Competitions on February 14 for girls. Games and competitions for Valentine's Day for young people

Valentine's Day is celebrated by many lovers around the world. On a romantic day in February, you want to once again tell your soulmate about your tender feelings, and maybe confess them for the first time.

Do not miss the opportunity to make a real holiday for yourself, your loved ones and friends from this occasion. What competitions can be held on February 14?

Guess the melody
You need to prepare cards in advance with the beginning of love songs. You read a few sentences or words, and your partner says the name of the song or sings along to the song. You can take advantage of both domestic and foreign hits. On February 14, you can test your other half's knowledge of love-themed songs. Start making a list right now: “I will always love you...”

For those who are organizing competitions for Valentine's Day for the first time

A truly classic competition for Valentine's Day was the word game. Three words “day”, “saint”, “Valentine” are divided into letters. The pair needs to make up the maximum possible number of words from the available symbols. Unfortunately, the game is only fun to play the first time.

For scholars
This game is convenient to play if you are somewhere at a restaurant table and want themed entertainment for Valentine's Day. One by one, you need to remember famous couples in love. These can be heroes of films, novels, as well as real examples of love. Start with the world-famous Romeo and Juliet, and the one who finishes the long list last, let him make a wish for the second one.

Attentiveness competition

There are whole jokes about men's inattention in matters of women's appearance. Perhaps you yourself have encountered a situation where you wanted to hear a compliment about changing your hair color, but your man was perplexed about what changes had happened in you. And he praised your new dress, which is actually not new at all. Well, similar funny situations can happen to women too. The next competition will demonstrate the couple's attentiveness and show who notices the details. You need to stand with your back to each other and talk about the color of your eyes, the nuances of clothing, the presence of moles on your face, and so on. This competition is especially suitable for a group of several couples who can compete with each other.

In friends company
The following competition will help you test your couple for artistic ability, which, by the way, is perfect for a noisy company on February 14th. It is necessary to prepare several cards with the names of different countries in advance. The goal is to show the typical love relationships of the inhabitants of a particular country. These features must be demonstrated without words. Try it, it will be a lot of fun.

Family knot
If you are celebrating with friends and there are many couples among you, try the “family knot” competition. It is necessary to have several ropes available in quantities equal to the number of pairs. First, the presenter calls the girls and asks them to tie three very strong knots on the rope. After this, their men are called “on stage”. Surely you already guessed that they will have to untie the knots as quickly as possible. Those who complete the task first win.

Competition for good singers

Do you like to have fun together and can sing? Then the next competition is for you. You will need a box, heart-shaped leaves and pre-prepared words, which should be randomly located in this very box by the beginning of the competition. You can play together. The essence of the competition is simple - draw out a heart, for example, with the words “love”, “sea”, “why”, and remember the song where such a word appeared. You will need concentration, resourcefulness and a good mood.

When planning an interesting celebration of Valentine's Day in a company, we recommend coming up with interesting games and entertainment that will help create an atmosphere of love and comfort. These can be either various romantic or funny competitions organized for the sake of laughter for Valentine's Day.

Competitions on February 14

We hope that after viewing the competitions we have prepared for Valentine's Day , you can get real pleasure from their implementation. By the way, you can become Cupid this evening, holding all competitions dressed as a cute angel. I am sure that your guests will appreciate this original idea.

"A swan song"

All willing men are invited to play this game. Cards with song lyrics are distributed. These can be either independent adaptations of modern masterpieces, or ordinary children's songs. One by one, the “muchachos” perform a fiery serenade for their girlfriend. The one whose serenade was the most romantic and passionate receives an incentive prize.

"Sweet Hearts"

An unlimited number of boy-girl pairs participate in the competition. Each girl receives a chocolate bar that she will hold in her hands during the game. The guy, in turn, without the help of his hands, must gnaw a heart out of a chocolate bar for his beloved. The couple that “makes” the heart faster and more beautiful than the rest is considered the winner.

"Portrait for a Beloved"

Each man who wants to take part in the competition is given whatman paper, brushes and... melted chocolate and coconut flakes. It is with the help of these attributes that a man should draw his model. Each person is given 15 minutes for sketches. Portraits are presented to the jury after they are completely dry.

The same competition can be held for couples. Instead of a portrait, they paint a romantic picture of their love. You could allocate a little more time.

"Understand me"

The rules of the game are very similar to the good old “Crocodile”. The presenter says that the man was walking down the street and saw his friend on the other side of the stormy traffic flow. He wanted to invite her somewhere. This must be done with gestures and facial expressions without the help of sounds. To make the task easier, each man receives a skating rink: “Invite her to: a skating rink, a romantic comedy, a football match, a rooftop, a candlelight dinner.”

The girls' task is to determine the meeting place.

"Do it yourself!"

Boys or girls (at the choice of the leader) are given the task of making a Valentine card for their lover from scrap materials. This could be colored paper, ribbons, cardboard, soft toys, red fabric or even fruit.

Only the one who makes the MOST original postcard will win.


Each couple receives a card with the name of the dance. 5 minutes are given to prepare, after which the couple must demonstrate their dance of love :). The competition becomes fun when they play music from a children's cartoon for the TANGO dance or put on slow tunes for LAMBADA.


Well, at the end of the evening you can hold the most difficult competition. Each man (girl) receives cards with the initial lines of the poem. His (her) task is to continue the poem. Rhyme, feeling and humor are welcome :).

Examples for cards:

"Valentine's Day is a holiday of feelings and love..."

“Cupid today draws arrows from his quiver...”

“The heart beats in the chest, and in the eyes there is only love...”

"Let's love each other forever, as long as the Earth rotates..."

Organizing competitions for Valentine's Day , Don’t forget about other attributes of the holiday - an exquisite menu, room decoration and gifts for your loved one.

Do you want to make your holiday unforgettable? Then read our article "" , where you will find various tips on organizing a holiday for yourself and your friends.

Competition and game program on Valentine's Day “Love Mosaic”


Nurturing spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, mutual respect between girls and boys;

Activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.

Equipment: for the first part of the class hour: a sheet of Whatman paper (or two sheets of Whatman paper glued together), lined into 9 cells. The numbers are written in the cells: top row - 1, 8, 4; average - 6, 2, 9; lower - 3, 7, 5; two multi-colored flags; sheets indicating body parts, for example: “Head”, “Legs”, “Arms”, “Waist”, etc.; easels or tables on which to draw, a set of felt-tip pens, two hoops, a set of small children's toys.

For the second part: leaves in the form of hearts with questions (two sets of 5 pieces), a set of felt-tip pens, a set of “Valentines” (at least 10 pieces).

Musical arrangement- audio recordings of love songs, funny dance tunes.

Preliminary work:

Two teams are formed in the class - girls and boys (8-9 people each). Jury members are selected. The playing teams are assigned “homework” - to stage a clip of any love song (up to 3-4 minutes). The program is led by two presenters (preferably a boy and a girl). It is better to spend class time in the school assembly hall.

Class progress

Introductory talk from the class teacher about Valentine's Day:

Among the ancient Slavs, February was aptly called “lute”. Gloomy, blizzardy, sometimes with real severe frosts, sometimes with nasty wet snow, this month evokes in us far from the most pleasant associations. But in England, America and other countries, the word “February” evokes cheerful and pleasant thoughts. And this is not due at all to the difference in climate, but to the fact that Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on February 14th.

This holiday does not have a deep religious basis. Its history is unusually romantic, and this day received its name after the Christian martyr Valentine, sentenced to death by the Roman pagans. In the 3rd century. n. e. The Roman Emperor Claudius issued a decree prohibiting people from marrying. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having learned about the “illegal marriages,” the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

In prison, Valentine, deprived of holy books, whiled away his leisure time by writing notes to the jailer’s daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. The young people fell in love with each other. Despite the cruel circumstances and near death, Valentin did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called “Valentine’s Gate.”

Later, the Church canonized him, and the lovers chose him as their patron.

Since Rome was still largely pagan at that time, for many, Valentine's Day merged with the ancient holiday of Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 in honor of Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman Palatine hill. All rituals were performed by Luper priests, who sacrificed a goat and a dog to the Faun. After that, they ran around the Palatine, lashing the women they met with whips cut from the skin of a sacrificial goat, which was supposed to promote their fertility.

According to legend, on this day birds choose a mate, and the forests are filled with ringing bird voices. Lupercalia was also a holiday for lovers; it was patronized by the goddesses Juno and Fauna, who favored women and marriage. A kind of youth festival was taking place. The girls threw beautifully decorated letters into the vessel, and the boys pulled them like lottery tickets and thus chose a boyfriend and girlfriend for the next year.

At one time, choosing a couple by lot became widespread. Papers with the names of marriageable girls were placed in a special box, from which potential suitors pulled them out.

In England, Valentine's Day began to be accompanied by the secret presentation of gifts and cards “with meaning.”

The tradition of writing messages on Valentine's Day has survived to this day. Having written touching words of love to his beloved, Saint Valentine could not even imagine that they would turn into a huge number of love notes in poetry and prose, serious and playful, from young to young and from old to old. After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to love! Advertisements in the newspaper, both with expressions of love and even marriage proposals, as well as humorous, often encrypted messages, the key to which only initiates know, also became a kind of congratulations for Valentine’s Day.

On Valentine's Day, the demand for flowers, especially roses, increases sharply. The custom of presenting on the feast of St. The Valentine's bouquet with a special message was borrowed by the British from the gallant French at the beginning of the 18th century. and reached the peak of fashion during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). A young man in love expressed his feelings to his chosen one with the help of a carefully selected bouquet, where each flower had its own subtle meaning.

And yet the flower emblem of St. Valentine is considered a red rose.

The rose remains an open declaration of true love.

Soon lovers in Russia will begin to receive their “Valentines”, and in our harsh February we will feel the breath of spring.

It is probably unnecessary to explain why the accepted symbolism of this holiday is the image of a heart.

Two presenters appear on stage.

1st presenter: What is love?

2nd presenter: Probably no one knows this except our hearts and... the participants in our game today.

1st presenter: “Tic-tac-toe” is a children’s game, but today is February 14th - Valentine’s Day, so our

"Tic Tac Toe" is about love. And in the game, as you may have guessed, the beautiful half of humanity are girls...

Nine girls take the stage.

2nd presenter: ...the other half are young men.

Nine young men take the stage.

A draw is held: who will draw “toes” in the squares of the poster, and who will draw “crosses”.

1st presenter: Where does love begin?

2nd presenter: From the ideal. She, having read and watched enough TV series, decided that he should be tall, slender, handsome, tanned, smart, talented, witty, with a great future and a mysterious past.

A stereo tape recorder, a car are a must, a bathtub made of blue tiles is desirable. And so that he was young - from 30 to 70.

1st presenter: He is more modest in his requests: living space - at least 30 square meters. m per person, character, if not golden, then at least Nordic. In short, if not Venus, then definitely Miss Uryupinsk.

2nd presenter: And now the task: the girls must draw a portrait of an ideal man, and the boys must draw a portrait of an ideal woman. We will draw as a group, each participant his own part of the overall portrait. We'll see what happens - an ideal or a caricature.

Team members pull out sheets of paper with the names of the body parts they will have to draw and take places on the side of the stage.

On the other side of the stage there are easels. At the signal, participants take turns running to the easel and

draw. It is not speed that is assessed, but quality. The winning team draws their sign in cell 1.

1st presenter:

The two of us.

Late hour.

Silence enters the room.

How old are we all?

The first date lasts.

2nd presenter: First date - the beginning of the beginning. The first date is unforgettable, especially the kind the teams are about to show us.

Situation for girls:“Hot summer morning. Small lake. In the middle of the lake there is a boat, there are two people in the boat: he and she. They selflessly admire nature. Suddenly water quickly begins to flow into the boat. The young man and the girl frantically scoop up the water, but it keeps coming. It’s a pity, but neither the boy nor the girl can swim.”

Situation for young men: “A beautiful summer morning. Sochi, you are far from the city, on the beach. Hot sand, warm sea. You feel good, you sunbathe. Suddenly you hear a woman's voice. She says her clothes were stolen, so she can't leave the beach. When you turn around, you don’t find your clothes either.”

Teams offer a way out of the current situation and stage it. The winning team draws their sign in cell 2.

2nd presenter: And now we will talk about the secrets of happiness.

1st presenter: The secret of happiness is simple - you have to love. When a person loves, he sings, and, of course, sings about love.

2nd presenter: We invite you to play musical football.

Teams will take turns singing a line from a song that contains the word “love.”

The team that sang the song last fills in cell 3.

1st presenter: It all starts with love, and often ends in legal marriage. The symbol of marriage is, of course, wedding rings. An engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry; it will tie you in marriage forever.

2nd presenter: We also have our own wedding rings.

The teams join hands, and the first team members receive a hoop. The entire team, without breaking the marriage ties, that is, without unclasping their hands, must go through the hoop. Whoever does it faster will win.

The first players lift the hoops a meter from the floor, and the presenters can do this too. The winning team places its sign in the square with number 4.

1st presenter: Love, where have you taken me? Of course, it’s not a bad idea to relax in the Canaries, and I’ll definitely be there, I’ll just take a song for the road.

2nd presenter: No, it’s better to go to the Canaries on a cruise surrounded by stars.

1st presenter: Let's do that.

The teams received homework: to dramatize a video of any song on today's topic. So, on board our ship...

Teams take turns showing clips. In this competition, the winner is determined by the number of applause from the audience. The sign is placed in cell 5.

2nd presenter: He often tells her: “We won’t register, my bird, because there’s such a fuss with divorces...” But if he and she have already tied themselves in marriage, then this is already a real family.

1st presenter: Life in a family is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance; it is no coincidence that the word “spouses” means “walking in the same harness.” Nothing brings a family together like joint business activities.

2nd presenter: We have a small economic quiz, and girls will answer men’s questions, and boys will answer women’s questions.

Questions for girls.

1. What is dran?

a) Firewood for kindling.

b) Woodworking costs.

c) Wooden sticks used to attach plaster. +

2. What do you do with a jigsaw?

a) Measure.

b) They undermine.

c) Cut out. +

3. The birthplace of Chrysler...

a) Austria.

c) Great Britain.

4. Radicchio is...

a) make of car.

b) plant - chicory salad. +

c) the name of the sports club.

6. Bucanary is...

a) men's trousers.

b) men's shirt. +

c) boots.

Questions for young men.

1. How many grams of rice are in one tablespoon?

2. Praline is...

a) type of clothing.

b) cosmetic product.

c) nut filling for sweets. +

3. Poultry is plucked...

a) from top to bottom. +

b) from bottom to top.

c) across.

4. Vapazon is...

a) precious stone.

b) a device for irrigating the face with steam. +

c) cosmetic product.

The winner is determined by the number of correct answers. Representatives of the winning team place a sign in square 6.

1st presenter: The key to a successful family existence is a decent budget and a great ability to increase it.

2nd presenter: And for this, spouses must be breadwinners. Everything for the house, everything for the family. Choose the most enterprising person on your team and listen to the task.

1st presenter: We blindfold your “earner” and he must bring home as many toys as possible. But you will have to collect them only by listening to your commands “cold - hot”.

The competition lasts three minutes. The commands suggest the direction of the search. The number of collected toys is counted and cell 7 is filled.

2nd presenter: Family life, as you know, is not without scandals.

1st presenter: The nature of the scandal is simple: word for word, and then, you see, we move on to decisive action.

2nd presenter: Bring in the black box! In a black box - a useful attribute of a scandal. Whichever team names this item first will win.

1st presenter: We will make your task easier: each team has the right to ask three questions in turn, but those that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

The black box may contain a rolling pin, a frying pan, a wooden spoon, and an iron. The correct team puts its sign in square 8.

2nd presenter: The decoration of the family, the flowers of life are children.

1st presenter: As they say: little children - little troubles, big children - big troubles. The teams will now have small children, but the task will be big. You will have to compose a new lullaby based on the old tune.

2nd presenter: Remember: “Bayushki, beyushki, don’t lie down on the edge”? You must not only compose a lullaby, but also sing it using the relay race method - each one a line - carefully passing from hand to hand your baby.

Whoever does it better will write his sign in cell 9.

While the teams come up with a lullaby, the presenters conduct a game or quiz with the audience. After the lullaby is performed, the last cell of the table is filled in, the results of the game are summed up, and the winning team is awarded.

1st presenter:

Believe in the great power of love!

Believe sacredly in her victorious light,

Into her light, radiantly saving!

2nd presenter:

A world mired in dirt and blood!

Believe in the great power of love!

1st presenter: But our meeting is not over yet, we want to invite five people from each team to participate in another program - “Love at first sight” and determine the ideal couple. Think about who will participate for now.

2nd presenter: You, of course, remember that today we have gathered with you to talk about love...

About love at first, and maybe second sight... Do you believe in love at first sight? Me too. And in general, I think that love and school are inseparable things. After all, as a rule, a person’s first love comes at school age. What is love?

1st presenter: We can read about love from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel “Eugene Onegin.” We can learn about love from a school history course. After all, it is historians who introduce us to the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who abandoned social life and luxury, went to distant Siberia to hard labor, where their husbands were exiled.

But let's not go into history... It's better to turn to the poets. After all, they are the ones who sing of love.

2nd presenter:

Love. We read about this in books.

Love. We couldn't understand this.

But gradually the boys matured and grew up to her.

Do you remember - we didn’t want to know each other,

And often choosing paths for her,

We considered her to be about thirteen years old

A feeling that despises everything.

(R. Rozhdestvensky. “Love.”)

1st presenter: Let me remind you that we have gathered in this room to choose the ideal couple. We welcome our participants who will make up, so to speak,... a “couple” with our participants.

(Five participants come out.)

1st presenter: Our participants... We greet them with thunderous applause... (Five participants come out.)

2nd presenter: And now, according to the rules of the game, we, the presenters, must briefly talk about each participant in our game called “Love of all ages...”.

1st presenter: We met the participants. And now we are waiting to meet the participants.

(The cards are filled out and read out.)

2nd presenter: So, let's start our game.

1st presenter: The first task for our competitors. And we called it... “Tell us about yourself.”

I am giving you pieces of paper (in the shape of a heart), on which - questions:

1. Favorite singer (singer).

2. Favorite dish.

3. Favorite animal.

4. Favorite subject at school.

5. Name the book you read last.

3-5 minutes are given for answers. While you are filling out our “hearts”, I ask questions to everyone present at our class hour:

1. Name the largest and multi-page poem by A.S. Pushkin. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

2. Name the most important god of the ancient Greeks. (Zeus)

3. Name the Moscow pop singer who released the most disco albums in the 80s and 90s of the last century. (Alla Pugacheva)

4. Name the most famous Egyptian queen. (Cleopatra)

5. Name the lady of the saddest knight Don Quixote. (Dulcinea Toboso)

Students and invitees who answer questions correctly are encouraged by the class teacher or members of the jury.

2nd presenter: So, our participants have filled out their cards and are ready to answer situation questions.

The first situation is for girls.

You like a guy from your senior class. You don't know him. And you really want him to notice you. Your actions:

1. You will “flirt” with him, flirt, and try to get to know him. And in the end you will achieve your goal.

2. You will carefully hide your feelings and avoid him, that is, suffer and sigh alone.

3. Tell him everything at the right opportunity (for example, during a dance, naturally, by inviting him).

(Girls' answers)

1st presenter: Our acquaintance continues. Well, now let’s listen to our young men.

The first situation is for young men.

The situation is similar. You like a girl, but you don't know her. Your actions:

1. Do everything possible and impossible to get to know her.

2. Quietly, in splendid isolation, you will sigh for her, afraid to speak to her.

3. Ask your friend to tell her about you and your feelings.

(Answers from the young men)

2nd presenter: Our acquaintance continues.

And here is the second situation for girls.

You are dating a guy who really likes you. But he is not for you. But you meet him according to the principle “Everyone has a boyfriend and I do.” But this is not interesting, without reciprocity. You're bored of it. Your actions:

1. Tell him about it immediately.

2. You are afraid to tell him and wait for him to understand everything himself.

3. Don’t say anything to him, pitying him and his feelings.

(Girls' answers)

1st presenter: The second situation is for young men.

You promise your girlfriend an amazing evening, go to the video store to watch a new film. But the show was canceled due to insufficient number of spectators. The girl is disappointed. You decide to go with her to the nearest cafe. There is no ice cream in the cafe. It’s autumn outside, there’s a cold wind, and you have guests at home. Your actions:

1. Apologize and accompany her home.

2. You walk with her until you’re blue in the street.

3. Your own option.

(Answers from the young men)

1st presenter: The third situation for our participants.

A boy you know that you really like invited you to his birthday party. But your mother forbade you to go, citing the fact that he is a bully and his company is not suitable for you. Your actions:

1. You will not listen to your mother and go to the birthday party.

2. You will stay at home, worrying and crying into your pillow.

3. Your own option.

(Girls' answers)

2nd presenter: And the third situation for our young men.

You accidentally found out that your girlfriend agreed to participate in the Miss City beauty contest. Your actions:

1. Throw a scandal at her and set the condition: “It’s either me or the competition.”

2. Pretend that everything is fine. And you and your friends will go to this show.

3. Do something different.

(Answers from the young men)

1st presenter: The second round of our game “Love of all ages...” has ended. Let's move on to the next round. It's called "Talk to me, my friend!" What is the essence of this tour?

Now each of you, our dear participants and participants, will be able to ask each other a question.

So, who do we start with?

(Questions - answers)

2nd presenter: And the last, fourth round.

Questions for girls:

1. You like a guy who is currently friends with the girl with whom you are in a quarrel. Your actions?

(Girls' answers)

2. How do you get rid of a guy who is already boring you?

(Girls' answers)

1st presenter:

Questions for young men:

1. You will take revenge on the girl who left you for your friend.

(Answers from the young men)

2. If you like a classmate, will you pull her hair or take away her textbook?

(Answers from the young men)

2nd presenter: And now our participants must make their choice.

On the back of your heart with a name, you write the name of the girl or boy you like. While you make your choice, the audience and I are watching...

(A pre-prepared amateur performance number is performed - a dance or song.)

1st presenter: And now we will see if our pairs matched. So, your choice...

(The cards of girls and boys are read out.)

We got... steam. We hope that your choice is correct.

2nd presenter: (Addressing the participant in the “ideal couple” by name). Why did you choose exactly...?..., what did you like most about your appearance...? Etc.

1st presenter: We thank everyone for their participation. We present you with our “Participant Diplomas” and see you off with thunderous applause.

And our ideal couple (determined by the volume of applause) will have a comic competition “Mothers and Daughters”.

(The girl and the boy stand next to each other, their hands are tied. Each one has one hand free - they need to dress or swaddle the doll.)

2nd presenter: Well done! And this test was successful. Please accept modest prizes from us and our sponsors.

Presenters (together)". Goodbye! See you again!

May love always accompany you through life!

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Competitions and competitions on February 14 for high school students will make the holiday interesting and eventful. Games will help children open up and show their talents and skills. Thanks to a fun entertainment program and romantic competitions, the evening at school in honor of Valentine's Day will be unforgettable and bright.

    Game "I Met You"

    The game involves 4 pairs. To carry it out, you need to prepare cards with tasks on the topic “Getting Acquainted” in advance. For example, meeting a girl in the park while walking, in the dressing room, at the skating rink, in the pool.

    Each pair draws a task card. The participants’ task is to stage an acquaintance situation in the proposed situation. The children are given 5 minutes to prepare. After time has passed, the couples take turns showing their vision of dating and options for the development of events.

    The most unusual and interesting option wins. The winner is determined by classmates voting.

    Game "On the same wavelength"

    All guys who want to participate in the game. You need to prepare cards in advance with gift options for girls. For example, a trip to a restaurant, tickets to the circus, a fruit basket.

    The guys draw lots for the name of the gift. The presenter suggests playing out a situation where a guy is speechless by the beauty of a young lady, and he needs to explain to the girl what a surprise awaits her. The boys take turns showing gifts with gestures. It is prohibited to make any sounds during this process. Girls must guess the gift.

    Game "This is my Valentine"

    Boys and girls participate in the game, and there should be one less boy. In the center of the hall, chairs are placed in a circle (according to the number of guys), back to back. The boys sit on chairs, and the girls stand in a circle.

    The music turns on. The girls start circling the guys. The moment the music stops, the young ladies need to very quickly sit down on the boys' laps. The girl who is left without a gentleman leaves the game. She takes any guy from the circle with her. The other members kiss him goodbye. The game continues until the last girl.

    Couples participate in the competition. It takes place in 3 stages. To conduct it, you will need tangerines - according to the number of participants, wrapped sweets and glasses of water - according to the number of pairs.

    The first task for the couples is to peel and eat tangerines, but not in the usual way. A tangerine is placed in the right hand of the guy and the girl. With your left hand you need to cover your partner’s right hand and thus peel the fruit and feed it to your partner.

    Having completed this task, the pairs move on to the next one. The host gives them candy, which they must unwrap and eat without using their hands.

    The last test is to quickly drink a glass of water without picking it up.

    The couple that completes all stages before everyone else wins. A dance is announced in their honor.

    Couples participate in the competition. Each guy is given a roll of toilet paper and a set of clothespins. The boys' task is to create a beautiful outfit (dress, pantsuit) for their young lady using the materials provided. You can also make a turban or something like a handbag. The main condition is to use the entire roll.

    The couple with the most intricate and extravagant outfit wins. She receives the title of the most fashionable couple of the evening.

    Game "Get to know me"

    One pair is selected to participate in the game. The guy is put on headphones with music and blindfolded. Several girls line up in front of him, including his girlfriend. Ladies place their hands palms up. The guy's headphones are taken off, but the headband is left on. By placing his palms on the girl’s palms, the guy should recognize the hands of his beloved. Having made his choice, he invites the lady to dance.
