Anastasia billiards. Anastasia Luppova

Last year for Anastasia Luppova was especially successful - the girl won the Russian Championship, the European Championship and won a bronze medal at the last World Championship, held in December in Finland ..


Most likely, the passion for this wonderful game was inherited by Nastya. Vladimir Anatolyevich, the father of our interlocutor, learned to play on the advice of Nastya's grandfather, professor at the conservatory and great-grandfather Anatoly Luppov, actor of the Kazan Academic Russian Bolshoi Drama Theater Igor Ingvar. And that, in turn, was taught by his great-great-grandfather, German Fedorovich Linszer, rector of the Tenishevsky School in St. Petersburg, teacher of Vladimir Nabokov and friend of Alexei Tolstoy.

As Nastya herself says, for the first time she tried to play with her dad on vacation in a sanatorium and since then for almost 7 years she has not left the billiard table.

“After seeing my dad’s friends potting absolutely incredible balls, I decided that I would learn to play well as well. There is no ideal and complete perfection in billiards, and the quality of the game can be improved endlessly. The more you get on the billiard table, the more you understand that there is no limit to perfection. When I learned that there was a billiard school for children in Kazan, I signed up there, then worked with coach Nikolai Moiseev from Sochi, who taught Kirill Anishchenko how to play billiards, ”says Nastya.

The first major achievement for the girl was the success at the Championship of Tatarstanin 2001 in the Kazan club "Tornado". It is in this club that Anastasia has been training for free in recent years, and it was there, in her own words, that she took place as a serious athlete.

“My grandfather, Vladimir Sergeevich Boldaevsky, who has been associated with sports all his life, working as his own correspondent for the Sovetsky Sport newspaper in Kazan, said that I started playing billiards very late and it would be difficult for me to achieve anything serious in sports . After the first victory, I continued to practice with even greater passion and zeal. When I won my first Russian Championship, my grandfather was already dying, and when he learned about my success, he cried and said that he was proud of his granddaughter, ” - says Nastya.


What priorities do you have in life besides billiards? How much free time does it take you?

Unfortunately, or fortunately, billiards takes the lion's share of free time in my life. Sometimes training takes 8 hours a day, and sometimes even more. I constantly come to Kazan to take exams at the session. Studying at the Tatar Institute for Business Assistance as a lawyer is very important for me - this profession will be very useful to me in life. I hope that in the future I will be able to combine my profession and my billiard career.

Do you have time for your personal life?

For me, my personal life is going to the cinema or a cafe with my mother or friends, reading interesting books, playing music, painting and dancing, taijiquan when I have free time. I graduated from both art and music school, I play the piano and guitar. We often go to karaoke with the guys - this is a good charge of positive energy. If we talk about painting, I really love the Impressionists and sometimes I experiment in this style.

How important is family support for you? How do they feel about your elite hobby?

All my relatives supported me throughout my sports career. But a special role in my achievements was played by my mother Elena Vladimirovna. She always travels with me to all training sessions, remembers tasks, tries to correct my game. She is my biggest fan in all tournaments. It is always much easier to play in the presence of my mother, because she can say good words at the right time that set me in the right direction. When we come to the competition, all the athletes say: “Oh, mom has arrived!”. Over the years, it has become native to all billiard players. She is the only one among the parents of athletes who goes to every tournament and supports all the guys. If you need someone to help, she never refuses.


There are quite a few players in Russia, including girls, who earn their living playing billiards. Have there been cases in your life when someone offered to play commerce for "fifty dollars"? What do you think about it?

Of course, I was offered to play commercial, but I don’t play for money at all, because sports billiards and gambling are completely different things, first of all, psychologically. At a sports tournament, you need to show your best game in a short period of time, and commercial players know that today, having shown an inexpressive game, they can win back the lost money the next day, and this discourages the athlete.

Many players in billiard clubs impose on beginners the idea that without playing for fun, they will never learn to play at a good level. Do you agree with this?

Before I had a coach, I also played with stronger opponents, and I had to pay billiard time if I lost. Then I didn't need an additional incentive in the form of money to learn how to play well. Billiards is my love, and any other motivation is simply not needed here. When I see that people want to learn how to play billiards, I am always happy to share my experience with them. I am pleased to help young guys and girls who want to learn how to play well.


Who is easier for you to play with? With girls or with men?

It is easier to play with men, it is especially interesting to participate in commercial tournaments, where there are no gender restrictions. When you play against a stronger male opponent, there is no excitement, because it is not a shame to lose to the master. At the same time, you can show your best game. Sometimes it happens that men underestimate me as an opponent and lose. Of course, it is more difficult to play in the rating women's tournaments, where the responsibility is great, and the women's game is often more emotional and “nervous”.

Now you are a member of the Federation of the Samara Region? Why didn't they stay in Tatarstan?

A few years ago, I purposefully went to coach Oleg Pechenin, who is a member of this federation. Lately I've been spending more time in Moscow and training with International Class Master of Sports Anton Mertsalov, who prepared me for the latest tournaments. I also cannot but mention my coach Vasily Lazarev, who played a huge role in my development as an athlete.


Are there any peculiarities in the approach to billiards that are peculiar only to girls?

In general, many say that I am more typical of a masculine style of play, which is calm and measured. And so girls during the game can afford bursts of emotions. Moreover, they often swear because of an unbroken ball or surrounding circumstances that make them uncomfortable in the game - flashes of cameras, trills of phones. I never get distracted by trifles, although sometimes overly annoying journalists who shoot with a flash right under the blow still create interference. However, I try to resolve all disputes correctly. Like any girl, I take care of my appearance, but there were no thoughts to stand out due to the tournament costume or any other things.

The famous master Alexander Sigachev gave me a very beautiful cue with inlay two years ago. It combines good gaming qualities and outstanding design. If we talk about some women's things in billiards, then it can even be considered a chic ladies' accessory.


Whose game, tactics and trip to billiards from among famous athletes impress you the most?

I really like the game of such masters as Kirill Anishchenko, Yaroslav Vinokur and Kanibek Sagyndykov. In terms of technique and tactics, they are probably among the best in the world. I also try to combine these qualities in myself. But there are probably no more extreme sportsmen like Alexander Palamar, who has a talent from God, in the world. You always look at his game with admiration. He usually tells everyone: "I can either win everything or lose everything." In my opinion, there is no such ball that would not submit to him. Despite their fame, all the guys are simple and pleasant in communication, always ready to help, suggest what -something new.

One of the best Russian billiard players plans to win the World Championship in the near future. “I also plan to take part in several prestigious commercial tournaments. I dream to try myself in the pool (an American variety of billiards), where tactics decide a lot. This is a very complex and fascinating game,” says Nastya.

From the outside, it seems that pool is a rather easy game, because it is not difficult to pocket a small ball into a large pocket ...

In fact, the lightness in the pool is only visible, because, having pocketed one ball, you will not achieve anything in this game, and to be successful you need to master the skill of getting out when you put the ball in a convenient place for the next shot. To do this, you need to think through your game a few moves ahead, like in chess, and implement your ideas. This is not even possible for every man. Billiard tables for pool are much smaller than for the Russian pyramid, and therefore it is important to take into account every centimeter of the playing field.

Do you have favorite beats? Can you reveal your personal gaming secret?

I love the attacking game, but if there are no balls in the game, I often take the victory by winning back. In the game I love to experiment with complex in-laws.

Do you have a life dream?

I really want to travel the world, especially by car when my mother is driving. We will definitely go somewhere on a cruise when the opportunity presents itself.

What can you wish to girls on the eve of March 8 who want to learn how to play billiards?

I wish all novice billiard players not to lose patience, to show extraordinary perseverance and diligence. Overcoming oneself is much more difficult than an opponent. I would also like to wish all the girls good health and that all dreams and desires come true with the speed of a rapid flight of the ball into the pocket.

Having recently turned on the Match TV channel, I saw the announcement of the Friday program Sports Interest and the familiar face of the presenter. And then it became clear to me why lately Anastasia Luppova has not been seen at billiard tournaments. Disappeared at some point from the big billiards, she found herself in a new capacity - a TV presenter. And immediately - in one of the highest rated programs on Match TV. Interviewing Anastasia turned out to be an almost impossible mission. The workload of the 2-time European champion is crazy, the program is broadcast live, and preparation for it takes almost 24 hours a day. And yet our conversation took place.

- How did it happen that you ended up on television in general and the Match TV channel, in particular? As far as I know, for the first time on TV as a commentator you tried yourself at the Spartakiad in Kazan ...
Yes, indeed, I got my first television experience at the Universiade in Kazan. Worked as a correspondent on badminton and tennis courts. It was extremely exciting - dozens of interviews with different people after their victories and defeats. Just a small part of the huge Universiade television broadcast machine. It was great to feel like a part of it. Upon returning to Moscow, I was offered to shoot news videos for the Dynamo society, for the men's and then the women's Dynamo volleyball clubs. I gladly agreed, and continued to engage in journalistic self-improvement for two game seasons.

- How did you manage to immediately get into one of the most rated programs of the channel?
Three months ago, there was an unexpected phone call from the producer of Match TV, which invited me to come to the casting of the author's program Kirill Kiknadze. And a few days later I was anxiously waiting for my turn among other applicants at the Ostankino television center. I read the text several times on camera, trying to follow the advice of Kirill and Ekaterina (producer of the program). They promised to contact me the next day with an answer. They called the same evening, congratulated on enrolling in the team!

How comfortable do you feel in your new capacity?
Two months of work before the New Year flew like Alexander Palamar's ball into the pocket - headlong. I am very happy that I was surrounded by serious professionals in my field, I try to learn quickly. I work on my voice, intonations in the frame, I devote a lot of time behind the scenes to sports news in order to always be aware of what is happening. Each release of the program is a meticulous work of a large team of producers, correspondents, editors, directors, administrators. And so that it does not go down the drain, Kirill and I have the task in the studio to correctly present all reporter stories, to interest the audience. So, drawing a parallel with billiards: each release is like a tournament for me, despite the slight jitters (I am convinced that his presence is a positive factor), I need to concentrate as much as possible and do my job perfectly!

- How do they generally treat billiards on the channel, which of the presenters are fond of it, have you ever played with someone?
We played billiards with Cyril, he fights with dignity! And the other members of our team are far from a miss. So for the billiard team "Match TV" I'm calm!

— Does the channel have any plans related to the lighting of billiards?
I don't know anything about billiards at Match TV yet. Of course, it would be great to see broadcasts of my favorite sport on the country's main sports channel.

- In what capacity do you still remain in billiards?
I still work with students, I get incomparable pleasure seeing the result. When I was just a beginner, I dreamed of sharing my experience in the future. Together with our colleague Mstislav Semyonov, we organize tournaments for students so that everyone can try themselves in combat mode, feel such important sports components as jitters and courage!

- And, finally, I will ask you to wish something to billiard lovers, our readers and fans of your talent in the new year.
I would like to wish billiard lovers in the coming year that vigilance and refined movements are invariably accompanied by good luck! And directly to your favorite billiards - to break into the broadcasting grid of "Match TV" and demonstrate a good rating!

Passion for Nastya!

Andrey Maksin

The phone call of the correspondent of the magazine "Billiard Sport" caught Anastasia Luppova outside of Russia. Nevertheless, the billiard player willingly agreed to give an interview. Considering that just over a year ago we already had a chance to communicate on the pages of our magazine with the prima of Russian billiards, we decided to slightly change the format of the conversation. The blitz survey, which did not require much thought and was designed for short but capacious answers, opened up Anastasia from a completely different side for us - the always strict and disciplined Luppova seemed to have a lot of fun answering our questions!

Anastasia, please tell us how, where and with whom did you celebrate the New Year?
In the company of a large number of acquaintances and two charming Pembroke Welsh Corgis - Leo and Pierrot. All the time that has passed since then I have been trying to remember the name of this dog breed!

Last year was a leap year, and such years tend to be difficult. How did it turn out for you?
I can't say that this year was unsuccessful for me. Rather, even vice versa.

The past year was one of the most successful in Anastasia Luppova's career and was marked by victories in three major tournaments: the Ukraine Open in Chernihiv, the Kremlin tournament, and on New Year's Eve Miss Billiards 2009. To these three victories, we can add 2nd place at the tournament in Ternopil and bronze of the Championship of Ukraine.

Immediately after winning the Ukraine Open
“It was very difficult in Chernihiv, besides, I lost in my opening match and went through the lower bracket. But the defeat from Anastasia Kovalchuk is not shameful, she has a very good laying, excellent technique. In the final, against Tatiana Krainova, a well-known mistress of victories in counter-parties, I managed to pull myself together, forget about everything that hadn’t worked out before, start from scratch, and everything worked out.”

Which of the victories was the most important?
Kremlin Tournament. Kazan was taken - now the Kremlin is ours!
Dossier "Billiards Sport"
Anastasia Luppova
International Master of Sports
She was born on June 26, 1985 in Kazan.
Achievements: 1st place - "Miss Billiards" (2009). 1st place - Ukraine Open (2008). 1st place - Kremlin tournament (2008). 3rd place - World Championship (2007). 1st place - European Championship (2007). 1st place - European Championship (2006).
Immediately after the victory in the Kremlin
“It was very difficult to get involved in the tournament. The first meetings were given with great difficulty. The fact is that I had a fairly large, about two months, break between tournaments, since I took a session at the institute. So it wasn't easy to get into sport mode, but in the end I succeeded, and as it turned out, successfully."

Where, on the contrary, suffered an insulting defeat?
At the World Championship. I want to say a lot about him, but I won't.
The past year turned out to be very successful for Anastasia Luppova and was marked by victories in three major tournaments: Ukraine Open in Chernihiv, the Kremlin tournament and just before the New Year - "Miss Billiards-2009".
In St. Petersburg, where the World Free Pyramid Championship was held in 2008, Anastasia performed relatively unsuccessfully due to illness, unable to break into the semi-finals.

As for the Miss Billiards tournament, is it still a show or a competition? Could you describe it in a few words?
In a few words, this is a curious, well-organized competition with large, by the standards of women's billiards, prize money. In many ways, because of them, the show, which the organizers of the tournament so wanted, may have suffered.
“Anastasia played with my daughter not as a rival, but rather as a friend, she helped her a lot to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment, under the guns of television cameras. We will always root for her now. People like Anastasia should not be upset, they should not feel bad,” said Andrey Dubarev, father of Victoria Dubareva.
In the final match of the first Miss Billiards tournament, Anastasia “without options” lost to the Belarusian billiard player Elena Bunos. But already in the next tournament, held in early December 2008 in Yalta, Luppova was the strongest. Meanwhile, her path to victory was not easy.
In the semi-finals, she lost 0-2 in sets, but still made it to the final, where she brought the matter to a counter game thanks to an accidentally dropped ball. Well, in the decisive game, Anastasia played flawlessly and did not give a single chance to her namesake - Kovalchuk from Ukraine.

Tell us how your studies are going? Remind our readers, please, who you will become after graduation. They say you go for a red diploma - do teachers "help" a famous athlete?
Law school is coming to an end. And the love of teachers for me is explained simply - I prepare for exams and answer the questions asked. Teachers are known to love it.

Numerous projects (TV broadcasts, video shooting, photo shoots, etc.) do not distract you from your main occupation - billiards?
She is always ready to have more numerous projects (television broadcasts, video shootings, photo shoots, etc.).

In 2008, Anastasia acted as an instructor in a series of video tutorials released jointly by the AiF publishing house and the Billiards Sport magazine, trained on the Sport TV channel as a sports news host, and participated in several photo shoots.

To be honest, are you tired of playing billiards yet?
Are you tired of asking questions? (Laughs.)

Which city is better - Moscow or Kazan?
Paris! I love this Japan so much! (The editor would never agree to let this vivid example of paradoxical thinking into the journal until we convinced him that Anastasia was joking like that. - Approx. ed.)

You follow political events. Name the main event of the last year.
Military conflict in South Ossetia. A disgusting event without a sense of truthful coverage of what happened.
After the final match of the Ukraine Open tournament, which took place at the Chernihiv Drama Theatre, Anastasia was approached by the ticket collector of the theater with a bouquet of flowers to congratulate her. By some miracle, in two days the billiard player was able to charm her too ...
With which famous person (whether Russian or not, contemporary or not) would you like to play a game?
With Freddie Mercury (lead singer and leader of the band Queen, who died of AIDS in 1991).

Which celebrity can't you imagine holding a cue?
Him, for well-known reasons.

What number is your favorite ball?
Number eight when it comes to the number of balls pocketed in a game.

If not billiards, then what kind of sport?
Then, of course, women's billiards!

The ideal partner (in the sense of a partner) in billiards for you is ...
“I don't think that this year my new projects will be related to billiards. Although... If something works out, then your magazine will know about it first.
The most inconvenient opponent?
I myself.

If the balls were living beings, what would they look like?
I've never thought about it... And who can beings that are constantly beaten with a stick look like? Well, let's say, to a group of football fans at the time of the meeting with the riot police!

Imagine that you are playing billiards and humming your favorite song. What song will it be?
"Bohemian Rhapsody" (Bohemian rhapsody, Spanish Queen).
In today's women's billiards, only Anastasia Luppova can applaud the balls scored by her opponent, and this is not window dressing, but really sincere joy for the opponent.
Since childhood, everyone knows that drinking and smoking is harmful. What bad habit can you not get rid of?
From both! Joke!

Now almost all billiard players play poker. What is your favorite combination?
Before the flop - two aces, and on the flop - two aces.

When will billiards become an Olympic sport?
Ah-ah-ah-ah ... We will not live.

Billiards is: sport, recreation, entertainment, work or something else?
Will there be more questions?

And finally, a question that interests all our male readers. Do they have a chance to win the heart of Anastasia Luppova, or is it already taken?
Finally! I was waiting for this question at the very beginning and already forgot what answer I wanted to give! Good luck to everyone in the New Year!

Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova(born June 26, 1985 in Kazan, Russia) - Russian billiards player, coach, TV presenter. Master of sports of international class in Russian billiards.


She graduated from art and music school in Kazan. Plays piano and guitar. Graduated from TISBI University of Management in Kazan and RSUPC in Moscow. She trained with the master of sports of international class Anton Mertsalov and with coach Vasily Lazarev.


On vacation in a sanatorium with the whole family, Anastasia, out of curiosity, tried to play billiards with her father. This incident marked the beginning of a sports career. She won her first serious victory at the Russian billiards championship of Tatarstan in 2001.


In 2006, she won first place at the European Championship in Russian billiards in Kaunas, Lithuania. In 2007 - first place at the European Championship in Chisinau. In the same year, she won the team Cup of Russia in Russian billiards. She won a bronze medal at the 2007 World Championships in Finland. In 2008 she won the Kremlin Cup. She won the Miss Billiards-2009 Cup in Yalta, December 2008, defeating the rising Ukrainian billiards star Anastasia Kovalchuk in the final.

Playing style

Anastasia Luppova plays defensive billiards, is good at winning back and rarely tries to pocket difficult balls, but at the same time quite often makes big runs.

Later career

Since 2016, he has been running the Sports Interest program on the Match TV sports channel.
