The unity of inner and outer beauty arguments. Outer beauty

"The beauty of nature" - The berries were filled with juice, Painted with solar paint. “Love your native field. Aspen. V. Crow. 5. Wouldn't you like some more Berries. Raspberries. In the girth of five arshins, the crown occupies three hundredths. S. Yesenin. Weave for me Kuzovki and bast baskets. O. Vysotskaya. Love the green forest Both on the earth and on the sky Direct an inquisitive gaze. A. Kruglov.

"Human races" - Mongoloid - the indigenous population of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, Siberia. Race concept. Each race is characterized by the unity of origin. Summarize existing knowledge about human races. Plan. To form a negative attitude towards the reactionary essence of racism and social Darwinism. Europioid - the indigenous population of Europe, South Asia and North Africa.

"Model view" - Case fig. 2.12.a shows a non-linear function of the form y=f(x). System. The classification of types of system modeling is shown in fig. 1.9. The phenomenological model is based on a qualitative understanding of the physical situation. Structural diagrams of individual fragments of the model: Only specific values ​​of symbolic parameters and initial values ​​are missing.

"Ideal of Man" - Main part. Relevance. What makes human life meaningful? The study of works of various genres of modern Russian literature. Hundreds of different titles of books appear in our country every day. Detective. Author of the work: Drobysheva Anastasia Nikolaevna. Dramaturgy. The drama depicts life in events, actions, clashes of heroes.

"Information and forms of its presentation" - Information, including graphic and sound, can be presented in analog or discrete form. The presentation was prepared by a 10th grade student Ksenia Makarova. Let us give an example of analog and discrete representation of information. The transformation of graphic and sound information from an analog form into a discrete one is carried out by sampling, that is, by splitting a continuous graphic image and.

"The beauty of Japanese art" - The Art of Japan. "Do not create, but find and open." But in the garden of trees, the main thing is trees ... The Japanese Garden is characterized by an atmosphere of mystery, which is the basis of park design. Horyuji Monastery. 607 Nara. Trees, stones, water are integral parts of the Japanese garden. In the city garden, we expect to see patterned flower beds, flower beds, cleared and trampled paths.

Reflecting on this eternal moral and aesthetic problem, the author tries to convey to the reader the idea that beauty is not only external perfection, it is, first of all, “internal spirituality: a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself” . According to Sukhomlinsky, “the pain of creativity” makes a person beautiful, a favorite thing illuminates the external appearance with inner inspiration, “the glow of the soul.” On the contrary, inactivity and immorality destroy beauty, moreover, they disfigure, give facial features rudeness, unsociableness, gloom.

The point of view of Sukhomlinsky is close to me. External beauty is not always an indicator of the true, genuine beauty of a person. Suffice it to recall a classic example - the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel, Helen Bezukhova. A dazzling secular beauty, with marble shoulders, a heavy scythe around her head, a radiant smile, turns out to be internally unclean, depraved, hypocritical and vile.

The complete opposite of her is Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. Outwardly ugly, she is internally illuminated by the light of love, endless care for her loved ones. This light radiates through Princess Mary's large, beautiful eyes and makes her face, especially in moments of some spiritual uplift or tension, extraordinarily beautiful.

We are always attracted to people with a beautiful appearance. It seems that they are endowed with some extraordinary qualities. But if, after a closer acquaintance, you suddenly see that a person is arrogant, selfish, envious, you are disappointed in him, and external beauty fades. There are opposite situations: an outwardly unattractive person turns out to be nice in communication, friendly, ready to support in difficult times. And you understand that you have never met a better person, external flaws fade into the background, become invisible.

“No external beauty can be complete if it is not enlivened by the beauty of the inner,” said the French writer V. Hugo. And there is nothing to add to these words.

Updated: 2018-03-11

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Preparation for task C Theory and practice

Time obviously goes faster than a person thinks. Note: if you ask anyone how long it takes to get to such and such a place, they will never tell you more, but they will tell you less. If you are told that it will take twenty-five minutes to go there, then know that in fact you will spend at least forty on the road. But it is even more noticeable on the other side. "I'll be back in five minutes," the man says. Rest assured that he will arrive in the best case in 15 minutes, although when he spoke, it seemed to him that he would come in exactly five minutes. It always seems that we have more time than we actually have, and that it goes slower than we think. (V. Soloukhin) Original text

Theme of the text Formulation of the problem Accurate Narrow Wide Time Perception of time by a person Why people are late Person and time Formulation of the problem of the text

About a thousand years ago in Kyiv, under the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, under the vaults of the St. Sophia Church, our first library was created. It employed translators, scribes and artists. Many overseas books were then translated into Slavonic. At first, books were copied in Kiev and Novgorod, and then in other places of Rus' - Chernigov, Galich, Suzdal, Rostov the Great, in Vladimir, old Ryazan, and, finally, book light came to Moscow. Enthusiastic praise for books was created in Kyiv. It was repeated for several centuries in a row and is remembered in our time: “Great is the benefit of the teaching of the book.” Books are “rivers that water the universe” with wisdom. In books there is an uncountable depth, with them we are “consoled in sadness ...” The life of a book, like the life of a person, was full of dangers. Handwritten creations perished during the invasions of enemies, during campaigns and wanderings, during fires, floods and other disasters. When the enemy approached, people carried away not only bread and water, but also books behind the reliable fortress walls. Books strengthened the spirit, consoled, inspired hope. Original text

The text of a fragment of the composition Block Remarks The well-known writer and bibliophile Evgeny Osetrov devotes the text to the theme of the book. Reading it, I realized that the problem of attitude to the book is always relevant. Formulation of the problem The topic is named, the problem is correctly formulated, its relevance is indicated. There is no explanation why the problem is always relevant. The historical excursus undertaken by the author is interesting in that the reader of the text is given the opportunity to understand that from time immemorial "there is great benefit from the teaching of the book." The attention of the author is attracted by the historical aspect of the problem, because the historical book is inextricably linked with the history of the people, its study allows us to see the origins of the respect for the book that educated people had at any time. The author of the text - Commenting on the problem The problem of attitude to the book, the importance of the author's historical approach to the topic are commented. The moral meaning of the text and its educational value are correctly understood. There are no distortions in the sense of the text. The correct interpretation of the text is indicated by relevant references to specific Analysis of a fragment of the essay according to the source text

The text of a fragment of the composition Block Remarks is a true connoisseur and connoisseur of books. Considering the problem, he mentions interesting facts, for example, the creation of the first Sophia library in Rus' in Kyiv. Perhaps the author has visited this unique place or wants to visit holy places for us in Kyiv. It seems to me that the problem that the author raises is relevant today because interest in the book is falling, this is especially noticeable among young people. However, the author does not read notations, but tries to interest the reader, to inspire respect for the book. Commenting on the problem of the proposal. The examinee tries to understand the reason for the author's interest in this problem. Perhaps changing the order of the sentences would improve the text.

Reflection of the position of the author of the source text Correctly, without distortion, the understood position of the author reflects his conviction, his opinion on the problem under consideration. The author can either give an assessment to some events or phenomena, and along with an open assessment, there is also a hidden one, when the author's opinion should be sought in the subtext. To do this, one must be able to see the hidden meaning, understand metaphors, reveal allegories, feel the purpose for which the author uses specific words and expressions. In other texts, the author does not limit himself to assessments, but suggests ways to solve the problem. Both the author's conclusions and the ways he proposes to solve the problem - all this reflects his position. The following expressions can be used to formulate a position: The author believes that ... The author is deeply convinced that ... It is difficult to argue with the author regarding ... The author's position is formulated very clearly: ... The author opposes ...

Genuine science is always connected with life, it is, in fact, born from it, and not from bare brain actions. Any abstract thought, devoid of connections with nature, with life, bleeds itself, clogs up, loses vital juices, truly human insight. After all, creative thought is not only an intellectual effort. This is a manifestation of the fullness of the personality of a scientist (or artist), the combination of his spiritual-mental, strong-willed, emotional-spiritual, moral efforts. Without the "human feelings" of a scientist, without his qualities of a citizen and patriot, creative thought itself becomes impoverished. (M. Lobanov) Original text

No. Texts of fragments of works Block Remarks 1. M. Lobanov's text is devoted to the topic of science. The problem that the author considers lies in the connection of science with life, in the non-viability of the science that is called "abstract". The author's opinion is extremely clear: Lobanov believes that scientific discoveries are born from life itself. A true scientist, according to the author, collects the experience accumulated by mankind, passes it through his own beliefs and moral foundations, and only on the basis of this makes generalizations. The text negatively assesses the separation of science from moral foundations. Formulation of the position of the author Formulation of the problem The topic is named, the problem is correctly formulated. The position of the author is formulated correctly, the author's arguments are commented. Analysis of essay fragments according to the source text

No. Texts of fragments of works Block Remarks 2. The problem considered by M. Lobanov is to determine the true science, its origins. Formulation of the problem The problem of the text is formulated, there are no factual errors. The author believes that intellectual effort is not of paramount importance for true science. It is much more important for a researcher to be a citizen and a patriot. Statement of the author's position The author's position is distorted. The author does not belittle the role of the scientist's intellectual efforts, but says that this is not the only basis of scientific research. 3. The author of the text I read talks about what science is. Formulating the problem The examinee expanded the problem of the text.

No. Texts of fragments of essays Block Remarks The author believes that science is connected with life. Statement of the author's position The author's position is formulated very generally.

Thus, the correct reflection of the author's position in the text of the essay is associated with the ability to determine the author's positive, negative, ambiguous attitude to the problem under consideration, as well as the ability to highlight and comment on the author's arguments that explain the position. Conclusion

Argumentation structure Thesis Argument 1 Argument 2 Illustration(s) Illustration(s) Conclusion Examinees' argumentation of their own opinion on the problem

A thesis can only be a controversial thought, regarding which different judgments are put forward. “You can’t litter” is a moral axiom and it’s pointless to prove it. But in life, this principle is often violated, which is contrary to common sense, the laws adopted by people, and moral norms. This means that it is necessary to prove the inviolability of this truth and the harm that can be done if it is violated. The work on the arguments consists of several stages. First, two or three statements should be formulated that prove the validity of the thesis. Secondly, pick up illustrations for them, specific examples.

Thesis The true beauty of a person is determined by the richness of his inner world Argument 1 If a person has a good heart, he is generous, noble, able to think and create, he is beautiful. If he, endowed by nature with good external data, is cold, arrogant, able to live at the expense of others, his beauty fades and is not appreciated. Argument 2 Only in creativity and activity is true beauty manifested. A person is beautiful in moments of creative upsurge, emotional tension. Argument 3 The beauty of a person with a rich inner world does not fade with time.

Thesis The true beauty of a person is determined by the richness of his inner world. Illustration 1 The heroines of the novel "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova and Helen Kuragina. Figure 2 Examples from the life of famous actresses who do not have external data that meet the accepted ideas about beauty. They have achieved success and are considered stars, including playing the role of beauties (for example, Barbara Streisand). Illustration 3 Examples from the life of great people, relatives and friends, who, even in old age, retained the ability to be surprised, love, live a bright emotional life and can be called beautiful.

Arguments should be arranged in ascending order so that their strength gradually increases, the strongest argument should be the last. The argument necessarily ends with a conclusion that is directly related to the thesis. But if the thesis is perhaps a fair idea that has yet to be proven, then the conclusion is a proven idea, the validity of which is difficult to doubt. Therefore, the conclusion is a paraphrased thesis, equipped with words of confidence (for example, an introductory word expressing confidence). The transition from a thesis expressing a position to arguments can be carried out with the help of phrases: - I will try to prove it. - I can prove the validity of my own position with the help of such arguments.

Consider examples of argumentation. Block Fragment of the composition Expression of agreement with the author of the source text I fully agree with the author's opinion regarding the dangers of computer addiction. Formulation of one's own position It seems to me that the Web has a detrimental effect on many people, despite the fact that in general it allows you to save time and quickly find the information you need, exchange messages. Bundle I'll try to prove my own opinion. Argument 1 Firstly, virtual communication is more addictive than real communication, because it allows you to hide your own complexes.

Block Fragment of an essay Illustration 1 For example, a shy person who critically assesses his own appearance, experiencing problems in real communication, can feel like a hero of the day, a wise adviser, an interesting interlocutor while communicating online. This feeling begins to please, and a person spends hours, days in the network. And relatives, friends, relatives lose him, they lack communication, they are offended. Argument 2 Secondly, the Internet is not a free pleasure. Figure 2 Of course, one hour won't take much away from the family budget, but addicted people spend so much time online that it hits their wallet. Argument 3 Thirdly, from many hours of sitting in front of the monitor, vision deteriorates.

Block Fragment of an essay Illustration 3 When a person communicates in chats for 5-7 hours, the vision is so strained that the eyes hurt, they turn red. I personally know people who wear glasses as a result of prolonged sitting at the computer. Conclusion Thus, the Internet can harm a person if it is used immoderately, if you do not find the strength to stop in time.

Possible errors in argumentation Perhaps I agree with the author that we have stopped writing letters, replacing them with phone calls or SMS, and we have lost a lot from this. Earlier, I received letters from a friend from Saratov, and I was very pleased to receive an envelope. We exchanged news, sent each other postcards and photographs, and waited for letters to arrive. I also sent letters to my grandmother. True, letters take a long time to reach the addressee, but it is pleasant to receive them. Let's start writing letters again! The argument looks one-sided: the examinee did not compare letters with other methods of transmitting information (e-mails, calls), did not show why, despite the long way to the addressee, it is pleasant to receive a letter, which we lost with the destruction of the tradition of writing letters. The arguments are based only on the personal impressions of the examinee, they are not bright. The argument is not structured, 2 arguments are of the same type, there is no conclusion.

Our ideas about the ideal of beauty are embodied in external human beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality, a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself ... The higher the moral development and the general level of a person’s spiritual culture, the brighter the inner spiritual world is reflected in external features. This glow of the soul, according to Hegel, is increasingly understood, manifested and felt by modern man. Inner beauty is reflected in the outer appearance... The unity of inner and outer beauty is an aesthetic expression of the moral dignity of a person. There is nothing shameful in the fact that a person strives to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful. But, it seems to me, it is necessary to have a moral right to this desire. The morality of this aspiration is determined by the extent to which this beauty expresses the creative, active essence of man. The beauty of a person manifests itself most clearly when he is engaged in his favorite activity, which, by its nature, emphasizes something good in him, inherent in his personality. Original text

At the same time, his external appearance is illuminated by internal inspiration. It is no coincidence that Miron embodied the beauty of the discus thrower at the moment when the tension of internal spiritual forces is combined with the tension of physical forces, in this combination - the apotheosis of beauty ... External beauty has its own internal, moral origins. Favorite creativity makes a person beautiful, transforms the features of his face - makes them subtle, expressive. Beauty is also created by anxiety, care - what is usually called the "throes of creativity." Just as grief leaves indelible wrinkles on the face, so creative worries are the subtle, most skillful sculptor that makes the face beautiful. And vice versa, the inner emptiness gives the outer facial features an expression of dull indifference. If inner spiritual wealth creates human beauty, then inactivity and even more immoral activity destroy this beauty. Immoral activity disfigures. The habit of lying, hypocrisy, idle talk creates a wandering look: a person avoids looking into the eyes of other people4 it is difficult to see a thought in his eyes, he hides it ... Envy, selfishness, suspicion, fear that "I will not be appreciated" - all these feelings gradually coarsen facial features, give him sullenness, unsociableness. Be yourself, value yourself

dignity is the living blood of true human beauty. The ideal of human beauty is also the ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection - this is the harmony about which so much is said. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

The author of this text, the Soviet teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, is known not only as a theoretician of pedagogical science, but also as a practical teacher who sought to pass on his life experience and moral convictions to children. He considers the actual problem: what is the true beauty of a person. Each new generation tries in its own way to comprehend the origins of human beauty. This is what happens today: twenty years ago, the idea of ​​organizing beauty contests was not relevant, while today it shocks the imagination of many, and not only the fair sex. Is there justice in judging a person's beauty? Where can I find the criterion for such an assessment? In search of an answer to these questions, the arguments of V. A. Sukhomlinsky can be of great help. The author builds reflections on true beauty on a comparison of two types of beauty - internal and external. Contrasting the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, devoid of internal spirituality, with true beauty as a harmonious combination of the external.

and internal, the author is convinced that the desire to be outwardly beautiful then has a proper assessment when it reflects the "creative, active essence of a person." It is creativity, a favorite thing that contributes to the disclosure of beauty in a person: his face becomes expressive, thin. The author contrasts this work of the “sculptor of beauty” – creativity – with a different, destructive effect of immoral acts. I cannot but agree with the conclusions of the author: people who do not see the point in moral improvement and labor seem faceless to me. In these assessments, I am a supporter of the ideas of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. I see a beautiful person who knows how to express his inner world not through outrageous accessories or a shocking hairstyle, but through creativity. The sense of taste that is brought up from childhood, the efforts expended on creating one's own image, sophistication of manners and, of course, kindness, respect for people, generosity - this is what makes a person beautiful. Moreover, such beauty does not age - remember Alla Bayanova or Maya Plisetskaya! “External beauty has its own internal moral origins,” the author writes. And this wisdom is perceived by me as an axiom.

The composition of part "C" is a special speech work, which is a synthesis of the analysis of the source text and the presentation of one's own opinion on the problem raised by the author. This is a hidden dialogue between the examinee and the author of the source text. This is a text that must meet the given criteria, because it is according to these criteria that the work is scored. Otherwise, no matter how merits the work has, it will not be given high marks. Results

References E. S. Simakova. Russian language. Express tutor to prepare for the Unified State Examination "Composition". AST- Astrel. Moscow. T. I. Maksimovich, Yu I. A. Pugachev. A guide to preparing for the exam. Russian language: Implementation of part 3 (part C). AST- Astrel. Moscow.

(according to new criteria) (1) My father and the police officer were amazed that we had to spend the night in Selivan's house ...What can be the reason for the rejection of a person by society? Is it possible to change the way other people treat you? Exactly makes you think about these questions N.S. Leskov...

(1) All my life I have heard the word "soul" and I myself uttered this word, not at all understanding what it means ...What is the human soul? What treasures does she keep? It is impossible to answer these questions precisely, because each person has a unique soul, filled with both amazing virtues and unpleasant shortcomings. It is the problem of spirituality, the ambiguity of the human soul that M. Prishvin raises in his text...

(according to new criteria)
(1) With eyes full of tears, Ivan looked into the snow below him: the end of his fairy tale was approaching ...How is human love for nature manifested? Why do people perceive the world around them differently? It's over problems oh the relationship of man to nature makes you think in yourby the way L. Leonov.

(according to new criteria) (1) Once, starlings flew to me on a watch, October, autumn, rainy ...What is true love for one's country? What is the feeling of the homeland of a Russian person connected with? It is the problem of the feeling of the homeland that V. Konetsky raises in his text.

(according to new criteria) (1) Man was created for centuries, judging by the huge, incomparable expenditure of strength. (2) A lion, having killed an antelope, rests in a well-fed slumber for a day ... What is the meaning of human life? Why is a person given a huge supply of energy? Just above the problem the meaning of human life makes you think in your text B.Vasiliev...

7. (according to new criteria)
(1) Someone enters the hall, undresses for a long time and coughs ... (2) A minute later a young man of pleasant appearance comes to me. (Z) For a year now, we have been in a strained relationship: he answers me disgustingly in exams, and I give him units. What does it mean to be a responsible person? It is the problem of a responsible attitude to life that A.P. Chekhov touches upon in his text.

If you go out to the pier, you will meet, despite the bright sun, a sharp wind and you will see the distant winter peaks of the Alps, silver, terrible. …What does it mean to be a kind person? It is the problem of a humane, compassionate attitude towards people that I.A. Bunin touches upon in his text.

We are going to Boldino. The architect-restorer Pyotr Dmitrievich Baranovsky is with us, and we drove along the old Smolensk road to his native places..... It is the problem of preserving monuments that V.A. Chivilikhin.

I stood at the window of the car, aimlessly looking at the landscape running past, at the substations and small stations, wooden houses with names in black and white, which I did not always have time to read, and why. Why do children see the world around them differently? What is the difference between the perception of the world by an adult and a child? It is these questions that D.A. Granin proposes to think about in his text.

(1) In a letter to his wife on May 18, 1836, Pushkin was surprised: where did these prudent young people come from, “who are spit in the eyes, but they wipe themselves off” instead of defending their honor?Honor and dignity ... What do they mean in our time? Are today's young people ready to defend them? It is these problematic issues of preserving honor and dignity that D. Shevarov asks in his text...

(1) In the backyard of our village, a long room made of planks stood on stilts. (2) For the first time in my life I heard music here - a violin. (3) Vasya the Pole played on it.

1. Why does a person experience love for the motherland forever? It is the problem of homesickness that he touches upon in his text V. Astafiev...

2. "Music grabbed by the throat, but did not squeeze out tears, pity did not grow." In the proposed text V. Astafiev makes us think about the problem of the impact of art on man...

What role does true art play?In human life? Whichcan have an impactmusic per person? It is the problem the impact of music on the human soulraises in his text V.P. Astafiev...

(1) One summer our family was vacationing in Estonia, on the shores of Lake Pyhäjärve. (2) I have seen many beautiful lakes. (3) I saw Lake Pleshcheyevo near Pereslavl-Zalessky.

1. Nature ... how amazing and unique it is. But not everyone is able to feel its magical power. And in the text S. Lvov raises the complex problem of the relationship between man and nature ...

2 . Does man need nature? Such a philosophical problem of the relationship between man and nature S. Lvov raises in his text...

(1) Sometime, about a dozen or two years ago, the following image came to my mind: the Earth is our tiny house, flying in an immensely large space ...What is the value of human culture in the minds of people? It is this problem of recognizing the values ​​of the cultural heritage of mankind D. Likhachev raises in his text...

(1) With the release of Mark Geyser's book about Marshak in the Life of Remarkable People series, the general reader's perception of the famous poet should change. (2) And not only among the masses.People live in almost every corner of our planet. They are somewhat similar to each other, somewhat different. But how correctly can you understand a person when meeting and in the process of communicating with him? It was the problem of prejudice against the individual that he touched upon in his text S. Sivokon... What is the selfless devotion of S.Ya.Marshak to his work? It is the problem of devotion to creativity that S. Sivokon touches on in his text...

(1) In the past few years, one more has been added to the usual fears of parents. (2) Increasingly, teenagers scare us with an addiction to virtual communication. (3)Here are examples of complaints.In A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, Famusov said: “There is no need for another model when the father’s example is in the eyes.” He considered himself a worthy example for his daughter. Was it really so? But at all times, the relationship of generations was a painful issue, to which everyone was looking for their own answer. Same in text A. Ivanova the actual problem of misunderstanding of the younger generation by the older ones, the problem of fathers and children is touched upon...

(1) It was one of those autumn days when debilitating melancholy crushes the heart, when dank dampness penetrates the soul and there, as in a cellar, it becomes dark and cold.I.Novikov touches upon in his text the problem of perceiving life as a source of joy...

Essay with supplemented commentary (taking into account new requirements)

What makes a person happy? It is the problem of perceiving life as a source of joy that I. Novikov touches on in his text...

(1) What a mirror of life our language is! (2) No, he is truly great, remaining to this day free, truthful.Russian is the national language of the Russian people. For any person living in the vast expanses of our country, language is the pride of a great people, it is he who "accepts everything, responds to everything like a Pushkin echo." It is the problem of the ecology of the Russian language that the text is devoted to. T. Zharovoy...

(1) For Russia, classical literature is a starting point, an ideological and moral foundation that unites society and cements the bond between generations more strongly than legal norms and historical traditions.Is classical literature important in the life of an adult? It is on this question that they propose to think P. Weil and A. Genis raising the issue of the importance of books in human life...

V.A. Soloukhin, offering to think about the problem maternal love...

(1) Our ideas about the ideal of beauty are embodied in external human beauty. (2) External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health ... What is true beauty? How is external beauty related to the internal spirituality of a person? V.A. Sukhomlinsky makes us think about these questions in his text, revealing the problem of perception of beauty...

(1) I knew a wonderful writer. (2) Her name was Tamara Grigoryevna Gabbe. HHow often do we show courage? Is it required in everyday life? It is the problem of the manifestation of courage that F.A. Vigdorova touches on in her text...

(1) Once I was on a train. (2) A modestly dressed reserved woman sitting next to me at the window opened a volume of Chekhov.What is happiness? How can it be achieved? It is over the problem of understanding happiness that S. L. Soloveichik suggests thinking about in his text.

Books... How many unique, breathtaking stories they keep on their pages! The book is a whole world in which it is glad to every guest. Sometimes a small, nondescript volume turns the mind of the reader and changes his worldview. It is over the problem of the role of the book in human life that E. A. Yevtushenko thinks about in his text.

How does art affect a person and his daily life? It is the problem of the role of art in human life that E.M. Bogat touches upon in his text.

Sections: Russian language

Lesson goals.


  • generalize and expand the idea of ​​reasoning as a type of speech;
  • to systematize knowledge about the journalistic style of the text;
  • to teach to select material on a moral and ethical topic.


  • to continue work on the formation of the ability to build a reasoning text;
  • to continue work on the formation of the ability to find linguistic signs of a journalistic style in the text;
  • to continue work on the formation of the ability to select material on a moral and ethical topic.


  • instill in students a sense of beauty;
  • to develop students' creative abilities, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, thinking, attention, imagination, perception.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings, a multimedia projector, a disc with a recording of the musical work by A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”, handouts with a fragment of the work by V. A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters to his son”.

Lesson plan:

I. Opening remarks.

II. The introduction of the aesthetic category "beauty" based on works of fine art.

III. Explanation of the concept of "beauty". Appeal to folk wisdom and musical work.

IV. The embodiment of beauty in words. Text analysis (V. A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters to his son”).

V. Repetition of information about the composition of the essay-reasoning.

VI. Determining essay topics.

During the classes

I. Teacher: Good afternoon guys! Today we have a lesson in preparing for an essay-reasoning on a moral and ethical topic.

II. Look at reproductions of paintings: "Venuses" by Botticelli, "La Gioconda" by L. da Vinci, "Portrait of Karamzin" by Kiprensky, various children's portraits, landscapes, images of architectural monuments.

What emotions do these pictures evoke in you?

Student: The feeling of beauty. Beauty generates positive emotions, delivers aesthetic pleasure.

Teacher: Why is it a pleasure for all people to look at the masterpieces of world art?

Student: They carry “eternal” values: Kindness, Beauty, Love. They reflect the centuries-old experience of human genius.

III. Teacher: How do you understand the word "beauty"?

Student: Everything is beautiful, beautiful, everything that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure. (Ozhegov S. I. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”).

Teacher: Here is what folk wisdom says about beauty: (The teacher demonstrates examples of proverbs using a multimedia projector)

A beautiful word is silver, and a good deed is gold.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn is with sheaves.

The bird is red in singing, and the man in skill.

Red speech proverb.

Beauty without reason is empty.

What examples of proverbs can you give?

Which of the following proverbs seems to you the initial one, necessary for understanding others?

Disciple: Beauty without reason is empty.

Teacher: Why do you think so?

Disciple: Only a thinking person can appreciate true beauty.

Teacher: What kinds of art do you know embody beauty?

Student: Painting, music, sculpture, architecture, film art.

Teacher: Let's turn to music. Listen to a fragment of the work by A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”, and then write down a number of associations that arose during this listening. (You can offer an excerpt from the composition “Summer” from this cycle)

Student: Wind, impetuosity, rain wall, cold streams, rage, power, storm, thunderstorm.

Teacher: Music is a phenomenal phenomenon. Her relationship with people is amazing. Melodious sounds perform miracles - the soul awakens in a person, the soul is transformed, states and moods change ...

IV. We saw how beauty is embodied in painting and music. Let us turn to his verbal image, vividly presented in the letter of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky to his son.


From the time a man became a man, from the moment he looked at the beauty of the evening dawn, he began to look into himself. Beauty is deeply human. This is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink flood of the evening dawn, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the haze fluttering over the horizon, the endless distance of the steppes, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in a myriad of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy autumn day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stalk and a blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, went along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop also in amazement before beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart.

Our ideas about the ideal of beauty are embodied in external human beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality - a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself.

The unity of inner and outer beauty is an aesthetic expression of the moral dignity of a person. The beauty of a person manifests itself most clearly when he is engaged in his favorite activity, which, by its nature, emphasizes something good in him, inherent in his personality.

Spiritual emptiness makes a person's appearance faceless. Nothing disfigures as much as servility: a person becomes not himself, he, as it were, seeks to get out of his own skin.

The ideal of human beauty is also the ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection - this is the harmony about which so much is said.

You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty. The beauty of the people living next to you depends on you.

Read the text aloud.

To whom is this message addressed?

Student: Son.

Teacher: Is it just him? Think.

Disciple: This is a spiritual testament to all mankind.

Teacher: Give examples from the text to support your thoughts.

Student: "Stop and you are in amazement before the beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart." "You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty."

Teacher: How does V. A. Sukhomlinsky define this immutable highest human value?

Student: “Beauty is deeply human. This is the joy of our life.”

Student: "The unity of inner and outer beauty is an aesthetic expression of the moral dignity of a person." "The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection - this is the harmony about which so much is said."

Disciple: An ideally developed personality is a harmonious personality, beautiful externally and internally.

Teacher: But often it is external beauty that attracts attention in the first place, because they are met by clothes. Especially in our time, when the cult of external beauty and eternal youth is actively promoted. However, centuries-old experience confirms the wise and just words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “Spiritual emptiness makes a person’s appearance faceless.” Reflecting on spirituality, V. A. Sukhomlinsky sums up the following. Which one, find out for yourself.

Student: “You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty. The beauty of the people living next to you depends on you.”

V. Teacher: The structural element of what type of speech is the summary-conclusion?

Student: Reasoning.

Teacher: Remember the composition of the reasoning and identify it in the text.

Student: as thesis in the text there is a sentence: “Beauty is deeply human”. Evidence are statements about the unity of external and internal beauty, as about the necessary components of a harmoniously developed personality. Conclusion is given at the end of the fragment: "The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection - this is the harmony about which so much is said."

Teacher: In what style of text is reasoning used more often?

Student: In journalistic and scientific.

Teacher: What style does this text belong to? What language signs of this style can you find in the text?

Student: There are often sentences in the text, the function of which is to influence the minds of readers: “Stop and you are in amazement before beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart.” “You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty. The beauty of the people living next to you depends on you.”

The narrative is distinguished by a special emotionality, manifested in the use of various visual means: “azure sky”, “gray threads of rain”, “blue bell of a snowdrop”, “nobility will bloom”. In the text there are also examples of a terminological nature: “anthropological perfection”, “moral dignity”, “aesthetic perfection”.

VI. Teacher: At home, write an essay on one of the following topics:

  1. Beauty will save the world?
  2. Beauty is eternal and beauty is modern.
  3. "You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty."


  1. Lizinsky V.M. Ethical and cultural sermons for every week // Class teacher. - 2006. - No. 5. – pp. 82-97
  2. Lizinsky V. M. Ethical and cultural sermons for every week (end) / / Class teacher. - 2006. - No. 6. – pp. 105-116
  3. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1995
  4. Sukhomlinsky V. A. Letters to the son. (Letter No. 22) - M., 1987. - S. 79-83
