Alina Grosu biography personal life. Biography of Alina Grosu

She has been on stage since childhood. While her peers were playing with dolls, she learned the basics of vocal and artistic skills. And now Alina Grosu is the youngest professional singer of our country, who performs on a par with People's and Honored Artists of Ukraine. She is not afraid to compete with adult stars, because she knows that the more seriously and higher you challenge yourself, the stronger you become. And can there be competition when the stage is your life, the song is the soul, and creativity is love ...

Growing up and changing the inner world could not but affect the repertoire of Alina Grosu, and in the fall of 2009 the singer presents her new composition "Wet Eyelashes". The touching, romantic and lyrical hit became the most anticipated premiere of the fall, because in the first week alone, the preview of this song on the Internet was listened to more than 20,000 times and collected a large number of positive reviews. And a few days after the premiere of the song, Alina Grosu presented a video for the song “Wet Eyelashes” on the M1 TV channel. The video was directed by Alan Badoev, who called this music video the most touching and beautiful story about pure school love.

In parallel with the premiere of the song “Wet Eyelashes”, Alina Grosu takes part in the dance project of the “New Channel” - “I dance for you-3!”. Being the youngest participant in the entire history of this show, the singer once again proves that she is ready to perform not only on an equal footing with older and more trained artists, but also to do it better!

And it all started like this...

As soon as little Alina Grosu learned to pronounce the first words, she already began to sing, so much so that the neighbors came to her home concerts. And at the age of four, Alina took part in the Bingo music competition. Having won it, the youngest contestant is still an icon of this event. As a prize, she received a certificate for a free recording of a song in the studio of Irina Bilyk "Nova".

Irina Bilyk became seriously interested in the professional growth of Alina Grosu, so she gave the girl her song "Towel" and became her creative patroness. Irina supported little Grosu all the time, and insisted on continuing her musical career. Bilyk wrote a few more songs for Alina: “Bdzhilka”, “Little Love”, “Freedom”, “On the 19th Floor” and is still the best friend of the young singer.


To date, Alina is the laureate of the 1st Prize of the Song Opening Day, the Diploma-recipient of the Morning Star contest, the first vice mini-miss of Ukraine. Participated in all competitions "Hit of the Year" on the level with adult artists. It was from this competition that the four-year-old singer began her professional career. Named "Person of the Year 2001" in the "Child of the Year" nomination. Alina is a regular guest at New Year's performances at the Palace "Ukraine" and concerts of the International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar". Participant of absolutely all programs "Song of the Year".


Alina Grosu graduated from high school as an external student. For the last two years I have been studying with teachers at home. Several times she took first place in the mathematical city Olympiads and took silver and bronze in Olympiads from the Ukrainian, Russian language and literature. Now she is a third-year student of the vocal faculty of the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy. As the teachers and teachers of the young singer confess, knowledge is very easy for her. Alina is fluent in English and has also studied Japanese, Polish and German.


Already at the age of 14, singer Alina Grosu has ten years of professional experience behind her and a huge arsenal of musical material. Now her repertoire includes more than 60 compositions, four studio albums, one of them "The Sea is Worried" became "Golden" (more than 100,000 copies of licensed discs were sold), one is distributed worldwide, two singles, 15 clips and two huge musical tours around the cities of Ukraine! The performer takes an active part in charitable social and youth events, urging children to respect the rights and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Her repertoire is becoming more mature - Alina easily re-sings Joe Cocker's compositions, and her new songs show that Alina Grosu has grown up and become a teenager, in which maximalism, romanticism and love are seething ... But Alina Grosu will tell about all this herself in her new album, output which is expected in the near future.


"Together with me."


"Ocean is shaking".

"I want to play pranks."


"I'm a Kohana Donechka" (Songs of little Alina).
"On the 19th floor."
"Wet eyelashes"
"Chalk on asphalt".


Alina Grosu was born in 1995 in the city of Chernivtsi (Ukraine). She grew up in a simple family, but later her parents managed to improve her financial situation. Her father worked as a foreman at a factory, then decided to change his occupation and started doing business, and later became a deputy of the City Council in his hometown. Alina's mother worked as a nurse, then took up political activities and even ran for the Verkhovna Rada from the Radical Party.

Grossu studied well at school, but from an early age she was fond of music and singing. Noticing the talent of their daughter, the parents tried their best to develop it. Alina was engaged in vocals, took part in competitions. Mother and father spared neither time nor money for their beloved daughter. Already at the age of 3, she took part in the "Mini-Miss Ukraine" contest and won in the "Young lady-talent" nomination. Later there were other victories. Due to her active creative life, Alina often missed classes at school and it was decided to transfer her to home schooling.

In 2007, Grosu entered the Utesov Academy of Variety Circus Art at the Faculty of Musical Art. In 2010, Alina moved to Moscow and entered VGIK. She studied at the course of Igor Yasulovich and received the specialty "Theater and Film Actress".

Creative path, career

Alina performed on stage from an early age and in 2001 she was recognized as the "Person of the Year", winning the "Child of the Year" nomination. She showed extraordinary diligence and sometimes participated in concerts along with adults and popular performers.

Fateful on the way of Alina was her meeting with the popular Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk. Grosu considers her his creative godmother. Irina liked the little girl so much that she wrote several songs for her at once:

  • "Towel";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Little Love"

Alina Grosu has successfully recorded several studio albums. The third in a row was the collection "The Sea Worries". He brought her extraordinary popularity and became golden. A record number of studio discs were sold.

Grosu and her work have always been accompanied by scandals. One of them broke out in 2009. At that time, the girl was only 13 years old and she released a video for the song "Everybody Dance". The video is very provocative. A group of dancers appeared in it in underwear and leather collars. The parents of the young singer were even called in for a conversation with the Deputy Minister for Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

Alina Grosu was born in Ukraine, but studied in Russia, and another scandal was associated with this. When the girl was a student at one of Moscow's higher educational institutions, her mother began to build a political career. For this reason, the girl had to quit her studies. The celebrity herself also expressed her disagreement with the policy of Russia. But in 2015, unexpectedly for everyone, she performed a duet with Grigory Leps on his song on the New Wave. This caused a wave of criticism against her.

Alina Grosu is not only a successful singer, but also an actress. She tried herself in different roles and took part in the filming of paintings:

  • "Bird in a cage" (2013);
  • "Crime in focus" (2014);
  • "I love my husband" (2016);
  • "Specialists" (2017).

All these roles were episodic. But Alina is sure that she will still be able to prove herself in this direction. She dreams of an invitation to one of the main roles in an interesting film.

In 2017, Grosu presented a new video "Alcohol". In it, she appeared before the audience in an unexpected image of a man. In the same year, another of her clips "Last Night" was released.

Personal life

Despite her interesting appearance and popularity, Alina is still not married and is not in a serious relationship. She did not even have high-profile novels. Grosu prefers not to advertise personal and journalists and her fans will learn about some events in the life of a star only some time later.

Alina actively maintains a page on social networks and in one of the posts she shared with subscribers that on the day she turned 18, she learned about the betrayal of her beloved man. The singer also said in an interview that she met with the defender of the Argentina national team and former Spartak player Marcos Rojo. The girl wanted a serious relationship. At the time of the meeting, she knew very little about him. For Alina at that time, he was just a "pretty foreigner." Later, she became aware that he was married and at the height of their romance, his daughter was born. This hurt the girl.

Failures in her personal life did not break Alina, and recently rumors have begun to appear more and more often that they are not only friends with actor Mikael Aramyan.

Alina is a versatile and creative person. In addition to professional activities, she goes in for sports, dances, travels a lot, likes to communicate with friends. She never learned to deal with criticism. The singer is still upset when journalists write that she managed to build a career only thanks to her father's money, or articles come out about the fact that she has done a lot of plastic surgery. The star denies all surgical interventions, but experts in the field of plastic surgery have a different opinion on this matter.

Alina Mikhailovna Grosu. She was born on June 8, 1995 in Chernivtsi (Ukraine). Ukrainian singer and actress.

Alina Grosu was born on June 8, 1995 in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi. On his father's side, he has Moldovan roots.

Father - Mikhail Grosu, worked as a builder, then began to serve in the tax police, then went into business. Then he became a politician and was elected a deputy of the city council of Chernivtsi.

Mother - Anna, worked as a nurse, when her husband became a deputy of the City Council - she headed the family business. In 2014, she ran for people's deputies from the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko.

The upbringing of the daughter was primarily the responsibility of the mother.

The girl from an early age showed good hearing and voice, excellent artistry.

Parents decided to develop her talents. At the age of three and a half, she took part in the Mini-Miss Ukraine contest and won the Little Talented Lady nomination.

In Kyiv, a Ukrainian pop star and composer drew attention to Alina. She gave her the recently written song "Rushnichok", and later wrote several more songs: "Freedom", "Bee", "Little Love". As Alina said, Bilyk became her godmother in show business.

On the professional stage - from the age of 4 (since 1999).

Alina Grosu - Freedom

In 2000, her debut album "Together with me" was released.

In 2001, in the Ukrainian contest "Person of the Year" Grosu became the winner in the nomination "Child of the Year".

Repeatedly became the laureate of the Ukrainian festival "Song of the Year".

In 2008, in Kyiv, Alina graduated from Pechersk Gymnasium No. 75 as an external student and entered the Utyosov Academy of Variety Circus Art at the Faculty of Musical Art.

Since 2010 he has been studying and working in Russia. In the summer of 2010, Grosu went to Moscow, where she became a student at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). At the faculty of acting, Alina chose the specialty "Actress of cinema and theater" for herself. She took the course.

Since 2007, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the comedy A Very New Year's Movie, or Night at the Museum (Little Red Riding Hood).

Work in the projects "Caged Bird" (Natasha), "Officers' Wives" (Tatyana Terekhova), "I Love My Husband" (Barbara) became noticeable.

Alina Grosu in the series "I love my husband"

Since 2015, the singer has been producing. "I am very happy that I work with Grigory Viktorovich. He is a very positive, interesting, talented, strong person ... It is impossible not to listen to him, not to reach out. I take into account every word he says, because the experience that he has behind his back - he is simply colossal, incomparable with anything, "said Alina.

Grigory Leps and Alina Grosu - A glass of vodka

Due to cooperation with Leps, the singer's family was persecuted in Ukraine. "I am very sad and hurt to watch the campaign that was launched against me and my family now in Ukraine. Collaborating with Grigory Leps is the dream of any artist. I could not even imagine that my joint work with him and his production center would lead to that so many slander and lies will fall on me. I am a singer, and my vocation is creativity, but it turns out that I became a hostage of the political situation, "she said.

In 2016, she starred in Rodion Gazmanov's video "Pairs".

In 2017, Alina Grosu presented the scandalous video “I Want Bass”, in which she appeared in frank images.

Alina Grosu - I want bass

Alina Grosu's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Alina Grosu:

Since 2016, Alina began an affair with a Russian actor, known for the TV series "Stairway to Heaven". They met while working on Alina's clip "Dogs @", in which Aramyan starred.

At the beginning of 2017, Alina presented a new video clip "Alcohol / Outlaw", in which Mikael Aramyan also starred, and she herself appeared in the form of a man.

Alina Grosu - Alcohol/Outlaw

Discography of Alina Grosu:

2000 - Together with me / Together with me
2002 - Bdzhilka / Bee
2004 - The sea is worried
2008 - I want to be naughty
2010 - Chalk on asphalt

Video clips of Alina Grosu:

1999 - "Summer"
2001 - "Towel"
2003 - "Bdzhilka"
2003 - "Boat"
2003 - "Freedom"
2003 - "Mom"
2004 - "Homeless boy"
2004 - "On the 19th floor"
2005 - "The sea is worried"
2006 - "Antarctic Blizzards"
2006 - "I want to be naughty"
2008 - "Lawlessness"
2008 - "Everybody Dance"
2009 - Wet Eyelashes
2009 - "Chalk on asphalt"
2010 - "Forgive Me My Love"
2010 - "Chalk on the pavement" (feat. Lyon)
2011 - "Let's remember this summer"
2012 - "Adult"
2012 - "Drop"
2012 - "Let Go"
2013 - "Yours forever"
2014 - "Brakes"
2014 - "Three words"
2015 - "Don't Forget"
2015 - "Jealous"
2015 - "Christmas"
2016 - "Dogs @"
2017 - "Alcohol / Outlaw"
2017 - "I want bass"

Filmography of Alina Grosu:

2007 - Very New Year's movie, or Night at the Museum - Little Red Riding Hood
2009 - Alice's Birthday - Alice (voice)
2013 - Bird in a cage - Natasha, Boris's bride
2013 - The mystery of the Cossack temple - The girl at the temple
2014 - Crime in focus - a girl from a photo exhibition
2015 - Officers' wives - Tatyana Terekhova
2016 - I love my husband - Varvara, journalist
2017 - Specialists - Anfisa Tkachenko
2019 - - Olya
2019 - - Svetlana

Grosu Alina Mikhailovna is a famous Ukrainian singer and actress. Alina was born in the family of an engineer with a legal education and a nurse.

After the birth of his daughter Grosu, Mikhail Mikhailovich was first a tax inspector, and then went into business and was elected to the local city council as a deputy. Alina's mother, Anna Andreevna, is a health worker by education. Together with Alina, her older brother also grew up, whose name is Roman Kalanjiy.

Childhood and youth

From an early age, her parents instilled in the girl a love of creativity. From the age of two, the girl attended classes in vocals, choreography and English. When Alina was three years old, she took part in the contest "Mini-Miss Ukraine", which took place in the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv.

It was then that the girl was awarded her first award and became the leader in the nomination "Little Talent Lady". At the competition, Alina was noticed by the popular and famous Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk, who presented the girl with several songs written by herself, including “Bdzhilka”, “Rushnichok”, “Little Love” and others. It was with these songs that Alina soon became known throughout the country.

Alina began working on the professional stage from the age of four. As a child, her parents played the question-answer-interview game with her. Since it is difficult to speak from the stage at the age of five, Alina and her mother memorized individual phrases. At the age of six, the girl with her parents moved to Kyiv, where she already worked in show business as a young singer (pop-rock style).

Alina's stage professional career began in 1999. Alina's first released clip was called "Summer". From an early age, the girl began to win in many competitions, including "Song Vernissage" (first prize), "Morning Star" (diploma winner), "Song of the Year" (repeated laureate), "Favorites of Success" (recognized as the Young Talent of the Year), and in 2001, the girl was recognized as the "Person of the Year" in the "Child of the Year" nomination.

The little singer participated in Junior Eurovision and World music awords.

At such a young age, the hardworking Alina also participated in all national hit parades, competitions and concerts along with adult artists. Among the musical projects in which the girl participated were: “Hit of the Year”, “Slavianski Bazaar”, “Song of the Year”, concerts at the “Ukraine Palace” and many others.

To put it mildly, Alina had a different life and a different upbringing than her peers: the girl was constantly controlled in everything. Even before entering school, Alina already knew the entire multiplication table. Being a schoolgirl, when Alina was on tour, teachers worked with her on an individual program.

In parallel, receiving a secondary education, a girl from 2007 to 2011 studied at the Utyosov Academy of Variety and Circus Art in Kyiv. In an educational institution, the girl studied musical art at the department of pop singing.

The girl went to receive higher theatrical education in the Russian capital, where Alina, having decided to become a professional actress, entered the University of Cinematography (VGIK). The talented girl learned acting in the workshop. The young girl was given many roles in various student performances.

For that period Alina's dream was to act in real films and play on the theater stage. With the student theater, the girl went around the world. Was in countries such as Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Kazan and many others.

Interesting Notes:

At first, Alina lived in a hostel, and then moved with a friend to a rented apartment. In 2014, she graduated from high school and received a diploma in theater and cinema.

Professional activity

For the period from 5 to 10 years, Alina, as a solo artist, recorded five albums with songs. Her third album became gold in the career of a little singer and was called "The Sea is Worried". In 2007, the girl participated in the musical directed by Roman Butovsky "A Very New Year's Movie, or Night at the Museum", where she played the role of Little Red Riding Hood.

In 2009, the singer's new song "Wet Eyelashes" was released, which became a hit. Almost immediately, a video was shot for the song, directed by Alan Badoev, popular in Ukraine.

In 2015, the girl performed on the New Wave in Russia in a duet with Grigory Leps, which caused strong disapproval from the singer's compatriots. Alina was condemned for the singer's collaboration with the Leps production center. The singer was threatened, harassed and given ultimatums demanding that she stop cooperating with Russian show business.

In 2017, the singer changed her musical preferences and released several dance singles: “Remember”, “I Want Bass” and “Last Night”. The compositions became very successful in the career of a young singer, videos for these songs were also released, which were viewed by a record number of viewers on the YouTube channel.

In 2018, Alina released a new single called "Lie" and the release of the album "BAS".

In the cinema, the actress made her debut in 2012 in the project “Moscow. Three stations ”, where she played a cameo role. Later, in 2013, the girl played the role of Boris's bride named Natasha in the series "Caged Bird" directed by Anatoly Grigoriev.

Alina's filmography today is more than 10 film projects of different genres. Among the film works of the girl known to the audience can be called "Officers' Wives", "I Love My Husband", "Specialists".

Besides, when a girl wants to throw out emotions, she writes songs, not only for hot premieres, but just for the soul. The girl also has experience in voicing various projects.

In 2019, with the participation of Alina, two films were released: the series directed by Anatoly Grigoriev "Secret Love" (the role of Svetlana), as well as the film directed by Alexei Gusev "Sand Castle" (the role of Olga).

Since autumn 2018 Alina performs under the new pseudonym Grosu, and also released a new single "Wild". The girl moved from a more frank image to a lyrical one.

At the beginning of 2019, the girl released two more singles from the new album: "Vova" and "Loved". On April 11, a short film (musical) "Wildly Loved Vova" was released, where she performed in the form of a nun.

The singer has more than 30 bright video clips. Alina has big plans for the future. The girl dreams of achieving such heights that in a century her descendants would be proud of her.

Personal life

The artist is not married. Her most important goal from childhood to the present has always been the career of a singer and actress. Despite this, in a recent interview the girl said that she has a romantic relationship and her heart is not free. Alina hides the name of the young man.

The artist grew up in a large family, so in the future she cannot imagine life without her husband and children. By nature, the girl is quite patient and, if necessary, is ready to give everything for love.

In an interview, the girl does not like to talk about feelings, as this is not accepted in their family. Alina does not even discuss her sympathies with her parents. The artist has a somewhat old upbringing. The girl does not visit nightclubs, even when she studied at a university in Moscow, since her parents forbade her to do this. It was believed that Alina had nothing to do there.

The singer does not want an artistic life for her children and will not give them to the stage, especially a man who has nothing to do either in the cinema, in the theater or on stage (Alina believes). A man must remain a man. The singer plans that her future son will be engaged in business or sports.

Alina dreams that her future husband is a multifaceted personality. He had talents, both in the exact sciences and in creativity. Alina's mother got married at the age of 18.

  • The height of the young artist is 169 cm, weight - 53 kg.
  • Knows how to play the piano.
  • In life, a girl does not like to be seen and is often very shy. Only on stage Alina ceases to be complex and becomes herself.
  • The girl has a negative attitude towards alcohol and smoking.
  • Is a music lover.
  • During the period when Alina was six years old, her half-brother studied at the Polytechnic University in Chernivtsi. Today he has a law degree and is a realtor, and also works in the furniture business.
  • Alina also had a little brother in 2017, who was named, like his father, Mikhail.
  • In 2014, the singer's mother participated in the parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Mother for Alina is both a friend and a mentor in life. From the age of 14, Alina does not take money from her parents. She is ashamed to ask them, she tries to earn money herself. At VGIK, the girl studied on a budget and received a scholarship.
  • Alina always liked the era of the 17th century. She would love to star in a historical film work of this period.
  • Alina wants to become famous, popular and loved, like Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru.
  • Alina, like many of her peers, is an active user of social networks. She has pages on Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, and just like many famous people, the girl has an account on Instagram, which is popular today, where more than 260 thousand people subscribe to her.


For the first time, Alina demonstrated her talent in 1998. In the winter of 1998, Alina won the "Mini Miss Ukraine" contest in the "Little Talent Lady" category (Ukrainian: Little lady-talent), which was held by the Galakton company; at the same time, the popular singer Irina Bilyk noticed the girl, she began to support Alina and gave her several songs that made Alina Grosu famous in Ukraine.

At the age of six, Alina Grosu moved from Chernivtsi to Kyiv and began to work professionally in show business.

The singer has seven solo albums. The third album "The Sea is Worried" went gold.

Alina Grosu is a participant in such major projects as "Person of the Year", "Song of the Year", "Junior Eurovision" and "World Music Awards"; pop singer, performing both independently and in collaboration with other popular musicians.

In 2010, Alina Grosu graduated from the 11th grade of the Pechersk gymnasium No. 75 in Kiev as an external student.

In August 2010, Alina left for Moscow, where she entered the All-Russian State University of Cinematography.

Alina Grosu is the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since the age of 4. All this time she explored the musical world, studied and developed her talent. And despite the fact that already now the young singer is working on a level with Honored and People's Artists, she continues to develop and delight fans with fresh and high-quality music. And the competition with adult artists is absolutely not scary, because the more seriously you challenge yourself, the stronger you become. And can there be competition when the stage is your life, the song is your soul, and creativity is love?

Growing up and changing the inner world were reflected in the repertoire of Alina Grosu, and in the fall of 2009 the singer presents her new composition "Wet Eyelashes". The touching, romantic and lyrical hit became the most anticipated premiere of the fall, because in the first week alone, the preview of this song on the Internet was listened to more than 20,000 times and collected a large number of positive reviews. And a few days after the premiere of the song, Alina Grosu presented a video for the song "Wet Eyelashes" on the M1 TV channel. The video was directed by Alan Badoev, who called this music video the most touching and beautiful story about pure school love.

The hit "Wet Eyelashes" was written by a talented author and composer Yulia Gai, with whom Alina Grosu began cooperation and is recording a whole cycle of interesting, bright and fresh youth compositions. As a result of cooperation, the singer's singles "Wet eyelashes", "Chalk on asphalt" and "Forgive me, my love" have already been born, for which romantic video clips have already been shot.


Alina Grosu - laureate of the 1st Prize of the "Song Vernissage", Diploma-recipient of the "Morning Star" contest, First Vice Mini-Miss of Ukraine. Participated in all competitions "Hit of the Year" on the level with adult artists. It was from this competition that the four-year-old singer began her professional career. Named "Person of the Year-2001" in the nomination "Child of the Year". Alina is a regular guest at New Year's performances at the Palace "Ukraine" and concerts of the International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar". Participant of absolutely all programs "Song of the Year". Participant of the third season of the dance show "I dance for you."


Variety, pop music, synth-pop.


2000 - "Together with me"
2002 - "Bdzhilka"
2004 - "The sea is worried"
2006 - "I'm a Kohana Donechka"
2008 - "I want to be naughty"
2008 - "On the nineteenth floor"
2010 - "Chalk on asphalt"


2011 - "Alice's Birthday" - Alice (voicing)


Father - Mikhail Mikhailovich Grosu (August 4, 1967, Chernivtsi) - worked at a vocational school as a foreman, engineer, then a tax inspector, later became a businessman and deputy of the Chernivtsi City Council, has a law degree.

Mother - Anna Andreevna Grosu, a nurse by education.

Maternal half-brother - Roman Kalanzhiy (born 1985), when Alina was 6 years old, studied at the Chernivtsi Polytechnic College, has a law degree, a realtor, and is engaged in the furniture business.
