How to draw a turtle with a pencil for children. How to draw a turtle: step by step instructions for beginners

The list of four celestial animals in sheng shui includes a tortoise. It is considered a symbol of longevity and success, which is why every home should have an amulet or a picture of a turtle. In this article we will look at how to draw a turtle step by step.

It is worth starting work with the image of the shell. To do this, draw a semicircle. If it is difficult to do it yourself, use a template or outline a cup. Start drawing the head and paws. Apply a characteristic relief in the form of rhombuses to the shell. Don't forget the tail, eyes and mouth. Do all the work with a pencil, then decorate the animal. There are several ways to draw this reptile. The shell does not have to be depicted in the form of a semicircle. Try to draw an animal from ovals. Draw the largest oval, and the smaller one on the left side. This will be the shell and head. Draw the paws under the large oval. Connect the head and shell with smooth lines. The base is ready, proceed to the detailing of the drawing. Draw the claws, eyes and mouth, don't forget the tail. The shell can be drawn by applying small circles to the base.

The most difficult thing to draw is a marine reptile, as it is constantly in motion. The drawing scheme is different from the one described above. It is better to start drawing the image from the head. After that draw the part of the torso. Picture two parallel lines, which connect at the end. A smooth transition will be a tail. Draw paws with claws on paper. Please note that the limbs of the animal do not touch the ground, this is a swimming turtle. Draw one paw above the head. The second limb will be directed towards the tail. Depict the shell and give it relief by applying rhombuses. Draw the eyes and mouth. The position of the turtle is full face. Reptiles look very nice from above. Almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figure is occupied by the shell. Draw an oval, sharpening it a little towards the edge. You should get a drop-shaped figure. Stepping back a little from the edge, duplicate the oval. As a result, there will be two ovals on paper, one of which is inscribed in the other. Draw two parallel lines in the center of the shell. This is the basis of the relief. Divide the strip into several equal rectangles. Draw triangles on both sides of each rectangle. Connect the vertices of the triangles to the borders of the oval. Draw the head and paws. There will be 4 limbs in this figure, with the top pair being larger than the bottom pair. Draw a tail. All these turtles are realistic, but if the child in the garden was given the task to portray this animal, then draw a cartoon character. It's much easier to draw. First, try to portray a reptile yourself, and then show the stages of art to your baby. A child will appreciate a baby turtle with a large head. To do this, start by drawing the head. It is not oval, but has an elongated shape, reminiscent of the sign "?". After the hook is ready, connect the end of the question mark to the place where the point is located. Draw the bottom of the shell. Now depict the top of the "house" of the little animal. Draw paws, eyes and mouth on the drawing. Do not forget to give relief to the shell. The result is a cute cartoon character.

The turtle is an interesting and mysterious creature. And the sea turtle is doubly mysterious. She has unusual shape body unlike other representatives of this species, so drawing her is more fun, but no less difficult for this. It is more difficult to depict a not quite familiar shell in this type of turtle, and the relief pattern will also not be easy.
In addition, the skin of such a reptile has many wrinkles and folds, which also need to be displayed in the drawing. They draw such turtles most often in the usual way. with a simple pencil, since it is much easier to create shadows on the shell and draw wrinkles on the turtle's body.
That is why, today we will draw a sea turtle step by step with a simple pencil. And in this lesson you will learn how to draw yourself, and buy a painting with beautiful scenery you can always on this site.

So let's get started!

Stage one - draw the outline of the shell.

We will start our drawing with the outline of the shell. To do this, you need to draw a small oval, slightly extending into the lower left corner. Divide it in half with a straight line, it should be even and exactly in the center. After all, the success of any drawing depends on the initial proportional sketches.

Stage two - draw paws

Now it's the turn of the paws. They are not at all like the paws of an ordinary turtle. By appearance they are more like fins or flippers, so we will draw the paws in the form of triangles extended forward. They should be arranged so that they "mirror" each other on both sides.

Stage three - draw the turtle's head

Now let's draw the heads of the turtle in the form of a small oval. And you should remember about the small tail in the form of a miniature triangle right in the center of the line drawn on the shell.

Stage four - we make out the shell

Here you should focus on the shell. Inside the oval that plays its role, draw another line, repeating the contour of the original oval. Immediately connect the head to the body with the help of the neck, draw one eye.

Stage five - finish the fins

Now we will draw the details of our drawing. First of all, we will change the contour of the fins, make them smoother than they looked before.

Stage six - finish the shell.

It was the turn of drawing the shell. Here our line, placed in the center of the shell, will help us. All segments should be drawn as symmetrically as possible. Their size, shape and quantity can be depicted at your discretion.

Stage seven - we finish the details

In order to achieve maximum realism, attention must be paid to details. Let's say on the paws and head you can draw small specks, thus creating a rough skin.

Stage eight - draw a contour

Now circle the outlines of all the details again. Erase unnecessary lines and blots with an eraser. Darken again the segments on the shell. At this stage, the drawing can be considered complete. Our turtle turned out like a real one, and the simple gray color of a simple pencil only adds to the unusualness.

Complexity:(4 out of 5).

Age: from 5 years.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, colored pencils, a simple pencil, an eraser.

Purpose of the lesson: we draw a turtle, applying our skills acquired earlier. We develop attentiveness and perseverance, accuracy of movement. We develop fine motor skills hands


Drawing Lesson Materials

Let's start drawing our colored turtle from the shell. Take a simple pencil and draw a curved line (the base of the shell). From above we cover it with an arc, like a rainbow.

We got a shell for which we will come up with interesting pattern from circles and polygons. With the help of a simple pencil, our pattern will start from the top. Due to the fact that we are looking at the turtle from the side, we do not see the side patterns in full. Check out the animation below, which shows the order in which they are drawn. geometric figures on the shell.

The next step is to draw a head with a muzzle and flippers. We will have a sea turtle.

We decorate the whole turtle with colored pencils. And we tint the sheet with a blue pencil.

You can also decorate the turtle wax pencils, and for toning use watercolor. Then it will be possible, not afraid to call on the object, but remove the excess with a napkin.

All first graders are familiar with an inquisitive ant named Question. He, along with the guys, goes to school and studies the world. And the Wise Turtle helps them in this, which showed him the way to school. As you may have guessed, we will draw these characters.

Ant Question

Let's first take a look at how to draw an Ant Questioner step by step.

Stage 1
Outline. It can be represented as simple figures. The head looks like a sunflower seed, outline the body in the form of an elongated oval, and then something like a droplet.

Stage 2
Detail the head. Draw a hat and mustache. Then erase the unwanted line. Draw an eye - 2 circles and a dot, then draw a mouth. It's pretty simple.

Stage 3
The next step will be drawing all the limbs. Carefully outline the upper paws, see how graceful they are. Then draw the same thin lower legs. They perform the function of the legs at the Question, so put it in boots.

Stage 4
Do you remember that our character is a first grader? Show the backpack on the student's back. Add details on the backpack - buttons and a pocket.

Here is such a wonderful question turned out, you can also color it at your discretion.

Drawing example for children

Surely many mothers are wondering how to draw an ant Question for a child? And we will show you.

Draw the head in the form of a seed. Add a nose in the form of a dot and a mouth in the form of an arcuate line. Draw an eye, a hat and a mustache.

Then take care of the body of the Ant, it consists of two parts: an oval and another seed. Add a couple of strokes for some volume.

Now draw four thin upper paws and two lower ones. Do not forget that the lower paws are in boots. You can color the ant at your own discretion or in the color scheme in which it is depicted in the textbook. Look what a wonderful ant!

wise turtle

And now we will show you how to draw the Wise Turtle.

Outline the silhouette of the head: first draw a semicircle, and then draw the mouth and lower jaw, as shown in the example.

Our heroine is no longer young and smart, so she wears glasses. Draw glasses and dots in them - eyes. It is also necessary to add an important detail from the wardrobe of our character - a scarf around his neck.

Engage in drawing the shell. Smoothly outline a semicircle, and then a line of transition between the back and stomach. It doesn't have to be straight out. Don't forget to leave an outlet for the paws.

And now take hold of the paws themselves. First the upper ones, then the outline of the abdomen, and then the lower ones. Erase the extra lines.

Draw a small tail. The turtle carries a whole baggage of knowledge, which is in her briefcase. Outline its outline in the form of a crooked quadrilateral.

Arm yourself with an eraser and erase all unnecessary lines. Add some details. On the briefcase, show the rivets and side folds. And also draw the handle for which the Turtle is holding the briefcase. The shell can also be detailed, for example, decorated with patterns such as in the figure below.

It remains only to paint.

An example of drawing the Wise Turtle for children

Children also want to portray this interesting character. It is not difficult to do this, because we will show how to draw a wise turtle for a child.

Draw a semicircle. This will be the turtle shell. Decorate with an outstanding ornament.

The most important step is to outline the paws, a small tail and a handkerchief. Color the drawing. This is how the Wise Turtle came out.

Now you know how to draw these schoolchildren's favorites. You can show them apart, but it's even better to show them together. We wish you success!

To start a little lyrical digression. I want to express my deep gratitude to everyone who appreciated my work and this site! I am very pleased when I see your drawings from these lessons! This is the best motivation to translate and publish more and more new, useful and interesting lessons by drawing. Continue in the same spirit! Good luck to everyone!

Today I will introduce you to another lesson of the course drawing with colored pencils- turtle!

The layering of color and unique texture makes the turtle an excellent subject for drawing. Starting with a light and bright yellow and orange flowers, and continuing to work further with brown, you will see how the image begins to open up. Be sure to leave some areas yellow, showing the full color line. I chose crimson and added some parts of the turtle to make it come alive, but you can use other colors as well, like purple for the shadow or some green to offset the orange. Used in moderation, these unexpected color combinations will breathe life into your drawing!

Step 1. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

First things first, I made a sketch of a turtle and transferred it to Blank sheet paper.

Step 2. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

Using surface strokes, I applied a base coat of Spanish orange.

Step 3. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

I highlighted some areas by overlaying canary yellow over Spanish orange.

Step 4. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

Now I started shading the areas and shaping the turtle with a light amber. I also painted over the eyes, parts of the face and shell with this color.

Step 5. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

Step 6. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

I added more depth by adding mineral orange and Parma violet to some areas of the turtle.

Step 7. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

I used dark amber to further deepen the shadows and outline the turtle shell. I also filled in the nostrils and pupils with this color and created the scales on the front legs and wrinkles on the face using semi-circular strokes.

Step 8. How to draw a turtle with colored pencils

Shading on the body and eyes I highlighted in black. And the final touch is a little raspberry color in some places throughout the turtle.

That's all! There are many new interesting lessons ahead, subscribe to

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a turtle step by step with a pencil. Turtle is a very interesting animal, and if you are learning to draw, then you should definitely try to draw a similar drawing. Prepare paper, colored pencils, paints - and get started!

Step 1

We will start drawing the turtle from the head. The first stage is drawing a shape, let's draw such a circle that is not quite even.

Step 2

We give a little shape to the original circle. From the side surface, draw the line of the turtle's mouth. On the side we draw a cheek, and above it - an eye. From above it is necessary to draw superciliary arches. From the bottom of the circle draw the turtle's neck.

Step 3

From the middle of the head to the neck, you need to draw the shape of the shell. It should not have the shape of a round oval, try to make it as similar as possible to the shape below.

Step 4

Now, to make the turtle look realistic, we need to add a pattern to the shell. On the main surface, draw interconnected hexagons, and draw circles along the edge.

Step 5

From the neck, in the middle and in the back, draw three paws of a turtle with neat claws. The third leg is hidden behind the body.

Step 6

Draw the spots on the paws, and also add a line to the bottom of the shell.

Step 7

The resulting turtle drawing can be painted in stages with paints or shaded with a simple pencil in dark areas.

If you liked to draw a turtle, then you will be interested in drawing other marine life.

→ Draw a turtle

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that in theory even a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help small children draw a turtle. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a turtle, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is difficult to draw a turtle - this is a representative of wild animals, not everyone can afford to draw from life professional artist. But still, you need to try to know as much as possible about this animal before drawing. You can read Wikipedia and study various photographs, which are just a shaft on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

You need to start drawing a turtle with simple geometric figures. This is how the preparation should turn out:

Now this blank needs to be finalized by adding different details to our turtle. , For example.

Sketch out the carapace and add more details to the body and muzzle.

After you are done, you can erase the auxiliary lines and outline everything in more detail. So that the fingers on the paws, folds on the body and rounded cells on the shell are visible.

After that, you can start coloring our turtle.

After today's lesson You will learn how easy it is to draw a turtle. Here is a special video. After watching it, you will learn how to draw a picture of such a cute turtle.

In addition to the video tutorial, I picked up a few step-by-step instructions that will help you understand how to draw a turtle. Shall we start?

How to draw a funny turtle with a pencil step by step

First draw a small oval - this is the turtle's head. Below, draw a shell in the form of a figure resembling a semicircle.

Now you need to unite the head and shell of the turtle by drawing two curved lines from one point. From above, draw a figure - a semicircle.

Draw three legs (we don't see the fourth one). Draw a line under the shell - this is the body of the animal. And another one important detail- a small sharp tail.

And now the most difficult thing is to draw the eyes of a turtle, more precisely, only one eye, because the other is not visible. Above the eyes you need to add folds, and at the left eye - also the corner of the cheek. Using two long, curved lines draw the nose. Closer to the bottom edge, put a dot, and draw a wide smile even lower. And to make our turtle drawing look more realistic, we need to add some folds to the neck.

We are approaching the finish line - erase the extra lines and draw the contours.

I am delighted! Did you like it?

This is interesting! Did you know that turtles can live over 100 years? You can find out about the age if you count the rings on the shields that make up the tortoise shell. And these animals can remember people's faces. They stretch their necks if you speak affectionate words to them, and if you speak rudely, they hide in their shells.

How to draw a cartoon turtle

On the left side of the paper, draw something that looks like an oval. Add a line at the bottom - this is the turtle's mouth.

Now draw another oval that will be larger than the previous one. Closer to the bottom edge, draw two wavy lines - the border between the shell and the body of the turtle.

A little more - and the turtle drawing will be ready. Draw the legs of a turtle.

Now it remains to draw the eye and tail of the turtle.

Color the picture.

Turtles are very ancient animals that are characterized by slow and sedate movements. They live in many parts of the world, in addition, they can often be found in zoos. But in order to understand how to draw a turtle, it is not at all necessary to go to the zoo, just look at her photo or look documentary on this topic. It’s also very good to learn how to draw a turtle from life, because often these creatures are kept in an apartment as pets. And this is not surprising, because turtles are very unpretentious, not prone to aggression and, with proper care, they can live an incredibly long time.
Before you draw a turtle with a pencil in stages, be sure to prepare the following items:
1). Pencil;
2). A pen with black gel ink;
3). Colour pencils;
4). sheet of paper;
5). Eraser gum.

Now, if all those stationery items that are listed a little above are already at your fingertips, you can start learning how to draw a turtle in stages:
1. Making light strokes, outline the outlines of the body and shell of the turtle;
2. Draw paws to the body of the turtle, as well as a small tail;
3. Draw claws on the paws of the animal. And on the turtle's head draw the eyes and mouth;
4. Draw a pattern on the turtle's body;
5. Also draw in more detail her shell;
6. Now you understand how to draw a turtle with a pencil. But that's not enough to make the image look complete. It is best to color the turtle drawing using colored pencils for this. But first, trace around the image of the turtle with a pen;
7. Then erase the pencil lines with an eraser;
8. Shade the ground with light brown and dark brown pencils, and paint the grass with green;
9. Gray paint over the claws of the turtle. And with pencils of green shades and a yellow tone, paint the body of the animal. With a burgundy pencil, paint over the spot near the eye;
10. Using a yellow pencil, as well as pencils of various green tones, color in the turtle's shell.
Turtle drawing, completely finished! Now you know how to draw a turtle and you can teach it to your kid! Drawing can be done with a regular pencil! And if you still want to color it, you can use any paints, as well as felt-tip pens or watercolor pencils with a wide range of colors!
