What will happen in the city after the arrival of the auditor. After the arrival of the real auditor, based on the story N

The essay is a problematic question “What will happen after the arrival of a real auditor in the county town?”

At the end of the play N.V. Gogol's "Inspector General", an unexpected event occurs, namely the arrival of a real inspector in the city N. The further fate of the heroes is not described. Thus, N.V. Gogol leaves his readers to think and answer on their own to the question “What happened next, how events unfolded, and what happened to dishonest officials?”
There may be several options for further developments.
Option one
The auditor who visits city N turns out to be a person with a crystal clear conscience and simply cannot close his eyes to the arbitrariness and bribery that are happening. After checking in various hospitals, Christian Ivanovich will inevitably have to be punished, who all his life cared exclusively about his own benefit, and not about the health and condition of his patients. If the auditor visits the courthouse, then most likely he will come to indescribable horror! The very appearance of the courthouse already speaks of how the trials take place. Honesty and justice cannot be found here, only arbitrariness and bribery. Therefore, Lyapkin-Tyapkin would certainly go on trial himself and go to jail. And such arbitrariness is observed in all spheres of the life of the city N. All officials without exception would be punished, because all the guardians of power fell into the network of corruption.
Option two
The visiting auditor belongs to the same caste of bribe-takers and corrupt officials. Then the officials of the N uyezd, by means of various tricks and means, will easily pass the necessary checks, and the state of affairs will not change in any way.
N.V. Gogol in this work tries to show, using the example of the city N, that such a deplorable state of affairs reigns throughout Russia. Corruption and bribery cannot exist without the support of the highest ranks, and from one honest auditor, little can change in an established system.

Search by composition: Find What awaits city N from N.V. Gogol's play "The Inspector General" after the arrival of the true auditor

Let us recall that in all spheres of life of the county town, things are going very badly. In court, everything is decided not by justice, but by the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. No wonder the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese with goslings” from the front, and the juror ...

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What happens after the arrival of a real auditor? (based on N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector")

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Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, find out that a real auditor has come to them. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and ridiculous poses.

What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for the officials of the county town? On the one hand, they will again need to make efforts so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations taking place in the city. And these violations are huge.

Let us recall that in all spheres of life of the county town, things are going very badly. In court, everything is decided not by justice, but by the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. No wonder the mayor asks the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove him from the front ...

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They stood in the same positions

In a silent strange silence.

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds

Now there's nothing to hide.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

"The scammer tricked me!"

that dishonored you).

Probably his wife and daughter

Haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But everything turned out to be a lie!

Luka Lukich is whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses.

Like after a long run

My heart is beating!"

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

And two landowners are right here.

We'd stand like that for an hour

Yes, here is the official's order.

Won't let you rest...

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We went through this too bro.
Here is what I wrote)
Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, find out that a real auditor has come to them. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and ridiculous poses.
What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for the officials of the county town N.? On the one hand, they will again need to make efforts so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations taking place in the city. And these violations are huge.
Let us recall that in all spheres of life of the county town, things are going very badly. In court, everything is decided not by justice, but by the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. It is not for nothing that the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese with goslings” from the hall, and to force the juror to not at least for some time ...

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Such a question: What will happen in the city of N after the arrival of a real auditor?!

After the arrival of a real auditor, everyone panics and begins not to blame themselves, but to look for someone to blame. But in fact, having found the culprit who spread this news, the mayor says that they themselves are to blame for everything. They could not distinguish an ordinary paper maraca from a reizor. Panic wakes up in everyone, not because a real auditor has arrived, but because Khlestakov left with their money, with which they expected to repay and remain in office, everyone begins to shake for their place in the city. They are afraid of losing their place, money, authority and power in the city.

The head of the post office will find a letter that Khlestakov wrote to his friend the journalist that he would write about these fools and ridicule them in front of everyone. The postman ran to the mayor and read the letter. The mayor fell into a panic and after a moment they received the news that this time a real auditor had arrived.

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They stood in the same positions

In a silent strange silence.

Do not describe their feelings in lines,

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds

Now there's nothing to hide.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

"The scammer tricked me!"

(Now all Petersburg will know

that dishonored you).

Probably his wife and daughter

Haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But everything turned out to be a lie!

Luka Lukich is whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses.

Like after a long run

My heart is beating!"

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

In a ball, like a cat, he curled up.

Behind him Korobkin with a sharp look,

And two landowners are right here.

We'd stand like that for an hour

Yes, here is the official's order.

Won't give rest to old people.

What are the poor sly ones to do?

They decide together

Go to hotel...

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N. V. Gogol, comedy "The Government Inspector"

Answer options:
Option 1
What will happen in the city after the arrival of a real auditor?

After the arrival of the real auditor, the officials will again have to hide their
sins, hide all the flaws and shortcomings ...
After recovering from the shock of the arrival of the real auditor
to their county town, gathered in the house of the Governor Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky
Anton Antonovich officials will discuss what they should do now.
They won't invent anything new. And the inspector has been in the city for a long time.
Officials are waiting for complete disappointment. All their plans collapsed
overnight! The auditor has been in the town "incognito" for several days
(as, however, it was warned in the dispatch) and, while everyone was busy with Khlestakov,
managed to independently inspect the establishments of interest to him and figure out what was happening here.
Now everything will have to start all over again, play the role again ...

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The comedy "The Inspector General", which was written by the brilliant author Gogol, is still relevant today. There are a lot of poignant issues raised here, but there is also some understatement that allows each reader to decide what will happen when a real auditor arrives in a city where chaos reigns. Will there be any changes for the better? Will life get better here or not?

Of course, the arrival of the auditor for the residents of the city N is a real shock, because they did not expect such a guest at all. Why were they afraid of such a visit? The thing is that they do not adhere to any rules, they live as they please and they have no choice but to hide all those crimes and violations that were done by the heroes so that the inspector could not notice it.

What do the city officials want to hide? the fact is that there are serious violations in almost every area of ​​life in this county town, and things are going very badly for ordinary citizens here. The court, which, it would seem, should be the most humane, but there is simply no justice in this town, so cases are resolved only with the help of bribes. Here, even the appearance of this building already repeats that there is simply no place for justice. Even the mayor, seeing this, asks that the geese and goslings be removed from the court yard and forces the juror to stop drinking at least for a while. What kind of justice are we talking about here?
It would seem that a hospital is a place where you will definitely be helped and saved from an illness, but it was not there.

The county town has its own laws and regulations, so it is not surprising that in local hospitals people are not helped to recover as quickly as possible. It is easier for doctors to leave everything to chance than to do a good deed, so sick people die without waiting for medical help. Even the doctor who runs the hospital, not only does he speak Russian poorly, but he also practically does not understand anything in medicine. His companion is the trustee of the so-called charitable institutions. But they both absolutely do not care about the sick, they do not care if they recover or not. For them, only their own benefit is important.

As for the sphere of education, everything here is also as deplorable as in medicine, that is, things do not budge here unless a bribe is given. Therefore, corruption and injustice rule not only here, but all around.

For this reason, it is absolutely not surprising that the small officials of the city are so afraid of the arrival of a real auditor. They are already ready to contrive and in every possible way appease this person. But at the same time, they do not want to create the appearance of well-being, active work in the city, although they understand that this cannot be done without.

These heroes hope that they will give a bribe to the inspector and he will turn a blind eye to everything. But they do not even imagine what will happen if this official turns out to be an honest person. What happens if he doesn't want to take the money? If he does his job in accordance with the rules and regulations, then what will happen?

I hope that the auditor turns out to be just that. And he will not only deprive violators of their posts, but also imprison those who put their priorities above others, those because of whom many people died, that is, all violators should receive what they deserve. And only in this case, the arrival of the inspector will be justified, and if he turns out to be the same as the inhabitants of the city, then the same chaos will reign in the future and nothing can be saved from bribe takers, corrupt officials and violators. But still, there is a glimmer of hope that a real auditor will be able to help this poor provincial town become better and more beautiful.

As we all remember, the comedy "Inspector General" ended with a silent scene: the elite of a provincial town froze in confusion before the fact of the appearance of a metropolitan official. The author finished his speech, but the viewer was left free to imagine what would happen in the city after the arrival of a real auditor, and, in accordance with his idea, give a personal assessment of the recognizable characters and phenomena demonstrated.

Gogol does not say that a real auditor has arrived in the city. In the phenomenon that precedes the silent scene, only the fact of the arrival of the capital official and his desire to see the mayor are announced. This official may turn out to be anyone, including high authorities, but not performing the functions of an auditor, but his visit is perceived by provincial city officials as retribution for a previous mistake.

On the other hand, the characters are shocked not only and not so much by the appearance of the inspector at last (as they think), but by the chaos sown in their souls by Khlestakov's letter. The false auditor, who is not even aware of such a role, gives exact unflattering characteristics to all the "city aces", directly describing their vices. Shame, even in one's own circle, causes great confusion. After the announcement of the arrival of the “real auditor”, each of the characters should ask themselves the question: is this not a joke, not a joke, is it not a mistake again? How to check whether “greyhound puppies” were brought to that? If the vices were casually revealed by a visiting jester, would they not be even more obvious to the gaze of the authorities? And most importantly, it is not known when it will be possible to relax and not be afraid of any visitor who may turn out to be an auditor. The eternal fear of exposure and punishment becomes the sword of Damocles hanging over the mayor and his entourage.

What awaits the characters of the comedy if the same long-awaited auditor finally appears in the city? It is hardly worth counting on severe public punishment of dishonest officials: neither in Gogol's Russia, nor in today's Russia, such cases are brought to public judgment. Most likely, the disagreements would have been peacefully smoothed out at the common table, having pretty much emptied their pockets and filled the visitor's briefcase. But it is interesting to think out, to supplement the plot with a continuation: how will the characters behave?

Like any embarrassment, they will try to hide the mistake with Khlestakov, as if nothing had happened. Having come to the auditor on an official visit, the mayor will be as careful and cunning as possible to find out whether he is who he claims to be. This situation can form the basis of a situation comedy, when the distorted perception of one participant in the dialogue will cause a misinterpretation by the second participant. In general, the auditor and the mayor will not understand each other and confuse. Perhaps the provincial officials will not believe the newcomer, they will arrange tricks for the “imposter”, which will form a report on the affairs in the city, and the characteristics of each will be given extremely succinctly in the traditions of the genre: idiots.

Perhaps the situation will repeat itself: they will look after the authorities almost like a fair maiden, they will carry gifts along the beaten path, annoyed that they spent absolutely nothing on Khlestakov. The auditor will give positive conclusions and leave in good spirits, and the local elite will live as before, shuddering at the sound of carriage wheels in the direction “from St. Petersburg”.

Nothing will change in the city. Even if a strict and honest auditor appears, after whose report both the mayor, the judge, the superintendent of schools, and all the rest will lose their positions, there is nowhere to take people of a different warehouse. Everything will be restored unchanged, except that informants will be more careful about their work, reporting in advance about checks and inspectors.

However, without a positive shift, it will not do. Imagine: a small provincial town where gossip and rumors diverge instantly and everywhere. It is no coincidence that Khlestakov's letter was read aloud, it is no coincidence that the postmaster did not give it to the mayor face to face. It has become impossible to conceal the incident, and ridicule awaits the city's elite from now on. And laughter, according to the author, is the best means of combating vices. How to remain a mayor and behave as before, if people are whispering behind your back, and everyone is ready to remind you how the dream of becoming a “nobleman” crumbled to dust? Here, either leave the post, or exercise caution.

Gogol deliberately abandoned the denouement of the plot, stopping the action at its climax. There were many interpretations of such a finale, and 10 years after the publication of The Inspector General, the author was forced to write “Decoupling of the Inspector General” - an additional scene, essentially representing the author's comments on the work. It is there that he consolidates the power of laughter, its destructive effect on the vices of society.

Gendarme: An official who has arrived from St. Petersburg by personal order demands you to come to him at once. He stayed at a hotel.
N.V. Gogol "Inspector"

Having recovered from the shock received by the news of the arrival of a real auditor in their county town, the officials gathered in the house of Gorodnichiy Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich began to discuss what to do next. At first they decided to urgently make inquiries about the newly arrived person. To do this, landowners Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky were sent to the city. Having hastily collected the meager impressions of eyewitnesses who saw a high-ranking official, namely: the innkeeper and his servants, the “walkers” reported to the meeting the following: that “He” is small in height, plump and puffy in figure, “likes to eat tasty and a lot, and even vodka does not disdain to drink”, in a word, it is not much different from the previous inspectors ... Information, of course, is not enough for a “full portrait”, but they decided to act according to a “knurled scheme”, that is, to give a bribe. Yes, and the city had already been “equipped” by the arrival of the auditor ...
- Our person! And we will break it! Not in the first one! - the Governor said with confidence, in order to somehow cheer up the guests gathered in his house, and he himself thought: “Oh no, what if He is not one of those, but what if he doesn’t take the money? We need to do something urgently to protect ourselves. He calls me first for a report. So I’ll get ahead of everyone, I’ll tell you about everyone, so far they haven’t managed to convey anything about me. And to increase control, I’ll invite Him to visit me at home ... "
But doubts crept into the soul not only Gorodnichiy, and his resolute remark did not in the least add confidence to the despondent officials.
“You’ll probably get out with your money and connections,” thought the trustee of charitable institutions Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika about Gorodnichiy, “how can I explain this time why the church burned down and not built? .. I’ll tell everything as if in spirit , perhaps have mercy ... "
“Yes-ah,” the judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin was puzzled, “for three hundred rubles from bribes with greyhound puppies, you can’t pay off here now ... We should have an agreement with the Governor ... "
“Interesting,” Luka Lukich Khlopov, the superintendent of schools, thought, “for how long will this auditor want not to notice the lack of teachers, and all sorts of shortcomings? .. And if he takes any measures? ..”
“How much will my “curiosity” to read other people’s letters cost me this time?” - the postmaster Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin got worried. - “And then, how he won’t take it, and then what? ..”
Uyezd officials who had not yet recovered from the arrival of the false auditor Khlestakov, this time, were visited by a bad premonition. The stigma is still in the gun for everyone! And the inspector is real!
- I’ll go, “get acquainted”, but find out what’s what, and you wait here, don’t disperse. I'll be back, God forbid, soon, - said the Governor to the "pillars of the city" gathered at his place and went to a local hotel to report to a high-ranking official.
- God bless! - answered the guests left in painful expectation ...
Upon arrival at the place, Anton Antonovich was completely disappointed. All his plans collapsed overnight! It turned out that the auditor who had arrived had been in the town “incognito” for several days (as, however, he had been warned in the dispatch) and, while everyone was busy with Khlestakov, he managed to independently inspect the establishments that interested him and figure out what was happening here.
- I invited you in order to notify me of the need for written reports on the activities of your and your officials, each separately, with explanations for all the disgrace that I found here. I need the papers by evening for their further submission in a report to our Sovereign.
- As you command, Your Excellency! - only Anton Antonovich found what to answer to a high-ranking official and, in horror, hurried back to the guests left in his house.
At a quick council, it was decided that each of them should write a report on their own and collect a large amount of money for a bribe.
- This is our last chance! No one has turned down big money yet! - exclaimed the Mayor.
With heavy thoughts, the officials went home to carry out the instructions of the auditor.
Having collected reports and envelopes with money by the appointed hour, Anton Antonovich began to prepare for a meeting with a high-ranking person. True, no one regretted the money - they paid off in full! But, God, what did the officials write in their reports! Each blamed his guilt on the other, and, most importantly, they blamed Him, the Governor, for everything! "Ugh, abyss! Well, wait already! Now, if I get out, I'll show you all! - Anton Antonovich seethed with anger at his subordinates. Having carefully placed all the papers in a folder with his report, the Governor transferred the money, having previously copied out who gave how much, into a large thick postal envelope, reluctantly reported his share there and went to the hotel "for a reception".
He was already expected.
“Here are our reports,” Anton Antonovich said to the auditor, holding out a folder to him with trembling hands, “And here are our explanations,” he explained, holding out an envelope with money next.
- And I like your "explanations" very much! - answered a high-ranking official, looking into the envelope, - I now know what and how to report to the Sovereign. You are free, I have no reason to detain you any longer.
It seemed that the inspector was not in the least surprised by the money and even seemed to be waiting for it.
- Allow me to take my leave, Your Excellency! I have the honor... Thanks, sir, I'll never forget,' muttered Anton Antonovich, backing toward the door. And with the thought: “But he accepted the money, scoundrel! I did take it! I was right! - recklessly rushed home happy and pleased with himself.
- I have the honor, I have the honor, - the official said quietly after the departing Governor. The intonation with which this phrase was uttered did not bode well for the "authorities" of the town.
“Yes, sir, gee!” - an official from St. Petersburg was thinking, counting and carefully laying out banknotes, - “Some money is given in order to change the government and improve life (the merchants did not blunder here either), while others, on the contrary, so as not to lose all this.” Having sealed the envelope with sealing wax, he wrote the following on it: “I, such and such, received so much to the state treasury from the inhabitants of city N, as a voluntary contribution to donations to the destitute.” Further, having skimmed through the reports of officials, shaking his head reproachfully, the auditor began to report to the Sovereign: “Your Imperial Majesty, I bring to your attention that when I inspected the city of N, the following was discovered ...”
