An ideal wish for your father on Defender of the Fatherland Day in your own words.

On the glorious Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulations await not only brave men from “hot spots”, veterans of the Great Patriotic War or professional military personnel. Teachers, programmers, doctors, chefs, architects and even artists deserve to hear good wishes for February 23 in poetry or prose. On this day, literally all representatives of the strong half of humanity (with the exception of cowardly “deviators”) should feel like real heroes of their country, family, work and friendly team. On the eve of February 23, girls, young women and women should work hard to find the coolest wishes for male colleagues, friends and classmates. Or be smart and briefly congratulate the defenders in your own words via SMS.

Official wishes to men on February 23 in verse

February 23 is the most controversial date on the calendar. Either this is International Men's Day, which duplicates women's celebration, or Defender of the Fatherland Day in general and Red Army Day in particular. In any case, every year at the same time throughout the country, official wishes to men on February 23 are heard in verse. In educational institutions and in work offices, at television concerts and on radio broadcasts - all official wishes in verse and prose from leaders, artists and political figures charge the holiday with special energy and raise the long-dormant morale of men throughout the wider Russian Federation.

A man always strives for the heights,

He is ready to help if help is needed.

A man goes towards his goal

He fights, searches and rushes forward

A man is ready to argue with fate

Will withstand the battle of life with dignity.

And every man will not give up the fight

He is faithful to the Fatherland, he is true to himself.

Let the ancient thunder of Victory

Reminds me of the past

And we will congratulate you in a peaceful hour

All those who protect us!

For a stable and peaceful world

We bring it with respect

On a truly masculine holiday

Our congratulations!

Our dear men,

Let me congratulate you!

Your kindness and strength

We want to praise today!

Fate is not easy at times,

You are not gods - just people.

Our humble heroes

We appreciate you, we love you!

Wishes to men for the holiday of February 23 in prose

February 23 is not an exclusively military holiday. Formally, the celebration is considered Defender of the Fatherland Day, but in real life it is dedicated to every small and adult hero. Boys protect girls every day during school breaks and in the street in the yard, boys protect parents and pensioners from hard work and everyday problems, men become a real support and shield for their families. Even for this, we are obliged to dedicate wishes for the holiday of February 23 to our heroes in prose.

Every man is a protector. But he is a defender not only of his homeland, but also of a small part of it - his family. Therefore, may your families, dear men, always feel like behind a stone wall with you, and may peace and prosperity never leave your home. Happy holiday!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, we want to congratulate our dear men and wish them a strong and loving family, a cozy home, health - everything that real men need. And may they never have the opportunity to protect their loved ones from real danger! Happy February 23rd!

All men in childhood love to play war, run around with pistols and imagine themselves as fearless pilots and tank crews. On this day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, we want to wish you that the game remains a game, and that you never have to shoot at people for real in order to protect your loved ones. Peaceful sky above your head! Happy holiday!

Best wishes for dad on February 23rd in verse

Dad is the most important man in every girl's life. He is the best defender, a reliable support, quick help and support in any situation. Even if your father has nothing to do with military service, he deserves no less than others the best congratulations for the holiday of February 23 in verse. After all, the most important service is to stand every day guarding peace and order in one’s own home, in one’s own and beloved family.

Choose the best wishes for dad for February 23 in verse, write beautiful lines in a holiday card and give it to the bravest and bravest man at the right time.

Daddy is the main protector from troubles!

Strong, reliable, intelligent, skillful!

The whole world is celebrating with you today -

Know that you are my hero, beautiful and brave!

On the February holiday, wonderful, masculine

I wish only the best for you!

Life is always good and easy for me

Knowing that dad is protecting me!

You are a real man

Looking far ahead,

The kindest, fairest,

Patient with shortcomings!

Dad! May they protect you

All saints from adversity

On this day and all year!

Always be a support for mom,

Help quickly and easily

Don't get angry over trifles

Be happy in spite of your enemies!

Happy twenty-third of February,

Daddy, dear!

You are the best for me,


I want to congratulate you

Happy Men's Day,

Let all sorrows melt away

This day is like smoke!

I also wish you happiness,

And have a good day,

So that everything is perfect

On your soul!

An ideal wish for your father on Defender of the Fatherland Day in your own words

The most ideal wish for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day does not have to be woven into complex networks of rhymes and stanzas. You can express gratitude and warm daughterly love to your father in prose, in your own words. Sometimes ordinary prose lines, spoken sincerely and from the heart, can convey hundreds of times more emotions and excitement.

The day of February 23rd is definitely associated with the word “Defender”. Dad - you are exactly the person who served as a bastion of reliability in childhood and to this day does not allow the grievances of adult life to become the “last straw”! This is truly your holiday, my dear! Strength and youth, health and peace to you!

Daddy, congratulating you on February 23, we want to admit to you that for us you have always been, are and will be the standard of a real Man, ready at any moment to protect his family and friends, capable of solving all everyday problems with a slight smile on his face and sincerely wishing us goodness and happiness.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I want to congratulate you, a person next to whom I feel very calm. I know that you will protect me from any storms, adversity, dangers, that you will come to my aid at the first call and even when I don’t ask you for anything. I associate your inner strength with a reliable wall behind which you can hide and not be afraid of anything. I believe in you, I love you, I'm proud of you!

Short wishes for February 23rd to your brother

It cannot be said that there is nothing to choose from for short wishes for February 23rd. On the contrary, too many different poetic lines give rise to bewilderment. Little funny poems, long pathetic odes, beautiful lyrical poetry: brother is different from brother, that’s why there are a lot of different wishes for the holiday of February 23rd. Find the best of them in our collection.

Today is a holiday for all men,

And both old and young are glad to see him!

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day

I hasten to congratulate you brother!

Happy twenty-third of February,

My precious brother!

Congratulate you on this day

I'm certainly glad!

Please accept congratulations

From me rather:

Live happily ever after

Without even getting sick!

Who's on the border today?

Who keeps the country in peace?

He who doesn't drink doesn't have fun -

Your family.

Cheerful wishes to your brother in prose for the holiday of February 23

If your brother is an extraordinary and creative person, you should not resort to standard poetic techniques. Remember one or two stories with elements of heroic rescue from childhood (from a neighbor’s dog, for example, or from a bully in someone else’s yard), and remind your brother of them, painting the power of his valor and courage. Let him know that your appreciation and gratitude have always been limitless. In addition, such a congratulation in prose for February 23 will remain in the memory of your dear hero for a long time.

Brother! Happy February 23rd! So that all your efforts and works are always appreciated with dignity, women are crazy about you, your wallet is full of large bills, and your head is full of smart thoughts!

Happy men's day, brother! I wish you a pre-spring mood and bright romantic impressions, masculine achievements and delight on the part of your beloved!

Dear brother! I wish you a lot of money, but don’t become greedy, constant demand, but without arrogance, beautiful girls, but without philandering! Happy February 23rd!

Traditional wishes to classmates in verse for February 23

When choosing traditional wishes in verse for a classmate on the holiday of February 23, you should first determine your attitude towards the hero of the occasion. If you have a strong friendship, congratulatory lines may contain the best wishes and parting words, funny sayings and elements of humor. If traditional wishes to classmates in poems for February 23 are chosen purely out of a sense of decency, they can be restrainedly cool and more official. In both the first and second cases, congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day should not be offensive, but must be pleasant.

On a difficult day and in a difficult hour

You are able to protect us.

You are each a personality and a hero -

Defenders of the native country

We wish you to become even stronger,

Kinder, stronger, more fun.

We will always be proud of you.

Boys, we love you very much!

You were born for happiness and victories:

Be defenders of your State.

May you not be many years old now

You were born for valor and glory.

And we look at you with hope,

Wishing you good luck at this hour.

We are proud of you for good reason.

Dear classmates!

Today, on Men's Day,

Are you gathered at the holiday?

All together - as one!

So that you grow up faster,

We wish you to strive for your goal,

Live happily, know no sorrow

And achieve a lot in life!

Interesting wishes for boys in prose on Defender of the Fatherland Day

If it’s difficult for you to choose interesting and concise wishes for a classmate, so as not to be overwhelmed by thoughts, use our short selection. Here you will find a good wish in prose to congratulate the boys from the class on February 23 in the most original and unusual way.

Even from school, young boys are taught to be real men, loyal patriots and real warriors. On the day of February 23, I want to wish my classmates to remember the truth of life - a true defender has courageous actions, strong character and a kind heart. Let him, having crossed the threshold of childhood, firmly take a step on the right path. Let your enthusiasm and boyishness not prevent you from making serious life plans. Become a strong support for parents and true heroes of the country.

Our dear boys! You who are our support and protection from all life’s adversities. I wish you all the best, good luck and success in your business and career. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear classmates!

Dear classmates, happy holiday, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish: to always be heroes and real men in the eyes of beautiful creatures, teachers, mentors; honor work; constantly replenish your knowledge; have an inner core and the right to choose a peaceful life; make the right decisions in difficult situations; never offend the weak; courage to endure difficulties; to be valiantly proud of the Motherland; be able to protect your loved ones and stand up for yourself. Be strong, strong, brave, invincible!

Short wishes for February 23rd to colleagues via SMS

If you are relaxed and verbose enough, speak in the work office in front of an entire male team with a long original speech about their valor, bravery and courage. Especially during the period of quarterly reports and director's inspections. Well, if you haven’t mastered public speaking skills, send short wishes for February 23 to your colleagues via SMS. Don't forget to add a couple of funny congratulations in pictures and a good joke on the topic of defenders of the Fatherland.

Not hiding good words,

Happy twenty third of February

We hasten to congratulate our colleagues

Leave the warmth of hearts

And thank you to say

That you could become a support!

I'm from the twenty-third of February

I would like to congratulate my colleagues:

We worked together not in vain,

Winter is almost over, but the holiday is just beginning! Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of February 23! On this day we wish all the defenders and defenders of our vast Motherland excellent physical health, spiritual balance, joy and love! We wish you clear skies above your head and good mood!

February 23 is a symbol of masculinity, nobility and protection. I wish that every woman perceives this day this way and sees support and understanding in the men around her. Let there be less disappointment in relationships, and let men, like real soldiers, fight for the happiness of their women!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is customary to congratulate not only military personnel. Such a day allows us to congratulate friends, family and all those who keep our home, all those who do not leave us in trouble. Happy February 23rd to all of you! We have walked a long path together called life, and this alone allows me to call you true protectors and devoted friends.

There are many men in the world - kind, brave, responsible and not so much. But you are the strongest and most reliable among them. Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Protect not only the country, but also me from evil troubles and sad mood. I wish you unbending willpower, health and joyful, sunny days!

Dear Defenders, thanks to you we do not forget that the Fatherland is not an abstract irregular spot on the globe - it is all of us! Let this unity support you in difficult moments in the service and warm your soul on days of rest! Be loved and respected, cheerful and lucky, calm and happy!

Congratulations to all real men on Defenders of the Fatherland Day. And I wish that every man could, under a peaceful sky, give birth to a healthy son in love, build a cozy house in harmony, and plant a whole garden near him in joy. And so that you never have to take up arms to protect your family and your home. Peace of love and happiness to you.

My beloved son, I want to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. The years have flown by unnoticed, and you have become such an adult. Now I can proudly say that I have raised a real defender, whom I love very much. Happy holiday son, all the best and lots of happiness!

My dear brother, I want to congratulate you on February 23 and wish you to remain a strong and persistent man in a difficult situation. Remain desirable and faithful to the woman you love, remain devoted and close to your friends. And always remain a loved and obedient boy for our parents. Happy holiday!

Dear uncle, with all my heart I would like to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you all the best that there is in this world. You are a real man who will achieve everything and always. The main thing is not to deviate from your goal and everything will work out. Happy February 23rd!

They say that on February 23 only those who serve or have already served in the army should be congratulated. Bullshit! The main thing is that your girlfriend considers you a real man who can protect you if something happens and provide a strong shoulder in difficult situations. And it's all about you. So, happy holiday, buddy!

Dear daddy, I want to congratulate you on February 23rd. You are a true protector, first of all, the protector of our large and strong family. Thank you for this, we really appreciate and respect you. Happy holiday to a real man, yours, our beloved daddy!

Today the stronger half will receive congratulations from the fair half on Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, dear, from my side I congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you great health, fabulous luck and great love. Although, with love we are all right

Dear, on February 23rd I give you permission to do whatever you want. I won’t scream, swear or get angry at you, I will do it on February 24th! Happy holiday, beloved!

Colleague, did you hear that the boss promised to give all men a bonus by February 23? Haven't you heard? How did you miss this? But first, the boss will check which of you is a real man and worthy of this award! Happy holiday to real men!

Nephew, I’m ready to happily admit that yesterday on TV they announced the end of conscription into the army. Now you have nothing to fear! P.S. All dreams come true on February 23.... Happy holiday!

Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, your willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know your boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

We are proud and admire you every day, but today is such a holiday, February 23, when special words are needed! I congratulate you and wish you to always be happy, namely, purposeful, successful, surrounded by faithful associates and loving people, talented and generous.

Men, colleagues!
On this holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we want to wish you health, no matter how banal it may sound, but it is so important, and no wealth can replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved ones, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

My dear man, your holiday has finally arrived, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Everything is fine with our defense, but I will take care of the rear. Happy February 23, dear!

In a warrior, not only muscle power has always been valued, but also strength of mind, kindness and honor! You have all this, you are just the perfect collection of the values ​​of a real man! Please accept my congratulations on February 23 and may luck always smile on you and your dreams come true!

Today I congratulate you, a man in the prime of his life and years, an educated interlocutor, a loyal friend and simply an invaluable guy, on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are a real mountain for us, and if something happens, we will boldly entrust our destinies to you! So let your destiny be happy, life easy and carefree, and your dreams come true!

We congratulate you on February 23! Today you are as beautiful as always - confident, proud, polite and moderately modest, don’t be surprised that we love you so much and accept our wishes! Let there be happiness in your life, not necessarily crowned with magnificent decorations, but simple, warm, reliable and durable with which you can live and smile for many years!

On this solemn day, please accept my congratulations on the holiday of February 23! With all my heart, I wish you to always be strong and brave, always surrounded by faithful comrades, may they all be proud, adding up stories about you! Live happily and every day, smiling broadly, boldly and march forward!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all men, young and old. On this wonderful, slightly harsh winter holiday, I would like to remember our grandfathers and fathers, who with their sweat and blood proved what they were ready for for the sake of their Motherland. I would like to appeal to both our husbands and our brothers, wishing them never to experience the horrors of war and to prove their devotion to their power only in the peaceful field. I would also like to congratulate our children, boys, each of whom already has that resilience, that devotion and that fortitude that not only turns a boy into a man, but also makes him a real Defender of the Fatherland. Happy holiday, dear men, and peaceful days to all of us! We women are always ready and happy to be proud of you!

Among many other “red days” of the calendar, I would like to especially note Defender of the Fatherland Day - the most important holiday for all men. Thus, throughout its hundred-year history, February 23 has always remained an important day, celebrated with great scope and solemnity. In honor of this significant date, we have selected funny congratulations on February 23 - in poetry and prose in your own words, short SMS with humor to your beloved husband, dad, boyfriend, colleagues, themed pictures and postcards. Happy upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear men!

Cool congratulations on February 23 in verse to men - colleagues, husband, dad

February 23 was first celebrated in 1919 as “Red Army Day”, and began to be celebrated on an ongoing basis only three years later. True, the name of the holiday has changed - to Red Army and Navy Day. Today, Defender of the Fatherland Day still remains one of the favorite and long-awaited dates, causing pride and joy for our dear boys and men. We offer to please the “heroes” of the occasion by preparing cool congratulations on February 23 in verse. Such a cool congratulation can be said at a meeting or sent in the form of a short SMS to a colleague, husband, or dad.

A selection of funny congratulations in verse for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

Men's Day is a great holiday.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Drink beer, eat fish,
Lie down on the sofa.

Go to the bathhouse with friends,
And then go to the pub,
Well, at night, an ardent macho
Stand for pleasure, of course.

Scatter your socks around the house
Crumble the chips in bed.
But there will be a reckoning for everything
On Women's Day, trust me.

For a real man
Can handle all tasks!
To all of you - valiant and strong
I want to wish now.

Let the boss be kind
And my wife is not capricious,
And the mood is dashing and cheerful!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The general has stripes,
The ensign has a whole warehouse,
And I have only phrases,
To wish all men:
Think about the good more often,
To the ball - less often from the ship,
And in general – more of everything!
And - happy twenty-third of February!

Our holiday evening was decorated
Twenty third of February.
Wish men happiness
It was not in vain that we decided...
May happiness be with them,
Everything is going like clockwork
Let them buy themselves gifts,
The era of men will come!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let fate shower you with tenderness,
And he will pour joy into his pocket,
By removing the dirty tricks from the road.

And he will slip a cart of success,
And love - to infinity,
And let friends be faithful,
Immense happiness will be found!

Funny short congratulations with humor - Happy February 23rd to male colleagues

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is customary at many enterprises to prepare funny congratulations on February 23 - to the boss and male colleagues. According to tradition, employees surprise the stronger half of the office in the form of a festive table with treats and original gifts. A collection of funny short congratulations on February 23 will add a touch of humor, diluting the solemn “officiality” of the event.

How fun it is to congratulate male colleagues on February 23rd

Today on the calendar sheet,

Date of courage, bravery and strength,

Happy holiday, dear men!

I wish you always have good luck,

Salaries rose like dough,

Tasty wine always flows

And for love to have a place in the heart!

Our colleagues today are soldiers,
Well, the boss then is a general.
Come on, form a column, guys!
Our heroes are not afraid of emergency situations!

To you who show great hope,
We wish you to live in peace and joy.
Each of you has dignity, a core,
Everyone will still have time to surprise.

I wish you, male colleagues,
No matter how sharp the break in life is,
Grow a forest, give birth to a daughter and a son,
And build an amazing house!

I hasten to congratulate you on this significant day for men and I want to say that I feel calm at work, because I know that if anything happens, you will always protect me! I wish you success in your career and fulfillment of your dreams! Congratulations on February 23!

Happy holiday, beloved colleagues! We want to say thank you for putting up with our feminine antics, helping us cope with difficulties in work and taking care of us. We wish that not only we love you, but that loving women are always waiting for you at home, that you are happy, and that all your dreams come true as soon as possible.

I wish you the twenty-third,
May every day give you good luck,
So that your life is happy,
And so that you always have enough strength for everything!

Let your health be like flint
Want to live luxuriously and richly,
And for this, let on this bright day
All of your salaries will increase!

Funny congratulations on February 23 with humor to men - in poetry, prose, video

The twenty-third of February is considered an official holiday for all men - even if they are not related to the army or military service. On this wonderful winter day, men happily “bathe” in women’s attention, accepting a lot of sincere congratulations and wishes. Despite the solemn “severity” of the holiday, on Defender of the Fatherland Day you can hear many jokes and good jokes addressed to men of all ages. Our cool short congratulations on February 23 in prose and poetry on video will appeal to colleagues, husband, dad, and beloved boyfriend.

Options for cool congratulations for men on February 23

Today the strong half of our Motherland has a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which means it’s time to congratulate and praise our dear men without sparing epithets! In a solemn moment, we collectively wish to always be in the ranks, even if you have never been a general, to be brave and reasonable in every decision, moderately serious and good-naturedly cheerful!

Our men have golden hands,

Our husbands don’t sit around out of boredom,

They have different classes,

Some are making noise in the garage, others are quiet while fishing.

We love you as you are

Well, defender, we wish
So that you find a lot of money,
So that my wife doesn’t nag,
And let me go to football,
Well, at this time I would like to
I was preparing lunch for you
I would serve it with beer,
There is no price for such a wife,
And you for all her efforts,
Give her different flowers
Love her, try to take care of her,
After all, remember that you are the protector!

I wish you no refusal today,

Everyone wants to receive gifts.

Favorite shows so that everything is on TV,

We could entertain you all day.

So that friends come to visit in droves

And we celebrated the men's holiday with you!

February 23 is a holiday for real men, so I wish you to celebrate it to the fullest, because it’s your day! Have a great mood – and not only today! Good company, grateful and interesting friends! Travel, adrenaline, excitement for life!

Video with cool congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Funny congratulations on the upcoming February 23rd to men - short in prose

In 2019, Defender of the Fatherland Day will celebrate its centenary - many interesting events are planned for this significant date. So, in honor of all the boys and men, future and present defenders of the Motherland, we have selected short, funny congratulations on February 23 in prose. May this wonderful holiday bring a lot of bright impressions to all men - have a good mood!

Texts of funny congratulations in prose in your own words for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations on February 23 and I want to wish you never to lose strength and health, always maintain the fire of optimism in your soul and constantly strengthen your nature and strong masculine character.

Congratulations on February 23 and with all my heart I wish you to be fair and honest in any battle, to win victory and respect in any fight, to reach the heights of happiness and love in your life.

Dear men, on February 23, please accept congratulations on the holiday and sympathy due to the fact that in the near future only March 8 awaits you. And you need to find the remaining courage in yourself to spend on gifts for your female half not as much as they want, but as much as you can afford, while being convincing enough that everything possible has been done.

Grandpa, company to attention, company to rise! These words are probably painfully familiar to you? So I invite you to take an unforgettable walk today so that you can repeat these words again and again. The company as part of our family is waiting for you to visit! Happy February 23rd!

Congratulations on Defender's Day, we would like to wish that you always have someone to protect, have the strength to protect, and that you are always duly honored and appreciated.

Short funny congratulations on February 23rd - to your beloved husband with humor

As Defender of the Fatherland Day approaches, I so want to beautifully congratulate my beloved husband so that this holiday will be remembered for a long time. In addition to traditional socks and shaving foam, we offer to give your spouse short, funny congratulations on February 23 with humor - from our collection.

A collection of funny congratulations for your beloved husband on February 23

My protector and support,
You are the best, no doubt.
You are always a hero for me,
My dear hubby!
I congratulate you
Happy February 23rd!

I'll give you new socks,
I’ll make a pot of borscht,
I'll put on a red peignoir
I will set passions on fire.
Everything today is for you.
Happy February 23rd!

Today is the Day of Brave Men
And I want to wish you
The most unseen man
Successful days in your destiny.

Health, courage and strength,
Good luck, cheerfulness, love,
You are yours every day, beloved husband,
Live an easy and fun life!

My faithful husband, my knight without fear and reproach! I want to always see you cheerful and energetic, admire your determination, never doubt the reliability of your hands and know that for you, even in old age, I will remain the beautiful Dulcinea! I just ask: don’t fight the mills, my love!

Congratulations to my husband on February 23,
I wish him happiness and love.
Let him take a break from everything today,
I will suffer for him today.
You are the best,
My world would be a worse place without you.
I wish you health and strength,
So that he always carries me in his arms.

Funny funny congratulations to dad on February 23 - with humor and jokes

In the life of every woman, the father is the most important man, a real support and support. If you decide to please your beloved dad, learn a cool greeting on February 23rd or send a short SMS. Such a funny congratulation with humor can also be said in the form of a toast at the holiday table.

Choose a cool congratulation on February 23 for your beloved dad

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Dear dad, congratulations,
And, of course, long life
I wish you this day.

Dad, I'm proud of you
You are the best of fathers!
Peace, joy, peace!
Be happy, loved, healthy.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Congratulations to you, daddy.
Health, long life,
I wish you from my heart.

You are the best daddy in the world
You are my protector and support.
I wish you only happiness,
Day after day, always and again!

On this true holiday of men
I wish you, father,
So that peace reigns in your heart,
But to always be a fighter in spirit.

I congratulate my dad
With the fact that I was a soldier for a long time,
I'll give him a big book,
After all, he is a big boy now!

Today is our folder's holiday! You are brave, strong, courageous and generally a cool guy! But if you make mom angry, she will put us all to bed. Therefore, I wish you courage and bravery!

Cool congratulations to a guy on February 23 - in pictures and postcards

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to congratulate your beloved guy, wishing him to remain as strong, decisive and gentle. Here you will find the coolest congratulations on February 23 in pictures and postcards, best wishes with humor.

Pictures with congratulations to a guy on February 23

So, on our pages you can always find cool congratulations on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day - in poetry and prose with humor, pictures and postcards, short and long texts for your beloved husband, dad, boyfriend, work colleagues and other men.

Today everyone knows: February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. In addition, it is a holiday for all men, and more recently also women, who serve or have served in the Army. The original purpose of the celebration was propaganda of the Red Army. Indeed, the official date of the birth of the holiday goes back to the roots of the birth of the new Land of the Soviets. It was on February 23, 1918, almost a century ago, that the mobilization of all men to defeat the enemy during the First World War was announced. Since then, the names of the celebration, as well as its essence, have changed more than once. Today, for Defender of the Fatherland Day, we are preparing not weapons, but congratulations on February 23 to men. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all representatives of the strong half of humanity - from kids in kindergarten to gray-haired elders. In 2002, this day became a public holiday. For this reason, we congratulate our work colleagues in advance - some with postcards with poetry, some with official prose. Those who did not have time to wish men health and masculinity in time send them the funniest short SMS, video cards with humor, and emails with funny pictures on the morning of the holiday.

Best congratulations to colleagues on February 23 - Poems and surprises for men

Very little time has passed since men rushed around the city, looking for New Year's gifts for their loved ones, colleagues and girlfriends. Time flies - now it’s the ladies’ turn to congratulate their friends and workmates on February 23rd. Friendly teams organize corporate events; enterprises organize tea parties, where at the table, in a warm atmosphere, congratulatory poems are read to employees and small, but always pleasant surprises are given.

Congratulations, men!

This calendar day is

A holiday of courage and strength.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

Happiness, joy, good luck,

Favors of fate

And a lot of love to boot!

Congratulations! Let today

The words are spoken in your honor!

Let a smile touch your heart,

The look will shine with happiness.

A celebration of courage and passion

On a piece of calendar.

I wish you happiness!

Accept congratulations in verse

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, men!

We wish you feats of arms in business,

Only tenderness is more important to us than your strength.

May there be victories and success in life,

And the decisions are wise and fair.

Congratulations on this holiday to all of you!

Be happy, desired and loved!

On this calendar day

All attention to men

And, of course, for good reason.

What would we do without you?

Without your loving eyes?

It's impossible to live in the world

Without beautiful gentle phrases!

We will always love you,

Cherish this happiness

We promise you, men,

Examples of congratulations to men on February 23 – Ditties and poems for colleagues

Men live well in teams where the majority of their colleagues are women. There is no need to think long about how their employees will congratulate them. The heroes of the occasion will definitely be invited to the festive table (not necessarily a “sweet” one), they will be given gifts, poetry will be read, and even ditties will be sung with all their hearts. In the offices at the beginning of the 20th of February, corporate parties and ceremonial events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day will be held.

Sincere congratulations on February 23 to men - Small SMS with humor

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t have time to personally congratulate your man on February 23 or you simply can’t do it because of the long distance separating you. In this case, send him a small humorous telephone message with sincere wishes for good and prosperity. The SMS will arrive within a few seconds, no matter where the recipient is. In addition to SMS, you can send messages from your smartphone in applications such as WhatsApp, Viber or through popular messengers.

On this calendar day

All attention to men

And, of course, for good reason.

What would we do without you?

Without your loving eyes?

It's impossible to live in the world

Without beautiful gentle phrases!

We will always love you,

Cherish this happiness

We promise you, men,

Defender of the Fatherland

We wish you strength and joy,

Health, a lot of wisdom,

And courage and bravery.

Our dear men,

We want to wish you

Failures and defeats

You never know in life.

Be happy and healthy

And you are successful everywhere!

May fate smile on you

At work and in the family!

Examples of SMS with humor - Congratulatory messages to men on February 23

If you want to congratulate several men on February 23 at once, send them small SMS. Keep the phone message short. Today, a lot of examples of ready-made messages for sending them by phone are published - you can use them or the examples published on this page.

The country knows its heroes

And he doesn’t forget on holidays.

And I congratulate you too,

I wish you good health.

Decent friends, respect

And career advancement!

On men's day I want health

Definitely wish

So that the sky is peaceful,

You didn't have to fight.

I congratulate you

And with all my heart I wish

Happiness without end and edge,

Sun in the blue sky,

So that luck comes to the house,

So that everything is perfect

And today, and then!

Short congratulations to men on February 23 - Wishes in prose

If you congratulate older men, do it in prose. This way you can tell them more sincere, sincere words, wishing them to remain young and cheerful in spirit always and in any circumstances. When congratulating your boss, give him a small “masculine” gift - a bottle of good alcohol, a pen with a gold nib, an organizer, etc.

Examples of short congratulations to men on February 23 in prose - Wishes in your own words

When congratulating adult men “in rank” on February 23, avoid humorous, funny poems and jokes. You will be thanked, but probably not understood. Wish them peace, love and the fulfillment of all their good intentions in prose - in your own words you will say all this much more sincerely.

Happy World Men's Day. I wish you to always be on top, conquer unprecedented heights, confidently strive for your dreams, remain unshakable in any situation in life, hope only for the best and believe in your luck.

I sincerely congratulate you on World Men’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you unquenchable courage of the heart and courage of the soul, undoubted luck and stable blessings, true goals and gallant victories, reliable comrades and sincere love, noble deeds and an optimistic mood.

I sincerely congratulate you on World Men’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you unquenchable courage of the heart and courage of the soul, undoubted luck and stable blessings, true goals and gallant victories, reliable comrades and sincere love, noble deeds and an optimistic mood. The funniest congratulations to men on February 23

If your loved one has a great sense of humor, choose the funniest congratulations for him on February 23rd. It could be a cool verse, an unexpected gift, or a remake song. As a rule, young guys serving in the Army are always congratulated with funny cards, ditties of their own composition, and various toasts in verse.

Examples of the funniest congratulations for February 23 - Pleasant surprises for men

Do you already know how to congratulate your man on February 23? Make it fun! Let your loved one never lose heart - you will like our examples of the funniest congratulations to all representatives of the stronger sex! If not, write your own cool poem!

For kindness, love and affection

And for your fatherly advice

We wish you, our dear

Health, happiness, long life.

With them the lamps shine brighter!

And there are countless dishes on the festive table.

They are a joy to us and our children.

Thank you, men, for existing.

Even though you don't wear a uniform,

But we know that in difficult times

You are just like all soldiers,

Save the Motherland.

Congratulations on February 23 to men - Official wishes to colleagues in prose

Not all teams allow familiar relations. If your boss is a serious man who does not tolerate jokes, officially congratulate him on February 23rd. To do this, write him your wishes in prose on a postcard in advance. Of course, on Defender of the Fatherland Day you should not leave him without a gift. It can't be a box of chocolates or a set of sweets: save these wonderful gifts for March 8th. If your boss is an authoritarian personality and a strict person, please him with the whole team by reading him wishes for Defender of the Fatherland Day and giving him a gift from your entire team.

Examples of official wishes to colleagues in prose - Congratulations to men on the occasion of February 23

It is best to congratulate a boss or a man holding a leadership position not personally, but on behalf of the entire team. To do this, you should choose a day when your colleagues will not be as busy with work as always. Select several people to officially congratulate the boss - let them wish him well-being and prosperity. This is best done in prose, officially.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your loved ones and family, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of courage, nobility and honor! With all my heart I wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! May the difficulties encountered on your path always be easily overcome. Good health, warmth and festive mood!

The most valuable thing in our lives is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. No matter what this holiday is called, it has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, dignity and honor. Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues - Postcards with poems to dear men

The most banal, as it may seem to many, but, at the same time, the surest way to say kind words to men on February 23 is to sign greeting cards for them. Today, such postcards can be purchased at any large shopping center or specialized stores. Often ready-made wishes are printed on them in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can always supplement the card with poems dedicated to a colleague, friend, friend.

Examples of greeting cards with poems for men - Wishes to colleagues on February 23

If you are going to congratulate all your colleagues on February 23, go to a store that sells themed cards. If none of them “like” you and you know for sure that the hero of the occasion is unlikely to like it, just buy a greeting card at the nearest kiosk and sign it with poems, examples of which you will find here.

Tomorrow girls will congratulate their beloved men, husbands and fathers on February 23rd. In connection with this holiday, the women's portal has prepared the most original congratulations on February 23 to men in prose. Write down funny short SMS congratulations for men on February 23rd!


While the fair half of society is scouring the shops in search of men, we have selected the most relevant short SMS congratulations for men on February 23 at your request.

Congratulations on February 23 to men in prose

Congratulations on the most brutal holiday of the year - February 23! I would like to wish real men more strength, patience, good luck and goodness! May there always be peace and tranquility in your homes. Let your loved ones always be under your impenetrable protection! I wish that more worthy defenders of the Motherland grow up in your families, so that they can always take your example of bravery, bravery and justice!

Dear men, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without war, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, your skills multiply, your achievements exceed all expectations, those around you please, your family gives strength and inspiration, your work brings the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

Our dear support, our dear defenders and guardians of our happiness! I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and let me wish you never to lose those qualities that make a man a man. I wish you to be able to defend your own honor and the honor of your family, may courage, pride and success become synonymous with your names! Happy holiday!

Happy day of valor, strength, prowess and courage. Happy holiday to real men. For only the real ones can rightfully be called defenders of the Fatherland. Please accept congratulations and best wishes. Happy February 23rd!

Dear men! How boring, meaningless and hard life would be without you. On Defenders of the Fatherland Day, we thank you for your fearlessness, strength, optimism, humor, and for being there when we need support and protection. Thank you, our dears! I wish you health, success, faith in the best and happiness. Happy holiday!

SMS congratulations on February 23

SMS congratulations on February 23, as usual, are very relevant. Don't forget to send original SMS to your defenders on February 23rd.

What special day is today?
Today you can do anything!
Who has served and even who is not fit,
You are lucky to be born a man!

And on this day and on this holiday
May everything be great for you,
I wish you a great celebration of the 23rd
And happiness in your personal life!

On this day everything will be for you -
Festive toasts, congratulations!
Today is a holiday - February 23!
You are my hero and there is no doubt!

My husband is a most worthy man,
Will always get his way
And there's a special reason
Congratulate him on this day.

After all, the 23rd has arrived,
And the month outside the window is February.
I wish you happiness, dear,
So that you don’t recognize melancholy and sadness!

My beloved, I know
You are a wall for me!
I congratulate you with hope,
May you always be with me!

Beloved man
There is a reason to congratulate.
After all, the whole Earth knows
What a holiday is February

Men note
Women wish for them
Don't know any problems at all
And don’t be bored at all!

Congratulations on February 23rd to dad

Congratulations on February 23 to dad are always considered very touching. After all, with their help you can not only congratulate, but also express great gratitude and respect for a dear person.

You will protect mommy and me
You are from all misfortunes.
Be healthy, don't be sad.
Joy and happiness!
