Lesson game “travel along Baikal. Lesson “Lake Baikal Baikal lesson

Lake Baikal – the pearl of Siberia
Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Reveal the uniqueness of the nature of Lake Baikal and the reasons for its uniqueness. Introduce the history of the discovery and study of Lake Baikal. Consider the environmental problems of the lake and ways to solve them.


Physical map of Russia, physical map of the mountains of southern Siberia, photographs of the lake (available from the Internet).

During the classes.

2) Water transparency.

3) Chemical composition of water.

4) Rivers flowing into the lake.

5) Rivers flowing from the lake.

6) Ice regime, water temperature.

7) Movement of water.

8) Science that studies the nature of lakes.
3 card – historians.

1) What do the Buryats, the indigenous population of the lake shore, call Baikal?

2) When did Russians first appear on the shores of the lake?

3) What is “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum”?

4) What does Kurbat Ivanov have to do with the lake?

5) Which scientists studied Baikal?

6) What is the status of Lake Baikal at present?

4 card – for zoologists and botanists .

1) What is unique about the fauna of Lake Baikal?

2) What role does the plankton of the lake play?

3) What is unique about the golomyanka fish?

4) Name the representatives of the fauna of the lake.

5) What animals are of commercial importance?

6) What are endemics? Name the endemics of Baikal.

7) What is the type of vegetation in the Baikal region?

Card 5 – for ecologists.

1) What is the significance of Lake Baikal for humans and for nature?

2) What environmental problems have arisen and require urgent solutions?

3) What are the reasons for the change in the nature of Lake Baikal?

What are the ways to solve the problems of Lake Baikal?
Card 6 – climatologists .

1) What is the climate of the Baikal region? Name the climate zone, climate type, average air temperatures in winter and summer.

2) What local winds occur on the lake? What is their difference (Barguzin, Verkhovik, Sarma, Kultuk)?
The cards are offered as a source of information: textbooks, anthologies, reference books, maps and other available information.

Groups are given 10-15 minutes to discuss. During this time, the chief consultant or foreman distributes issues among group members and coordinates the work of the group. After 8-10 minutes, the groups begin to sum up the results of the task, i.e. A report on the issues being studied is being prepared. If a student or students have not found an answer to some question, a consultant helps them or asks the teacher for help.

After listening to the reports in their notebooks, students should have a short lesson plan.

4. Homework.

Learn a paragraph from a textbook on Lake Baikal.

Additional material for the lesson.

Wooded mountains semi-ovals,

The touch of blue patterns,

And the rocks cut by the shaft,

And the sky that fell into Baikal,

And he himself is majestic and eternal,

In a carved granite frame,

And everything - to the bottom - is translucent,

And every bit of it is dear.

And the Hangars fly obstinately,

And the scream of the wind, and the hum of the turbines,

And the birds - the pine trees over the cliff,

And the wild wind Barguzin -

In this, without which I cannot

To be far and wide and wide,

And you are unthinkable Russia,

And you are unthinkable Siberia.

M. Sergeev.


The land where countless treasures are buried,

Under the layer, the layer is doubly powerful.

The other one has not yet been disturbed,

Like bottom ice at depth.

A. Tvardovsky.

I think that in one lesson the children will not have time to do all of the above, so I propose to conduct this lesson a little differently.

1. Give the children a task in advance, after dividing them into groups of specialists, they begin to prepare for the lesson a week in advance. Thus, we save time during the lesson, and the children have the opportunity to leisurely look at various sources and choose more interesting material.

2. Offer to prepare not only text material, but also select illustrations for it, create slide shows and presentations. The lesson will become visual and interesting, and, therefore, more memorable. The guys will be interested in preparing it. Now there is a lot of material on this topic on the Internet, so preparing such a lesson will not be difficult.


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© Kuznetsova S.V.

Lesson topic:“Baikal is the pearl of Siberia.” Grade: 8th grade

The purpose of the lesson : To form an idea of ​​the unique natural pearl of Siberia - Lake Baikal.
Lesson Objectives : 1. Determine the features of the geographical location, origin, climate, waters, fauna of the lake; to identify patterns of interrelations between the components of nature using Lake Baikal as an example.
2. To develop the ability to work with various sources of information, the ability to highlight the main thing, systematize the material, and the ability to draw logical conclusions.
3. Fostering patriotism, environmental consciousness, and interest in the subject.

During the lesson, students will acquire knowledge about the geographical location, origin, climate, waters and living organisms of Lake Baikal.

Equipment: physical map of Russia and the world, atlas, textbook “Geography: the nature of Russia. 8th grade”, sheets with modules for students, crossword puzzles for students, video about Lake Baikal, multimedia.

Plan - lesson summary

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Psychological moment - 2 min.

Guys, everyone's attention

After all, the bell rang!

Let's sit down more comfortably -

Let's start the lesson soon!

Appeal to the guys:

And before we start the lesson
I want to say: “I’m glad to see you,
Look into the intelligent eyes
This is my reward!”

Today I want to invite you to take a trip to one of the most beautiful corners of Siberia. Let's turn to each other, smile, tune in to search and creativity, and begin the lesson.

Slide No.____

2. On the screen is a slide on which the topic of the lesson is written, but not completely: “…… - the pearl of Siberia.”
teacher b: To find out the topic of our lesson and determine which natural object may be the pearl of Siberia, guess the riddle:
His family is ancient in nature,
People call it the lake,
The waves of the sea splash in it -
What should we call it?
Questions : 1. What kind of geographical feature is this? (Lake Baikal )
2.What will the topic of our lesson be?

Slide No.____

The entire topic of the lesson appears on the slide “Baikal - the pearl of Siberia ». –

Children write the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

3. Updating of basic knowledge.
1. What do you know about Baikal? (children's answers)

2. Video series about Baikal . Words in the background of the videoteachers : “Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1996. Object number 754. Today, 962 objects from different countries of the world are included in it. Baikal is a unique wonder of the world, the pride of our country. In the summer of 2008, based on voting results, Baikal was included in the list of 7 wonders of Russia. The origin of the name of the lake itself is varied:In the distant past, the peoples inhabiting the shores of Baikal each called the lake in their own way.

The Chinese in ancient chronicles called it “Beihai - "northern sea"

Evenki – “Lamu" - "sea"»

Buryats and Mongols - "Baigal - dalai" - "rich sea".

The origin of the name is not precisely established. The most common version is that the word Baikal is Turkic. Derived from the words “bai” = “rich” and “kul” = “lake”, which means “rich lake."

The first Russian explorers used the Evenki name Lamu. After releaseKurbat Ivanov's detachment to the lake shore in 1643,Russians switched to the Buryat name Baigal. At the same time, they linguistically adapted the word to their pronunciation and called it Baikal. Replacing the typical Buryat “g” with the Russian “k”.

(After watching the video)

Teacher : Here the question arises - how much do we know about Baikal? (No )
3. What information would you like to learn in class today?
4. Components of nature: (
students name them randomly, and the teacher writes them on the board or opens the cards in a certain order ):

1 . Geographical position
2. Origin
3. Climate
4. Water
5. Living organisms.

6. The meaning of Baikal

Based on what we got on the board, try to formulate the goals of our lesson. (children answer )

So, the main goal of our lesson: to form an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the natural pearl of Siberia - Lake Baikal.

Writing on the board is our lesson plan.
In nature, everything is interconnected and all components depend on geographical location.


You have instruction sheets and individual cards on your desks that will serve as your guide throughout the lesson. In individual maps you will need to enter basic data about Lake Baikal. Prepare them. So let's get started.

And the first thing we have to start with ischaracteristics of the geographic location of Lake Baikal.

To do this, using the atlas map page _________ and the text of the textbook page 217 1 paragraph, answer the questions:

4. Calculate the length of Lake Baikal? (620 km)

Slide No.____with facts on the screen.
area: 5,500,000 km
2 ;
length 636 km;
width 25 – 79 km;
average depth - 730 m;
maximum depth – 1637 m (in 2008 – 1680 m)

5. What is the name of the island in the center of Baikal? (Olkhon)

Slide No. ______Video series about Olkhon. Words in the background of the video: “There are 22 islands on Lake Baikal, the largest of them is Olkhon (73 km long, 11 km wide). Olkhon means “dry”. And, indeed, rain on the island is very rare. According to the legends of local residents, the formidable spirits of Lake Baikal live on Olkhon.”

They also say that after the burial of the bloody conqueror Genghis Khan, a herd of horses was driven over his grave so that nothing could indicate the burial place. Where is Genghis Khan's grave? Where is it? The search for Genghis Khan's grave began almost immediately after his death.

There is a version that the real grave of Genghis Khan is located deep in a cave on Olkhon Island. As you know, a real grave contains not only the ashes of the conqueror and countless treasures. They say that the so-called “living blood” is also found there. Ancient sources report that Genghis Khan knew the secret of artificial blood, which prolongs human life to almost 1000 years. This blood does not clot and instantly heals wounds. Silver vessels with “living blood” were allegedly taken by Genghis Khan from Siberia. It was here in eastern Siberia that the conqueror bequeathed to bury himself. According to legend, on the appointed day and hour this blood will fall into the ashes of Genghis Khan and he will come to life. True or false, this prophecy has not yet come true. The good spirits of Baikal did not want to bring the bloody khan back to life.

So, on the island of Olkhon on Baikal, it has been safely stored for many centuries.secretGenghis Khan's graves. Will it be revealed? Who knows…


Ah, we continue our journey around Lake Baikal. Now, we have to find out what are the features of the origin of this amazing lake, a miracle of nature.

Watch video #____Answer the questions.

Slide No.____

1. Using the map, indicate the maximum depth of the lake.
1637 m (in 2008 – 1680 m)
2. Name the reason for the great depth of the lake. –
origin of the lake basin .
3. Type of lake basin? (
tectonic basin )
4. How was the Baikal lake basin formed? (
crustal fault graben ).

Slide No.____

4. What processes do you think occur in the fault zone of the earth’s crust? (
strong earthquakes, Baikal shores rise and fall ).

Video about Baikal No._______________________________________

Teacher (after watching ): Baikal is the oldest lake in the world. Its age is 15 - 20 million years. If other lakeslive 10-15,000 years, then fill with sediments,over time they grow old and overgrownand disappear, then Baikal, on the contrary, still retains its youth - its water area and depth continue to increase.Research in recent years shows that Baikal is an emerging ocean. This is confirmed by the fact that its banks diverge at a rate of 0.5 cm per year. It is believed that in 50 million years Baikal will turn into a real ocean. Both the bottom and shores of the lake are constantly changing. Baikal is located in a rift zone, in a fault in the earth's crust. The process of formation of the Baikal rift, the active stage of which began 3-4 million years ago, continues today. This is evidenced by numerous earthquakes.

When people talk about Baikal earthquakes, they usually remember the Tsagan earthquake of 1861, which led to the formation of one of the largest bays of Baikal -Proval Bay. The epicenter of the Tsagan earthquake was in the northeastern part. It was not just a strong shaking of the soil, it was an earthquake-lesson, an earthquake-warning.

On December 31, 1861 (old style) at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, “after a strong underground rumble, there were such vibrations of the ground that people and livestock could not stand on their feet, and 20-pound barrels of fish rolled in the courtyards from one end to the other. Cracks formed in the ground, from which water and silt flowed; silty water was thrown out from the wells to a fathom height,” the Irkutsk Chronicle describes the beginning of the Tsagan element.

The shaking was so strong that the ice on Lake Baikal broke, a tsunami was formed, the wave of which overcame the coastal rampart more than 3 meters high and passed 2 kilometers deep into the Tsaganskaya steppe. The earthquake was felt over an area of ​​about 2 million km 2 , damage to buildings was observed at a distance of up to 600 km from the epicenter. A section of the Tsaganskaya steppe with an area of ​​about 230 km sank several meters and became the bottom of Lake Baikal. 2 together with the Buryat uluses located on it. Fortunately, the land subsided gradually, over the course of a day, which made it possible to avoid significant casualties. Three people died, 1,300 people were left homeless, household property and livestock. Gradually fading ground shaking continued for more than a year. Strong earthquakes, accompanied by the subsidence of land and the Baikal bottom, are not uncommon. Every year their number reaches 2000 or more. Approximately once every 10-12 years there are earthquakes of 5-6 points, and once every 20-23 years - 7-9 points.

They are associated with vertical movements of the lake bottom and changes in depth. In different years its depth was determined in different ways - 1741, 1620........

In 2008, during the expedition, the maximum depth of Baikal was recorded - 1680 m, which makes it the deepest lake on the planet.


On the screen is the “Climate” slide.Using climate maps pp. 61,62,64 of the textbook or in the atlas1. Fill out the table:

Why is the climate of the lake harsh, although the territory receives solar radiation at the level of the Mediterranean? (children's answers)

Slide No._____ (Baikal in summer), then Baikal in winter, then Baikal in spring

( The huge water mass of the lake slowly warms up in summer ( on the screen - Baikal in summer ) and slowly cools in the fall, Baikal does not freeze for a long time ( on the screen - Baikal in winter ). In December, the lake begins to become encased in a shell, and only in May is the ice released (slide - Baikal in spring). Winter on the shores of Lake Baikal is much warmer (by 6 - 10°C), and summer is cooler than in neighboring areas.

Slide____ (wind on Baikal)

Significant differences in temperature and air pressure over the lake and surrounding mountain ranges lead to strong winds. (n and the screen is the wind on Lake Baikal ).

Slide No.____ (Storm on Lake Baikal)

According to the number of storm days (picture of a storm on Lake Baikal ) Baikal is superior to the Black Sea. Each area of ​​the lake has its own local winds, which have their own name.

    ( verkhovik, sarma, barguzin, kultuk)
    In the notebook the names of the winds:
    Sarma Barguzin – northeast wind;

Kultuk - wind,

But, nevertheless, the Baikal region is distinguished by an abundance of solar heat. In terms of the number of sunny days, it surpasses many southern resorts on the Black Sea coast and the Mediterranean Sea, for example Nice. The number of hours of sunshine per year is 2583, while in Kislovodsk it is 2007. The annual values ​​of total solar radiation correspond to the south of Ukraine.

Baikal has a moderating effect on the climate of the coastal zone. In winter it is 5-7 degrees warmer here, and in summer it is cooler.

In summer, water masses warm up to a depth of 200-250 meters, and like a battery, they accumulate a huge amount of heat. Therefore, despite the harsh Siberian winters, the lake does not freeze for a long time.

The special features of the climate are due toBaikal windsthat you named to me - Barguzin, Sarma, Verkhovik, Kultuk and others. Why are the winds all so different?

They arise as a result of sharp differences in air temperatures over the lake and the surrounding coastal areas; changes in atmospheric pressure often occur, accompanied by strong winds either from lake to shore or from shore to lake .

All winds cause strong horizontal currents, promoting strong mixing of waters, enriching them with oxygen. This creates favorable conditions for the life of organisms.


And we have a physical education minute,
They leaned over, come on, come on!
Straightened up, stretched,
And now they’ve bent over backwards.

(bending forward and backward)

My head is tired too.
So let's help her!
Right and left, one and two.
Think, think, head.

(head rotation)

Even though the charge is short,
We rested a little.

And we continue our journey


Slide No._____

The slide on the screen is “Water”.Textbook page 217 paragraphs 2,3,4,5, .1. Baikal is unique due to its huge volume of water - the volume of water is equal to the Baltic Sea.
(5 American lakes, 92 times the Sea of ​​Azov, 23 times the Aral Sea) - comparative diagram.
2. All people can live on the water of Lake Baikal for 40-50 years.
3. Baikal contains 20% of all fresh water on the planet.
4. Has unique clean transparent water (up to a depth of 40 m.)
5. The chemical composition of the lake water is very close to distilled water (salinity 0.1 ‰) and is rich in oxygen.

Concentrated in Baikal– 1/5 of world and 4/5 of Russian reservesfresh water.

This water is enough to feed humanity for 40 - 50 years.

This is the largest fresh water storage facility on the planet. 23 thousand sq. km. This is more than the volume of water contained in the 5 Great Lakes of North America combined. If all the rivers on Earth flowed into Baikal, they would fill it in a year.

The basin of the lake can contain all the water of the Baltic Sea, or 92 Azov Seas, or 23 Aral Seas.

Baikal is the cleanest natural reservoir of fresh drinking water on Earth. The rare purity and exceptional properties of Baikal water are due to the vital activity of the animal and plant world. For a year, an armada of crustaceansepishura capable of purifying the top fifty-meter layer of water three times. Baikal water contains very few dissolved and suspended minerals, few organic impurities, and a lot of oxygen. Low mineralized water is ideal for the human body.

There are no open reservoirs of fresh water in the world suitable for bottling drinking water. Since 1992, the industrial bottling of Baikal water into plastic bottles began. The water is taken from a depth of 400 meters, where a constant temperature of 4.2 degrees is maintained and where it is protected from pollution by the water column.

The white Seki disk, used to determine water transparency, is visible on Lake Baikal at a depth of 40 meters.

The color of the water depends on the presence of suspended particles, on the depth, the state of the sky, cloudiness, sun height, etc. In open Baikal the water is blue, near the shores it is bluish-gray or greenish.

The clearest water is in the southern and middle basins. Not in the surface layer, but at depths of 250-300 meters to 1000-1200m.

To Baikalmore than 336 rivers flow in (together with small rivers 544 rivers), and one single Angara flows out. And there is a beautiful legend associated with this river:

A long time ago, there lived in this region one mighty gray-haired hero, Baikal. There was no one in the whole country equal to him in strength and wealth. He was a stern old man. As soon as he gets angry, the waves will roll in mountains, and the rocks will crack. He had many rivers and rivulets on his premises.

The old man had one and only daughter - Angara. She was known as the first beauty in the whole world. The old man loved her very much. But he was strict with her. He kept her locked up in inaccessible depths. He didn’t even let me show up. The beauty often yearned for freedom and freedom.

A seagull from the Yenisei once flew to the shore, sat down on a cliff and began to talk about life in the free Yenisei steppes. About the beautiful Yenisei, the glorious descendant of the Sayan. Having accidentally overheard the conversation, Angara became sad.

She also heard about the Yenisei from mountain streams. She decided to see Yenisei. But how to get out of the dungeon, from the high walls of the palace?

Angara begged:

Oh, you Tangerin gods,

Have pity on the captive soul.

Don't be harsh and strict

To me, surrounded by rock.

Understand that youth goes to the grave

Baikal is pushing a ban...

Oh give me courage and strength

Uncover these rock walls.

I found out about the thoughts of my beloved daughter Baikal, locked it even tighter and began to look for a groom from the neighbors. I didn’t want to send my daughter far away. The old man's choice settled on the rich and brave handsome Irkut. He sent for Irkut. Angara found out about this and cried bitterly. She begged the old man - her father, asked not to give her up for Irkut. She didn't like him. But Baikal didn’t want to listen and hid her even deeper. And closed the top with crystal locks.

Angara cried out for help more than ever. And the streams and rivers decided to help her. They began to lift the coastal rocks.

The wedding night was approaching. Baikal slept soundly. Angara broke the locks and left the dungeon. Streams dug a passage for her. With a noise she burst out of the stone walls and rushed to her desired Yenisei. Suddenly the old man woke up from the noise. He jumped off and got scared. I realized what happened. He became furious. He ran out of the palace, grabbed a whole rock from the shore and threw it at the fugitive daughter with a curse.

But... it's too late. Missed. The hangar was already far away. And the stone still lies in the place where the Angara broke through the cliffs. It's called shamanic.

Answer the questions:
1. So how many rivers flow from Baikal? (1- Angara)

Look at the map and name:
2. The largest river flowing into Baikal? (Selenga)

Slide No._____

Video series about rivers.


Slide No._____

On the screen is a slide “Organic world”.

The organic world of Lake Baikal is unique and inimitable.There are 1,550 species of animals and 1,085 species of plant organisms, most of them, more than ¾, live only in Lake Baikal. This circumstance was the reason why Baikal is considered a “museum of living antiquities.” There are freshwater sponges, amphipods, and epishura copepods. The lake is home to 56 species of fish: Baikal sturgeon, taimen, lenok, black and white grayling, about 30 species of sculpin gobies and the main commercial fish - the delicious omul. Perhaps the most exotic fish of Lake Baikal is the golomyanka. Pale pink, with a pearlescent tint, translucent fish contain up to 30% healing fat. This is the only viviparous fish in our latitudes.

Unique animals of Lake Baikal:

The only mammal that lives in Baikal isBaikal seal . The appearance of the seal on Lake Baikal is still a mystery to scientists. Some believe that the seal appeared here on its own, regardless of any migrations from the seas and oceans. Others say that this species entered here during the Ice Age through the Lena, or Angara and Yenisei.Adult seals reach a length of 1.8 m and a weight of 130 kg. The seal lives up to 55 - 56 years. The body shape of the seal is fusiform, without a pronounced neck. The limbs of the seal are flippers. The front flippers are very developed, with powerful claws. When Baikal is covered with ice, the powerful front flippers are the tool with which the seal makes an outlet in the ice to emerge and inhale air. The seal has a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, from 2 to 14 cm thick. The fat saves the seal from hypothermia, determines its high buoyancy and is a reserve of nutrients. The seal is a good diver. She can dive to a depth of 400 m and stay under water for up to 40 minutes. Its speed of movement under water is 7 – 8 km. per hour, maximum speed – 20 - 25 km/h.

The seal is widespread throughout the lake, especially in its middle and northern basins. At the end of winter - beginning of spring, animals go out onto the ice to molt and give birth to their young. It is at this time that the seal is most defenseless against hunters and poachers, but observing it at this moment is very easy. 4,000 seals are caught annually. Their fur and skin are prized.

The ice on Lake Baikal is being destroyed from south to north, following the ice, seals are migrating from south to north.

In the summer, the seal feeds intensively in open Baikal. In sunny, windless weather, the seal goes out onto coastal stones to moult and rest. The most famous place where you can see dozens and even hundreds of seals on large rocks near the shore is the Ushkany Islands.

Play video . Ushkany Islands

The seal gives birth to its young on the ice in a snowy lair. Most seals are born in mid-March. The cubs have white fur, which allows them to remain almost unnoticed in the snow in the first weeks of life. The Buryats call a young seal calf a khubunk.

No one knows the exact number of seals living in Baikal, because the error in the counting methods is quite large. We can only talk about the approximate number of seals; it varies from 60 to 120 thousand heads.

Commercial hunting is carried out for seals; about 6 thousand seals are shot annually. Arctic foxes are fed seal meat, fur is used to make hats, and is used to line hunting skis. Seal meat is eaten, and seal fins, boiled in water, are considered a delicacy. The meat of young seals - khubunks - is especially tender, the meat of which does not smell of fish and tastes like chicken. The seal's liver contains a lot of vitamins. In ancient times, seal oil was used in tanning and soap making. In 1895-1897 seal lard was mainly used in the Lena gold mines for lighting the mines. Local residents consider seal fat to be medicinal and use it to treat pulmonary diseases and stomach ulcers.

The life of many animals characteristic of Lake Baikal is inextricably linked not only with the lake itself, but alsowith its coast . Gulls, mergansers, goldeneyes, scoters, scorched eagles, white-tailed eagles, ospreys andmany otherbird species nest on the shores of the lake and on its islands. Unfortunately, some bird species have disappeared as a result of human activity - these arecormorant, greylag goose, taiga bean goose, swan-nose and bustard.They disappeared within 50 years.

Another integral component of the great lake and a wonderful Baikal phenomenon ismass landing on the shores brown bears , entirely determined by the nature of the lake. In the mountain taiga of the Baikal region it is foundmusk deer -the smallest deer. It is extremely rare to findsable –it is a cautious and secretive predator.

1 2


    Moose antlers, bear head, seal body, bird legs

    Head of a lynx, body and fins of a fish, body of a bird, legs of a bear

    Sable head, elk body, bird wing, seal tail


Baikal... Glorious Sea... Sacred Lake... So why was this unique body of water chosen as the base for the construction of a pulp and paper mill, which, according to the plan, was supposed to discharge 200,000 cubic meters of wastewater into the lake per day, which would create a dead zone of several square kilometers ? There are other environmental problems of Lake Baikal. Check them out using the textbook on page 220, identify the main problems and suggest ways to solve them. (Discussion about the impact of the Baikal pulp and paper mill and the Selenga pulp and paper mill on the ecology of the lake).


And now I offer you

“There is no Baikal without...” About whom?omul

6. Baikal commercial fishgrayling

7. The only daughter of Baikal.Angara

We live in a unique corner of our planet, where there is an object of world significance - Lake Baikal. Each of us sees Baikal in our own way, loves it, and is proud of it. Its future, its pristineness, its purity depend on us, people.

I would like to end the lesson with the following poetic lines:


Clean, unique, transparent water,

Silent but full of life taiga.

The furious wave is noisy and agitated -

This is how I remember ancient Baikal.

Beautiful daughter - Angara daring

It begins its journey from this region,

And with her three hundred rivulets and rivers,

Everyone rushed towards Baikal.

I look to tomorrow with anxiety:

Will omul and seal live there?

So that his water doesn’t “cellulose”?

So that it becomes the property of the people

Is the glorious sea sacred Baikal?

Lesson summary: So, today in the lesson we were able to form a deeper understanding of the uniqueness of the natural pearl of Siberia - Lake Baikal.

Reflection .

Teacher : Guys, I suggest you write a letter to your best friend telling him how today’s lesson went. To do this, I will ask you to tell me 11 adjectives in turn that reflect your opinion about the lesson.(students name adjectives, and the teacher writes them instead of spaces in the text of the letter, then the finished letter is read aloud).

A letter to a friend.

Hello Friend. I’ll tell you about how ________________________ lesson went at our _______________________ school today. _________________________ the teacher led _________________ trip around ________________________ Lake Baikal. During the lesson we solved ______________________ riddles and solved __________________________ puzzles. ___________________ The students in our class behaved well, listened carefully, and answered all the questions correctly. I really hope that such ________________________ lessons will be held more often. This concludes my __________________________ letter. Waiting for an answer.

Homework : open your diaries and write down your homework, paragraph 39, and an additional task to choose from: - write a mini-essay on the topic “A man came to Baikal...”

This concludes our lesson. Thank you for your attention and active work in class. You can go.


Student worksheet

FULL NAME______________________________________

Lesson topic «___________________________________________________________»

1. Baikal is located ________________________________________________________________

Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in ______,

to the list of 7 wonders of Russia in _______.

2. Origin of the name _________________________________________________

3. The first of the Russian people _______________ came to the shore of Lake Baikal in 1643.

4. General parameters of the lake

    Square - __________________

    Length - _____________________

    Width - ___________________

    Volume of water - ________cubic km.______% of the planet’s fresh waters

    The height of the water level of Lake Baikal is _____________

    Greatest depth – _________

    Average depth - __________

    Lake age - ___________

    Transparency - ____________

    The largest island of Baikal _____________

    There are more than _________species of plants and animals on Lake Baikal

5. Features of the origin of the lake ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Climatic features

7. Waters of Baikal.

A complete water change occurs in ____________

________ rivers flow into the lake, only one _____________ flows out.

The largest river flowing into the lake is ____________________.

8.Organic world.

Animals ________ species

Plants ________ species

Examples ______________________________________________________________________________

9. Problems of Lake Baikal and ways to solve them

Crossword “What do we know about Baikal”

“There is no Baikal without...” About whom?

6.Commercial fish of Baikal

7.The only daughter of Baikal.

The vertical line should show the name of the crustacean that purifies Baikal water.

Instruction sheet

Geographical location of Lake Baikal.

1. Give a description of the features of the geographical location of Lake Baikal.

Using the atlas map page ______ answer the questions:
1. In what part of Russia is the lake located?
2. How is the lake located in relation to the oceans?
3. What is the direction of the length of Lake Baikal?
4. Calculate the length of Lake Baikal?
Slide with facts on the screen. Facts (write down on worksheets):
area: 5,500,000 km
2 ;
length 636 km;
width 25 – 79 km;
average depth - 730 m;
maximum depth –
1637 m . (in 2008 – 1680 m.)
5. What is the name of the island in the center of Baikal?

Origin of Baikal.

2. What is the origin of the lake basin.

Watch video #1.Answer the questions.On the screen is a geological map.
1. Using the map, indicate the maximum depth of the lake.
2. Name the reason for the great depth of the lake.–

3. Type of lake basin?

How was the Baikal lake basin formed?.
On the screen is a seismic map of Lake Baikal.

4. What processes do you think occur in the fault zone of the earth’s crust?
5. What factors cause such processes?


3. Give a description of the climatic features of Lake Baikal.

On the screen is the “Climate” slide.Using the textbook pages 61,62,64 of the textbook and the climate map of the atlas 1. Fill out the table:

Wed t Jan


climate type

2. Why is the climate of the lake harsh, although the territory receives solar radiation at the level of the Mediterranean?
3. Textbook p. 219, 1 paragraph – what are the winds on Lake Baikal called?

In the notebook the names of the winds:
Sarma– hurricane wind, raising storm waves on Lake Baikal, speed – 60 m/s;
Barguzin– northeast wind;
Verkhovik– a fresh wind blows along the lake.

Kultuk - wind,blowing from the lower extremity (southern) of Baikal, from the Kultuk Bay of the same name

physical education break.


4. What are the features of the waters of Baikal.

The slide on the screen is “Water”.Textbook p. 217, paragraphs 2,3,4,5.Answer the questions:
1. How many rivers flow from Baikal?
2. The largest river flowing into Baikal?

Alive organisms

5. What is the uniqueness of the living organisms of the lake.

1.game “Miracle Yudo” beast

Answers to the task “Miracle Yudo” beast: (Annex 1)

The meaning of Baikal

6. What are the problems of Baikal and ways to solve these problems

Using the textbook on page 220, identify the main problems of Lake Baikal and suggest ways to solve them.

    Problems of Baikal :



6. Crossword

Crossword. “What do we know about Baikal?” If you answered correctly, then in the highlighted cells you will read the name of the crustacean, thanks to which the purity of Baikal is maintained.

Lesson summary

7. Answer the questions.

1. Have we answered all your questions today?
2. With the help of what sources of information did you achieve your goals?
3. What did you learn about Baikal in the lesson?


A letter to a friend

Name 11 adjectives that reflect your opinion about the lesson


1.Paragraph 39


- write a mini-essay on the topic “A man came to Baikal...”

Draw a poster on the topic: “Let's protect Baikal!”

I suggest youguess what parts and what animals the beast depicted in the “Miracle Yudo” picture has.




Geography lesson in 8th grade on the topic: “Baikal - the pearl of Russia” Lesson objectives: - To form an idea about the unique natural pearl of Russia - Lake Baikal; - determine the features of the geographical location, origin, climate, waters and fauna of the lake; - identify patterns of interrelations between the components of nature using Lake Baikal as an example; - develop the ability to work with various sources of information, the ability to highlight the main thing, systematize the material, and the ability to see cause-and-effect relationships; - develop independence in replenishing knowledge, nurturing environmental consciousness. Equipment: physical map of Russia, textbook, atlas, contour maps, tables. During the classes. 1. Organizational moment. The words of A. Tvardovsky “Baikal is a priceless gift of nature - may it be on earth forever” are written on the board. Guys, everyone, the bell has rung! Let's sit down comfortably - Let's start the lesson soon! And before starting the lesson, I want to say: “I’m glad to see you, To look into your intelligent eyes, This is a reward for me!” - Today I want to invite you to take a trip to one of the most beautiful corners of Russia. Let's turn to each other, smile, tune in to search and creativity, and begin the lesson. - On the screen is a slide on which the topic of the lesson is written, but not completely: “...... - the pearl of Russia.” - To find out the topic of our lesson and determine what natural object can be the pearl of Russia, guess the riddle: Its genus is ancient in nature, People call it a lake, The waves of the sea splash in it. What will we call it? Questions: 1. What kind of geographical feature is this? (Lake Baikal) 2.What will the topic of our lesson sound like? (The entire topic of the lesson “Baikal - the pearl of Russia” appears on the slide. Children write the topic of the lesson in a notebook.) 2. Updating basic knowledge. - Today we will get acquainted with this miracle of nature. Baikal is a lake that is a world heritage site! One of the unique wonders of the planet, our pride. Let's get to know him in more detail. - What do you know about Baikal? Write down your information in a notebook in the form of a table: I know I want to know information that is new to me - Try to complete the phrases: Baikal is a “superlative” lake the most ... (deepest) the most ... (ancient) the most ... (a large number of endemics) the most ... (large reserves fresh water) - “Whoever has not seen Baikal has never been to Siberia,” say the Siberians. Our poets and composers have composed many songs and poems about Lake Baikal. And I want to read you the poem “Baikal” Wooded mountains are semi-ovals, The touch of blue patterns, And rocks cut by a shaft, And the sky that has fallen into Baikal, And he himself is majestic and eternal, In a carved granite frame, And all - to the bottom - is translucent , And every bit of it is dear. And the Hangars' obstinate flight, And the scream of the wind, and the hum of the turbines, And the birds - pine trees over the cliff, And the wild wind of the Barguzin - In this, without which you cannot be far and wide, And you are unthinkable, Russia, And you are unthinkable, Siberia. M. Sergeev. - During the lesson we will consider the main issues concerning the modern problems of Lake Baikal according to the plan: 1. Geographical location of the lake 2. History of the discovery. 3. Geological history of the origin of the lake basin. 4. Climate of Baikal. 5. The uniqueness of the lake water. 6. Organic world of the lake. 7. Ecological problems of the lake. 3.Formulation of lesson objectives. - Based on the plan, try to formulate the goals of our lesson. (children answer) - So, the main goal of our lesson: to form an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the natural pearl of Siberia - Lake Baikal, because Baikal is included in the “World Heritage List”. Today, this list includes 506 objects from 105 countries. It is interesting that Baikal has always attracted attention with its beauty. In 1890, on his way to Sakhalin, A.P. passed through the lake. Chekhov. The lake struck him with its beauty. “Baikal is amazing,” he wrote to his family, “and it’s not for nothing that Siberians call it a lake and not a sea. The water is incredibly transparent, so that you can see through it as if through air: its color is soft turquoise, pleasant to the eye. The shores are mountainous and covered with forest.” Baikal is a unique wonder of the world, the pride of our country. And we know so little about him. And the first thing we should start with is to characterize the features of the geographical location of Lake Baikal. To do this, using the atlas map and the textbook text, answer the questions: 1. In what part of Russia is the lake located? 2. How is the lake located in relation to the oceans? 3. What is the direction of the length of Lake Baikal? 4. Calculate the length of Lake Baikal? (620 km) 4. Working with the topic of the lesson: The class is divided into groups to work with Internet resources. Group 1 - History of discovery. Group 2 - Relief, geology and tectonics http://www.baikaltravel.info/ Group 3 - Climatic conditions Group 4 - Lake water Group 5 - Organisms of Lake Baikal http://www.erudition.ru/referat/ref/id.2287_1 .html http://www.ecosystema.ru/07referats/baikal.htm Group 6 - Ecological problems of the lake. 5. Children's performance. Answers to clarifying questions from the teacher and classmates. 6. Conclusion: - The uniqueness of Lake Baikal lies in the origin and modern development of the basin, the quality of water and the microclimate of the lake, as well as the endemic flora and fauna. 7. Lesson summary: so, today in the lesson we were able to form a deeper understanding of the uniqueness of the natural pearl of Siberia - Lake Baikal. Reflection. Teacher: Guys, I suggest you write a letter to your best friend with a story about how today’s lesson went. To do this, I will ask you to tell me 11 adjectives in turn that reflect your opinion about the lesson (students name the adjectives, and the teacher writes them instead of spaces in the text of the letter, then the finished letter is read aloud) Letter to a friend. Hello Friend. I’ll tell you about how ________________________ lesson went at our _______________________ school today. _________________________ the teacher led _________________ trip around ________________________ Lake Baikal. During the lesson we solved ______________________ riddles and solved __________________________ puzzles. ___________________ The students in our class behaved well, listened carefully, and answered all the questions correctly. I really hope that such ________________________ lessons will be held more often. This concludes my __________________________ letter. Waiting for an answer. - I conclude the lesson with the words of M. Prishvin: “...we are the masters of nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be preserved, they must be opened and shown. Fish need clean water - we will protect water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect the forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland! And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!” Let's imagine that Lake Baikal is our friend. We wish our friends health, happiness, and prosperity. Let's wish the lake what we would wish our friends. (Reading a poem about Baikal (background - slide presentation). Baikal is the pearl of Siberia. It is unique, our Baikal. Everyone, old and young, strives for it, the most beautiful in the world. Its waters are clean, transparent, It has no equal in depth. Such a monument, nature, brought into the world. And three hundred rivers, noisy, fast, Rapids and mischievous, Carry streams of frantic waters, From ledges, falling steeply. But only one has the right to waste goodness. Originates from Baikal, the Swift Angara. 8. D/z. – Create an image of Baikal from a photograph using Internet resources

To study this topic, project material was used; an innovative technique is the use of computer technology and Internet resources. The problem of the interdependence of man and nature is not new; it has existed at all times. The planet can only be saved by human activity carried out in natural communities, realizing that man is not the ruler of nature, but a part of it.



Topic: “Lake Baikal - the pearl of Siberia”

To study this topic, the project method was used; an innovative technique is the use of computer technology and Internet resources.

The problem of the interdependence of man and nature is not new; it has existed at all times. The planet can only be saved by human activity carried out on the basis of a deep understanding of laws, taking into account numerous interactions in natural communities, and the understanding that man is not the ruler of nature, but a part of it. This means that the ecological and moral problem grows into the problem of transforming the spontaneous impact of people on nature into one that consciously, purposefully, systematically develops with it. Such interaction is feasible if each person has a sufficient level of environmental and moral culture, environmental and moral consciousness, the formation of which begins in childhood and continues throughout life.

The relevance of the topic of the lesson is great in that the environmental problem of interaction between man and nature has worsened and taken on a truly planetary scale.


Educational: to develop knowledge about the natural area of ​​Lake Baikal; experience the beauty and uniqueness of the natural complex. Introduce the history of the discovery and study of Lake Baikal.

Educational: the formation of environmental consciousness of students using the example of environmental problems of Lake Baikal and their causes.

Developmental: developing skills in working with various reference materials.

Means of education: wall maps “Physical map of Russia”, “Economic map of Russia”, atlases, reference books.

Basic knowledge and skills: endemic lake basin, tectonic fault.

Methods and techniques of work: teacher’s story, conversation, student messages, activity

tion of background knowledge during the conversation.

The slogans are written on the board: “Baikal is not only a priceless bowl of living nature, but also a part of our soul. In joys and sorrows at the feast and in the front dugout, we sang about Baikal, drawing from it, along with other great sources, our heroic strength.

Take care of your souls and songs, springs and shrines, dear people!

(Leonid Leonov)

"Baikal is a priceless gift of nature"

(A. Tvardovsky)

Preparatory stage for individual project work:

1. Initiation of the project idea by the teacher, discussion of the content, timing, and sequence of the project.

2. Distribution of project topics to students.

3.Choice of a form for documenting project results

4. Using search materials to conduct an oral journal.

The main stage of the design work:

  1. Organization of search and research activities of students.;
  2. Searching for information on the Internet;
  3. Search for photos dedicated to Lake Baikal
  4. Design of a booklet dedicated to the environmental problems of Lake Baikal.

The final stage of work:

Defense of project work in class.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

Checking students' preparation for the lesson

Conversation about the weather, getting to know world news.

  1. Updating knowledge.

1. What do the nature of Central Siberia and the Northeast have in common?

2. Why is larch dominant in Eastern Siberia?

3 Post a new topic.

Teacher's opening remarks:

“Whoever has not seen Baikal has never been to Siberia,” say Siberians. Lots of songs and

poems composed by our poets and composers about Lake Baikal.

And I want to start the lesson with the poem “Baikal”

Wooded mountains semi-ovals,

The touch of blue patterns,

And the rocks cut by the shaft,

And the sky that fell into Baikal,

And he himself is majestic and eternal,

In a carved granite frame,

And everything - to the bottom - is translucent,

And every bit of it is dear.

And the Hangars fly obstinately,

And the scream of the wind, and the hum of the turbines,

And the birds - the pine trees over the cliff,

And the wild wind Barguzin -

In this, without which I cannot

To be far and wide and wide,

And you are unthinkable, Russia,

And you are unthinkable, Siberia.

M. Sergeev.

During the lesson we will consider the main issues relating to the modern problems of Lake Baikal, we will consider the questions according to plan (you were asked advanced tasks at home, prepare additional material on Lake Baikal)

Each person is given individual project work on the following topics:

  1. Geographical location of Lake Baikal. The beauty of the lake and the history of the formation of Baikal, the origin of the basins.
  2. Features of the climate. Baikal water – volume, quality, color, transparency.
  3. Natural complex of Baikal (richness and endemicity of the living world)
  4. Using the resources of Lake Baikal.
  5. Problems of Baikal.

Teacher: Lakes have always played a big role in human life. On their banks, people have long built dwellings in their waters, obtained food, and sailed along their waterways to neighboring lands and countries. Many historical events are associated with the lakes. Major battles and battles took place on their shores, waters and ice,

who sometimes decided the fate of nations. For example, I want to remind you about Lake Ladoga. This lake saved the lives of many Leningrad siege survivors. This

the city was under siege for 900 days. And food was brought in through this lake. This year we celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

In recent years, the problems of using the resources and protecting the nature of Lake Baikal have attracted great attention of all our people. Interest in the Siberian lake, unique in many respects, is growing year by year.

Scientists are attracted by the still unsolved secrets of Lake Baikal - the unique richness and diversity of species of fauna, amazing purity and transparency

ness of Baikal water. Tourists from all over the world are attracted by the beauty of Baikal, sometimes harsh, sometimes stingy with colors, sometimes surprisingly soft and poetic in its own way.

Baikal is a Turkic word and it comes from the word Bai kul, which means a rich lake. It contains about 1/5 or 20% of the world's fresh water reserves and 4/5 of our country's fresh water reserves.

So we begin to discuss the topics according to plan; during the discussion, notes should be kept in notebooks.

First student: Lake Baikal is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. In the shape of a nascent crescent, it stretched from southwest to northeast.

Baikal is the oldest lake on earth, which arose as a result of tectonic processes of antiquity. Its age is 20-25 million years.

the circulation of Lake Baikal still causes scientific controversy. The lake is located in a rift basin and its structure is similar, for example, to the Dead Sea basin. Some researchers explain the formation of Baikal by its location in the zone of an ancient tectonic fault, others suggest the presence of a giant fault in the earth’s mantle under Baikal, and others explain the formation of the depression by tectonic processes as a result of the movement of the continents of Eurasia and Hindustan. Volcanic activity on Lake Baikal continues to this day - earthquakes constantly occur in the vicinity of the lake.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world (1637 m). The average depth is 730 m.

The length of the lake is 620 km. Width from 24-79 km. There are 27 islands on Lake Baikal, the largest island being Olkhok.

Teacher: What is the climate of Baikal? (let's listen to the speech)

Second student : The climate of the Baikal region is moderate, sharply continental. Winter is very cold. The average temperature in January is -24 degrees, and on the coast it is ten degrees warmer: -14, -17 C. And summer on the shores of the lake is cooler, the average temperature in July is 15 C. Due to the uneven heating of the land and lake waters, transitions are formed atmospheric pressure, resulting in local winds.


Sarma Barguzin Verkhovik

Sarma - hurricane wind; wind speed reaches 60 m/s.

Barguzin - northeast wind.

Lake Baikal has uniquely clean, transparent water. The white disk, which is used to determine the degree of water transparency, is visible when immersed in the lake to a depth of 40 meters. About 550 rivers flow into the lake. The largest of them is Selenga. And only one river, the Angara, flows out of Lake Baikal.

The Buryats say about her: “The old man’s daughter is ruining Baikal.”

There are many legends about Baikal. And I want to read one of them.

“One of the oldest legends says that in very ancient times, a stern hero named Baikal lived in these places. And he had several hundred sons and only one daughter, Angara, the most beautiful girl in the world. The sons and daughter worked tirelessly every day. Snow and glaciers melted in the mountains, and crystal water was collected and driven from all over the area into a huge basin. And then one day Angara heard from traveling singers that a young hero, the handsome Yenisei, lived beyond the neighboring mountains. She fell in love with the Angara Yenisei and escaped from the crystal palace from the bottom of the underwater kingdom, where her strict father imprisoned her. Having learned about the escape, the enraged Baikal rushed in pursuit, grabbed a huge block of stone and threw it at his rebellious daughter, but missed. Since then, this block has been lying at the river’s exit from the lake; it is now called the Shaman’s stone. In the end, Angara ran to the Yenisei and hugged him, and they flowed together to the icy northern sea.”

The water in the lake is cold all year round. The lake freezes late, at the end of December, but Baikal opens up late. Baikal is unique due to its huge volume of water.

Teacher: The flora and fauna of Baikal are unusually rich. Currently, 1,550 species of animal species and 1,085 species of plant organisms are known in Baikal, and ¾ of them are unique to Baikal.

What are the characteristics of the organisms living in Baikal?

Third student: Deep endemism, i.e. they are endemic.

Teacher : 70% of all organisms are endemic. What are endemics?

Fourth student: These are plants and animals that are found only in one specific place.

Teacher : What endemics of Baikal can you name?

Fifth student : This is omul, seal, Baikal sturgeon, crustaceans, gobies, golomyanka. sponges, etc.

Sixth student : Baikal is home to 58 species of fish. And the largest fish that is found in Baikal is the Baikal sturgeon. Its weight reaches 130 kg, length is about 2 m. And the smallest fish weighs 2 grams. This is Gurvich's bull. And the most numerous fish in Lake Golomyanka. She lives at a depth of 1200m. She has no scales. She is viviparous. 30% of her body weight is fat. Also, the most numerous commercial fish is the omul, which reaches up to 50 cm and weighs 5 kg.

Teacher : Now tell me why the waters of Lake Baikal are so clean?

First student : Firstly, the shores of the lake are composed of crystalline patterns. They are difficult to wash out and produce little suspension. Secondly, the lake is inhabited by crustaceans - “janitors” - Epishura and Macrogyttonus. Thirdly, water itself is capable of purification.

Teacher : What measures are being taken to protect the lake in order to preserve this unique monument.

Second student : 2 national parks were created on its banks - Pribaikalsky and Transbaikalsky; reserves: Barguzin, Baikal-Lensky.

Teacher : Lake Baikal, unique in its nature, has picturesque shores and islands. The lake is a recreational site in Siberia. Clean air, mineral springs, clean, clear water of the lake attract many tourists. Lake Baikal, with its unique organic world, can reveal many secrets of the evolution of animals and plants. The lake is rich in fish resources, and the ridges of the Baikal region have huge reserves of wood - cedar, pine, larch. Cedar is a valuable nut; pine nut oil is used in medicine and in optics, and serves as food for the inhabitants of the taiga and for humans.

In the 20th century, pulp and paper mills were built on the shores of Lake Baikal, which significantly polluted the lake’s water. The Irkutsk hydroelectric power station was built on the Angara River, thereby damming Lake Baikal, which led to a rise in the water level by 1 meter, to the washing away of mud from the banks, to clouding of the water, and to the death of the main filter of Baikal water - plankton. Naturally, the development of the economy of the Baikal region requires the rational use of its wealth, their protection and reproduction. In recent years, especially much attention has been paid to the future of Lake Baikal, which is unique in many respects. In order to preserve the purity of Baikal water and use the lake’s riches without harming nature, it is necessary to create a unified system for the wise use of the entire basin.

Guys, please tell me what environmental problems exist near Lake Baikal? What is the state doing on this issue? What measures would you take to solve the Baikal problem?

Student answers:

2. Regulate logging in river basins flowing into the lake.

3. Construct treatment facilities at enterprises located on the shores of the lake and rivers flowing into Baikal.

5. Create recreation centers with organized visits to the lake by tourists.

6. Raise the environmental culture of the population.

7. Create a nature reserve.

Guys, that's right, well done.

And now the task is to fill out the table

Teacher : Putin, presenting grants from the Russian Geographical Society, whose board of trustees he heads, one of the 15 grants from the Russian Geographical Society was allocated for the study of Lake Baikal. And Putin’s goal is to prevent the destruction of the unique lake and the people living on its shores.

4. Fastening.

Working with cards:

Card No. 1

  1. Hurricane wind on Lake Baikal?
  2. Organisms found nowhere else?
  3. A pink and white translucent fish with no scales?
  4. This is the northeast wind on Lake Baikal.
  5. This is the largest island on Lake Baikal.
  6. Scientists studying lakes?

Answers: 1. Sarma. 2.Endemics. 3. Golomyanka. 4.Barguzin. 5. Olkhon 6. Limnologists.

Card No. 2

What it is?

  1. Sarma;
  2. barguzin;
  3. Barguzinsky;
  4. Selenga;
  5. Bay;
  6. lake;
  7. Angara;
  8. Mole alloy.


  1. Sarma is a hurricane wind on Lake Baikal.
  2. Barguzin - northeast wind and river.
  3. Barguzinsky ridge on the north-eastern shore of the lake and the Barguzinsky nature reserve on it.
  4. Selenga is the largest river flowing into Lake Baikal.
  5. The bay is the part of the lake that flows into the land and is filled.
  6. A lake is a closed basin filled with water.
  7. The Angara is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal.
  8. Mole alloy is an alloy of logs not tied into rafts.

Card No. 3

  1. Explain the enormous depth of Lake Baikal.
  2. Why does Baikal freeze only in January?
  3. Why is the water in the lake cold in summer? (+12 ۫С)
  4. What is unique about Lake Baikal? (3 traits)
  5. Who “sang” the first hymn to Lake Baikal after visiting the lake in 1956?
  6. Why is the water in Lake Baikal clean and transparent?
  7. What happens to the size of the lake?


  1. The lake is located in a tectonic fault.
  2. A huge mass of water takes a long time to cool down.
  3. Heating the waters of Lake Baikal requires a lot of energy (great depth and volume of water).
  4. The deepest, unique organic world, 80% of Russia's fresh water (20% of the world's), transparent.
  5. The mountains are composed of crystalline rocks, so there are few solid particles in the rivers.
  6. The lake is cleaned by living organisms - plankton.
  7. The lake expands and deepens.

Card No. 4

  1. Continue the expression “Whoever has not seen Baikal has...(hasn’t been to Siberia)
  2. What do the Buryats call Lake Baikal? (Baigal - dalai)
  3. What does the number 1620m mean? (Maximum depth of Baikal)
  4. How old is Baikal? (15-20 million years.)
  5. 332 years - what happens during this time? (There is a complete water change in Lake Baikal)
  6. 336 – 1.20%. 40m. What do these numbers mean?

Answer: 336 rivers flow in, 1 flows out, 20% of the planet’s fresh water is in Lake Baikal, 40 m. water transparency.

7. A. Voznesensky:

When you're sick, we're all sick

Baikal, you are the crystal liver of the country!

Baikal is the reserved conscience of the country.

Teacher: The Russian government is taking measures to close pulp and paper mills in the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. Only we can preserve the purity of Lake Baikal, a World Heritage Site. In other words, it is recognized that the preservation of the Baikal ecosystem is of planetary importance and is the business of all earthlings. I want to end the lesson with the words of N. Nadezhdina from an article in the Lenskaya Pravda newspaper: “Our law states that the people themselves must protect nature - their wealth. The people are you and me, our whole country - both adults and children."

5 . Lesson summary.



Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic Baikal from 10-15 words

Used Books

1. Barinova I.I., Geography of Russia. 8th grade; lesson plans; magazine "Geography at school" 2005 No. 2

"Mou Staro - Matakskaya Sosh"

Alkeevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

The uniqueness of Lake Baikal as the “pearl” of Siberia.

Geography lesson in 8th grade.

Geography and biology teacher,

highest qualification category Nadezhda Mikhailovna Tikhonova.


Lesson topic : The uniqueness of Lake Baikal as the “pearl” of Siberia

Lesson type: lesson - research, learning new material.


Educational: deepen knowledge about physical and geographical patterns using the example of Baikal.

Educational: formation of environmental consciousness of schoolchildren using the example of environmental problems of Lake Baikal and their causes.

Educational: development of skills in working with various reference and journalistic materials.

Means of education: presentation in the form of Power Point, wall maps “Physical Map of Russia”, “Economic Map of Central and North-Eastern Siberia”, atlases, audio recording “Sounds of Nature”, reference books, interactive whiteboard.

Basic knowledge and skills: tectonic fault, endemic, taiga, lake basin.

Methods and techniques of work: figurative story by the teacher, conversation, student reports, practical work, activation of background knowledge during the conversation.

Nomenclature: Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, Olkhon Island, Proval Bay.


"A miracle of nature in every way"

L. S. Berg

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Preparing students to perceive a new topic (turning on an audio recording of the sounds of nature “The Sound of Water”).

Checking students' preparation for the lesson. Teacher's greeting

    Updating knowledge

— What do you know about Baikal?

    Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson (slides 1,2,3,4)

Filling out the first column of table 1 (slide 5)

    Learning new material

    Practical work of students.

— Using a physical map, determine the geographical location of Lake Baikal and prove that it is the “pearl” of Siberia.

    Relief, tectonic structure (slides 6, 7)

Lake Baikal is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. In the shape of a nascent crescent, it stretched from southwest to northeast. Baikal ranks 8th in the world among lakes and is approximately equal to the area of ​​Belgium. There are no lakes deeper than Baikal on the continents of our planet - 1637 m east of Olkhon Island was shown by an echo sounder in 1974. The bottom of the Baikal depression is 1200 m below ocean level - this is the lowest place on all land on the globe.

    Climate, peculiarity of the nature of water.

In the world there are no open reservoirs with fresh water suitable for bottling drinking water, except for it. The waters of Lake Baikal have exceptionally high taste qualities. The climate of the lake and its coast has marine characteristics.

During the hot summer period, the huge water masses of Baikal warm up to a depth of 200-250 meters, but due to strong winds, the water in it is constantly mixed, and its upper layers do not have time to warm up. Therefore, even in July the water temperature in the lake is about +10°C. (slide 8)

The lake basin holds a fifth of all fresh water on Earth (23,000 cubic km). To carry it out to sea, all the rivers on the planet would have to work for eight months! In terms of volume of water, Baikal is almost 100 times larger than the Sea of ​​Azov. In addition, Baikal is the cleanest natural reservoir of fresh drinking water on Earth. (slide 9)

Student messages (slide 10)

The huge lake noticeably affects the surrounding area: in summer it is 5-6 degrees cooler here, and in winter it is 10 degrees warmer than, for example, in Irkutsk. Therefore, the lake is covered with ice only at the end of December, and the only river flowing from it - the fast and wide Angara - does not freeze at all for the first thirty kilometers. Baikal refers not only to the lake, but also to the area around the lake, which includes the Irkutsk region and several districts of the Republic of Buryatia.

(slide 11)

    The originality of the organic world (film screening (slide 12)).

Student report about the endemics of Baikal (slide 13,14).

    Modern research on Lake Baikal (slide 15).

Scientists have completed the first stage of research work as part of a scientific expedition to study Baikal, the deepest freshwater lake on the planet, during which the deep-sea manned vehicles Mir-1 and Mir-2 made 52 dives, the vice-president of the Conservation Assistance Fund told RIA Novosti Lake Baikal Mikhail Borzin.

The deepest point of Lake Baikal, which Mira reached, is 1,608 thousand meters from the surface of the lake. The scientific expedition to Lake Baikal is designed for two years. During its second stage, planned for 2009, about 100 dives of the Mir-1 and


    Protection of the lake and its use by humans. Completing the task (slide 16)

    How are the resources of the lake and its basin used?

    Name the protected sites on the shores of the lake (reserves, national parks, etc.).

    Name typical animals for each of the reserves.

    Which river brings the most water to the lake?

    With which state is an international agreement necessary to preserve the purity of its waters?

    List the natural resources of the lake. Which one matters the most?

    Consolidation(slides 17-2).

Explain the meaning of the following words: Uniqueness, 15-20 million years, Angara, transparency, endemics, seal, sarma, Olkhon, alarm, golomyanka.

- Using the text of the textbook, additional material and atlas maps, write 5 words in each column of Table 2.

Get to know me

    It rises from the foot to a height of 600-800 m above lake level. And above there are dense thickets of dwarf cedar, ending with stone placers. It consists of cedar, pine, larch and shrub undergrowth. In the dense branches of slender cedars, bushy-tailed squirrels flash every now and then. Rarely, rarely does a bear, elk or any other animal make its way through this thicket. What is it about?

    Its wood is not only durable, but also lightweight. The fruits are rich in oils. They replace sunflower seeds here. Its height is 30-40 m, it is soft, dark bluish in color. The closer the lake is to the water, the more moisture, and therefore the majestic, spreading of its crowns. Name it.

    He's the biggest one here. Treeless. This is explained by constant strong winds that prevent trees from populating it. It has a fishing village with its own power plant, school and other cultural and economic institutions. Name it.

    This animal is of very ancient origin. It was not found anywhere except Baikal, and the question of how it got here is still controversial. Its weight is from 50 to 100 kg. The color of its back is brownish-gray with a slight olive-bluish tint. The belly is lighter, slightly yellowish. Helpless on land and agile, swift, flexible in water. Who is he?

    This is endemic to Lake Baikal. Its soft pink, almost transparent body has no scales. She lacks pelvic fins and swim bladder. She is supported in water by a large amount of fat, which makes up almost a third of her body weight. Who are we talking about?

— Using the economic map of Central and North-Eastern Siberia, express your assumptions about possible environmental problems of Lake Baikal

    Summarizing (slide 21, 22) self-esteem .

Fill out the table given at the beginning of the lesson.

— Determine your place on the podium based on the results of your work in class.

    Work results

Basic summary of the lesson (based on the results of the presentation and the results of independent work in class with a textbook and atlas maps).

Characteristics of Lake Baikal.


§ 39, task 2-4 p. 250.

Creative task: creation of a project to solve environmental problems of Lake Baikal

Algorithm for creating a project

Determining the topic of the project and its relevance

Setting the goals and objectives of the project

Choosing forms and methods of achieving the goal

Description of own activities

Work results


Practical use

Materials used.
Internet resources:

