Development of a lesson on the world around us on the topic “A miracle under your feet. A miracle under your feet A miracle under your feet the world around you working

GDZ for the second part of the workbook The world around us, grade 3 >>

Answers to assignments in the workbook on the subject The world around us for grade 3, part 1 of the workbook, authors Pleshakov and Novitskaya, Perspective program. The workbook will help you with your homework. The workbook is organized in the same style as for the previous 1st and 2nd grades (we also have the answers to them on our website), but the tasks, logically, are more complex, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find answers to them. Our ready-made homework assignments will help you navigate the world around you and complete your homework easily and with an A plus!

If you have already completed the first part of the workbook, proceed to the second: GDZ to the second part of the workbook The world around us, grade 3 >>

Answers to tasks on the surrounding world, grade 3, part 1

Scroll through the pages to see the answers to them.

GDZ on the topic The Joy of Knowledge

Page 3-5. Light of knowledge

1. Select proverbs from the peoples of your region about the power of reason, knowledge, and skillful hands. Write them down.

As is the mind, so are the speeches.
As tall as you, but as smart as your body.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
Skillful hands do not know boredom.
With prayer in your mouth, work in your hands.
You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
A bad head has no rest for your feet.
Knowledge is the crown on your head.

2. ...Make and write down questions about what you would like to learn about in class at school.

Why does the wind blow?
Why does a bear hibernate in winter?
How does the solar system work?

Menzies's Pseudo-tsuga

3. Look at the corner of nature in the photo above. Tell us what you already know about this plant.

This is Menzies' Pseudotsuga. The second name of the plant is Douglas fir. This is an evergreen coniferous tree. It grows along the entire Pacific coast from British Columbia to California, in Montana, Colorado, Texas and New Mexico.

Make up and write down questions about what else you would like to know about him. Try to find answers to your questions.

What are those red flowers on the branches? The red flowers are young buds.
How tall can this tree grow? Can grow above 50 meters in height.

4. Tell me from the photo on p. 5, what do you already know about Red Square in Moscow.

Red Square is located in the very center of Moscow. On it are located: St. Basil's Cathedral, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, Lenin's Mausoleum, the Moscow Kremlin.

Make up and write down questions about what else you would like to know about the cultural monuments depicted in the photograph. Try to find answers to your questions.

What is the height of the Spasskaya Tower? 71 m.
What year was it built? St Basil's Church? The cathedral was built in 1555-1561 by order of Ivan the Terrible in memory of the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate, which happened precisely on the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos - in early October 1552.

Page 6-11. Answers to the lesson How to study the world around us

1. What ways do these students use to study the world around them?

From left to right: Identification of natural objects, observation, experience, modeling, measurement.

2. Practical work "Observation"

Observe the behavior of aquarium fish (or other animals) during feeding. Think through the steps of the work and take notes.

1. Purpose of observation: to find out which food fish like more, dry or live.
2. Observation plan: throw dry and live food into the aquarium at the same time, watch the fish, which food they eat first.
3. Observation results: We saw that the fish first ate the live food. They showed great interest in him.
4 Conclusions: Fish love live food more than dry food.

3. Practical work "Experience"

Carry out an experiment with a magnet. Think through the steps of the work and take notes.

1. Purpose of the experiment: to find out which items in the kitchen are made of iron.
2. Plan for the experiment: attach a magnet to objects, see if it sticks to them.
3. Results of the experiment: the magnet stuck to several objects.
4. Conclusions: using a magnet, we learned that there are iron objects in the kitchen: a refrigerator, a spoon battery, knives, forks, a sink.

5. Practical work "Measuring mass".

Add it.

A scale is a device for measuring mass.

6. Practical work "Measuring length".

Add it.

Ruler and tape measure are tools for measuring length.

Page 12-13. GDZ from 7 gurus to the lesson The book is a source of knowledge

1. Write down information about a popular science book that you especially liked:

Title: Hot facts about ice

3. Read statements about the importance of books and native language in a person’s life.

Marcus Tullius Cicero is an ancient Roman politician and philosopher, a brilliant orator. Information taken from the Internet, Wikipedia.

Konstantin Grigorievich Paustovsky is a Russian Soviet writer who wrote in the romanticism genre, best known as the author of short stories and stories for children. Information taken from the Internet, Wikipedia.

4. Come up with your own statement about the benefits of books and reading. Write it down.

By reading books, we learn a lot of new and informative things, and also develop our speech.

5. In what reference books can you find out what the ancient Greek city of Troy is famous for? Write it down.

In the encyclopedia, dictionary, guidebook, atlas.

Page 14-17. Answers site on the topic Let's go on an excursion

2. Give 1-2 examples.

Art museums: Tretyakov Gallery, Hermitage.

Museum-apartment, house-museum, museum-estate: Chukovsky House-Museum, L.N. Museum-Estate. Tolstoy.

Nature reserves, national parks: Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, Sochi National Park, Losiny Island (in Moscow).

4. On your own or with the help of additional literature, the Internet, determine which museums are shown in the photographs in the Appendix. Cut them out and paste them into the appropriate boxes.

Page 18-21. GDZ What the plan will tell you

A terrain plan is an accurate drawing of the area, made using conventional signs.

2. Sign the symbols of the plan yourself or with the help of a textbook.

city; Orchard; meadow and path; dirt road.

3. Cut out the symbols of the plan from the Appendix and paste them in the appropriate windows.

5. During the lesson, the teacher asked: “What does the scale of the plan shown in the textbook mean?” ... Who answered correctly? Check the box.

Answer: Ira is right.

6. Practical work "Tourist plans"

1. Look at the plan of the zoo in the textbook. Focus on the sides of the horizon and determine in which parts of the zoo they live:

a) tigers - in the northern part

b) lions - in the southern part

c) bullfinches and other birds - in the Western part

d) camels - in the Eastern part.

2. Consider a fragment of the Moscow plan in the textbook. What landmarks are depicted on it?

Answer: Moscow State University, Sparrow Hills, University, Luzhniki Stadium, Botanical Garden, Olympic Village.

3. Consider the plan of the central part of St. Petersburg. Determine how to get from Moskovsky Station to the Winter Palace. Write what you can see on this route.

Answer: You need to walk along Nevsky Prospekt to Palace Square. Along the way you can see: Anichkov Bridge, Kazan Cathedral, Alexander Column.

Page 22-23. Answers to the topic Planet on a piece of paper

1. Using the textbook, complete the definition.

A map is a reduced image of the earth's surface on a plane using symbols.

3. Color as indicated on the map:

water - blue, land: plains - green and yellow, mountains - brown.

4. Using the textbook, complete the definitions.

A continent is a huge area of ​​land surrounded on all sides by water.

A part of the world is a continent or part of a continent with islands located nearby.

5. Write in the table the names of all continents and parts of the world.

Continents: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.

Parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica.

6. Using the textbook map, give examples.

Seas: Black, Yellow, Okhotsk, Laptev, Barents, Red.

Rivers: Ob, Lena, Yenisei, Volga, Mississippi, Amazon, Ganges.

Islands: Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Crete, Tasmania, Wrangel.

Page 24-25. GDZ on the topic Countries and peoples on the political map of the world

1. Rome is the capital of Italy. Neighbors (neighboring states) - Switzerland, France, Austria, Slovenia.

3. Look at representatives of different nations in traditional costumes. Write down the names of their countries and capitals.

Belarusians. Country - Belarus (Belarus), capital - Minsk.

Mexicans. Country - Mexico, capital - Mexico City.

Turks. Country - Türkiye, capital - Ankara.

Chinese. Country - China, capital - Beijing.

Page 26-27. By traveling, we explore the world

Make a plan to prepare a trip to your city.

If you are in Moscow, write about the local history museum “House on the Embankment”, in St. Petersburg - about the state local history museum “Nevskaya Zastava”. There is a local history museum in every city.

Purpose of travel: learn more about the history of our native land.
Travel destination: Regional Museum of Local Lore.
Sources of information about the place of travel: Internet.
Reference literature: official website of the museum.
Maps, diagrams, plans, guides: a city map to get to the museum.
Equipment: pen and notepad.
Weather forecast: doesn't matter.
Dress code: business suit.
My companion(s): parents.

The museum has a lot of interesting antiques; the guide told us in detail about the history of our city and region.

3. At the farm “On the Edges” of the Belgorod region we will learn the skills of a beekeeper. Cut out the drawings from the Appendix. Supplement the photo story with them, observing the order in the work of the working bees and in the concerns of the beekeeper.

Pages 28-31. Answers to the topic Transport

1. Draw an ancient means of transportation among the peoples of your region or paste a photograph.

3. Project "Curious Passenger"

Project name: bus - aquarium.

Name of means of transport: bus.

Drawings, photographs and texts for decoration inside:

Texts: names of fish and their brief characteristics (where they live, what they eat)

Page 32-33. Media and communications

1. Come up with symbols to convey information. Draw them on the flags.

You can assign a fictitious symbol to each letter of the alphabet and write words using these symbols.

2. Letter to a friend..

Enter your details! Design example:

From whom Ivanova Ivana
Where Moscow, Nekrasova street 67-98

Departure index 105120

To Smirnov Sasha
Where to Moscow, Nekrasova St. 67-99

Destination index 105120

3. Place in a frame information from a local newspaper or magazine about natural phenomena or cultural events that interest you, or about the people of your region.

If you don't have a newspaper or magazine, find some interesting news on your city's news website and print it out.

4. Write down from memory the names of media and communications.

Answer: Television, radio, newspapers, magazines. Internet media.

Telephone, telegraph, mail - means of communication.

GDZ for the section of the workbook The world is like a home

Page 34-35. The natural world in folk art

1. The word “ekos” (oikos) translated from Greek means “house”, “dwelling”.

The word "logos" translated from Greek means "knowledge", "word".

The ancient Greeks used the word “oikoumene” to describe the land inhabited and developed by man.

2. Fragment of an ancient spinning wheel. Determine how many tiers of the Universe are depicted on it.

This fragment of an antique spinning wheel shows two tiers. The upper one is the kingdom of light and sun, as well as the middle tier - the tier where animals and people live.

In the ancient legends of many peoples of the Earth, a single world consists of three tiers. Here is one of the legends.
The lower tier is the abode of the serpent, the ruler of the underworld and water. The fairytale snake swallows the sun in the evening, when it goes to the west, and releases it in the morning - in the east.
The upper tier is the sky, the kingdom of light, sun, heavenly life-giving waters. From here the mighty luminary controls the order in the Universe.
Animals and people live in the middle tier. This tier is the meeting place of man with the vast Universe, with all the nature around. Man is inside, at the center of the world. Man is the middle part of a large whole.

3. Make up a chain of questions and answers based on the song “Where are you going, Thomas?”

- “Where are you going, Masha?” - "To the store." - “Why go to the store?” - "For products." - “Why do you need food?” - “Prepare lunch.” - “Why do you need lunch?” - "Feed the family." - “Why do you need a family?” - "Collect apples." - “Why do you need apples?” - "Bake the pie." - “Why do you need a pie?” - “Set the table, throw a feast!”

Page 36-39. What does everything consist of?

1. Find the extra photo in each row. Explain your choice.

Answer: in the top row there is a mug, since it is a human product, and everything else is natural objects. In the bottom row is a titmouse, since it is a natural object, and everything else is objects created by man.

2. Give examples of natural objects:

Objects of inanimate nature: stone, sand, water, air, cloud.

Wildlife objects: bird, fish, cat, spider, cactus, jellyfish.

3. Using the text and illustrations from the textbook, fill in the table.

Solids, liquids and gases.

Solids: stone, pencil, bed, watch, glass.

Liquids: water, milk, sunflower oil, juice, kerosene.

Gases: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide.

4. Find out the substances from the description and write their names in the boxes.

This substance is part of any living organism. 2/3 of the human body consists of this substance. - WATER

This substance is found in the form of stone underground, and is also dissolved in the water of the seas and oceans. It can be found in every home in the kitchen. SALT.

This substance is added to many products - sweets, pastries, cakes. In nature, it is found in plants. SUGAR.

This substance is our assistant in the kitchen because it burns well. But in the event of a leak, it can spread throughout the entire apartment, and this is very dangerous. NATURAL GAS.

These substances are created artificially. They are used to make household items, window frames, toys and many other products. PLASTICS.

5. Underline the names of solids with a blue pencil, and the names of substances with a green pencil.

Solids (in blue pencil): nail, horseshoe, wire, gasoline can, icicle, ice floe, candy, salt shaker.

Substances (in green pencil): salt, iron, aluminum, copper, plastic, gasoline, water, sugar.

Page 40-41. 7guru's answers to the lesson The World of Celestial Bodies

1. Using the information from the textbook, write the numerical data in the text.

Diameter of the Sun in 109 times the diameter of the Earth. Mass of the Sun in 330 thousand times the mass of our planet. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million kilometers. The temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6 thousand degrees Celsius, and in the center of the Sun - 15 million degrees Celsius.

2. Fill out the table.

Difference between stars by color.

White: Regulus, Deneb.

Blue: Sirius, Vega.

Yellow: Sun, Capella.

Red: Aldebaran, Cepheus.

3. Build a model of the solar system...

Take a sheet of black or blue cardboard and stick colored plasticine circles on it in accordance with the diagram of the Solar System:

4. Solve the crossword puzzle.

2. A planet with rings clearly visible in a telescope is SATURN.

5. The planet we live on is EARTH.

6. The planet is a neighbor of the Earth, located closer to the Sun than the Earth - VENUS.

7. The planet is a neighbor of the Earth, located further from the Sun than the Earth - MARS.

8. The planet located between Saturn and Neptune is URANUS.

5. Using various sources of information, prepare messages about a star, constellation or planet that you would like to know more about.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is called the "red planet" because of its reddish color. Mars has two satellites - Phobos and Deimos. Scientists have been studying Mars for a long time. Currently, rovers are operating on the surface of the planet. Source - Wikipedia, Internet.

Page 42-43. GDZ from the site Invisible Treasure

1. In the text of the textbook, find the paragraph that explains the origin of wind. Please read it carefully. Come up with and draw a diagram of how wind occurs.

2. Label the diagram with the names of the gases that make up air. Test yourself using the textbook.

3. Study the properties of air and write down your conclusions.

1. Is the air transparent or opaque? - transparent.

2. Does air have color? No

3. Does the air have a smell? no4. What happens to air when it is heated and cooled?

This experiment shows that air expands when heated.
This experiment shows that air contracts when cooled.

5. How does air conduct heat? Answer: Air is a poor conductor of heat.

4. What is the name of the equipment used in these experiments?

Page 44-45. The most important substance

Practical work "Investigation of the properties of water."

Experience 1. Dip a glass rod into a glass of water. Is she visible? What property of water does this indicate?

The stick is visible. This indicates that the water is clear.

Experience 2. Compare the color of the water with the color of the stripes shown on this page. What do you see? What does this mean?

Water has no color, it is colorless.

Experience 3. Smell the clean water. What property of water can be determined in this way?

Pure water does not smell, which means it has no odor.

Experience 4.

Place a flask with a tube filled with colored water into hot water. What are you observing? What does this indicate?

Conclusion: Water began to rise up the tube. This suggests that water expands when heated.

Experience 5. Place the same flask in a plate with ice. What are you observing? What does this indicate?

Conclusion: The water level drops, which means the water contracts as it cools.

General conclusion: water is transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled.

Page 46-47. Answers to the workbook topic Natural elements in folk art

1. Cut out photos from the application. Label them under the names of natural elements. At the bottom of the table, draw images of fire, water and air, characteristic of the fine arts of the peoples of your region.

Images of fire, water and air in the art of the peoples of your region.

2. Write down riddles about fire, water and air, created by the creativity of the peoples of your region.

Riddles about fire, water and air in the works of the Russian people:

If you feed him, he lives; if you give him something to drink, he dies. (fire)

The red cow ate all the straw. (fire)

With a tongue, but does not bark, without teeth, but bites. (fire)

It flies to the bottom in droplets, to the top - invisible. (water)

No arms, no legs, but destroys the mountain. (water)

What can’t you roll up a mountain, carry in a sieve, or hold in your hands? (water)

It flows, it flows - it won’t leak out, it runs, it runs - it won’t run out. (river)

The peas are scattered along a hundred roads, no one will collect them: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the fair maiden, nor the white fish. (air)

The peas scattered over seventy roads; no one can collect it - not the priests, not the clerks, not us fools. (air)

3. Look at the patterns of folk embroidery. Identify the images of fire, water and air.

The image of water is the waves below, the image of air is a bird. The image of fire is usually depicted as a wheel or the sun. In the middle of the picture there is a sun - this is an image of fire.

Page 48-49. GDZ Storeroom lands

1. Complete the definitions yourself or with the help of a textbook.

Minerals are natural substances.

Rocks are natural compounds of minerals.

2. Practical work "Composition of granite"

Based on the research results, fill out the chart.

Composition of granite. Granite: feldspar, mica, quartz.

3. Do you know what is stored in the Earth's storerooms? Cut out photos from the application and paste them into the appropriate windows.

4. Write down the names of the minerals in your region: oil, marl, sand, clay, chalk, shale (Krasnodar region).

Page 50-51. GDZ for the lesson the world around us Miracle under our feet

Practical work "Study of soil composition"

Experience 1. Throw a lump of dry soil into the water. What are you observing? What does this mean?

Conclusion: The soil settles to the bottom, but not all of it. There is air in the soil.

Experience 2. Heat some fresh soil over a fire. Hold the cold glass over the soil. What are you observing? What does this mean?

Conclusion: The glass is fogged up. This indicates that there is water in the soil.

Experience 3. Continue to warm the soil. Wait for smoke and an unpleasant odor to appear.

Conclusion: The soil contains humus.

Experience 4. Pour the calcined soil in which the humus has burned into a glass of water and stir. Observe what settles to the bottom first, and what after a while. What does this experience say?

Conclusion: First, sand settled to the bottom, then clay. This means that the soil contains sand and clay.

Experience 5. Place a few drops of water on the glass in which the soil has been sitting for a long time. Hold the glass over the fire. What happened to the water? What happened to the glass? These are mineral salts. What does this experience say?

Conclusion: The water has evaporated, leaving a residue on the glass. This indicates that the soil contains mineral salts.

General conclusion: the composition of the soil includes air, water, humus, sand, clay, and mineral salts.

Page 52-55. World of plants

1. Find out the groups of plants by descriptions. Write the names of the groups in the boxes.

These plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits in which seeds ripen. FLORAL

These plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers or fruits. Their body is called a thallus. SEAWEED.

Plants in this group have stems and leaves, but no roots, flowers or fruits with seeds. MHI.

These plants have all parts except flowers and fruits. Their seeds ripen in cones. CONIFEROS.

Plants in this group have roots, stems and leaves that look like large feathers. But they do not have flowers, fruits, or seeds. FERNES.

2. During the lesson, the teacher asked for examples of flowering plants. The children answered like this... Which of the guys answered correctly? Who made the mistakes?

Nadya has the correct answer, Seryozha has one mistake (incorrect answer - pine), Ira has two mistakes (seaweed, spruce), Vitya has three mistakes (thuja, larch, fern).

3. Identify these plants. Write the names of the plants and the groups to which they belong.

Answer: In the top row from left to right: fuchsia (flowering), salvia (flowering), toadflax (flowering), chicory (flowering). In the bottom row from left to right: bracken (fern), funaria (mosses), fir (conifers), cedar pine (conifers).

4. Using the book “Green Pages”, prepare a message about one of the plant species of any group. Write down the name of the species, group and brief information for your message.

Cedar pine is a coniferous plant (tree) that grows in Siberia and the North-East of the European part of Russia. People often call it Siberian cedar. The needles of this tree are collected in bunches of 5 pieces. Large cones ripen delicious seeds - pine nuts.

Page 56-57. GDZ Fertile land and plants in folk art

1. Color the pattern as we want. Second towel:

2. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale of the peoples of your region, in which the plant plays an important role in the development of the action.

Fairy tales in which plants are involved: The fairy tale “The golden comb cockerel and the miracle chalk” (a grain of a bean or an acorn sprouted in the house and grew to the sky), “Turnip”, “Rejuvenating apples”, “Wild swans” (the girl wove shirts from nettle).

Illustration for the fairy tale "Turnip"

3. Select and write down riddles and proverbs of the peoples of your region about the feeding land and plants.

Proverbs: The little land is black, but it produces white bread. The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

Riddles about the earth: It rains - she drinks everything, everything else turns green and grows. Everyone calls her mother, everyone runs after her.

Page 58-61. Answers to the lesson Animal World

1. Write the names of the groups of animals listed.

Frog, toad, newt - this is amphibians.
Earthworm, leech is worms.
Snail, slug, octopus, squid are shellfish.
Crayfish, crab, shrimp are crustaceans.
Starfish, sea urchin, sea lily are echinoderms.
Spider, scorpion, haymaker - this is arachnids.
Lizard, snake, crocodile, turtle are reptiles.

2. Identify the animals. Write the names of the animals and the groups they belong to.

On page 58 from left to right: amber snail (mollusk), goldfinch (birds), hay spider (arachnids).
On page 59 from left to right in the top row: otter (animals), king crab (crustaceans), rhinoceros beetle (insects).
On page 59 from left to right in the bottom row: burbot (fish), tree frog (amphibians), grass snake (reptiles).

3. Compare a frog and a toad in appearance. Tell (orally) what are their similarities and what are their differences.

First, about the differences. Toads are usually larger in size than frogs. Toads have a thick, wide body and shorter legs. Frogs do not have large parotid glands, which are located in the back of the head in toads. The skin of frogs is tender and moist, while that of toads is dry and covered with tubercles. The eggs of frogs are round, while those of toads look like long cords.
Similarities: both the toad and the frog are amphibians. They have bulging eyes. The hind legs are longer than the front legs. They move by jumping. They live more often near bodies of water. They feed on insects.

4. Cut out details from the application and build development models.

Models of development of fish, frogs, birds.

5. Come up with and write down 2-3 questions for the quiz “In the Animal World.”

How many days will it take for the chicken to hatch from the egg?
How is a frog different from a toad?
Does a hare feed her babies milk?

6. Using the book "Green Pages", prepare a message about one of the animal species of any group.

Pink salmon. Pink salmon are fish that usually live in the sea, but lay their eggs in rivers. The length of pink salmon reaches 50 cm. Pink salmon feeds on small fish and crustaceans. During spawning, pink salmon change color, and males develop a large hump on their back. Hence the name of the fish. Pink salmon is a valuable fish that needs protection and conservation.

Page 62-63. GDZ on the topic Our journey into the animal world

Page 64-65. Images of animals in folk art

1. Complete the carving design...

You can glue photos of towels with embroidered roosters, photos with a Dymkovo toy in the shape of a turkey, a horse, wooden decorations for the garden and home in the shape of animals.

3. Briefly write down the plot of a fairy tale from the peoples of your region, where magical animals help people.

Let's remember the fairy tales: "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "Little Little Khavroshechka", "Turnip", "Magic Ring", "Bull - Tar Barrel".

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf.

The king had three sons. In his garden there was an apple tree with golden apples, and every night the apples began to disappear. The king sent his sons to see who was stealing the apples. The two sons fell asleep, but Ivan did not sleep; he saw that the Firebird was eating apples. The king ordered his sons to get the firebird. They went their separate ways. Ivan arrived at a fork where there was a post with an inscription. Whoever goes straight will be cold and hungry all the way. Whoever goes to the left will die, but his horse will live. And whoever goes to the right will remain alive, but the horse will die. Ivan went to the right. The Gray Wolf ran out of the forest, ate the horse, and then began to serve Ivan faithfully. That wolf helped Ivan get the firebird, his bride, and stay alive.

The Little Humpbacked Horse

The peasant had three sons. Their father sent them to guard the wheat. The two sons slept, and Ivan caught the horse. The horse gave him the Little Humpbacked Horse. The Little Humpbacked Horse helped his friend find the firebird, a ring and a beauty for the king. The king wanted to get married, but he had to bathe in boiling water. The Tsar called Ivan first to swim. The horse helped Ivan and he became handsome. And the king was boiled. Ivan and the Tsar Maiden got married. (Written by Maxim Egorov)

Page 66-67. GDZ from 7 gurus to the lesson Invisible threads in living nature

1. Read the text carefully. Underline the names of animals of different groups with different colors: green - herbivores, blue - predators, red - insectivores, brown - omnivores.

Summer is a bountiful time of year for a wide variety of animals. We often see swallows in the sky. They catch numerous flying insects in the air. Near the water, the frog hunts mosquitoes. In the forest they find their prey - small rodents - a fox and an owl. A rich table is laid here for the hare and moose- these are different twigs, leaves, bark. And for crows and wild boars, any food will do - both plant and animal.

Look at soil samples. What color is it? ( dark)

- To study the properties and composition of the soil, we will conduct an experiment. But due to the fact that the office is not equipped to work with fire, some experiments are prohibited.

Open the workbooks to page 50.

Read the purpose of the practical work. (determine what is included in the soil)

Read what equipment we need and match using the arrows.(beaker, alcohol lamp, glass, plate, pipette, holder, tripod, glass rod)

Experience No. 1

- Let's do the first experiment. Take a glass of water and throw in a lump of dry soil. What do you see?(Air bubbles come out of the soil.)

- What does this mean? (there is air in the soil. Hang a support card with the word air on the board)

- We'll watch the rest of the experiments in the video.

Experience No. 2

Read the experience. Heat the water a little. Cold glass is placed over the soil. Look at the picture, experiment 2, and tell me what you see?(glass becomes wet)

- What does this experience prove? (there is water in the soil. Post a support card with the word “water”)

Experience No. 3

In this experiment, the water continues to be heated. Look at the picture, experiment 3, and tell me what you see?(smoke appeared above the ground)

Humus or humus, which is formed from the remains of plants or animals, burns. It is humus that gives the dark color to the soil. (hang a support card with the word “humus” on the board)

Experience No. 4

The calcined soil, in which all the humus has burned, is poured into a glass of water and stirred. Sand and clay settled to the bottom. What have we proven again? (that there is sand and clay in the soil. Post the words sand and clay on the board)

Experience No. 5

The water is filtered in which the soil has been in it for a long time. A few drops are placed on the glass. Hold the glass over the fire. There is a residue left on the glass. This is salt. Salts are nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants. They are formed due to humus under the influence of microbes that live in the soil.

Draw a conclusion.(soil contains salts that can dissolve in water. Hang up cards “salts”, “microbes”)

We examined the soil. Look at the diagram we got.

Draw a general conclusion and write it down in your notebook.

We're walking, we're walking,
We raise our hands higher.
(walking in place, arms raised and lowered.)
We breathe evenly, deeply,
It's easy for us to walk together.
walking in place, inhaling and exhaling)
Let's turn our heads together,
turns the head left and right)
There is no need to lower it.
Who's hiding under the bush
With a bushy red tail?
This is a cunning fox
There is a fox's house under the bush.
forward bends)
We'll outwit the fox
Let's run away on our toes
running on toes)
And at the edge of the forest
Let's eat strawberries.
forward bends)
How much we saw:
River, butterflies, flowers.
(walking in place)
learned a lot of new things
together we are - you and me.
sit down at your desk)

Scientists have been studying soil for a long time. The science of soils - soil science - was created by Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev. Turn to page 133. Find and read in the text about the importance of soil for humans. Discuss in pairs.

According to scientists, it takes 2 thousand years to form a layer of soil 5 cm thick.

How is soil formed? (children's assumptions)

The loose layer is obtained as a result of the destruction of hard rocks. It consists of pebbles, sand, clay. It contains virtually no nutrients needed by plants. But still, some unpretentious ones settle in it, forming humus. Humus is beneficial for plants, so they begin to grow there, creating even more humus. And so slowly the stones, sand and clay turn into soil.

Look in the textbook on pp. 74-75 we see animals. Let's call them (wood mouse, toad, cockchafer, earthworms, chafer larva, centipede, mole cricket, click beetle and its larva, cricket, mole.)

- How do you think they increase soil fertility?(children's assumptions)

Well done! Open the textbook on page 76, 3rd paragraph, read. Tell me, were your assumptions confirmed?(animals living in the soil make passages in it, where water and air easily penetrate. Animals mix the soil, crush it)

- Read the 1st and 2nd paragraph on page 76.

What happens if the soil disappears(animals, insects and people will die of hunger)

What do plants get from the soil?( salt)

What are salts? (Salts are nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.)

What is humus?(formation from plant remains)

- We can conclude that the main part of the soil is humus. Salts are formed from it. Plants use them. Animals eat plants. When plants and animals die, their remains fall into the soil and, under the influence of microbes, turn into humus. And then they form again in salt. This is how substances travel in nature, as if in a circle.

Imagine that if the soil suddenly disappears, the cycle of substances will be interrupted. Plants and animals will disappear. This means that people will not be able to live on earth. This is indicated by the drawing on page 76. Consider and say how soil is formed.

- Let's summarize the lesson.

– What does soil consist of? (air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts, microbes)

– What do plants get from the soil? (water, air, salts)

– What affects soil fertility? (presence of humus)

What is the name of the scientist who created the science of studying soils?(Vasily Vasilievich Dokuchaev)

- I see how well you understood today's lesson. Thank you, goodbye!

Page 17 of 26


Practical work "Study of soil composition"

Experiment 1. Throw a lump of dry soil into the water. What are you observing? What does this mean?

Conclusion: The soil settles to the bottom, but not all of it. There is air in the soil.

Experiment 2. Heat some fresh soil over a fire. Hold the cold glass over the soil. What are you observing? What does this mean?

Conclusion: The glass is fogged up. This indicates that there is water in the soil.

Experiment 3. Continue heating the soil. Wait for smoke and an unpleasant odor to appear.

Conclusion: The soil contains humus.

Experiment 4. Pour the calcined soil in which the humus has burned into a glass of water and stir. Observe what settles to the bottom first, and what after a while. What does this experience say?

Conclusion: First, sand settled to the bottom, then clay. This means that the soil contains sand and clay.

Experiment 5. Place a few drops of water on the glass in which the soil has been sitting for a long time. Hold the glass over the fire. What happened to the water? What happened to the glass? These are mineral salts. What does this experience say?

Conclusion: The water has evaporated, leaving a residue on the glass. This indicates that the soil contains mineral salts.

General conclusion: the composition of the soil includes air, water, humus, sand, clay, and mineral salts.

Miracle under your feet

We called the soil under our feet a miracle. Isn't it a miracle that a thin layer of earth feeds plants, animals and all the people of our planet?
The soil- this is the top fertile layer of the earth
Fertility- the main property of the soil.

Fertility makes soil an invaluable gift of nature, the main wealth of any country, any people. “The earth is the nurse” - this is how people call the soil with great respect. Scientists have been studying soil for a long time.

Soil science- soil science.

The science of soils - soil science - was created by the wonderful Russian scientist Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev.

Why is the soil fertile? To find out, let's study its composition.

Practical work "Study of soil composition."
Goal of the work: determine what is included in the soil.

Review equipment prepared for practical work. Use arrows to indicate the names of the items.

Experience 1. Throw a lump of dry soil into the water. What are you observing? What does this mean?

Conclusion: Soil contains air.
Experience 2. Heat some fresh soil over a fire. Hold the cold glass over the soil. What are you observing? What does this mean?

Conclusion: There is water in the soil
Experience 3. Continue to warm the soil. Wait for smoke and an unpleasant odor to appear. This burns humus soil, which is formed from the remains of plants and animals. Humus gives the soil a dark color. What does this experience indicate?

Conclusion: The soil contains humus
Experience 4. Pour the calcined soil in which the humus has burned (it is grey) into a glass of water and stir. Observe what settles to the bottom first and what after a while. What does this experience say?

Conclusion: The soil contains sand and clay.
Experience 5. Place a few drops of water on the glass in which the soil has been sitting for a long time. Hold the glass over the fire. What happened to the water? What's left on the glass? These are mineral salts. What does this experience say?

Conclusion: The soil contains mineral salts.

General conclusion: The soil composition includes air, water, humus, sand, clay, and mineral salts.

Animals living in the soil make passages in it, where water and air easily penetrate. Animals mix the soil and crush plant remains. This way they increase soil fertility.
Determine what animals live in the soil.
Centipede, earthworms, May beetle larva, mole cricket, mole, click beetle larva.

Lesson from the world around us
3rd grade, educational complex "Perspective"
Lesson topic: “A miracle under your feet”

Lesson developed by: Zakharova Elena Nikolaevna
primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 10"

G. Ukhta

Lesson “discovering new knowledge”, built on the basis of the activity method
Theme: Miracle under your feet
The purpose of the topic is to provide an understanding of soil, its fertility and importance for plants, animals and humans; about humus, its formation and importance for soil fertility; cultivate a caring attitude towards soil fertility and towards the animals that form the soil.
The main content of the topic, terms and concepts An idea of ​​the soil and its composition.
Terms: soil, fertility, humus, mineral salts, soil science.
Planned result Subject skills UUD
They will learn to characterize the composition of soil, the role of soil in nature and the role of living organisms in soil formation. Know the terms soil, fertility, humus, mineral salts. Personal:
- during practical work, determine what is included in the soil.
Organization of space
Interdisciplinary connections Forms of work Resources
Literary reading
Frontal life safety
in pairs
in groups
individual work
practical work -Uch. The world around us, grade 3, part 1, page,
-Workbook on the world around us, part 1, pp. 50-51. - Methodological manual “Lessons on the world around us”, 3rd grade. M.Yu. Novitskaya, N.M. Belyankova, “Enlightenment” - M., 2010.
- Internet resources (musical composition “I look into the blue lakes”, music by L. Afanasyev, Lyrics by I. Shaferan)
Presentation (smart)
- Equipment for practical and group work (interactive whiteboard, microscope, laptop, testing system, graphics tablet)

Lesson stage Lesson content Characteristics
activities of students and teachers of UUD
Stage I. 6 minutes Motivation for activity
The goal is to motivate students to study the topic “A miracle under your feet”
Organizational moment
The nut of knowledge is hard,
But still we are not used to retreating
Curiosity will help us
discoveries are made here
Presentation. Which section of the environment? study the world? Why was it called “the world as a home”?
What have you already found out? What everything is made of, the properties of water, air, rocks and minerals.
Smart testing
I suggest you test your knowledge and take the test. Turn on the remotes. Smart test.
Test, identifying the location of the difficulty, determining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.
Which question was the most difficult? Why? Haven't studied this yet.
Look at the plants (in a vase and in a pot). Which plant do you think will live longer? Why? What does a plant need to live? Sun, air, water, soil...
Problem situation
And if you can’t answer the question right away, then what are you missing? Knowledge
What questions would you like answered? …..

Who guessed what we will talk about in today's lesson?

Formulate the topic of our lesson. (Soil)

What do you think is wonderful about the land we walk on? (children's assumptions)

Look at the table of contents, what did the author of the textbook call it? Why?
- They also say about the soil “a miracle under your feet.” What's so wonderful about her? What goal will you set for yourself today in class? Goal: Determine why soil is a miracle?
Is it so important for a person to know everything about the soil and be able to use it?
Where in life can you apply these skills?

What learning skills will you need in class today?
- Read, observe, compare, draw conclusions.
What should you do first? To make a plan.
1. what is soil
2. soil composition
3. soil properties
4. What's wonderful about soil?
5. soils in the Republic of Kazakhstan
6. soil protection The teacher sets the children up for the right wave of the lesson.
Students formulate the topic of the lesson by making assumptions, working in a group, and guessing a rebus. Regulatory:
together with the teacher, discover and formulate an educational problem

- developing the ability to communicate in pairs and groups.

Stage II. 9 minutes
Educational and cognitive activity
The goal is to develop students’ understanding of soil and its composition.
- Who knows what soil is? (children's assumptions)
Working with a dictionary entry. Underlining the main thing, the fundamental one.
Soil is the top fertile layer of the earth. Plan +
Hypothesis No. 1. What do you think soil consists of? (the children say, and I record - sand, clay, stones, humus.....)
What is fertility? Vocabulary is the main thing
FERTILITY -I; Wed The ability of the soil to satisfy the needs of plants for nutrients, to produce and nourish rich vegetation, and to produce good harvests
- What new did you learn from the dictionary entry? (the main property of soil is fertility)
People called the soil “nurse land; There is such a science about soils - pedology. This science was created by the wonderful Russian scientist Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev; soil is a storehouse of substances for the life of cultivated and wild plants; the soil is home to many animals
Physical exercise “Director - actors” or musical.
-Show with your movements the work of a person who mows the grass, sows grain, digs the ground, the flight of the bed, reaps a large harvest and rejoices at this harvest.

Children read the text, find in it the definition of soil, the main property of soil, the term “soil science”.
- performing a task in accordance with the goal, purposefully searching for an answer to the question posed.

Stage III. 25 minutes Intellectual and transformative activity
The goal is to develop in students the ability to self-organize in solving an educational problem

You named the main property of soil – fertility.
Hypothesis No. 2: Suggest that of the composition you proposed is most responsible for soil fertility? Children - sand...humus...
What needs to be done to confirm or refute your hypotheses? Study the composition of the soil and its properties, conduct experiments, observe, record the results, draw conclusions
What are your suggestions for organization? (in groups)
What sources of information will you need?
What tools and equipment will you use?
Where will you record the results? in the table (see Appendix)
Why is it more convenient in a table rather than in a diagram or in a cluster?
What columns should we divide the table into? Composition, properties
- Look at the equipment prepared for practical work on your desk. Do you know the name of these devices? Safety training
- How should you carry out practical work using the equipment? Carefully, carefully, the devices are fragile and can be broken.
According to your hypothesis No. 1, the soil contains both…..and…..-.
To determine all the components, each group will conduct its own experiment according to the instructions. Then one person from the group will present the results of the study, and everyone will record it. Everyone is given 5 minutes to perform the experiment, and each group is given 1 minute to perform.
Experience No. 1.
Soil composition
1.take a glass of water
3. observe what is happening in the glass, record the results in the table
4 . draw conclusions
When the earth was lowered into the glass, ...... bubbles came out of it.
Soil property
If the soil contains _____________ air, then it has _____________ permeability.

Experience No. 2.
Soil composition
1.take a napkin

4. Observe the condition of the fabric, record the results in the table
4 . draw conclusions
Conclusion: the soil contains_____________________
Soil property
If the soil contains __________ water, then it has __________ permeability. And also when _____________water__ gets into the soil, it can stick to tools and other bodies, this property is ______________stickiness.

Experience No. 3
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a glass of water
2. put the soil in a glass
4. Observe the mixture, record the results in the table
5. draw conclusions
After settling, there was _________sand at the bottom of the glass, and ___________clay above it.
Soil properties
If the soil contains _____________ clay, similar to plasticine, then it has _____________ plasticity.
Experience No. 4
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a glass of water
2. put the soil in a glass
3.stir with a glass rod, let the mixture sit for 2 minutes

7. draw conclusions
We found ___________________________ in the ground, all together this constitutes _________________humus.
Soil properties
If the soil contains ___________humus, then it is _________________________________. Thanks to _____________, the soil has ______________ color.

Experience No. 5
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a glass of water

4.observe the reaction of the relationship
5.Using the determinant table, determine the composition
6. draw conclusions

Soil properties
If the soil contains ___________miner. salts, then they____________plants____________________.
Examine the glass with the mixture. Has the volume of soil changed? Draw a conclusion.

Children perform experiments, draw conclusions, and prepare their reports.
Each output is recorded in a table.
- Based on the experiments performed, draw a conclusion about hypothesis No. 1 - what is included in the composition of the soil. (The composition of the soil includes air, water, humus, sand and clay, mineral salts).
In terms of +

We return to hypothesis No. 2 - we supplement, we correct
Experiments to determine the properties of soil have shown that it has
- water permeability
- fertility
- black color
- stickiness
- Shrinkage
- swelling
What part of the soil is responsible for its fertility? Humus
This means that the more _________humus in the soil, the _______________ more fertile it is.
Take the group assessment card for the practical work and fill it out.

We used the experimental equipment correctly.
- We correctly determined the composition of the soil.
- We correctly formulated our conclusions.
- We have correctly determined the properties of the soil.
Comment on your answers. Evaluate the group's work.
Do plants in the soil always look healthy and beautiful? What are they missing? Remember what is needed for the development of a plant?
Humus for fertility, salt for development. What problem did you have? How humus turns into salts.
Presentation slide. Determine what animals live in the soil. (wood mouse, mole, mole cricket, worms, centipede,..)
- What do animals of different groups, insects and animals living in the soil have in common? (similarity in the structure of the forelimbs - adaptation to life underground)
- Express your assumptions about how these animals affect soil fertility. (children's answers) Animals that live in the soil make passages in it, where water and air easily penetrate. Animals also mix the soil and crush plant remains. This way they increase soil fertility.
They affect better air and water permeability.
What results from the decomposition of plants? Humus
And the humus then turns into salt. Can a plant use these salts in solid and dry form? What do salts need to do to get into plants?
So, the soil contains air, water, humus. There is a plant. What can be compiled using this data? Scheme
Use cards to create a diagram in groups.

What did you get? Tell us. (show through a document - camera)
- What do plants get from the soil? The roots of the plant breathe the air contained in the soil. They absorb water from the soil. Plants absorb dissolved mineral salts along with water. These salts are nutrients without which plants cannot live.
There is little salt in the soil. Plants could quickly use them up, but this does not happen. The supply of salts in the soil is constantly replenished thanks to humus. The humus slowly, gradually collapses, turning into salts.
Conclusion: The more ………humus in the soil, the more……. more fertile.
And the more fertile the soil, the more it ------------gives food to all living things on the planet. This means that ____________ the soil must be protected. Who destroys the soil? How? Why is it necessary to protect the soil?Plan +
Using a graphics tablet, draw a poster “Soil conservation?” (each group has a tablet and a laptop) Checking through Acer on the board.

Let's test your knowledge. Take the remotes. Test. (OR ON LEAF LEAF)
Self-test. Check the correct answers using the sample and mark yourself. During practical work, students determine what is included in the soil. At the same time, an algorithm is drawn up for performing the work for each experiment. They draw conclusions, record them in a workbook, and report on their experience and observations to the class. Fill out a group assessment card for conducting practical work.
The teacher helps children in drawing up an algorithm for performing the experiment and making inferences in the correct form.

The teacher reads an article about life in soil at a moderate pace.
The children listen to the teacher’s story and make a diagram from the proposed elements. Check your diagram against this example.
- while working, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes with the help of the teacher.
- in the course of practical work, determine what is included in the soil, process the information received: draw conclusions based on generalization of knowledge.
- developing the ability to communicate in pairs and groups.

- developing the ability to communicate in pairs and groups;
- convey your position to others: express your point of view and try to justify it by giving arguments.

-in dialogue with the teacher, develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success in performing your own work and the work of everyone, based on the existing criteria.

- performing a task in accordance with the goal, purposefully searching for an answer to the question posed.
- formation of a personal emotional attitude towards the soil (caring attitude towards the fertility of the soil, towards the animals that form the soil).
-convert information from one form to another: present information in the form of text, tables, diagrams.
. Stage IV. 3 minutes Reflection of activity
The goal is self-assessment of performance results, awareness of the limits of application of new knowledge

What was the purpose of the lesson?
Did everything go according to plan? What didn't work? What can you suggest?

Evaluate your work in class using the color of the flower:
kr - not everything worked out, I will
Well - I didn’t cope with everything,
needs to be improved
sin - everything worked out
great, I can do it myself

What was the most interesting?
- What is the importance of soil for wildlife?
- What type of work in the lesson did you like?
- What would you talk about at home today?
- Think about how and where in your life you can apply the knowledge you have acquired today?
Children conduct self-assessment on a scale
give examples of applying the acquired knowledge in life. General educational educational activities: reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity.
Stage V 2 minutes
Monitoring student activities. Homework
The goal is the use of a new method of action, individual reflection on achieving the goal. Creating a situation of success.
- So, homework. Textbook workbook, answer the questions in the “Let’s test ourselves” section. You can choose to complete the task. Take cards according to your abilities. Blue card - study the composition of the soil in a pot of a houseplant and draw conclusions. Red card - find information about the soils of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the source. Write a report or presentation about them Green card - scientists argue that soil cannot be classified only as inanimate or only as living nature. Inanimate and living nature seem to be united in it. Do you agree with this statement? Explain in writing and give your examples.
The teacher gives instructions on preparing for the next lesson, offers the second part of the homework to choose from, and observes the children’s choices. Students choose a creative task they can do at home. General educational learning activities: independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Applications to the lesson.
The world. 3rd grade. Test on the topic “Pantries of the Earth”. (smart test)

1. Granite is….
a) rock
b) mineral
2. What minerals are used in construction?
a) coal, table salt
b) sand, clay
3. What minerals serve as fuel?
a) tin and copper ore
b) coal, natural gas
4. A natural body homogeneous in composition is
A) mineral
B) rock
5. What happens as a result of the destruction of the upper layers
hard rocks and plant decomposition?
A) earth
B) asphalt

The world. 3rd grade. Test on the topic "Soil".
1.Choose the correct definition. The soil- ….
a) the top layer of earth, which contains sand and clay.
b) the top layer of the earth, which contains sand and clay, air, and water.
c) the top fertile layer of the earth.
2.Name the main part of the soil:
a) humus.
b) sand.
c) clay.
3.What is formed from humus?
a) water.
b) air.
c) salt.
4. What do plants use for nutrition?
a) microbes
b) salt
5. Choose the correct statement:
a) everything can be thrown into the soil, it will process everything.
b) if you add humus to the soil, fertility will increase.
c) fertilizers can be added to the soil without measure

Correct answers: 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b

SOIL | Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
, -y, w. The upper fertile layer of the earth's crust. Soil types. Chernozem, clayey area.
FERTILITY -I; Wed The ability of the soil to satisfy the needs of plants for nutrients, to produce and nourish rich vegetation, and to produce good harvests.
Great Dictionary of Russian language. - 1st ed.: St. Petersburg: Norint S. A. Kuznetsov. 1998
Physical and mechanical properties include plasticity, stickiness, shrinkage, cohesion, hardness and resistance to processing.
Plasticity is the ability of soil to change its shape under the influence of external forces and retain this shape subsequently.
Plasticity appears only when the soil is moistened and is closely related to the mechanical composition (clayey soils are plastic, sandy soils are non-plastic). Plasticity is influenced by the composition of the colloidal fraction of the soil, absorbed cations and humus content. For example, when the soil contains sodium, its plasticity increases, and when it is saturated with calcium, it decreases. With a high humus content, the plasticity of the soil decreases.
Stickiness is the ability of soil to stick to various surfaces. As a result of soil sticking to the working parts of machines and implements, traction resistance increases and the quality of tillage deteriorates. Stickiness increases with moisture. Highly humus soils (for example, chernozems) do not show stickiness even with high moisture content. Clay soils have the highest stickiness, while sandy soils have the least stickiness. An increase in the degree of soil saturation with calcium helps to reduce, and saturation with sodium - an increase in stickiness. Stickiness is associated with such an agronomic and valuable property of the soil as physical ripeness. The condition when the soil does not stick to the implements during cultivation and crumbles into lumps corresponds to its physical ripeness.
Swelling is an increase in soil volume when moistened. It is inherent in soils containing many colloids and is explained by the binding of water molecules by colloids. Soils with a high content of absorbed sodium (solonetzes) swell more than those containing a lot of absorbed calcium. Swelling can cause agronomically unfavorable changes in the arable horizon. Due to swelling, soil particles can be so separated by films of water that this will lead to the destruction of structural units.
Shrinkage is a decrease in the volume of soil when it dries. This is the reverse process of swelling. When the soil dries out due to shrinkage, cracking appears.
Porosity is the total volume of all pores between particles of the solid phase of the soil. It is expressed as a percentage of the total volume of soil. For mineral soils, the porosity range is 25-80%.
Soil porosity depends on structure, density, mechanical composition and is determined primarily by its structure. In macrostructural soils, pores occupy a larger part of the volume, and in microstructural soils, a smaller part of the volume. When structureless soil dries out, a soil crust forms on the surface of the arable land, worsening the growth conditions of field crops.
General porosity is associated with soil properties such as water and air permeability.
The basic ones for the life of plants and other living organisms are manganese, copper, boron, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, fluorine, vanadium, iodine.
Experiments have established that a lack of manganese in soils with a neutral or alkaline reaction leads to chlorosis of plants, reduces their resistance to diseases, and causes lodging. A lack of boron leads to the fall of the ovaries, the development of bacteriosis in flax, and rotting of the core in beets. Insufficient copper content in peat soils slows down the growth of plants and leads to the death of grain crops.
In order to provide plants with microelements, mineral fertilizers are applied, which contain microelements (manganized superphosphate), or special microfertilizers.
Therefore, soil should be called the surface layer of the earth's land, which has fertility. Fertility is the ability of the soil to satisfy the needs of plants for all vital factors (nutrients, water, etc.) necessary to create a crop.
With the development of the process of soil formation, its natural fertility is created and changed accordingly. Fertility is the main quality of soil that distinguishes it from the parent rock.
The soils on the globe and their natural fertility were formed in the process of complex modification of rocks and minerals under the influence of climatic and biological factors.
Soil formation is a complex process of interaction between parent rock and water, air and living organisms - microorganisms, higher plants and animals.
As a result of the transformation of massive, solid crystalline rocks into a crushed finely dispersed mass, a large absorbing surface is formed on which physical and chemical processes take place.
This change in rocks favors the formation of characteristic features of future soil: porosity, air permeability and water-lifting capacity.
Under the influence of living organisms settling on the rock, its top layer is enriched with organic substances, which, with further changes, turn into nutrients available to plants. As a result of biological, chemical and physical weathering of rocks, ash elements accumulate, their composition and properties change. Gradually, under the influence of plants, microorganisms and other factors, the rocks turn into a new natural body - soil.
All these processes occur differently in each type of soil. Each type of soil formation is characterized by the fact that new compounds are formed in it, characteristic only of this type of soil. These new, complex formations are the result of weathering and soil formation processes.
The soil -

Fertility -

Additional material for teachers “Soils of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The main patterns of soil cover formation on the territory of the Komi Republic are largely determined by latitudinal bioclimatic zoning. Soil belts are divided into polar and boreal. The polar zone corresponds to the tundra zone, and the boreal zone corresponds to the zone of podzolic soils (taiga). The zone of tundra soils is represented by the subzone of southern tundras, the zone of podzolic soils is divided into four subzones:
gley-podzolic and tundra-swampy soils (forest-tundra along with the extreme northern taiga);
gley-podzolic soils (northern taiga);
typical podzolic soils (southern taiga).
All subzones of the taiga are characterized by podzolic-marsh soils, which dominate poorly drained watersheds. Soil provinces are distinguished in accordance with changes in climatic factors of soil formation along longitude, as well as taking into account the most important geomorphological differences.
In terms of soil acidity, most soils are classified as strongly acidic or very acidic. Soils with very strong acidity, which occupy about 28% of the entire territory, include mainly soils of raised bogs, hummocky peat bogs of the far north, bog-podzolic illuvial-humus and tundra soils. Soils with strong acidity occupy about 50% of the area, these include typical podzolic, gley-podzolic and podzolic-bog gley soils. Strongly and moderately acidic soils, which account for about 13% of the area, include soddy-podzolic soils, typical podzolic and gley-podzolic soils that develop in close proximity to carbonate moraine loams or bedrock, as well as floodplain soils of the northern half of the territory. Soils with average acidity (soddy-carbonate and floodplain soils of the middle and southern taiga) occupy only about 2% of the area.
The soils of the Komi Republic are characterized by a low degree of humus content and low content of nutrients; they are biologically inactive and unproductive. The most fertile turf soils are found mainly in the southern regions of the Republic. To the north they are confined to river terraces. Swamp-type soils are common throughout almost the entire republic, but there are more of them in the north than in the south.
A significant part of the territory is swampy, swamps range from small in area to massifs of several thousand hectares; in total, about a tenth of the territory is occupied by swamps. Of the wetland soils, lowland humus-boggy soils are of greatest practical importance, being a rich reclamation fund that can be turned into highly fertile agricultural land or peat can be used as an organic fertilizer for the preparation of various composts.
In agriculture, mainly the areas of riverine slopes are used - with typical podzolic and gley-podzolic soils; The natural fertility of these soils is low, they are poor in humus, have a small supply of nutrients and are highly acidic. The best soils in the republic include floodplain turf soils.
Currently, of the total land area of ​​the republic, which is more than 416 sq. km., agricultural land accounts for less than 1%, 61.8% of the territory of the republic is occupied by forests (Fig. 3), 0.06% are in household use, under collective gardens and

Experience No. 1.
Soil composition
Take a video of the experiment with your camera
1.take a glass of water
2. throw a lump of dry soil into it
3. observe what is happening in the glass, record the results
4 . draw conclusions
When the earth was lowered into the glass, __________________ came out of it.
Soil property

Experience No. 2.
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a napkin
2. Place the soil in the center of the napkin
3.Press the loose ends of the napkin to the ground
4. Observe the condition of the tissue, record the results
4 . draw conclusions
When the fabric and the ground came into contact, the fabric became___________.
Conclusion: the soil contains _____________________.
Soil property
If the soil contains ________________, then it has _____________ permeability.
And also when _______________ gets into the soil, it can stick to tools and other bodies, this property is ______________.

Experience No. 3
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a glass of water
2. put the soil in a glass
3.stir with a glass rod, let the mixture sit for 2 minutes
4. Observe the mixture, record the results
5. draw conclusions
After settling, there was _________ at the bottom of the glass, and ___________ above it.
Conclusion: soil contains _____ and ______________.
Soil properties
If the soil contains ___________, similar to plasticine, then it has ________________.

Experience No. 4
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a glass of water
2. put the soil in a glass
3.stir with a glass rod, let the mixture sit for 2 minutes
4. Place the floating particles of soil on a microscope slide
5. review them and save them in your computer’s memory
6.Using the determinant table, determine the composition
7. draw conclusions
We discovered _____________________________________________________ in the ground,
all together this amounts to_________________.
Conclusion: soil contains _______________.
Soil properties
If the soil contains __________________, then it is _________________________________. Thanks to __________________________________, the soil has a ______________ color.

Experience No. 5
Soil composition
Videotape the experience with your camera.
1.take a glass of water
2. pour citric acid into it
3. put the soil in a glass with liquid
4.observe the reaction between the soil and the acidic environment
5.Using the determinant table, determine the composition of the soil
6. draw conclusions
We found ___________________________ in the ground.
Conclusion: soil contains _______________.
Soil properties
If the soil contains _____________________________,
then they_______________________plants__________________________.
Examine the glass with the mixture. Has the volume (size) of the soil changed? ____________ Draw a conclusion.
When soil interacts with water, it is _______________; in the absence of water for a long time, the soil is _________________.
Table – determinant for experiment No. 4
Soil composition presence
Plant seeds + -
Plant roots + -
Dried leaves + -
twigs + -
Conclusion: There is humus, black in color. No humus.
fertile not fertile

Table – determinant for experiment No. 5
Progress of the reaction
Hisses + -
Foam appears + -
Conclusion: There are mineral salts There are no mineral salts
There are substances necessary for the growth and development of plants. There are no substances necessary for the growth and development of plants.

The soil
miracle under your feet
answer the question
Why is soil a miracle?
Hypothesis No. 1
The soil consists of
Hypothesis No. 2
Soil fertility depends on
Work plan:
Soil is...
Soil composition
Soil properties
Soils in Komi
Soil protection
Why is soil a miracle?
Mineral salts
Water permeability

the soil

1. what is soil?
2. soil composition
3. soil properties
4. what miracles are in the soil?
5. soils in the Komi Republic
6. soil protection
