Soloist of the group "Nogu brought down": name, surname and biography. Valeria's real name, biography and interesting facts of victory and defeat

Valeria is a Russian pop star, a loving mother of three children and just a beautiful woman. Valeria's real name is Alla Perfilova, but most fans know only the pseudonym of the singer. The artist managed to make herself known back in the second half of the 90s, since then her concerts have been gathering crowds of spectators, and her albums have been sold out like hot cakes. What is known about her?

Why is Valeria's real name forgotten?

Few people know that the star began her path to fame as Alla Perfilova. At the dawn of her career, Alla decided to record an English-language album, dreaming of seeing residents of other countries among her fans. However, the real name of Valeria for the European audience sounded almost like the word "Allah". This forced the girl to take a pseudonym, under which she became popular.

Why Valeria, what made the artist stop at this pseudonym? The singer's mother dreamed of naming her daughter like that, but for unknown reasons, the family gave the girl the name Alla. Being often regretted that the relatives did not stop at the original version, which she liked much more. Calling herself Valeria, she actually made her childhood dream come true.


The future pop star was born in April 1968, it happened in the town of Atkarsk. Alla's parents (Valeria's real name) were directly connected with the world of music. Mother studied with students of a music school, father headed this institution. Responsible, kind, gentle - this is how the relatives of the girl remember, talking about the first years of her life. The parents of the future singer disappeared at work, so the care of the child was entrusted to the grandmother, who spoiled her beloved granddaughter.

Singing is what Alla has been doing almost from the first years of her life. Even in kindergarten, a talented girl got a place as a soloist in a children's choir, she became a student at a music school at the age of five. Music lessons did not distract the child from his studies, as evidenced by the gold medal with which he graduated from school.

Victories and defeats

Having received a certificate and moved to the capital, Alla (Valeria's real name) became a student at the Gnessin Academy, having managed to bypass numerous competitors. The course she was assigned to was led by the famous Iosif Kobzon. After graduating from high school, the aspiring singer remained in it for some time as a teacher, but dreamed of more.

Returning to her native Atkarsk, the future celebrity got a place in the soloist of the Impulse ensemble. Speaking in the ensemble, she traveled all over the Saratov region. The audience liked the concerts with her participation, which made Alla believe in her own strength. The girl decided to test herself by going to the Jurmala-87 festival. Unfortunately, she didn't even make it to the second round.

Alla's first appearance on the screen dates back to 1988, she sang the song "Be with me" in the musical TV show "Wider Circle". It was then that the real name of Valeria, the singer who took on a pseudonym, was forgotten. Oddly enough, the new name brought luck into the life of the rising star.

creative union

All fans of the singer know what an important role the producer Alexander Shulgin played in her life. The fateful acquaintance happened when Shulgin was just looking for a soloist, planning to start a new project. First he became a producer, and then the husband of a rising star.

The English-language album, released in 1992 by the singer, did not attract much attention. A different fate awaited Valeria's single "My Moscow", and then her next album, called "Anna". Of course, fans quickly forgot the real name of Valeria - the singer, whose popularity grew with the release of such songs as "My Moscow", "Airplane". From 1993 to 2001, the celebrity managed to release several albums and acquire an army of fans.

Departure and return

"What is Valeria's real name?" - The question that was loved by the singer's fans before her divorce from her husband. After the scandalous disappearance of Alla, everyone wanted to know what reasons prompted her to part with her husband and producer Shulgin. Later, the pop star revealed this secret, describing the former partner as a domestic tyrant who allowed himself physical violence.

Alla was absent for only two years, then triumphantly returned to the stage in 2003. Producer Iosif Prigozhin became her new guardian angel, and then her husband, who helped the singer launch a new project. The result of the joint activity was the famous album "Country of Love", which won all kinds of awards.

On the wave of success, the singer Valeria also tried to conquer the Western market, whose real name and surname remained in the distant past. However, the English-language album, presented to the public in 2007, failed to repeat the popularity of the "Country of Love".

Valeria now

Leaving attempts to interest foreign audiences with her songs, Valeria again turned to recording Russian-language compositions. Her latest achievement is the album "Oceans", which is about to go on sale. The singer claims that all the songs of the new album are dedicated to the relationship of a woman with men, children, parents, and also promises his utmost frankness.

Having found out what the real surname, the name of Valeria is, you can recall other interesting details from the life of a pop star. For example, not everyone knows that in her school years she dreamed of becoming not a singer, but a ballerina. However, the parents categorically refused to send their daughter to a ballet school, believing that the load might be excessive for her.

Many fans believe that the Russian pop star got married only twice, but this is not so. In fact, Alla Perfilova had three husbands, with the last of them she is still married. The first chosen one of the singer was Leonid Yaroshevsky, her colleague in the Impulse ensemble. Valeria agreed to marry her first love at the age of 18, the reason for parting with her first husband was the artist's relationship with Alexander Shulgin. In a marriage with Shulgin, Alla gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

Valeria is not only a successful singer, but also a writer. In 2006, her autobiographical novel was published, after reading which you can find out details about her second marriage and difficult divorce. The book was called "And life, and tears, and love."

The Russian singer, performing under the pseudonym "Glory", is known to the listener for her popular songs "Cool", "Fellow Traveler" and many others. In total, during her creative career, she released four solo discs, and also acted in films and won many prestigious awards, including the Golden Gramophone, MUZ TV and others.

The real name of the singer of Glory and the beginning of a career

Singer Slava was born on May 15, 1980. When the girl was named Nastya: thus, the full real name of the artist is Anastasia Vladimirovna Slanevskaya. Her father was a professional driver and her mother was an economist. However, when Nastya was two years old, her parents separated, and her daughter stayed with her mother. In search of something she liked, Anastasia tried many activities - she studied as a linguist, a tourism manager, tried to work as an administrator and do interior design.

The singer's creative career began at the age of 22, when in 2002 television director Sergei Kalvarsky drew attention to her. He noticed her in a karaoke club and suggested that the girl try to work together. The result of this collaboration was the song "I Love and I Hate", for which a bright video was shot. The work quickly gained popularity not only among the general public, but also among professionals: in 2004, the clip was nominated for an MTV award.

The history of the origin of the pseudonym

Anastasia Slanevskaya immediately appeared on stage under the pseudonym "Slava": obviously, the professionals who collaborated with her understood that a girl with a short, sonorous and unusual name would have more chances for success than if she tried to win the love of the audience using her real name. Further developments showed that this calculation was correct: today only the most devoted fans remember the real name of the singer, while the majority of the audience prefers to identify it with a pseudonym.

In one of her interviews, Slava mentioned that the person who suggested such a stage name was her common-law husband Anatoly Danilitsky, who always took her creative work to heart and supported the singer. He, according to the artist, deciphered her real name Slanevskaya as "a glorious Neva girl." And to Anastasia’s objections that she was a Muscovite, he agreed to reduce the transcript to just “glorious”. This is how the stage name appeared, which today is known to almost every lover of Russian popular music.

Do you know the name of the soloist of the Nogu Svelo group? If not, then we recommend reading this article. It contains up-to-date and truthful information about this person.

Biography: childhood and student life

Let's start with the fact that the soloist of the "Nogu Svelo" group is Maxim Pokrovsky. He was born in Moscow in 1968, on June 17th. He was brought up in an intelligent and respected family. His father was once a well-known sports journalist. But the profession of Maxim's mother is unknown.

When our hero was 7 years old, his parents divorced. The boy was very worried about this. And only thanks to friends he did not fall into despondency.

Since childhood, Maxim dreamed of becoming a pilot. He enjoyed attending the aeromodelling club. Pokrovsky Jr. believed that someday he would fly one of these aircraft.

In high school, he had a new hobby - music. Max taught himself to play the guitar. Then he began to write the first songs.

Having received a school certificate, our hero applied to the Aviation Institute (Moscow). The guy successfully coped with the exams. As a result, he was enrolled in the Faculty of Informatics and Electricity. Maxim graduated from high school. But he did not work a day in his specialty.

Group "Nogu Svelo"

In 1988, Pokrovsky met drummer Anton Yakumolsky. After some time, the guys decided to create a group. Such an unusual name as “The leg has cramped”, Max came up with. He also became the leader of the band, lyricist, bass player and soloist. Friends immediately agreed that the songs would be comic. Over time, the team was replenished with other musicians.

Theater and cinema

The soloist of the group "Nogu Svelo" managed to try himself as an actor. He took part in the project with V. Gneushev. He was approved for a small role in the production of Cleanset.

The famous musician also starred in big movies. For example, in the parody comedy Treasure Hunters (2007), he played Gorynych. And in the series "To the Rhythm of Tango", his colleague on the set was the Argentine star Natalia Oreiro.

Reality show "The Last Hero"

The soloist of the Nogu Svelo group always wanted to be in extreme and unusual conditions for himself. His old dream came true thanks to participation in the reality show "The Last Hero". In this project, he "lit up" twice - in 2003 and 2004.

The musician survived on the island along with actress Katya Semenova, figure skater Masha Butyrskaya, rapper Decl, Star Factory 2 graduate Irakli Pirtskhalava and other popular personalities in our country. He showed such qualities as endurance, responsiveness and cheerfulness.

Upon returning from the island, the soloist of the Nogu Svelo group recorded the song “I am not the last hero”. And she became a real hit.

Solo career

At some point, Max wanted to work separately from the team. But there was no talk of leaving the group. In 2007, the first solo song, "Shopping", was recorded. A couple of years later, a video for this composition was released. Many Russian fans praised Pokrovsky's efforts. And in UK clubs, his single "Shopping" became a 100% hit.

Maxim continues to perform as part of the Nogu Svelo team. He is also developing the solo project "Max Inc." Our hero collaborates with Max putting music on his poems. It turns out amazing songs that take the soul. Among the entire repertoire, one can single out such compositions as "Yellow Glasses", "Crocodile People" and "Eyes of Love".

Personal life

With his future wife, Tatyana, the soloist of the group "Nogu Svelo" met in 1994. Their meeting took place in a rock laboratory at a concert. Maxim performed with the guys. And Tanya (then still a student) came to the rock laboratory as a listener.

In a short time, Pokrovsky managed to win the girl's heart. For a while, the couple met, then the lovers got married.

In this marriage, two children were born - the eldest son Ilya and the youngest daughter Taisiya. The Pokrovsky family lives in a cozy house in the suburbs. They have a large vegetable garden and their own orchard.


We talked about when he was born, where he studied and how the soloist of the Nogu Svelo group showed himself in his work. Maxim Sergeevich Pokrovsky is a talented musician, patriot and family man. We wish him all the best!
