Scenario for Valentine's Day school "Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day".

Valentine's Day at school. Scenario

Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education for children, MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: The material will be of interest to teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The event is held before the holiday on February 14th.
Target: developing communication skills in children
- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- attract students for active leisure activities;
-develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual assistance.
Methods: competitions, poetry.
Decor: the hall is decorated in a holiday style, hearts, balloons, posters, multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).

Progress of the event:
Presenter: Good evening, dear guys! You, of course, guessed that today we dedicate our game program to a wonderful holiday - VALENTINE'S DAY.

Everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrated for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the 3rd century AD. Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel prohibition, secretly sanctified the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest's name was Valentin.

During the competition program, will be distributed "Hearts", at the end we will count their number, and whoever has more will receive a prize.

And our first competition is a warm-up. "Name a couple." I read out a man's name, you tell me his name.
Master - ... (Margarita)
Kai - ... (Gerda)
Chatsky - ... (Sofia)
Pierrot - ... (Malvina)
Leonid Agutin - ... (Anzhelika Varum)
Romeo...- (Juliet)
Adam..- (Eve)
Ruslan...- (Lyudmila)
Dance break

Competition No. 2 "Gift"
We ask 3 young men and 3 girls to come up to the stage. Imagine that you are a real gentleman and must give your lady a gift. But the beauty of your friend leaves you speechless, and so you have to explain to her what you want to give, using only gestures. And what exactly you will give, you will find out now. Choose cards (soft toy bunny, bouquet of flowers, cake, hair dryer,
book, gold ring).

Competition No. 3 "Knowledge is power".
2 girls and 2 boys are invited to the stage.
All participants are asked “women’s” and “men’s” questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First the girls answer the questions, then the young men.
Questions for girls:
1. What is a carburetor a component of? (Motor)
2. Is the hood of the car located at the front or rear? (Front)
3. When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company’s products have a “tick” shaped emblem? (Nike)
Questions for young people:
1. When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
3. Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No)
4. Why might a girl need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of the small bag that holds items needed for makeup? (Beauty bag)
Dance break

Competition No. 4 "Culinary".
2 boys and 2 girls are invited to the stage. They form pairs.
We invite you to become culinary experts for a while. I will tell the pairs one by one the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what type they belong to (nuts, berries, fruit, drinks, etc.).

1. Pistachios (nuts)
2. Lingonberry (berry)
3. Persimmon (fruit)
4. Cherry (berry)
5. Watermelon (berry)
6. Coconut (nut)
7. Kiwi (fruit)
8. Blueberry (berry)
9. Rice (cereals)
10 Kumis (drink)
11. Hazel grouse (bird)
12. Kvass (drink)

Competition No. 5 "Dance".
There are so many dances in the world!
Just know how to choose them!
There are also new items in sight.
So let's dance!
Six people are invited. They are given balls.
Task: You must perform a quick dance with a balloon, holding it between your foreheads. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Whoever does not drop the ball within a minute while dancing will earn a heart.

Dance break

Competition No. 6 “Cockfighting”
2 boys and 2 girls are invited to the stage. They form pairs.
Find out what number is on the other person’s back. Walk on your feet, hands behind your back.

Competition No. 7 “Answer the letter”

The competition is open to everyone. The questions are read to the children and they offer their answers.
1. How do they live in love? (answer to the letter “r”)
2. What did love create? (answer to letter “d”)
3. What does love give? (answer to letter “c”)
4. What does the name Valentin mean? (Strong, healthy)

Competition No. 8 “Understand me”
The ability to understand another is a rare quality of character; not everyone is given this. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to explain to people your intentions - an invitation.
1. Going on a ski trip
2. To the circus
3. To the disco
4. Go to the cinema

Dance break

Competition No. 9 “Labyrinth”
2 boys and 2 girls are invited. They form pairs.
A labyrinth (chairs, skittles, chips) is built in front of the couples; each girl blindfolds the boy and leads him through the labyrinth. The first couple to overcome it wins.

Competition No. 10 “Musical Chair”
The boys should take the chairs and place the girl on their laps. The girls move in a circle around the chairs.

Dance break

Competition No. 11 “Poem about love”

A poem with missing words is broadcast on the screen, the task of the participants is to remember and say the poem.

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.
At the end of the holiday, hearts are counted and a prize is awarded.

Preparation for the holiday.
Prepare a bright poster or print invitation cards in advance.
The poster might have text like this:
“Are you in love? Are your lips capable of whispering “I love” every hour? If so, then hurry up to attend the student show - the celebration of Valentine’s Day. We invite all lovers and amorous people to this holiday!”

Next, indicate the place and time of the holiday.
- Decorate the assembly hall and college lobby using the main attributes of the holiday - images of hearts pierced by cupid's arrows.
- Organize the work of student mail for the delivery of “Valentines”.

Introductory part

1st presenter.
Good afternoon, our lovers and loved ones, lovers and beloved!

2nd presenter.
We welcome you all on this wonderful day - Valentine's Day - an amazing day of open hearts.

1st presenter.
Dear friends, probably not all of you know about the history of this holiday, let's listen to the ancient legend.

The history of the holiday is told by one of the prepared students.
There is a beautiful but tragic legend about why February 14 is called Valentine's Day. Many centuries ago, even during the Roman Empire, men who participated in wars were strictly forbidden to marry. There was a Christian bishop named Valentine who secretly married lovers. People often turned to him in the hope of finding happiness. Upon learning of this, the emperor ordered Valentine's execution. However, with this he could not kill the holy feelings of love. According to legend, the Great Martyr Valentine himself, shortly before his execution, fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer-executioner. And before being executed, he sent her a note with beautiful words about the friendship that arose between them. This was in 269.
People followed his behest - no matter what, love and take care of each other. Since then, Saint Valentine has been considered the patron saint of all those who are in love or engaged. It protects travelers, sick children, newlyweds. And to this day, everyone who is unhappy in love offers prayers to him.

1st presenter.
Yes, indeed, it is a beautiful legend, isn’t it, it reminds us of another similar legend about Romeo and Juliet.

2nd presenter.
I agree, I’ll also add:
How sweet are the joys of love.
Don't play these games, kids.
Romeo, son of Montague, fell in love
Daughter of the enemy - Juliet Capulet.
The young man gave his heart to Juliet,
And she took it with fear.
Old man Lorenzo kept the secret,
They were united by legal marriage.

A musical number is being performed.

1st presenter.
Dear friends! Today our student mail was literally inundated with letters, our postmen worked hard to deliver “Valentines” to their recipients on time. But it seems that they fulfilled their pleasant duties with honor, and not a single loving heart was left unattended. It's time to sum up the results and announce "Valentina" and "Valentina" among students and teachers.

The winners of the competition for the largest number of messages received in their address are announced.

2nd presenter.
We congratulate our Valentines. The next musical number is announced in their honor.

1st presenter.
Do you know when Valentine's Day first began to be celebrated?

2nd presenter.
A very long time ago, approximately from the 15th century. On this day, it is customary to call the beloved Valentina, and the beloved Valentin. In the Middle Ages in England, the highlight of the Valentine's Day program was often a game - the appointment of Valentine and Valentina.

1st presenter.
And what beautiful gifts they prepared for loved ones back then, what poems they wrote! There was only one main requirement for gifts on this holiday: they must be heart-shaped. Whether it's a sofa pillow or a craft box, a hairpin or a keychain. And if the gift was rectangular, then it was decorated with a heart cut out of paper. Often in the old days, donated hearts were written or embroidered, engraved or cut out with all sorts of frivolous inscriptions - wishes in verse.

2nd presenter.
We will return to such wishes later, but for now accept congratulations to all lovers, We give you this dance,

A dance number is announced.

1st presenter.
On Valentine's Day in Europe, it was customary to send “Valentines” to your beloved ones - bright homemade cards and drawings in the form of hearts, and everyone wanted to express their love and worship in an original form. The first "Valentines" appeared in the 18th century. According to custom, it was necessary to compose a poem appropriate to the moment. It was just such a postcard that Dickens’s hero, Sam Uzeller, could not have written within an hour and a half. Constantly crossing out and rearranging words, planting blots, he eventually “tortured” the message to his beloved, and then listened to the instruction of his practical dad that he should not waste time on rhymes. It was for people like Sam Weller, for those who did not feel the gift of poetry in themselves, that special collections of short love poems were then published - for any occasion! The collections were called "The Thrill of Love" and "To a Sentimental Writer on Valentine's Day."

2nd presenter.
We are almost sure that there are many poets among our students, and we propose right now to organize a small competition for the best short love letter; it does not have to be addressed to a specific person, the form of address and literary style are important.

1st presenter.
Yes, impromptu is not a bad thing, but let's turn to professionals.

The next issue is announced - poems about love.

2nd presenter.
Today it is already the 21st century, the century of speed and pragmatism. New orders have replaced old customs. Ready-made “Valentines” began to go on sale, neatly and elegantly decorated with real flowers, lace, feathers... And the style of these messages was either sentimentally sublime or playful. For example: “Here is the key to my heart... Use it before I change the lock.” These lines may make you smile, but they will also make you think. The most passionate fans, not wanting to limit themselves to a postcard, today send gifts to their loved ones on this day. Usually it's chocolate or red roses. However, as before, the only and indispensable condition for any message remains anonymity.

1st presenter.
And on this Day we congratulate everyone on Valentine’s Day, and we wish not only to receive as many “Valentines” with warm words as possible on this Day, but also that throughout your life you will be accompanied, supported and inspired by a wonderful feeling of Love! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Valentine's Day is coming soon, and you want to stage short skits for schoolchildren on February 14th? We would like to warn you that there are several restrictions here.

Funny skits for February 14, 2020 for school students should not include profanity or overly explicit scenes.

We offer school skits for February 14, which can be staged at a party for high school students.

Comic skits for February 14th for school students

The first cool miniature for schoolchildren on February 14, 2020 features a guy, a girl, a young man who plays the role of Cupid, and several guys playing the roles of trolleybus passengers.

Arrange the chairs like in a trolleybus. To perform the role of Cupid, you will need to make wings, a bow and arrows.

The skit for February 14th for high school students begins with a girl entering the trolleybus with heavy bags containing textbooks. She approaches the guy who is sitting in the front seat

Young woman:
- Sorry, could you give me a seat?

- Well, I paid the fare! If you feel bad, then catch a taxi!

The girl is indignant:
- Well, guys, let's go! Everywhere you look there are only hedgehogs!

But then Cupid, who was sitting in the back seat, appears and shoots at the young people. A slow beautiful melody is playing.

The guy looks attentively at the girl and whispers:
- How beautiful she is! What grace!

The girl turns to the guy and says:
– He’s cute, and doesn’t look like a hedgehog at all!

A short skit on February 14 for schoolchildren ends with young people holding hands getting out of the trolleybus; the guy is carrying heavy bags.

– Olya, congratulations on your holiday! I wish you health, happiness and good luck! - says the young man.
– So-o-o... In your opinion, I’m a sick, unfortunate loser?! – the girl is indignant.

- What is your name? - asks the young man.
- Rose.
- Where do you work?
- In the bank.
- Wow, how romantic - a rose in a jar!

The next cool skit on February 14 for schoolchildren involves Ivan Tsarevich and Baba Yaga.

- Who are you? - asks Ivan Tsarevich.
- Sleeping Beauty!
- Why is it so scary?
– I just woke up and didn’t have time to put on my makeup!

– Imagine, I met the girl of my dreams and we got married!
– I would like to see her photograph!
He looks and says in disappointment:
– And this is the girl of your dreams?
– You see, when I dreamed, I was depressed.

\ Documentation \ Scenarios for school holidays

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner is MANDATORY!!!

The stage is decorated with posters: “February 14 is Valentine’s Day!”, “All ages are submissive to love.” Can also be used when decorating a scene on holiday February 14- hearts made from balloons or beautiful colored posters. At the entrance, hearts with written letters (for girls) and numbers (for boys) are distributed.

The phonogram "Love Story" is playing. With music in the background:

Love Either like a snake, curled up in a ball, he casts a spell right at the heart, or all day long he coos like a dove on a white window. Then it will flash in the bright frost, It will seem like a left-handed tree in the slumber... But it faithfully and secretly leads from joy and from peace. He knows how to sob so sweetly In the prayer of a yearning violin, And it’s scary to guess it In a still unfamiliar smile. Anna Akhmatova

Presenter I: Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you. Who knows what day it is today, what holiday it is? Right! Valentine's Day is the day of all lovers!!! What do you know about the holiday? Who is St. Valentine?

All this is true. According to an ancient tradition, all young people, boys and girls, can openly confess their love by sending their loved one a postcard decorated with scarlet hearts or some kind of heart-shaped gift, or a red tulip. According to Persian legend, a red tulip grew from the tears of lovers and became an unfading symbol of love. On this day they also give hearts, they are also called Valentines.

Presenter II: I know another legend. Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to marry while they were in service. And the service lasted 25 years. St. Valentine, a shepherd and confessor, secretly blessed loving hearts and married lovers. His enemies or envious people betrayed St. Valentine. He was executed The 14th of February . Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

Presenter I: What are you talking about so sad, after all Valentine's Day- fun party. And we will celebrate it cheerfully.

Presenter II: That's right, because everyone in this room is in love.

Presenter I: You're exaggerating, I don't believe it.

Presenter II: If you want, I will prove that everyone here is in love. Look, children love their parents, parents love their children, some love their cat, some love a book, many love movies.

(To the audience): Who likes to eat - raise your hand, who likes to sleep - two hands, who likes to watch TV and eat chocolate - stomp your feet.

Here you see!

And now we will choose our Valentine and Valentina, but in order to become the best couple and receive a prize, we must try.

Presenter II: Now we have given you hearts with letters for girls, hearts with numbers for boys. I will call out the number and the letter, you come to each other, and then to me.

Couples are invited to participate in the competition...

Girls stand on one side of the hall, boys on the other. They receive a task on cards: invite their partner to the ballet, to the cinema, to the disco, to the circus, to the skating rink, to the zoo. First the girls perform the pantomime, then the boys.

Everyone is awarded prizes.

Presenter II: How great this competition was! And now the next competition. Two more couples are invited.

Valentine's Day competition

Couples take turns naming works in which love conquers evil. The pair that names the most pieces wins.

The audience helps the couple they are rooting for.

Presenter I: Good memory, but what about vision? Now we will hold another competition. Look at each other more closely and now turn your backs to each other.

Children stand with their backs to each other. The young man is asked questions about the girl's appearance. Then questions are asked to the girl. The couple that describes each other most accurately wins.

Presenter II: And now a competition for the inventive and original, as well as the lucky ones. Two more pairs will play.

Competition "Declaration of Love"

Boys write a confession text, girls write a response. Confessions and responses to them are read out. The most beautiful, accurate and successful option wins.

Presenter I: Well done! And for this competition we need one more pair.

Competition "Find the Prize"

The young man goes out the door. The girl hides the prize. The young man, with the help of the audience (“hot and cold”), finds the prize.

Presenter II: Well done! We have 4 pairs left. We invite two more couples.

Competition "Burim"

Compose an original quatrain with the rhymes “love” and “mine” for each couple.

Presenter I: And while they are thinking, we invite the last couples to perform a fiery dance, clutching a book with their foreheads. Hands should be kept behind your back. Let's support our participants!

(Couples perform a dance).

The Burime competition continues

Presenter II: I would like to thank everyone present for their participation. Everyone was good. And the best couple will be chosen by the hero of the occasion, Saint Valentine.

(Soundtrack. St. Valentine enters in a white cassock).

Saint Valentine: I came into this world to bless love and loving hearts in the name of St. Valentine. I won victory over death because I believed that there is no force stronger than love.

Presenter I: Friends, let's help Saint Valentine choose the best, most original couple. I will call the number, the couple comes forward, everyone else applauds. Based on the volume of applause, we will choose a couple - Valentin and Valentina.

Gives a prize to the best couple Saint Valentine .

(Lyrical music sounds).

Saint Valentine:(raises two halves of an apple above his head). Empires fall apart, countries are divided, people die. But love remains, connecting hearts, giving rise to infinity of feelings.

(connects the halves of the apple, raising his hands above his head).

A moment of rest. Real friendship. "It gives me goosebumps..."


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Scenario for celebrating International Valentine's Day (February 14) at school. At the beginning of the evening, when guests arrive, they are given red hearts with letters and numbers written on the back. Hearts with letters go to girls, and hearts with numbers go to boys. The soundtrack of a romantic song sounds, and against its background, you can read some suitable verse, or you can simply turn on the appropriate music.

First presenter: Good evening, we welcome you to our holiday, Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. We will tell you a little about who Saint Valentine is and how this holiday came about. An ancient tradition says that all boys and girls, without hiding their feelings at all, can confess to the object of their sympathy, while handing over a postcard or a scarlet tulip. The legend that is associated with the tulip is also very interesting; it is a Persian legend. It says that the red tulip became a symbol of unfading love, as it grew from the tears of people in love. On this holiday, lovers give valentines, these are small scarlet hearts.

Second presenter: But I can tell you a slightly different legend, it says that many centuries ago, ancient Roman soldiers did not have the right to marry during the period of time while they were in military service, and it is worth noting that this service lasted for 25 years. Saint Valentine was a shepherd and confessor who in those days secretly married lovers. Unfortunately, his enemies betrayed him, and he was executed on February 14th; it was from that time that Valentine's Day began to be celebrated on this day.

First presenter: Somehow there was a sad conversation, don’t forget that on February 14 we celebrate a bright and cheerful holiday, so we should celebrate it with a paddle.

Second presenter: You noticed this correctly, because all the lovers are in our hall.

First presenter: well, you’re probably already exaggerating, I can’t believe that there can be so many lovers in one place.

Second presenter: I can prove it to you. For example, look, all children love their parents, and some love their pets or some book, this is also love. (Address to those sitting in the hall) Raise your hands, those who love to eat deliciously, and those who love to sleep sweetly, raise both hands at once, and lovers of sweets and chocolate, stomp your feet. You see, I told you that the room is full of lovers. And now we will begin to choose Valentin and Valentina, but it is not so easy to get a prize, in order to become the best couple, you will have to try.

First presenter: Dear friends, we handed out hearts to you at the entrance, respectively, girls have letters written on them, but boys have numbers written on them. We will call out the number and letters one by one, and you will come first to each other, and only then to us.

So, when our pairs are formed, we move on to competitions.

Competition No. 1

Girls stand on one side of the hall, boys on the other. And they receive the task that they need to invite their significant other on a date, to a movie in a cafe or to another place. To invite, you need to show a pantomime, the girls will be the first, then the boys will perform the same task. At the end everyone is awarded prizes.

Second presenter: This competition was very cool, because it was fun. Now we move on to the next competition, we invite two couples to participate in it.

Competition No. 2.

Couples take turns naming works or films they know in which love always triumphs over evil, and the audience actively cheers for the couple they like best. The pair that names the most works wins.

First presenter: you have shown that you have a good memory, and now let’s check your vision. You need to look at each other very carefully, and then turn your back to each other.

Competition No. 3 “Describe your partner”

When the guys have their backs turned to each other, they are asked one by one questions about each other's appearance, the couple that most accurately described their halves wins.

Second presenter: For the next competition we will need inventive, original and, of course, lucky couples. We invite two more couples to participate in the next competition.

Competition No. 4 “Romantic declaration of love”

The boys write the text of a declaration of love on pieces of paper for their significant other, and the girls must write a response to this declaration. After this declaration of love and the answers to them are read out loud, and the rest of the guys evaluate which duet wrote the most beautiful and accurate version.

First presenter: You are all so great, because our evening is fun. For the next competition we need one more couple.

Competition No. 5 “Find your prize”

The young man must go out into the corridor, while the girl hides a prize somewhere in the room. Afterwards the young man returns and, with the help of the audience, must find the prize. The audience helps by guiding him with the phrases “cold - hot”

Second presenter: Well done. Now we invite two more couples to participate in the next competition.

Competition No. 6 “Burim”

Each couple should compose an interesting quatrain using the words “love” and “mine”, or rather, finding rhymes for these words.

First presenter: While our poets are thinking, we invite several couples to participate in a new competition. You need to perform a fiery and cheerful dance. But, you will need to hold a book between your foreheads, but your hands should be behind your back. Let's support our cheerful dancers. And now let's return to the Burime competition and to our poets.

Second presenter: I would like to thank everyone present for participating in our competitions. Without exception, all the participants were cheerful and participated well in the competitions, but we will let the SV choose the best couple. Valentin.

(The soundtrack turns on and St. Valentine enters the hall, wearing a white cassock.)

First presenter: Guys, let us help St. Valentine decide on the title of better couple. Let me name the couple, and you will applaud, and by the volume of your applause, Valentin will be able to determine the best couple. Saint Valentine gives a gift to the best couple.
