Bashkir State Medical University admissions committee. Russian universities

Bashkir State Medical University - BSMU- an educational institution founded in 1932 as the Bashkir State Medical Institute named after the XV anniversary of the Komsomol, which until 1938 trained general practitioners. At the end of 1995, the educational institution received university status. Today, the university has formed several scientific schools: neurology, therapy, surgery, oncology, dermatology, morphology and biochemistry, in which education is conducted in both Russian and English. The university also has a preparatory department for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign applicants.

Advantages of the Bashkir State Medical University

Initially, the medical institute was a department of several departments, which were located on the second floor and in the basement of a high school in the city of Ufa. Since the number of students at the educational institution increased every year, soon the entire school building was transferred to the institute.
Today, such areas as surgery, dentistry, oncology and therapy are actively developing at the Bashkir State Medical University. University staff and students are successfully engaged in scientific development within the framework of government assignments established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and also conduct research related to the study of stem cells, rehabilitation of patients after strokes and heart attacks with the support of Russian and international grants. Thanks to the presence of a powerful scientific and technical base in the form of research institutes and laboratories, the number of studies conducted by university employees is growing annually, as well as the efficiency indicators of the university’s publication activity.
Bashkir State Medical University works closely with other Russian and foreign universities, inviting leading specialists from the field of medicine as speakers to master classes and conferences that allow Bashkir State Medical University staff and students to learn from the experience of their colleagues. Every year the university conducts more than 50 master classes on the use of modern technologies in surgery. BSMU publishes its scientific journal “Medical Bulletin of Bashkiria,” which publishes articles about the most important research and developments carried out by university staff. In 2018, the Bashkir State Medical University took fourth place in the prestigious Round University Ranking among medical universities in Russia, as well as 9th place in the national ranking of medical universities from the Interfax publication.

Requirements of the Bashkir State Medical University

When enrolling in bachelor's and specialty programs at the Bashkir State Medical University, an applicant must have a school certificate along with a transcript of grades or a document on special education along with a transcript. Applicants wishing to study in postgraduate programs must provide the admissions committee with a diploma of higher education. The package of documents also includes the results of the Unified State Exam or entrance exams, which the university conducts independently. Foreign applicants should have documents translated into Russian and have them certified by a notary; in some cases, a diploma or school certificate must be nostrified.

To study in Russian-language programs at the Bashkir State Medical University, foreign students must speak Russian at level B1 and above. If an applicant wishes to study in an English-language program, then knowing Russian is not necessary, but is desirable, since the student will have to work in a Russian-speaking environment. The Bashkir State Medical University offers preparatory courses in Russian and English, where future students can improve their knowledge of the language and several basic disciplines.

Acceptance of applications for admission to the Bashkir State Medical University for undergraduate and specialist programs starts on June 20 and ends on July 10 for those who are admitted based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university. Applicants entering the paid department can send their applications until August 10 inclusive. Acceptance of documents for postgraduate studies is carried out from August 1 to August 30.

Tuition fees at Bashkir State Medical University

Both citizens of the Russian Federation and applicants from near and far abroad countries can enroll in the Bashkir State Medical University free of charge. To do this, it is necessary to go through a strict competitive selection, since the number of budget places is strictly limited. Selection is carried out on the basis of the results of the Unified State Exam or entrance exams, which are conducted by the university independently. Applicants who were not admitted to the budget can apply for a paid department.
The cost of training for bachelor's and specialty programs varies from 125 thousand to 140 thousand rubles per year. Residency training will cost around 153 thousand rubles. To continue studying medicine in graduate school, you will have to pay at least 132 thousand rubles per year. As for foreign students, for a year of study in a specialty program you will have to pay at least 220 thousand rubles, and gaining practical experience in treating patients in residency will cost around 197 thousand rubles.
ProgramRequirementsDurationCost of educationAdmission campaign
Preparatory departmentRussian A0–A110 months133644 rub.-
Bachelor's degreecomputer test or USE results4 years125172 rub.
  • 20 June - 10 July
  • 02 Jul - 10 Aug
  • computer test or USE results
  • Min. passing score
    - from 231
5-6 years
  • 125172-140000 rub.
  • 219996-249996 rub.
  • 20 June - 10 July
  • 02 Jul - 10 Aug
  • Residencycomputer test
    70/100 points
    2 years
    • 153036 rub.
    • 197340 rub.
    June 2-Aug 6
    Postgraduate studiesoral exam3 years
    • 132072-195816 rub.
    • 197340 rub.
    1 Aug.-30 Aug.
    Doctoral studies
    • PhD degree
    • scientific experience 5+ years
    • 1+ year work experience
    • dissertation plan
    • patents, achievements, publications
    3 years51204 rub.-

    Scholarships at the Bashkir State Medical University

    Students of budget education can count on receiving a state scholarship. The amount of monetary incentives depends on the student’s academic achievements. Bachelor's and specialist's students who completed the session with "good" and "excellent" grades are entitled to a scholarship in the amount of 1,707 rubles. Excellent students can count on an increased scholarship - 2207 rubles. The state also provides financial assistance to postgraduate students in the amount of 8,064 rubles per month and residency students in the amount of 8,557 rubles. It is noteworthy that, if desired, even contract students can apply for a personal scholarship or a presidential grant, but for this they need to demonstrate excellent academic performance or present their scientific project. The state is ready to financially support young scientists who want to develop their scientific potential, but they just need to not miss their chance.

    Arrangement of the Bashkir State Medical University

    Bashkir State Medical University has a rich material and technical base, which includes educational buildings with spacious classrooms for lectures, medical laboratories, a Practical Skills Center, which acts as a training class, where students can hone their theoretical skills in practice. Instead of live patients, simulators and mannequins are used in the classroom, which allows students of various medical specialties - dentists, orthodontists, therapists, obstetricians and surgeons - to practice. The university conducts active research activities on the basis of two institutes - the Research Institute of Oncology of the Bashkir State Medical University (NIIO BSMU), the Research Institute of Restorative Medicine and Balneology (SRI VMiK BSMU) and two laboratories - the Laboratory of Cell Cultures of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of BSMU, and also the Central Research Laboratory.
    In addition, the Bashkir State Medical University has its own clinic with 625 round-the-clock beds, which is equipped with modern equipment, including computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners, the latest ultrasound machines and a unique digital biplane angiographic unit.
    Bashkir State Medical University has its own pharmaceutical laboratory for drug development, which conducts preclinical tests of new drugs. Interestingly, the educational institution also has a student beauty salon, where consultation and therapeutic assistance is provided to people with problem skin based on the university’s own developments.
    The glorious past of the university is reflected in the BSMU Museum, which is a complex of halls located in the departments of forensic medicine, dentistry, physiology, anatomy and public health. The museum often hosts excursions both for university students and for applicants who decide to enroll in BSMU. The university operates a sports and health camp and a sanatorium, which allows students and university staff to undergo health procedures throughout the academic year.
    Bashkir State Medical University provides housing for non-resident and foreign students. The university has 4 dormitories, in which places are provided to students of budget education (priority) and foreigners. It is noteworthy that the university also provides places in residence for students of the preparatory department and non-resident applicants during the entrance exams.

    Photos of the Bashkir State Medical University

    The situation in the republic's healthcare by this time was critical: social diseases such as tuberculosis and trachoma were rampant, malaria and venereal diseases were registered annually, infant mortality rates were high, while there were less than 500 doctors, and for the population that did not speak Russian, only nine doctors are Bashkirs and 34 are Tatars. The official founding date of the institute is November 15, 1932, when the university opened the doors of its classrooms to the first students. But this was preceded by a huge amount of work on repairing and adapting buildings, purchasing furniture, textbooks, laboratory equipment, selecting young people in the regions of the republic, forming a teaching staff. The organizing committee included a representative of the People's Commissariat of Health of the BASSR V.F. Musikhin, V.M. Romankevich and I.I. Gellerman. SM became the first director of the institute. Trainin, a dermatologist-venereologist by profession, who at the same time headed the Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereology. This talented organizer, who possessed rare kindness and sensitivity to people, was repressed and exiled to Magadan in 1937. Among the main organizers of the institute, V.M. should certainly be named. Romankevich, the founder of three departments, Honored Doctor of Bashkortostan, who later became the chief surgeon of the republic. Among the first teachers were also S.Z. Lukmanov, A.S. Davletov, I.S. Nemkov, Z.A. Ikhsanov, V.I. Gribanov, M.A. Abdulmenev, G.N. Teregulov. In the first years of the university’s operation, everything had to be organized from scratch. Departments were created, clinical bases were developed, allocated premises were renovated with the active participation of staff and students. In 1936, the construction of dormitories with 600 beds was completed, and construction of a new academic building began. By 1938, 32 departments were formed, headed by nine professors and 23 associate professors. From 1937 to 1940, the institute was headed by A.V. Chubukov is an ophthalmologist, one of the organizers of the fight against trachoma in the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. At this time, scientific activity gained wider scope. Collections of articles by the institute's scientists were published, doctoral and master's theses were defended. Among the first doctors were the later very famous professors I.G. Kadyrov - researcher of natural medicinal resources and G.N. Teregutov is a surgeon who has developed new methods for treating severe gunshot wounds. By 1940, the institute had the necessary material resources. A new biophysiological standard educational building was put into operation, and the material base of the clinical departments was improved. There were 17 professors and 14 associate professors working at the university. During this period, a number of scientists of the institute were awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” This is Professor V.I. Spassky, D.I. Tatarinov, V.G. Kuznetsov. Associate Professors M.V. became Honored Doctors of the BASSR. Borisov, B.V. Suleymanov. V.A. Smirnova, assistant Z.Sh. Zagidullin. The Bashkir State Medical Institute was already capable of solving complex issues regarding the training of qualified specialists, the development of science and healthcare in the republic. In the summer of 1941, the ninth academic year of the young, but already fully formed Bashkir Medical Institute (BMI) was ending. And then the war broke out. Due to the need to organize evacuation hospitals and provide highly qualified medical care to the wounded and the population, a rapid restructuring of the entire activities of the institute was required. A significant part of the employees were drafted into the army in the very first days of the war. The new academic year began in August with a reduction in the duration of study to four years and an increase in the weekly study load of students to 48 hours. By October 1941, military and evacuation hospitals opened in the vacated buildings of the biophysiological building and student dormitory No. 2. At the same time, the 1st Moscow Medical Institute with students and teaching staff, evacuated to Ufa, was located at the institute’s base. At the 1st Moscow State Medical Institute there functioned a council for the defense of doctoral dissertations (1942). This allowed young scientists of the Bashkir Medical Institute to complete and successfully defend their doctoral dissertations. The Academy of Sciences from Ukraine, headed by President A.A., was also evacuated to Ufa. Bogomolets, a number of scientific institutions from Belarus, Moscow. The activities of such famous scientists as academicians N.L. had a beneficial effect on the formation of scientific personnel at the BMI. Semashko, A.V. Pollalin, N.D. Strazhesko, V.Kh. Vasilenko, P.E. Lukomsky. Since February 1941, G.A. became the director of the institute. Pandikov, also head of the department of faculty therapy. During the war years, he managed to direct the team to develop topical topics related to military injuries, the results of which were immediately implemented in numerous hospitals throughout Bashkiria. Only during the three-year period of his work, ten people defended their doctoral dissertations and nine defended their candidate's dissertations. In 1943, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1944, the institute acquired the right to have a postgraduate course and accept work for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. During the war years, 5-6 volumes of scientific works were published, four monographs were published, and scientific conferences were held. Much attention was paid to the use of the resort resources of the republic for the treatment of the wounded. Professors N.I. worked in this direction. Savchenko and G.N. Teregulov. Under their leadership, indications and methods for treating wounds with persistent complications of the musculoskeletal system were developed for the first time using the healing properties of Krasnousolsk mud and Yangan-Tau vapors. 249,805 wounded and sick were treated in 63 hospitals in Bashkiria. Professor G.V. Alipov, G.N. Teregulov, A.A. Polyantsev, I.G. Kadyrov were the main specialists of the hospital department of the People's Commissariat of Health of Bashkiria. Scientists of the institute worked as consultants in hospitals and medical institutions in Ufa. The university trained 905 doctors, sent more than 1,000 of its graduates to the front, 63 of them died. For heroism shown in the rear and on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, graduates of the Bashkir Medical Institute received high state awards. Thus, on June 30, 1941, a graduate of the institute, Filipp Kurgaev, as part of his formation, found himself surrounded and left in the rear with 100 non-transportable wounded. Under the conditions of the most difficult occupation regime, F. Kurgaev organized an underground hospital in the village of Tarasovo near Minsk, where he provided care and treatment for the wounded . He managed to heal and transport 80 seriously wounded soldiers and commanders of the Red Army to the partisans. But he and his comrades were captured by the Nazis and shot. The war years became a time of the most difficult trials for the Bashkir Medical Institute. His students in the rear and at the front showed high professional training and the ability to find the right solution in difficult wartime situations. The institute’s staff entered a new stage of their development in peacetime, post-war times as mature, having successfully passed the exam in the difficult conditions of the war years. In 1947 A.A. was appointed director of BMI. Ivanov. The material base of the institute was strengthened, large repair and restoration work was carried out on educational buildings and dormitories. From 1951 to 1965 the institute was headed by N.F. Vorobyov. During this period, the emphasis is on the connection of scientific work with the needs and medical practice in Bashkiria (tick-borne encephalitis, epidemic goiter, infectious diseases, complete elimination of trachoma and others). By its 35th anniversary in 1957, the institute had trained 4,082 doctors, 32 doctoral and 100 candidate dissertations were defended. Many works are devoted to the influence of oil production on the health of workers, the study of resort natural resources, and kumiss treatment, which served as a justification for investing large amounts of material resources in equipment at the resorts in Yangantau and Krasnousolsky for the necessary hospitals. Since 1946, a student scientific society (SSS) was formed at the institute, which for the first 10 years was led by Professor V.L. Zhukhin. Students participated in serious scientific developments of the institute's scientists and actively mastered medical practice, since in the post-war years clinical departments increasingly became organizational, methodological, treatment and consultation centers for both practicing doctors and the population. The period from 1957 to 1982 was important in the life of the institute the year when the Ministry of Health, together with the BMI, launched a number of effective measures to protect and improve the health of the population. In 1962, the elimination of trachoma was completed, scientific research was carried out under the leadership of Professor G.Kh. Kudoyarova. Specific proposals were made to prevent a number of occupational pathologies. From 1965 to 1973, the institute was headed by Professor Z.A. Ikhsanov. During this period, the visits of clinical scientists around the republic became more frequent, and many practical doctors were involved in scientific developments. By order of the Minister of Health of the RSFSR dated November 13, 1970, the Bashkir Medical Institute was classified as a first category university and received the right to award the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. From 1973 to 1982, Yu.A. worked as the rector of the institute. Pilotsmanov. Programming was included in the educational process. A council for the scientific organization of the educational process was created, the institute was given the right to publish educational and methodological literature. The Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors was opened, on the basis of which 2,170 doctors were trained from 1976 to 1982. In the 1980s (during the rectorship of Professor V.G. Sakhautdinov ) BMI expanded its material base: two dormitories with 1,100 beds were built, the biological building was reconstructed, a large amount of work was completed on the construction of a stationary sports camp, and a sanatorium was organized. In the late 1980s - early 1990s, under the leadership of rector F.Kh. Kamilova continued to develop high-quality forms of education, conducted serious research into the problems of motherhood, child health, occupational health and environmental protection. Since 1990, the preparation of foreign students has begun. In 1994, the institute was headed by Professor V.M. Timerbulatov. It is with his coming to leadership that one can associate such a significant fact that in 1995 BMI became a university, which meant a fundamental transition to a new level of development of a medical university. More than 6,000 students study at the university. Training is carried out in eight specialties: “general medicine”, “pediatrics”, “dentistry”, “medical and preventive care”, “pharmacy”, “nursing”, “social work”, “microbiology”. Students are trained in 64 departments. The educational process is provided with modern technical means: personal computers (desktop and laptops), multimedia projectors, video twins, overhead speakers, slide projectors, interactive whiteboards. During the learning process, students work in computer labs, use video equipment, and conduct experiments on animals. The university has 38 innovatively equipped educational laboratories, including modules of practical skills “Dentistry”, “Oncology”, “Pediatrics”, “Surgery”, “Pharmacy”, “Patient care (surgical, therapeutic, pediatric, obstetric)”, equipped with phantoms and simulators. At the Department of Medical Physics and Informatics, students perform laboratory work in a virtual laboratory. To implement educational programs, the university has 16 computer classes equipped with modern computer technology and licensed software products, integrated into a university-wide local network. More than 1000 computers are used in the educational process, 50 of them have Internet access. The university has its own website. In addition, 12 university departments have their own websites or pages on websites. Elements of distance learning for students have been introduced at five departments of the university. As part of the implementation of the “Electronic Medical Education” project at BSMU together with the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, the first electronic training and monitoring complex E-LEARNTNG “ONCOLOGY” was created in Russia. The BSMU library collection includes more than 700,000 copies of books and periodicals, including on electronic media. Today, the BSMU library is the leader in storing and using information on biomedical topics in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Teachers and students have access to the electronic resources of the Central Scientific Medical Library. Interlibrary loan, as well as foreign electronic resources. At the moment, the library contains about 200 electronic copies of educational publications, the authors of which are university teachers. In 2009, the “Electronic Educational Library” created at the university received a certificate of state registration of the database (No. 2009620253). For more than a quarter of a century, the university has been teaching students from different countries. Every year, more than 100 students from near and far abroad countries study at the university - India, USA, Bangladesh, Morocco, Jordan, Yemen, Vietnam, Palestine and others. Since 2005, the Faculty of Medicine has been teaching foreign citizens using an intermediary language (English). Foreign students take an active part in the work of student scientific circles of departments, evenings of international friendship, visit museums, theaters. Students and teachers of BSMU have the opportunity to participate in international exchange programs, conduct international teleconferences and courses, receive foreign colleagues. Students and teachers of the university conduct joint activities with universities in Seattle and Los Angeles (USA), Oslo (Norway), Dresden (Germany), Ankara (Turkey), participate in the implementation of programs of the US State Department (Fulbright), the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS ), friendship society "Bashkortostan - Germany". 227 doctors and more than 500 candidates of science work at BSMU. Among the professors are a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 17 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation and 30 Honored Scientists of the Republic of Bashkortostan, three academicians and five corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus. 40 university scientists are members of the editorial boards and editorial councils of central journals. University employees are on the boards of 14 All-Russian scientific societies and associations. It should be noted that the rate of training of scientific personnel at BSMU is one of the highest in the country, and not only among medical universities. Based on the results of research conducted by university staff, over the past five years, 7528 scientific articles have been published, 178 monographs have been published, 276 patents for inventions have been received, 70 doctoral and 541 candidate dissertations have been defended. Currently, the university has five doctoral dissertation councils in 14 specialties. There are doctoral studies in two specialties and postgraduate studies in 32 scientific specialties. BSMU, as an institution with a very high and diversified personnel potential, is not only an educational, but also a powerful scientific and practical complex, which has fundamental opportunities for conducting scientific research from the fundamental level to the creation new medicines, medical equipment with their introduction into clinical practice. The country's famous scientific schools of surgeons, pharmacologists, biochemists, anatomists, and a school for the study of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome were formed at BSMU. In recent years, BSMU scientists have created new medicines: the immune stimulant “Immureg”, suture material with antibacterial properties “Abaktolat”, a broad-spectrum disinfectant “Desavik”, a modified covering material for the treatment of burn wounds. Together with the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, the Chemiluminomer device was developed and put into production, which is actively used in the joint research program with the Russian State Research Center for Cosmonaut Training named after Yu.A. Gagarin to improve methods of post-flight rehabilitation of astronauts. New methods of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome have been developed; surgical treatment of complications of duodenal ulcer using radiofrequency waves; endoscopic surgery for cholelithiasis, peptic ulcers, colon diseases; transplantation of fetal hepatocytes in the treatment of destructive-dystrophic diseases of the liver, pancreas, and a number of diseases of the central nervous system; surgical interventions for gangrene of the foot in patients with diabetes and others. The scientific potential and practical experience of the teaching staff are aimed at the implementation of postgraduate education: internship and clinical residency training, postgraduate training of specialists in 63 specialties and the implementation of priority national “Health” programs. Since 2008, distance learning for specialists of the republic has been introduced into the educational process. One of the large structural divisions of BSMU is the Institute of Postgraduate Education (IPO), which is the main federal government institution in the Republic of Bashkortostan for postgraduate training and retraining of medical and pharmaceutical personnel. According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development The Russian Federation admission plan for postgraduate forms of education for the 2009-10 academic year amounted to 272 budget places for internship in 29 specialties and 111 places for clinical residency in 43 specialties. In total, over the past five years, 20,972 students have completed training at NPOs, 60% of whom were primary care doctors. IPO departments participate in the implementation of 11 international programs. Thus, within the framework of the Global Action Plan for the Protection of Workers' Health, under the leadership of Professor L.B. Bakirov, a pilot implementation of the European model of health, environment and safety management “Hesme” is being carried out. International programs in neurology and neurosurgery are being successfully implemented: “Cerebral Stroke” (Professor L.B. Novikova), “Health of Doctors with Determination of the Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Complications "(Professor L. N. Zakirova), “Development of minimally invasive surgery” (Professor V.M. Timerbulatov), ​​“Prevention and fight against social diseases” (Professor V.L. Yuldashev, R.G. Valinurov), “Disabled children” (Professor V. .G. Sadykov).Republican target programs for the protection of public health are being implemented: “Anti-HIV AIDS”, “Vaccine prevention” (professors G.D. Minin, D.L. Valishin), “Development of sanatorium and resort care for children in the Republic of Belarus” (Professor L.T. Gilmutdinova), “Healthy Child” (Professor A.G. Mutalov), “Mother and Child” (Professor V.A. Kulavsky), urgent measures to combat tuberculosis” (Professor Kh.K. Aminev ), “Safe Blood”, “Improving the organization of timely medical care for victims of road accidents” (Professor S.N. Khunafin), “Health of the elderly” (Professor V.P. Nikulicheva) and others. Effectively solve the health problems of the republic, introduce high-tech methods The provision of medical care to the population is made possible by the work of specialized centers operating on the basis of medical institutions in the city of Ufa under the guidance of professors and associate professors of the Institute of Postgraduate Education. Today there are such centers as the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Endoscopy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus under the leadership of Professor V.M. Timerbulatova. Neurosurgical systemic thrombolytic center of high technologies for providing medical care to patients with acute cerebrovascular accident under the leadership of Professor L.B. Novikova. Among the newly created centers, it is worth noting the work of the centers “Coloproctology”, “Laser Surgery”, “Neurorehabilitation”, “Kidney Transplantation”, “Endoscopy and Laser Surgery”, “Cardio-Rheumatology”, “Cochlear Implantation”, “Cystic Fibrosis”. Achievements of BSMU over the past years of success is evidence of the university’s steady progressive development. At the present stage of development of the university, the main strategic task is to stabilize and strengthen the position of BSMU as one of the leading medical universities in Russia.

    The university trains doctors of various profiles, pharmacists, biologists, and social workers.

    The university includes faculties:

    • medicinal;
    • pediatric;
    • medical and preventive with a department of microbiology;
    • dental;
    • pharmaceutical;
    • medical affairs with the department of social work,

    as well as an institute of additional professional education, a medical college and a center for pre-university training and career guidance.

    The following are operating as structural units: a multidisciplinary clinic, a clinical dental clinic, a central research laboratory, a joint simulation training center, a cell culture laboratory, a scientific library, a research institute for restorative medicine and balneology, an oncology research institute, and a research institute for new medical technologies.

    Education is conducted in 7 specialties of higher education - general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy, medical and preventive care, microbiology (biological sciences), social work (social sciences).

    More than 230 people from 26 countries study at the university, including: India, African countries, the Middle East, and CIS countries. As part of academic mobility, agreements have been concluded with medical universities and medical centers in China, Germany, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and the USA. Since 2014, BSMU is one of the founders of the Russian-Chinese Association of Medical Universities. Every year, more than 150 students, teachers and doctors of the university clinic participate in academic mobility programs.

    Scientific research and development are carried out within the framework of the state assignment established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 8 scientific areas and were carried out with the support of grants of various levels, including Grants of the President of the Russian Federation, Grants of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, Grants of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Federal Target Program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, Federal Target Program "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond", etc.

    License series AA No. 000799, reg. No. 0796 dated February 16, 2009
    Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001764, reg. No. 1728 dated February 26, 2009

    Bashkir State Medical University founded in 1932.


    • Medical Faculty
      • Specialty - 060101 - General Medicine. Duration of training - 6 years
      It has existed since 1932, since the founding of the Bashkir Medical Institute. At the same time, more than 2,500 students are studying in the specialty “General Medicine”. The faculty consists of 22 departments. After completing a full course of study in their specialty, graduates work in a wide range of clinical specialties: therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, traumatology, family medicine, psychiatry, dermatovenerology, oncology, urology, clinical pharmacology, rehabilitation medicine and many others, as well as continue their studies in graduate school and become a researcher in fundamental areas of science: biochemistry, pharmacology, normal and pathological anatomy, histology, normal and pathological physiology.
    • Faculty of Pediatrics
      • Specialty - 060103 - Pediatrics. Duration of training - 6 years. Annual graduation - more than 160 specialists
      Established in 1961. More than 850 students study at the department at the same time. Currently, the faculty has 15 departments. Graduates of the faculty receive primary specialization in the following specialties: neonatology, pediatric surgery, childhood infections, pediatric gynecology.
    • Faculty of Dentistry
      • Specialty - 060105 - Dentistry. Duration of study - 5 years (full-time), 5.5 years (correspondence). Annual full-time graduation - more than 100 specialists
      Opened in 1976. More than 480 students study at the faculty at a time. The faculty has 9 specialized departments. Upon completion of training, graduates receive the opportunity for postgraduate training in medical specialties: general dentist, dental therapist, dental surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, orthopedic dentist, pediatric dentist.
    • Faculty of Pharmacy
      • Specialty - 060106 - Pharmacy. Duration of study - 5 years (full-time), 5.5 years (correspondence). Annual full-time graduation - more than 50, correspondence - more than 120 specialists
      Opened in 1981. More than 200 students study on a full-time basis and 530 on a part-time basis. The faculty has 8 specialized departments. Graduates of the faculty manage pharmacies, work as pharmacist-technologists, pharmacist-analysts, in control and analytical laboratories, phytocenters, pharmacies and pharmaceutical warehouses, pharmaceutical factories, in research centers and pharmaceutical institutes and laboratories.
    • Faculty of General Medicine and Nursing with a Department of Social Work
      • Specialty 060101 - General Medicine. Duration of study - 6.5 years (full-time and part-time).
      • Specialty - 060109 - Nursing. Duration of study - 4 years (full-time), 4.5 years (correspondence). Annual graduation - more than 60 specialists.
      • Specialty - 040101 - Social work. Duration of study - 5 years (full-time), 5.5 years (correspondence)
      Organized in 1992. In total, more than 60 full-time students and 250 part-time students are simultaneously studying in the specialty. The faculty has 5 specialized departments. Upon completion of education in the specialty of Nursing, graduates work as managers of mid-level and junior medical staff of medical institutions, teachers of medical schools and colleges.
    • Medical preventive department with microbiology department
      • Specialty - 040104 - Medical and preventive care. Duration of training - 6 years. The annual graduation rate is more than 60 specialists.
      • Specialty - 020209 - Microbiology. Duration of training - 5 years.

    Preparatory courses during the academic year prepare applicants for admission to a university in the basic subjects for a medical university: chemistry, biology, physics, Russian and English. The preparatory courses are taught by qualified teaching staff of the medical university. Training is carried out according to state programs and in accordance with the requirements for applicants to medical universities. Forms of study: full-time, evening and correspondence.

    Reviews: 11

    Teacher of Russian language.

    Bashkir State Medical University (BSMU)(bashk.) - federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FSBEI HE BSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), located in the city of Ufa.

    Bashkir State Medical University
    Bashҡort dәүlәt medicine universities (BDMU)
    International name Bashkortostan State Medical University (BSMU)
    Year of foundation per year
    Rector Pavlov V.N.
    Location Russia, Ufa
    Legal address Lenina, 3, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia


    The Bashkir Medical Institute was founded in 1932.

    Initially, the institute with the workers' faculty was located on the second floor and in the semi-basement of the FZO school building at 47 Frunze Street. Later the entire building was transferred to the institute. In subsequent years, dormitories with 600 beds and a new academic building were built for the institute. The first teachers of the institute were V. M. Romankevich, S. Z. Lukmanov, Z. A. Iskhanov, A. S. Davletov, I. S. Nemkov, G. N. Maslennikov, E. N. Gribanov, M. A. Abdulmenev.

    In 1933, the institute opened departments of histology, classrooms for foreign languages ​​and military studies, headed by doctor V. M. Romankevich, teachers V. A. Slovokhotov and R. I. Safarov. In 1933, the institute was awarded the title “named after the XV anniversary of the Komsomol”.

    In 1934, the departments of normal physiology (Prof. N. S. Spassky), microbiology (Prof. S. A. Belyavtsev), pathological physiology (Dr. V. A. Samtsov), operative surgery (Dr. V. M. Romankevich) were opened ), pharmacology (Associate Professor I.A. Lerman), clinical departments - propaedeutics of internal diseases (Prof. D.I. Tatarinov), general surgery (Associate Professor I.D. Anikin). By 1938, the institute had 32 departments, headed by nine professors and 23 associate professors.

    In 1938, the institute published the first collection of scientific works, which summed up the results of scientific research of the theoretical and clinical departments of the institute.

    At the end of 1937, the first graduation of doctors took place.

    In 1941, the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, evacuated to Ufa, with all its students and teaching staff, was located at the institute. The training period for doctors was reduced to 4 years.

    By the end of 1965, the institute had 22 doctors and 102 candidates of science, and by 1970 the institute had become a large multidisciplinary university. With the participation of scientists from the institute, a significant improvement in the health indicators of the population of Bashkiria was achieved. Diseases were eliminated: malaria, trachoma, polio, diphtheria, a sharp reduction in childhood infections, tuberculosis, etc. was achieved.

    In 2012, the Bulletin of BSMU began to be published.

    Currently, the university has established scientific schools of surgeons, oncologists, therapists, neurologists, infectious disease specialists, dermatologists, biochemists, and morphologists. The university employs 220 doctors and 515 candidates of science. Training is conducted in Russian; For students from among foreign citizens there is an option of studying with partial use of an intermediary language (English).

    Faculties: medical (full-time and part-time), pediatric, pharmaceutical (day and evening), dental, preventive medicine, microbiology, social work. The university has an institute for postgraduate education.

    In 2013, the Ufa Medical College was merged and became a college at BSMU.



    1. Faculty of Pediatrics
    2. Medical Faculty
    3. Faculty of Dentistry
    4. Faculty of General Medicine with Department of Social Work
    5. Faculty of Preventive Medicine with Department of Microbiology
    6. Faculty of Pharmacy

    Famous teachers

    • Ashot Movsesovich Agaronov (1895-1962) - scientist, obstetrician, gynecologist. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
    • Gantsev Shamil Hanafievich (born 1951) - oncologist. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation;
    • Zagidullin Shamil Zarifovich (born 1944) - therapist. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation;