Composer Irina Gribulina: "Pugacheva told me: "Your songs are very talented, so I won't sing them. why raise a man who can take my place?"

Personal life of Irina Gribulina in terms of intensity of passions and a series of changing events, it is comparable to an exciting series. True, the events in her life were often far from rosy. The first time she married in her first year at the conservatory for her classmate. The new relatives turned out to be influential people who had high connections, and the popularity that Irina aspired to did not suit them. They did everything possible so that she was not given a tour, not invited to television, and this situation did not suit Gribulina at all. She left her young husband, and, despite persuasion, did not want to return to him.

In the photo - Irina Gribulina with her daughter

In the personal life of Irina Gribulina there were many novels - she was fond of famous and influential people, and for the second time she decided to connect her life with the son of an official from the Ministry of Heavy Industry. For a whole year he had to look after Irina until she agreed to marry him. Gribulina's family life resembled a happy idyll - she and her husband loved each other, the house was like a full bowl, and all this lasted until a terrible secret was revealed. It turns out that Irina's husband did not have enough prosperous service in the ministry under the auspices of his father - he had another business, illegal - Gribulina's husband was smuggling antiques, and when Interpol became interested in his affairs, he hurried to hide, and since then nothing is known about him.

Then she had to go through a lot - Irina was also not left alone not only by the police, but also by her husband's former business partners - she was threatened, harassed, and her apartment was searched.

When, during a tour in Jurmala, she met a spectacular young man who drove up to her in a white limousine and struck her on the spot with his male charisma, Gribulina simply could not help but fall in love. But even this meeting did not make Irina Gribulina's personal life happy. A new acquaintance put dust in her eyes, but in fact turned out to be a simple photographer with unfulfilled dreams of a great career. He was terribly jealous of Irina's popularity, and, despite the fact that he lived completely at her expense, he turned out to be a real tyrant towards her - he brutally beat Irina, and after another beating she lost her unborn child.

After some time, having recovered from all the horrors of her past family life, Irina fell in love again - this time with an Italian businessman. She settled in his villa, and lived like in a fairy tale, until she found out that her lover had a son on the side. After such news, she returned to Moscow.

Already after forty, Gribulina had a short affair with a certain young man, whom she quickly sent away, but this time she did not remain alone - very soon she realized that she was expecting a child. So at the age of forty-three, Irina Gribulina finally waited for what she had dreamed of all her life - she became the mother of Nastya's little daughter.

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Irina Evgenievna Gribulina (born 1953) is a famous Russian singer, composer, author of libretto and music for animation and feature films. Her songs were performed by many domestic pop singers. She collaborated with well-known creative venues - the Arkady Raikin Theater and the Malaya Bronnaya Theater. She was the host of the popular TV programs "Wider Circle", "Morning Mail", "Music Club" and "Saturday Night". Multiple laureate of the festival "Song of the Year".

Childhood and youth

Irina Gribulina was born on September 29, 1953 in the resort of Sochi in a creative family. Her father worked as a journalist and writer, and her mother was a famous singer who shone on the stage of the Krasnodar Operetta Theater. The talents inherited from her parents began to appear in her daughter very early, and already at the age of 4 she delighted everyone around her with author's poems and music. One of them, which begins with the words “a tiny dandelion grew in a clearing,” she still remembers.

Mom did not stay away from the fate of the young talent and decided to send Irina to study in the capital at the most prestigious Central Music School in the USSR at the Conservatory. There were various rumors about this educational institution, which ultimately boiled down to the fact that it was impossible to enter there without blat. Nine-year-old Gribulina refuted the popular rumor and managed to do it herself, falling into the class of D. Kabalevsky.

Here she was taught performing skills, and the girl showed great promise as a pianist, becoming the winner of several competitions. In those days, she did not think at all about any career and dreamed of seeing her relatives as soon as possible. She made music only for her own pleasure.

The mother, who ended her creative career, took over all the worries about the maintenance of her daughter, not disdaining to do even the dirtiest work for the sake of being able to stay in Moscow. The talented provincial did not remain in the shadows here either, soon hitting the screens of Central Television as the host of the popular morning program “Alarm Clock”.

In her life story, which she was offered to sell as a biographical account, Gribulina identifies three important chapters: creativity, love and the child.

creative path

After graduating from the composition department of the Moscow Conservatory, Irina Gribulina set off on a free voyage, starting to actively compose music and songs. Many of her works thundered on the Soviet stage in the 80s - "Touchless", "Brought Bridges", "Girlfriend".

Even in the creative piggy bank of the composer there are many hymns written for the settlements of our vast country from Kostroma and Voronezh to Astana, Donetsk and Jurmala. Gribulina's music is heard in many issues of the satirical newsreel "Yeralash". In 2001 and 2007, the author's albums "Girlfriend" and "Fortune Teller" were released.

The works of the talented composer were considered an honor to have many pop stars in their repertoire. Only the master of the national scene I. Kobzon performed several dozen songs by Gribulina. They also sounded from the lips of A. Marshal, V. Leontiev, E. Kemerovsky, A. Veski, R. Rymbyeva, V. Tolkunova and many others. But with the pop prima A. Pugacheva, relations were not particularly developed. According to Irina, she did not take up the performance of her songs, being afraid to grow a competitor in her place.

Irina notes that she has harmed herself more than once, acting as a man-orchestra. No wonder, because she writes poetry, music, and can also arrange even for a symphony orchestra and eventually sing it all herself. In this case, she could not count on preferences in promoting her own works and made her own way. Gribulina was the author of one of the first Russian musicals "New Adventures of an Ordinary Boy", which was written based on the fairy tales of G.-Kh. Andersen. Her music sounded in the production of "Cruel Intentions" of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Yes, and Irina was also involved in the creation of one of the earliest domestic clips. It was a short love story called "Quarrel", filmed in an ordinary apartment with the participation of the singer and actor N. Karachentsov. Despite numerous bans, Gribulina nevertheless made sure that this small musical film was shown on the air of Ogonyok. Then it looked quite unusual and unexpected, which aroused the genuine interest of the audience.

The songs of Irina Gribulina were performed not only by pop singers, but also by dramatic actors, among whom were N. Eremenko, L. Gurchenko, A. Abdulov, S. Shakurov.

In 2006, Irina Evgenievna was awarded the honorary order. Lomonosov for his great contribution to the development of the musical culture of the country. The main components of her success in life were the huge talent, extraordinary diligence and dedication of her mother.

Such is the character

All those around note the kindness and spontaneity of the singer. She always gives extraordinary sensuality and sincerity, which is often used by ill-wishers. Irina herself admits: “Only the lazy cannot deceive me”. She is able to give the last only because she is convincingly asked about it. Often, her kindness is simply used, including by close people. It does not contain anger and hatred at all. Irina, like no one else, knows how to forgive and not harbor a grudge. Therefore, Pushkin's lines are quite applicable to her character: "I myself am glad to be deceived."

Personal life

The personal life of the heroine is worthy of a love story, and life with each of her companions is a separate chapter. The first time she married a student, because she was brought up in severity, she could not, having lost her innocence, remain unmarried. But this union broke up after three months.

Another passion in the life of the singer was the wonderful actor N. Eremenko. Their romance lasted about two years, despite the fact that Nikolai was officially married. His courtship staggered the imagination. “On tour in Siberia, he could get roses and strawberries in the middle of the night,”- says Irina. But the constant feeling of guilt before his wife Vera haunted her, and they decided to leave.

The second spouse of Gribulina was the Hungarian Androsh, whom she met at home with Stas Namin. For about a year he looked after him very beautifully, carried him in his arms, and Irina could not resist such pressure. By the nature of his official activity, he restored icons, although he illegally smuggled antiques. One day, the investigating authorities attacked his trail, and he simply disappeared. After that, the wife had numerous showdowns with the participation of security forces and bandits, and once a famous singer was even tied with ropes. Later, Irina learned that the ex-husband was serving a term, and now lives in Europe.

Gribulina's third husband, photographer and poet Vladimir Margoit, simply stole her after a concert in Latvia and took her to his dacha. She did not resist - so strong was the literally unearthly passion that flared up between them. They lived together in the Baltic States for about 10 years, but every day he was corroded by a huge jealousy associated with the creative success of his wife. Despite this, Margoyt wrote poems for several of his wife's hits, among them "Quarrel" and "Brought Bridges".

Often it came to assault on the part of Vladimir. But the most bitter was his ban on children - during the next pregnancy, every time he forced his wife to have an abortion. Once she was in the hospital, being in her fifth month of pregnancy, with a severe spinal injury. Unable to endure such a life, Irina simply fled to Moscow, away from her tyrant husband, leaving him all her fortune.

The next husband of Gribulina was the Italian scientist and businessman Mario, with whom she lived for about 5 years in a villa in Tuscany. But because of the jealousy that arose in Irina about the rumors that her husband had a child on the side, she broke off contact with her husband. Only later it turned out that all this was in his past, but it was impossible to restore the relationship.

Irina Mikhailovna gave birth to her beloved daughter Nastya at the age of 43 outside of marriage, and in her personal data there is a dash in front of her father's name. The singer herself says about this: “He is young, handsome, let him live his life”.

Today, Irina Gribulina is an independent and accomplished woman, still giving all her strength to creativity and madly in love with her daughter.

Gribulina Irina is a talented singer and a woman with a difficult fate. Numerous fans want to know more about her work and personal life. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity. The article has all the necessary information about the singer.

Gribulina Irina: biography

The future singer was born on September 29, 1953 in the beautiful city of Sochi. Her parents are musicians. Irina's mother was famous and popular in her city. She participated in singing competitions and often won them. Irina Gribulina began to demonstrate her talent at the age of four. The vocal data of the girl was highly appreciated by her mother. Then the woman decided that she would make every effort to ensure that her daughter developed her talent and became a great singer in the future.

Conquest of the capital

When Irina Gribulina was in the third grade, her mother brought her to Moscow for the first time. The purpose of the trip to the capital was not at all acquaintance with the sights. The woman wanted her daughter to enter the music school at the conservatory. The corridor was crowded with mothers and children. The competition was not easy. But the commission included professionals who immediately noted the talent of the girl Ira. She was enrolled in the class of Dmitry Kabalevsky.

Carier start

Gribulina Irina, whose biography is of interest to many today, began to conquer Moscow at an early age. At the age of 14, she already participated in concerts. A pretty girl with dimples on her cheeks confidently kept herself on stage. And her voice evoked a whole range of feelings and emotions in the listeners.

Soon Irina Gribulina was invited to television. For several years, she managed to try on the role of co-host in such programs as "Morning Mail", "Wider Circle" and "Alarm Clock".

As a student at the conservatory, our heroine maintained friendly relations with Alexei Arbuzov (playwright), (writer) and Arkady Raikin. Each of them would not mind having an affair with a blond blue-eyed girl. But she only saw them as friends.

Creative achievements

Many of us think that Irina Gribulina is a singer and nothing more. However, over the course of several decades, she also showed herself as a composer and songwriter.

Gribulina wrote hits not only for herself, but also for many Russian (Soviet) pop stars. Her songs were performed at different times by Valentina Tolkunova, Roza Rymbaeva, Alexander Marshal, Anne Veski and others.

And also our heroine wrote the words for the anthems of such cities as Astana, Stupino, Vladivostok and so on. Her contribution to Russian culture cannot be overestimated.

Irina Gribulina: personal life

The first time the singer got married at a young age. Her chosen one was a simple student. It was true love. But their relationship soon fell apart. After three months of living together, the couple separated. Ira packed her bags and left the house where she never found happiness. She was temporarily sheltered by director Yevgeny Ginzburg. Gribulina had exclusively friendly relations with him. In addition, they were united by creative moments (writing songs and music).

Such a luxurious woman simply could not be alone for a long time. The son of an official working in the Ministry fell head over heels in love with her. He beautifully looked after the temperamental blonde: he gave her flowers and expensive gifts. Only a year later, Ira agreed to become his wife. For some time, the newlyweds lived like in Christ's bosom. But then it turned out that her husband's father combined work in the ministry with an underground business. He shipped antiques (paintings, rare jewelry) abroad. When Interpol became interested in this case, Irina's husband, along with his father, went on the run. Nothing is known about their fate so far.

Having recovered from the shock, Gribulina found the strength to live on. She again took up composing activities. During a tour in Jurmala, the singer drove up to her in a white limousine and fell in love with him at first sight. Just a few days after they met, the couple began to live under the same roof - in a cozy house on the shore. At first, it seemed to Gribulina that she was in a fairy tale. But soon the muscular macho showed himself in all his "glory". He constantly beat his cohabitant, striking on the spine and stomach. Irina endured all this horror for 10 years. On the one hand, she was madly in love with him, and on the other, she was afraid. The man continued to beat her even when Irina carried his baby under her heart. As a result, a miscarriage occurred at the fifth month. This terrible incident was the last straw for Gribulina. The singer fled from her sadistic husband to her one-room apartment, located in the Tushino area.

After some time, Ira started an affair with a wealthy Italian and went to his homeland. Their marriage lasted 5 years. The Italian loved our heroine very much. The only thing that upset him was the absence of children in their family. Gribulina was repeatedly examined, but the doctors made a disappointing diagnosis. Once the singer found out that her husband has a child on the side. The woman could not bear such betrayal. She secretly left for Moscow.

The Joy of Motherhood

The heroine of our article has already come to terms with the fact that she will never give birth to a baby. But a real miracle happened. At the age of 43, Gribulina Irina experienced. She had a charming daughter, who was named Anastasia. The singer prefers not to talk about the baby's father. It is known that she is raising her daughter alone.

It is difficult for an average person to even imagine all the ups and downs in life that the heroine of today's publication, Irina Gribulina, a well-known performer, as well as a composer and songwriter, had to go through. It is all the more difficult to assume that a woman will have the strength not to give up, but to continue to fight. And yet this woman was able to do it. And, according to the celebrity herself, many of her achievements are dedicated to one person only - daughter of Irina Gribulina Anastasia.

Irina Gribulina became a mother for the first time, having crossed the 40-year milestone

After several unsuccessful marriages, one of which was accompanied by beatings and bullying for 10 years, all the doctors to whom the artist addressed unanimously put an end to future motherhood. The next 5 years of a happy marriage with an Italian businessman, which did not light up with the birth of a long-awaited baby, also confirmed that the diagnosis was undeniable. However, one of the character traits of Irina Gribulina is perseverance, and therefore she continued to ask the Lord for a miracle. That is why the only daughter of the artist Nastya is a suffering and completely conscious child. Knowing for sure that she will not continue her relationship with the baby’s father, Irina Gribulina even now, after many years, does not reveal his name, because after the news of the pregnancy she considers his mission in her life fulfilled.

Daughter of Irina Gribulina - her continuation

Naturally, such a long-awaited and hard-won child from the first days was surrounded by the love and care of the famous mother. More precisely, even from the first days after Irina Gribulina only found out that a new life was born in her. She sought to give her daughter the best housing and living conditions, maximum attention. Many fear that excessive attention to the child can play a cruel joke - the baby will grow up selfish and spoiled. Irina Gribulina has a different opinion - you can’t spoil love and attention. Just do not confuse live communication with money and expensive gifts. That is why, from early childhood, Anastasia became for her mother not only a continuation, a daughter, but also a real friend, with whom you can (and should!) have a heart-to-heart talk, like with an adult. And the artist herself became a worthy example for her daughter.

Irina Gribulina and her daughter Anastasia are almost inseparable

Now Anastasia is indeed a very adult girl - she is 20 years old. Wanting to follow in the footsteps of her grandmother and mother, she was educated at GITIS from the age of 15, devoting a lot of energy and attention to her studies. It is not yet known how her further creative destiny will develop, but today Anastasia is the subject of her mother's pride and the closest person in the world.

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Biography, life story of Gribulina Irina Evgenievna

Gribulina Irina Evgenievna - Soviet and Russian composer, songwriter, singer.


Irina Gribulina was born on September 29, 1953 in Sochi. Her father was a writer and successful journalist, her mother was a talented operetta singer and actress. The girl from an early age began to show her outstanding talent - at the age of only 4 years old, Ira already wrote music and poetry, and also took part in local amateur concerts.

In 1962, Irina Gribulina became a student of the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, 10 years later - and the conservatory itself. The world would never have known about Gribulina's talent if not for her mother. The woman saw an incredible gift in her daughter and made every effort to ensure that her baby received an excellent education in the capital and was able to build a career in music.

creative way

Irina Gribulina entered the professional scene at the tender age of 14. Also, the girl was invited to host such popular TV programs as "Wider Circle", "Morning Mail", "Alarm Clock" and so on. The fame of Irina Gribulina spread throughout the country. She wrote music for theater productions and television films, collaborated with many eminent artists (for example, with, and many others), and after graduating from the conservatory, she began to sing herself.

In the early 2010s, Irina Gribulina began to combine her professional composing activities with teaching and producing.

Personal life

The first time Irina married in her first year at the conservatory for a guy who studied with her. The parents of her newly-made husband were influential people and had connections with high-ranking officials. They were not very happy that their daughter-in-law went on tour and appeared on television, and did everything possible to ensure that Irina was forgotten. Gribulina suffered for some time, but in the end she got angry and left the family.


The second husband of Irina was an artist-restorer, the son of an employee of the Ministry of Heavy Industry. The family idyll was destroyed by the news that Gribulina's husband was actually engaged in the illegal export of antiques from the country. The unfortunate criminal went on the run, forgetting about his betrothed.

The third time Gribulina married Vladimir Margoit, a photographer. This marriage lasted 10 years. At first, there was complete understanding between the spouses, but then Vladimir began to envy his wife's popularity. Envy grew into nit-picking, nit-picking into assault. The last straw that overwhelmed the thicket of patience for Irina was the fact that Vladimir dared to beat her when she was carrying his child. There was a miscarriage, and after it - the gap of the once ardent lovers.

Irina's next husband was Mario, professor and doctor of science from Italy. Their family lasted 5 years. After Mario, a certain young man appeared in Irina's life, with whom she did not dare to connect her life, but from whom in 1996 she gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia.

In 2015, Irina Gribulina began a stormy romance with Konstantin Rittel-Kobylyansky, an opera singer. They met on the Internet, exchanged messages for several months, and then met and .. fell in love. The couple was not at all embarrassed by the rather big age difference - Konstantin is 23 years younger than Irina. The numbers in the passports did not prevent Irina and Konstantin from publicly declaring their love.
