Congratulations on the last call in prose. Beautiful wishes for the last call in prose and verse Words of congratulations on graduation from the administration

The last call is an extraordinary holiday, leading to both joy and sadness at the same time. In the midst of the event, my heart becomes sad because graduates of grades 9 and 11 say goodbye to school forever and will never return again. And it’s fun because our native “alma mater” has produced another smart and reliable generation, ready for an independent adult life. But in the process of teaching, upbringing and developing the personality of students, not only teachers took part, but also parents, head teachers, class teachers, school organizers and even the director of the educational institution. And the speech at the last bell should sound from the lips of everyone who has invested soul, strength and time in the children who became graduates on this important day.

Solemn speech at the last bell from the school principal

For thousands of graduates, the solemn speech of the school director at the line in honor of the last bell is considered a traditional element of accepted etiquette, which does not promise anything new and unusual. The reason for this is the speakers themselves: uttering the same banal words year after year, which set the teeth on edge, they become the cause of further ridicule. Meanwhile, the personality of the school principal is authoritative even for the most hooligan and cocky students. And it is much wiser, when giving the director’s ceremonial speech, to further strengthen your authority and talk to graduates about things that are really important to each of them.

Texts for the school principal's ceremonial speech at the last bell

For graduates, the last call is a grand event. After all, a small 10-year life is left behind, filled with important events, valuable discoveries, fun moments and minor sorrows. Therefore, a solemn speech at the last bell from the school principal, filled with banal phrases: “How little you were - How grown up you have become” will be completely inappropriate. Such tearful remarks are relevant when performed by a beloved grandmother or an annoying aunt. The director should talk about more significant things: about the patience and obedience of students, about the colossal work of teachers, about the difficulties of choosing a future profession, about the responsibility of adolescents for their own lives.

Dear Guys! Today is a very solemn day in your life, because all roads are opening before you. From this day on, you are considered adults, and this is very responsible. You will have to make your own decisions, and your future life will depend only on you. You are the young generation that is replacing us, and the life of the entire society will depend on how you build your life. From today on you are responsible for the future. We want to wish you a smooth road in life, good friends, good luck and the easiest challenges! Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Good luck again and be happy!

Graduates, like birds, leave school with their wings spread and take off into free flight. We, parents and teachers, watch with delight and sadness as you fly out of the doors of your home school, and with it, partly, from your parents’ house. From today you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be like depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think through everything clearly and carefully, don’t be led by other people’s desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will definitely be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it awaits you just outside the school door!

The bright hour has come, for which you have put a lot of effort and labor. Now you are on the threshold of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, backpacks, bows, the first letters written in one’s own hand and the first word read independently - all this is a thing of the past. Now you are already fully grown and mature individuals who have chosen your path in life.
Today you are heartily congratulated by everyone: the teachers who led many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who look at you now with great respect! We wish you to achieve everything you set out to do, easily follow the chosen path and successfully pass the first serious exam in your life - the Unified State Exam. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe that you will succeed in everything in life!

Official speech from the administration on the last call

The last months of school occupy an important place in the life of every young person. This is an important stage of saying goodbye to childhood, beloved friends, kind teachers and the native walls of cozy classrooms. At the final school stage there is a brief summing up of everything that has been the meaning of life over the past 10 years. And the farewell speech of the school administration at the ceremony, of course, should become the final lesson in morality, gratitude and kindness. Alas, not always even the most responsible manager is able to find time to prepare touching and heart-warming speeches. Therefore, we have prepared in advance the best texts for the official speech from the administration on the last call.

Examples of a beautiful speech from school administration for the last bell

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and success - and now you are on the threshold of serious, responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open to you. Your school years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of various sciences, loyalty of friends, first love and first disappointments. But your teachers also studied with you, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And may only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and may today be the start of a new adult and interesting life filled with events.

Dear Guys! Today is your last call. Everything will remain in its melodic overtones: the joy of first victories, and hard work on yourself, and the sleepless nights of your parents, and the sincere love of your teachers. Let each of his trills remind you of the bright days you spent in the eternally young temple of science, whose name is school. She won’t forget you either, because over the years she has gotten used to you, and today her day is full of inescapable sadness... Well, nothing in this world is permanent. New achievements and new successes await you, and new students await your favorite school. We wish you good luck and bless you for glorious deeds. Good luck, graduates!

When the Last Bell rings, I usually remember all the best things that were experienced during my school years.
Ahead - like the border separating childhood from adulthood - is a difficult, but no less magical summer:
June is a month of examinations and testing not only knowledge, but also endurance, intelligence, and responsibility.
July is the month of making your first independent decisions.
August is the month of lucky starfalls.
I wish you, graduates, not only to have time to make your cherished wishes, but also to catch your star and hold it in your hands!
Remember: that exciting moment comes when your whole life is in your hands. Let it be illuminated by the good light of the star of your youth!

Parting speech from the class teacher at the last bell

Over the centuries-old history of the formation of primary and secondary education in schools, there has been a steady tendency to attach labels to different categories of students. It is no secret that students with high academic achievements are considered more worthy, while students with C grades and good students feel ashamed and ridiculed. The class teacher's parting speech at the last bell should put all the real and imaginary values ​​of the graduates in their place. After all, both an excellent student and a poor student can be successful and happy in adult life. The main thing is to learn to set goals and successfully pursue them.

The text of a touching speech by the class teacher for the last bell speech

When delivering a parting speech to graduates at the last bell, the class teacher can mention that each of the students is a unique and inimitable person worthy of love and respect. It is important to say that relatives love not for the numbers on the report card, sporting achievements and exemplary behavior, but just because. This is how this feeling works! And in order to gain the understanding, friendship and approval of others, simple kind and honest human actions are enough.

Congratulations on your graduation. Today the school bell rang for you for the last time. You couldn’t wait to become adults and say goodbye to your school desks; you wanted to get away from school as quickly as possible.
And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will be a new stage in life, a line of change and responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.
Both your school teachers and your most important allies in learning - your parents want for you the best that you can wish for your children, happiness. Happiness such that there is enough for everyone and still remains for the world around you. May this world be kind to you, may you meet only kind, sincere people on your roads. And, if you need advice or help, then you always know who to turn to. Good luck to you, dear graduates!

The last call comes only once in a lifetime. And how quickly it will ring, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of adult life, where so many new and interesting things await you, but also a lot of hassle and obstacles! Our dear children, our yesterday's students! We tried, investing in you everything that school and family can give. You grew up, matured, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we did, to adequately approach the turn of the last call. We are very pleased with the result, happy with you, and we want you to continue to give us only joy, only pride in you, and you have already been given the full gift of life itself and luck itself. Let it work out with education, with work, with career, with families. Let your adult life be happy, your youth long, and your old age retreat before your fervor and enthusiasm!

The school bell sounded excitingly, loudly and alarmingly. For you, our dear children who have grown up so imperceptibly, it will become a signal, a call to boldly go towards a new, interesting life full of joy and success! Just recently, just like that, with tears of joy in our eyes, we stood, worried, handing you over to the reliable hands of the first teacher. And today you are worried with us, realizing that childhood is left behind - and fun breaks, exciting sports competitions, joint excursions, trips will remain only in memories and school albums. But there are still unconquered peaks and new discoveries ahead of you, and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! May everything go well!

Response speech from graduates to the last bell in 9th grade

The last bell is an exciting event for every student. But it evokes the most acute, unusual and ambivalent sensations among graduates. The pre-holiday bustle, armfuls of flowers, symbolic bells, ribbons and other important little things are replaced by slight sadness and the bitterness of saying goodbye to everything that was so dear in recent years. And at the most crucial moment, when it is the turn of graduates of the 9th and 11th grades to go on stage with a response speech at the last bell, the feeling of inevitable parting with the school “home” intensifies a hundredfold. In such emotional moments, heartwarming phrases and words of gratitude bring tears to the eyes of not only graduates, but also teachers, parents, and the class teacher.

Response speech from 11th grade graduates at the last bell

The response speech from graduates at the last bell in grades 9 and 11 is always touching and heartwarming. In their address, the guys remember the brightest moments, thank their parents and teachers for their patience and daily work, wish their followers to remain themselves and stubbornly follow their dreams. It’s not easy to compose the ideal text for a graduates’ response speech on your own, so you can use standard templates and supplement them with personal emotions and experiences.

Congratulations to you, our dear teachers, who have endured and loved us for so many years, on the Last Bell. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you uttered! Thank you for your love, for your support and important advice that we will remember for the rest of our lives! A new, bright future awaits us, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew, putting a special meaning into each word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which path we will go! Happy Last Bell to you, our beloved teachers!

Dear teachers and dear friends and classmates. Today we, graduates, have to take one of the most important steps in our lives, parting with school. The best years are behind us - a carefree childhood, adolescence, and further study and work lie ahead. I think that the best gratitude for teachers on our part will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom that we have grown from the seeds that they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we study not for school, but for life. These words are deeply imprinted in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with the teachers who, with dedication and devoted all their strength to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today’s graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Today you and I are graduates, no longer children, but not adults either. Tomorrow we will take a step into independent life. There will be both sorrows and joys. Sometimes we will meet good and sympathetic people, and sometimes we will meet quarrelsome and angry people. But we must remember that our parents and teachers raised us to be kind, decent and cultured boys and girls. I would like to thank all my relatives and, of course, those who taught us over all these years. Thank you, teachers, for your help in difficult times, for the good advice and knowledge that you shared with us.

Touching last call speech from parents, 11th grade

It is parents who have the hardest time at the end of a long school journey: it is not easy to realize that your child has already grown up and will very soon set off on a free flight. What to talk about at such a responsible and exciting moment? At first glance, everything seems clear. It is enough to mention the important role of school in the lives of children, their rapidly approaching adulthood and future difficulties and obstacles that arise every now and then at every step. But, as practice shows, such words cause nothing but boredom. Therefore, you will have to work a little to compose a truly touching speech for the last call from parents of 11th graders... Or use our texts!

Examples of texts for speeches by parents of 11th graders at the last bell

Our dears!

Now you are all grown up and will soon fly out of the nest. From now on, you will follow your own path in life. Life will make you wise and strong, failures will strengthen you, and successes will push you to new achievements. But today we want to give you advice to always remain a little childish!

All children are visionaries and dreamers. Don’t stop building castles in the air and dreaming about what seems impossible today! He who does not dream of the impossible will not achieve even a little.

All children are inquisitive. Stay that way in the future: strive to learn and grasp as much as possible. Be hungry for knowledge! After all, knowledge is power that will help you become successful.

All children are restless. Parents and teachers sometimes have such a hard time! But restlessness develops. Be restless - move, travel, play sports, dance, indulge in hobbies and interests. Live an interesting life!

A child, when faced with difficulties and troubles, always turns to elders for help and consolation. We hope you will continue this habit. Of course, you need to learn to be independent, but you shouldn’t refuse the participation of your elders! Parents will always understand everything and try to help, no matter what difficult situation you find yourself in.

Our dear ones! Your teachers, parents and grandparents tried to fill you with intelligence, kindness and eternity. Remain a little child, do not lose everything that is beautiful and pure with which your young hearts and souls are full. Look at life with a smile - and it will smile back at you!

Dear Guys! It seems like just yesterday we brought you to first grade, and today the last bell is ringing for you. Time passed quickly, but the path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the path continues - new heights and achievements lie ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Believing in yourself is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is the credo of an optimist. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not give up on your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become limp if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. It inspires and gives strength. Walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any difficulty.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Keep your love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland. Love your family, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love, and it will love you back!

Believe! Hope! Love it! And you will succeed!

Dear Guys! Today the last bell rings for you, as a signal of the beginning of a new stage in life. Together with our teachers, we accompany you to adulthood. The road will not be easy, but we are confident that you will cope and will definitely become successful.

But what does it mean to be successful? Money and career are not everything!

A successful person does what he loves. We wish you to choose a profession that will bring you joy.

The one who has time-tested friends is successful. Your class is a close-knit, friendly team. Appreciate and keep it!

Successful people always take care of their health. Lead a reasonable lifestyle and take care of yourself.

Those who are successful are not afraid to make difficult decisions. Be decisive - the city takes courage!

A successful person knows how to say “No!” if he is asked to do something that is at odds with his principles. Learn it!

People who have achieved success are grateful to those who helped them along the way. Don't forget your teachers. Keep the good things they taught you.

And lastly: a successful person is one who is always and everywhere in time. So be punctual and don't forget to set your alarm.

Good luck to you, our adult children!

Speech from parents to 9th grade graduates at the last bell

It is difficult for parents to give a solemn speech to 9th graders at the last bell: sometimes they are overcome by excitement, sometimes tears blur their eyes, sometimes a big lump rolls up in their throats. To avoid embarrassment and awkward pauses, it is better to compose a speech from parents to 9th grade graduates on the last bell in advance, carefully read the text several times and try to remember the main part. And the rest can always be seen.

Examples of parent speech texts at the last bell for 9th grade graduates

Somehow this day came unexpectedly quickly. The day when our children ascend to a new stage in their lives. A stage where there will be no all-encompassing eye of parents and teachers; a stage where you will have to solve most of life’s problems and tasks on your own. But you took a short 9 years to get to this step, learning new and unknown things, getting acquainted with all kinds of aspects of life, learning to communicate with adults and peers. And all these 9 years, your teachers tirelessly walked hand in hand with you. They rejoiced with you in your ups and victories, they were upset and worried about you in difficult times. Just imagine how much strength, health, patience and love it took for them to raise such beautiful graduates from unintelligent six-year-olds who look proudly and confidently into the future.
Dear teachers! Let me express my sincere words of gratitude for your attention, care, and work. Today we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Thank you for our children!”
And now I turn to you, our beloved children. Move forward boldly and with pure thoughts. Set reasonable goals for yourself and strictly follow the intended path. Learn to rejoice and appreciate every moment, every hour, every day. Good luck to you on your new step in life. Always remember: there are people in the world who love you very much and are always worried - these are us, your parents. Good luck!

The last bell has rung and the last exams have been passed. And the graduation party came. You are finishing 9th grade. Some of you will remain in school; for them, the main graduation is still ahead. Well, for those who wanted to get a profession in another institution, this evening will be a farewell to school and to friends and classmates. And classmates.

I heartily congratulate all ninth-graders on graduating from school. This event is one of the most significant for every person. Your graduation day will remain etched in your memory forever. It is exciting for you, your teachers and parents. You are entering adulthood. Behind us are childhood and school years, filled not only with educational worries and problems, but also with the joy of learning about the world and making friends. Ahead lies the choice of the future path, making important and responsible decisions. Never lose your youthful enthusiasm, do not allow yourself to be stopped by difficulties and under no circumstances stop learning - replenish your baggage with new achievements.

Remember: only thorough knowledge will help you adequately meet the challenges of our demanding times. The independent life you are entering today will teach you in its own way, but when you close the school doors, take the wisdom of your teachers, the shoulder of your classmates and that optimism into your life’s journey. I would like to advise graduates, after leaving the school, not to stop improving, not to rest on what has been achieved, and not to get by in life without luck. May you be lucky to have smart, worthy colleagues and true friends! I would like to wish that you always, wherever and whatever you do, be confident in yourself and your knowledge. I wish you success, congratulations once again on the end of the school year. Good luck to you! Be happy!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, you led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, invested knowledge, a piece of your heart into each of them, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, sympathetic and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And low bow to you.

The last bell speech from the director, administration, class teacher and parents should not only be touching, but also unusual, non-trivial, non-traditional. This is the only way that wishes and parting words will remain in the memory and hearts of graduates of grades 9 and 11 forever.

Well, the day has come that you have all been waiting for so long, our dear graduates! On such a wonderful sunny day, today you are celebrating your Last Call - the first stage on the path to adulthood. I would like to congratulate each of you and say that you are all just great, because you survived these long eleven years of study. I know that at times you wanted to give up, but you still made it to the end. You are in a hurry to grow up, but believe me, in your adult life you will have worse problems than a chemistry test. But in any case, I don’t want to scare you, I’m just warning you that sometimes it will be very difficult, but you will survive it, because you survived school. Happy holiday, guys. May this day give you a lot of positive emotions, joy and happiness. You don't have much time left to spend together, so it's better to have fun and relax together while you have time.


I would like to sincerely congratulate our future graduates, who are only a few steps away from adulthood. Today is an important day for any of you, although it is possible that you do not even fully understand what is happening. You already had similar last calls in the fourth grade and in the ninth, but this is completely different. Just imagine that on the first of September this year you will come not to school, but to your new educational institutions. This news will obviously please some people, but will upset others, on the contrary. But believe me, after some time you will all feel a little sad because you will want to go back to your school days. So while you still have a few more days, enjoy them. And don't worry about exams because you can do anything. You will pass everything and get the highest scores, my dear graduates! Good luck to you!


Until recently, you just came to school for the first time, you had your first line, and you also had your first lesson. Do you remember how joyful, but at the same time excited you were at that moment? You bought the most beautiful briefcases, pencil cases and notebooks that you were so proud of. You felt like an adult and even a little independent, but today you are already quite adults - real graduates. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event in your life - the Last Call. I know how long you have been preparing for this day, so I have no doubt that you will succeed. Happy holiday to you, my dearest graduates! I always want to see you as happy as you are now. May all your dreams and desires come true, and may your ideas and plans come true. You can always count on our support, guys.


I would like to sincerely congratulate you, my dearest guys, my graduates. You and I have come a long way, which was not always easy, but you persevered. I want to congratulate you and say that you are great. You are not just graduates, you are already quite adults who have gone through one important stage in your life. I would like to wish each of you patience and perseverance, as well as endurance and a lot of strength, because not everything will be given to you with ease, but believe that you can cope with any problem, because you have already gone through one school of life. But today forget about everything, because on this wonderful holiday you should relax and have fun. Today is just your day, and the exams will take a little time. Happy holiday to you, my guys! May this day give each of you a lot of positive emotions.


I would like to congratulate these wonderful guys who are standing in front of me now on their holiday! Today is your last call - the day you have been waiting for so long. Many of you have been waiting for this day since entering school. My dears, you have endured an incredible school of life, because here you not only studied, but also fell in love, made friends, fought and made peace. You have become real individuals with your own unique qualities. I want it to continue to be like this, because you really can achieve unprecedented heights. I have known you for many years, so I am very attached to you. I want each of you to achieve what you have long dreamed of. May this festive day strengthen your friendship even more. I hope that you will continue to maintain good and united relationships with each other. Happy holiday to you!


The day you've been dreaming about for the last few years has arrived. In fact, this is normal, although a little wrong. You are all in a hurry to grow up and do not live in the present day. I don’t want you to regret it later, so I want to warn you. I want to congratulate you, my dear guys, on your holiday, because today is your last call. Now you are all standing in front of me, such cheerful and happy guys in a beautiful school uniform, and yet not long ago you just started first grade. I would like to wish each of you the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires. All of you guys are capable and responsible, so I have no doubt that you will achieve all the most significant results. May your every day be full of beautiful events, pleasant moments and all the most positive things. Enjoy this day, because it will not happen again.


We have such wonderful sunny weather outside, and today is also a holiday for our graduates, so I want to congratulate you and wish you all the brightest and most interesting things. Each of you is an independent person who will definitely achieve success in one activity or another. I look at you and understand that you are already quite adults. But just recently you crossed the threshold of school for the first time. You were such shy, modest and small children who did not even understand what awaited them. Do you remember your first grades? How happy were you when you received the first A, and how did you cry because of the first D? All this happened to you not so long ago, but it happened. But only pleasant moments await you ahead, although problems will arise from time to time, but now you should not be afraid of anything, because you have gone through a real school of life.


Well, the day of your Last Call has come, my dear graduates. Over the past six months, you have spent the maximum amount of effort to organize an interesting event that will be remembered by everyone. I have no doubt that today you made an impression on everyone, because you are great guys. I have known you for many years, so I have become incredibly attached to you. I want you all to be able to achieve success in the business that you consider most enjoyable. I want to wish each of you nothing but good luck, because you deserve it. You know how to achieve your own goals, but luck will definitely not hurt you. I want you to remember that school taught you a lot. You not only learned mathematics and took chemistry, but also learned to make friends and communicate with a variety of people. May all these skills help you in the future.


I remember the day when you first crossed the threshold of our school. I then looked at you and thought about how to make you into individuals with your own principles, qualities and characteristics. However, you created yourself, so to speak. You immediately found a common language with each other, became good friends who help out in certain situations. I want you to carry your friendship through many years, because you are the closest and dearest people to each other. After school, many people run away, but you should not follow their example, because you are completely different. My dears, let this holiday help you to further strengthen your relationship so that you can help and support each other in the future, if necessary. And today you should forget about everything and just relax, because this day belongs only to you.


So I look at you guys and try to understand how it happened that you grew up so quickly? It seemed to me that just recently we met for the first time, and now you are already real graduates. I want to say that you were a unique class, because I have never seen such cohesion between all members of the team. My dears, promise me only one thing: that you will certainly preserve this friendship and carry it through many years. Be useful to each other, help out, help, and just have a good time. I know that you certainly know how to do all this. Well, don’t forget about your school, because it gave you not just academic knowledge, but also helped you become sociable, active and creative guys. Happy holiday to you, my dearest and beloved graduates! I will miss our fun lessons.


It would seem that just recently you just crossed the threshold of our school, but today you are already standing in front of me so elegant and beautiful - real graduates. I look at you and cannot get enough of it, but at the same time sadness overcomes me, because you were my most beloved students, with whom it was always interesting, fun and educational to spend time. I want you not to lose the connection that has already been firmly established between you, dear graduates. I would also like to wish each of you to achieve your most cherished ideas and implement every plan. You are all incredibly capable and creative guys, so I would not be surprised if in a few years I learn that you have achieved the most significant results. Happy holiday to you, my dearest and beloved graduates! Be the happiest you can be.

The last bell is a long-standing tradition of Soviet and now Russian schools, which has become a real holiday for schoolchildren. Graduation day is the most joyful and at the same time saddest day for every graduate. For some students, it foreshadows the holidays, and for graduates, the beginning of new working weeks - preparation for graduate exams and admission to universities. But, in any case, the last bell is a long-awaited event and the school always solemnly sees off its graduates. Time flies by, the carefree school years are gone, and an adult and independent life lies ahead.

We have prepared for you the most beautiful and touching congratulations on the last bell for graduates and teachers. These are congratulations for the graduates from the school principal, and from the first teacher, and from the class teacher, and from parents.

Congratulations and wishes for the last bell at school

Let them say that time heals
That the circle will not open for days,
However, evening comes -
And everything changes around...
The candle will drop its cooled trace
In harmony with a strange silence
And suddenly you want to be in the palm of your hand
Catch a fallen star:
And between the future and the past
With a dream and childhood behind me
Like a fragile bridge thrown
Today is graduation night!

Congratulations to school graduates from the director

Oh, the last lesson is over. We are entering the summer season.
Today is the last call, guys, we congratulate you!
You have become adults now, and it’s time to say goodbye to school,
The door of life is open to you, let the heights submit to you!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day! Graduates, you are our pride and joy!
Today is your holiday, you are rightfully honored,
We are all incredibly happy about the last call,
And now you will carry the banner into adulthood!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness,
There will be enough for many years to come.
Let the bad weather be left behind,
So that there is love and respect.

Congratulations on the last bell from the class teacher (grade 11)

Dear, my dear graduates!
Now you are standing on the threshold of adulthood, one more step and you will say goodbye to childhood. What your life will be like next largely depends on the decisions you make in the near future. Try to think through everything clearly and carefully, don’t be led by other people’s desires and fantasies, believe in yourself, boldly go towards your goal, don’t be afraid, try and don’t give up! Believe in a bright future, it awaits you just outside the school door! Remember, school doors are always open for you! Know that I love you very much and am always glad to see you! Everyone was striving for the last bell,
The school path seemed boring.
So why the point?
Did you smear a crystal tear?
Saying goodbye isn't easy
after all, childhood is at school
I've been swinging on swings for so many years,
But there’s no escape from time:
An adult has already been given a ticket to life.
May your endeavors be successful
Every plan is crowned with victory,
Tricky problems are solved
Only excellent! Happiness to you, children! So eleven years have flown by,
You have matured and learned a lot.
You can answer without a doubt,
Lots of questions – that’s why we get medals!

Thank you, dear ones, for coming through.
The paths are difficult, you are not afraid.
For finding a loophole to science,
And they remained kind and affectionate.

May your path be bright and joyful,
Now, like birds, in free flight
You rushed upward, and with joy let
You can safely follow the adult path!

Congratulations from the class teacher (9th grade)

My dear ninth graders!
The time has come when the last bell will ring for you. It was school
It’s easy for you to get in, but it will be a little more difficult to get out: exams await you.
For many, the moment of leaving school is a long-awaited one: after all, perhaps, each of you wants to feel like an adult, become independent, and go to a technical school. But at the same time, this moment is sad: over 9 years of study, we got used to each other, became friends, united. Let us, my dears, not forget school and each other!
I want to believe that each of you will find your own path in life. Strive to get an education, find an interesting job and start your own family.
School gave you a start in a new life, taught you sciences, culture and
ethics to turn you into smart, literate, successful, independent, moral individuals.
You must take away from school and implement wisely only what is useful. AND
Don’t forget the main thing: we build our own lives!
At this moment I would like to quote the lines of the poet Eduard Asadov:
Always be cheerful
Never be sad.
It will be difficult - brace yourself,
There will be wind - don’t bend,
It will hurt - don't cry
Don't hide your eyes in your palm.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If there are tears, wipe them away,
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember, life is life!

Congratulations and wishes to graduates from the first teacher

My dear children!
Congratulations on your successful completion of 9th (11th) grade!
Even if everything didn’t always work out for you, this is just the beginning of your whole life.
And many problems were not solved, but every day you moved forward more boldly.
I know school is hard for some of you,
But the most important thing is that you become human every day and hour.
Let only the smooth road be the path of your life.
I wish you only happiness, you can’t turn away from the right path. Dear Guys!
We met with you - there was the first call,
Various colors of foliage and the first lesson.
Little eyes sparkled, arms stretched up,
I told you, and you smiled at me for the first time.
We were friends, you studied hard,
They excelled in both classroom and school work.
Sometimes we fought, but more often we fell in love,
We were inspired by the desire for our cherished dream.

Those four years flew by in an instant,
Victories remain, adversity has disappeared.
Then others taught you science,
You have become dear to them, just like to me.

You have grown, become stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on your way!
Your day has come!
You've all been waiting for him.
Doubts away!
Be brave, good luck!
May good luck accompany you in everything,
And your cherished dream will come true,
And even to an unsolvable problem
There is always a solution.

Guys, I wish you to successfully pass your exams and choose the right path in life.
Break a leg!

Congratulations on the last call from parents to children (grade 11)

Dear children!
11 years ago we brought you, holding your little hands in ours
hands, to our school. And today is a significant day: you say goodbye
with your school. You have almost passed the 11 year long exam. Left
just a little bit: to summarize. All this time we were with you,
your parents and teachers. Our dear children, you are more precious than anyone in the world!
With bad marks and validol, but we finished school.
No matter how long we slept with you, we wrote essays.
And sometimes there was a lot of crying in the house because of the task.
We didn’t scold you too much; we helped you as much as we could.
There is no greater joy for us than the success of our own children. Guys! The day of farewell to school has come! These years have flown by
amazingly fast. They taught you a lot. There were all sorts of things, but
I want the memories of the years spent at school to remain only
pleasant and bright memories. Let's not be sad. Let yours
life will be cheerful and ringing, like a school bell. Our beloved children!
You have grown up and many of you
They will leave school and their favorite class...
And, having fluttered out of the school nest,
You may never come back...
I'm in a hurry to catch up with my fathers and mothers
Parting words to say to you today:
- Go for it! Everything will work out for you,
After all, they have given you a supply of solid knowledge!
And if the difficult choice confuses you,
There is a sure way to get out of trouble!
How to proceed? Moms and dads have advice
Ask mentally - and you will receive an answer!
So that later, in moments of rare meetings,
It’s okay to look your parents in the eye.
And we are with great hope and joy
We'll be looking forward to seeing you home!
And those who remain have time to do everything:
To succeed both in friendship and in studies,
Find the right path among the many
And you can’t leave the chosen course! You were born, raised,
Once upon a time they brought me to school,
Believe me, we didn’t know then
That children could grow up
So fast. Our dears,
Don't lose face
Achieve everything, dear ones,
To make mother and father proud.

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents of graduates

Our glorious teachers,
Thank you for your work and patience.
You're on a school board ship
They raised another generation.
And today, having raised the sails,
Turning to your horizons,
Look the graduates in the eyes
Smile at each other as you say goodbye! Dear, beloved teachers! Our series with you has come to an end, the series that you and I wrote together. It had everything: joy, grief, happiness, resentment, love, and much more. We are grateful to you that in the end everything ended so well. You got graduates - we got literate children. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you for your work, which helps everyone in life. Without you, without teachers, everything in the world would be different! Once again we thank you!
Well, you guys, don’t forget school and your teachers. No matter how much
they had students, your attention will never be superfluous.

Congratulations to school graduates from first graders

Dear graduates!
Congratulations on your last call!
We felt a little sad, guys.
That you are leaving the school house soon.
We look at you with great admiration,
You are the pride of our school, without embellishment!
And in a wonderful mood today
Congratulations on the last day of school!
And you were once kids,
And we also entered first grade,
It probably seems to every mother today,
That you were all like us.
You were also very worried
When you came to your first lesson,
It happened that problems were not solved
And you were impatiently waiting for the call.
You also ran during school breaks,
Screamed and screamed from the heart,
And you were knee-deep to high school students...
Now you are not kids at all.
You are respectable and mature people,
You all have exams ahead of you.
Someday we will be like that too,
And the kids will come to congratulate us.
Guys! We wish you success,
After all, you deserve the highest praise!
And you will succeed, we know!
And your graduation party will be the best! Always be good, always be beautiful,
Always be cheerful, kind, nice, sweet.
Don't face grief and don't be sad,
Smile more often, in a word, be happy! Let everyone be proud of your success -
Parents, friends, teachers, -
After all, you can do better, more beautiful
A planet called Earth!

Wishes to teachers from school graduates

My dear teacher!
Have a joyful and bright life! May you never meet naughty and harmful children! Children's radiant, sincere smiles to you, so that your notebooks are error-free, so that your lessons are calm, useful and fruitful!
We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. To
the mood was always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable.
Success, good luck, luck and complete satisfaction from work. Thank you for your noble and glorious work! Our dear (name of class teacher)!
With all our hearts we want to tell you that we love you very much! Thank you for always supporting us, helping us in everything, taking great care of us and becoming a second mother to us. We are so used to you that we can’t even imagine how we will continue without you. After all, you were always ready to stand up for us when we messed up somewhere, always supported us and said words that really helped us to believe in ourselves and move forward again, to our victory, and never stop there. And thanks We have become a real family to you.
We wish you all the very best: health, happiness,
love, success in work. We also wish you obedient children, whom you will again raise as your own.
And we have grown. It’s a pity, of course, that we have to leave, but we promise that
We will visit you and communicate with you easily and interestingly. And know that these (*) people who have become family will never betray you, will never forget you, will never say anything bad about you. We have only bright and bright memories of our school life with you.
(Name and Patronymic of the teacher), we love you very much! Thank you for everything!
Your 11th (*) grade.

Beautiful poems for teachers for the last bell

Thank you, Teachers!
Not only do we gain knowledge at school,
Here we are becoming stronger and smarter,
We are walking into a great life together with her,
We are gradually growing up with her!
When the problems and equations are over.
And we will know a lot by heart,
We will write all the dictations, essays,
Then for a moment we will be overcome by sadness...
But we know that there is no need to be sad at all!
And we need to thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Those who taught us knowledge and friendship,
He taught me to laugh, to believe, to love life!
Thank you, dear teachers!
You have all done so much for us...
Let the graduation sounds like a cheerful whirlwind,
But we will never forget you! Our dear, beloved,
Dear teachers!
About your sincere, eternal love
We cannot remain silent today!
You tried a lot for us,
How much effort and work they put into us!
We tell you honestly and directly:
We will never forget you!

Congratulations on the last bell and graduation from classmates

We studied together for many years!
I wish you, friends, joyful victories!
So that we don't study in vain,
For knowledge to be useful,
So that on the way to your destiny
We met only kind people!
Dear and dear classmates!
I wish everyone to find love,
So that your soul burns clearly
And let the blood boil with passion.
So that they love and remain faithful,
They gave birth to a lot of children,
Let hope and honesty live in the heart
And may you live many days.
Long life to you, joy,
And let life be marmalade,
And so that from this sweetness
It always made my heart feel good! The last lesson is over,
The loud bell has fallen silent,
And bright sadness and sadness
They fly into the vast distance.
And tomorrow a new life awaits:
Don't be afraid of her. Hold on!
With your mind and work
Our Russian home will rise again.
And it will flare up, proud of its greatness,
There is a star above the Motherland of Happiness!

Beautiful congratulations for school graduates

Time flew by unnoticed
You have grown up for serious things.
A glorious path awaits some
and victorious
And for others - a simple earthly lot.
You will fly across the world,
But it will remain with you all
This is the last call forever,
And your friendly class will be remembered.
I would like to wish you so much:
And goodness, and happiness, and victories,
Without bumps in life's road,
With the benefit of beautiful lives lived,
for long years.
And also, so that you can calmly
Look into your own eyes,
Live life beautifully and with dignity,
Be lucky in your destiny.
And also, so you don’t forget
Your dear classmates,
So that they call, invite you to visit,
They spared no time on them.
And also, so that they remember the minutes,
The ones we all spent together
And more than once they flew in from everywhere
From different parts of the big Earth. The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead! From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take - the decision is yours
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life! Don't be sad that you won't be returning to school,
Youth is a wonderful time,
All we can do is wish
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Last call

Such a holiday will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov’s wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,
Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call. Good luck to you, graduate,
Happy fate and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magical spring
Will help solve all problems!
Let the dream become accessible,
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
May life and beauty please you
And a calling will be found!

We invite you to watch and download for free to congratulate graduates on graduating from school.

Life is like a book, and today is another page, but not an easy one, because in addition to words, it is decorated with the melody of the last school bell. There are an endless number of lessons behind, and difficult exams ahead, which we wish you to pass confidently and with dignity. Good luck, dear graduates!

From now on, we no longer congratulate children, but young adults standing on the threshold of their new, independent life. And the last bell, which will ring for you very soon, will become a symbol of future victories, brilliant discoveries and wonderful achievements! Take care of yourself and your hearts, keep in them the good memory of the time when you were children. Be happy!


Please accept congratulations and admiration for your youth, passion, and the fire that is now burning in your eyes! The last call is not the end, it is only a boundary separating theory and practice. Your teachers invested in you not only the knowledge of their minds, but also the experience of their hearts. Very soon you will go to a place where you can not only apply your knowledge, but also your spiritual wisdom. Don't lose this! Good luck!

Becoming an adult means not only gaining freedom of choice and independence of decisions. Becoming an adult is a great responsibility, first of all, to yourself and to those who sincerely believe in you! Therefore, we wish you to find worthy use of your knowledge, become successful people, and achieve success. And let the sound of the last bell, which will soon ring for you, become a symbol of a happy and unforgettable school time!

The last bell will ring soon! And this means that yesterday’s children will say goodbye to their school days, relatives of friends and mentors, and go into their new, adult life. But today, while the bows on the girls’ braids are still white, while the tailwind proudly flutters the graduation ribbons, allow yourself to enjoy the last moments of school a little more. And let these last minutes of childhood become the first step into your adult, independent and incredibly interesting life!

The bell rings and it's the last one. Parting words sound with him. In them, we wish you to maintain sincere faith in miracles, sensitivity and the ability to dream! Be persistent in your aspirations and then there will be no unattainable goals left! Let all the most secret things come true, and let life surprise you with only pleasant and positive surprises as often as possible! Optimism and good mood! And as they say: “No fluff, no feather!”

Starting today the last school bell will ring for you! Remember it, remember it for the rest of your life. After all, together with him you will have to part with school. And remember how quite recently, as inquisitive kids, you sat down at your desks and together comprehended this complex and completely unknown world. And everything worked out for you, you have come this long way! And now the school is letting you go. You have become strong and independent guys. Good luck friends!

A truly significant day has arrived. The day of the last school bell. It opens doors for you to new opportunities, to an independent adult life. After all, just yesterday you were little children who couldn’t even stand up for themselves, but today you can handle any challenge. Therefore, we congratulate you and wish that all your endeavors will definitely end in incredible success!

Graduates! Today, you take the first step towards a long, long journey. No one promises that this path will be easy. Many serious but interesting tests, life lessons, first disappointments and first victories await you. And all this is your life! Accept it with dignity and be happy!


Dear guys, today each of you has been awarded the honorary title - Graduate! This means that a long and happy road awaits you ahead. May the future bring you only joy, prosperity and good luck! Beautiful takeoffs and bright horizons!

On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on your last call. School years flew by very quickly and they will never come back. You have become quite an adult. But there is no need to be sad about it. After all, a completely different life opens up before you, full of new opportunities, incredible achievements and discoveries. With all my heart I wish you to enter into it with the best mood, optimism, and faith only in the good. May all your decisions be correct, may your goals be achieved, and may all your efforts be rewarded with incredible success!

In these solemn moments, we wish you great success, wonderful events in life, fulfilled hopes and incredible luck! May each of you have a lucky star shine and may the most inaccessible peaks be conquered! Dear graduates, wish you worthy goals, personal growth and great victories!

How many of them have already sounded in your life, but today it rings for the last time - your last school bell! And with joy in my soul, but with tears in my heart, the school says goodbye to you, to our dear graduates. And what can I say... Move forward confidently, achieve everything you dream of. I wish you happiness and good luck! We believe that you will definitely succeed!

P congratulating you on this significant date, I would like to say the main thing, no matter how bad you are in life - know that you can always come here, to the place where you first learned to write, make friends, fall in love, to your native, beloved school! Great victories, perseverance and achievement of all your goals!

You can no longer be called schoolchildren, now you are real graduates! But let's remember how much there was here, among these walls of friendship and quarrel, joy and happiness. Let this never be forgotten, because these years, like gold, will decorate your entire future life. And the knowledge that you received here will definitely help you become a truly significant person in life. All the best to you on your new path!

From today you say goodbye to school. Childhood is left behind, but that bright dream of selfless human happiness remains with you further. She will help you overcome any difficulties and achieve dizzying success. Just never give up, no matter what trials fate has in store! And remember that the knowledge you received at school will be a reliable shield and will help you solve any, even the most difficult problems!

You have been looking forward to this day. Well, it has arrived, but it already seems that we weren’t expecting it so much, because behind the rays of sincere joy lies sadness, sadness from parting. But the school is confident in you, the graduates, that you will not go astray, collect all the stars in your pocket, achieve fantastic success, and make everyone proud of your achievements! Happy holiday friends, good luck!

Dear Guys! Your school time has ended, and with it the kindest, most memorable time - childhood! But don’t be sad, because a huge, unknown world opens up ahead, full of bright colors, unlimited possibilities and creative inspiration! Draw and make your dreams come true in it, and childhood... childhood will forever remain in your hearts, and in the farewell trill of the last school bell.

The last call is an important event in life! Tomorrow the doors to a world of varied adventures, fascinating riddles and incredible solutions will open before each of you! Go forward boldly! A fair wind of hope will definitely show you the right course to new discoveries and achievements. Always listen to your heart, be sincere and prudent, these are the three sure tickets that will certainly lead you to your cherished dream and will definitely help you fulfill it!

From today, having crossed the school threshold, you set off into adulthood. Each of you will have your own path. And don't be afraid. After all, you have already become independent. The school helped you discover your capabilities and endowed you with a wealth of knowledge. Thanks to them, you will be able to realize your dreams and implement your plans. Never give up, we believe in you and your bright future!

First friends, first love, everything tends to end someday. But school never ends. And even today, when the last bell rings for you, it simply means that you are ready for a new life, independent, incredibly interesting, sometimes even complex and unpredictable. But you can do it, we believe in it and wish you great success!

After a long winter, the first rays of the spring sun playing on the roofs of houses and transparent window panes are especially pleasing. Clear skies are filled with ringing bird voices, and the first leaves bloom on the trees, filling the air with the unique aroma of fresh greenery. In addition, for schoolchildren, the onset of spring means that the end of the school year and the long-awaited summer holidays are just around the corner. However, before this, all domestic schools will host the Last Bell - a traditional holiday with a solemn assembly, speeches by representatives of the city administration, graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents. As a rule, for this important event, students of different classes learn songs and poems as gifts to their favorite teachers, and graduates prepare to dance their farewell school waltz at the Last Bell. A touching speech at the Last Bell from the school principal and class teacher evokes a whole storm of emotions in the souls of “yesterday’s” schoolchildren, who are now entering adulthood. So, we have prepared the best versions of the speech at the Last Bell in poetry and prose (texts and videos), which can be included in the script of the “main” school holiday or add your own notes.

Thank you speech for the Last Call from parents of 11th grade students to teachers - options in poetry and prose

For parents of 11th grade graduates, the Last Bell is an important and exciting event. Indeed, during the ceremonial assembly, many mothers and fathers feel proud of their adult children, who will very soon leave the walls of their home school and become students at various educational institutions. In a solemn and heartfelt speech at the Last Bell, parents express words of gratitude to the first teacher, class teacher and other teachers who invested knowledge and a piece of their soul into the students. Here you will find options for a thank you speech in poetry and prose from parents of 11th grade students for teachers. Use our texts when composing a solemn speech that will touch everyone present at the Last Bell.

Options for a thank you speech in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers from parents of 11th grade graduates, poetry and prose:

You taught our children

Many long, long years

The last call has come,

And there are no more lessons,

We, parents, wish

Happiness to all teachers,

Let it not be in your life

Grief, pain and problems,

We say thank you

For care and work,

They gave knowledge to our children,

Let them find their way!

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We, parents, are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy Last Bell!

The last bell rang,

Who rejoiced, who roared,

The teachers will wipe away the tears,

That's how the paths diverged.

We express our gratitude

We appreciate, love, adore you,

After all, we taught our children,

Let's bow, say thank you,

For knowledge, skills,

Our respect to you!

Touching speech in prose from parents of 9th grade at the Last Bell

School years fly by unnoticed, and now yesterday’s first-graders have “turned” into 9th grade students. So, for some ninth-graders, this year the school bell will indeed ring for the last time, because ahead of them is admission to college, technical school or college. For those who decide to continue their studies at school, the ceremonial line in honor of the Last Bell only means the end of the next school year. Be that as it may, parents congratulate their children on graduating from 9th grade, wishing them success in their studies and further achievements in life. In addition, in their solemn speech at the Last Bell, mothers and fathers do not forget to express gratitude to school teachers for their everyday and such important work. How to prepare a beautiful speech for the Last Call? We bring to your attention the best examples of speech for an event in honor of the Last Bell - the best touching texts from parents to teachers and graduates.

Examples of a touching speech in your own words in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers and students of grade 9:

9 wonderful years have flown by, which will forever remain in our memories just like the guys. Anything could happen, not everything turned out smoothly. But we knew for sure that they would listen to us here, help us, and support us. Dear teachers, administration, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children. Gratitude for your work is difficult to express in words and just as difficult to appreciate. We wish your and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

You have already come a long way in your school life. For some of you, today is really the last school bell, and adult worries lie ahead. We wish them to achieve their goal and get the desired profession. And for some, there are only a couple of school years left before the coveted certificate. We wish you a good rest during the holidays - and forward to battle, gaining new knowledge. After all, you shouldn’t relax; a large number of formulas, tasks, and works of art await you. We express special gratitude to the teachers. Thank you for investing your knowledge and soul into our children. Your work is invaluable! Heartfelt thanks!

The last bell has rung! The results of the next academic year have been summed up. Our children spent nine years shoulder to shoulder with each other. Now someone will leave to conquer new horizons, and someone will sit at their home desk for a couple of years. We wish you to find yourself, find your purpose and decide on the place you want to occupy in this world. I wish you success, good luck, ease and great achievements!

A beautiful speech on the Last Call from graduates in prose - to parents and teachers

The last bell is a touching and slightly sad holiday, long remembered by graduates, their parents and teachers. So, for boys in formal suits and girls in touching brown dresses with white aprons, all this is the last time - the ceremonial ceremony, the parting words of teachers, and the ringing trill of the school bell. In turn, graduates prepare beautiful solemn speeches for the Last Bell addressed to their beloved teachers, who over the years have become truly family and friends. As a rule, for such a speech they choose a “speaker” - a graduate with good diction, who, on behalf of all “yesterday’s” schoolchildren, delivers a speech of gratitude in prose or poetry. In our selection you will find several original texts of speeches for the Last Call - they can be used as a template when composing a speech for teachers and parents.

Template texts for ceremonial speeches in prose for the Last Bell from graduates for parents and teachers:

Today we are graduates, all doors and all paths are open to us. And we have to make a difficult choice in favor of one profession or another. But no matter how our future life turns out, we will never forget our native school and our beloved teachers. After all, everything we achieve in life will be only thanks to you and the knowledge you gave us. Today the last bell will ring for us, and its ringing will remain in our hearts forever, just like you and your lessons. Even if our relationship was not always smooth, even if we sometimes misunderstood each other. But we always found a compromise and a way out of difficult situations. We learned a lot from you, and understood a lot about life thanks to you. Thank you for this, because school is the first serious exam in life.

Dear our teachers! We, graduates, want to thank you for your work. To say thank you for giving us knowledge, and with it a “start” to adulthood. Today we will become “free” people, because we will become more mature. But this will give us responsibilities, because we have to become more responsible and independent. Now we have no one to rely on, nowhere to wait for clues. Now all responsibility for the correctness of the decision rests only with us. But we believe that we can withstand all this and pass the exam of life with flying colors. And all because we had the best teachers in the world, our favorite teachers!

Our beloved parents! Dear mothers and fathers, irreplaceable grandparents, dear aunts and uncles! Today is the important day for us to say goodbye to school and enter a new stage of life. We are grateful to you not only for being there at such an important moment, but also for leading us through life all these years. We know that at times it was not easy for you, but you steadfastly and courageously overcame all obstacles, hiding your children behind a safe back.

Parting speech of the class teacher at the Last Bell in grades 9 and 11 - in poetry and prose

Many adults often remember their class teacher with warmth. And it’s not surprising, because it is this person who occupies a special place in the life of every schoolchild - sometimes on a par with mothers and fathers. When graduating their students from their home school, each class teacher feels a sense of pride and concern for their future fate. According to tradition, in the parting speech at the Last Bell from the “cool mom”, students in grades 9 and 11 receive a lot of good wishes - achieving their goals, success in their careers and happiness in their personal lives. To prepare for a speech at the assembly dedicated to the Last Bell, we recommend using our examples of speech in poetry and prose on behalf of the class teacher.

The best examples of a parting speech for the Last Bell from the class teacher - poetry and prose for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

I am finishing 11th grade for the second time in my life. I remember how I stood and listened to the parting words of my class teacher, and did not even suspect that many years would pass and I would finish 11th grade again, only not as a graduate, but as a class teacher. My role has changed, but my feelings haven’t changed at all! I have a feeling that there is no you and me... there is WE! There is one big soul. I really want you to keep the warmest memories of school!

Don't be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,

Live for success and bright successes!

Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare

And learn everything that is useful for life!

Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,

Look for your soul mate on earth!

Dream, be surprised and please your friends,

Remain a light and happiness for your loved ones!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you set for yourself!

A heartfelt speech at the Last Bell from the school principal

The principal’s speech with a solemn speech has long become a good tradition at the school-wide assembly dedicated to the Last Bell. Every year, the school principal congratulates graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the beginning of their new adult lives, expressing in his speech his best wishes and words of encouragement. In order for the Last Bell to be remembered by all those present as an amazing and vibrant event, it is important to deviate from “standard” phrases and fill your speech with soulful warmth and sincerity. Thus, the words of the director that each of the graduates, be it an “A” student or a “C” student, is an amazing and worthy person worthy of respect will certainly arouse the listeners’ attention and “live” interest. We are confident that the speech options we have proposed for the Last Bell will find a sincere response from graduates, parents and the entire teaching staff of the school.

Options for the school principal’s speech at the Last Bell for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for some, it will sound for the first time in the fall... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Please accept congratulations and wishes from us - to successfully pass your exams, go to the prom like in a fairy tale, have an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

Congratulations on your graduation from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, so that the carriage of life easily and happily carries you along the path of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties. Let everyone you need be nearby. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Solemn speech at the Last Bell - from the city administration, video

It is customary to invite representatives of the city, district or village administration as guests of honor to the ceremony dedicated to the Last Bell. Addressing the audience, officials express gratitude to the teaching staff of the school for the work done to educate the new generation, and congratulations to the graduates on this important life event. The ceremonial speech of the head of the city administration, presented in the video, can be included in the script for the upcoming Last Bell for any secondary school. Happy holiday, dear graduates!

How to prepare a solemn speech for the Last Call? On our pages you will find different text options and video speeches at the Last Bell - from graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents, class teacher and school principal, and a representative of the city administration. Wishing you touching speeches and grateful listeners!
