every family. Such damage is not always associated with a magical effect - you can send a curse under the influence of a minute and strong feelings, and besides, the very laws of the universe vigilantly monitor the observance of the principle of retribution "according to merit."

One way or another, but every person suffering from a birth curse is interested in the opportunity to get rid of it. Let's look at the essence of this phenomenon, its signs and consequences, and most importantly, let's figure out how to remove the birth curse in order to get rid of it completely, and not just "delete in time."

What it is

The essence of a family curse is a passionate wish for misfortune to a certain person or his entire family. In the first case, the curse passes to the descendants automatically - since the "damned" himself was not able to remove or work out the negative sent to him. It also happens that a person does not feel the consequences of damage, but through the misfortunes of his children he suffers even more. Sometimes other people are not involved in causing damage at all - the members of the clan themselves curse themselves by committing crimes or showing immoderate aggression that turns against them.

It would seem that what a simple phrase can do, even if it is said with hatred? But the point, by and large, is not in her, but in the act itself, which caused suffering, evil and resentment. It is for the misconduct that members of the whole family will pay until repentance happens to someone, energy compensation occurs, and global worldview changes take place. A curse, like a set of words and negative emotions, can be compared to a trigger button that "turns on" the action of karma. It is only an auxiliary device, but not the cause of the process.

Possible signs

The main sign of a generational curse is the systematic nature of its manifestation.

What is the most accurate way to determine the symptoms of spoilage induced on the whole genus? Track the chronology of events over time. If similar misfortunes happen to many relatives from generation to generation, there is reason to talk about the presence of a family curse.

Such tragedies and negative events include: murders, suicides, serious illnesses (cancer, epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.), alcoholism, drug addiction, accidents, childlessness, chronic loneliness, divorces, widowhood, conflicts between relatives, etc. P. The classic case of induced damage is when the same misfortune is repeated from generation to generation. For example: women die in childbirth or become widows, men have the same accidents, or there is an irresistible craving for alcohol. However, sometimes the symptoms may manifest differently: for example, various misfortunes sometimes overtake representatives of different generations at the same age. There are cases when the curse acts through the generation, as if "resting" on some members of the family (it manifests itself in other ways and therefore goes unnoticed).

For women and men

Generic damage can manifest itself both classically and more intricately. The main reference point in this case is the frequency of events (of the same type or overtaking people at the same age). However, it would not be superfluous to find out the “textbook” variants of the manifestation of a family curse along the male and female lines. Often this is exactly what happens - damage obviously affects either men or women, but at the same time it covers the whole family (for example, when a husband dies, a wife remains a widow, children lose their father, etc.). This feature allows you to determine how it all started and who (men or women) needs to work first to get rid of damage.

It is believed that the ancestral curse through the female line is transmitted many times more often than through the male. Perhaps the reason is that the propensity for magic lies in the very nature of a woman, and therefore she should behave more carefully. However, it is possible that men simply do not see the system in the misfortunes that overtake them, attributing them to random circumstances. It is very difficult for male psychology to connect the ancient sin of some ancestor with the illness, divorce or business failure that we have now.

For women

Damage along the female line often affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200blove, family and the psyche. The initial cause is usually the destruction of love or the family, or rather, the selfishness or resentment associated with it (the curse of the family can be provoked by both the successful attachment of a strange man, and a strong resentment when a husband or loved one leaves). It is not surprising that during birth damage, women often pay with loneliness (widowhood, celibacy, the inability to build strong relationships and find happiness in love). In addition, typical signs include: childlessness, health problems, appearance and overweight; connections with inadequate men (prone to alcoholism, drug addiction, violence); misfortunes that occur with children and close relatives.

For men

A family curse in the male line manifests itself quite simply. Most often, it turns into death (from a sudden illness, murder, accident) of men and their children. The purpose of such damage is the complete extermination of the genus. Sometimes it is accompanied by major business failures, provoking depression and suicide.

What to do with it?

Recognizing birth damage is not all, it is necessary to somehow correct the current situation. Actually, removing the curse is your direct duty, allowing you to contribute to the healing of the family (after all, with highest point vision, any misfortunes, including damage, are an incentive for development, renewal and rebirth). If we want to save ourselves and our children from sickness, loneliness and misfortune, we are able to do a lot - much more than in a situation of complete contentment. However, you will have to work on your own - having decided to order a “corruption removal” from some magician, you are unlikely to achieve a tangible result. IN best case Your personal situation will change, but the damage will simply “move” in time and pass to the descendants (and if you take into account the laws of karma, you yourself can become these descendants in subsequent births).

However, one should not think that magicians and healers are completely useless in matters of removing damage: it makes sense to turn to knowledgeable people to get a hint on which direction to work in. It will be more useful for someone to overcome pride and go to a healer for advice, while for someone, on the contrary, stop running around sorcerers and start working on their own.

If you don't know where to start, remember that universal remedy to remove any evil is your religion (in fact, it exists for spiritual development, healing and cleansing). Answers can be found in any religion - Islam, Islam, Catholicism or the Vedic tradition, but if you were born in the Orthodox faith, start with it (we are not born in a certain body, clan, country, religion for nothing - they embody our tasks and provide means to solve them).

First steps

Often, before proceeding to the reprimand of corruption with prayers, it is advised to conduct an additional diagnosis - is there really a curse on the members of the clan. If you feel the need, do it - there are really a lot of available means for such a check (at home, you can use runes or Tarot cards). However, in essence, the curse does not need proof - you feel it "in your own skin." If possible, study the history of the clan, write down the patterns of negative and positive events, find out more about your ancestors (especially if there were some secrets in their lives) - perhaps this information will help you understand the problem more clearly. But if you fail to learn something important, do not be discouraged - after all, you yourself are the key to healing your kind.

If you managed to determine which of the members of the clan caused the curse (as well as the names of those who may have aggravated it), start praying against your clan from these people - ask God for forgiveness for the sins they have committed. However, it is important not only to ask, but also to compensate for the harm caused: do good deeds and forgive everyone who offends you yourself.

If we want the forgiveness of our sins (or the sins of our kind), then we ourselves must grant forgiveness - do not forget about it.

If you don't know anything about specific people- pray for all members of the family (for ancestors, living relatives and future descendants).

About prayers

Often a forum for disputes is the question - how and where should the reprimand of the clan be carried out? There is an opinion that it is possible to pray for a curse only in the church, regularly ordering prayers for deceased relatives, using certain prayers and psalms. It's really effective remedy, however, there are circumstances when it is not possible to resort to it. Many people are far from church traditions, although they believe in God, and the need to radically change their lifestyle makes them put off the necessary actions on the back burner. Perhaps it is better to start small: pray at home every day, and if possible, go to church, light a candle, order a prayer service.

It is much more important to understand the essence of the Orthodox religion - to read spiritual literature, to learn about the power of love, forgiveness, spiritual healing. Of course, any prayer brings tangible benefits, but felt and realized, it becomes hundreds of times stronger. It is much more effective to understand the words with which we address God than to repeat them automatically. Start reading those prayers that you understand and feel in your heart, and then, as you become aware, move on to others. In addition, reading prayers does not mean using purely ready-made texts, because you can turn to God in your own words, the main thing is that they reflect the sincerity of your feelings.

Family curse, features.

Ancestral curses, how to overcome negative program kind.

How does a generational curse manifest itself. Ancestor karmologist Natalya Andreeva

  1. Read prayers alone with a lit candle for ten minutes, at a minimum (the longer the better).
  2. Try to do this for forty days continuously to start the process of cleansing the family and form a new habit. (However, do not think that everything will be over after forty days - it will take much longer to reprimand the clan.)
  3. When possible, read the prayers aloud, not forgetting to say that you dedicate them to the ancestors (relatives, descendants) of your kind.
  4. One day a week (preferably on Saturday) do a special ritual for the ancestors. You need to clean up everything that has come into a mess, wipe the floors, walk around the house with a lit candle. Boil rice until half cooked, reciting prayers. Put it in a special plate on the table and light a candle - invite the ancestors to "eat". Sit with them and say prayers, and then give thanks for giving you life.
  5. If you or your child get sick after the start of work, do not panic - this is how the process of cleansing the family is manifested. Help the recovery with medicines, but do not stop trying to remove the curse.
  6. If the situation in the family is critical, you can temporarily put magical protection- draw runic staves, acquire amulets, resort to protective rituals. However, remember that these measures are short-lived - only internal changes and serious spiritual work will lead to real results.
