What did Bubnov say about the truth in Gorky's play "At the Bottom"? Composition on the topic: Three truths in Gorky's play "At the Bottom" 3 truths in the work at the bottom.

The play "At the Bottom", published in 1902, is considered the most famous drama of M. Gorky. In this work, the author touched on one of the most important issues of Russian literature - the question of a person and his place in society. The problem of humanism, so relevant at the beginning of the 20th century, is also touched upon. It was at this time that events took place in the country in which the value of a person was lost. Even the most respected people could be "at the bottom." So the heroes of the play, who were once respected people, now find themselves in a wretched rooming house.

One of the most discussed issues in the work "At the Bottom" is the question of truth, its essence and role in the life of every person. Throughout the play, the characters argue about what is more important: truth or lies, harsh reality or illusions. Almost all guests at some stage express their opinion about the truth. So, for example, a girl of easy virtue Nastya, an Actor, a consumptive Anna and some other characters prefer to be in illusions. After all, the truth is so harsh, and without it it's hard to breathe. Thus, they keep in their hearts the belief in a better future in which they can become happy.

The conflict between dreams and reality escalates with the appearance of the wanderer Luke. This hero is distinguished by sincere kindness, compassion and love for people. His life philosophy is simply necessary for these lost people. He quickly realizes that they need approval and comfort. So, to the dying Anna, he says that in the next world a better life awaits her. The drunkard of the Actor is convinced of the existence of a hospital, where he is completely cured of alcoholism. Dreamy Nastya says that if she believes in the existence of great and pure love, then she will definitely meet her. Vaska Peplu advises to go to work in Siberia.

Thus, with the arrival of Luke, the mood of many guests improves. They have hope for a brighter future. However, with his unexpected departure, everything again becomes as before, and the Actor, unable to withstand the harsh reality, commits suicide. Satin sees this as the fault of the old man and his "comforting lie". Satan has his own truth. He prefers to speak the ugly truth, so as not to belittle a person and not infringe on his freedom. He believes in the cult of a man who can realize himself. And consolation with a good lie is like humiliation. Lies are for slaves and their masters, and Man must be proud. This is the point of view of Satin - in the past an intelligent and educated telegraph operator.

Another form of truth is expressed by the character of Bubnov, the former owner of a dyeing workshop, now a cap maker who lives on credit. Due to certain circumstances, he became a skeptic and a fatalist. He consciously does not want to keep anything positive in himself and believes that it is “at the bottom” that the real character of a person manifests itself, when all social differences are erased. Bubnov is sure that a person is born for death, and why then feel sorry for him. After all, everyone will die. In his position, every person in this world is superfluous. He denies both himself and others. Thus, for a more effective solution of acute socio-philosophical problems, the author tried to consider them from different points of view.


Goals : consider the understanding of the heroes of Gorky's play "truth"; find out the meaning of the tragic collision of different points of view: the truth of a fact (Bubnov), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in a person (Satin); to determine the features of Gorky's humanism.

During the classes

I. Introductory talk.

Imagine for a moment that by the will of fate you ended up in Moscow without money, without friends, without relatives, without cell phones. You have moved to the beginning of the century. How would you try to improve your life or change the situation you find yourself in? Will you try to improve your life, or did you immediately sink to the "bottom"?

The heroes of the play we are studying stopped resisting, they sank to the “bottom of life”.

The topic of our lesson: “Three truths in the play by M. Gorky“ At the bottom.

What do you think it will be about?

What questions will we consider?

(Suggested answers: What is truth? What truth can there be? Why three truths? What thoughts do the characters express about truth? Which of the characters thinks about this question?

Teacher summary: Every character has their own truth. And we will try to find out the positions of the characters, understand them, understand the essence of the dispute that arose between the characters and decide whose truth is closer to us, modern readers.

Literary workout.

You know that it is impossible to competently defend your point of view without knowledge of a literary work. I offer you a literary warm-up. I read a line from a play, and you determine which of the characters it belongs to.

What is the conscience? I'm not rich (Bubnov)

It is necessary to love the living, the living (Luke)

When work is duty - life is slavery (Satin)

Falsehood is the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man! (Satin)

People live ... like chips floating down the river ... (Bubnov)

All love on earth is superfluous (Bubnov)

Christ pitied everyone and commanded us (Luke)

To caress a person is never harmful (Luke)

Human! It's great! It sounds proud! Human! You have to respect the person!

Knowledge update. Call.

You have demonstrated good knowledge of the text. Why do you think you were offered replicas of these particular characters? (Luka, Satin, Bubnov have their own notion of truth).

What is the main theme of the play? Which of the characters is the first to formulate the main question of the drama "At the Bottom"?

The dispute about the truth is the semantic center of the play. The word “truth” will sound already on the first page of the play, in Kvashnya’s remark: “Ah! You can't stand the truth!" Truth is a lie (“You're lying!” - Klesch's sharp cry, which sounded even before the word “truth”), truth - faith - these are the most important semantic poles that determine the problems of "At the Bottom".

How do you understand the meaning of the word "truth"?

IS IT TRUE, -s,and. 1. What exists in reality corresponds to the real state of things.Tell the truth. Hear the truth about what happened. The truth pricks the eyes (last). 2. Justice, honesty, a just cause.Look for the truth. Stand up for the truth. The truth is on your side. Happiness is good, truth is better (last). 3. Same as(colloquial).Your truth (You are right).God sees the truth, but will not tell soon (last). 4.introductory sl. The truth statement is true, indeed.I really didn't know this.

Those. the truth is private, but it is ideological

So, let's find out the truth of Luka, Bubnov, Satin.- What is the truth for the heroes of the play? How to compare their views?

II. Work on the problem stated in the topic of the lesson.

    Philosophy of truth in Gorky's play.

"Luke's Truth" - In the work of every talented writer, the name of the hero necessarily means something. Let us turn to the origins of the name Luke. What meanings can it have?

1) Arises from the name of the Apostle Luke.

2) Associated with the word "Cunning", that is, cunning.

3) "Onion", until you get to the middle, take off a lot of "clothes!

How does Luke appear in the play? What are the first words he says? (“Good health, honest people,” he immediately announces his position, says that he treats everyone well, “I respect crooks, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad.”

What does Luke say about the attitude towards other people?

Consider how Luka behaves with each of the inhabitants of the rooming house.

How does he feel about Anna? (He regrets, says that after death she will find peace, consoles, helps, becomes necessary)

What advice does the actor have? (Find a city in which they treat alcohol, it’s clean, the floor is marble, they treat for free, “A person can do anything, if only he wants to”).

How does Vaska Peplu propose to arrange life? (Leave for Siberia with Natasha. Siberia is a rich land, you can earn money there, become a master).

How does Nastya console? (Nastya dreams of great bright love, he tells her: “What you believe is what you are”)

How does he talk to Medvedev? (He calls him "under", that is, he flatters, and he falls for his bait).

So how does Luke feel about the inhabitants of the rooming house? (Well, he sees a person in everyone, discovers positive character traits, tries to help. He knows how to discover the good in everyone and inspire hope).

Read the remarks that reflect Luke's position in life?

How do you understand the words: “What you believe is what you are?”

In contrast to the "prose of fact", Luke offers the truth of the ideal - the "poetry of fact". If Bubnov (the main ideologist of the literally understood “truth”), Satin, Baron are far from illusions and do not need an ideal, then the Actor, Nastya, Anna, Natasha, Pepel respond to Luka’s remark - for them, faith is more important than truth.

Luke’s uncertain story about hospitals for alcoholics sounded like this: “They are now treating drunkenness, listen! They treat for free, brother, ... such a hospital is built for drunkards ... You admitted, you see, that a drunkard is also a person ... "In the actor's imagination, the hospital turns into a" marble palace ":" An excellent hospital ... Marble .. .marble floor! Light... cleanliness, food... everything is free! And a marble floor. Yes!" The actor is a hero of faith, not the truth of fact, and the loss of the ability to believe is fatal for him.

Which hero needs Luke's support? (To the Actor, Nastya, Natasha, Anna. It is not the truth that is more important to them, but words of consolation. When the Actor stopped believing that he could recover from alcoholism, he hanged himself.

A person can learn good things .. very simply, says Luka. What story is he citing? (A case in the country)

How do you understand the “story” of the righteous land?

So, the truth of Luke is comforting, he addresses the remnants of the human in the souls of the rooming houses, gives them hope.

What is Luke's truth? (To love and pity a person)

“Christ pitied everyone and commanded us”

"What you believe is what you are"

“A man can do anything - he just wants to”

"To love - you need to be alive, alive"

"If someone did not do well to someone, he did badly"

Which of the heroes (Luka, Satin or Bubnov seemed to you the most gloomy character?

Which character's position is opposed to Luke's?

"The Truth of Bubnov"

Who is it? (Kartuznik, 45 years old)

What does he do? (trying on old, ripped trousers on blanks for hats, thinking how to cut)

What do we know about him? (He was a furrier, tinted furs, his hands were yellow from paint, had his own establishment, but lost everything)

How does he behave? (Dissatisfied with everything, treats others contemptuously, looks sullenly, speaks in a sleepy voice, does not believe in anything sacred. This is the most gloomy figure in the text).

Find the lines that characterize his worldview.

"Noise is not a hindrance to death"

“What is conscience? I'm not rich"

“People all live ... like chips floating down the river .. They are building a house, and the chips are away.”

“Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die ... and you.

When Anna dies, he says: "That means she stopped coughing." How would you rate it?

How do these words characterize him?

What is the truth of Bubnov? (Bubnov sees only the negative side of life, destroys the remnants of faith and hope in people. A skeptic, a cynic, he treats life with evil pessimism).

The truth of Bubnov consists in the exposure of the wrong side of being, this is the "truth of the fact." “What kind of truth do you need, Vaska? And for what? You know the truth about yourself ... and everyone knows it ... ”he drives Ash into the doom of being a thief when he was trying to figure himself out. “I stopped coughing, that means,” he reacted to Anna’s death.

After listening to Luke's allegorical story about his life at a dacha in Siberia and sheltering (rescuing) fugitive convicts, Bubnov admitted: “But I ... can't lie! For what? In my opinion, bring down the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed?

Bubnov sees only the negative side of life and destroys the remnants of faith and hope in people, while Luka knows that in a kind word the ideal becomes real:“A person can teach good things ... very simply,” he concluded the story about life in the country, and outlining the "story" of the righteous land, he reduced it to the fact that the destruction of faith kills a person.Luka (thoughtfully, to Bubnov): “Here ... you say - the truth ... She, the truth, is not always due to illness to a person ... you can’t always cure the soul with truth ... " Luke heals the soul.

Luke's position is more humane and more effective than Bubnov's naked truth, because it appeals to the remnants of the human in the souls of the overnight stays. A person for Luke, "whatever it is - but always worth its price."“I only say that if someone did not do well to someone, then he did badly.” "To caress a person never harmful."

Such a moral credo harmonizes relations between people, cancels the wolf principle, and ideally leads to gaining inner completeness and self-sufficiency, confidence that, despite external circumstances, a person has found truths that no one will ever take away from him.

Satin becomes the spokesman for another life truth. One of the climaxes of the play is Sateen's famous monologues from the fourth act about man, truth, and freedom.

Reading Sateen's monologue.

"The Truth of Sateen"

How does this character appear in the play?

What do we understand from his first words?

(Appears with a growl. His first words are that he is a card cheat and drunkard)

What do we know about this person? (Once he served on the telegraph, was an educated person. Satin likes to pronounce incomprehensible words. What?

Organon - translated means "tool", "organ of vision", "mind".

Sicambre is an ancient Germanic tribe, meaning "dark man".

Satin feels superior to other overnight stays.

How did he end up in a rooming house? (Went to prison because he stood up for the honor of his sister).

How does he feel about work? (“Make it so that the work is pleasant for me - maybe I will work ... When work is pleasure - life is good! Labor is a duty, life is slavery!

In what does Satin see the truth of life? (One of the climaxes of the play is Sateen's famous monologues about man, truth, freedom.

"Lies are the religion of slaves and masters"

“A person is free, he pays for everything himself: for faith, for unbelief, for love, for the mind ...”

Truth is the god of the free man.

How, in his opinion, should a person be treated? (Respect. Do not humiliate with pity Man - it sounds proudly, Satin believes).

- According to Satin, pity humiliates a person, respect elevates a person. What's more important?

Sateen believes that a person should be respected.

Luke believes that a person should be pitied.

Let's go to the dictionary


    Feel pity, compassion;

    Reluctant to spend, spend;

    Feel affection for someone, love


    Treat with respect;

    Be in love

What do they have in common? What is the difference?

So, each of the characters has its own truth.

Luke - comforting truth

Satin - respect for a person, faith in a person

Bubnov - "cynical" truth

It is interesting that Satin supported his reasoning with the authority of Luke, the person in respect of whom we are at the beginning of the playrepresented Sateen as an antipode. Moreover,Satine's references to Luke in act 4 prove the closeness of both."Old man? He is smart! .. He ... acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin ... Let's drink to his health! "Man, that's the truth! He understood that…you don’t!”

Actually, the "truth" and "falsehood" of Sateen and Luke almost coincide.

Both believe that “one must respect a person” (emphasis on the last word) - not his “mask”; but they differ on how to communicate their "truth" to people. After all, she, if you think about it, is deadly to those who fall into her area.

If everything "faded" and one "naked" person remained, then "what's next"? Actor this thought leads to suicide.

What role does Luke play in uncovering the problem of "truth" in the play?

For Luke, the truth is in the "comforting lie". Luke takes pity on the man and comforts him with his dream. He promises Anna an afterlife, listens to Nastya's tales, and sends the Actor to a hospital. He lies for the sake of hope, and this, perhaps, is better than the cynical "truth" of Bubnov, "an abomination and a lie." In the image of Luke there are hints of the biblical Luke, who was one of the seventy disciples sent by the Lord "to every city and place where He Himself wanted to go." Gorkovsky Luke makes the inhabitants of the bottom think about God and man, about the "better man", about the highest calling of people.

"Luke" is also light. Luka comes to illuminate Kostylev's basement with the light of new ideas forgotten at the bottom of feelings. He talks about how it should be, what should be, and it is not at all necessary to look for practical recommendations or instructions for survival in his reasoning.

Evangelist Luke was a doctor. In his own way, Luka heals in the play - with his attitude to life, advice, word, sympathy, love.

Luke heals, but not everyone, but selectively, those who need words. His philosophy is revealed in relation to other characters. He sympathizes with the victims of life: Anna, Natasha, Nastya. Teaches, giving practical advice, Ash, Actor. Understanding, ambiguously, often without words, he explains with clever Bubnov. Skillfully avoids unnecessary explanations.

The bow is flexible, soft. “They crumpled a lot, that’s why it’s soft ...” - he said at the end of the 1st act.

Luke with his "lie" is sympathetic to Satine. "Dubye... keep quiet about the old man!.. The old man is not a charlatan!.. He lied... but - it's out of pity for you, damn you!" Still, Luke's "lie" doesn't suit him. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters! Truth is the god of a free man!”

Thus, while rejecting the “truth” of Bubnov, Gorky does not deny either the “truth” of Sateen or the “truth” of Luka. In essence, he singles out two truths: "truth-truth" and "truth-dream

Peculiarities of Gorky's humanism. Problem Human in Gorky's play "At the Bottom".

Gorky put his truth about man and overcoming the dead end into the mouths of the Actor, Luka and Sateen.

At the beginning of the play, indulging in theatrical memories,Actor selflessly spoke about the miracle of talent - the game of transforming a person into a hero. Responding to the words of Satin about the books he read, education, he divided education and talent: “Education is nonsense, the main thing is talent”; “I say talent, that's what a hero needs. And talent is faith in yourself, in your strength ... "

It is known that Gorky worshiped knowledge, education, books, but he valued talent even more. Through the Actor, he polemically, maximalistically sharpened and polarized two facets of the spirit: education as the sum of knowledge and living knowledge - a “system of thought”.

In monologuessatin the ideas of Gorky's thoughts about man are confirmed.

Man is “he is everything. He even created God”; “man is the container of the living God”; "Faith in the power of thought ... is a person's faith in himself." So in Gorky's letters. And so - in the play: “A person can believe or not believe ... this is his business! Man is free... he pays for everything himself... Man is the truth! What is a man... it's you, me, they, an old man, Napoleon, Mohammed... in one... In one - all beginnings and ends... Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain!

The Actor was the first to speak about talent and self-confidence. Satin summarized everything. What is the roleLuke ? He carries ideas dear to Gorky of transforming and improving life at the cost of human creative efforts.

“And that’s all, I look, people are getting smarter, more and more interesting ... and even though they live, it’s getting worse, but they want it, it’s getting better ... stubborn!” - the elder confesses in the first act, referring to the common aspirations of all for a better life.

At the same time, in 1902, Gorky shared his observations and moods with V. Veresaev: “The vital mood is growing and expanding, vigor and faith in people are more and more noticeable, and - it’s good to live on earth - by God!” Some words, some thoughts, even intonations are the same in a play and a letter.

In the fourth actsatin remembered and reproduced Luka's answer to his question "Why do people live?" , everything, as it is, live for the best! That is why every person must be respected ... After all, we do not know who he is, why he was born and what he can do ... ”And he himself, continuing to talk about a person, said, repeating Luke:“ We must respect a person! Do not pity ... do not humiliate him with pity ... you must respect! Satin repeated Luke, speaking of respect, did not agree with him, speaking of pity, but something else is more important - the idea of ​​a “better person”.

The statements of the three characters are similar, and, mutually reinforcing, they work for the problem of the triumph of Man.

In one of Gorky's letters, we read: “I am sure that a person is capable of endless improvement, and all his activities will also develop along with him ... from century to century. I believe in the infinity of life...” Again, Luka, Satin, Gorky - about one thing.

3. What is the significance of the 4th act of Gorky's play?

In this act, there is the former situation, but the “fermentation” of the previously sleepy thoughts of the tramps begins.

It started from the scene of Anna's death.

Luke says over the dying woman: “Much-merciful Jesus Christ! Accept the spirit of your newly-departed servant Anna in peace ... "But Anna's last words were words about life : “Well ... a little more ... to live ... a little! If there is no flour there ... here you can endure ... you can!”

How to regard these words of Anna - as a victory for Luke or as his defeat? Gorky does not give an unequivocal answer; it is possible to comment on this phrase in different ways. One thing is clear:

Anna spoke for the first timepositive about life thanks to Luke.

In the last act, a strange, completely unconscious rapprochement of the “bitter brethren” takes place. In the 4th act, Kleshch repaired Alyoshka's harmonica, having tried the frets, the already familiar prison song sounded. And this ending is perceived in two ways. You can do this: you can’t leave the bottom - “The sun rises and sets ... but it’s dark in my prison!” It can be otherwise: at the cost of death, a person cut off the song of tragic hopelessness ...

Suicideactor interrupted the song.

What prevents the overnight stays from changing their lives for the better? Natasha's fatal mistake is disbelief in people, Ashes (“I somehow don’t believe ... in any words”), who hopes to change fate together.

“That’s why I’m a thief, because no one has ever guessed to call me by another name ... Call me ... Natasha, well?”

Her answer is convinced, endured:"There's nowhere to go... I know... I thought... But I don't trust anyone."

One word of faith in a person could change the lives of both, but it did not sound.

The Actor, for whom creativity is the meaning of life, a vocation, did not believe in himself either. The news of the death of the Actor came after the well-known monologues of Satin, shading them in contrast: he didn’t cope, he didn’t play, but he could, he didn’t believe in himself.

All the characters in the play are in the zone of action of seemingly abstract Good and Evil, but they become quite concrete when it comes to the fate, attitudes, relationships with the life of each of the characters. And people are connected with good and evil by their thoughts, words and deeds. They directly or indirectly affect life. Life is a path of choosing your direction between good and evil. In the play, Gorky examined a person and tested his capabilities. The play is devoid of utopian optimism, as well as the other extreme - disbelief in man. But one conclusion is indisputable: “Talent, that's what a hero needs. And talent is faith in yourself, your strength ... "

Aphoristic language of Gorky's play.

Teacher. One of the characteristic features of Gorky's creativity is aphorism. It is characteristic of both the author's speech and the speech of the characters, which is always sharply individual. Many aphorisms of the play "At the Bottom", like the aphorisms of "Songs" about the Falcon and the Petrel, have become winged. Let's recall some of them.

Which characters of the play belong to the following aphorisms, proverbs, sayings?

a) Noise - death is not a hindrance.

b) Such a life that as soon as he got up in the morning, so much for howling.

c) Wait for the sense of the wolf.

d) When work is a duty, life is slavery.

e) Not a single flea is bad: all are black, all are jumping.

f) Where it is warm for an old man, there is a homeland.

g) Everyone wants order, but there is a lack of reason.

h) If you don’t like it, don’t listen, but don’t interfere with lying.

(Bubnov - a, b, g; Luka - d, f; Satin - d, Baron - h, Pepel - c.)

Outcome. Whose truth is closer to you?


Express your attitude to your work in the lesson.

    Subject is your name

    2 app - assessment of your work in the lesson

    3 ver. - describing the actions of the object, i.e. how you worked in the lesson

    4-word phrase expressing your attitude to your work in the lesson

    Summary - assessment

Today we are convinced that everyone has their own truth. Perhaps you have not yet decided what life positions you will adhere to in the future. I hope you choose the right path.

IV. Homework. Write reasoning, expressinghisrelation to reading

What is the meaning of the dispute between Luke and Satine?

Whose side do you adhere to in the dispute "about the truth"?

What problems raised by M. Gorky in the play "At the Bottom" did not leave you indifferent?

Three truths in the play "At the Bottom"

In the play "At the Bottom" M. Gorky strives not only to draw attention to the fate of disadvantaged people by depicting terrible reality. He created a truly innovative philosophical and journalistic drama. The content of seemingly disparate episodes is a tragic clash of three truths, three ideas about life.

The first truth is the truth of Bubnov, it can be called the truth of a fact. Bubnov is convinced that a person is born for death and there is no need to feel sorry for him: “Everything is like this: they are born, live, die. And I will die ... and you ... What to regret ... You are superfluous everywhere ... and all the people on earth are superfluous. As you can see, Bubnov completely denies both himself and others, his despair is generated by unbelief. For him, truth is the cruel, murderous oppression of inhuman circumstances.

The truth of Luke is the truth of compassion and faith in God. Looking closely at the tramps, he finds words of consolation for everyone. He is sensitive, kind to those who need help, he instills hope in everyone: he tells the Actor about the hospital for alcoholics, advises Ash to go to Siberia, Anna talks about happiness in the afterlife. What Luke says is not just a lie. Rather, it inspires faith that there is a way out of any hopeless situation. “People are looking for everything, everyone wants what’s best, give them, Lord, patience!” - Luke sincerely says and adds: “Whoever seeks will find ... They only need help ...” Luke brings saving faith to people. He thinks that pity, compassion, mercy, attention to a person can heal his soul, so that the very last thief understands: “It is better to live! You have to live like this ... so that you can ... respect yourself ... "

The third truth is the truth of Sateen. He believes in man as in God. He believes that a person can believe in himself and rely on his own strength. He sees no point in pity and compassion. "What good is it to you if I pity you?" he asks Kleshch. Human! It's great! It sounds proud! Satin speaks not just about a strong personality. He speaks of a man who is able to rebuild the world at his own discretion, to create new laws of the universe - about a man-god.

Three truths in the play tragically collide, which determines precisely such an ending to the play. The problem is that in each of the truths there is a part of a lie and that the very concept of truth is multidimensional. A vivid example of this - and at the same time a moment of collision of different truths - Sateen's monologue about a proud man. This monologue is delivered by a drunken, downtrodden man. And the question immediately arises: is this drunken, downtrodden person the same one who “sounds proud”? A positive answer is doubtful, and if it is negative, then what about the fact that “only man exists? Does this mean that Satin, speaking this monologue, does not exist? It turns out that in order to perceive the truth of Sateen's words about a proud man, one must not see Sateen, whose appearance is also true.

It is terrible that an inhuman society kills and maims human souls. But the main thing in the play is that M. Gorky made his contemporaries even more acutely feel the injustice of the social structure, made them think about a person, his freedom. He says in his play: one must live without reconciling with untruth, injustice, but not destroy the kindness, compassion, mercy in oneself.

In the ongoing dispute about a person, three positions are especially important - Bubnov, Luka and Satina. Bubnov's position is fatalistic. Man is powerless to change anything in his destiny. Hence the indifference not only to the suffering of others, but also to one's own destiny. In his opinion, all people are “superfluous”, since the world is dominated by ruthless laws that control a person and dominate him. People go with the flow, like chips, powerless to change anything. The truth of Bubnov is the truth of the external circumstances of life. Luke is the most complex character in the play. It is with him that the main philosophical question of the work is connected: “Which is better: truth or compassion? Is it necessary to bring compassion to the point of using lies, like Luke? » Luke is the bearer of the idea of ​​compassion in the play. He realizes: there are "people" and there are "people". The weak (“people”) need support: in hope, in faith, in the strength of another. For faith and hope are the most powerful stimulus of all human deeds. Anne Luka eases the pain of passing away, in the Actor and Ash inspires hope for the opportunity to change life for the better. But on the other hand, after the disappearance of Luke, the hope gained by people turns out to be not only an illusion, but also turns into its complete opposite, which leads the heroes of the play to disaster. People with a strong spirit (“people”), those who find support in themselves, do not need pity or soothing lies. They create their own destiny, their happiness and their unhappiness. Thus, Luke's philosophy includes both Christian long-suffering, sensitivity to the suffering of others, and sober realism. But most importantly, it is addressed to the good in the soul of every person. This good awakens in him to become better. Satin is an exponent of a different life position: “Everything is in a person, everything is for a person. Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and brain. A person must be respected, Satin believes, pity only humiliates. But who is Sateen himself? Schuler, a man who lives by a deliberate lie, absolutely indifferent to people, contempt for his neighbor, preaching a non-labor philosophy (why work? for satiety? - "A person is above satiety"). Educated, smart, strong Satin could escape from the "bottom" of life, but does not want to do it. The idea of ​​the "Free Man", - like the idea of ​​Luke, turns into its complete opposite - into the idea of ​​self-will, and Satin becomes an unwitting ideologist of evil, turning it into a form of existence on earth and justifying it. But the words about a man whose name sounds proud, Gorky nevertheless put into his mouth. There was no other hero in the play capable of uttering such important words for the playwright about a strong and proud man. Both heroes are undoubtedly connected by the principle of pairing, and the symbolism of the names is not accidental. Satin is associated with Satan, but Luke is from the evil one, but it is also the name of one of the four evangelists. "Luke. You.. . get well! They treat drunkenness now, listen! Free, brother, they treat ... such a hospital is arranged for drunkards ... A man can do anything, if only he wants to ... Death - it calms everything ... She is kind to us... You die, you rest... And the good side is Siberia? Golden country. To caress a person is never harmful ... A person must respect himself. Everything is looking for - will find ... Who strongly wants - will find! » «Satin. Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man! Human! It's great! It sounds... proudly! Human! You have to respect the person! Don't be sorry... don't humiliate him with pity... should be respected! Job? Make the work pleasant for me - maybe I will work ... When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery! Thus, in the play there is no unequivocal answer to the question: “which is better: truth or compassion? » Gorky expresses both the confidence that only the truth is able to save humanity, and an understanding of the importance of compassion in people's lives.

"Three truths in the play by M Gorky" At the bottom "

Development of a literature lesson with elements of communicative learning and technology of RKCHP;


educational - to reveal the position of the characters of the play in relation to the question of truth,find out the meaning of the tragic collision of different points of view: the truth of a fact (Bubnov), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in a person (Satin);create a problematic situation, awaken students to express their own opinions about the life principles of Luka, Bubnov, Satin.

Educational - to contribute to the formation of one's own point of view in relation to such a concept as "truth", to create situations that will help to understand that there is a way out of every situation.

Educational - the formation of public speaking skills, the ability to defend one's point of view, the activation of the creative abilities of students.

During the classes:

I want to start our lesson with verses. Listen, please.

Is it fog? Haze? Is there smoke from fires?
The sinister world of an unknown era ...
Was this world really like this?
Or scary to us, because we know poorly? ..

We will slide along the spiral of time
In times where we can't be...

Imagine for a moment that by the will of fate you ended up in Moscow without money, without friends, without relatives, without cell phones. You have moved to the beginning of the century. How would you try to improve your life or change the situation you find yourself in? Will you try to improve your life, or did you immediately sink to the "bottom"?

The heroes of the play we are studying stopped resisting, they sank to the “bottom of life”.

The topic of our lesson: “Three truths in the play by M. Gorky“ At the bottom.

What do you think it will be about?

What questions will we consider?

(Suggested answers: What is truth? What truth can there be? Why three truths? What thoughts do the characters express about truth? Which of the characters thinks about this question?

Teacher summary: Every character has their own truth. And we will try to find out the positions of the characters, understand them, understand the essence of the dispute that arose between the characters and decide whose truth is closer to us, modern readers.

Literary workout.

You know that it is impossible to competently defend your point of view without knowledge of a literary work. I offer you a literary warm-up. I read a line from a play, and you determine which of the characters it belongs to.

What is the conscience? I'm not rich (Bubnov)

It is necessary to love the living, the living (Luke)

When work is duty - life is slavery (Satin)

Falsehood is the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man! (Satin)

People live ... like chips floating down the river ... (Bubnov)

All love on earth is superfluous (Bubnov)

Christ pitied everyone and commanded us (Luke)

To caress a person is never harmful (Luke)

Human! It's great! It sounds proud! Human! You have to respect the person!

Knowledge update. Call.

You have demonstrated good knowledge of the text. Why do you think you were offered replicas of these particular characters? (Luka, Satin, Bubnov have their own notion of truth).

How do you understand the meaning of the word "truth"?

IS IT TRUE, -s,and. 1. What exists in reality corresponds to the real state of things.Tell the truth. Hear the truth about what happened. The truth pricks the eyes (last). 2. Justice, honesty, a just cause.Look for the truth. Stand up for the truth. The truth is on your side. Happiness is good, truth is better (last). 3. Same as (colloquial).Your truth (You are right).God sees the truth, but will not tell soon (last). 4.introductory sl. The truth statement is true, indeed.I really didn't know this.

Those. the truth is private, but it is ideological

So, let's find out the truth of Luka, Bubnov, Satin.

"Luke's Truth"

In the work of every talented writer, the name of the hero necessarily means something. Let us turn to the origins of the name Luke. What meanings can it have?

1) Arises from the name of the Apostle Luke.

2) Associated with the word "Cunning", that is, cunning.

3) "Onion", until you get to the middle, take off a lot of "clothes!

How does Luke appear in the play? What are the first words he says? (“Good health, honest people,” he immediately announces his position, says that he treats everyone well, “I respect crooks, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad.”

What does Luke say about the attitude towards other people?

Consider how Luka behaves with each of the inhabitants of the rooming house.

How does he feel about Anna? (He regrets, says that after death she will find peace, consoles, helps, becomes necessary)

What advice does the actor have? (Find a city in which they treat alcohol, it’s clean, the floor is marble, they treat for free, “A person can do anything, if only he wants to”).

How does Vaska Peplu propose to arrange life? (Leave for Siberia with Natasha. Siberia is a rich land, you can earn money there, become a master).

How does Nastya console? (Nastya dreams of great bright love, he tells her: “What you believe is what you are”)

How does he talk to Medvedev? (He calls him "under", that is, he flatters, and he falls for his bait).

So how does Luke feel about the inhabitants of the rooming house? (Well, he sees a person in everyone, discovers positive character traits, tries to help. He knows how to discover the good in everyone and inspire hope).

Read the remarks that reflect Luke's position in life?

How do you understand the words: “What you believe is what you are?”

What other thoughts of Luke are consonant with your thoughts?

Which hero needs Luke's support? (To the Actor, Nastya, Natasha, Anna. It is not the truth that is more important to them, but words of consolation. When the Actor stopped believing that he could recover from alcoholism, he hanged himself.

A person can learn good things .. very simply, says Luka. What story is he citing? (A case in the country)

How do you understand the “story” of the righteous land?

So, the truth of Luke is comforting, he addresses the remnants of the human in the souls of the rooming houses, gives them hope.

What is Luke's truth? (To love and pity a person)

“Christ pitied everyone and commanded us”

"What you believe is what you are"

“A man can do anything - he just wants to”

"To love - you need to be alive, alive"

"If someone did not do well to someone, he did badly"

Which of the heroes (Luka, Satin or Bubnov seemed to you the most gloomy character?

Which character's position is opposed to Luke's?

"The Truth of Bubnov"

Who is it? (Kartuznik, 45 years old)

What does he do? (trying on old, ripped trousers on blanks for hats, thinking how to cut)

What do we know about him? (He was a furrier, tinted furs, his hands were yellow from paint, had his own establishment, but lost everything)

How does he behave? (Dissatisfied with everything, treats others contemptuously, looks sullenly, speaks in a sleepy voice, does not believe in anything sacred. This is the most gloomy figure in the text).

Find the lines that characterize his worldview.

"Noise is not a hindrance to death"

“What is conscience? I'm not rich"

“People all live ... like chips floating down the river .. They are building a house, and the chips are away.”

“Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die ... and you.

When Anna dies, he says: "That means she stopped coughing." How would you rate it?

How do these words characterize him?

What is the truth of Bubnov? (Bubnov sees only the negative side of life, destroys the remnants of faith and hope in people. A skeptic, a cynic, he treats life with evil pessimism).

Satin becomes the spokesman for another life truth.

"The Truth of Sateen"

How does this character appear in the play?

What do we understand from his first words?

(Appears with a growl. His first words are that he is a card cheat and drunkard)

What do we know about this person? (Once he served on the telegraph, was an educated person. Satin likes to pronounce incomprehensible words. What?

Organon - translated means "tool", "organ of vision", "mind".

Sicambre is an ancient Germanic tribe, meaning "dark man".

Satin feels superior to other overnight stays.

How did he end up in a rooming house? (Went to prison because he stood up for the honor of his sister).

How does he feel about work? (“Make it so that the work is pleasant for me - maybe I will work ... When work is pleasure - life is good! Labor is a duty, life is slavery!

In what does Satin see the truth of life? (One of the climaxes of the play is Sateen's famous monologues about man, truth, freedom.

"Lies are the religion of slaves and masters"

“A person is free, he pays for everything himself: for faith, for unbelief, for love, for the mind ...”

Truth is the god of the free man.

How, in his opinion, should a person be treated? (Respect. Do not humiliate with pity Man - it sounds proudly, Satin believes).

- According to Satin, pity humiliates a person, respect elevates a person. What's more important?

Sateen believes that a person should be respected.

Luke believes that a person should be pitied.

Let's go to the dictionary


    Feel pity, compassion;

    Reluctant to spend, spend;

    Feel affection for someone, love


    Treat with respect;

    Be in love

What do they have in common? What is the difference?

So, each of the characters has its own truth.

Luke - comforting truth

Satin - respect for a person, faith in a person

Bubnov - "cynical" truth

Outcome. Whose truth is closer to you?


Express your attitude to your work in the lesson.

    Subject is your name

    2 app - assessment of your work in the lesson

    3 ver. - describing the actions of the object, i.e. how you worked in the lesson

    4-word phrase expressing your attitude to your work in the lesson

    Summary - assessment

Today we are convinced that everyone has their own truth. Perhaps you have not yet decided what life positions you will adhere to in the future. I hope you choose the right path.
