Comparison of fractions definition. Comparison of ordinary fractions

In this lesson we will learn how to compare fractions with each other. This is a very useful skill that is needed to solve a whole class of more complex problems.

First, let me remind you of the definition of the equality of fractions:

Fractions a /b and c /d are called equal if ad = bc.

  1. 5/8 = 15/24 because 5 24 = 8 15 = 120;
  2. 3/2 = 27/18 because 3 18 = 2 27 = 54.

In all other cases, the fractions are unequal, and one of the following statements is true for them:

  1. The fraction a /b is greater than the fraction c /d ;
  2. The fraction a /b is less than the fraction c /d .

The fraction a /b is called greater than the fraction c /d if a /b − c /d > 0.

A fraction x /y is called less than a fraction s /t if x /y − s /t< 0.


Thus, the comparison of fractions is reduced to their subtraction. Question: how not to get confused with the notation "greater than" (>) and "less than" (<)? Для ответа просто приглядитесь к тому, как выглядят эти знаки:

  1. The expanding part of the check is always directed towards the larger number;
  2. The sharp nose of a jackdaw always indicates a lower number.

Often in tasks where you want to compare numbers, they put the sign "∨" between them. This is a jackdaw with its nose down, which, as it were, hints: the larger of the numbers has not yet been determined.

Task. Compare numbers:

Following the definition, we subtract the fractions from each other:

In each comparison, we needed to bring fractions to a common denominator. In particular, using the criss-cross method and finding the least common multiple. I deliberately did not focus on these points, but if something is not clear, take a look at the lesson " Addition and subtraction of fractions"- it is very easy.

Decimal Comparison

In the case of decimal fractions, everything is much simpler. There is no need to subtract anything here - just compare the digits. It will not be superfluous to remember what a significant part of a number is. For those who have forgotten, I suggest repeating the lesson “ Multiplication and division of decimal fractions"- it will also take just a couple of minutes.

A positive decimal X is greater than a positive decimal Y if it has a decimal place such that:

  1. The digit in this digit in the fraction X is greater than the corresponding digit in the fraction Y;
  2. All digits older than given in fractions X and Y are the same.
  1. 12.25 > 12.16. The first two digits are the same (12 = 12), and the third is greater (2 > 1);
  2. 0,00697 < 0,01. Первые два разряда опять совпадают (00 = 00), а третий - меньше (0 < 1).

In other words, we are sequentially looking at the decimal places and looking for the difference. Wherein higher figure also corresponds to a large fraction.

However, this definition requires clarification. For example, how to write and compare digits up to the decimal point? Remember: any number written in decimal form can be assigned any number of zeros on the left. Here are a couple more examples:

  1. 0,12 < 951, т.к. 0,12 = 000,12 - приписали два нуля слева. Очевидно, 0 < 9 (we are talking about senior level).
  2. 2300.5 > 0.0025, because 0.0025 = 0000.0025 - added three zeros on the left. Now you can see that the difference starts in the first bit: 2 > 0.

Of course, in the given examples with zeros there was an explicit enumeration, but the meaning is exactly this: fill in the missing digits on the left, and then compare.

Task. Compare fractions:

  1. 0,029 ∨ 0,007;
  2. 14,045 ∨ 15,5;
  3. 0,00003 ∨ 0,0000099;
  4. 1700,1 ∨ 0,99501.

By definition we have:

  1. 0.029 > 0.007. The first two digits are the same (00 = 00), then the difference begins (2 > 0);
  2. 14,045 < 15,5. Различие - во втором разряде: 4 < 5;
  3. 0.00003 > 0.0000099. Here you need to carefully count the zeros. The first 5 digits in both fractions are zero, but further in the first fraction is 3, and in the second - 0. Obviously, 3 > 0;
  4. 1700.1 > 0.99501. Let's rewrite the second fraction as 0000.99501, adding 3 zeros to the left. Now everything is obvious: 1 > 0 - the difference is found in the first digit.

Unfortunately, the above scheme for comparing decimal fractions is not universal. This method can only compare positive numbers. In the general case, the algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. A positive fraction is always greater than a negative one;
  2. Two positive fractions are compared according to the above algorithm;
  3. Two negative fractions are compared in the same way, but at the end the inequality sign is reversed.

Well, isn't it weak? Now consider concrete examples- and everything will become clear.

Task. Compare fractions:

  1. 0,0027 ∨ 0,0072;
  2. −0,192 ∨ −0,39;
  3. 0,15 ∨ −11,3;
  4. 19,032 ∨ 0,0919295;
  5. −750 ∨ −1,45.
  1. 0,0027 < 0,0072. Здесь все стандартно: две положительные дроби, различие начинается на 4 разряде (2 < 7);
  2. -0.192 > -0.39. Fractions are negative, 2 digits are different. 1< 3, но в силу отрицательности знак неравенства меняется на противоположный;
  3. 0,15 > −11,3. positive number always more negative;
  4. 19.032 > 0.091. It is enough to rewrite the second fraction in the form of 00.091 to see that the difference occurs already in 1 digit;
  5. −750 < −1,45. Если сравнить числа 750 и 1,45 (без минусов), легко видеть, что 750 >001.45. The difference is in the first category.

We continue to study fractions. Today we will talk about their comparison. The topic is interesting and useful. It will allow the beginner to feel like a scientist in a white coat.

The essence of comparing fractions is to find out which of the two fractions is greater or less.

To answer the question which of the two fractions is greater or less, use such as more (>) or less (<).

Mathematicians have already taken care of ready-made rules that allow you to immediately answer the question of which fraction is larger and which is smaller. These rules can be safely applied.

We will look at all these rules and try to figure out why this happens.

Lesson content

Comparing fractions with the same denominators

The fractions to be compared come across different. The most successful case is when fractions have the same denominators, but different numerators. In this case, the following rule applies:

Of two fractions with the same denominator, the larger fraction is the one with the larger numerator. And accordingly, the smaller fraction will be, in which the numerator is smaller.

For example, let's compare fractions and and answer which of these fractions is larger. Here the denominators are the same, but the numerators are different. A fraction has a larger numerator than a fraction. So the fraction is greater than . So we answer. Reply using the more icon (>)

This example can be easily understood if we think about pizzas that are divided into four parts. more pizzas than pizzas:

Everyone will agree that the first pizza is bigger than the second one.

Comparing fractions with the same numerator

The next case we can get into is when the numerators of the fractions are the same, but the denominators are different. For such cases, the following rule is provided:

Of two fractions with the same numerator, the fraction with the smaller denominator is larger. The fraction with the larger denominator is therefore smaller.

For example, let's compare fractions and . These fractions have the same numerator. A fraction has a smaller denominator than a fraction. So the fraction is greater than the fraction. So we answer:

This example can be easily understood if we think about pizzas that are divided into three and four parts. more pizzas than pizzas:

Everyone agrees that the first pizza is bigger than the second.

Comparing fractions with different numerators and different denominators

It often happens that you have to compare fractions with different numerators and different denominators.

For example, compare fractions and . To answer the question which of these fractions is greater or less, you need to bring them to the same (common) denominator. Then it will be easy to determine which fraction is greater or less.

Let's bring the fractions to the same (common) denominator. Find (LCM) the denominators of both fractions. The LCM of the denominators of the fractions and that number is 6.

Now we find additional factors for each fraction. Divide the LCM by the denominator of the first fraction. LCM is the number 6, and the denominator of the first fraction is the number 2. Divide 6 by 2, we get an additional factor of 3. We write it over the first fraction:

Now let's find the second additional factor. Divide the LCM by the denominator of the second fraction. LCM is the number 6, and the denominator of the second fraction is the number 3. Divide 6 by 3, we get an additional factor of 2. We write it over the second fraction:

Multiply the fractions by their additional factors:

We came to the conclusion that fractions that had different denominators turned into fractions that had the same denominators. And we already know how to compare such fractions. Of two fractions with the same denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the larger numerator:

The rule is the rule, and we will try to figure out why more than . To do this, select the integer part in the fraction. There is no need to select anything in the fraction, since this fraction is already correct.

After selecting the integer part in the fraction, we get the following expression:

Now you can easily understand why more than . Let's draw these fractions in the form of pizzas:

2 whole pizzas and pizzas, more than pizzas.

Subtraction of mixed numbers. Difficult cases.

When subtracting mixed numbers, sometimes you find that things don't go as smoothly as you'd like. It often happens that when solving an example, the answer is not what it should be.

When subtracting numbers, the minuend must be greater than the subtrahend. Only in this case will a normal response be received.

For example, 10−8=2

10 - reduced

8 - subtracted

2 - difference

The minus 10 is greater than the subtracted 8, so we got the normal answer 2.

Now let's see what happens if the minuend is less than the subtrahend. Example 5−7=−2

5 - reduced

7 - subtracted

−2 is the difference

In this case, we go beyond the usual numbers for us and find ourselves in the world of negative numbers, where it is too early for us to walk, and even dangerous. To work with negative numbers, you need the appropriate mathematical background, which we have not received yet.

If, when solving examples for subtraction, you find that the minuend is less than the subtrahend, then you can skip such an example for now. It is permissible to work with negative numbers only after studying them.

The situation is the same with fractions. The minuend must be greater than the subtrahend. Only in this case it will be possible to get a normal answer. And in order to understand whether the reduced fraction is greater than the subtracted one, you need to be able to compare these fractions.

For example, let's solve an example.

This is a subtraction example. To solve it, you need to check whether the reduced fraction is greater than the subtracted one. more than

so we can safely return to the example and solve it:

Now let's solve this example

Check if the reduced fraction is greater than the subtracted one. We find that it is less:

In this case, it is more reasonable to stop and not continue further calculation. We will return to this example when we study negative numbers.

It is also desirable to check mixed numbers before subtracting. For example, let's find the value of the expression .

First, check whether the reduced mixed number is greater than the subtracted one. To do this, we translate mixed numbers into improper fractions:

We got fractions with different numerators and different denominators. To compare such fractions, you need to bring them to the same (common) denominator. We will not describe in detail how to do this. If you're having trouble, be sure to repeat.

After reducing the fractions to the same denominator, we get the following expression:

Now we need to compare fractions and . These are fractions with the same denominators. Of two fractions with the same denominator, the larger fraction is the one with the larger numerator.

A fraction has a larger numerator than a fraction. So the fraction is greater than the fraction.

This means that the minuend is greater than the subtrahend.

So we can go back to our example and boldly solve it:

Example 3 Find the value of an expression

Check if the minuend is greater than the subtrahend.

Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions:

We got fractions with different numerators and different denominators. We bring these fractions to the same (common) denominator.

Of two fractions with the same denominator, the one with the larger numerator is the larger, and the one with the smaller numerator is the smaller.. In fact, after all, the denominator shows how many parts one whole value was divided into, and the numerator shows how many such parts were taken.

It turns out that each whole circle was divided by the same number 5 , but they took a different number of parts: they took more - a large fraction and it turned out.

Of two fractions with the same numerator, the one with the smaller denominator is the larger, and the one with the larger denominator is the smaller. Well, in fact, if we divide one circle into 8 parts and the other 5 parts and take one part from each of the circles. Which part will be bigger?

Of course, from a circle divided by 5 parts! Now imagine that they shared not circles, but cakes. Which piece would you prefer, more precisely, which share: the fifth or the eighth?

To compare fractions with different numerators and different denominators, you need to reduce the fractions to the lowest common denominator, and then compare the fractions with the same denominators.

Examples. Compare ordinary fractions:

Let's bring these fractions to the smallest common denominator. NOZ(4 ; 6)=12. We find additional factors for each of the fractions. For the 1st fraction, an additional multiplier 3 (12: 4=3 ). For the 2nd fraction, an additional multiplier 2 (12: 6=2 ). Now we compare the numerators of the two resulting fractions with the same denominators. Since the numerator of the first fraction is less than the numerator of the second fraction ( 9<10) , then the first fraction itself is less than the second fraction.

This article deals with the comparison of fractions. Here we will find out which of the fractions is greater or less, apply the rule, and analyze examples of the solution. Compare fractions with the same and different denominators. Let's compare an ordinary fraction with a natural number.

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Comparing fractions with the same denominators

When comparing fractions with the same denominators, we work only with the numerator, which means we compare fractions of a number. If there is a fraction 3 7 , then it has 3 parts 1 7 , then the fraction 8 7 has 8 such parts. In other words, if the denominator is the same, the numerators of these fractions are compared, that is, 3 7 and 8 7 the numbers 3 and 8 are compared.

This implies the rule for comparing fractions with the same denominators: of the available fractions with the same indicators, the larger one is considered to be the one whose numerator is larger and vice versa.

This suggests that you should pay attention to the numerators. To do this, consider an example.

Example 1

Compare the given fractions 65 126 and 87 126 .


Since the denominators of the fractions are the same, let's move on to the numerators. From the numbers 87 and 65 it is obvious that 65 is less. Based on the rule for comparing fractions with the same denominators, we have that 87126 is greater than 65126.

Answer: 87 126 > 65 126 .

Comparing fractions with different denominators

The comparison of such fractions can be compared with the comparison of fractions with the same exponents, but there is a difference. Now we need to reduce the fractions to a common denominator.

If there are fractions with different denominators, to compare them you need:

  • find a common denominator;
  • compare fractions.

Let's take a look at these steps with an example.

Example 2

Compare fractions 5 12 and 9 16 .


The first step is to bring the fractions to a common denominator. This is done in this way: the LCM is found, that is, the smallest common divisor, 12 and 16 . This number is 48. It is necessary to inscribe additional factors to the first fraction 5 12, this number is found from the quotient 48: 12 = 4, for the second fraction 9 16 - 48: 16 = 3. Let's write it down like this: 5 12 = 5 4 12 4 = 20 48 and 9 16 = 9 3 16 3 = 27 48.

After comparing the fractions, we get that 20 48< 27 48 . Значит, 5 12 меньше 9 16 .

Answer: 5 12 < 9 16 .

There is another way to compare fractions with different denominators. It is performed without reduction to a common denominator. Let's look at an example. To compare fractions a b and c d, we reduce to a common denominator, then b · d, that is, the product of these denominators. Then the additional factors for fractions will be the denominators of the neighboring fraction. This is written as a · d b · d and c · b d · b . Using the rule with the same denominators, we have that the comparison of fractions has been reduced to comparisons of the products a · d and c · b. From here we get the rule for comparing fractions with different denominators: if a d > b c, then a b > c d, but if a d< b · c , тогда a b < c d . Рассмотрим сравнение с разными знаменателями.

Example 3

Compare fractions 5 18 and 23 86.


This example has a = 5 , b = 18 , c = 23 and d = 86 . Then it is necessary to calculate a · d and b · c . It follows that a d = 5 86 = 430 and b c = 18 23 = 414 . But 430 > 414 , then the given fraction 5 18 is greater than 23 86 .

Answer: 5 18 > 23 86 .

Comparing fractions with the same numerator

If fractions have the same numerators and different denominators, then you can perform the comparison according to the previous paragraph. The result of the comparison is possible when comparing their denominators.

There is a rule for comparing fractions with the same numerators : Of two fractions with the same numerator, the larger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator, and vice versa.

Let's look at an example.

Example 4

Compare fractions 54 19 and 54 31.


We have that the numerators are the same, which means that a fraction with a denominator of 19 is greater than a fraction that has a denominator of 31. This is clear from the rule.

Answer: 54 19 > 54 31 .

Otherwise, you can consider an example. There are two plates on which 1 2 pies, anna another 1 16 . If you eat 1 2 pies, you will get full faster than just 1 16. Hence the conclusion that the largest denominator with the same numerators is the smallest when comparing fractions.

Comparing a fraction with a natural number

A comparison of an ordinary fraction with a natural number is the same as a comparison of two fractions with the denominators written in the form 1. Let's take a look at an example below for more details.

Example 4

It is necessary to perform a comparison 63 8 and 9 .


It is necessary to represent the number 9 as a fraction 9 1 . Then we have the need to compare fractions 63 8 and 9 1 . This is followed by reduction to a common denominator by finding additional factors. After that, we see that we need to compare fractions with the same denominators 63 8 and 72 8 . Based on the comparison rule, 63< 72 , тогда получаем 63 8 < 72 8 . Значит, заданная дробь меньше целого числа 9 , то есть имеем 63 8 < 9 .

Answer: 63 8 < 9 .

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IN Everyday life we often have to compare fractional values. Most of the time this doesn't cause any problems. Indeed, everyone understands that half an apple is larger than a quarter. But when it is necessary to write it down as a mathematical expression, it can be difficult. By applying the following mathematical rules, you can easily solve this problem.

How to compare fractions with the same denominator

These fractions are the easiest to compare. In this case, use the rule:

Of two fractions with the same denominator but different numerator, the larger one is the one whose numerator is greater, and the smaller one is the one whose numerator is smaller.

For example, compare the fractions 3/8 and 5/8. The denominators in this example are equal, so we apply this rule. 3<5 и 3/8 меньше, чем 5/8.

Indeed, if you cut two pizzas into 8 slices, then 3/8 slices are always less than 5/8.

Comparing fractions with the same numerators and different denominators

In this case, the sizes of the denominator shares are compared. The rule to apply is:

If two fractions have the same numerator, then the larger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator.

For example, compare the fractions 3/4 and 3/8. In this example, the numerators are equal, so we use the second rule. The 3/4 fraction has a smaller denominator than the 3/8 fraction. Hence 3/4>3/8

Indeed, if you eat 3 slices of pizza divided into 4 parts, you will be more full than if you ate 3 slices of pizza divided into 8 parts.

Comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators

We apply the third rule:

Comparison of fractions with different denominators should be compared to fractions with the same denominators. To do this, you need to bring the fractions to a common denominator and use the first rule.

For example, you need to compare fractions and . To determine the larger fraction, we bring these two fractions to a common denominator:

  • Now let's find the second additional factor: 6:3=2. We write it over the second fraction:
