What kind of character is Ruslan Alekhno. Ruslan Alekhno: biography, date and place of birth, albums, creativity, personal life, family, interesting and unusual facts

Ruslan Alekhno is a well-known pop performer, winner of the People's Artist-2 contest and a participant in Eurovision-2008.

The singer was born on October 14, 1981 in the Belarusian city of Bobruisk. Ruslan's father, Fedor Vasilievich, was a military man, and his mother Galina Ivanovna was a seamstress. The singer also has a younger brother Yuri, known for his design talents in Europe. Since childhood, the boy had a special passion for music and singing. Already at the age of 8, Ruslan entered a music school and successfully graduated from it in the class of trumpet and button accordion.

Also, while receiving a musical education, the young singer mastered playing keyboards and guitar. According to the artist, he never had a passion for playing musical instruments, but always wanted to sing and perform on the big stage. From the age of 15, the young talent took an active part in vocal competitions, in which he deservedly received the main prizes.

After graduating from high school, the future pop star entered the Bobruisk State Motor Transport College. According to him, he did it only for the sake of a fun student life. Ruslan did not forget about music for a minute and continued to show his vocal talents in city and international competitions.

Ruslan Alekhno at Eurovision 2008

Having received a diploma of higher education, Alekhno went to serve in the army. At first, the young man got into the air defense forces, but, having shown himself to be an excellent vocalist, he was transferred to the ensemble of the Armed Forces of Belarus, with whom he toured Europe for four years.


The creative career of a pop singer began in childhood. But he gained wide popularity in 2004, after a triumphant victory at the prestigious competition "People's Artist-2". This event opened the way for the singer to the big stage and the recognition of fans.

After winning the project "People's Artist-2", the singer recorded the song "Unusual", which brought him victory, as part of a trio with and, which blew up the airwaves of all music channels and radio stations.

2005 in the musical biography of the singer was quite fruitful. He starred in clips of songs of his own performance, participated in international vocal competitions and continued to work on expanding the repertoire. The vocalist also signed a contract with the production center FBI-Music and released the album "Sooner or Later", consisting of 12 tracks. In 2007, in the Saturday Evening program, the artist presented another hit, My Golden. A video of the performance was later posted on YouTube.

In 2008, Ruslan Alekhno took part in Eurovision 2008 from Belarus, where he performed the song "Hasta La Vista", written for him by the lead singer of the Prime Minister group Taras Demchuk and Eleonora Melnik. The singer failed to win the European-scale super-competition, but his performance increased the rating of audience sympathy, he "hot pursuit" recorded a new album of the same name with a hit.

Since 2012, another creative stage has started in the life of the artist. He records the compositions "Do not forget" and "We will stay", which bring success to the vocalist.

In 2013, Ruslan presented the listeners with a new song "Beloved", with which he became a laureate of the Belarusian "Song of the Year 2013". At the same time, the singer released the album "Heritage", which included songs of the war years in gratitude to the veterans who defeated fascism during the Great Patriotic War. In the same year, Alehno presented the song "Swans" on the music channel "A Minor".

In 2014, Ruslan Alekhno and Valeria recorded the star hit "Heart of Glass", a clip for which was shot by the famous film director. The song of Alekhno and Valeria took almost all the top positions in the rankings of prestigious music charts. With the same song, a joint duet - Ruslan Alekhno and - performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London and delighted the audience with their talent.

In 2015, the popular pop artist participated in the 3rd season of the One to One reincarnation show, which started on February 8 on the Russia 1 TV channel. He was declared the winner of the season by popular vote. During his participation in the competition, Ruslan Alekhno embodied 36 images on stage. The singer especially remembered the work on reincarnation in, since here it was necessary to use acting skills more than singing ones. To recreate the image, the artist even had to use two pairs of contact lenses to achieve the same eye color as Mironov's.

In 2016, Ruslan also appeared in the show “One to One. Battle of the Seasons”, where he took an honorable second place.

Personal life

On December 29, the winners were announced at the closing ceremony of the contest. Moldovan Denis Midone became the best soloist, and the Tajik singer Amal Khavizova was recognized as the best performer. The Russians won in the category "Best musical group", and the quartet "Zhuldyzdar" from Kazakhstan became the first in the nomination "Best group". The congratulatory New Year's Eve concert was attended by the contestants and their mentors, as well as the invited guests of the evening -, Instagram". The girl reached the final, but did not win.


  • 2005 - "Sooner or later"
  • 2008 - Hasta la Vista
  • 2013 - "Legacy"
  • 2015 - "Favorites"

The charming voice of the performer of the song "Unusual", which for many, including the author of this publication, has become the hallmark of the Belarusian singer Ruslan Alehno, cannot be forgotten. That is why this composition still excites the hearts and touches the most distant and invisible strings in the souls of listeners of all ages. By the way, the singer is very proud of this versatility, because it is very rare to see representatives of different age generations at concerts. More than ten years have passed since the release of both this song and the artist himself, so it is not surprising that not only appearance, but also Ruslan Alekhno's personal life changed during this period. Only the voice, talent and desire to create remained unchanged.

The biography of Ruslan Alekhno began 34 years ago in Belarus. It was there that the future pop star learned the basics of musical education at the music school in the city of Bobruisk. The first performances also took place there. True, not solo, but as part of an ensemble. The period of Ruslan Alekhno's biography, associated with participation in the second season of the show "People's Artist", was just the moment when the first significant fame came to the performer. This period is considered the formation of him as a singer. And, in principle, it is not worth dwelling on it for a long time, since Ruslan Alekhno earned his fame in front of the whole country. However, unlike aspiring stars who, having achieved success once, disappear somewhere, the singer worked hard after the show both on himself and on his repertoire. Even the time when he began to appear less often on the screens of our TVs, Ruslan Alekhno spent not in vain. Among the latest achievements of the singer are several recorded albums, hits that do not leave the first lines of the charts and, undoubtedly, a victory in the One to One competition.

As for her personal life, she did not stand still. By the way, having started his journey to the heights of show business, Ruslan Alekhno was no longer alone. Next to him was the same ambitious, young and talented actress Irina Medvedeva as himself. Despite the fact that young people come from the same city, fate brought them together only while working in an ensemble in Minsk, and then for a relatively short time. The relationship of the couple began spontaneously after Irina Medvedeva went to storm Moscow. Three months later, Ruslan Alekhno followed her. The couple lived in a civil marriage for five years, and young talents formalized their relationship only on July 18, 2009. True, despite the test of time, the marriage broke up in 2011. Nevertheless, Ruslan Alekhno and Irina Medvedeva still consider each other close people. Just the love of a husband and wife gradually transformed into the love of a brother and sister. And the tight schedule did not help strengthen the family.

Now Ruslan Alekhno is absolutely alone. Despite the fact that he is able to fall in love many times even in one evening, as the singer himself jokingly claims, he is not yet ready to start a serious relationship. In order to provide his family with a decent existence, the singer first wants to establish himself professionally. Although love, as you know, does not choose time and can appear at the most unexpected moment. Moreover, the profession of the chosen one for Ruslan Alehno has absolutely no meaning. In the meantime, the singer spends his free time playing sports, reading books and traveling, as well as communicating with relatives who remained in distant Belarus.

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Ruslan Alekhno is from Belarus. He was born in a town called Bobruisk on October 14, 1981. His father was in the military and his mother worked as a seamstress. Also, parents raised Ruslan's younger brother, Yuri. He also went on a creative path, becoming a popular designer in Europe.

Childhood and growing up

Even at an early age, Ruslan was passionate about vocals and music. At the age of 8, he began to go to a local music school, learning the skills of playing the button accordion and trumpet. In addition, he learned to play the guitar and keyboard. In fact, he always preferred singing. He wanted to perform on the big stage, delighting fans of his talent with new hits.

At the age of 15, Ruslan began to actively participate in music competitions. He performed on the big stage more than once, where he showed talents and received prestigious prizes.

After completing high school, Ruslan became a student of the Bobruisk State Motor Transport College. Despite such a serious profession, Alekhno often took part in vocal competitions of the city and international level.

Subsequently, the army was waiting for him. He served in the air defense, but when he was able to prove himself an excellent vocalist, he was transferred to the ensemble of the Armed Forces of Belarus. Over the next 4 years, he was busy touring. Together with the ensemble, Ruslan traveled around Europe.


In 2004, Ruslan's creative path began as a pop artist. This became possible after his victory in the competition "People's Artist 2". He got the way to the big stage and the recognition of the army of fans. He presented the hit "Unusual", performing the composition together with A. Chumakov and A. Panayotov.

A year later, he often released songs, wrote original compositions, and took part in international vocal competitions. He worked on his repertoire, and also signed a contract with the FBI-Music center. The labors led to the release of the album "Sooner or Later". It included 12 tracks.

In 2007, Ruslan presented the song "My Golden", after which a video was shot for it. The composition was in demand by music lovers. The video was posted on YouTube.

A year later, Alekhno became a member of Eurovision. He represented his native country with the song "Hasta La Vista". After a while, almost nothing was heard about him. Only in 2012, Ruslan released 2 songs “Do not forget” and “We will stay” at once, which became popular.

In 2013, Alekhno presented the listeners with a new hit "Beloved". Together with the song, he became the laureate of the "Song of the Year" in Belarus. At the same time, an album called "Heritage" was released. It includes songs of the war years. Thus, Ruslan paid tribute to the veterans of the Second World War. The composition "Swans" was also presented, and in 2014 he performed a duet with Valeria. The song "Heart of Glass" received not only a video, but also well-deserved popularity. She quickly took the top of the charts of Russian music.

In 2015, Ruslan became a member of the One to One show, where he won. He managed to skillfully get used to 36 images on stage. In 2016, he continued to participate in the project in the “Battle of the Seasons” version, which ended for him with an honorable second place.

Interesting Notes:

In 2017, Alekhno presented the song “New New Year” together with the Assorti group, sang “The Sweetest” in a duet with Y. Sumishevsky. He also became a mentor of the project "Out loud". Today Ruslan is working on his creative work, and also supports aspiring musicians in Belarus.

Personal life

He was married to Irina Medvedeva. They met in Moscow. They were together for 5 years before official marriage. The wedding was played in 2009, but after 2 years the couple decided to divorce. Rumor has it that Ruslan could not come to terms with his wife's rapid rise up the career ladder.

The artist himself commented that he was tired of loneliness and lack of home comfort, as his wife was constantly at work. Today Ruslan has a second half. His chosen one has no connection with the artistic environment. But Ruslan tries not to talk about her name in public. One of Alekhno's hobbies is buying vintage cars. He also does car restoration.

The childhood of Ruslan Alekhno

Ruslan Alekhno was born in the Belarusian city of Bobruisk, now famous on the Internet. Together with his brother, the future singer constantly skipped classes, did not do homework, and generally grew up as a complete “gouging”. Studying in two schools, he justified himself to teachers and parents by saying that he was "in class at another school." Ruslan did not miss only physical education classes - he loved sports, from childhood he was fond of karate. And since childhood, Ruslan wanted to play the saxophone. Once he told his father about this, and he supported his son's undertaking. My father went to a music school and took a list of instruments to learn how to play. There was no saxophone among them.

When Ruslan saw the list, he could not choose an instrument - he wanted to play the saxophone and only on it. The father made a choice for Ruslan, and Alekhno began to comprehend the art of playing the trumpet and button accordion.

He quickly lost interest in music, and classes at the music school suffered the same fate as the usual ones - absenteeism. So that his father would not swear, Ruslan himself put marks in his diary - usually "four", realizing that "five" is too suspicious. To clear their own conscience, absenteeism was often carried out as follows: Ruslan and his brother came to the lesson in advance, while the office was still closed. With a sense of accomplishment, pulling the door, they "washed off" for a walk.

The music school with grief in half was completed in 1995. In addition to accordion and trumpet, Ruslan can play drums, guitar, keyboards. However, he does not particularly like to play music - he was always drawn to singing. Ruslan sang from early childhood, using an iron cord as a "microphone". Ruslan's "violent" childhood, spent with his family in a hostel, was remembered by the neighbors for a long time - he not only sang extremely loudly, but also drummed. First, on everything that came across, and then his father bought Ruslan a children's drum set. Alekhno was 6 years old then...

From the very morning, the future singer turned on the tape recorder and began to beat the installation with all his might. Neighbors complained about Ruslan to their parents almost daily. Then the passion for percussion instruments subsided, and the passion for singing remained for life.


After graduating from school, Ruslan Alekhno entered the Bobruisk College of Motor Transport. Studying in college, Ruslan did not leave music and vocal lessons.

Ruslan recalls his student years with a smile: despite the fact that after graduating from an educational institution, the singer did not work a single day in his specialty, the college gave him, as he admits, a lot, and first of all, wonderful, loyal friends with whom he communicates and until now. Thanks to the college, Ruslan also knows how to drive not only cars, but also trucks. Despite the fame, the singer does not forget his schoolmates and college friends, keeps in touch with them.

Ensemble of Ruslan Alekhno

After graduating from a motor transport college, Ruslan Alekhno went to give his civic duty to his Motherland. After the army, the future star for the first time gets the opportunity to earn a living through his work: Ruslan is invited on a contract basis to a vocal and instrumental ensemble. Of course, Alekhno agrees. Interesting, creative work was combined with constant tours abroad - together with VIA Ruslan visited Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Poland, France.

My beloved woman. Ruslan Alekhno.

Ruslan worked in the ensemble for four years, but he faced the fact that he practically did not receive the proper creative experience - the stage director left the team, the choreography classes were disrupted. Work in the ensemble began to be built on the principle of "as you feel, so do." According to the singer, on the one hand, this gives room for creativity, but this creativity “does not run in”, “there is no person who would say that it’s good here, but bad here.” As a result, Ruslan leaves the team and leaves to look for work in Moscow. The family remained in Bobruisk, but Alekhno tried to come home as often as possible, to see his relatives.


While working in Moscow, Ruslan continued to study music and vocals as much as he had free time, and participated in various music and song competitions. The very first competition for Ruslan was the Moscow City Competition for Young Performers. Speaking at it in 2000, Ruslan took third place. Alekhno approached the next competition more responsibly, devoting a lot of time and effort to the preparation. As a result, in 2001 Alekhno takes the Grand Prix. The performer did not forget about the competitions held in Belarus: at the serious Belarusian "Golden Hit" Ruslan won a silver medal.

Ruslan Alekhno - "People's Artist"

Working in Moscow and constantly being aware of all the events related to the competitions of performers and musicians, Ruslan learned about the casting for participation in the People's Artist program. Alekhno decides to try his hand and come to the casting. To his surprise, he passed the casting and got on the program. Ruslan approached participation in the show very seriously. Constant tension and the desire to win did their job - Ruslan won the competition.

The artist admits that he did not expect to be the first, but tried to do everything for this. According to Ruslan, the main thing in every competition is victory, not participation. For a singer, winning a competition or project only means an impetus to try even harder, to continue developing, no matter what. In order to develop, work on himself, Ruslan can make any sacrifices: lack of sleep, fatigue and constant traveling have long become a habit for him, but this does not frighten him, rather, on the contrary, it encourages him to conquer new heights.

The singer is well aware that nothing is eternal, and fame also ends sooner or later. However, Alekhno is convinced that it is hard work on oneself that works wonders. Now Ruslan devotes all his time to music and classes: choreographers, vocal teachers, directors, musicians work with him. Alekhno fully lives around the clock with music and believes that he can achieve the maximum possible in it. Now Ruslan is actively taking vocal lessons so that in the future he will not work to the phonogram, “do not deceive the viewer”, conduct a dialogue with the audience, and respond quickly to the public. As the star admits, live performance gives the artist much stronger emotions than performing to the soundtrack.

Ruslan Alekhno and Maryana Zubko

In his free time, which the singer has less and less every day, Ruslan prefers to read. He loves the classics, his favorite writer is Erich Maria Remarque. The star admits that he used to dislike reading very much, but now he realizes how much he previously missed. Alekhno relieves nervous tension with painting, most of which is also classical.

Having won the competition-project "People's Artist-2", Alekhno went on a big tour of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus as part of the top ten shows. The singer's first video was filmed for the song "Unusual". Ruslan also did not abandon participation in competitions - in 2005, the singer became the winner of the contest-festival of the patriotic song "This is my Motherland!". The competition was timed to coincide with the anniversary celebration of the Great Victory. At the Vitebsk festival "Slavianski Bazaar" the singer became the most popular performer of the festival. Soon there, in Vitebsk, the presentation of Ruslan's debut album "Sooner or Later" was held.

Glory came in the early 2000s, after winning the popular vocal show "People's Artist". The song “Unusual” was released, then he took part in the international Eurovision Song Contest - this is how Alekhno gained a macho reputation. But Ruslan was never seen in any scandalous adultery. For many years he had an impeccable reputation as a family man. For 7 years he was married to a participant in the popular sketch show "6 Frames" Irina Medvedeva. Their divorce was peaceful, but now the performer's heart is not free. Why does Alekhno hide his beloved? Is it true that he was jealous of the success of his ex-wife? You will find answers to these and other questions in the new episode of the Oh, Mommy program with host Angelica Raj.

Angelica Raj: Your name became known to a wide audience after winning the "People's Artist". Then there was success, and decline, and long creative pauses. And then - the image of Andrei Mironov, which you created in the show of reincarnations. Didn't Mironov appear to you in a dream the day before?

R.A.: No, despite the fact that I watched all the films with his participation, read biographies and, in general, not only about Andrei Mironov himself, but also about Ostap Bender, his hero, in order to be as deep as possible in this role, to understand the situation. I spent so much time studying this question, but it is surprising that I did not dream of it.

In 2005, when Kim Breitburg was my music producer, I remember how he told me: “You are very similar to Andrei Mironov.” And I never attached any importance to this fact, but when this image fell out, in order to achieve this effect of a cold look, I even selected the lenses that needed the color. Mironov had such greenish-blue eyes, a very rare color. I even had to insert two lenses into my eyes at the same time - green and blue.

And then the moment comes when I go to the mirror before shooting to assess whether it looks like it or not. And when I came up in this image, I was really scared, because I didn’t see myself at all. Then, after the concert, the wife of Andrei Mironov, Larisa Golubkina, came up to me and said: “You know, it was worthy.”

- I even heard that you were offered a role in the movie?

- Yes, it's true, but this movie is not being filmed yet. I am ready to wait for this role of Andrei Mironov.

- In Russian show business, you have created an extremely positive image of yourself. No antics, no scandalous romance. Are you holding back or are you really like that?

“No, I don’t hold back at all, that’s who I am. I don't do anything special and I don't want to. My inner world is different from this model of behavior. Let my path be longer, but it will be an honest path, you understand?

- Are you able to express yourself in a strong Russian vocabulary at home?

- Well, why only at home, I can in different cases, but it all depends on the situation. I am the most ordinary person in my life. After all, on stage, the artist is made up of a whole image: these are songs, behavior.

“The main thing in him is intelligence. I didn’t say in vain that he is very shy, even with colleagues. We have known each other for many years, write songs, spend time together, but there is still shyness in it, ”says singer, Honored Artist of Russia Diana Gurtskaya.

- There were no scandals in your life, but there was great love Irina Medvedeva, the star of the sketch show. As far as I know, you lived in a civil marriage for five years, and, having signed, you parted two years later. Stamp in the passport ruined the relationship?

I think stereotypes are to blame. So you say: “Big love”, but it is always big. If you love a person, how can you love him half-heartedly? Superficial? You always love sincerely, frankly and a lot. There is another stereotype about the distance that brings people together. But no, when you are far away, somewhere on tour, and your wife is also on the road, it turns out that this does not make the family stronger.

The family is made stronger by the first and most important thing - the child. While there is no child, this is not a family, but a relationship. Today we lived together, tomorrow we got married, and the day after tomorrow we got divorced. There is no responsibility to each other.

- Did the stamp in the passport play its fatal role?

No, that's also a stereotype. In order not to destroy further relations, we sat down at the negotiating table and decided to part amicably. After all, we still communicate, I can ask her something - this is not a problem. But if there are children, something will hold back. But there were no children, there could not be, there was nothing that would hold us back.

- Why do you say that children could not be?

“Because it should be a mutual desire. Because I can't have a baby. This woman must somehow prepare, morally come to this. And for Irina it was physically impossible: projects, concerts, tours. And it was supposed to be our joint work with her.

- Another fact from your biography interested me. Just a few days before the wedding, you fell seriously ill - bilateral pneumonia. Was it not a sign that you should not register a relationship?

– I don’t know, I don’t like to delve into signs and numbers, but I don’t believe in it. Well, I got sick, no big deal. I accept from life everything that is given: both good and bad. Why force the situation? Everything that needs to happen will happen.

- Last year you became a father, on which I congratulate you, your daughter Varvara was born. Who is her mom?

- Now I even felt embarrassed, because as if I got a deuce, I lowered my eyes. I don’t really want to talk about my mother, about my personal life. I will say that I am very happy that I have a daughter, Varvara, and her mother, who loves me very much. She has nothing to do with creativity, she is a philologist and economist by education, and is partially connected with medicine. And also a designer. She has four higher educations.

“Well, where can one find such a woman?”

We met at the wedding of our mutual friend. Interesting story, but I don't want to talk about it either. By the way, I am also very happy for Irina, because she married a Frenchman. I am very happy, because, knowing Irina, I can say that she really needs male support, like any woman.

- Did you specifically look for a woman who was not from a creative environment?

No, I wasn't looking for anyone. After the divorce, I generally told myself that I would not marry again, and vowed that my girlfriend would not be from a creative profession. But I still got married! For some reason it seems to me that only unbalanced people are specifically looking for someone somewhere. You can't predict that this is exactly what will happen. I saw her and understood: “Is she really going to be my next wife?”. And after meeting me, she came home to her mother and said: “I will be the wife of Ruslan Alekhno.”

– How long have you been dating?

– No, not for long. But, for example, my parents met for four days, and they still live together - for more than 38 years. My father went into the army, before my mother met with one girl, and when he returned from the army, they all went dancing in a crowd. And he wanted to invite the one who had been waiting for him all this time to a slow dance, and she was already dancing with another. And at that moment he noticed his mother - she, a modest girl, was sitting alone. And four days later they were married.

- Did you beat your father's record?

No, now is a different time, you need to take a closer look. It was a different time then.

Are you officially married now?

- There is no chance, dear viewers!

- I know for sure that you have a brother-weather Yuri, and he is also married.

- Yes, his wife is a designer, he has a wonderful daughter Miroslava, and they live in three countries: Belarus, Italy and Russia. They do a lot of design projects for cars, interiors. He is very creative, always has been. He is a master of sports in karate, a black belt. I am older than him.

- I offer you three envelopes with uncomfortable questions. Is it true that your marriage with Irina collapsed because you could not come to terms with her success in the profession?

This, of course, is not true. How can you not accept the success of a loved one. Each has its own destiny and its own audience. Irina arrived in Moscow a year before me.

Watch new episodes of the Oh, Mommy program on the MIR TV channel every Saturday at 10:45. Amazing stories from the life of stars, frank interviews with famous people about family, love, creativity and friendship.
