Amazing stories about people. "Amazing People": the most incredible numbers of the show People who surprised the world with their abilities

Wim Hof

Wim Hof ​​- the famous Dutchman, known as the "Iceman", is able to endure extremely low temperatures. Has nine world records. For the first time, Wim clearly realized his abilities at the age of seventeen, when he conducted several experiments on his body. Experts say that the "Ice Man" is definitely a phenomenon. However, the Dutchman does not agree with this conclusion and is convinced that the whole thing is in round-the-clock training and his superpowers are nothing more than the result of long work.

Junri Baluing

Junri Baluing is the smallest person in the world. When he was 18 years old, that is, he became an adult, his height was - a little less than 60 centimeters. This record is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Junri stopped growing when he was only a year old, although his entire family - parents, brother and sisters - are people with normal height. Short stature causes many problems, he is completely dependent on his parents and practically cannot walk, because. almost any movement causes severe pain.

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith, a US man who is a five-time Guinness World Record holder, began twisting his body at the age of four, believing that he was not doing anything special. But soon Daniel realized what talent he had, and at the age of 18 he ran away from home with a circus troupe. The most flexible person alive today does incredible things with his body: he easily crawls through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and also knows how to curl up into incredible knots and compositions, and move his heart across his chest. Doctors believe that incredible flexibility was given to Daniel from birth, but he himself brought it to the maximum possible limit.

Mehran Nassari

Mehran Nassari is an Iranian refugee who lived in the waiting room of the 1st terminal of the Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris for almost 18 years: from August 26, 1988 to July 2006. In Iran, he was thrown into prison, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then, he has been unsuccessfully trying to obtain political asylum in France, Great Britain and other countries, which constantly refuse the unfortunate. In 2006, he was hospitalized due to an unspecified illness. By the end of January 2007, he left the hospital, and for several weeks lived in a hotel near the airport, and was later sent to one of the Parisian shelters for the homeless.


Stelarc is a Cypriot-Australian performance artist. He made three films about what goes on inside his body. Used medical instruments, prostheses, robotic devices, virtual reality systems, Internet and biotechnology to explore alternative interfaces with the body. Most of all, Stelarc made people talk about himself in 2007, when he decided to grow a third ear on his hand. So, an implant was implanted under the skin of the artist, on which, over time, Stelarc planned to grow a lobe using the cells of his own ordinary ear. Ideally, his third ear should even hear - it was planned to implant a microphone into it, even equipped with Wi-Fi. The third ear must communicate with the brain via Bluetooth.

The "Amazing People" program gives participants the opportunity to show their unique abilities, which are hard for an ordinary person to believe in! This is a project about the limitless possibilities of our brain, which are still little understood. The first two seasons of "Amazing People" have already shown how many extraordinary people with unique abilities are in the world!

The most amazing people of Russia and the world - in the new season of the show "Amazing People"!

Each of them is a discovery! Each of them is a sensation! For several years in a row, amazing people have shocked the audience with their unique abilities, which are hard for an ordinary person to believe in!

"Amazing People" is a project about the limitless possibilities of the brain, still little explored. And this means that the success of the performance of each number has a scientific explanation!

"Amazing People" is a Russian adaptation of the world famous show The Brain. After the tremendous success of the first season in Russia and the release of the project in the second season on the international level, the number of fans of the show has increased significantly! Contestants from all over the world, stars, record holders and winners of foreign analogues of the project dream of getting into the Russian show! The participants of both seasons had both direct students and inspired adepts who decided to master the same disciplines and try their hand at the show! "Amazing People" inspires new amazing people!

In the new season of the show, the audience will again be amazed by the unusual abilities of seemingly ordinary people - from all over the world! Unique memory, lightning-fast counting skills in the mind, high-speed solving of mathematical problems, synesthesia, fluency in dozens of languages, speed cubing, imitation of bird voices, orientation by the stars - these are far from all the talents of our superhumans!

You will see: outstanding mathematicians, whose lightning-fast calculations are difficult to check even on special calculators; masters of world-class mnemonics, champions of the Guinness Book of Records; a unique six-year-old girl with incredible physical strength and at the same time developed mental abilities; a polyglot speaking more than 24 languages; clock man (he doesn't need a watch to tell the time!) and eagle vision man; the USSR record holder for high-speed bilingual typing, who is considered one of the best typists in the world and prints in 16 languages; the best speedcuber in the country, who creates artistic images from Rubik's cubes (the largest Rubik's cube painting in the CIS is his work). And many other unique, talented and amazing people of all ages from all over the world! And for the first time in the history of Russian television, a hypnotist dog will take part in the competition!

The show will be attended by contestants from Germany and Macedonia, the USA and India, China, Turkey and Mongolia, the CIS countries and the Baltic states. Russia is represented by more than 30 cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Kyzyl, Chelyabinsk, Sochi, Vologda, Orenburg, Belgorod, Dmitrov, Kislovodsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg, Arzamas, Novosibirsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk, Irkutsk , Samara, Voronezh and others.

In the new season, amazing people will have to go through new complex and interesting tests. The rules remain the same: seven contestants take part in each edition. At the end of the program, the auditorium selects by voting one winner who has made the greatest impression. In the final episode of the show, the finalists of all previous episodes will gather to compete for the main prize - the Winner's Cup and one million rubles!

Star guests in the hall help the audience to choose the best participant: TV presenter Olga Shelest, choreographer and TV presenter Yevgeny Papunaishvili, Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in boxing Natalya Ragozina and TV presenter Maria Sittel. They comment on the speeches, but do not influence the voting process in any way. The professional assessment of the unique abilities of the contestants is given by the expert of the program - candidate of biological sciences, director of the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

Let's be amazed together!

Show host: TV presenter and producer Alexander Gurevich

Autistic from the UK Daniel Tammet (Daniel Tammet) hardly speaks, does not distinguish between left and right, does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time he easily performs complex mathematical calculations in his mind.

“I represent numbers as visual images. They have color, structure, shape, says Tammet. - Numerical sequences appear in my mind as landscapes. Like pictures. It's as if the universe with its fourth dimension is emerging in my head."

Daniel knows by heart 22514 digits after the decimal point in pi and speaks eleven languages: English, French, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandic (learned in 7 days), Lithuanian (gives his preference), Welsh and in Esperanto.


A young man from Sacramento (California) - Ben Underwood (Ben Underwood) - was born a completely healthy child, but his eyes were removed surgically due to retinal cancer at the age of three. However, Ben continued to live a full life as a sighted person.

Doctors' studies showed that the boy's hearing did not become aggravated, as compensation for the loss of vision - he has the hearing of an ordinary average person - it's just that Ben's brain has learned to translate sounds into visual information, which makes the young man look like a bat or a dolphin - he is able to capture the echo, and on based on this echo determine the exact location of objects.

Gutta-percha boy

Daniel Smith, a gutta-percha man from the United States, who is a five-time Guinness World Record holder, began twisting his body at the age of four, believing that he was not doing anything special. But soon Daniel realized what talent he had, and at the age of 18 he ran away from home with a circus troupe.

Since then, the "rubber man" has taken part in many circus and acrobatic performances, basketball and baseball matches, and has been a guest on most famous television shows and programs. Among them: Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, CSI: NY, and others.

The most flexible person alive today does incredible things with his body: he easily crawls through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and also knows how to curl up into incredible knots and compositions, and move his heart across his chest. Doctors believe that incredible flexibility was given to Daniel from birth, but he himself brought it to the maximum possible limit.

metal eater

We have already written about this man more than once.

Frenchman Michael Lotito (Michel Lotito), born in 1950, discovered his amazing abilities at the age of 9 - after scaring his parents to death, he ate a TV. From the age of 16, he began to entertain people for money, eating metal, glass, and rubber. Interestingly, Lotito's body never showed any side effects, even when the food contained poisonous substances.

Usually the object is dismantled into parts, cut into pieces, and Lotito swallows them with water. The omnivorous Michael, nicknamed "Monsieur Eat It All", got into the Guinness Book of Records for eating a Cessna-150 plane. He ate it for two whole years - from 1978 to 1980 - using about a kilogram of aircraft per day.

The latest x-ray showed that there were still pieces of metal left in Lotito's body. And he did not die just because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of the average person.

tooth king

Rathakrishnan Velu, known as the "Tooth King", also has a rare ability. This Malaysian practiced pulling vehicles with his teeth.

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day, this man broke his own record by pulling a train with his own teeth.

This time the train consisted of 6 wagons and weighed 297 tons. Harikrishnan managed to drag the train 2.8 meters.

Velcro Man

Liew Thow Lin is a human magnet. In his 70s, Harikrishnan's compatriot Velu managed to drag a car through with an iron chain attached to an iron plate on his stomach.

Liv Tou Lin considers the ability to attract metal objects to be hereditary, since besides him, 3 of his sons and 2 grandsons are endowed with the same amazing and incredible gift.

Scientists, meanwhile, are trying in vain to explain this phenomenon: there is no magnetic field around the Malaysian, and everything is in order with his skin.

Sleepless man

Thai Ngoc, a 64-year-old Vietnamese man, forgot what sleep was after he contracted a fever in 1973. It was from then on that Ty stopped sleeping. And at the moment, he has not slept for 37 years, which is more than 13,500 sleepless nights.

"I don't know how insomnia affects health," he says, "but I'm quite healthy and I can run the household just as well as others." As evidence, Ngoc mentions that he carries two 50-kilogram bags of fertilizer every day several kilometers from home.

And during the medical examination, the doctors did not find any diseases in the Vietnamese, except for minor abnormalities in the liver.

Torture King

Tim Cridland is a man without pain. Even at school, the “King of Torture” amazed classmates when, without batting an eyelid, he pierced his hands with needles and painlessly withstood any heat and cold.

Today, Tim is demonstrating terrifying things to large audiences across America. To do this, he had to study anatomy for a long time. After all, when the admiring eyes of the audience look at you, safety is above all.

Scientific studies have shown that Tim has a much higher pain limit than the average person. Otherwise, he is no different from ordinary people. Including - the degree of damage caused by piercing the body with hairpins, as well as the chance of death with these injuries.

cat man

Kevin Richardson, relying on instinct, is friends with the cat family, but not domestic, but predatory. Without the slightest fear for his life, Kevin can spend the night with the lions.

Cheetahs and leopards, capable of tearing a person apart in a split second if they wish, take the biologist for their own. Even unpredictable hyenas are so used to Kevin that the female hyena, for example, allows him to pick up newborn cubs.

“I rely on my intuition when weighing my chances when interacting with animals. I will never approach the animal if I feel that something is wrong, says Richardson. “I don't use sticks, whips or chains, just patience. It's dangerous, but for me it's a passion, not a job."


Claudio Pinto from Belo Horizonte is better known as a goggle-eyed person because he is able to goggle his eyes 4 cm, that is, 95% of the eye orbits.

Pinto has undergone many medical examinations, and doctors say they have never seen a person who can do this to his eyes before.

"It's a pretty easy way to make money. I can goggle my eyes 4 centimeters - it's a gift from God and I feel happy," says Claudio.

For all times, the crowns of nature have accumulated many amazing stories about themselves. Some of them are truly frightening, others are alarming, and others amaze and even inspire to accomplishments. So what situations that happened to people in different eras have the right to be called the most unusual of all?

Among the amazing stories of people living side by side with wild animals, the story of Marina can be considered almost a canonical embodiment of the Tarzan stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Chapman, then a little 5-year-old girl, ended up in the Colombian jungle in the 50s of the last century. She ended up in impenetrable forests because she was kidnapped, and then, for some reason, left there by unknown men. Soon the baby was found by a flock of monkeys. Its representatives began to show a mild interest in a larger, but still similar individual. The girl quickly settled in and became in her community: she began to move around on all fours, steal food, look for fleas and, if possible, make some sounds.

After 5 years, Marina inadvertently gave herself away to poachers, who immediately decided to make money on the young creation of money and send her to a brothel. However, due to her age, Chapman performed only the work of a servant there. Then the bitter fate of the girl continued with beatings and imprisonment already in the house of the mafia, where she found herself after escaping from the brothel. Soon justice prevailed, and Mowgli found good people. One of the women became her foster mother.

Today Marina lives in Bradford, UK with her husband and children. She again mastered human speech and even trained as a chef. However, an amazing story from her life still reminds of itself. For example, Chapman can still move confidently on all fours, climb trees and give a tough rebuff.

bird child

The next amazing story from life will also be dedicated to the baby, only it is no longer 50, but more than 280 years away from the present. In 1735, the German Schmidt family from the small town of Taucha was preparing for the birth of 4 children. The couple, 28-year-old Johanna-Sofia and 38-year-old Andreas, not only did not expect to face preterm labor at 8 months of pregnancy, but also to see what they would bring with them ...

The baby that appeared combined the features of a man and a chicken. The strangeness of the phenomenon was further enhanced by the fact that all the previous offspring of the couple were absolutely normal and healthy. Gottlieb Friderichi, who published the work “The Rarest Human Monster”, took up the explanation of this amazing case in his time - it was he who alcoholized the baby’s body, which then ended up in the Waldenburg Museum in Germany. However, even today, progressive doctors and researchers have not been able to identify the nature of the appearance of such a creature and find in history other examples of people with a clair-shaped skull, no auricles, an underdeveloped lower jaw, an anomalous heart, and long fingers ending in claws. Scientists managed to establish only the gender of the bird child, which brought another mystery to this life - it was a girl.

Three-eyed patient

Some amazing cases from life can bring a lot of inconvenience to the main characters. For example, once in China, doctors discovered a 25-year-old man with 3 eyes. For all the time, mankind has encountered such precedents only 3 times.

An additional eye, uncharacteristic for ordinary people, was located on the temple on the left side of the young man. The eye included all the necessary elements: eyelid, pupil, lacrimal gland and even the superciliary arch. But he also had one significant drawback - he saw absolutely nothing, and also significantly worsened the eyesight of his "partners".

Blood that conquers poison

The next amazing and incredible story will also be associated with the inexplicable features of the human body, but in this case, you will need to move to India. Today Singh-Abu lives here, earning the nickname "Lord of the Serpents", although he could also be called the "Lord of Death". The fact is that this man experimentally found out: the bites of creeping dangerous vipers not only do not kill him, but even make him stronger!

Research has established that Indian blood has an unusual composition that breaks down poison and then converts it into useful nutrients. This is truly amazing, but the liquid circulating in the circulatory system of the Lord of the Snakes does not belong to any group known today (0, A, B, AB). Singh-Abu decided to turn a good chance into a business and earn a living from his uniqueness: at the moment he gives people performances where he walks barefoot on a floor infested with reptiles and performs various tricks with them.

Tears of plastic

And here is another story that is considered one of the most amazing not only in North Africa, where the Hanuma phenomenon girl lives, but throughout the world. How many people have cried at least once in their lives? Of course, many. However, the main character of this story is not familiar with tears in the usual sense.

The baby grew up as a non-capricious and obedient child, so her parents did not immediately notice her peculiarity. Only when the girl grew up enough to help her mother with the housework, the couple realized how much she was different from the rest. One day, Khanuma was cutting onions, when suddenly hard, like beads, grains fell from her eyes. The amazing case would have remained the property of the North African family if its head had not decided to use beautiful and well cut crystals in his jewelry work. Stories about beautiful jewelry began to pass from buyer to buyer, until a researcher interested in its composition purchased the product. He found out that the main element, namely the tears of Khanuma, is a special type of plastic, the manufacturing method of which is still unknown to the world.

Scientists still have not been able to explain this amazing story. The most interesting and joyful thing is that the "grains" falling from the eyes do not interfere with Khanuma in real life. They harden already on the eyelashes, do not stick to the skin, do not spoil the eyesight and do not cause pain.

Funny incidents and coincidences

Among the most amazing stories from life are not only those that can cause bewilderment, but also those that make you just smile. Here are some of them:

  • After landing on the surface of the moon in 1969, the American Neil Armstrong immediately uttered the phrase: “I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!”. Once, while still a boy, the future astronaut witnessed a quarrel between a couple living nearby. In the course of a showdown, Mrs. Gorsky blurted out that it's more likely that a neighbor's kid flies to the moon than her husband can satisfy a woman.

  • A phenomenal incident happened in 1965 in a village in Scotland. Residents gathered at the local cinema to enjoy the film "Around the World in 80 Days". At the moment when the sending of the balloon and the cutting of the rope were shown in the frame, the audience heard a roar. It turned out that exactly the same ship landed on the roof!

  • In 1966, a 4-year-old boy named Roger Losier nearly drowned near Salem, USA. He was noticed in time and pulled out of the water by the brave Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, without knowing it, returned the debt to the savior, namely, in the same place he saved the man who turned out to be her husband from death.

Absolutely every person on the planet is unique, each has its own characteristics in character or appearance. And this is wonderful, because throughout our lives we get to know others, unraveling their personalities. Moreover, we do not stop studying ourselves, passing through many life lessons.
History can give us many cases when this or that person had very unusual differences from other people. They succeeded more, they amazed the imagination and always felt like a “black sheep”. Because of what? You can read about it in the article below.
We present to your attention the top 10 most unusual people in the world. Happy reading!

This is the name of Daniel Tammet, a writer from the UK. This young man has unique abilities for mathematical calculations, and modern science cannot explain these phenomenal abilities. Daniel easily multiplies multi-digit numbers in his mind and immediately gives the correct answer. How he does it? Daniel explains it simply... All the numbers in his head add up to pictures that have color, shape, structure, and as if a fourth dimension appears, in which a unique image of the correct answer arises. He can calculate cube roots faster than a calculating machine, he can name more than 22,500 digits after the decimal point in the number of pi. In addition to super-mathematical abilities, Tammet knows several languages, and has come up with his own. He learns a new language fantastically quickly and speaks it fluently!
Tammet suffers from autism and savant syndrome. Daniel's uniqueness lies in the fact that for all his genius, it is difficult for him to adapt in society, to figure out where is right and where is left, how to use electrical appliances, but he is the only savant who can explain how he does it and this is a tremendous help to scientists who study the phenomenon of savantism.

This young man with unique abilities was born in Sacramento, California. Benjamin Underwood was born a strong and healthy baby. However, later, due to cancer that affected the retina, the doctors decided to remove both eyes in order to try to save Ben's life.
Despite this, Underwood led a life no different from that of a healthy young man. All because Ben was able to use echolocation in order to move freely. And he was the only person in the world who coordinates all his actions thanks to sound. He was well versed in the vast Sacramento. He saw the world like bats or dolphins, Ben determined the distance to objects by sound. And at the same time, the young man's hearing is the same as that of an ordinary person, just the brain of this strong guy presented him with sounds in the form of visual information.
This ability allowed Ben to freely play sports, walk and run without help, and even ride a bike and play computer games perfectly!

He is also called the gutta-percha man. American Daniel Smith has repeatedly become the champion of the Guinness Book of Records. Little Daniel discovered his abilities at the age of four, even then he knew how to twist his body. As an adult, the young man realized that not everyone has such a talent, and when he was eighteen years old, Daniel left home and went to the circus.
Touring with the circus, Daniel demonstrated his talent, he also participated in various TV shows, sports competitions, because what D. Smith can do with his body is admirable.
He is the most flexible person on our planet according to our website rating. Daniel easily ties his body into unthinkable knots, can fit through a hole in a tennis racket, and even... can move his heart in his chest. Having received such a gift from God, Daniel brought it to perfection.

Michel Lotito is a celebrity from France, and he became famous for his gastronomic passions. After all, he eats inorganic objects. At the age of nine, Michel ate ... a light bulb, which aroused the delight and disposition of his friends. Further more ... he began to publicly eat completely inedible objects: bicycles, televisions, objects made of glass and rubber. He did all this for the amusement of the public and earned his living. To eat these items, they were usually taken apart into small parts or cut into pieces, Michel ate all this and drank plenty of water, well, he also added a little oil so as not to hurt his throat.
Lotito himself claims that he does not have any harmful consequences after such a “food”.
The most surprising thing is that the doctors who examined Michel confirmed that such a gourmet has no problems with digestion. The only deviation is that the thickness of the walls of the stomach is twice that of ordinary people. This allowed Michel to eat the PLANE, of course, not in one go, but within two years. The plane "Sesna - 150" disappeared without a trace in the body of Lotito. During his life, "Monsieur Eat Everything" ate several bicycles, carts from supermarkets, candelabra, beds, televisions, etc. Here, probably, who does not suffer from a lack of iron in the body!

Tim Cridland is another unique person. His phenomenal ability is an exceptional tolerance for pain. Tim discovered his ability not to experience pain at school, when, to the surprise and delight of his classmates, he pierced his hands with huge needles and easily withstood any temperature (both high and low). Krinland carefully studied human anatomy in order to know his body well, because when demonstrating terrifying tricks to the public, it is important not to damage your vital organs.
He can swallow fire and sharp swords, lie on nails, pierce himself with swords, pierce his neck or cheeks. And he can also swallow the rope, and immediately pull it out of the stomach with the help of forceps and a scalpel. Numerous tests have confirmed that this superman is indeed capable of enduring incredible pain, since his pain threshold is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Man is an anvil

This American, being a fighter and an artist, surprises and shocks the people with his abnormally hard skull. Superman can break very hard objects with his head: steel bars, baseball bats, and even ... concrete blocks. Remember bowling! So, the head of Gino Martino can easily withstand if such a “ball” falls on it from a height of five meters. Gino managed to demonstrate many incredible records, in which everyone saw how strong his skull was. And, indeed, according to doctors, nature endowed Gino with a heavy-duty skull, which is why he is known to the whole world under the nickname "The Anvil Man."

Lew Tou Lin, a pensioner who lives in Malaysia, has earned himself fame for the fact that various objects literally stick to him, including metal ones. He can hold a bunch of spoons and forks, axes, and even bricks on his chest. Tou Lin can hold objects weighing about two kilograms on his body.
These abilities were with him from early childhood. With his unusual talent, Man-Magnet surprises not only enthusiastic surrounding people, but also scientists. For several years now, they have been researching the Malaysian's abilities, and the only thing they found out is that Tou Ling's skin has special "suction" properties, and that is why objects stick to his body. Surprisingly, this phenomenal ability in this family is inherited. The sons and grandsons of the Magnet Man have the same abilities. But unlike many people with unique abilities, Liu Tou Lin did not go into show business, but he often takes part in various TV shows, TV programs, was the hero of reports and programs on the Discovery Channel.

This resident of Holland is famous for the fact that he can easily withstand super low temperatures. Wim Hof ​​has repeatedly set world records for staying in ice water. He discovered his ability not to feel the cold only at the age of seventeen, and began to harden his body, thereby developing his unusual abilities. He also worked a lot on proper breathing, arguing that if you breathe correctly, then immunity increases, the body is saturated with oxygen and the aging process slows down and stops. Perhaps that is why the famous Dutchman feels young, although he is already over fifty.
Wim constantly swims in icy water, regularly takes barefoot walks in the snow, bathes in an ice hole. He took part in a twenty-kilometer marathon beyond the Arctic Circle, but, despite the air temperature during the competition, he was wearing only light shorts. In the same clothes, he visited the summit of Kilimanjaro, and almost conquered Everest (but he had to return, due to frostbite toes).
Four years ago, Hof ran a marathon, but already in the Namib desert, thereby proving that he could handle high temperatures. Demonstrating such wonders of the body, Wim promotes a healthy lifestyle, encourages everyone to forget about diseases and be positive and happy.

tooth king

Another king in our ranking. Radhakrishnan Velu is the owner of a rare gift - he can pull huge vehicles with his teeth! He lives in Malaysia, and in 2007, on the eve of the Independence Day of his beloved country, he presented her with his next record. Radhakrishnan moved and handed over a train, which had six wagons and a total mass of almost three hundred kilograms.
For his amazing abilities, the locals nicknamed Radhakrishnan - King Tooth. The secret of his strong teeth is still unknown. The Tooth King himself believes that a healthy lifestyle is daily jogging (25 km), meditation, exercises with a barbell, moreover, weighing 250 kg, and, of course, exercises for his powerful jaws.

Man is a pump

And this inhabitant of the Celestial Empire has an amazing talent - he knows how to inflate balloons and extinguish candles ... with his ears! Wei Mingtang discovered his unique talent - blowing air out of his ears, already as an adult and immediately began to develop it. Over time, using a small tube, he learned to inflate balloons, which delighted his many friends and relatives. Wei often performs at various holidays and shows, participates in city festivals, where he amazes his citizens with new tricks, because he still knows how to blow out candles with his ears and very quickly, at one of the festivals he managed to blow out 20 candles in 20 seconds.
