Themed graduations in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten: ideas for a memorable holiday

Graduation in kindergarten is a memorable and emotional day for adults and children. We recently wrote about what main points parents should pay attention to.

Today we want to dwell on ideas for the holiday program. After all, holding a kindergarten graduation the same way from year to year is boring, because children live by emotions and impressions.

We have selected several options for you that will surprise and entertain your “almost schoolchildren.”

Celebration of Favorite Toy

The essence of the idea : Each baby has his own. And, of course, if the kindergarten graduation is dedicated to his little friend, any child will happily support this idea. It’s great if the toy character is the same for everyone, for example, a favorite teddy bear. Children will be able to visit each other with toys, introduce their cubs, organize competitions and tea parties for them, make a variety of clothes for them, draw, sew, felt their pets’ wool, and much more.

Dress code : we support the theme and decorate each participant’s outfit with a small accessory in the shape of a bear (badge, handbag, brooch, sticker, hairpin).

Decor : as many large and small teddy bears of different shapes and colors as possible, tea sets, cookies, sweets and cakes themed on bears and honey, various props for themed competitions.

Holiday Land of Fairy Tales

The essence of the idea : “Fairytale Country” is an inexhaustible theme for kindergarten graduation! You can take one as a basis, but a much better and brighter idea is for each child to present their favorite fairy tale or hero. Typically, such a masquerade ball is organized by children for the New Year, but if you remove Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and the “rain,” the holiday will have a completely different character.

For example, each participant can prepare a short speech of 5-7 sentences and present their role to other characters. Children will be able to remember the heroes of familiar and not so familiar fairy tales by passing a literary test that will tell about the characters' personalities. The highest aerobatics of the holiday is to create a new fairy tale with the participation of all the heroes, where each participant will come up with a plot, their role and words. This is where you get the original symbiosis of Kolobok, Pinocchio and Batman! You can also ask the children to illustrate the created work and assemble a new fairy tale from their drawings. The main thing is not to forget to capture all this splendor in photos and videos.

Dress code : costumes of heroes of favorite children's fairy tales.

Decor : illustrations from various fairy tales on the walls, books with fairy tales, stationery, one large decoration for dialogues, a book with fairy tales as a gift for every child.

Holiday Circus Family

The essence of the idea : if your kindergarten group is active and cheerful kids, offer them a kindergarten graduation scenario in the “Circus Family” style. The program of a successful holiday should include a lot of dancing (throwing rings or pebbles into a container, children's bowling) and dancing; the use of face painting would also be a great idea.

Dress code : outfits with funny circus accents - fluffy skirts, ties with large polka dots, multi-colored suspenders, bright vests and scarves.

Decor : a lot of multi-colored balls, garlands, foam red noses, multi-colored wigs, bright hoops and hats.

Holiday Chocolate pranks

The essence of the idea : All kids love chocolate, and their parents are not far behind them, so the idea of ​​holding a kindergarten graduation in the style of a chocolate day will go with a bang! At such a holiday, children and adults will be able to try different types of chocolate and create chocolate treats with their own hands. “Lviv Chocolate Maker” will help you to have a great holiday by holding a master class on making chocolate candies.

Each child will receive at his disposal a bar of delicious chocolate, various molds, powders and fillings with which he will create his own chocolate masterpieces. After production, children's works of chocolate art must be placed in the refrigerator for a while (the reality of fulfilling this condition should be taken care of in advance). While the sweets are cooling, experienced chocolatiers will tell children what chocolate is made from, conduct a fun quiz, and animators will help organize a competition for eating Potato cake without hands or blindfolded chocolate to find out its type.

Dress code : if desired - in chocolate colors, or without restrictions. You can support the holiday theme with a small accessory in the shape of a chocolate bar or candy.

Decor : various paper and wooden images of sweets, chocolates and other goodies, cocoa or chocolate milkshake in convenient cups, fruit, a lot of dry and wet wipes for young chocolatiers.

Of course, for the proposed options for holding a memorable holiday, you will need to pay for the help of at least two animators, but the children's pleasure and joy are worth it.

What is your child’s kindergarten graduation scenario? Share with us in the comments to the material.

I want to make it unique and inimitable. Whether it will be so depends on the main components of its success: the script for kindergarten graduation, gifts, decorations, poems, etc. There is certainly a main part, without which kindergarten graduation It’s simply unthinkable: this is a solemn holiday where warm words are spoken and gifts are given to children. You can start implementing ideas for the brightness and unforgettableness of this day from the very beginning.

We offer teachers assistance in certification. We place creative material in the official all-Russian online magazine "Doshkolnik.rf". The magazine is published on the 1st of every month and is in .pdf format. Publication documents are issued. It is sent to all authors of the issue and can be downloaded from the main page of the site. Has a media license and is registered with Roskomnadzor (EL No. FS77-55754). To publish in the journal and receive a Certificate of Publication you need to: send your material to: [email protected]

Scenario for a kindergarten graduation party with photographs. Release 2012 The idea was musical director Maya Vladimirovna Ivanova. Adult artists: Gorchakova L.A. and Voishcheva E.V. Decoration of the hall - Ivanova M.V. Publication on the website - Bogdanova O.V.

Scenario for graduation party 2012.
Kindergarten No. 33 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.


Spring days have already arrived,

The birds sing more cheerfully.

We are glad to see you in kindergarten

Faithful and good friends.

Tears of joy in our eyes,

And at this solemn hour,

The heart will freeze and then pound,

Each of us is worried!

Music plays (kids come out from behind the curtain)


1. Attention! Attention! Listen up everyone! All!

2. On this solemn day, the sun is shining.

3. Kindergarten today Sees the children off to school!

4. We’ll go to school too!

5. When we grow up a little here! Although I'm already ready!

Girl: How modest! (shakes his finger)

Boy: Oh sorry! Invite alumni!

(the girl rings the bell, the kids sit on the chairs)

Entrance of children from the preparatory group to the song: “Goodbye, kindergarten!”


The kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts today!

Go boldly to first grade, there is a big thing ahead!

You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart.

So that we can reach you -

You must stand on your toes.

We envy you a little

You are almost schoolchildren.

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you,

We have a bon voyage!

Presenter 1.

Today it is impossible to contain the excitement.

The hall cannot accommodate all the gathered guests!

We accompany you to school together

Our dear children!


1. What is it? What's happened? The kids are all dressed up!

2. Summer has probably come to us! (children laugh)

3. This is not funny at all!

4. We gathered in our hall,

5. To say goodbye to everyone!

6. Why do we need to say goodbye?

7. We just arrived.

8. We have grown up and become older!

9. It’s time for us to go to school!

10. And today with kindergarten

12. We must say goodbye.

SONG: “Today is a special day”

(after the song the children sit in their seats)

Presenter 2:

You are leaving kindergarten

With a magical mischievous country.

But there is no need to forget him,

After all, kindergarten is your second home!


1. Yes, there is something to tell us today,

What to glorify and give thanks for.

Dear kindergarten, you are our favorite,

We can't live without you!

2. How to live without dancing, without stress,

Without physical education and fine arts,

No noise, hubbub, running around the group,

Without days filled with excitement and bustle!

3. And so we grew up, got stronger, got feathers

Like chicks in a caring nest.

We've all almost learned to fly

Here the door is open and - we fly, we fly!


Presenter 1:

Yesterday you were kids

Now it's time for you to go to school!

When did you grow up?

Presenter 2:

Would you like to remember, kids?


1. So we have grown up, and school is waiting for us, in the very first grade!

2. Do you remember five years ago when we went to kindergarten?

3. What are you talking about? We didn’t go, they carried us in strollers.

4. I remember crying every day, waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

5. And some walked around with a pacifier, while others wore diapers!

6. Yes, we were all good, but what can we take from us, kids!

7. I did this and fell asleep over soup at lunchtime!

8. It happened that I ate poorly, they spoon-fed me!

9. The bib saved us from porridge, tea, soup, yogurt!

10. Remember, I built big cities out of sand!

11. We baked all the Easter cakes, not very smoothly, as best we could!

12. And together we played and treated each other!

13. They were such naughty people, they fought with their hands and feet.

14. And some even use their teeth. All this is in the past, but now:

All: We are escorted to first class!

Song: “Oh, how good!”

Presenter 1:

Our parents came to our holiday -

And they look at you with excitement!

It was as if everyone was seeing it for the first time.

Grown up children now!

Presenter 2:
The windows are lit until late in the evening.

Parents are preparing their children for school!

What worries them at a late hour?

Let's take a look at the apartment now!

Scene: “Seeing off to school”


Soon my daughter will go to school, first grade,

I wonder how she will behave there?


I remember the first time my daughter was in kindergarten without us,

I was sad and bored, I even cried - it happened!

It’s the first time for all the little ones, it’s difficult in kindergarten without us!

Mommy, don't be afraid! Papa rest in peace!

I will go to school boldly, we were taught in kindergarten:

Don't be timid and don't be shy,

And try to help friends,

And in all my affairs,

Be no worse than the rest!

Presenter 1:

There are different holidays throughout the year.

And today is our holiday!

Soon you will become first graders,

Let's say goodbye to the garden now!


1. In the morning, only the sun will throw,

The first ray of gold

All the guys come running

To your own kindergarten!

2. Here for friends, girlfriends

You can reveal your secret.

With a kind teacher

Have a heart to heart talk!

3. We love kindergarten very much

This piece of paradise.

But it's time to say goodbye

The bell is calling us to school!


Presenter 2:

If suddenly a real disaster happens to you.

Who will come to your aid? Who will always be there?


1. Kindergarten welcomes us

We play and eat here.

Time flies by quickly

We are growing even faster.

2. Here we are loved and caressed.

It's cozy and warm for us here.

They read us a lot of fairy tales,

There are a lot of friends here!

3. We really need a friend in our lives.

Life is more fun for us with a friend.

Next to him in any cold

We're getting warmer!

SONG: “We want to tell you a secret...”


Teachers, relatives,

We love you from the bottom of our hearts.

Naughty and funny

Playful kids!

Dance: “Naughty Girls”

Presenter 1:

The years have flown by and you have grown a lot.

Summer will fly by quickly and you will go to school!

Presenter 2:

Who will look after you after school?

And so we decided to advertise in the newspaper:

“We are looking for a governess for first graders who loves children.

Contact us any time!”


It must be her!
(Freken Bock appears to the music with a cage in his hands)


Hello! Do you need a governess? So there you go! Not a governess, but a housekeeper, that’s just me! And here is my Matilda!


Hello! Hello! Is this your apartment? Wow, a suitable apartment!

There's even a piano! I really love, you know, playing all sorts of symphonies!

Meet me! These are our children!


Are these all your children? And I have to educate everyone?
I have never tried to raise so many children at once!
I will work with each individual individually.
Well, give me that chatty boy over there! Well, baby, say hello to your aunt!


If you come to someone,

Don't say hello to anyone.

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody!

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker!


Here you go! Already a conspiracy! Well, okay... Children are pedagogically neglected, but something can still be fashioned from them. I'll take them seriously!


No! Our children are good, well-mannered and cheerful!


No fun! Parenting is serious business!

Okay, mom! Go aside and don’t interfere with raising your children.
(teachers leave)


Children! You did exercises today! (YES)

That is OK! Do it again, and we will check!


1. We are used to it every day since childhood

Come to your favorite kindergarten.

Waking up early in the morning is lazy,

What can you do if you have to!

2. We're in a hurry, hurry here

We are loved in kindergarten.

The brightest and always

The best and unique!

3. We always have a game here. Dancing from the very morning!



OK then! Let's do the vocals (approaches the instrument).

And you, step aside, don’t interfere with raising children! (presses a key).

Children, sing: la-la-la...

And now with accompaniment: (“They’ve already bloomed…”)

Children! I can’t hear you, it’s like a bear stepped on your ear.


You are wrong! Our children have learned to sing wonderfully.


1. Famous artists

Of course there are among us.

How many songs have you covered?

We can't count them all!

2. We are from our pop stars

We are not lagging behind one step.

We are without any soundtrack,

We'd rather eat in the Valley!

Since we have a cool choir,

The performance is simply great!!

SONG: “Wonderful Song”


Ha, ha, ha! Surprised! That's all you know!


Our children are growing up!

We learned a lot of interesting things!

And we studied English.

Can say phrases in English with ease.


1. Learn English at 5

I promise at school.

And soon everyone will see

How I know English!



What kind of future do you dream about as a child? Who do you want to become, huh?


1. There are a great many schools in St. Petersburg,

How can we not get confused? Where should we go?

2. I think that school is the same as college.

They put you at a desk and teach you for 11 years!

3. What should we teach? We know a lot!

We've been writing and reading books for a long time!

4. How can this be taught? The most important thing - Who to be!

5. And I've known for a long time.

I don’t sleep in quiet hours, but I dream.

Become a great football player!

6. And I am a pop artist!

7. And I am a cool financier!

8. And I want to fly a plane.

Be on the plane, the first pilot!

9. I want to become an artist. To perform on stage!

So that they always give flowers. They were only talking about me!

10. We can dream for a long time! Let's dance better!

Dance: "Small Country"


This is what our children are like!

They want to know everything in the world!

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved!

SONG: “Our boat is sailing away”


So what, you want to go to school?

Matilda, have you seen them? Well done!
Now sit down, put your hands on your knees and don’t move until your mother comes or whatever her name is... it doesn’t matter.
Matilda! Keep an eye on them, I'm off to the supermarket! (F.B. leaves)


Guys, why are you sitting there! We need to act if we were here

Carlson, he would help us!

(Carlson appears from behind the curtain)


Hi guys! What happened here again?


Hello Carlson! Save us from the housewife. She wants us to sit quietly and not move.


After all, I am the world’s best specialist in raising housekeepers.

Therefore, there is no need to worry! Let's have a little fun!

(play by Carlson - “Photographer”)

Freken appears, Carlson hides.


What kind of chatter is this? Children, have you gotten out of hand again?

(puts down buns)

Let me have some tea!
But you can’t, because flour will ruin your figure. You kids better do some choreography. Gentlemen invite ladies!


1. We grew up big

We're leaving for first grade.

Farewell today

Let's dance the waltz for the last time!

2. Farewell waltz -

A little sad.

It's not easy to spin around in it.

3. Farewell waltz -

Seeing off.

In a light prom dress.

Dance: “Farewell Waltz”

(Carlson quietly takes buns from the table)

The presenter appears:
What fun you are having! I see you get along well with the children.


Of course, we got along (notices the missing goodies)

Who ate my buns? Are you nasty kids?


What, you children couldn’t do this!


Well, it’s okay, I’ll make real people out of them!

I'm leaving, but I'll be back! (leaves)


Well, what did I tell you!

Who is the best housewife tamer in the world?

Carlson, your tricks again!


Of course, my friends, who else is capable of such heroism! I really want something!

We will definitely treat you, but now look how dexterous our children are and how skillfully they can eat apples without using their hands!

Competition: “Let’s eat apples”

Freken returns.


Children! I have returned to take on your upbringing with renewed vigor! (Notices buns on the table)

So that's who stole my buns!


Let me introduce myself! The world's best specialist in raising children!


Children, I am terribly glad that such a smart, handsome tutor was found!

And I’ll be happy to go and take a break from you. Matilda, we have to go!


Madam, let me escort you! Well, guys, do well in school, and if you need me, I’m on my roof! Bye! (leave)

Presenter 1:

Leaving kindergarten

This morning kids

It will respond with sadness in the heart

This is a bright time.

It's boring in the toy cabinets,

The children have no time to play anymore

No time to chat to girlfriends,

Everything was quiet here for the time being.

Children, you have become big,

Soon to school, first grade,

And today in this room

We hasten to congratulate you.

Presenter 2:

Don't be sad, guys

Leaving kindergarten

The school is rich in novelty,

Look forward to new awards.

Goodbye, kindergarten,

Ours is a priceless miracle treasure.

Children in pairs:

Paired phrases:
1st boy, 2nd girl.

1. What a pity to part with you forever!

2. Remember me - at least sometimes!

1. Will I be able to see you again?

2. Yes, in the photo that you have in your album!

1. Breaking up with you is a big stress for me.

2. I will miss you - send me an SMS!

1. Let everything at school be like in a fairy tale!

2. Thank you for your kind words and affection!


Presenter 1:

Yes, friends, four years

They flew by without notice!

You were just preschool children,

And now - students!

Presenter 2:

We've grown up, we've grown wiser,

It's like roses have bloomed.

Knowledge, skills, abilities

You have gained a lot.


1. OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten.

With you, childhood is leaving little by little,

I will save my childhood memories,

I'll take some of them on the road!

2. We say, thank you very much everyone,

For leading us through life,

Because they loved us with all their souls,

You always forgave our pranks!

All children:
Bow to you and thank you!

Song: "Farewell"

Congratulations to children: presentation of albums and gifts.

Congratulations to graduates, teachers and parents!

He has been working as a music director in a preschool educational institution: GBDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 33 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg since 1992, has the highest qualification category.

Farewell to kindergarten is the very first and probably the most touching graduation in everyone’s life. And absolutely all participants in this celebration want the holiday itself to be beautiful and memorable. So that even after many years, flipping through the pages of a photo album and watching a video of a graduation ceremony, a pleasant warmth from the memories flows through your soul, and tears of tenderness appear in your eyes. In our article today, we tried to select the best competitions and congratulations, original dances and songs, as well as other useful ideas to make your kindergarten graduation a truly bright and interesting event.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten: ideas for the holiday

You need to start organizing the holiday, of course, by developing a scenario for graduation. As you know, it should be based on a theme - bright and interesting, which both children and adults will receive with equal delight. A fairy-tale theme is best suited for this purpose: heroes of well-known fairy tales, children's films or cartoons miraculously find themselves at a holiday and need the help of graduates. This help can manifest itself in different ways: in solving riddles, fiery dances, beautiful poems, funny competitions and relay races. As a result, the children successfully pass all the tests and complete difficult tasks - the holiday is saved. Below are a few ideas that we hope will inspire you to write a bright and original script for your kindergarten graduation.

Idea #1: Detective story

This garden prom option is based on a real detective investigation. Little graduates, as well as their parents, like real detectives, will have to investigate the disappearance of an important holiday attribute. Its role can be anything, for example, graduation certificates or a “portfolio of knowledge.” During the “investigation”, children will have to solve riddles and demonstrate the skills they acquired in kindergarten.

Idea No. 2: Stolen holiday

This is one of the classic scenarios for kindergarten graduation. Its essence is that a certain villain (Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Barmaley, Koschey), angry, decided to steal the festive mood from everyone present. The children’s task is to “return” the fun and joy on their faces with the help of beautiful congratulations, fiery dances and funny songs.

Idea #3: Time Travel

An original option that is perfect if you are planning a very nostalgic and touching graduation. The script is based on a time machine that allows you to travel in temporary space. During the celebration, children and parents continually move into the past and future, remembering the years that have passed in kindergarten and being surprised at the successes of the kids in the near school future.

Idea #4: Superheroes to the rescue

To implement a scenario with superheroes, you can use both the holiday organizers themselves and invited animators. In this version, real superheroes help little kindergarten graduates save a festive evening from yet another villain. Whether these will be traditional heroes or comic book heroes depends only on your imagination. The main condition is that the images must be well thought out and truly appealing to children.

Songs for kindergarten graduation

Songs are an integral part of the scenario at any graduation, including in kindergarten. As a rule, the songs are sung by the young graduates themselves and their parents. The main purpose of such songs is to show gratitude to the preschool institution and its wonderful staff for the wonderful years spent. Often the teachers, nannies and other members of the team express gratitude in return for raising wonderful children. And at kindergarten graduations there is always room for a beautiful farewell song that touches absolutely everyone to the core. Well, for the holiday to be really bright and interesting, you should definitely include in the script a few humorous songs-alterations from parents that will cheer you up.

The song is an adaptation from my parents to the tune of “Our Youth Team.” Sp.: L. Gurchenko

Thanks to the wonderful teachers,

You were a second family for the children,

And all mothers and fathers know,

It can be difficult with children sometimes.

To captivate and teach children

Surround with your attention

And always be an example in everything,

How difficult it is to be a teacher.

We have already trodden paths here,

We went both summer and winter,

And you raised our children,

Their hearts were always warmed with kindness.

And it’s a pity that we are parting so soon,

But time cannot be appeased or contained,

A team of the best teachers,

You could always surprise us.

Talents are tested for loyalty,

We have something to thank fate for

And if something happens, then immediately to this kindergarten,

We will bring all our children to you.

Song "Childhood" for graduation to the melody of the song by Yu. Shatunov

Childhood, childhood is a wonderful time,

We've been having fun since the morning.

We come to kindergarten every day,

We are not too lazy to sing a song about kindergarten!

And I love,

I love my kindergarten!

I love adults too

And your guys!

I love to run here

Jump and play

And gain a lot of new knowledge!

All employees in our garden -

(Teachers in the garden are an option)

Believe us, it’s simply top class!

They will never let you down

And they take care of our health!

Song for graduation in kindergarten to the melody of "Song about a giraffe"

There is a carefree place in the world

This is our favorite kindergarten!

According to the regime, they walk here, work,

According to the regime, they eat and sleep here!

To what extent, to what extent

We don't want, brothers,

With kindergarten, with kindergarten

Separate forever!

How we wish we could stay!

We want to confess this to you!

We had a pleasant time

There are many friends left here!

And when something was unclear,

We ran to the adults as quickly as possible!

Competitions for graduation in kindergarten

Competitions are the most fun and anticipated part of kindergarten graduation. Moreover, not only children and their parents, but also other guests of the holiday can take part in such an event. The theme of the competition must certainly resonate with the main idea of ​​the script. For example, if a kindergarten graduation is based on a detective story, then competitions should be aimed at solving charades-riddles and searching for “evidence.” Another important point: the number of competitions should occupy no more than 1/4 of the entire prom. Otherwise, the children simply will not have time to rest, and the holiday itself risks turning from a graduation into a continuous relay race. Below we will give several examples of competitions that would be appropriate at a kindergarten graduation.

Competition "Time to go to school"

This is a competition for attentiveness, ingenuity and logic. Each participant is given a set, which includes: a briefcase, books, notebooks, and a pencil case. In addition to the listed attributes, the set should also contain things that are not at all related to the school theme. For example, toys, balloons, fairy tales. The task of each participant is to put everything necessary for studying at school into a briefcase, weeding out unnecessary items. The competition is held for a limited time. Instead of a real briefcase and other stationery, you can use cut out paper templates of these items.

Guessing competition

Not only graduates, but also their parents can participate in this competition. All participants must be divided into 2-3 teams. The task of each team is to be the first to answer the leader's riddle. The theme of the riddles should be relevant to graduates and kindergarten. For example, you can choose poems about different members of the kindergarten team, and the children must guess who exactly the poem is about.

Competition "Collect the word"

For the competition you need to select 3-4 participants from graduates. Each of them is given two pairs of pictures. The first is a cut image. For example, it could be a fairy-tale character, an animal, or an event that resonates with the graduation theme. The second set consists of letters from which participants will have to assemble the name of what is depicted in the first set. First, children collect a picture, and then choose letters to write its name. The first one to complete the task correctly wins.

Kindergarten graduation dance

Dancing at prom is always a thing. This is a great way for children to change their activity, and for parents and educators a rare opportunity to enjoy a beautiful dance performed by children. In addition to the graduates themselves, adults - parents and teachers - can also prepare the dance. Next you will find several interesting videos with ideas for graduation dances in kindergarten.

Alumni Dance "Small Country"

A very touching dance of little graduates who say goodbye forever to the carefree years spent in the garden. Children dance to the well-known song by N. Koroleva along with toys, symbolizing farewell to childhood and the beginning of the school stage of life.

Dance for parents at kindergarten graduation

In this version, fathers and daughters dance. The dance itself is simple, but at the same time very touching and sweet. If there are many girls in your graduation group, then be sure to take note of this dance!

Farewell Waltz of Graduates

This option is ideal as a final dance at a graduation party. A beautiful waltz performed by graduates will look sophisticated and touching.

Graduation dance in kindergarten for employees

The following performance will help lift the spirits of the graduates and add variety to the celebration - a fiery dance by the garden staff. All other kindergarten employees can safely join the teaching staff, because it is also important for them to leave warm memories in the memory of the graduates.

Kindergarten graduation gifts for the teacher and children

Gifts are exactly that “sweet pill” that can sweeten the grief of parting at prom. This is also an opportunity to thank the teachers for the hard work they have done and leave a memory behind the graduating class.

There can be a lot of options for suitable gifts for graduation in kindergarten, but we advise you to choose those things that will really remain in memory for a lifetime. For example, you can give a teacher a beautiful piece of furniture (a vase, a painting, a lamp, a set of photo frames), looking at which he will always remember his graduates. Dishes (expensive and high quality!), small household appliances, and good textiles would also fit this description. Another original option is a gift made by graduates. For example, any teacher will be pleased to receive a beautiful photo collage decorated by kids.

As for the graduates themselves, their gifts should be practical. For example, you can present colorful books, stationery sets, and children's watches to your kids. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about traditional gifts, which both graduates and teachers will be happy about. We are talking about flowers, balloons and sweets.

Congratulations from parents at kindergarten graduation to teacher and children

In addition to gifts, parents of graduates should also take care of beautiful congratulations for children and teachers. Such wishes can be both in poetry and in prose. It would be good if congratulations on graduation also included words of gratitude to the teachers. After all, when seeing off their children to first grade, every teacher experiences grief from parting. A beautiful congratulation from parents, in which there will be room for words of gratitude, can soften sadness and cheer up the teacher. Well, it will be important for the kids to hear congratulations from their parents, which will include their support and approval. You will find options for similar congratulations from parents on kindergarten graduation to the teacher and children below.

Congratulations guys

Happy first graduation!

We are, of course, happy for you,

But we're a little sad.

You won't come to kindergarten anymore,

New things await you,

But toys and cribs

They will always remember you.

We wish that at school

You all got excellent grades.

And, of course, with warmth

Remember kindergarten!

It's so difficult to be calm today -

A festive celebration in your favorite garden.

And it’s absolutely impossible not to smile:

How kids grow! They are already going to school.

And the teachers don’t want to be with you

Separate, let go of you from our hands!

After all, they have become family to you, like mothers,

Taught you kids to be the best.

Guys, we sincerely congratulate you!

You have grown and learned to be friends.

We wish you success in your studies,

And try not to forget your garden.

Everything changes quickly in the world,

Days flash and years fly by.

Children are celebrating graduation these days,

They are leaving kindergarten!

Here are words of gratitude by the way,

The children say this in poetry.

And the teacher looks with a smile

For the slightly embarrassed guys.

Dear and lovely faces!

You will never forget kindergarten.

We wish you to study well

And be friends with each other, as before.

It's already graduation

You are finishing your favorite garden,

I'm proud of my dear baby,

And soon the first class is waiting.

And on this wonderful, bright day,

I wish you new victories,

I wish you brightness, goodness,

Don’t know, baby, neither evil nor troubles!

And may everything be fine

In the future, your baby is yours,

Just don't be afraid of anything

After all, I am forever your wall!

Like eaglets flying from the nest,

Spreading your wings,

The boys are coming from kindergarten,

Proud of their first graduation.

Along uncharted paths,

Go forward to your dreams,

And give no rest to your legs,

Holding my breath from dreams.

Walk without knowing sorrow

We wish you throughout life,

Today we celebrate with you,

The beginning of the school journey.

To be the manager,

There's a lot to love:

Mountains of different documents,

Numerous disputes

Heating, walking,

Accounting back streets.

Know what's in the kitchen, in the yard,

What are those stains on the carpet...

But there is only one duty,

And she is the most important thing.

And this is what it sounds like -

You just need to love children.

We dedicate our recognition to you

For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,

After all, making good people out of children is

Your profession is nothing more difficult in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands

The warmth they gave both to the children and to us.

And the children grow, and they mature,

After all, time flies, a string of days...

Thank you also for using books

Did you teach numbers and letters to children?

And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:

You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall the children will go to school,

But they will bring you their gratitude

For work and patience, for that comfort,

In which their childhood lives forever.

We want to say thank you

We are our dear nanny.

Health, good wishes,

Let trouble pass by.

Dreams come true more often

Let your salary make you happy.

And life will be brighter and sweeter,

You have plenty of strength and patience!


Well, friends, the time has come

The one we've been waiting for!

We gathered for the last time

In this cozy room.

Here to say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers are rushing in the morning,

We greet them with smiles,

Applause, friends!

Here they are, our stars!

To the music “Little Country,” graduates enter in threes, with kids in formation between them

1 child Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning -

Today is graduation day.

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, he is completely dear to us!

Everyone here works with their souls,

We see cleanliness all around.

They take care of us like mothers.

Thanks everyone for your kindness!

2 reb. The sun is a cheerful ray

He happily knocks on the windows,

And we are proud today

An important word: “Graduates”

3 reb. Our parents came to our holiday,

And they look at us with excitement.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

The children have grown up now.

4 children Our garden is sad today,

And we're just a little sad

And now the day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us

5 reb. So we grew up, and we

The Sami first grade school is waiting.

Do you remember five years ago

How did we go to kindergarten?

6 children You accepted us as kids,

Kindergarten, our home,

We have become family now

And we say goodbye to you.

7 children We used to play school

But the game is over

We are envied today

Preschool children from the yard

The hour of farewell is coming.

Girls favorite dolls

Never forget. (gives a toy)


You can talk to the doll

Tell her all the secrets,

Sing her a simple song,

Tell a funny story.

Baby doll, it's time to say goodbye

We go to school to study.

(give the dolls to the kids)

Graduate: My ball is bright and cheerful!

I came to say goodbye.

No, you can't go to school with me.

Stay, okay?

(gives the ball to the baby)


Goodbye, dear bear.

You haven't had time to grow up!

You see, they bought me books,

It's time for me to go to school!

(gives the bear)


Well, come to me my teddy bear,

Why are you afraid not to go?

It's okay that I'm a baby

You won't get lost with me!


Well, the gifts were given to the guys,

And more for us, friends,

There is no need to be sad.

Toys for reliable preschoolers,

They say to you, smiling:

Kids: Thank you. Good luck!

Song "Farewell to toys"

(Graduates say goodbye to the kids and stand in a semicircle)


We will soon leave kindergarten,

It's time for us to go to school,

We know that we need to study a lot,

To become real people.


Farewell holiday, cheerful and sad,

It's hard to contain my excitement.

Moms and dads and teachers

They came to see us off to school.


The world is unknown, school, wonderful

We would like to see sooner

It’s just so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten,

We will miss you with all our hearts.


So preschool childhood passes

How can we keep him?

With tenderness and sadness, our beloved kindergarten

We will remember everything

Song “It’s cool you ended up in kindergarten”

Verse 1:

It's like going to work in the morning

We are going to our kindergarten.

On Sunday and Saturday

All the guys have a day off.

We've been playing all week

We study, we eat.

It's a pity, but soon, very soon

We won't come to kindergarten anymore.


Cool, you're in kindergarten!

You are a star, you are a star

Let's surprise people

Verse 2:

From zero to ten

We'll be leaving the kindergarten soon,

We'll have to go to school soon.

Forgive us, our teacher,

That sometimes we were naughty

But our native kindergarten

We will never forget.


Verse 3:

So that you don't feel ashamed of us,

We promise you, friends,

Study everything perfectly

We will always be everywhere.

We are sorry to part with you,

But, alas, the time has come.

We must say goodbye to childhood,

The childhood game is over.



Today they hardly recognized us

All the guests who gathered in the hall.

The last time we came here -

Remember us forever!

Who is everyone talking about today?

And who are these smiles for?

The whole kindergarten is worried,

There is a reason: of course, children!


And what holidays there were!

And how we loved the holidays,

And how beautifully they danced!

What kind of scores did we give?


Even if we part, they won’t forget us here.

This farewell waltz remains in memory

Dance "Waltz"


Dear guys, today is your big holiday!

You are saying goodbye to kindergarten!

Did you have a good and interesting time here?(Yes)

And in order for you to feel good, cozy and interesting here, all the kindergarten workers tried their best and your parents helped a lot.

Dear parents, the kindergarten staff thanks you for taking an active part in the life of the kindergarten over the years.

You helped us a lot in designing the group’s subject-based development environment.

In the renovation work of the kindergarten and group.

In holding children's parties.

You are wonderful parents because your child occupies a central place in your life!

And in this solemn atmosphere, we want to honor each family with a letter of gratitude.

(Presenting letters of gratitude to parents)

Words of gratitude to parents


The time has come - the children have grown up,

We have a graduation party today.

Dear mothers, dear fathers,

It's so good to have you around now.

Because you are the best in the world -

Your children give you applause!

Song: “Inseparable Friends”


We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet the rays of the eyes,

Where are the sunny dreams, where are the starry paths,

Where you can hear laughs and sadness in the songs.

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles -

Flies under the sail of spring "planet of childhood »


It's not an easy holiday for us,

It only happens once

And today to kindergarten

It’s not in vain that guests rush to visit us.

This holiday is our joyful one,

Because school is coming soon.

It's just a pity, I have to say goodbye

My beloved kindergarten and I.

Here we were friends, played,

We first learned the letters

Grew up imperceptibly

And they became quite big.

This holiday is a day of farewell,

Sad and cheerful.

Our kindergarten, goodbye!

Hello, hello school!


You are letting us go today,

Like a flock of white birds.

And you involuntarily drop it

Tears from your long eyelashes!

How much kindness and affection you have,

And there is no one wiser in the world than you!

You probably came from a fairy tale

And they raised us for so many years!

Do not be sad! We will definitely

We will visit you again and again!

Our nannies and teachers

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Song: “Kindergarten, don’t be sad!”

Verse 1:

Two thin braids, short pants

We came to kindergarten like this for the first time.

Girls are like tits, boys are like bunnies

We will remain like this forever for you


Soon the school bell will call us to class

It will ring loudly - loudly and we will go to school

Kindergarten, don’t be sad, forgive us for our pranks.

Like chicks, we fly away from our native nest!

Verse 2:

The site on the site will be covered in flowers in the summer

Other kids will come here to play

And the kindergarten laughs from the sunlight

This is how we will remember him and remember him

We look into your faces, beloved relatives.

You hide your tears from prying eyes.

And we will dream of you exactly like this.

You will remain like this forever for us.

You will remain like this forever for us.

Chorus: Same


Every child knows from the cradle

An old fairy tale about a teremok.

He stood in the field neither tall nor short

And it was not locked with a huge lock.

Years have flown by, centuries have flown by,

And the tower still stands

And the animals are still the same, but how they have changed.

After all, time continuously runs forward

We invite you to the tower

Everyone come to the light

We'll tell you about it

How we live in a new way

Life doesn't stand still

Time flies quickly


Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Loved by adults and children

Fairy tales teach us kindness and hard work

They tell you how to live

To make everyone around you friends

The kindergarten will help you in a new way.


Once upon a time there lived an owl in the forest - wise and majestic.

Friends, I have never seen another owl like this anywhere.

The wise owl decided:

Owl: Why suffer from boredom?

I will open a school in the forest to teach animals science.

(Characters: Fly, Mosquito, Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Chanterelle, Wolf, Bear.)

Children (choir) sing to the tune of the song “About Love” by the group “Factory” (“There is a star in my fist, if I put it to my ear, it rings”).


There is a tower in the field, (bark la-la)

He is neither short nor tall, (bark la-la)

Teremochek is not simple,

It is beautiful, “golden”.

This is a school for children

For children and animals.

A fly flies across the sky

He flies up and whines.

(The girl-fly “flies up” to a pre-designated house, knocks and sings to the tune of Katya Lel’s song “musi-pusi”)


Mushi-mushi, pusi-pusi, open the door,

I want to go to school, oh-oh-oh!

I flew over everything like a butterfly

And everything is no problem, but the time has come

Everyone should learn. (2 times)


A fly flew into the tower,

She's now waiting for a call

A mosquito has arrived

And I wanted to study.


This is what a school is like!

Maybe it's already a lesson?


And a mosquito is knocking here...

Komarik: I want to study quickly!!


Oh mosquito, come

Look at the desk,

Both on the board and in the classroom,

They will teach us everything here!

There will be happy faces!…


I want to study quickly

This will be useful in life.

(sings to the tune of the verse of the song “It’s cool you got on TV”)


I want to make my dream come true in my life,

But without school, without learning, I can’t see happiness,

And my dream is this: I want to become an artist!

(recitative-half-whisper)And then they will tell me...

Mosquitoes and choir:

(to the tune of the song “Cool you got on TV)

It's great you're on TV

You are a star, let's surprise the people. (2 times)


Here's a mosquito flying up

And I sat down at my desk with a fly,

Not even half a minute has passed

The mouse came running

And, of course, she goes to class

She knocked immediately.


Did I really have time?

That's how I wanted to study

That I got up early today,

Didn't wake up for school this morning

So she ran, she was in a hurry,

Which almost fell into a puddle...

Song: (to the tune of the song “Forgive me baby”)

The asphalt shone, I was all wet,

And the cars are honking, but I won’t take a step back

I'm going to school, right on the go,

I sing a song (2 times)

Let them envy me, let them envy me

I'm going to school, I'm going to school

Right on the go, right on the go

I sing a song, I sing a song

Mouse (extends his hand to the mosquito):

Shall we meet? I am a mouse

And I'm no longer a baby.

I'm enrolling now

To the long-awaited first grade!


Here the Mouse sat down at the desk,

She has a notebook, a book.

Everyone heard footsteps...


Mouse, who's there? Look!

Mouse: Oh frog

Oh wah

Will you be my girlfriend

(The frog sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “The boy wants to go to Tambov” and makes small jumps to the beat of the song)

The frog sings:

I will gain knowledge! Chicky-chicky, chicky-chicky-ta!

And I will study at school with five grades,

I will know everything in the world

And I can even fly to the moon,

Even fly to the moon!

To school, to school, I want to! Chicky-chicky, chicky-chicky-ta!

Get knowledge! Chicky-chicky, chicky-chicky-ta!

Everything will be taught here,

Add and multiply?

I dream after school

Become a traveler

And so study

I will always be a high five!


The frog sat down with the mouse,

She became her friend

Then Bunny came running

There was a soft knock on the door.

(sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “Chocolate Bunny”)


- I’m an uneducated bunny, but I’m an affectionate boy,

I will be a student, hic, hic, hic!

I hiccup from fear, but I know so little

I can only - prick (jump), prick, prick - 2 times


Hello, here I am,

My name is Bunny!


So the bunny galloped,

He began to look at the class,

Met everyone

He sat down at his desk and said:


Well, when is class already?

The bell hasn't rung yet.

I hear someone coming there,

Sings the song loudly.


And he’s still going to study

Red fox to school

Cheerful singer.

Here she comes into class...


I'm a fluffy fox

I am beautiful to the whole world

I'm sweeter than everyone else in the world

There is no one in the forest more cunning than me

Well, who do we have here?

(looks around the class)

Who will offer to sit at the desk,

He will pour tea for the little fox,

Will give you candy, chocolate

And will he bring my briefcase?


What's your name, girl?


Just Red Fox

Well, other than that...

(sings to the Bunny, stroking his head, to the tune of Valeria’s song “The Clock”)

Call me your little fox

And seat me with you, carry my briefcase,

Little foxes are sitting at a desk,

They don't chatter, they don't squeal, they don't scream,

I will help you in our class,

And, of course, only if you're with me,

You will be my hero, you will be so smart!


Here the Fox sat down with the Bunny,

But the bell doesn't ring,

Just someone, very quickly

He's in a hurry and running to class.


Looks like I'm not late

But did I get there?

I'll probably ask you

This is a school? First grade?


Yes, you came to first grade,

What is your name, tell me?

(extends his hand to the Wolf)

The wolf sings to the tune of the Star Factory song “Sasha + Masha” (“Her name is Masha, she loves Sasha...”)

Your name is White, my name is Gray,

The fox's name is Red, after all.

The Frog is called a Croak, and the Mouse is a Norushka,

It’s not easy to remember, but everything is ahead!

Let me study soon,

I want to know everything in order to be literate.

I want to know letters, I want to know numbers,

Let me study, otherwise I will howl!

(The animals show the wolf a desk, sit him down, not allowing him to open his mouth so that he does not howl.)


That's it, the bell is already ringing,

The lesson begins.

It's coming in now

Our first grade teacher.

Everyone is excited, everyone is quiet,

But the door opened, and there...

Teddy bear on the doorstep

He's a little late

He walks through the rows

You can hear rustling here and there,

Stepped on the Fox's tail

I crushed the hare's paw,

And accidentally a frog

I pressed my lower back.

He pushed the mouse in the side with his elbow,

And Komarik shoved

And when I reached the Wolf,

Gray shouted loudly.


What kind of student is this?

How will he study?


We have no place for him,

Your friend is not in first grade!


The little bear cried and said...

Bear: I'm clumsy

Stepped on a hundred puddles

I didn't want to offend you.

And I'm not very brave.

But everyone is happy to learn,

I graduated from kindergarten

And where to go now?

There's no turning back!


Then the teacher came into the classroom

And he said to Mishutka:


Hurry, my friend, sit down,

Learn wisely.

Well, you little animals, sit down,

Don't offend anyone

Be it small, big,

Clubfoot or lame.

School teaches only good things,

Increases knowledge

First graders today

The school accepts!

Owl interacts with animals:

And now we have a math lesson!

Listen carefully to funny tasks:

Six funny little bears

They rush into the forest for raspberries,

But one kid was tired:

I fell behind my comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are there ahead?(5)

Gives from grandma - fox

Mittens for three grandchildren:

“This is for the winter, grandchildren,

Two mittens each.

Take care, don't lose,

How many are there, count them!”(6)

To the gray heron for a lesson

Seven forty arrived

And of them only three are magpies

We have prepared our lessons.

How many quitters - forty

Arrived for class?(4)

Owl: Well done! It is clear that everyone is friendly with mathematics. After such a difficult task, let's take a rest.

Game: “Collect a briefcase.”

Game: “Add the word”

Dance of the Animals: "School Polka"


The school year ended, and people gathered at the school.

The owl taught them for a long time and here is the last lesson.

Today she gathered her restless people.

(The owl rings a small bell - invites students to the last lesson.)


I taught you for a long time, friends.

Now I want to see what you have learned,

And make sure: schoolchildren, you turned out 5!

Who can say, young friends, what did I teach you?


We learned to write, and sing, and dance.

Study well, behave decently.

Owl: (to the hare and wolf)

And you little animals, don’t be silent,

Tell me how to lead a lesson.


The first rule I will tell you:

I sit quietly in class.

You can't disturb your neighbor in class,

And a break to play.


You can't shout or fuss in class.

Just study, study, study!

You need to listen to the teacher carefully

Owl: (to other animals)

Please, friends, tell you.

Show your skills.

Mouse: We learned to write, count from 10 to 100,

Take care - do not crush them or tear them!

Bear: (writes down the solution)

I will solve the problem for you. I’ll tell you how I decide.

Once upon a time there were two beetles and three angry spiders.

Two plus three makes five!

I'll get straight A's.

Chanterelle: (comes out with a drawing)

I drew my mother.

Me, mom and dad are a family.

How to be good at drawing

I can convey love in a drawing.

Hare: (on a stand - crafts)

We learned to design.

Sculpt from plasticine, fantasize.

In our hands is a piece of plasticine

It becomes soft, warm, like clay.


What else have I taught you?

Maybe there's something I didn't ask you about?

Wolf: We did physical education...

Owl: What?


Physical culture.

They grew up, became stronger, became stronger,

They turned from kids into athletes.

(The wolf shows physical exercises.)


And the music lessons are wonderful

They taught me how to sing and listen to songs.

We distinguish a polka from a march,

But we dance just as well.

(A group of children perform DITTS)

(for performance by a subgroup of girls and a subgroup of boys)


We are funny guys

We'll sing ditties for you.

We are no longer preschoolers,

We'll go to school soon.


Just don't get arrogant

What now the students

Better get ready for school

Don't forget your diaries!


Let's look at the girls:

Every time they make you laugh -

Just coming out of diapers,

They are in a hurry to educate!


We teach lessons at school

We will all do our best.

You will go to serve at sea,

We are educators.


You girls are like magpies

You chat all day!

Let's see how it is in class

Write, read!


We are no worse than you boys

Your abrasions and bumps


You laughing girls

There's no point in arguing with you,

Otherwise we'll sing ditties

All day until evening!


Well, let's make peace

We are already adults.

We go to school to study,

Strong and tall!


Let's tell our dear kindergarten,

To your teachers:

We feel good here, like at home,

We will visit you again!


Caregivers of loved ones

It's a shame to leave it.

Let us have a nanny too

Take it to school for lessons!


Don't you forget us,

We will not let the kindergarten down.

Very soon, you know,

We will come to visit you again!


And we sing and dance,

We learned everything!

We surprised ourselves how quickly we grew up


You raised us! You taught us!


You taught us to have order in everything!


You have read us a lot of smart books!


We learned a lot of new, kind words!


We will be diligent in our studies!


Be merciful to homeless puppies!


We will be true friends!


We will be the first everywhere and in everything!


I'm happy with you, children!

You are the smartest person in the world!

You graduated from forest school

And now you will go to the city hall.

Song: “We Were Preschoolers”


Today it is impossible to contain the excitement.

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

And how difficult it is for us to part with you,

And let you out from under the wing into the world!

You became family, you became friends,

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.

Today, guys, we congratulate you,

You go to school to study and make friends.

We wish you all success and health -

And never forget your kindergarten!


So exciting for us!

Summer will fly by unnoticed,


We read so many books at school,

Page after page.

We are all going to learn!


Pens and notebooks are waiting for us

Books, paints and a diary.

Everything will be told in order

Us the pages of school books


And now we have to go,

Climb the ladder of knowledge

And at the beginning of a long journey

Let's tell the kindergarten everything...


Song: “It’s raining outside, it’s slushing outside”

Verse 1:

It's raining outside, it's slushing outside,

We do not care

With mom by the hand, with dad by the hand

We're going to kindergarten

They live here together

They build, sculpt, jump, study letters

They dance and sing


But childhood passes?


Is it time for us to say goodbye?


Goodbye kindergarten

Goodbye toys

It's time for us to go to school!

Verse 2:

What should we tell mom?

What should we tell dad?

We will sing about them in a song

Thank you, dear ones, for being with us

We'll all go to school together

Little girls, little boys

Lessons are waiting for you

Math with dad

With mom - drawing

It’s hard work with grandma!


(children sat on chairs)

Presenter: Our children have a dream, when they grow up they are going to become... what? They will now tell you:

Child 1:

They are in a hurry, the years are passing.

I'll be seventeen.

Where will I work?

What will I do?

Strive for knowledge

I will be a scientist

I'll go abroad.

Child 2:

I will be a businessman.

I'll be cooler than a cloud!

I'll buy mom a fur coat

Dad's jeep is cooler.

Child 3:

Business is good, but modeling is better!

I will be at the shows. They will teach me everything.

I will be the top model, very bright and catchy

And grandma says that they are all “boards”.

But I will be able to get the crown of beauty.

And with my beauty, I can conquer the whole world!

Child 4:

Well, model, what's wrong?

What cool things did you find here?

I dream of becoming an architect

Build a city without corners.

I am now making my dream come true:

At home I draw from circles.

I will build a house without a corner,

Mom, your dream will come true!

As you couldn’t love before,

Put me in a corner!….

Child 5:

And I want to be simple

A good man,

To keep pace merrily

Happy new century to us!

Know more, sleep less,

Protect girls at school

Be polite everywhere, always!

And never get angry!

Child 6:

But I will work as our president.

I will ban eating semolina porridge throughout the country.

I will rule the entire country

Increase everyone's salary.

Child 7:

I dream of becoming the head of a bank,

To surprise the whole world like crazy:

Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And take mom to space!

Child 8:

And I'll be a showman

All mustachioed and bright.

I'll spin the wheel

Receive gifts.

Child 9:

My mother dreams for me,

Dad, grandma, friends...

I'm just a stubborn guy...

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives advice

I'm in trouble.

Despite this,

I'll remain myself!

Child 10:

I'll become a cool DJ, I'll play music,

I’m adding a new topic to get everyone excited.

With Kolya Baskov we will record a super dance hit.

The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will start talking.

Child 11:

And I will sing like Galkin,

I'm like, I can handle it.

Maybe Alla Pugacheva,

I'll like you too.

Child 12:

Oh, don't think about her

Time to waste.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old

Child 13:

Well, why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

You don't want to tell us

Who will you have to become?

Child 14:

Are you guys interested?

Only fame and salary.

And I have my own dream,

She has simple beauty

I will be the teacher.

Let everyone be surprised

After all, from kindergarten and school

That's where it all begins.

Child 15:

I will be a teacher, and I am happy about that.

Believe me, this is the highest reward for me!

Both the artist and the banker come to the garden as children.

And then they find themselves to conquer the whole world.


We read poems to you,

Clap, try hard.

It was you who raised us,

So figure it out!

Song: “We all went on stage today”


Head of kindergarten

A child with a poster walks through the hall:

If there are any complaints,

Questions, suggestions,

Come, let's discuss everything!

Manager. Sincerely.

Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock:

Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready.

Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer.

But I'll wake you up later

Get up! Wake up! It's time to go to kindergarten!

Oh, I don’t want to go there today!

I go to kindergarten. 8:30 am.

The cooks are already working their magic in the kitchen.

Corridors, toilets, groups, halls, offices...

I have to check everything and maintain safety.

It's 9 in the morning,

And on the threshold there is already a nurse:

We have problem number one:

We have chickenpox, quarantine again.

We need to quickly run through the garden,

As soon as possible, gather the nannies together.

Bleach and soap, brushes, water.

OZSEK will rush to us, again as always.

9:15 – the phone rings:

The event should be given to the area.

The problem again: everyone needs to be collected,

Quickly decide how and what to show.

Oh it's already 10:00,

Our dear caretaker comes to my door:

No heating, the basement is drowning!

The pipes are rotten, it's a complete emergency!

Problem again. I'm calling the housing department,

I beg you to send a locksmith urgently.

12:15 – I write my report card,

I need to submit it on time, I'm in a hurry.

13:00 – at my place teachers' council ,

Educators need to be given good advice.

And they weren’t sad about their salary.

4:30 – I run to the city center

Slippery! Luckily it's nearby.

There, of course, they will scold us for everything...

They don’t want to give money.

17:00 – I go into the office,

I think I missed lunch.

I just can’t eat now,

I'll run to the meeting hall.

A lot of parents will come to visit,

They are worried about the children waiting for them.

18:15 – the phone rings:

An open lesson should be given to the area.

Did they call you this morning?

Certainly! We are waiting for you tomorrow, gentlemen!

19:00 – the janitor has left,

What should I do? What should I do?

Where can I get a new wiper?

Until I found a man to take the place,

I came home late at night.

I just closed my eyes,

Daughter, get up, it’s time to go to kindergarten,

All the children are already heading to kindergarten.

No! There's no way I'm going there!

I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself!!!

Mom (quietly): - Daughter, we need it!

You are the head of a kindergarten!

Congratulations to the kindergarten staff


Nowadays no, it’s not easy

run the kindergarten

Every day there are a million questions

They all need to be solved

Yes! Work here is not honey

Not everyone could do it here

What we plant lives

Thank you!


And now, following tradition, allow me to open"Graduate 2013" award ceremony

Specialists and staff from the Kolobok village took part in the “Graduate 2013” ​​competition. The winners were determined in 14 categories.


Nomination -1

Head (child with mother)

Every day with your care

Our KOLOBOK is becoming more and more beautiful,

This kindergarten is getting brighter

For big and little ones!

Thank you for your concern,

For hard work,

For joy, warmth, comfort,

That they live in our kindergarten.

Let work bring you

Positive attitude!

Well, different problems

Let them bypass!


Nomination 2 - “Advanced Thought”.

(To the methodologist)


To raise children correctly,

There is a lot to know.

You need to know psychology

And know physiology.

To be good at pedagogy,

Rhetoric and logic.

But the main thing is to be a methodologist,

Children need to be loved.


The authorities' right hand,

It was difficult for you sometimes.

It's still an educational process

It was a serious process.

Your merits are great:

You helped the teachers

Raise and educate children.

Thank you from mothers.


Do you remember the first time you brought your baby to kindergarten? How worried were you about how he would be doing without his mom and dad?

3rd nomination – “My second mother”.

Nadezhda Nikolayevna!


How long has it been since we went to your nursery?

You taught us to hold a spoon and a mug.

They taught us to put on a coat and a hat,

And hum the first poems and songs.

Parting is not a problem

You paved the way to childhood in your heart,

You are for us today and always

Close, dear, dear ones.


You accepted our children as babies,

Who still spoke poorly.

Today they came as graduates.

Those who attended your junior group.

You, like chickens, carefully counted them all,

When they were taken under their wing,

When they were greeted in the morning.

Thank you for your warmth

(Congratulations from the teacher)

And now4 nomination first - “You'll lick your fingers.”

(A poem is read, a diploma is awarded)


Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Porridge is ready for breakfast

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked the fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs

They've been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For borscht, cutlets, porridge...

We appreciate your work!

(To the storekeeper)


So that the dinner is cooked delicious,

And potatoes and cabbage

Someone has to buy it

And don't forget about meat.

The storekeeper knows this

All products are on time

Buy in a timely manner.

And what can I say?

You, Nadezhda Nikiforovna, have everything in stock.

Praise and honor to you for that!

5th nomination – “It doesn’t get any cleaner.”



Labor on the laundress I will say,

Also very important.

At first glance, sometimes you

And it’s not even visible

After us, like chimney sweeps,

Everything should be smooth and clean.

Let's say thank you goodbye

For your hands and efforts!


What do you think is most valuable to a person?

Of course, children's health.

6th nomination – “You live well.”



Thanks to everyone who treated us,

And taught me how to set a thermometer,

I looked at our cheeks

Alely, like flowers,

So that we grow up healthy,

Beautiful, cheerful!

We thank the doctors

That kindergarten is always healthy


Our restless children

Gave you trouble:

That's a torn knee,

The forehead is a little broken.

You haven't been sitting idle:

Apply nose drops and rinse eyes.

With kindness you knew how

Treat all their abrasions.

Children will not forget this

And our gratitude to you.

The best doctor in the world

The one that gives people joy!

7th nomination - “A penny saves the ruble.”

(To the caretaker)


Working day at the caretaker's

It's very difficult to predict.

The flood is a threat,

Then the plumbing again,

The battery burst here,

There is an audit going on.

We didn’t have time to look back,

The garden is closed for renovation.

How can you live without a caretaker?

Nadezhda Valentinovna

We hasten to thank you!

(Human Resources Department)


So that the balance always converges,

The kindergarten did not go bankrupt.

They work Antonina Ivanovna

At work in the morning.

Teachers' salaries,

And the parents are paid,

And hand out receipts...

We say thank you

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Presenter:Nomination 8 “Nerves are fine”



So that the child’s psyche

Didn't instill fear in adults

They need a subtle psychologist,

Tell me when and how,

Explain this and that

Take a personal test

Give parents answers

Why doesn't their son eat...

Psychology is a science,

It’s not an easy thing, brothers.

Without a psychologist in our age

A person will not be able to live.

Presenter:Nomination 9 “Speak beautifully”

(Speech therapist)


The kids went to kindergarten

They have a lot to do.

There's nothing wrong with words

Mom shouldn't blush at school.


It is believed that man descended from a bird.

Because the bird sings, and the man sings too.

So:Nomination 10 – “It’s fun to walk with a song.”

(Music worker)


“fa” is indistinguishable from “sol”,

Not everyone is given talent,

But that doesn't bother us

There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,

On Christmas or New Year

Even the furious prankster

Dashingly sings a song.


Good words for "helper":

Will help you collect toys

Will help the guys undress

Quietly put him to bed.

Nomination 11 “Support and support.”


From clear dawn until dark

She is in our kindergarten.

Who will bring us lunch?

And will he clean up the dishes?

Our group is no more beautiful.

Clean and bright all around!

Maybe our Anna,

And not two, but ten hands?


How you want to collect a bouquet

From the most tender phrases,

We are ready to repeat to you,

What we love, many times!

You took such good care of us

They helped so much

Sometimes you knew how to hide,

That we're tired to death.

Four years since then

It's been a while since we met

And they became good friends.

Now we are full of hope

At least rarely, at least once a week

By chance I meet you somewhere,

To listen to your speeches again,

Talk about this and that

About how we live now.

Thank you! See you!

Nomination 12 “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Territory cleaner.


Natalya Alexandrovna!

Raisa Nikolaevna!

Our janitor is always fine

The verandas are clean,

Children love it on the playground

To frolic for a reason,

This is all your merit,

Our flower beds and flowers,

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Let your dreams come true!


Final nomination 13 – “The very first mentor.”



You taught us how to write letters,

How can you tell the time using a clock?

Add three and eight and subtract four.

And you talked about the stars and the world.

Have you read fairy tales where there are elves and fairies.

And you taught us to believe in our dreams.

We want to say thank you today.

After all, every child was loved by you.


Our kids are a year older now

And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,

Why are our teachers sad?

And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,

They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.

You gave them all your good heart,

Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,

They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,

You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,

To live with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,

We were angry with you because of such little things,

But even with us you were calm and meek,

Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,

The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.

We bow to all teachers at the waist,

And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,

After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!

Please accept our huge thank you

Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,

Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!

Your work is like the tributaries of a river,

Thank you for being you!

Song: “Goodbye, teachers”


The awards ceremony has come to an end. We thank the guests of the nominees.

Next year, the doors of this hall will open again to welcome the laureates of the 2014 Graduation Award. The music will start playing again and there will be a lot of flowers. And today's graduates, rushing to school, will say: “This is my kindergarten!”


Thank you for your affection, love and care

For games and holidays in kindergarten.

Thank you for your hard work,

To everyone who works in kindergarten!

And we give this dance to you

Dance “The name of spring”

Presenter: Guys, today is your first graduation.

We have been waiting for this day for 5 years, for 5 years we have been approaching this moment step by step, having come a long way from inept kids to future first-graders!

We worked hard, so we learned a lot: You have become adults, dexterous, strong, you can read, count and write, sing and dance.

And today, on this holiday, for your success you will be awarded the “Kindergarten Graduate” ribbon and a diploma of completion of kindergarten.

And over these years you have made the very first friends in your life.

And as a souvenir of your friendship, a photo album.

Forpresentation of graduate medals and diplomas on completion of kindergartenwe invite:

The presenter congratulates the children, gives out an album and a diploma and a medal

Denis is our guy!

He won't disappear anywhere.

Well, if necessary,

He will lead you.

Max has no equal in the gym.

We wish him victories,

Best of all, write

And "great to receive"

Vanya grew up quickly,

He managed to learn everything.

He strives for new knowledge.

This will come in handy at school.

Vladlen, you are our daredevil

And he’s great in everything.

Feel free to go to school

And comprehend science.

Nikita loves

build, tinker,

Talk a lot.

We wish him from the bottom of our hearts

Our Artem loves to draw,

Loves to help adults.

He has many talents.

Let there be a bright road!

Fair and calm

Always worthy of praise.

Children respect Dima

Everyone wishes him success.

Golden sun

We have it in our group.

Golden sun -

There are countless rays.

We wish Lenochka

And shine for everyone at school.

Bring good grades from school.

Maxim Tkachenko

We'll accompany you to school

And with all our hearts we wish,

So that the lessons are answered

Without hesitation, without difficulty,

And the teacher even gasped

And he said: “Wow!”

Our Marina is a laugher,

Cheerful and nice girl.

The school will love her very much.

Ilona loves to sing, dance,

We wish to study it only with “5”

And develop your talents at school.

And slender as a spikelet.

Likes to help adults

And you couldn’t find a kinder one.

We wish Katya from the bottom of our hearts

Meet good friends

To be as kind and nice

And get straight A's.

Dancer Nastya, anywhere!

And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

We'll miss you.

Promise to visit us.

Our Yanochka is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only “4” and “5”

There will be notebooks to fill it out.

Let's see Ashot off to school

And with all our hearts we wish,

So that the lessons are answered

Without hesitation, without difficulty,

And the teacher even annoyed

And he said: “Wow!”

Polina from any position

You will always find a way out

You love to fantasize

You will never be lost.

We wish Alice true friends,

Lots of health and sunny days,

Success in your studies and only good things.

May your life be full of joy!

It’s sad to part with Sveta,

But we will still smile.

After all, there are so many interesting things at school,

Unknown, wonderful.

Let's see Violetta off to school

We wish you with all our hearts

At school you try

And study hard.

Egorka is a serious guy,

So as not to waste time -

He does everything quickly

And he runs off to play.

Parents to children:

Kindergarten in the morning

I've met you many times,

He treated me to delicious porridge,

I read a good story.

He was a gentle nanny for you,

Life was interesting there:

Your own locker, your own crib,

Life was so sweet for you here.

Leaving kindergarten,

There is no need to grieve at all,

After all, no one is to blame

He just became too small.

Your life is changing

The school is already waiting for you.

Stick to your studies

And get A's.

2 Parent:

Gift to the group.

Our children have grown up

Books are waiting for them at school.

And take their place in the group

Younger kids.

In order to talk about them

More often they remembered

We are gifts for children

We chose together.

Let the kids play

Let them be happy

And about the kindergarten, like us,

They will never forget in life!


Goodbye, our kindergarten!

Birds are chirping outside the window,

Lilacs are pouring out stars,

Say goodbye to kindergarten

On this warm May day.

Goodbye to our kindergarten,

Educators, friends!

Everyone is happy for us today,

But mothers' eyes sparkle.

Don't worry, our mothers!

We won't let you down,

In the warm autumn we ourselves

Let's have fun at school!

The teacher will meet us

We will find friends.

Every year your children

They will be better and more mature!


OK it's all over Now! The time has come to say goodbye.

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers.

Everything is ahead of us, but only to kindergarten

We will never return.


We will remember the group and the toys,

And the bedrooms are tender comfort,

And how to forget friends - girlfriends,

With whom we lived here for so many years!


The time has come to part

Goodbye, dear kindergarten!!

Something in my heart aches when I say goodbye,

Tears are rolling down from my eyes.

After all, we came here when we were still babies!!

Mothers were led to kindergarten crying

How many joyful days have we been together?

But the hour of parting has come.


Yes, we are just a little sad,

And time cannot be turned back,

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road,


Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye kindergarten"

Educator: Now each parent, take your future first-grader, a balloon, and make a farewell circle in this room.

For some reason the hall became silent,
There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes.
Let the audience remember them now:
Flirty and mischievous
A little daring and stubborn,
The most playful of children,
Unique, dear,
And everyone loved in their own way,
And equally relatives.
Meet them! Graduates of the Topolek kindergarten in 2017.
Children enter to the applause of adults and music, and line up in a semicircle.
The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered
Today we escort children from kindergarten to school.
Oh, how beautifully our hall is decorated,
There are many guests today.
We are now opening the graduation ball
And we invite friends.
Farewell holiday
Cheerful and sad
It's hard to contain my excitement.
Moms and dads and teachers,
They came to see us off to school.
Today we say goodbye to kindergarten forever,
Now we need to study, we are going to school.
The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word: “Graduate”
Everyone dressed up today
And they worry in the morning.
Do not be sad! Goodbye!
It's time for us to go to school!
Everyone's mothers look with excitement at yesterday's preschoolers,
And dad’s gaze warms, and his brother winks.
Even grandma secretly brought a handkerchief to her eyes
From now on her dear grandson will be a schoolboy!
We ourselves forgot all the poems out of excitement.
They were just preschool children, and now they are students!
We gathered for the graduation party with the whole family.
Dads and moms are watching now and trying to understand:
Are our worries over, or are they just beginning?
Soon the song will fill
School happy bell
And it will begin solemnly
Our first lesson at school!
Song “The Bell Rings”
After the song, the children sit on chairs.
Vovka (an adult) rides into the hall on a children’s scooter, all disheveled.
Host: Oh, guys, who came to us? Some kind of slob?
Vovka: Who is this slob? Is it me? And I’m not a slob at all!
Host: Who are you?
Vovka: I am Vovka Morkovkin and I am going to the distant kingdom.
Host: Why do you need to go to the kingdom, and even to distant lands? Better get to know our guys. They are going to school and can take you with them.
Vovka: To school?! They don't even know what awaits them there! Do one thing, then do another. If you do it wrong, the teacher will give you a bad grade and your parents will give you a bad grade! No, I don't want to go to school!
Host: Vovka, don’t rush to answer. Listen to what we tell you about the school.
What awaits me at school?
The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting, friends are waiting...
There will be no time for laziness at school:
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature is waiting - forest and field,
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!!!
Host: And also, Vovka, do you want to play a game with us?
Game: Pack your school bag.
Vovka: (scratching the back of his head) Yes, it seems like you should go to school... Only at school it’s all on your own, and on your own... But I want a “royal life”! Just do nothing.
Host: Everything is clear...You want to live like in a fairy tale. Well, then you have a direct road to the distant kingdom. Go.
Vovka: Yes, it’s easy to say - go. Where should we go?
Host: Well, well, it’s as easy as shelling pears, you have to say the magic words.
Vovka: I don’t know any magic words.
Presenter: - Read it! (shows poster)
Vovka: I can’t read!
Host: Guys, let’s help Vovka read the magic words.
Children read: Fairy tale, fairy tale answer
Come to us soon..
Host: Oh, guys, we can’t leave Vovka alone, in case he still needs our help. He doesn’t know anything, he can’t do anything. And the road to the distant kingdom is long, with obstacles, shall we go with him?
Children: Yes!
Host: And now the magic words must be repeated with your eyes closed. We just have to close our eyes tightly, otherwise we won’t get into the fairy tale. Fairy tale, fairy tale answer
Come to us soon..
Music is playing. Vasilisa the Wise enters.
Vovka: Hey, who are you?

Vovka: Who?
Vasilisa the Wise: Vasilisa the Wise!
Vovka: Where are you from?
Vasilisa the Wise: From a fairy tale.
Vovka: Wow!!! Come on, teach me some wisdom.
Vasilisa the Wise: Yes please! Let's start with the simplest. Let's play.
Game with balls.
Vasilisa the Wise: Yes, you play well, now let’s count.
Vasilisa the Wise: Vovka, count how much 5+5 is?
Vovka: (snorted) Nonsense! It will be…
Vovka: (shouting) Two hands! No, two legs!
Vasilisa the Wise: Children, help Vovka, give the correct answer. Children: 10
Vasilisa the Wise: (praises the children) You see how your friends think, learn from them.
2. May beetles lived in a clearing by the river,
Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them? (4)
3. He gave the ducklings a hedgehog and ten leather boots.
Which of the guys will answer how many ducklings were there? (5)
4. Once a neighbor friend came to the bunny for lunch.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate three carrots each.
Who's counting, clever guys, how many carrots have been eaten? (6)
Vasilisa praises the children. Addresses parents:
The task for you is:
Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, two tits.
Two swifts and five eels, how many birds can you answer quickly?! (4)
Vasilisa the Wise: Well done! You know arithmetic. (addresses Vovka) And you, my friend, still need to study.
Vovka: I don’t want to! I won't! Everyone teaches me, even here, in a fairy tale, they piled up!...
Vasilisa the Wise: Wow, what are you! You didn’t hit the nail on the head, but you’re aiming for wizards. This should not happen!
Vasilisa stamps her foot, turns and leaves.
Vovka: Well, no need, I can do without your wisdom, unfortunate Vasilisa! (grimaces, sticks out tongue).
Host: Why did you offend Vovka Vasilisa? How will we now get to the distant kingdom? (Vovka shrugs)
Close all your eyes and repeat the magic words again, maybe something will work out.
At this time the curtain opens and the Tsar appears.
King: (paints the “fence”, sings)
I have mountains of cakes
And there is what to eat, and there is what to drink,
But I paint, I paint fences,
So as not to be branded a parasite!
Vovka: The Tsar, the Tsar!
King: Oh, Lord! (rushes around, now to the audience, now to the children, grabs the caftan) Guests came to me, and I’m like this!
Vovka: Why are you painting the fence? You are the king! You are supposed to do nothing!
Tsar: Yes, I know, I know... This is my position. Just do nothing. You'll die of boredom! Let me paint the fence, I think. Both benefits and exercise. Do you approve?
Vovka: No!!! You don’t understand anything about royal life.
(runs to the throne, collapses on it, tries on the crown) King! Do you want some cake? Do you want ice cream? Do you want to ride in a carriage, or go to the ball? I’ll just say: “Maestro, music!” and everyone dances and sings.
Song: Farewell to toys.
Vovka: Eh, beauty, not life! And you all paint the fence!
Tsar: Well, well... I see... (approaches the throne) Would you give up your seat to the elder, or are you not trained?
Vovka: (dejectedly) Please!
King: Give me the crown here, it’s too big for you (puts the crown on his head and addresses the children). And who will you be?
Vovka: And these are my friends.
King: Well, well... If we judge by the proverb: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you,” then you are all quitters and ignoramuses.
Host: No, no, Your Majesty, our children are not like that at all. They are hardworking, well-mannered and independent. This year they are going to school.
King: To school? Do you know that you will have to take exams at school? Here I will give you an exam. The first politeness test.
The king takes out the exam papers and reads the questions:
Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word... (thank you)
The old stump will turn green
When he hears... (good afternoon)
If you can't eat anymore
Tell me at the table... (thank you)
Both in Russia and Denmark
They say goodbye...(goodbye)
Tsar: We passed the first exam with a “5”. And now the ticket is for you personally, Vovochka.
When you get scolded for your pranks
Should you say...(excuse me please)
Vovka: Yes please!
King: (jumps up) What? What? They scold you, and you: “Please?!” Execute the ignoramus!
Vovka: (falls to his knees) Have mercy, Your Majesty!
The king does not agree.
Vovka: Ale! SOS! Someone help me! I'll lose my head! She's the only one I have! Your Majesty, well, give me one last chance.
King: (thinks) Mmmm...Well, okay. How are you doing with your alphabet?
Vovka: (to the children) Guys, help me out!
Host: We are also okay with the alphabet. Look here.
Game “Make words: LESSON, BOOK, NOTEBOOK”
The king praises the children. Baba Yaga enters the hall.
Baba Yaga: Your Majesty, an ambassador has arrived from the mainland to conclude an agreement on the supply of meat and dairy products.
Tsar: These are matters of state. This is the “royal life”. Sorry. It's time to go to work.
The Tsar leaves, Baba Yaga accompanies him to the door.
Baba Yaga: I deceived the fool with four fists! (sits on the throne) - Well, falcons? The power has changed! Now I will reign! Is anyone against it? (to Vovka) - Who here wanted a royal life?
Baba Yaga is menacingly approaching Vovka.
Vovka: What am I? And I'm okay! (runs away, hides behind the children)
Baba Yaga: Yeah, you were scared?!
Host: Let’s not offend Vovk. We are not afraid of you, even though you are Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: Aren't you afraid?!
Host: No!
Baba Yaga: (addresses the children) Who are you, exactly?
Children: We are children from kindergarten.
Baba Yaga: So big and you go to kindergarten?
Host: Our guys are already leaving for school.
Baba Yaga: Haha to school! Where are your briefcases?
Host: Not briefcases, but briefcases. You don’t even know the emphasis in words, Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: And now I’ll put such an emphasis on your head, you won’t recognize your own! How impudent they have become! The elders will be contradicted! Maybe there are evil spirits in my forest - they are afraid and respected, but they don’t know how to dance in a modern way. And I don’t lag behind fashion, that’s how hot it is! Maestro, music.
Baba Yaga begins to dance and grabs her back.
Host: What, grandma, is it jammed?
Baba Yaga: Oh, radiculitis tormented me. You would try to dance such a dance, and you would be stuck.
Host: Let's try it. And it won't jam!
Farewell song "Farewell Waltz".
Baba Yaga: Well done! Great! Do you want a surprise?
Children: Yes!
Baba Yaga: Here are magic cards for you, they only have good grades - A's and B's! Well, it’s time for me to go. He leaves.
Vovka: Wow! Well, let me try, what if Baba Yaga deceived me?
He tries, but only gets deuces.
Host: Well, Vovka, nothing works out for you again? Guys, which of you wants to get good grades?
Game: "Grades".
The hoop contains numbers (fives, twos, threes, fours) cut out of cardboard. To the music, children walk around the grades, the music ends, the children choose “grade.”
Host: Well, Vovka, in order to get good grades, you need to study well!
Vovka: Yes, guys, you convinced me, I need to go to school. I'll go pack my briefcase and get ready for school! Goodbye! See you on September 1st! (leaves).
Presenter: Our dear guests, everyone who has gathered in our hall today! Our holiday has come to an end, the last holiday in kindergarten. There will be many more holidays ahead, fun and interesting, but they will already take place within the walls of the school.
Song “Goodbye kindergarten”
Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end and the head of the preschool educational institution is invited to present diplomas and gifts.
The floor is given to parents.
We wish you success at school and say “Good morning!”
Let the school greet you with a cheerful bell in September!
And now I invite you to launch balls of desire into the sky.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten 2016

Manager:Dear guests, dear parents! Today is a solemn and slightly sad day - graduation! We accompany the children to school. We hope that the last holiday in kindergarten will be enjoyable! After all, we pin our hopes and unfulfilled dreams on children and want them to be happier than us. So, meet the graduates!
Entrance:festive formation with balloons to the song “Now we are first-graders!”, at the end the balloons are released upward.
1 child
We invited dear guests here
For our festive farewell concert
To receive today in this hall
A mysterious ticket to the adult world.
2 reb.
The minutes keep flying, the earth is spinning,
And time cannot be turned back.
Childhood will never return to us,
And we won’t come to kindergarten anymore.
3 reb.
We are your favorite kindergarten
Let's never stop loving!
And yet we say goodbye
After all, we have become big!
Song: “We don’t want to, but still...”
4 children
We will have many holidays -
Spring and autumn, birthday, Christmas tree,
And this very first graduation -
It will stay in your soul for a long time!
5 reb.
Today is a spring day, bright,
So exciting for us.
Summer will fly by unnoticed,
We will be greeted by school - first grade!
6 children
We read so many books at school
Page after page!
Farewell, our dear kindergarten,
We are all going to learn!
Song "Goodbye, our beloved garden"
1 presenter
We have a package without a name,
Well, this is her path
From the land of magical Knowledge
For graduates.
So, let's see what's inside...
2 presenter
Come on, come on... Look! ABC! And here is the letter! What will it tell us? (Is reading)
“Knowledge is a wonderful country,
Opens the doors wide.
New schoolchildren she
Looking forward to
So that everyone learns at school,
You need to make friends with a book!”
1 presenter
Let's open the alphabet now,
All the heroes will come to life instantly!
“Dance with ABC Books” - x -f
The Queen of Knowledge enters to the music
Queen:Hello guys and guests! I am the Queen of Knowledge and I came to congratulate you on your transition to first grade!
You have already become big,
You are already graduates
There will be first lessons
There will be first calls!
Guys, have you received my parcel?
Presenter:We got it, we got it! And this wonderful book is in it!
Queen:Maybe one of you wants
Take this book in your hands
And read the poems in it?
Dyudyuka:(screams from the door) I want it, give it to me! (to children) Hello!
I, Dyudyuka, are mischievous,
You're a picky bitch!
Even though I'm smart and beautiful,
But terribly harmful!
I will do dirty tricks
Have fun, laugh
And the kids are off to school today
I'll try not to let you in!
Give me your alphabet
Queen: Yes, it’s time for you to distinguish the letters!
Dyudyuka:Yeah! (looks at the alphabet)
And - let's break the silence,
U - the wolf howls at the moon,
Wow - the owl hooted.
Hooray – I can read words!
Queen:Eh, don't rush yet
You only know “U” and “A”
There are a lot of letters - thirty-three,
What, you don’t believe me? Look!
Dyudyuka:Wow, how I like the letters!
No, I can't handle you.
I'll save at least a dozen,
I will hide it in the field and forest. (Runs away)
Queen:I will save the letters, I will look for them everywhere. (Leaves)
Ah, we don’t miss you,
And we continue our holiday!
Hold hands tightly
Get into pairs together!
Dance "Carousel"
Dyudyuka runs in:
-Well, let's go, kids.
The letters were never found
You come up with a game
I'll give you one letter!
Presenter:And we will play!
Ball game- balloons (12 - 15 pieces) are scattered around the hall and two participants are called. On command, the children begin to collect them. The one who collects the most and holds his balls in his hands will be the winner. The number of balls collected by the participants is counted by all the children in chorus. The winner receives a prize or one of the balloons - Dyudyuka can also take part in the game.
Dyudyuka:Well, they amused me
I give you the letter "A".
And I don’t feel sorry for her
I still have it. (shows letters - runs away)
Enter the Queen of Knowledge:
While I was looking for letters for you
I wrote riddles
1.Black birds on every page,
They remain silent, waiting to see who will guess them. (Letters)
2. The white pebble melted
He left marks on the board. (Chalk)
3.Who walks with a bag of books
Going to school in the morning?... (Student)
4.If you know everything,
That's what you'll get at school...(five)
5.Name the notes in the scale -
do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si –
Together the notes began to play
Name them... (children in chorus) - name them in the orchestra!
Orchestra: “Italian Polka”
Queen:You made me happy! Ah, here is the reward! (Pulls the string - the letter falls from the ceiling)
1 presenter
You'll be going to school soon - in September,
But first there will be summer,
Meeting with friends in the yard
And lots and lots of light.
Song: “We are now students”
2 presenter
Scene “Three Friends”
Three friends on a spring day
Were in a nice mood
They cooed on the benches
And we dreamed about the future!
1st girl:
That's when I grow up
I'll get married right away.
I will choose a husband, like dad,
To meet me at the gangway...
Oh, I forgot to say:
I will fly in the sky
I want to become a flight attendant
I'll go on the plane.
Don't get distracted! What else have you forgotten?
And then I'll become a mother,
And I'll tell you straight
Here's what: your kids
I won't stuff myself with porridge,
I will take them to the cinema,
Buy them popsicles.
I wish I could become your daughter!
You can only dream!
I want to become an artist
To perform on stage,
So that flowers are always given,
They only talked about me
So that I can be filmed,
They gave us the main roles!
I'd like to get a lot of money
I want to buy everything!
(Third)Why are you silent?
Are you saying anything?
I will study at school,
I promise not to be lazy
Because I’ll grow up
I want to become a scientist.
And study the computer
Be friends with mathematics
Own geography
To see the whole world.
Geometry and Russian,
Biology, French
You need to study at school
To be the smartest!
1 presenter
These are our children
Everyone wants to know in the world.
2 presenter
Dreamers and visionaries
The school is always happy to wait.
We believe that everyone
To your dream soon
The paths of knowledge will come.
Ah, these children have the most cherished dream - to become musicians!
Dance: “Drum” (x-f)
Queen:I also have a dream:
Find the letter for you friends.
1 presenter
Don't be sad - we'll cheer you up now!
School ditties
Queen:Oh, how everyone had fun!
Ah, here comes the letter!
(pulls a letter from the ceiling by a string)
Dyudyuka comes out with a briefcase.
Well guys, well done
Together you saved the letters!
I will not bother you,
I will only help!
I bought myself a briefcase,
I put something there.
2 presenter
Show us what's in your briefcase!
Dudyuk: Well, okay, so be it, I’ll show you... (opens briefcase, demonstrates);
Here's a fun toy
Called a rattle.
Don't be bored in class
Play with a rattle...
And a bunch of other toys,
Just in case.
I'll pour water into the hedgehog,
I'll spray all of you at school. (Splashes)
Beads to dress up
Oh, slingshot - to defend yourself.
1 presenter
You are mistaken, Dyudyuka, these subjects are not needed at school. But our children and the Queen of Knowledge will tell you what you need to put in your briefcase.
It's time to say goodbye to toys,
But how difficult it is to part with them.
We have all become students now
Other children will make friends with you!
But our children and the Queen of Knowledge will tell you what you need to put in your briefcase.
- Every student should
Take with you to school... (Children - “diary”)
-To write with pens,
We will prepare... (Children - “notebook”)
And our album will color
Well, of course... (Children - “pencil”)
- So that he doesn’t suddenly disappear
Let's put it in... (Children - “pencil case”)
Presenter:and now…
...One, two, three, four, five - we begin to play,
We will be with you brothers, we will train.
So that on the first day of September
Let's get ready for school!
Mom will save breakfast
Dad will bring the ball!
You need to keep up
And pack your briefcase quickly! (two families participate - father, mother and child). When the alarm clock rings, dads inflate a balloon, moms pack breakfast in a bag (apple, yogurt, chocolate), two children pack a briefcase (notebook, pencil case, breakfast ruler) and take the balloon in their hand. The winner is the family that runs to school first (run and ring the bell)
Queen:I see that you are wonderfully prepared for school and you know what they teach there!
Song "What They Teach at School"
Dyudyuka:Thanks guys!
I give you the last letter,
And in parting I will say this;
There is a lot of interesting things at school,
There, knowledge lives in books.
They will open up a world of wonder,
To which teachers will lead.
Queen:Feel free to go to school
And get A's!
We wish you all the best.
Goodbye, kids! (Leave)
Child:Just one word we want
Add up from capital letters,
We want it for you today
Give with love! (Children raise the letters to form the word “Thank you!”, repeat the word in chorus)
1.Thank you!
To everyone who taught us
took care of us
Who gave us a lot of strength,
Getting ready for first grade.
2.Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth,
We were next to you and it was light on a gloomy day.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade!
3.Thanks to our doctors,
That we are not afraid of colds,
No matter who you look at,
All of them are heroes!
4. To our nannies - thank you
For care and smiles
For attention, for comfort
For your heartfelt, kind work!
5.Thank you, I also want to say
To the one who taught us to dance
Played the instrument for us more than once
And songs, and polkas, and a waltz!
6. Exercise
The kids love it very much.
Run, jump, play with a ball
They will never get tired.
Passed all classes
Always with pleasure,
She will do her best
Her soul is visible in everything.
7. The guys went to a psychologist for classes -
There they studied forms and various concepts.
We fought fears and drew tests,
They painted and counted Christmas trees with mushrooms.
8. Children, as always,
They love to draw.
But they had to before
Let us explain the drawings.
But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are Levitans too.
9. Who is in charge seriously?
The whole household? Our caretaker!
In whose hands always skillfully
Is any matter controversial?
She's always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks,
A very difficult task
To get something.
You need talent and luck
Find something for the kindergarten.
9. So that we are all well-fed,
Drinking compotes,
With salads, cutlets,
Healthy sweets.
There is a magic cook -
The food is prepared here.
It was very tasty for us
Eh, it's sad to leave.
10. Because our home is a kindergarten
It was more beautiful year after year
Everyone is happy to say “thank you”
Our manager!
11.To the employees of our kindergarten
From noisy and loving children
Please accept this award
Our smiles and flowers! (Presentation of flowers)
2 presenter
Now the moment of farewell has come,
It's time for us to part.
Inexorable time
It always goes so fast.
1 presenter
We worked hard
To make it more fun
This magical meeting
Old and new friends.
And now, friends, for you
The farewell waltz will sound!
Song: “Farewell to our kindergarten”
1st reb
Our kindergarten, goodbye,
The time has come to part with you.
And let us say goodbye
To confess my great love for you.
For so many long years and winters
You have become family to many.
We say goodbye
The road to school awaits us
Our dear kindergarten, don’t be bored,
Grow other kids.
Well, remember a little
We are former preschoolers!
1 ved
Oh, now we light the candles. And we want the lights to leave in your hearts the warmest and brightest memories of kindergarten.
Not a day, not two, but many years
Did you go to kindergarten?
You met the dawn on the road and saw off the sunset
You were loved and taken care of
May you grow up happy
They could answer you here
For any of your questions.
2 ved
You and I watched a movie, played in the yard
Grain was poured into the feeders for titmice in January
We read fairy tales in silence and danced in circles
Flowers were planted in the spring, in a flowerbed near the gate.
This is where you found your friends
Hearing for the first time
Poems about mother, about spring
A story about the Motherland!
Dance with candles
1 ved
Year after year for five years in a row
You came to kindergarten.
You've grown up, you've grown up
And we learned a lot
We wish you to study like this,
May the garden be proud of you!
Leading:The word for congratulations is given to the manager
Song “You, me, and you and me”
Song "First Class"
1 Presenter.And now the most solemn part of our holiday is the presentation of diplomas on completion of kindergarten and gifts.
2 presenter:
The floor is given to congratulate the parents.
1 presenter:Every child in our group has a dream, a wish that must certainly come true. We wrote down the wish on a common sheet,
And today we will launch this “Ball of Wishes”,
So that they definitely come true. (they launch the “Ball of Wishes.”)


Goodbye kindergarten
1. Goodbye, our beloved kindergarten, teachers, kind nannies!
We will not return back to you on warm autumn days.

And we will study diligently.
To first grade, to first grade for the first time -

2. “Goodbye” - we tell you, we are sad at this hour of parting
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kind care and attention!
In September we will go to first grade
And we will study diligently.

We started dreaming about him a long time ago

3.Soon, soon the bell will ring, we will sit down at our desks with a textbook.
We will study the alphabet to “five” and write the word “Mom” in a notebook.
In September we will go to first grade
And we will study diligently.
To first grade, to first grade for the first time
We started dreaming about him a long time ago.

Farewell to our kindergarten!
1. Let’s sit in a circle and sing a song

Goodbye to our kindergarten, goodbye to our good home
You are the most beloved, you are the most beautiful.
Our children's sunny garden!

All the children tell you
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much
All the children tell you.

2. Was noisy and cheerful and quiet in quiet times,
From here you accompany us straight to school.
You are the most beloved, you are the most beautiful
Our kindergarten is our sunny garden.
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much
All the children tell you.
Thank you, thank you. Thanks a lot
All the children tell you.
