Thus was born the idea of ​​the Universe-hologram. The universe is a giant holographic illusion

November 7th, 2016

The nature of the hologram - "the whole in every particle" - gives us completely new way understanding of the structure and order of things. We see objects, for example, elementary particles, separated because we see only a part of reality. These particles are not separate "parts", but facets of a deeper unity.

At some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate objects, but, as it were, a continuation of something more fundamental.

Scientists came to the conclusion that elementary particles are able to interact with each other regardless of the distance, not because they exchange some mysterious signals, but because their separation is an illusion.

If the separation of particles is an illusion, then at a deeper level, all objects in the world are infinitely interconnected. The electrons in the carbon atoms in our brains are connected to the electrons in every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shines in the sky. The universe as a hologram means that we are not

The hologram tells us that we are also a hologram.

Scientists from the Center for Astrophysical Research at the Fermi Laboratory (Fermilab) are now working on the creation of a device "holometer" (Holometer), with which they can refute everything that mankind now knows about the universe.

With the help of the Holometer device, experts hope to prove or disprove the crazy assumption that the three-dimensional universe as we know it simply does not exist, being nothing more than a kind of hologram. In other words, the surrounding reality is an illusion and nothing more.

…The theory that the Universe is a hologram is based on the not so long ago assumption that space and time in the Universe are not continuous.

They allegedly consist of separate parts, dots - as if from pixels, because of which it is impossible to increase the "image scale" of the Universe indefinitely, penetrating deeper and deeper into the essence of things. Upon reaching some value of the scale, the Universe turns out to be something like a digital image of very poor quality - fuzzy, blurry.

Imagine a typical magazine photo. It looks like a continuous image, but, starting from a certain level of magnification, it breaks up into dots that make up a single whole. And also our world is allegedly assembled from microscopic points into a single beautiful, even convex picture.

Amazing theory! And until recently, it was treated lightly. Only latest research black holes have convinced most researchers that there is something in the "holographic" theory.

The fact is that the gradual evaporation of black holes discovered by astronomers with the passage of time led to an information paradox - all the information contained about the insides of the hole would then disappear.

And this is contrary to the principle of preservation of information.

But the laureate Nobel Prize in physics, Gerard t'Hooft, drawing on the work of Jerusalem University professor Jacob Bekenstein, proved that all the information contained in a three-dimensional object can be stored within the two-dimensional boundaries that remain after its destruction, just as an image of a three-dimensional object can be placed in two-dimensional hologram.


For the first time, the “crazy” idea of ​​universal illusoryness was born by the University of London physicist David Bohm, an associate of Albert Einstein, in the middle of the 20th century.

According to his theory, the whole world is arranged in much the same way as a hologram.

Just as any arbitrarily small section of a hologram contains the entire image of a three-dimensional object, so every existing object is “embedded” in each of its constituent parts.

“It follows from this that there is no objective reality,” said Professor Bohm, then with a startling conclusion. “Even in spite of its apparent density, the universe is at its core a phantasm, a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram.

Recall that a hologram is a three-dimensional photograph taken with a laser. To make it, first of all, the object to be photographed must be illuminated by laser light. Then the second laser beam, adding up with the reflected light from the object, gives an interference pattern (alternating minima and maxima of the rays), which can be recorded on the film.

The finished shot looks like a meaningless interlayering of light and dark lines. But as soon as the image is illuminated with another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object immediately appears.

Three-dimensionality is not the only remarkable property inherent in a hologram.

If a hologram with an image of, for example, a tree is cut in half and illuminated with a laser, each half will contain a whole image of the same tree in exactly the same size. If we continue to cut the hologram into smaller pieces, on each of them we will again find an image of the entire object as a whole.

Unlike a conventional photograph, each area of ​​the hologram contains information about the entire subject, but with a proportionally corresponding decrease in clarity.

“The principle of the hologram “everything in every part” allows us to approach the issue of organization and order in a completely new way,” explained Professor Bohm. For most of its history, Western science has developed with the idea that The best way to understand a physical phenomenon, be it a frog or an atom, is to cut it open and study its constituent parts.

The hologram has shown us that some things in the universe cannot be explored in this way. If we dissect something arranged holographically, we will not get the parts of which it consists, but we will get the same thing, but with less accuracy.


Bohm's "crazy" idea was also prompted by a sensational experiment with elementary particles in its time. A physicist from the University of Paris, Alan Aspect, discovered in 1982 that, under certain conditions, electrons are able to instantly communicate with each other, regardless of the distance between them.

It doesn't matter if there are ten millimeters between them or ten billion kilometers. Somehow each particle always knows what the other is doing. Only one problem of this discovery was embarrassing: it violates Einstein's postulate about the limiting speed of propagation of interaction equal to the speed of light.

Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking through a time barrier, this frightening prospect has caused physicists to greatly doubt Aspect's work.

But Bohm managed to find an explanation. According to him, elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange some mysterious signals with each other, but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate entities, but are actually extensions of something more fundamental.

“For better understanding, the professor illustrated his intricate theory with the following example,” wrote Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe. Imagine an aquarium with fish. Imagine also that you cannot see the aquarium directly, but only two television screens that transmit images from cameras located one in front and one on the side of the aquarium.

Looking at the screens, you can conclude that the fish on each of the screens are separate objects. Since the cameras transmit images from different angles, the fish look different. But as you continue watching, after a while you will find that there is a relationship between the two fish on different screens.

When one fish turns, the other also changes direction, slightly different, but always in line with the first. When you see one fish in full face, the other is certainly in profile. If you don't own complete picture situations, you are more likely to conclude that the fish must somehow instantly communicate with each other, that this is not a fact of a random coincidence.

“The apparent superluminal interaction between particles tells us that there is a deeper level of reality hidden from us,” Bohm explained the phenomenon of Aspect’s experiments, “of a higher dimension than ours, as in the analogy with an aquarium. We see these particles as separate only because we see only a part of reality.

And particles are not separate “parts,” but facets of a deeper unity that is ultimately as holographic and invisible as the tree mentioned above.

And since everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe we observe is itself a projection, a hologram.

What else a hologram can carry is not yet known.

Suppose, for example, that it is a matrix that gives rise to everything in the world, at least it contains all the elementary particles that have accepted or will someday accept any possible form matter and energy - from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It's like a universal supermarket, which has everything.

While Bohm admitted that we have no way of knowing what else the hologram holds, he took the liberty of asserting that we have no reason to assume that there is nothing else in it. In other words, perhaps the holographic level of the world is just one of the stages of endless evolution.


Psychologist Jack Kornfield, speaking of his first meeting with the late Tibetan Buddhist teacher Kalu Rinpoche, recalls that the following dialogue took place between them:

Could you explain to me in a few sentences the essence of Buddhist teachings?

“I could do it, but you will not believe me, and it will take you many years to understand what I am talking about.

- Anyway, explain, please, I really want to know. Rinpoche's answer was extremely brief:

You don't really exist.


But is it possible to “feel” this illusory nature with instruments? It turned out yes. For several years in Germany, at the gravitational telescope built in Hannover (Germany), GEO600, research has been carried out to detect gravitational waves, space-time fluctuations that create supermassive space objects.

Not a single wave over the years, however, could not be found. One of the reasons is strange noises in the range from 300 to 1500 Hz, which the detector fixes for a long time. They interfere with his work.

Researchers searched in vain for the source of the noise until Craig Hogan, director of the Center for Astrophysical Research at the Fermi Laboratory, accidentally contacted them.

He said he understood what was going on. According to him, it follows from the holographic principle that space-time is not a continuous line and, most likely, is a collection of microzones, grains, a kind of space-time quanta.

“And the accuracy of the GEO600 equipment today is sufficient to fix vacuum fluctuations occurring at the boundaries of space quanta, the very grains that, if the holographic principle is correct, the Universe consists of,” Professor Hogan explained.

According to him, GEO600 just stumbled upon the fundamental limitation of space-time - the same “grain”, like the graininess of a magazine photo. And perceived this obstacle as "noise".

And Craig Hogan, following Bohm, repeats with conviction:

— If the results of GEO600 correspond to my expectations, then we all really live in a huge hologram of universal scales.

The detector readings so far correspond exactly to his calculations, and it seems that the scientific world is on the verge of a grand discovery.

Experts recall that once extraneous noise that pissed off researchers at Bell Laboratory - a large research center in the field of telecommunications, electronic and computer systems - during the experiments of 1964, has already become a harbinger of a global change in the scientific paradigm: this is how the cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered, which proved the hypothesis about the Big Bang.

And scientists are waiting for evidence of the holographic nature of the Universe when the device "Holometer" will work at full capacity. Scientists hope that it will increase the amount of practical data and knowledge of this extraordinary discovery, which still belongs to the field of theoretical physics.

The detector is designed as follows: they shine with a laser through a beam splitter, from there two beams pass through two perpendicular bodies, are reflected, returned back, merge together and create an interference pattern, where any distortion reports a change in the ratio of the lengths of the bodies, as the gravitational wave passes through the bodies and compresses or stretches space unequally in different directions.

“The Holometer will allow us to zoom in on space-time and see if assumptions about the fractional structure of the universe, based on purely mathematical deductions, are confirmed,” suggests Professor Hogan.

The first data obtained using the new apparatus will begin to arrive in the middle of this year.


President of the Royal Society of London, cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin Rees: "The birth of the Universe will forever remain a mystery to us"

We cannot understand the laws of the universe. And you will never know how the Universe appeared and what awaits it. Hypotheses about the Big Bang, which allegedly gave rise to the world around us, or that many others can exist in parallel with our Universe, or about the holographic nature of the world, will remain unproven assumptions.

Undoubtedly, there are explanations for everything, but there are no such geniuses who could understand them. human mind limited. And he has reached his limit. Even today, we are as far from understanding, for example, the microstructure of the vacuum as the fish in the aquarium, which are completely unaware of how the environment in which they live works.

For example, I have reason to suspect that space has a cellular structure. And each of its cells is trillions of trillions of times smaller than an atom. But we cannot prove or disprove this, or understand how such a construction works. The task is too difficult, transcendent for the human mind - "Russian space".

Computer model of the galaxy

After nine months of calculations on a powerful supercomputer, astrophysicists have managed to create a computer model of a beautiful spiral galaxy, which is a copy of our Milky Way.

At the same time, the physics of the formation and evolution of our galaxy is observed. This model, which was created by researchers at the University of California and the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Zurich, solves a problem facing science that has emerged from the prevailing cosmological model of the universe.

"Previous attempts to create a massive disk galaxy like the Milky Way failed because the model had a bulge (central bulge) that was too large compared to the size of the disk," said Javiera Guedes, a graduate student in astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California and author of a research paper on this model, called Eris (eng. "Eris"). The study will be published in the Astrophysical Journal.

Eris is a massive spiral galaxy with a core in the center, which consists of bright stars and other structural objects characteristic of such galaxies as Milky Way. In terms of such parameters as brightness, the ratio of the width of the center of the galaxy and the width of the disk, stellar composition and other properties, it coincides with milky way and other galaxies of this type.

According to co-author Piero Madau, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, a significant amount of money was spent on the implementation of the project, which went to the purchase of 1.4 million processor hours of computing time on a supercomputer on NASA's Pleiades computer.

The results obtained made it possible to confirm the theory of "cold dark matter", according to which the evolution of the structure of the Universe proceeded under the influence of gravitational interactions of dark cold matter ("dark" because it cannot be seen, and "cold" due to the fact that particles moving very slowly).

“This model tracks the interaction of more than 60 million dark matter particles and gas. Its code includes the physics of processes such as gravity and fluid dynamics, star formation and supernova explosions - all in the very high resolution of all the cosmological models in the world,” Guedes said.

scientific world is on the verge of a grand opening: we do not exist! The universe is a hologram! This means that we are not!

There is growing evidence that some parts of the universe may be special. One of the cornerstones of modern astrophysics is the cosmological principle. According to him, observers on Earth see the same thing as observers from anywhere else in the universe, and that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. Many observations support this idea. For example, the universe looks more or less the same in all directions, with roughly the same distribution of galaxies on all sides.

But in last years, some cosmologists began to doubt the correctness of this principle.

They point to evidence from Type 1 supernovae, which are moving away from us at an ever-increasing rate, indicating not only that the universe is expanding, but that the expansion is accelerating more and more.

Curiously, the acceleration is not the same for all directions. The universe is accelerating faster in some directions than in others. But how reliable are these data? It is possible that in some directions we observe a statistical error, which will disappear with the correct analysis of the data obtained.

Rong-Jen Kai and Zhong-Liang Tuo, from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, rechecked data from 557 supernovae from all parts of the universe and recalculated. Today they confirmed the presence of heterogeneity. According to their calculations, the fastest acceleration occurs in the constellation Chanterelles of the northern hemisphere. These data are consistent with data from other studies, according to which there is an inhomogeneity in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

This may lead cosmologists to come to the bold conclusion that the cosmological principle is wrong.

An exciting question arises: why is the Universe inhomogeneous and how will this affect existing models of the cosmos?

Get ready for a galactic move

Milky Way

A team of researchers from the United States and Canada has published a map of life-forming zones in the Milky Way. The scientists' article has been accepted for publication in the journal Astrobiology, and its preprint is available at According to modern concepts, the Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ) is defined as a region where there are enough heavy elements to form planets on the one hand, and which is not exposed to cosmic cataclysms on the other. The main such cataclysms, according to scientists, are supernova explosions, which can easily "sterilize" the entire planet.

As part of the study, scientists built a computer model of the processes of star formation, as well as type Ia supernovae (white dwarfs in binary systems that steal matter from a neighbor) and II (explosion of a star with a mass of more than 8 solar). As a result, astrophysicists have been able to identify regions of the Milky Way that are theoretically habitable.

In addition, scientists have found that around at least 1.5 percent of all stars in the galaxy (that is, approximately 4.5 billion out of 3 × 1011 stars) in different time habitable planets could exist.

At the same time, 75 percent of these hypothetical planets should be in tidal capture, that is, constantly “look” at the star with one side. Whether life is possible on such planets is a matter of dispute among astrobiologists.

To calculate GHZ, scientists used the same approach that is used in the analysis of habitable zones around stars. Such a zone is usually called the region around the star, in which water in liquid form can exist on the surface of a rocky planet.

Our universe is a hologram. Does reality exist?

If to speak plain language A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph of stored light rays reflected from an object at the time the hologram is recorded. Thus, you can see the jewel as if it is behind glass, although in reality it is not there, but this is only its hologram. A similar miracle was revealed to the world by Dennis Gabor in 1948, for which he received the Nobel Prize.

The nature of the hologram - "the whole in every part" - gives us a completely new way of understanding the structure and order of things. We see objects, for example, elementary particles, separated because we see only a part of reality.

These particles are not separate "parts" but facets of a deeper unity.

At some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate objects, but, as it were, an extension of something more fundamental.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that elementary particles are able to interact with each other regardless of the distance, not because they exchange some mysterious signals, but because their separation is an illusion.

If the separation of particles is an illusion, then at a deeper level, all things in the world are infinitely interconnected. The electrons in the carbon atoms in our brains are connected to the electrons in every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shines in the sky.

The universe as a hologram means that we are not

The hologram tells us that we are a hologram. Scientists from the Center for Astrophysical Research at the Fermi Laboratory (Fermilab) are now working on the creation of a device "holometer" (Holometer), with which they can refute everything that humanity now knows about the universe.

With the help of the Holometer device, experts hope to prove or disprove the crazy assumption that the three-dimensional universe as we know it simply does not exist, being nothing more than a kind of hologram. In other words, the surrounding reality is an illusion and nothing more...

The theory that the universe is a hologram is based on the recent assumption that space and time in the universe are not continuous. They allegedly consist of separate parts, dots - as if from pixels, because of which it is impossible to increase the "image scale" of the Universe indefinitely, penetrating deeper and deeper into the essence of things. Upon reaching some value of the scale, the Universe turns out to be something like a digital image of very poor quality - fuzzy, blurry.

Imagine a typical magazine photo. It looks like a continuous image, but, starting from a certain level of magnification, it breaks up into dots that make up a single whole. And also our world is allegedly assembled from microscopic points into a single beautiful, even convex picture. Amazing theory! And until recently, it was treated lightly. Only recent studies of black holes have convinced most researchers that there is something in the "holographic" theory.

The fact is that the gradual evaporation of black holes discovered by astronomers with the passage of time led to an information paradox - all the information contained about the insides of the hole in this case would disappear.

And this is contrary to the principle of preservation of information.

But Nobel Prize-winning physicist Gerard t'Hooft, relying on the work of Jerusalem University professor Jacob Bekenstein, proved that all information contained in a three-dimensional object can be stored within the two-dimensional boundaries that remain after its destruction, just like the image of a three-dimensional object. object can be placed in a two-dimensional hologram.


For the first time, the “crazy” idea of ​​universal illusoryness was born by the University of London physicist David Bohm, an associate of Albert Einstein, in the middle of the 20th century.

According to his theory, the whole world is arranged in much the same way as a hologram.

Just as any arbitrarily small section of a hologram contains the entire image of a three-dimensional object, so every existing object is “embedded” in each of its constituent parts.

It follows from this that objective reality does not exist, - Professor Bom then made a stunning conclusion. “Even with its apparent density, the universe is at its core a fantasy, a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram.

Recall that a hologram is a three-dimensional photograph taken with a laser. To make it, first of all, the object to be photographed must be illuminated by laser light. Then the second laser beam, adding up with the reflected light from the object, gives an interference pattern (alternating minima and maxima of the rays), which can be recorded on the film.

The finished shot looks like a meaningless interlayering of light and dark lines. But as soon as the image is illuminated with another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object immediately appears.

Three-dimensionality is not the only remarkable property inherent in a hologram.

If a hologram with an image of, for example, a tree is cut in half and illuminated with a laser, each half will contain a whole image of the same tree in exactly the same size. If we continue to cut the hologram into smaller pieces, on each of them we will again find an image of the entire object as a whole.

Unlike a conventional photograph, each area of ​​the hologram contains information about the entire subject, but with a proportionally corresponding decrease in clarity.

The principle of the hologram "everything in every part" allows us to approach the issue of organization and order in a completely new way, explained Professor Bohm. - For almost its entire history, Western science has evolved with the idea that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, be it a frog or an atom, is to cut it apart and study its constituent parts.

The hologram has shown us that some things in the universe cannot be explored in this way. If we dissect something arranged holographically, we will not get the parts of which it consists, but we will get the same thing, but with less accuracy.


Bohm's "crazy" idea was also prompted by a sensational experiment with elementary particles in its time. A physicist from the University of Paris, Alan Aspect, discovered in 1982 that, under certain conditions, electrons are able to instantly communicate with each other, regardless of the distance between them.

It doesn't matter if there are ten millimeters between them or ten billion kilometers. Somehow each particle always knows what the other is doing. Only one problem of this discovery was embarrassing: it violates Einstein's postulate about the limiting speed of propagation of interaction equal to the speed of light.

Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking through a time barrier, this frightening prospect has caused physicists to greatly doubt Aspect's work.

But Bohm managed to find an explanation. According to him, elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange some mysterious signals with each other, but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate entities, but are actually extensions of something more fundamental.

“For better understanding, the professor illustrated his intricate theory with the following example,” wrote Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe. - Imagine an aquarium with fish. Imagine also that you cannot see the aquarium directly, but only two television screens that transmit images from cameras located one in front and one on the side of the aquarium.

Looking at the screens, you can conclude that the fish on each of the screens are separate objects. Since the cameras transmit images from different angles, the fish look different. But as you continue watching, after a while you will find that there is a relationship between the two fish on different screens.

When one fish turns, the other also changes direction, slightly different, but always in line with the first. When you see one fish in full face, the other is certainly in profile. If you do not have a complete picture of the situation, you are more likely to conclude that the fish must somehow instantly communicate with each other, that this is not a fact of a coincidence.

The apparent superluminal interaction between particles tells us that there is a deeper level of reality hidden from us, Bohm explained the phenomenon of the Aspect's experiences, higher dimensional than ours, as in the aquarium analogy. We see these particles as separate only because we see only a part of reality.

And particles are not separate "parts" but facets of a deeper unity that is ultimately as holographic and invisible as the tree mentioned above.

And since everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe we observe is itself a projection, a hologram.

What else a hologram can carry is not yet known.

Suppose, for example, that it is a matrix that gives rise to everything in the world, at least it contains all the elementary particles that have taken or will someday take on any possible form of matter and energy - from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It's like a universal supermarket, which has everything.

While Bohm admitted that we have no way of knowing what else the hologram holds, he took the liberty of asserting that we have no reason to assume that there is nothing else in it. In other words, perhaps the holographic level of the world is just one of the stages of endless evolution.


Psychologist Jack Kornfield, speaking of his first meeting with the late Tibetan Buddhist teacher Kalu Rinpoche, recalls that the following dialogue took place between them:

Could you explain to me in a few sentences the essence of the Buddhist teachings?

I could do it, but you will not believe me, and it will take you many years to understand what I am talking about.

Anyway, explain, please, so I want to know. Rinpoche's answer was extremely brief:

You don't really exist.


But is it possible to “feel” this illusory nature with instruments? It turned out yes. For several years in Germany, at the gravitational telescope built in Hannover (Germany), GEO600, research has been carried out to detect gravitational waves, space-time fluctuations that create supermassive space objects.

Not a single wave over the years, however, could not be found. One of the reasons is strange noises in the range from 300 to 1500 Hz, which the detector fixes for a long time. They interfere with his work.

Researchers searched in vain for the source of the noise until Craig Hogan, director of the Center for Astrophysical Research at the Fermi Laboratory, accidentally contacted them.

He said he understood what was going on. According to him, it follows from the holographic principle that space-time is not a continuous line and, most likely, is a collection of microzones, grains, a kind of space-time quanta.

And the accuracy of the GEO600 equipment today is sufficient to fix vacuum fluctuations occurring at the boundaries of space quanta, the very grains that, if the holographic principle is correct, the Universe consists of, Professor Hogan explained.

According to him, GEO600 just stumbled upon the fundamental limitation of space-time - the very "grain", like the graininess of a magazine photo. And perceived this obstacle as "noise".

And Craig Hogan, following Bohm, repeats with conviction:

If the results of the GEO600 meet my expectations, then we all really live in a huge hologram on a universal scale.

The detector readings so far correspond exactly to his calculations, and it seems that the scientific world is on the verge of a grand discovery.

Experts recall that once extraneous noise that pissed off researchers at Bell Laboratory - a large research center in the field of telecommunications, electronic and computer systems - during the experiments of 1964, has already become a harbinger of a global change in the scientific paradigm: this is how the cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered, which proved the hypothesis about the Big Bang.

And scientists are waiting for evidence of the holographic nature of the Universe when the device "Holometer" will work at full capacity. Scientists hope that it will increase the amount of practical data and knowledge of this extraordinary discovery, which still belongs to the field of theoretical physics.

The detector is designed as follows: they shine with a laser through a beam splitter, from there two beams pass through two perpendicular bodies, are reflected, returned back, merge together and create an interference pattern, where any distortion reports a change in the ratio of the lengths of the bodies, as the gravitational wave passes through the bodies and compresses or stretches space unequally in different directions.

- "Holometer" will allow you to zoom in on space-time and see if the assumptions about the fractional structure of the Universe, based on purely mathematical deductions, are confirmed, Professor Hogan suggests.

The first data obtained using the new apparatus will begin to arrive in the middle of this year.


President of the Royal Society of London, cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin Rees: "The birth of the Universe will forever remain a mystery to us"

We do not understand the laws of the universe. And you will never know how the Universe appeared and what awaits it. Hypotheses about the Big Bang, which allegedly gave rise to the world around us, or that many others can exist in parallel with our Universe, or about the holographic nature of the world, will remain unproven assumptions.

Undoubtedly, there are explanations for everything, but there are no such geniuses who could understand them. The human mind is limited. And he has reached his limit. Even today, we are as far from understanding, for example, the microstructure of the vacuum as the fish in the aquarium, which are completely unaware of how the environment in which they live works.

For example, I have reason to suspect that space has a cellular structure. And each of its cells is trillions of trillions of times smaller than an atom. But we cannot prove or disprove this, or understand how such a construction works. The task is too difficult, transcendental for the human mind ...

Computer model of the galaxy

After nine months of calculations on a powerful supercomputer, astrophysicists have managed to create a computer model of a beautiful spiral galaxy, which is a copy of our Milky Way.

At the same time, the physics of the formation and evolution of our galaxy is observed. This model, which was created by researchers at the University of California and the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Zurich, solves a problem facing science that has emerged from the prevailing cosmological model of the universe.

“Previous attempts to create a massive disk galaxy like the Milky Way failed because the model had a bulge (central bulge) that was too large compared to the size of the disk,” said Javiera Guedes, a graduate student in astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California and author of a research paper on this model, called Eris (eng. "Eris"). The study will be published in the Astrophysical Journal.

Eris is a massive spiral galaxy with a core of bright stars and other structural objects found in galaxies like the Milky Way. In terms of such parameters as brightness, the ratio of the width of the center of the galaxy and the width of the disk, stellar composition and other properties, it coincides with the Milky Way and other galaxies of this type.

According to co-author Piero Madau, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, a significant amount of money was spent on the implementation of the project, which went to the purchase of 1.4 million processor hours of computing time on a supercomputer on NASA's Pleiades computer.

The results obtained made it possible to confirm the theory of "cold dark matter", according to which the evolution of the structure of the Universe proceeded under the influence of gravitational interactions of dark cold matter ("dark" because it cannot be seen, and "cold" due to the fact that particles moving very slowly).

“This model tracks the interaction of more than 60 million dark matter particles and gas. Its code includes the physics of processes such as gravity and fluid dynamics, star formation and supernova explosions, all at the highest resolution of any cosmological model in the world,” Guedes said.

Even the ancient sages considered our manifested world an illusion, maya. Famous writer Edgar Allan Poe also noted: "Everything we see and the way we look is nothing but a dream within a dream." For a long time, such a view of our reality seemed "unscientific", but centuries passed, scientific knowledge and ideas about the world around us changed, and, having made a full turn, again approached the substantiation of the ideas of the ancient sages.

The provisions on the holographic structure of our Universe, put forward in the works of Bohm, Pribram, Talbot and some other scientists, were confirmed in the course of research conducted by Novosibirsk scientists under the guidance of Academician V. Kaznacheev. So, thanks to specially designed equipment, they were able to officially fix a fragment of a hologram of a cosmic lattice in Kozyrev's space. It turned out that in this hologram even the smallest part of the image carries information about big picture existence and interconnection of all its elements.

But not only the Universe itself, but also man and his consciousness have a holographic structure. Here is what academician V. Kaznacheev writes about this: "Our laboratories have accumulated experimental data, largely confirming the well-known hypotheses of D. Bohm and K. Pribram that there is a holographic space around the Earth, and all atomic-molecular and intellectual-psychic processes are only fragments of a giant universal hologram...

Today, a paradigm is beginning to take shape, proclaiming that our brain is a hologram, and what we feel and see is a holographic virtual process... The body is a countless combination of various self-developing holographic spaces, fields and formations.

Thus, the myth about the objectivity of our world begins to spread before our eyes. If the world around us, as well as our brain, is just a hologram, then this world, like everything else in our reality, is illusory. At the same time, our brain only interprets the perception of the universal hologram into a picture of the reality surrounding us.

Here, for example, is what Dr. technical sciences V.Tikhoplav and candidate of technical sciences T.Tikhoplav: "This information is staggering, because it means that the world we live in is not really rivers, mountains and valleys, but a huge ocean of waves of various frequencies. Research has shown that all our senses perceive information outside world it is in the form of waves that they transmit this wave information to the brain. It turns out that everything around us is only waves, and the brain converts wave information into images. real world to which we are accustomed.

Any thing, for example, a cup (or a tree), has two absolutely various aspects its reality. When they are passed through the "lenses" of our brain, the object appears as a cup. But if we took off the "lenses", we would feel the cup as an interference pattern (relatively, as a kind of bunch of waves).

Simply put, our brain works like a television receiver: it perceives information in the form of a packet of waves of different frequencies and deploys it on our internal screen in the form of images, objects. Research has shown that our brain is also a hologram. It is the holographic structure of the brain that explains how it manages to store a huge amount of information in a small space, the fact of instant recognition and many other phenomena of brain activity...

Our world is a complex, self-developing holographic space that reflects itself, the evolution of the Universe and the universal mind, a small part of which is living matter on planet Earth and man himself.

So it turns out that we live in an illusory world or, as esotericists believe, in a collective dream. This illusory reality around us can be called the unified Consciousness of the Universe."

Thus, our brain, our consciousness and we ourselves are a kind of "hologram within a hologram" or "an illusion within an illusion". After all, despite the fact that our senses indicate the presence of our physical world, it is a hologram. A hologram is a virtual image that has arisen where it does not exist. V. Kaznacheev claims that the holographic universe (subtle and physical worlds) is a universal cosmic hologram, inseparable parts of which are a person and his consciousness. Consequently, the physical world familiar to us, in the form in which we are accustomed to perceive it, does not actually exist.

Here, for example, is the opinion of E. Borozdin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: "In our opinion, there is no space, no time, no matter itself, no attributes of the modern representation of the universe. The universe is a pure consciousness, which, concentrating, acquires the property of personalities of different levels. These personalities have three properties: will (intention), desire ( ability to invent), creation (creativity, satisfaction of desires) ...

Each level of the universe is created by a higher creator according to his will and plan as an illusion of time, always flowing towards perfection, and in the interaction of its components, which creates the illusion of space. These illusions have given dimensions and therefore are perceived as physical bodies of different density and configuration.

So our existence as individual separate consciousnesses is just " virtual game"of the collective Consciousness of the Universe called" collective dream ". And, according to the rules of this game, we must, in the conditions of separation of individual consciousnesses, realize their original unity.

Still, the ancient sages were right and the secret teachings that when we do evil to someone, we do it to ourselves. It turns out that these secret teachings have long contained a "hint" about the illusory nature of not only the physical world, but also the individual consciousness. But only those whose consciousness is ready for this can perceive this hint. This is, in a way, an exit to another "level" of this "game".

Broad-minded physicists believe that real reality in our ordinary understanding does not exist. Despite its apparent density, the universe is basically a fiction, an illusion, a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram.

Back in 1982, researchers at the University of Paris set up an interesting experiment that could change our understanding of the world.

Physicists have discovered that under certain conditions elementary particles are able to instantly influence each other (communicate with each other) regardless of the distance between them. It doesn't matter if they are near or in different parts of the universe.

In fact, this phenomenon was predicted by an employee of the European Center for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, Dr. John Bell, who published in the journal Physics (1-195, 1964) an interesting mathematical proof, which is known as Bell's theorem. In fact, this theorem states that although for some problems such a division into time and space is "real", in quantum mechanics it is "unreal" and even irrelevant. Some physicists admire Bell's theorem, which confirms the ancient mystical postulate "everything is one", others say that despite the mathematical validity, from the point of view of physics it makes no sense.

Physicists are surprised by the fact that each elementary particle always knows (this is information) about what the other is doing. The problem of their surprise is that Einstein's axiom about the limiting speed of propagation of interaction (and this is energy), equal to the speed of light, is allegedly violated. Since an interaction faster than the speed of light is tantamount to overcoming a time barrier, this fact, allegedly contrary to the Theory of Relativity and common sense, led some physicists to try to explain the experiments with complex intricate reasoning. But it has inspired some to offer more radical explanations.

The most broad-minded physicists believe that the real reality in our ordinary understanding does not exist. Despite its apparent density, the universe is basically a fiction, an illusion, a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram.

A little help for the humanities. To make a hologram, the object being photographed must be illuminated by a laser beam. The second (reference) laser beam, adding up with the reflected light from the object, gives an interference pattern, which is fixed on the film. The picture taken looks like a simple alternation of light and dark lines. But as soon as the image is illuminated with a laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the photographed object immediately appears.

Three-dimensionality is not the only property of a hologram. Unlike an ordinary photograph, if the holograms are cut into small pieces and illuminated with a laser, then each fragment will reveal not a part, but the whole image. Compare with electromagnetic field: you can split it into tiny sections, but at each point in the field, your TV will receive not part, but all the information. The wave paradoxical principle reigns here: the whole consists of parts, but in each part the whole is whole. And remember the ancient - "the ocean consists of drops, but in each drop the whole ocean", "everything is in God and God is in everyone."

Image of fractals (holographic self-similarity). Do you recognize familiar natural objects?

The paradoxical principle of the hologram "everything in every part" makes us fundamentally approach the issue of organization and orderliness in a new way. Until now, science has believed that the best way to understand a phenomenon or an object is to break it down into details and study its constituent parts. The holographic principle tells us that some things in the universe cannot allow us to do this. If we cut something that is holographically arranged, we will not get the parts of which it consists, but we will get the same thing (maybe smaller in size).

Physicists come to the conclusion that elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange information with each other (although this may be), but because their separation is an illusion. At some incomprehensible official physics level of reality, such particles are not separate objects, but a continuation of something more fundamental.

Physicists' favorite example: imagine a fish tank. Imagine also that you cannot see the aquarium directly, but can only watch two television screens that transmit images from cameras located one in front, the other on the side of the aquarium. Looking at the screens, you can conclude that the fish on each of the screens are separate objects. But after a while, you will find that there is a relationship between the two fish on different screens. When one fish changes, the other also changes accordingly; when you see one fish “in front”, the other is certainly “in profile”. If you don't know that it's the same tank, you'll come to the conclusion that the fish must somehow instantly communicate with each other. On the example of fish, one can understand how elementary particles "interact".

Explicit superluminal interaction between particles testifies that there is a deeper level of the "Reality" hidden from us of a higher dimension than ours (by analogy with an aquarium). We see particles as separate because we see only a part of reality. Particles are not separate "sovereign parts", but facets of Oneness, which is inherently holographic and invisible (like an object photographed on a hologram). And since everything in the reality we observe is contained in this “phantom”, the Universe itself is a projection, a hologram, an illusion.

In addition to its illusory nature, such a universe has other amazing properties. If the separation of particles is an illusion, then on a deeper level all objects in the world are infinitely interconnected. The electrons in the atoms of your brain are connected to the electrons of every worm and every star in the Cosmos. Everything interpenetrates with everything, and although it is natural for a person to divide and put everything on the shelves, all divisions are artificial. Nature, in the end, is an unbreakable Essence.

According to the holographic principle, even time and space cannot be taken as the basis of a worldview. Because the very term "position" has no meaning in a universe where nothing is separate from one another. From this point of view, the real Universe is a huge hologram in which the past, present and future exist simultaneously. This means that with the help of the appropriate tool (most likely, intuition and insight), one can penetrate deep into this super-hologram and see pictures of the distant past.

The brain is the most complex creation. Numerous experiments have shown that information is stored not in some particular part of the brain, but is dispersed throughout the brain volume. No memory block was found in the brain. Most likely, our memory is not even in the brain, but in the holographic information field. And the brain is just a receiver with memory initiation centers. Experiments on rats showed that no matter which part of the brain was removed, the conditioned reflexes in the rat did not disappear. No one could explain the mechanism that corresponds to this strange property of memory - "everything is whole in every part." Neurophysiologists come to the conclusion that the brain is a hologram. This then explains how such a small human brain can store so many memories.

It was found that another striking feature was added to the properties of the hologram - a huge recording density. Just by changing the angle at which the lasers illuminate the film, many different images can be recorded on the same surface. It is known that one cubic centimeter of film is capable of storing up to 10 billion bits of information. Our uncanny ability to quickly find the right information from a huge volume becomes more understandable if we assume that the brain is arranged on a holographic principle.

Indeed, one of the most beautiful properties of the brain is that each piece of information is instantly mutually correlated with any other - this is another property of the hologram. Since any part of the hologram is infinitely (i.e., identically similar) interconnected with any other, it follows that the brain is an ideal example of a cross-correlated system. The location of memory is not the only mystery that has been explained in light of the holographic model of the brain. Another mystery is how the brain is able to “digest” such a wide range of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light, sound, heat, etc.) into our concrete idea of ​​the world.

This is where intelligence comes into play.

1 . Intelligence is the ability to make decisions in the absence of information. Unlike a computer, a person makes up for the lack of information from the subconscious - an information field, the wave nature of which corresponds to the holographic principle.

2 . Intelligence is the ratio of the rate of assimilation of novelty to the amount of information available. According to the dimension, the frequency (1 / sec) is obtained. But this does not mean that intelligence is a frequency, but that intelligence is an ability measured by frequency. Experts in artificial intelligence and computer science understand this. And here we see that intelligence has a wave nature.

Many facts testify that the brain is arranged on the holographic principle, i.e. The brain is made up of neurons, but each neuron is a miniature copy of the brain. Roughly said, but true. This point of view finds more and more supporters among neurophysiologists.

So it turns out that thought is a wave work (or product) of our holographic consciousness, which transforms individual chaotic frequencies into continuous perception. But the most startling aspect of the holographic model of the brain comes to light when it is compared with the paradigm of the universe as a giant hologram. If what we see is only a reflection of what is really "out there" (and it is represented by a set of frequencies), and if the brain is also a hologram (and only selects some of the frequencies and converts them into perceptions), then what actually there is an objective reality ( material world)? Let's say briefly - it does not exist. But Hermetic philosophers and Eastern religions have been saying for thousands of years that matter is Maya, an illusion. And although we have the right to think that we are quite real and moving in the material world, this is also an illusion. In fact, we are "receivers" that exist in a kaleidoscope of frequencies. And everything that we extract from this sea of ​​frequencies and transform (construct) into an apparent physical reality is just one possible option out of many, extracted from the Hologram of infinite possibilities. The universe is a holographic illusion, but simply a thought.

This is a new holographic paradigm. And although some scientists took her skeptically, she inspired others. The new paradigm can explain many mysteries of nature and man and will form the basis of a unified field theory, which A. Einstein dreamed about.


Those interested in the holographic paradigm can read its more detailed philosophical justification (as well as the possibility of its practical application even in political technologies) in the following articles:

© Erika Trynta, 2007
