Presentations on ecology and healthy people. Presentation, report ecology and human health

The modern world, thanks to the rapid development of transport and communications, is becoming more and more integrated. Events occurring in a single country can have an impact and affect the interests of both a number of countries and all of humanity. The further development of humanity depends on how it can solve global problems, which include problems of a political nature - war and peace, human rights, racism, nationalism, etc., economic - economic crises, environmental - environmental protection, depletion of natural resources. resources. Let's take a closer look at a number of environmental problems and their impact on humanity. Scientific and technological progress with its sharp socio-economic changes has led to the emergence of a global medical and biological problem: the survival of humanity in conditions of an environment deformed by man. Medical, sociological and hygienic studies have confirmed the cause-and-effect relationship between lifestyle, environment and human health.

Radiation The Chernobyl accident gave rise to radiophobia - increased fear of radiation, increased suspiciousness, bias in assessing one's health, emotional breakdowns, etc. The maximum level of soil contamination has been exceeded by more than 100 times. The main sources of external and internal radiation are long-lived radionuclides (cesium, strontium, iodine). Radiation enters the body through air, drinking water, but through products of plant and animal origin, especially through meat and dairy products.

How to preserve human health and nature? responsible environmental policy and practice of state and public bodies are necessary. The most important task is the formation of environmental consciousness of the population - a set of measures of environmental education and upbringing to establish in the public consciousness such elements as environmental scientific consciousness, environmental ethics, psychology, and legal consciousness.

Human ecology The term “human ecology” first appeared in 1921 in the works of American researchers R.E. Park and E.V. Burgess Human ecology is a science that studies the patterns of human interaction as a biosocial being with a complex, multicomponent environment, with a dynamic, ever-increasingly complex habitat, and the problems of preserving and promoting health.

Human ecology at all stages of historical development is interested in the following: 1) the number of individual communities of people and all of humanity; 2) age and gender structure of communities; 3) the level of people’s health, which can be expressed through average life expectancy, the most common diseases and common causes of death; 4) the specific nutrition of people of each era, the calorie content of food, methods of its preparation; 5) type of labor activity, mechanisms and tools, energy sources used in the household and everyday life; 6) settlement system; 7) cultural and hygienic skills.

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The presentation was made by a student of grade 11 “A” of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 186 in St. Petersburg Maria Estrina *

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Human ecology is the science of the relationship between man and his environment in various aspects (economic, technical, physical-technical, socio-psychological) and is intended to determine the optimal conditions for human existence, including the permissible limits of his impact on the environment. The relationship with the environment of a person as an organism is studied by autecology, the ecology of human communities - synecology. F. Bacon

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chemical atmospheric pollution and human health; biological pollution and human diseases; the influence of sounds on humans; weather and human well-being; nutrition and human health; landscape as a health factor; problems of human adaptation to the environment; bibliography.

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Chemical pollution of the atmosphere industry household boiler rooms transport The main source of pyrogenic pollution: thermal power plants, metallurgical and chemical enterprises, boiler plants, The main harmful impurities of pyrogenic origin: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric anhydride, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide, fluorine compounds, chlorine compounds

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Human exposure to carbon monoxide Concentration Mg/m3 Duration of exposure Symptoms of poisoning 6 20 min Reduced color and light sensitivity of the eyes, decreased accuracy of visual perception of space and night vision 80-111 3.5 hours Reduced speed of visual perception, deterioration in performance of psychological and psychomotor tests, coordination of small precise movements and analytical thinking 460 4-5 hours Severe headache, weakness, dizziness, fog before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, collapse. Headache, general muscle weakness, nausea. 1760 20 min Loss of consciousness, collapse 3500 5-10 min Headache, dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness 3400 20-30 min Weak pulse, slowing and stopping of breathing. Death 14000 1-3 min Loss of consciousness, vomiting, death

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Human exposure to sulfur dioxide and sulfuric anhydride. Symptoms of poisoning: runny nose, cough, hoarseness, sore throat. Inhalation of high concentrations may result in suffocation, speech impairment, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and possible acute pulmonary edema. Human exposure to nitrogen oxides quantity symptoms Small amounts dulling of pain sensitivity. Small amounts of feeling of intoxication. Inhalation of pure gas causes narcotic state and suffocation

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Human exposure to hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide Concentration Mg/l exposure time Symptoms of poisoning 0.006 4 hours headache, lacrimation, photophobia, runny nose, pain in the eyes, decreased air and bone sound conductivity. 0.2-0.28 4 hours burning in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation, congestion of the conjunctiva, irritation in the nose, metallic taste in the mouth, fatigue, headaches, chest tightness, nausea. 0.7 15-30 min painful irritation of the conjunctiva, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, colic, sometimes diarrhea, pain when urinating, shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, palpitations, headache, feeling of squeezing of the head, weakness, dizziness, sometimes fainting or agitation with confusion. 1.0 and above, convulsions and loss of consciousness end in rapid death from respiratory arrest, and sometimes from cardiac paralysis.

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Human exposure to fluorine compounds leads to the development of chronic poisoning (fluorosis). Symptoms: weight loss, anemia, weakness, joint stiffness, brittle bones, discoloration. Human exposure to chlorine compounds is severe. Short-term cessation of breathing, then shallow, convulsive breathing is restored. The man loses consciousness. Death occurs within 5-25 minutes. medium form Reflexive cessation of breathing is short-lived, burning and pain in the eyes, lacrimation, pain behind the sternum, attacks of painful dry cough, after 2-4 hours toxic pulmonary edema develops. mild form of signs of irritation of the upper respiratory tract, which persist for several days.

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Biological pollution of the environment - its contamination with pathogenic organisms. Main sources: wastewater from industrial production, agriculture, municipal services of cities and towns, household and industrial landfills, cemeteries, etc. Biological pollution and human diseases

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Causative agents of tetanus, botulism, gas gangrene, and some fungal diseases. They can enter the human body if the skin is damaged, with unwashed food, or if hygiene rules are violated. Contaminated water sources caused epidemics of cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery. infection occurs through the respiratory tract by inhaling air. Diseases: influenza, whooping cough, mumps, diphtheria, measles and others. Pathogens get into the air when sick people cough, sneeze, and even talk. Soil Water: rivers, lakes, ponds. Air

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The influence of sounds on humans Sound is mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound. Noise level dB Impact 20-30 practically harmless to humans 80 permissible limit 130 causes pain in a person 150 becomes unbearable for him

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weather and human well-being Biorhythm - many rhythmic processes in the body (rhythms of the heart, breathing, bioelectrical activity of the brain). Circadian rhythms and biorhythms The study of changes in circadian rhythms allows us to identify the occurrence of some diseases at the earliest stages Climate and health 17th century - the foundations of a scientific direction in medicine about the influence of climatic factors on human health were born 1725 - the beginning of the study of the influence of climate, seasons and weather on humans in Russia

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nutrition and human health Doctors say that good, balanced nutrition is an important condition for maintaining the health and high performance of adults, and for children it is also a necessary condition for growth and development. Many food products have bactericidal effects, inhibiting the growth and development of various microorganisms. 16 slide

Problems of human adaptation to the environment Types of human adaptation: Sprinter Stayer high resistance to short-term extreme factors and poor tolerance to long-term loads. Reverse type (in the northern regions of the country, people of the “stayer” type predominate among the population) Adaptation is a dynamic process through which the mobile systems of living organisms, despite the variability of conditions, maintain the stability necessary for existence, development and procreation.

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Adapting to unfavorable environmental conditions, the human body experiences a state of tension and fatigue. Any disturbance in the person-environment balance is a source of anxiety. Anxiety, defined as a feeling of an uncertain threat; a feeling of diffuse apprehension and anxious anticipation; vague anxiety is the most powerful mechanism of mental stress. The main features of mental stress: 1) stress is a state of the body, its occurrence involves interaction between the body and the environment; 2) stress is a more intense state than the usual motivational one; it requires the perception of threat to occur; 3) stress phenomena occur when the normal adaptive reaction is insufficient.

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References http://www.ecosystema. ru/ http://www.chemport. ru/ http://www.biogweb. ru/

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5. The birth of a large number of premature children, and therefore physically immature. It is associated with a disorder in the genetic apparatus. 5. The birth of a large number of premature children, and therefore physically immature. It is associated with a disorder in the genetic apparatus. 6. “Return” of infectious agents that are able to live in the human environment and become pathogens of influenza, viral forms of cancer and other diseases. Today, for example, the incidence of tuberculosis has increased even in developed countries due to antibiotic resistance, impoverishment and high population density in cities. 7. Abiological trends, which are understood as such lifestyle features as physical inactivity, smoking, drug addiction, etc. They cause obesity, cancer, cardiac diseases, etc. Currently, all these trends are characteristic to varying degrees in all human habitats, but They appear most prominently in urban environments.

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One of the significant negative risk factors affecting the health of the population is alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. A bad habit is a pre-disease if it is not stopped in time. Tobacco smoking has become an epidemic. Over the past 5-10 years, the number of drug users in the country has increased 4 times, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, including 42 times among children. Alcohol addiction remains the most common in Russia. In our country, a person dies every 20 seconds from drugs and related diseases, more often a young person. Russia's share in global drug trafficking has increased to 8%. One of the significant negative risk factors affecting the health of the population is alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. A bad habit is a pre-disease if it is not stopped in time. Tobacco smoking has become an epidemic. Over the past 5-10 years, the number of drug users in the country has increased 4 times, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, including 42 times among children. Alcohol addiction remains the most common in Russia. In our country, a person dies every 20 seconds from drugs and related diseases, more often a young person. Russia's share in global drug trafficking has increased to 8%. Any addiction is a person’s self-enslavement to his desires. If some needs (for food, water, sunlight, safety, etc.) are important or even mandatory for survival, then others are maladaptive in nature, subordinating the will of a person, leading to harmful consequences. The problem of forming a healthy lifestyle is the problem of forming a worldview and corresponding principles of behavior. Further improvement of the population's health requires an approach to health from the point of view of its broad understanding and taking into account all factors that determine health: lifestyle, social well-being, psychological climate, physical and chemical environmental factors. Drug addiction is understood as a painful attraction to substances of plant or synthetic origin that affect the central nervous system and cause feelings of euphoria, intoxication, stunning, pain relief, and hallucinations. The word drug addiction comes from the Greek words narke (numbness, sleep) and mania (madness, passion, attraction). The term “drug addiction” was first used in relation to drug abuse in a narrow sense (opium and its preparations, hashish, anasha, marijuana), and later was extended to a large number of substances that stimulate the central nervous system, sedatives and others.

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Presentation on the topic: Ecology and human health

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LESSON OBJECTIVES Educational: to formulate a concept - environmental problems to reveal the role of the environment on living organisms Developmental: to promote the development of logical thinking during the lesson to develop the ability to compare, think independently, generalize, draw conclusions Educational: to educate the modern generation with a sense of respect for all living things and the environment environment

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LESSON PROGRESS 1 Organizational moment goal: to mobilize students for the lesson method: verbal 2. Study of new material posing a problematic question: does the environment affect living organisms, humans? (after watching a fragment of the film “Ecology 21st Century”)

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INFLUENCE OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON HUMAN HEALTH The state of the environment is of no small importance on health: The “Ozone Hole” effect affects the formation of malignant tumors Atmospheric pollution - on the condition of the respiratory tract Water pollution - on digestion, sharply worsens the general health of mankind, reduces life expectancy

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INFLUENCE OF ECOLOGY ON HEALTH Currently, environmental consciousness is not able to cover the entire variety of factors of technogenic impact. Among them, chemicals are steadily coming to the fore, the number of which has now exceeded 18 million. Long-term adverse effects on human health have only been fully assessed for less than 5% of the approximately 70,000 synthetic chemical compounds used today. In a number of regions, anthropogenic loads have long exceeded established standards.

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YOUR HEALTH AND ECOLOGY In our technological age, the human body has to cope with a considerable amount of stress. The most obvious factor of such stress is physical pollution of the environment, environmental degradation. As a result, the human body, being a product of the environment, also suffers from environmental pollution. Up to a certain point, the human body copes with harmful factors, but when there are too many of them, illness can occur. Not to mention the influence of urban ecology on a person’s appearance, especially on female beauty. This influence is so obvious that it is enough to compare the appearance of two peers who lead a relatively healthy lifestyle, but one of whom lives in the city, and the other in rural conditions.

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ECOLOGY OF THE PREMISES AND HEALTH Sources of pollution: Budget furniture made from production waste, cabinets made of chipboard, furniture made of polymer materials, some construction and finishing materials, toxic cleaning products. Pollution mechanism: During the aging process of polymer materials, harmful volatile chemical compounds are released. They have mutagenic and allergenic activity. Many cleaning products, such as washing powders, contain phosphate compounds. Surfactants (surfactants) that are formed when using such a powder do not wash off even after repeated rinsing. Effects on Human Health: Chemicals, if you are exposed to them day after day, tend to accumulate in your body. Diseases that can be caused by this are asthma, allergies, nervous system disorders, and oncology.

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INTERNATIONAL ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS The modern world, thanks to the rapid development of transport and communications, is becoming more and more integral. Events occurring in a single country can have an impact and affect the interests of both a number of countries and all of humanity. The further development of humanity depends on how it can solve global problems, which include problems of a political nature - war and peace, human rights, racism, nationalism, etc., economic - economic crises, environmental - environmental protection, depletion of natural resources. resources. Let's take a closer look at a number of environmental problems and their impact on humanity. Scientific and technological progress with its sharp socio-economic changes has led to the emergence of a global medical and biological problem: the survival of humanity in conditions of an environment deformed by man. Medical, sociological and hygienic studies have confirmed the cause-and-effect relationship between lifestyle, environment and human health.

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THE EMERGENCE OF AN ECOLOGICAL CRISIS The following factors contribute to the emergence of an environmental crisis: predatory attitude towards nature, making profit at any cost, although natural resources are not limitless. This is what has led to the fact that currently the loss of oxygen in the atmosphere per year is 10 - 12 billion tons. In Russia, the volume of mining and processing of mineral resources doubles every 8 years, in the rest of the world - every 15 years; multifunctional use of natural resources (in economic, biological and social terms); imperfection of technological processes, when only 10% of the extracted natural substance is used beneficially by humans, and the rest is returned to nature in an indecent form, polluting the air and soil; environmental illiteracy of society, ignorance of environmental laws; moral impoverishment of society, loss of civil responsibility for the consequences of its activities in relation to its habitat; insufficient funds for environmental protection measures.

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LESSON CONCLUSION: Man does not oppose nature - he himself is an inseparable part of nature. Ecology is a moral problem. By polluting nature, we not only spoil it, but also human health. So, in order to preserve our health and our lives, let’s not pollute nature because it is very beautiful!!!
