Characteristics of the members of the Marmeladov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky. The image and characteristics of Marmeladov in Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment of Marmeladov's Crime"

Among the minor characters, some pass simply in the background, people from the crowd, others are described so vividly that it is difficult not to remember them.

The image and characterization of Marmeladov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is an example of such a description. The main character's father is a great storyteller. He presents his fate in a monologue so figuratively that it becomes unclear why the author hid behind his back.

Appearance of Marmeladov

The man in the novel already for 50 years. The appearance of the hero is typical for Russia. These were the petty officials who worked in the offices. They shaved carefully, tried to behave respectably, had a sense of tact and intelligence. It can be seen that the author feels sorry for the invented character, but he cannot change their fate. This is how many officials who have lost the meaning of life end up. The clothes of Semyon Zakharovich are described in different ways: sometimes he tries to be clean and tidy, more often he is dressed in rags, which are characteristic of drunkards.

Character traits:

  • dense figure;
  • big baldness.
  • average height;

The face is more often swollen from a constant stay in a state of alcoholic intoxication, there is no freshness and attractiveness in it. The eyelids swell and the eyes become narrow as slits. Eye color is reddish. Only a very tired person's eyes may look like this, but here the reason is completely different. It is not in vain that the author calls Marmeladov's clothes the beggar's rags:

  • torn elbows;

    torn tailcoat;

    crumbled buttons;

    crumpled dirty shirt-front;

    unkempt vest.

All clothes are “decorated” with sticky blades of hay. This gave reason to think that a person had not undressed or washed for several days. Hands remain dirty, they are "fat, red, with black nails."

hero's fate

Marmeladov reveals his soul to Raskolnikov in an amazing monologue. Strange, but not many characters Dostoevsky allowed to independently analyze their fate. The reader learns about most of the characters from the lips of the author or other characters. Marmeladov talks about all family members: wife, children. The man is married a second time. He took a widow with three children. Marmeladov has a daughter from his first marriage - Sonya, the girl will change Raskolnikov, become his beloved and support in life. Marmeladov's marriage was not built on love, it arose out of compassion for a woman who fell into terrible poverty. Katerina Ivanovna agreed to marry Semyon Zakharovich, although she was from a higher social circle, educated and who saw a different life. Marmeladov worked in the provinces, worked diligently, but was laid off and lost his job. The man began to pour wine into grief and slowly drank himself. He sees everything that happens around him, understands and suffers from the fact that he is not able to change anything. The native daughter receives a “yellow ticket”, sells her body, and the father robs the family and takes the last money to a tavern. Drunkenness brought Semyon Zakharovich to death. He gets hit by horses rushing down the street, gets many injuries and dies in the arms of his daughter. The wife dies on the day when Marmeladov was buried. Three children end up in an orphanage, what awaits orphans, it's scary to even imagine.

Character character

Semyon Marmeladov - retired official. He drank himself when he lost his position as titular councillor. The image of the character combines the qualities of ordinary people who are looking for meaning in wine, suffering from a terrible disease, unable to get rid of their craving for alcohol. What is the character of the hero, what is remarkable about the character of the novel:

  • Love for children. Marmeladov is trying to give an "education" to his own daughter, but he does not have the means, so he simply shares what he knows. A man teaches foster children to read, gives the basics of grammar. Children respond to their father with love, they call daddy, daddy. The father does not forget about the law of God. The author emphasizes important details: a dead-drunk man has a gingerbread cockerel for children in his pocket.
  • Respect for women. Semyon Zakharovich does not raise his hand to his wife. She hits him, pulls his hair, but does not get a rebuff. A rare man tolerates such a situation, more often these scenes end with the beating of women.
  • Weakness of character. Marmeladov considers himself weak and drunk. He does not find the strength to resist fate, obeys everything that happens. It turns out that a person sees everything, understands, but does not change anything, does not even try.
  • Kindness and nobility. The gullible Semyon Zakharovich falls under the influence of depraved people, drinks with everyone indiscriminately. He is a kind, but not losing nobility man.
  • Modesty. In a man there is no arrogance, rudeness and depravity. He criticizes himself, scolds. He constantly talks about life around, but does not impose his opinion on anyone.

Marmeladov drank himself, but did not lose the ability to speak. He is ornate in reasoning, eloquent in words. The fate of the hero is typical for the common people, falling into drunkenness and poverty.

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich is one of those unfortunate characters in the novel who often turn out to be powerless in the face of life circumstances and such base people as, for example, Luzhin.

Raskolnikov meets Marmeladov in a tavern, where the latter talks about the plight of his family, which is why his daughter Sonya had to go to the bar. This story touches Raskolnikov's good heart, but he draws the wrong conclusions from it: a conversation with Semyon Zakharovich only strengthens Rodion's intention to kill the old pawnbroker.

Dostoevsky describes Marmeladov as a man in his fifties. Semyon Zakharovich does not stand out with his appearance: he is of medium height, his build is dense, he has a large bald head and the face of a typical drunkard. His eyes are small, but at the same time, the mind, animation shine in them and, at the same time, madness slips through. That is, Dostoevsky wants to say with this description that, despite his gray appearance and drunken face, Semyon Zakharovich is the bearer of such qualities as kindness, intelligence, and sacrifice. As it turned out later, all these qualities were more than transferred to his eldest daughter, Sonya. But drunkenness does its job, and before the readers Marmeladov appears as a dying man who is aware of his fall, but can no longer do anything about it. Being drunk, he falls under a horse, and on the same day he dies in Sonya's arms.

The old official Marmeladov, it seems, occupies an episodic place in Crime and Punishment. This is a miserable, weak-willed drunkard who sank to the very “bottom” of human existence... The “righteous Pharisees” look at him with contempt, not seeing that his heart is capable of noble impulses (he out of pity married Katerina Ivanovna, a poor widow with children; he idolizes his daughter Sonya, understanding all the greatness of her life, given for others).

Marmeladov's monologue from the movie Crime and Punishment

And in his drunken speech, uttered in a tavern, one can hear the faith of the gospel publican, who was closer to God than the self-satisfied, righteous Pharisee. When the innkeeper said that there was no need to feel sorry for him, Marmeladov, he replied:

"Yes! no pity for me! I need to be crucified, crucified on the cross, and not to be pitied! But crucify, Judge, crucify, and having crucified, have pity on him! And then I myself will go to you to be crucified, for I do not thirst for fun, but for sorrow and tears!.. Do you think, seller, that this half-damask of yours has gone to my sweetness? Sorrow, sorrow, I was looking for at the bottom of it, sorrow and tears, and tasted, and found; but the one who took pity on everyone and who understood everyone and everything, he is the only one, he is the judge. He will come that day and ask: “Where is the daughter, that she was an evil and consumptive stepmother, that she betrayed herself to strangers and minor children? Where is the daughter that she took pity on her earthly father, an indecent drunkard, not horrified by his atrocities? And he will say: “Come! I have already forgiven you once ... I have forgiven you once ... And now your many sins are forgiven, because you loved a lot ... ”And he will forgive my Sonya, forgive me, I already know that he will forgive ... I just now, as she was, in felt it in my heart! .. And he will judge and forgive everyone, both good and evil, and the wise and humble ... And when he has already finished over everyone, then he will say to us: “Come out, he will say, and you! Come out drunk, come out weak, come out scum!” And we will all go out without shame and stand. And he will say: “You pigs! the image of the animal and its seal; but come and you!” And the wise will say, the prudent will say: “Lord! Why do you accept these?" And he will say: “Therefore I will accept them, wise ones, therefore I will accept them, wise ones, because not a single one of them himself considered himself worthy of this ...” And he will stretch out his hands to us, and we will fall down ... and weep ... and we will understand everything!

From this amazing, in terms of strength, the speech of the drunken Marmeladov breathes something evangelical. Almost all of our writers, beginning with Karamzin, preached love for people, but no one preached this love with such force and penetration as Dostoevsky's.

This speech reveals the whole rich soul of Marmeladov, a character similar to the hero of Ostrovsky , Lyubima Tortsova. And we understand Who raised Sonya in her high idealism. In this speech we can see the idea of ​​the novel: it shines with the spirit of selfless reconciliation with life and humility.

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich. This image is associated with one of the leading themes in Dostoevsky's work - the theme of poverty and humiliation, in which a worthy person dies.
Marmeladov - titular adviser, sonechka's father. “He was a man over 50 years old, ... with a yellow, even greenish face swollen from constant drunkenness and with swollen eyelids, because of which tiny, like slits, but animated reddish eyes shone. But there was something very strange about him; in his eyes, it was as if even enthusiasm shone - perhaps there was both sense and intelligence - but at the same time, it seemed like madness flickered. Marmeladov lost his job due to staff cuts and has since taken to drinking. We learn the life story of this hero from his own lips. He told Raskolnikov that he had drunk the things of his second wife, Katerina Ivanovna. Because of Marmeladov's drunkenness and the terrible poverty of their family, Sonechka went to the panel. Marmeladov was aware of all his insignificance and deeply repented of all his sins. But at the same time, he had no power to change anything. The hero presented his weakness and his vices as a drama on a universal scale. He was often very theatrical. “Sorry! Why pity me! Marmeladov suddenly yelled, getting up with his hand outstretched forward, in resolute inspiration, as if he was just waiting for these words ... ”In the end, Marmeladov died, drunk under the hooves of horses.

    Rodion Raskolnikov is the protagonist of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov is very lonely. He is a poor student who lives in a small room that looks more like a coffin. Every day Raskolnikov sees the “dark side” of life, Petersburg: the outskirts ...

    The novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” is a socio-psychological one. In it, the author raises important social issues that worried people of that time. The originality of this novel by Dostoevsky lies in the fact that it shows psychology ...

    F. M. Dostoevsky is the greatest Russian writer, an unsurpassed realist artist, an anatomist of the human soul, a passionate champion of the ideas of humanism and justice. His novels are distinguished by their keen interest in the intellectual life of the characters, the disclosure of the complex ...

    The Bible in general and the New Testament in particular occupy a very special place in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. This work is rightfully considered a masterpiece even among the five great novels of this writer. It's kind of like the epicenter...

    One of the ideas of F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is the idea that in everyone, even in the most downtrodden person, disgraced and criminal, you can find high and honest feelings. These feelings, which can be found in almost every character in F.M.'s novel....

I peer and ponder these events, I try to understand
how they flow from one another,
I try to explain to myself how
they depend on the general conditions of life.
Pisarev D.N. Fight for life.

The theme of “humiliated and offended” is one of the main themes of F.M. Dostoevsky. In the novel "Crime and Punishment", the image of the world "humiliated and insulted" occupies a leading place. The entire action of the work takes place in poor areas of St. Petersburg, characterized by poverty, dirt, disgusting smells: “the heat ... terrible”; "stuffiness, crush"; "unbearable ... the stench from the taverns, of which there are a special number in this part of the city"; "Drunken, constantly caught, despite the weekday."
The inhabitants of "poor Petersburg" are very different, each of them has their own destiny and their own history, but all of them are distinguished by hopelessness, torn, disbelief in themselves and in life. They are, in the full sense of the word, "humiliated and offended."
A typical example of such people is the Marmeladov family. Its head, Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov, is a retired official who once existed quite well. However, over time, he completely sank - in a social and moral sense, turned into a miserable and helpless person, taking away the last penny from his family, living off the "fall" of his daughter.
Even the appearance of the hero, whom Raskolnikov meets in the tavern, contains disharmony: “There was something very strange about him; in his eyes, it was as if even enthusiasm shone - perhaps there was both sense and intelligence - but at the same time, it was as if madness flickered.
We learn that Marmeladov's vice lies in his terrible drunkenness, because of which he deprives his little children and his sick wife of the last piece of bread. The hero literally drinks everything: his shoes, Katerina Ivanovna's scarf and stockings, the last thirty kopecks begged from his daughter Sonya, who, due to the terrible financial situation of the family, was forced to "go on a yellow ticket."
Semyon Zakharovich realizes that he is also to blame for the fall of his daughter (“Sonya! Daughter! Forgive me!”), And for the illness of his wife, and for the lack of a future for children: “... dare you, looking at me at this hour, to say affirmatively that I am not a pig?” However, suffering immensely, he cannot change anything.
The hero dreams of being pitied, listened to sympathetically, shown respect: "After all, it is necessary that every person could at least go somewhere." However, he does not meet such an attitude towards himself anywhere. And this is not surprising - Dostoevsky shows that respect in society grows in proportion to the material well-being of a person. And accordingly, poor people are considered outcasts, almost lepers, who have no place among the "normal". Marmeladov is also aware of this, saying bitterly: “In poverty,” he says to Raskolnikov, “you still retain your nobility of innate feelings, but in poverty, never anyone. For poverty, they are not even kicked out with a stick, but swept out of human company with a broom, so that it would be all the more insulting ... "
And a person ceases to respect himself: "And hence the drinking." And this is already a sure sign of the degradation of the personality, the loss of one's moral and moral character. No wonder Marmeladov himself says that he has long been cattle, "has an animal appearance."
But, worst of all, a poor person is deprived of support and respect in his own family. So, having lost his place as a titular adviser, Semyon Zakharovich finally lost the respect of his wife. It was then that he "broke down" after a long period of abstinence and "set off in all serious ways."
Marmeladov suffers from his "bestial" position, but he is unable to change anything. This person needs support - respect and compassion: "So that every person has at least one such place where he would be pitied." However, in the world of “humiliated and offended”, where indifference and anger reign, this is an unprecedented luxury. That is why Marmeladov is sinking lower and lower, hence, it seems to me, the features of madness in his appearance: “Something was very strange in him; ... there was both meaning and intelligence, but at the same time, madness seemed to flicker. His only way out is death. And this hero, following the logic of his character, dies, drunk, under the hooves of a horse.
The fate of Marmeladov's wife is also tragic. Katerina Ivanovna is a woman of noble birth who remarried Semyon Zakharovich. Perfectly educated, proud, vain, she is forced to die in poverty, to see how her children starve, how her husband humiliates and humiliates. All this pushes the heroine to a senseless rebellion, scandals, with which, however, she aggravates her already distressed situation. As a result, Katerina Ivanovna dies from developed consumption.
Marmeladov's daughter, Sonya, would have perished, at least morally. After all, she was forced to become a corrupt woman in order to feed her family. The pure and deeply religious Sonya suffers from her position, from the filth into which she has to plunge daily, from the humiliation that she endures. However, she is saved from madness and suicide by faith in God (“What would I be without God?”) And compassionate love for loved ones (“What will happen to them?”)
Thus, using the Marmeladov family as an example, the author shows that indifference, general irritation, disunity in people's relations reign in society. According to Dostoevsky, bourgeois society is inhuman, it pushes people to commit crimes against themselves, against their souls.
