How to draw dried fruits. Colored pictures for children "Vegetables

You can eat food, that's a fact. Why not try painting with food?! Vegetables and fruits can replace the brush. Let's say "YES" to fruit and vegetable masterpieces!

What to do with kids? How to develop creative thinking and stimulate the craving for creativity? How to show empirically that everything around has a multifunctional value, one has only to forget about the usual purpose of things? Invite your child to draw with edible fruits and vegetables, making stamps out of them. " By-effect"of such a drawing - the baby will quickly remember the names and classification" fruit - vegetable ".

Try not to limit your child's imagination. Likes to draw - provide everyone necessary materials and show how you can use for your own purposes what at first glance is not at all intended for this.

Do you drink tea with lemon? The child already knows that a lemon is yellow, sour, juicy, etc. Let him expand his horizons - let him paint with half a lemon as a stamp. The kid will see what mark the peel leaves on the paper, and what texture the slices give. A round shape is obtained if the fruit is cut across, and what kind of imprint will come out if you make a longitudinal cut?

The PROCESS itself is important for children. If you want to find a use for a drawing, stamp paper for wrapping gifts, decorate napkins or a tablecloth with prints, make a postcard, etc. There are special paints for glass, fabric, and ceramics. The children's masterpiece will take its rightful place in the house and will remind you of unusual lesson drawing.

An apple is not only delicious, you can not only make compote and jam from it, make a filling for a pie, you can draw with it. How? Dipping the halves in thick paint.

The drawn compote can be "rolled up" in jars and "put" on the shelves in the closet.

To make it convenient to hold the stamp, put it on a skewer or on a fork. So the child will not get dirty, it will be more convenient for him to remove the fruit from a sheet of paper without shifting or smearing the image.

The bow can not only bring tears to those who cut it, but also act as a brush. Think with your child what the prints look like?

The lucky clover is the print of the pepper! An interesting solution, however.

Beautiful "flower" prints are left by Beijing cabbage and celery.

Hard foods, such as potatoes, are a versatile material for cutting all kinds of shaped stamps. While mom is peeling potatoes for soup, the baby is drawing with the same potato! Great!

Drawing with stamps will help you learn letters and numbers!

Drawing with stamps from vegetables and fruits is a fascinating and very useful activity. It develops imagination, relieves stress, teaches children to be careful.

Dear readers! Tell us, have you tried drawing with children with edible “brushes”? What stamps and what did you use?

Step-by-step drawing with children is based, first of all, on the analysis of the shape of the depicted object. In fruits, as well as in vegetables, the shape is close to a ball or ellipsoid. Therefore, on paper, the main flat figures there will be a circle and an oval. This is a great opportunity to learn how to draw such figures with the kids. You should try to draw circles and ovals at once, in one line. And let the circle be crooked. If you draw it in parts, then it is unlikely to work out evenly. But the line will definitely be "hairy".
Fruits are interesting to draw for children themselves different ages. But if it is important for kids to simply convey the shape, and you can paint with one color, then for children from 8-9 years old, the main challenge will be working with color. It is best and easiest to do the work with gouache paints, but you can also use pencils.

Apple - step by step drawing of fruits with children.

This fruit is well known to children. Revealing its form also does not cause difficulties for the guys. Apples are a ball. Therefore, we will put a circle in the basis of the picture. But, if you look closely, it is easy to see that the apple is not quite round. It usually tapers slightly towards the bottom. In addition, each apple has a small notch in which a branch-tail is attached. There is also a recess below, but our apple does not see it.
You can paint apples both in one color and with “barrels”. If you color with colored pencils, then do not forget that the direction of the strokes should, as it were, repeat the shape of an apple.

The scheme of phased drawing of an apple with children

Pear - phased drawing of fruits with children.

The pear has a complex shape. Analyze it with the children, break it down complex shape to simple ones. And then draw a pear, modeling it from two circles.

The scheme of phased drawing of a pear with children

Plum - step by step drawing of fruits with children.

A plum is no longer a ball. Most of all, its shape is similar to a testicle. And on paper we will depict the plum as an oval. Characteristic- a groove, as if dividing the fruit in half.

The scheme of the phased drawing of a plum with children

Cherries - step-by-step drawing of fruits with children.

But the cherries are almost completely round! Only where the branches are attached to the berries is a small notch. In the same way, you can draw a cherry. Then it can be not only red and burgundy, but also yellow.

The scheme of phased drawing of cherries with children

Watermelon - step by step drawing of fruits with children.

Another perfectly round fruit is the watermelon. An almost perfect ball! The most important thing about watermelon is its stripes. For kids, drawing them is quite difficult. Perhaps this is why this fruit, simple in form, is rarely drawn with children. By the way, watermelon is not exactly a fruit, but a giant berry.

The scheme of phased drawing of a watermelon with children

Strawberries - step by step drawing of fruits with children.

Here is another berry - not as huge as a watermelon, but well known to everyone. The shape of the berry resembles an apple one, but the strawberry tapers down much more strongly.

The scheme of phased drawing of strawberries with children

Nature is a perfect being, self-improving and self-restoring. Yes, I didn’t write these two long and complicated words the first time, but that’s exactly how it is. Nature is the unity of good and evil, light and darkness, yin and yang. It contains tasty and sweet apples, strawberries, and bitter, salty, often even completely inedible vegetables. She has a living creature for every taste and color. And as it turned out, there are people among us who prefer vegetables to fruits. And if so, this lesson is for you guys. You will see how to draw vegetables step by step.

Vegetables are the evil antipodes of fruits, trying to enslave the world and destroy all life, but due to their pathological laziness and the inability to move on their two-four-forty, their plans will know a complete fiasco.

It also happens that sometimes a person mutates into a vegetable. Then he acquires all his properties, habits and character, sometimes even the form and green color. People-vegetables most often do nothing actively and spend most of their energy on it. In this case, a person either rounds up or dries up, depending on whose genetic code he copied. The best way to classify an unknown human-vegetable is to call it either an eggplant or a pickled cucumber.

Like fruits, the subject has its own personal hierarchy:

  • Cucumber is the king of kings, the cucumber has practically filled the territories of all plantations and basements in the most different types, completely controls a person who has previously consumed a certain dose of alcohol. The juices it secretes are used as an excellent hangover cure;
  • Cabbage is the mother of all, sometimes in literally. Children are found in it, you work for it around the clock, and in the kitchen you can do almost everything with it, right down to cooking and eating it;
  • Bow - the main combat unit, front-line force, used to neutralize enemies. Uses built-in tear gas dispenser. Serves like a soldier, dies faithfully, but spectacularly.

There are so many fruits that it would take too long to draw them all. In this lesson, I have chosen only

A few here:

How to draw vegetables with a pencil step by step

Step one. Of course, first you need a large round shape, we will outline the location for the vegetables.
Step two. Now carefully draw all the elements, there will be broccoli, and cucumbers with bell peppers.
Step three. All this well and circle several times with a beauty pencil.
Step four. Well, now just hatching add shadows. You can also color with colored pencils.
And for fans I recommend to try to copy.

Not only an adult, but also a child can easily cope with such a task as drawing fruits. After all, fruits, if compared, for example, with animals, have an extremely simple structure. The easiest way is to draw fruits from life. But, if there are no pears, no apples, or any other fruits at home, then you can use a high-quality and as clear photo as possible. Beautiful still lifes with all kinds of fruits can be seen on the canvases of many famous painters.
Before drawing fruits, it is recommended to make sure that the following items are nearby:
1. A set of multi-colored pencils;
2. Pencil. Both mechanical and sharply sharpened simple will do;
3. Liner. It is better to use a black liner;
4. A piece of paper;
5. Elastic band or nag.

Learning how to draw fruits will be much easier if you divide this whole process into several steps:
1. Draw horizontal line, thus marking the edge of the table on which the fruit lies. Then, without pressing too hard on the pencil, draw the outlines of each fruit, making a composition out of them. Thus, outline the contours of a banana, apple, pear, plum, and also a cherry;
2. Draw fruits with a pencil, paying more attention to details;
3. Now you know how to draw fruits with a pencil step by step. But in order for the picture to turn out colorful and juicy, it must be colored. Using a liner, carefully outline the initial sketch of the fruit;
4. With an elastic band, remove all traces of the sketch;
5. Now that you have learned how to draw fruit easily and quickly with a pencil, you can color them. Thanks to this, the drawing will look more realistic and interesting. First, color the apple, using brown scale pencils for this, with which you should paint over the stalk, as well as yellow and red-burgundy pencils with which you need to stroke the fruit itself;
6. Color the cherry branches in brown tones. Paint over the cherries themselves with pencils of red and burgundy colors;
7. Color the banana with shades of yellow and brown;
8. To color the pear, choose pencils that have yellow and green colors. And paint over her stalk with tender pencils
