Short-term program of additional education for 72 hours. Additional education

Municipal institution of additional education

"House of Children's Creativity" r.p. Dergachi

Saratov region


"Short-term programs of additional

education as a factor in increasing

technological competence of students"


methodologist of MUDO "DDT" r.p. Dergachi

Zhakboleva Sh.T.

r.p. Dergachi


At present, the experimental and research activities of additional education teachers should be focused on creating a special kind of educational programs - short-term ones, implemented both in the institutions of additional education for children themselves, and in the conditions of an increasingly growing system of additional education for children on the basis of secondary schools.

The presence of a package of such programs in the regional educational space is a vital trend of our time. What does this mean practically? Essentially, a modern teacher of additional education, adequately responding to the reform of the general education system in Russia, must acquire a relatively new range of methodological and practical skills that provide him with at least the ability to modify his multi-level (long-term) program, or create a fundamentally new one - short-term .

Indeed, the ongoing intensive reform of the Russian educational system, its transition to qualitatively new educational standards, is associated with the teacher’s ability to create socially in demand additional short-term educational programs. An easier way to read this government task involves the purposeful transformation of existing (multi-level) programs into short-term programs that respond flexibly to situationally emerging social orders.

Organized activitychildrenVvacationperiod allows you to doadditional education for childrencontinuous throughout the year, because children’s education occurs at any moment of their activity. Additional education for children is not a leisure activity in free time from studying, but a directed process of raising and educating a child in forms that are attractive to him, which is outside the framework of the general educational process.

Since the implementation of programs for rural schoolchildren is possible in children's recreation and health organizations or additional education institutions through on-site sessions during the holidays, these programs should be short-term and can be implemented in a part-time form (include distance learning or independent work of children).

The full-time part of the program can be aimed at introducing children to a certain type of activity and developing motivation for it. Then students, for example, in distance learning, master the theoretical block and complete practical and test tasks. Practical tasks of the program should be aimed at creating a specific product with which the child can participate in a competition in the relevant field or use it in future activities.

Structure and content of the additional general education program.

The structure of short-term programs meets the requirements for the structure of additional general education programs.

The additional general education program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is the main document of the teacher, which is developed by him independently.

The basic requirements for the structure and content of the additional general education program are set out in the following documents:

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

    Concept for the development of additional education for children (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r);

    Orderorganization and implementation of educational activities in additional general education programs(approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008);

    LetterMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federationdated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844 “On approximate requirements for additional education programs for children”;

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2014 No. 41, Moscow“On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of educational institutions of additional education for children.”

The program must consist of several required components:

    Title page of the program.

    Set of main characteristics additional general education general developmental programs:

2.1. Explanatory note.

2.2. The purpose and objectives of the program.

2.3. Contents of the program.

2.4. Planned results.

2.5. Forms of certification and their frequency.

3.K complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions:

3.1. Methodological support.

3.2. Conditions for the implementation of the program.

3.3. Calendar schedule.

3.4. Evaluation materials.

3.5. Bibliography.

Requirements for the structural components of the Program:

1. Title page of the program contains: the name of the educational organization, the approval stamp of the Program (indicating the full name of the head, the date and number of the order), the name of the Program, the addressee of the Program, the period of its implementation, the full name, position of the author (authors) of the Program, the city and year of its development.

    A set of main characteristics of an additional general education general development program:

    1. The explanatory note reflects: the focus of the Program, its relevance and novelty (timeliness and modernity of the proposed program); distinctive features of the Program (characteristic properties that distinguish it from others, main ideas that give the program its originality); recipient of the Program (age characteristics of the student for whom the training will be relevant); volume of the program (total number of training hours planned for the entire period of study, necessary for its development); period of mastering the Program, mode of classes (frequency and duration of classes).

      Goal and objectives of the program: goal is a strategy that fixes the desired end result in the form of positive dynamics of changes in the child’s personal qualities or his mastery of certain methods of action; tasks are an algorithm for achieving a goal through the implementation of the teaching, development and educational functions of education.

      Planned results a set of personal, meta-subject and subject results acquired by students when mastering the program upon its completion.

      Contents of the program: curriculum (contains the names of sections, modules of the program, the number of theoretical and practical hours and forms of certification (control),presented in tabular form ); content of the curriculum (thesis description of the topics covering the sections and modules of the program, in accordance with the sequence specified by the curriculum, including a description of the theoretical and practical parts, forms of control corresponding to each topic).

      Certification forms and their frequency are developed individually to determine the effectiveness of mastering the Program and contain a description of the assessment of all three educational results.

3. A set of organizational and pedagogical conditions.

3.1. Methodological support is developed in accordance with the age characteristics of students and may include:description of the technologies and methods usedteachingdidactic and lecture materials, recommendations for practical work, game development, conversations, competitions, descriptions of hikes, excursions,description of the student incentive system (hierarchy of honorary titles and awards used by the teacher).

3.2. Conditions for the implementation of the program - premises, sites, equipment, devices, information resources.

3.3. Calendar schedule - the sequence of mastering the content of the Program, indicating the forms of classes (classroom, distance learning, independent work, extracurricular activities) and the deadlines for certification of students. The calendar schedule is a mandatory appendix to the program and is developed annually.

3.4. Assessment materials that represent a package of diagnostic techniques that allow you to determine whether students have achieved the planned results.

3.5. The list of literature and electronic resources includes basic and additional educational literature, reference manuals, links to websites; should be compiled for different participants in the educational process - teachers and students, parents; is drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the design of bibliographic references.

Example short-term additional general education programs (6 – 18 hours), which involve the use of game, research, project and other methods of work. On the recommendation of SOIRO.

For example, a short-term additional general education programsocio-pedagogical orientation “Leading behind themselves” .

Example programThe short-term program “Ekomir” could become a natural science program.

Exampletourism and local history programs is the program “People. Events. Data" , aimed at introducing children to the history of the Saratov region.


Parameters for identifying distinctive features


Reformulation of theoretical and methodological ideas into

practice-oriented questions

Multi-level (long-term)

educational program

Short term

educational program

1. Thematic


What are the thematic differences between a multi-level (long-term) educational program and a short-term program?

Consistent movement towards achieving the set goals, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students

A short-term educational program was created with the goal of intensively teaching children some kind of creativity.

2. Conceptual psychological-pedagogical

gical approach

What exactly are the changes in the course of goal setting? How were the goals reformulated?

The leading goal of a multi-level (long-term) educational program is one: children begin their education with the basics and end it with the manufacture of more complex products

The short-term program is initially intended for children who already have some skills in some kind of creativity. Training under the program ends with the manufacture of simple products

3. Perspective of procedural methodological and technological


How does the technique and technology of working within a multi-level (long-term) program differ from a short-term one?

There are no differences in technique and technology between the programs

4. Expected results

What are the significant differences between the expected results for the compared types of educational programs?

At the end of the implementation period of this type of educational program, a graduate of the association is able to independently produce (sewn or knitted) a product, made sequentially, from lesson to lesson, in accordance with the fundamental, universal technology

At the end of the short-term educational program, the graduate can perform only relatively simple creative work that meets the requirements for the planned learning outcome.

But in educational terms he

motivated for the prospect of his further development in this subject-practical field of activity

There is a huge advantage in using short-term programs, the so-called search mode, where the child has time to show and reveal his interests, his “I”. And the main thing is that children do not have time to get bored with a certain type of activity. In a short period of time, students manage to get acquainted with and master several types of creativity. Practice has shown that a child who “knows, knows how, can” willingly and boldly gets involved in more complex processes.

The implementation of short-term programs makes it possible to organize not only recreation and health improvement for children, but also educational activities that form quality parameters for the younger generation, which allow children in later life to be involved in the life of society, to work with dignity, and to occupy the appropriate social niche. They contribute to the emergence of unique educational opportunities for the formation of new life experiences in a child.

Thus, short-term additional education programs are a factor in increasing the technological competence of students, especially younger schoolchildren.

And for us, DDT teachers, the key, most important psychological condition for creating a new generation of variable short-term additional general education programs is the sincere desire of creatively working teachers to keep up with the times, not to rest on their laurels, to constantly improve their professional experience, to always be socially in demand and useful.

“Short-term additional educational program of the specialized group “We learn by playing” Children’s age – 7 - 12 years Implementation period – 1 month...”

Short-term additional educational

specialized squad program

“By playing we learn”

Children's age – 7 - 12 years

Implementation period – 1 month

Compiled by:

Gorbunova Olga Yurievna,

additional education teacher



Educational program passport

Program name Short-term additional educational

program of the summer specialized team “We Learn by Playing”

Institution, MBOUDOD TsDODD "Humanitarian Center Implementing the Intellectual Development Program" of the Tolyatti Urban District Address: 445012, Tolyatti, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 87A, t. 76-98-94, 76-90-56 Compiler of the program Olga Yuryevna Gorbunova, teacher of additional education MBOUDOD "GTSIR Abstract" The program "By playing we learn" is implemented in the summer.

It is designed for primary schoolchildren and is aimed at developing their cognitive interests, promoting health and organizing leisure time during the summer holidays.

The main idea, which unites both the content of each individual day and the course as a whole, is to immerse children in a situation of joint play, when fulfilling the game conditions and fully experiencing the game provides not only pleasure, but also development, improvement of skills, qualities, abilities Year of development 2014 G.

program Approved by whom and when Based on the decision of the pedagogical council. Minutes of program No. 4 dated May 15, 2014

The program was adopted based on the decision of the methodological council. Implementation protocol in the new No. 4 dated May 12, 2015.

academic year Focus socio-pedagogical program Direction (type) game activity Type of program by author's degree of authorship Coverage of children by age 7-12 years old groups Type of program by subject method of organizing content Implementation period 1 month of the program Type of program depending on the institutional characteristics of the territorial characteristics

Program reviewers:


The short-term additional educational program “Playing with Knowledge” of a socio-pedagogical orientation is an integral part of the educational program of the MBOUDOD “Humanitarian Center for Intellectual Development” in Tolyatti and makes it possible to organize educational leisure for children 7-14 years old in the summer on the basis of a school day camp.

Many children attend summer school camps and playgrounds. In addition to supervision, such a playground should provide children with interesting and meaningful activities. During the school year, children have accumulated a certain amount of fatigue and decreased motivation to learn. Good weather and a lot of objective distractions also impose certain restrictions both on the selection of work content and on the nature and methods of teaching in general. To solve this problem, the main form of work was chosen to be a game, which included both educational and developmental content.

The main idea that unites both the content of each individual day and the course as a whole is the immersion of children in a situation of joint play, when the fulfillment of the game conditions, the full experience of the game, provides not only pleasure, but also the development and improvement of skills, qualities, and abilities.

The goal of the program is to provide meaningful and useful leisure time for children in a summer day camp.

Job objectives:

To promote the development of valuable personality traits of children, characteristics 1.

cognitive processes.

Teach children new games that are highly conducive to development in 2.

leisure activities.

Ensure emotional comfort and interest of children participating in the program.

Contribute to the actualization, systematization, and enrichment of children’s knowledge 4.

some (thematic) areas of reality.

Promote the formation of friendships and the development of children's teams.

Organizational basis of the program The program was created to provide educational leisure for children in a day camp. The duration of the program is one camp shift (18 days).

Daily classes with children are expected for 2 hours. Thus, the total number of hours in the program is 36 hours.

Procedure for forming a group: The group is formed on a voluntary basis from students of different ages attending a school day camp.

Group capacity is up to 18 people.

Age of students: from 7 to 12 years. It is assumed that a group of different ages will operate.

The beginning and end of classes is coordinated with the administration of the day camp where the detachment operates.

Class schedule: five times a week for 2 hours. The weekly workload for a child is 10 hours.

Forms and methods of classes Various forms are used in the implementation of the program: games, training, competitions, quizzes, independent work, creative work, etc.

Methods: various methods are used, which can be conditionally grouped according to the source of knowledge:

Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, fairy tale);

Visual (examples, samples, illustrations and demonstrations);

Practical (games, exercises, sketches, creative works, drawing, etc.).

Organizational forms of work: frontal (training format), in subgroups.

Planned results of mastering the program:

As a result of mastering the “We Learn by Playing” program, students should acquire the following knowledge and skills and gain experience:

update, systematize, acquire some knowledge and ideas about emotions, etiquette, creativity, etc.;

get acquainted with new games and exercises that you can use to diversify your leisure time;

improve individual characteristics of cognitive processes - attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

gain experience of emotional communication with peers.

Evaluation of the results of mastering the program is carried out in the form of included pedagogical observation in the classroom and analysis of the results of competition games.

Summing up the implementation of the program Summing up the results of the program and assessing the results of its implementation is carried out in the following forms:

Reflective tasks and recall exercises - what we learned, what we did.

Giving yourself grades for shift work based on criteria.


–  –  –

Section 1. Introductory lessons Topic 1.1. Introductory classes. Acquaintance.

Theory. Safety rules in the classroom.

Practice. Games for getting to know each other, remembering names, learning about each other. An outdoor game for cohesion, group formation.

Theory. How we can develop through play.

Practice. Quiz “About everything in the world”, completing tasks for speed of thinking.

Section 2. Treasure chest Topic 2.

1. Crosswords and puzzles.

Theory. Rules for composing crossword puzzles. Rules for composing puzzles.

Practice. Team creation of crossword puzzles based on famous fairy tales. Team compilation of puzzles about the nature of the native land. Game “Red Book”: compilation and presentation of a crossword and rebus about an animal, a story about it (using reference literature). Compiling a book, preparing illustrations.

Topic 2.2.

Treasure chest: encryption and coding.

Theory. Encryption and encoding.

Practice. Game “Treasure Chest”: compiling and solving codes and cards. Treasure search.

Topic 2.3.

Games on a sheet of paper.

Theory. Game rules on a piece of paper.

Practice. Training and games “Tic Tac Toe”, “Sea Battle”, “Triangles”, “Complete the Word”, etc. Holding championships for these types of games.

Topic 2.4.

The Adventures of Karik and Vali.

Topic 2.5.

Uninhabited island.

Practice. A team game to develop creativity and communication. The list of five necessary things is a debate. What to build a house from, how to make fire...

Encrypted letter for help. “Pros” and “cons” of living on a desert island – who has more. Sports mini-competition.

Section 3. Question for filling Topic 3.

1. Team quiz games.

Theory. Quiz rules: question and answer.

Practice. Completing assignments, independently compiling assignments (using reference books) on various topics: Russian language, literary works and heroes, rules of etiquette, mathematics. We invent and stage situations. We solve modern and ancient problems. Presentation and “playing out” of arithmetic operations.

Topic 3.2.

Such interesting physics.

Theory. The world around us.

Practice. Carrying out (by command) elementary experiments and explaining them. Search for physical phenomena and objects in the environment. Creativity - how this phenomenon could be applied in the economy of the future.

Topic 3.3.

History and sights of the city of Tolyatti.

Theory. History and sights of the city of Tolyatti.

Practice. It is carried out in the form of “intellectual hockey” (children collectively prepare questions and ask them at speed). Rating the most famous, beautiful, clean, etc. city ​​places.

Topic 3.4.

Walking with dinosaurs.

Theory. The distant past of planet Earth.

Practice. Several people prepare stories and illustrations in advance about nature, types of dinosaurs, extinction, etc. Listeners ask questions. A game for creativity “If you combine a ball (book, table) and a dinosaur, you get....” Making a dinosaur from a sheet of paper using the tearing method, exhibition.

Topic 3.5.

Tricky question.

Theory. Teamwork.

Practice. A team game based on the format of the TV show “Own Game”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, “Wise Guys”.

Section 4. Final lessons Topic 4.

1. Final lessons.


Reflective tasks and recall exercises - what we learned, what we did. Writing encrypted letters to each other with wishes. Giving yourself grades for shift work based on criteria.


Literature for teachers:

Afanasyev, S.P. Three hundred creative competitions. / S.P. Afanasyev, S.V. Comorin. – M.:

Methodological Center “Option”, 1997. – 112 p.

Kovalenko, V.I. Junior schoolchildren after school: 750 educational games, exercises, 2.

physical education minutes.. / V.I. Kovalenko. – M.: Eksmo, 2007. – 336 p.

Kupriyanov, B.V. Organization and methodology of playing games with teenagers / B.V.

Kupriyanov, M.I. Rozhkov, I.I. Frishman. - M.: Vlados, 2001. – 215 p.

Myers, B. Intellectual games. Logic games for children / Bernard Myers. – M.:

Eksmo-Press, 2013. – 80 p. - (Logic games).

Nikitin, B.P. Steps of creativity, or Educational games / B.P. Nikitin - M.:

Education, 1990. – 160 p.

Popova, E.N. Imagine: Let's play - let's dream: a book for developing imagination. / 6.

E.N. Popova, I.Yu. Matyugin, E.I. Chakaberia. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2001. – 76 p. – (School for the development of memory and imagination).

Sharygin, I.F. Lessons from Grandfather Gavrila, or Educational holidays /I. F. Sharygin M.: Bustard, 2009. - 156 p.

Shaulskaya, N.A. Let's play erudite? Ideas for school quizzes and competitions. / 8.

N.A. Shaulskaya. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008. – 224 p. – (Series “Hello, school!”).

Shaulskaya, N.A. Questions for smart people and smart girls for elementary school. / ON THE. Shaulskaya. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2013. - 288 p. – (Series “Hello, school!”).

Shmakov, S.A. From games to self-education: Collection of games - corrections./ S.A. Shmakov, N.Ya.

Bezborodova. – M.: New School, 1995. – 80 p.

Internet resources - MethodWiki site for counselors. Games in summer camp. psychological exercises for training.

Didactic and visual materials for students:

A selection of books, pictures, reproductions illustrating theoretical material 1.

Media presentations on class topics.

Materials for conducting quizzes and competition games “Own Game”, “Who Wants 3.

become a millionaire”, “Clever Men and Wise Women”.

Task cards.

Logistics support

1) Games room, equipped with tables, chairs, cabinets. Space requirements: a sufficiently large room is required to implement the program.

The space will be rearranged repeatedly - it should be possible to move desks and arrange chairs in a circle.

2) Equipment and materials needed to implement the program:

2.1. multimedia projection installation;

2.2. digital camera;

2.3. printer black and white, color;

2.4. Xerox;

2.5. tape recorder with recorded music;

2.6. clock or stopwatch.

3) Game props for organizing games: board games “Dyenesha Blocks”, “Scrabbles”, etc., counting sticks, clothespins, various balls for games, a ball of thread, soft toys.

4) Materials for children's creativity: watercolor, gouache, pastel, white and colored paper and cardboard, glue, Whatman paper, a set of pencils, paper tape, scissors.

5). Stationery: pens, pencils, markers, proofreaders; paper of different types and formats (A1, A2, A3, A4, Whatman paper, photocopier); glue, scissors, staplers; files, folders, buttons, crayons, magnets, etc.

6). Souvenir products for awarding the best players, the best teams in gaming championships and competitions.

LIST OF REFERENCES used in compiling the program

1. Afanasyev, S.P. Happy Holidays: A Teacher's Handbook. / S.P. Afanasiev. M.: AST - PRESS KNIGA, 2004. – 288 p.

2. Afanasyev, S.P. What to do with children at a country camp. / S.P. Afanasyev, S.V.

Komorin, A.I. Timonin. – 3rd ed. – Kostroma: LLC MC “Variant”, 2001. – 223 p.

3. Ah, summer! : Working with children in summer country and school camps. / Author, comp.

S.V. Savinova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2003. - 77 p.

4. Bayborodova, L.V. Educational work in a children's country camp: Educational manual / L.V. Bayborodova, M.I. Rozhkov. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2003. – 256 p.

5. Baryshnikova, G. B. Everyday life and holidays in a children’s health camp: a counselor’s handbook. / G. B. Baryshnikova. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. – 192 p.

6. Besova, M. A. Fun games for a friendly squad: holidays in a country camp / M. A.

Besova. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. – 160 p. - (After lessons).

7. Builova L.N., Klenova N.V., Postnikov A.S.. Methodological recommendations for the preparation of original programs for additional education for children [Electronic resource] / Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth. To help the teacher. – Access mode:

8. Children's health camp: educational space: Collection of articles to help organizers of summer holidays and children's health. / Comp. G.S. Sukhoveyko;

Ed. L.N. Ignatieva; Interregional public organization "Promotion of children's recreation." – M.: TsGL, 2006. – 152 p.

9. Kovalenko, V.I. Junior schoolchildren after school: 750 educational games, exercises, physical education minutes.. / V.I. Kovalenko. – M.: Eksmo, 2007. – 336 p.

10. Summer health camp: mass events (theatrical, theme evenings, holidays, competitions, games, quizzes, sports competitions) / Comp. L.I. Trepetunova - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. - 280 p.

11. Summer health camp: regulatory framework (planning, work program, job descriptions, ensuring safety in school and country camps) / Comp. E.A. Gurbina – Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. – 197 p.

12. Marfina, S.V. Summer camp from A to Z. / S.V. Marfina. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005. – 160 p. - (After lessons).

14. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2003 No. 27 “On the implementation of sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN” [Electronic resource] / Legislation, judicial practice. Norms, rules, standards of Russia. – Access mode: Doc =901909220. Pedagogical Director of the school methodological council _ association /E.V. Petrov/teachers Protocol No. 1 Protocol No. 1 Order No. 26 on...” APPROVED by: Pedagogical Council Head of MBDOU "TOGUCHINSKY KINDERGARTEN No. 2" MBDOU "TOGUCHINSKY KINDERGARTEN No. 2" I.A. Shipovalova ""_20_g. "" 20g. Protoko...”


“B.3.B.10 “Psychology of Physical Culture” Compiler of the abstract: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bobylev E.L. Department of Psychology Goals of study The goals of mastering the discipline are: disciplines: to show future specialists the importance and content of the psychological aspect in the activities of a teacher of physics...”

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The short-term program of the artistic circle “Miracles from Paper” is designed for 21 days and provides for the organization of employment for students aged 11-16 years.

The goal of the program is to create conditions for the creative and moral development of children, orient children in substantive and practical activities through their mastery of the technique of weaving from newspapers as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Program objectives:




Regional state budgetary institution

Additional education "Center "Scarlet Sails"

Short-term circle program

artistic orientation

"Miracles Made of Paper"

Age of students: 11-16 years

Implementation period: (8 hours)

Smalkova Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher



Full program name

Short-term program of the “Miracles from Paper” circle.

Purpose of the program

Creating conditions for the disclosure and development of a child’s potential creative abilities and capabilities through the means of decorative and applied arts through the practical development of the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes.

Area of ​​activity


Type of educational program


Place of sale

Scarlet Sails Center

Implementation deadlines

21 day.

Number of students


Student age

11 - 16 years old

Section number

Section title

Page no.

Title page

Information card

Explanatory note


Expected results and ways to determine them

Forms of control.

Diagnostics and monitoring of program effectiveness

Material and technical support of the educational process



The “Wonderful Workshop” program is an additional educational program of an artistic orientation, with a functional purpose - applied, according to the form of organization- group, in terms of implementation time - short-term.

The methodological basis for drawing up a work program is the program for labor training for girls in grades 5-9, Bustard, Moscow 2007, author V.A. Sokolova, Technology. Russian traditions in the manufacture of various products, grades 6-8 I.G. Norenko, Uchitel publishing house, studying master classes on the Internet.

Relevance of the program due to the following factors:

- The goal of modern education iswhich consists in the upbringing and development of the child’s personality. An important direction in personality development is moral and aesthetic education. It includes the formation of aesthetic value guidelines, aesthetic evaluation and mastery of the basics of creative activity.

- A feature of the modern situation, when the issue of children’s employment is very acute (they must be under the constant supervision of teachers). It is necessary to help the child take advantage of his free time and give him the opportunity to discover himself most fully. Create conditions for the dynamics of creative growth

The “Wonderful Workshop” program provides for the development of children’s visual, artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, and creative individuality. This equips children with the ability not only to feel harmony, but also to create it in any life situation, in any activity, in relationships with people, with the world around them.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is an original pastime, an entertaining and exciting type of needlework that has become very popular recently. Here the child is given the opportunity to really, independently discover the magical world of a sheet of paper, to comprehend its properties and structure. The system for working with paper is built on the principle of from simple to complex. Mastering a number of technologies requires patience and accuracy, and crafts require careful execution, because craftsmanship is always hard work and imagination.

Leading idea this program - creating a comfortable environment for communication, living, developing the abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Principles, underlying programs:

Accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);

Visibility (illustrativeness, availability of didactic materials);

Democracy and humanism (interaction between teacher and student in society, realization of one’s own creative needs);

Scientific (validity, presence of a methodological basis and theoretical basis);

- “from simple to complex” (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing complex creative work).


Purpose of the program – creating conditions for the creative and moral development of children, orienting children in substantive and practical activities, through their mastering of the technique of weaving from newspapers as an artistic way of designing from paper.

Program objectives:


To teach specific labor skills when working with paper using the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes;

Deepen and expand knowledge about types of paper, its properties, methods of weaving figures and products;

To develop an interest in various types of fine and decorative creativity.


To instill interest in world culture, in the origins of creativity of various peoples;

To educate the moral qualities of children;

Develop a sense of self-control and mutual assistance.


Develop imaginative thinking and creative abilities;

Form aesthetic and artistic taste;

Promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Methods and forms of training.

Training is carried out in two directions:

Mastering theoretical knowledge;

Formation of practical skills.

To increase the interest of students in classes and more successfully solve educational problems, various forms and methods of conducting a circle are used.

Methods based on the way classes are organized :

Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.);

Visual (display of multimedia materials, illustrations, display

Sample crafts);

Practical ( execution of work according to instruction cards, diagrams);

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

Explanatory and illustrative – children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;

Reproductive – students reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;

Methods based on the form of organization

student activities in class:

Frontal – simultaneous work with all students;

Group – organizing work in groups.

Timing of the program implementation.

This program is implemented during the rest period of students at the Scarlet Sails Center on the territory of the Krestovoy Gorodishchensky rural settlement and is designed for 21 days.

Lesson mode. This program consists of 8 hours (2 lessons per week). The duration of each lesson is 45 minutes.

Age of students.

The program provides for the organization of employment for students aged 11-16 years. The target audience of the program includes the main category of children: rotating groups formed upon the arrival of children at the Scarlet Sails Center. The composition may include children of different ages, physical development and training.

Form of organization of children's collective:collective, group

Classes in this program consist of theoretical and practical parts, with the practical part taking up more time. The form of classes can be defined as creativechildren's activities.

Educational and thematic plan


Section title, topic

Number of hours

Forms of certification/control





1. Getting to know each other.

2. Safety regulations.3.Presentation “Weaving from paper wicker”


Working with paper.

1. Preparing the paper vine.


2. Types of weaving from newspapers: “Rope”, “Cintz weaving”, spiral weaving.


3. "Pencil"


4. “Herringbone”


5. "Box"



Questionnaire, mini-exhibition


Section 1. Introduction.

Topic 1. Acquaintance. Safety regulations.Presentation “Weaving from paper wicker”

Theory. Meeting children. Familiarization of students with the content of the upcoming work. Organizational matters. Safety instructions when working with tools and materials. Acquaintance with historical information about the origin and development of artistic weaving from wicker, birch bark, and straw. An analogy between weaving from wicker and weaving from newspaper tubes, viewing finished works using the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes.

Section 2. Working with paper.

Topic 1. Preparing the paper vine.

Theory: Preparation of tubes. Dimensions and parameters of the workpiece. Docking of tubes

Practice: mastering the skill of making newspaper tubes.

Topic 2 . Types of weaving from newspapers: “Rope”, “Cintz weaving”, spiral weaving.

Theory: Simple (calico) weaving; rope in 2 tubes, spiral weaving. Joining tubes in simple weaving. The simplest bends. Display of didactic material and samples. Practicing types of weaving.

Practice : mastering the skills of weaving from newspaper tubes: “rope”, “calico” weaving, spiral weaving.

Topic 3 . "Pencil".

Theory : Weaving with a cardboard bottom, the type of weaving of the product is “calico”. Practice: Mastering the skills of weaving from newspaper tubes using “calico weaving”

Topic 5. “Christmas tree”

Theory : Spiral weaving.

Practice: Mastering the skills of weaving newspaper tubes in a spiral.

Topic 64. “Box”

Theory : Round bottom weave. Forming the edge of the product.

The type of weaving of the product is “rope”.

Practice: Mastering the skills of weaving from newspaper tubes with a rope

Section III . Summarizing.

Practice. Organization of a mini-exhibition of students’ works.

Expected results and ways to determine them.

To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of this program, you can focus on the following indicators: satisfaction of students attending the circle; the formation of the activity (correctness of the actions performed; compliance with safety rules), the degree of assistance provided by the teacher to students when performing tasks: the less assistance from the teacher, the higher the independence of students and, therefore, the higher the developmental effect of classes. Monitoring and evaluation of student results involves identifying the individual dynamics of the quality of a child’s assimilation of the program and does not allow comparison with other children.

Expected results:mastering the basic rules of working with paper, technologies for preparing paper “vines”, mastering the main types of weaving, independent production of crafts from newspaper tubes.

Forms of control.

Summing up the results of the work is a necessary moment in the work of the creative team. Since additional education does not have clear criteria for determining the results of students’ practical activities, the most appropriate form of assessment is a joint viewing of completed products, their collective discussion, identifying the best works, and organizing exhibitions. This form of work allows children to critically evaluate not only other people’s work, but also their own. The final test, carried out at the end of the shift, allows the teacher to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of students.

Diagnostics and monitoring of program effectiveness.

Survey and questioning of students and parents in order to identify the level of satisfaction with the organization of employment of children and adolescents during their visit to the Scarlet Sails Center

Pedagogical reflection

Collective reflection of program participants.

Each lesson on the topics of the program, as a rule, includes a theoretical part and practical implementation of the task. Theoretical information is a repetition of the material covered, an explanation of the new, educational information about types of decorative and applied arts, folk crafts, ancient traditions in women's needlework. The theory is accompanied by the display of visual material, presented in the form of a story-information or conversation, accompanied by questions to the children. The use of visual aids in the classroom increases children's interest in the material being studied, promotes the development of attention, imagination, observation, and thinking. All known types of visual aids are used in the lesson: display of illustrations, drawings, magazines and books, photographs, product samples, demonstration of labor operations, various work techniques, which provide sufficient opportunity for children to consolidate them in practical activities.

In the process of working with various tools and devices, the teacher constantly reminds children about the rules for using tools and observing the rules of hygiene, sanitation and safety.

Each child organizes a workplace for himself. Gradually, children get used to the fact that only those materials and devices that are necessary for this work should be in the workplace. Each item has its own place so that it is convenient to work with two hands. Visual aids are arranged so that they do not interfere with work or are damaged. The teacher teaches children to be clean and tidy. If some students do not have the necessary materials or tools, the teacher issues them from additional supplies.

A training session may include the following structural elements:

  1. Briefing: introductory – conducted before the start of practical work; current – ​​carried out during practical work; final;
  2. Practical work (80% of class time);

3. Dynamic pauses in children of middle and high school age;

  1. Summing up, analysis and evaluation of work. Summing up involves reflection, collective analysis of the products as a whole and evaluation of each child’s crafts;
  2. Tidying up the workplace.

The final test, carried out at the end of the shift, allows the teacher to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of students.

Final test:

  1. Knows how to organize a workplace.
  2. Knows how to use equipment and tools.
  3. Able to independently determine the amount of material needed.

4. Knows how to twist tubes.

5. Uses different types of weaving from newspaper tubes.

6. Mastered weaving round bottom, weaving with cardboard bottom.

Methodological support:

  • didactic and handout material;
  • manuals on decorative and applied arts;
  • a set of methodological and theoretical literature;
  • visual aids;
  • video tutorials.

Material and technical support of the educational process.

Study room with student tables;

Classroom equipment (blackboard, tables and chairs for students and teachers, cabinets and racks for storing teaching aids and educational materials);

Equipment and supplies necessary for conducting classes (newspapers, scissors, knitting needles, ruler, PVA glue)

Technical teaching aids (computer, interactive whiteboard or multimedia);


1. Mushroom A. Weaving from straw and other materials. – St. Petersburg, 2006.

2. Kuzmina M. A. ABC of weaving. – M., 2011.

3. Tormanova A.S. Weaving from paper tubes: the most complete and understandable tutorial, Eksmo, 2015.

  1. 4. Tishchenko E. Weaving from paper tubes: the most complete and understandable tutorial, 2016

5. Zaitseva A. Weaving from newspaper tubes. Master classes for beginners.

6. Internet materials:

Municipal autonomous educational institution

2. Wire weaving technique

Types of weaving loops, Parallel loops, needle weaving, circular technique.

Practical training. Weaving bracelets. "Tsvetkov."

3.Beaded flowers

Theoretical information. The main beading techniques used to make flowers: parallel, loop, needle weaving, arching. Combination of techniques. Technique for making the center, petals, sepals, stamens, leaves. Analysis of models. Sketching diagrams.

Practical work. Execution of individual elements of flowers. Assembling products: brooches, bouquets of flowers. Composition of spring, summer, autumn and winter bouquets. Preparing the base of the decorative panel: covering the cardboard with fabric. Attaching composition elements to the base. Decorating gifts and other items with beaded flowers.

Final lesson.

Stages of product design. Requirements for the product during design, quality control of products. Types and composition of ornament. Development of composition sketches.

Practical training.

Making a product on a free theme. Selection of the best works of the circle members. Design of the final exhibition Summing up.

Equipment standards:

When working with beads:

For each student: Needles, nylon threads, scissors, colored beads, ruler, copper wire (thin).

Providing the program.


Scissors, frame with glass for stained glass,


Paints for stained glass; beads, wire,

Methodological support.

Today, the pedagogical level must have all the methodological equipment to conduct classes in accordance with the requirements and methodological guidelines. The list of educational and methodological support includes educational methodological literature for students and teachers, a separate room for conducting group and individual classes. All equipment must correspond to this item, scissors, wire, frame with glass, etc.

Methodological literature is available for each age category provided for by the curriculum.


1. “Beadwork” M.., 1997

2. Drawing. Obninsk, publishing house "Titul"

3. Painting. Obninsk, publishing house "Titul"

4. . Needlework.

5. Magazine “Lena Handicrafts”.

6.enechki and beads St. Petersburg, 1998.

8.Yu.Davydova. 2005

9., . Studio of arts and crafts. Edition 2008.

10. . Folk arts and crafts. M, 1984

11. Magazine “Lena Handicrafts”

12.. Handicrafts..

13. Painting on glass.

Maria Kirilova

Novelty: One of the most popular types of arts and crafts creativity is modeling. Today such material as salty dough becoming increasingly popular in our country, successfully competing with traditional materials - clay and plasticine. When working with it, many are attracted not so much by its availability and relative cheapness, but by the limitless possibilities that this material provides for creativity. Products made from this material, unlike plasticine, are durable and do not require expensive processing fired like clay products. In addition, salty dough by many indicators (primarily technical and, of course, environmental) surpasses the popular polymer clay abroad, which appeared on the shelves of our stores quite a long time ago. The implementation of the course allows not only to satisfy formed needs of the population, but also to create conditions for the development of the child’s personality, ensure his emotional well-being, introduce him to universal human values, create conditions for creative self-realization, teach tolerant behavior, respect and tolerance.

Target: Development of aesthetic attitude and artistic abilities in children of senior preschool age fine art activities using technology testoplasty.


Contribute to the development of artistic perception of life;

Clarify ideas about life around you;

To develop the ability to perceive and reproduce objects of complex shape;

Promote development creative abilities in progress images of objects, phenomena and states of the surrounding world, in the choice visual materials.

To develop the ability to convey the form, structure of an object and its parts; color of the object, using paints of spectral, warm, cold, contrasting colors, different shades and different tones; correct proportions of objects;

Promote the development of compositional skills when image groups of objects or plot.

Exercise your hand, fixing the correct position when drawing horizontal and vertical lines with paints.

To promote the development of technical techniques for sculpting from test: presence of many small parts;

Encourage the desire to make your work beautiful, meaningful, and expressive.

To promote the cooperation of children when performing collective works, which can be based on both plot and decorative images, correlation of children's plans and actions; encourage them to use different techniques in sculpting and painting.


1. Creation creative workshop for children of senior preschool age

2. Improvement visual activities for children: children independently determine the concept, create an expressive image, independently select impressions and experiences to determine the plot, choose the most appropriate image visual techniques and materials, plan activities, achieve results and evaluate them.

3. Demonstration of activity and independence of children in visual arts.

4. Children's products activities: medallion "Initial letter", "Miracle buns", "Gifts of Autumn" still life, modeling according to plan.

Working with parents:

Creating conditions in the group for the implementation of the COP " Drops of creativity.

Encourage parents to be involved in the creation salt dough images at home, through conversations and individual consultations.

Long-term plan (preparatory group)

1 Lesson.

Medallion "Initial letter"(manufacturing)


1. Introduce children to the technology of preparing salty test; with features of sculpting from test; the presence of many small parts; twisting, pulling, interweaving parts; gluing.

2. Teach children to sculpt a medallion "Initial letter".

3. Cultivate accuracy in children when doing work.

4. Introduce children to testoplasty as a type of decorative art.

5. To interest children, to evoke in them an emotional response, a desire to sculpt and paint decorative items.


Cooking algorithm

salty test. Flour, salt, water, vegetable oil, board, rolling pin, stacks, brush.

Illustrations, Photos,

Ready. decor. products from test, fairy tale character "Kolobok".

2 Lesson.

Medallion "Initial letter"(painting)


1. Introduce the painting of the finished product.

2. Master the technique of dense painting.


Dried products - medallions, gouache paints, brushes No. 2 and 5, water, lace.

3 Lesson. "Miracle buns".(manufacturing)


1. Introduce children to the production of bakery products.

2. Introduce children to sculpture of small forms.

3. Learn to sculpt different shapes (drying, buns) from a whole piece test

4. Learn to convey shape and proportions.


Illustrations of products from test, a game “It looks like it, it doesn’t look like it”, models of bakery products, small sculptures, ready-made salty dough, stacks, brushes No. 3, water, board.

4 Lesson. "Miracle buns".


1. Finish the sculpture with watercolors.

2. Develop figurative perception, sense of color.

3. Cultivate in children an emotional attitude when perceiving ready-made images.

4. Finish the work on the product by painting it with paints.


Illustrations from a fairy tale "Spikelet", watercolor, brushes No. 2 and 5, water.

5 Lesson.

Panel "Gifts of Autumn".(manufacturing)


1. Introduce the concept "still life".

2. Learn to create a composition using composition diagrams.

3. Strengthen the skills of sculpting different shapes (cucumber, carrots, peas, garlic) from a whole piece test, convey the features of each of them.

4. Develop imagination when creating a composition


Still life illustrations, composition diagrams, game “Make a still life”, technological

cooking card test, riddles about vegetables, vegetables, ready dough, board, stacks, rolling pin, water, brush.

6 Lesson. Panel "Gifts of Autumn". (painting)


1. Introduce the concept of tonality

2. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color

3. Teach children to finish what they start

4. To cultivate an emotional attitude in children when perceiving pictures.

5. Finish the work on the panel by painting it with paints.


A game "Make no mistake", color tonality diagram, illustrations with image of vegetables, gouache, brush, water.

7 Lesson. "Fantasy world".


1. Practice the practical application of acquired skills.

2. Develop aesthetic taste and creation.

3. Strengthen the ability to sculpt small details.


Work sequence diagrams, work tools, colored dough, board.
