Read funny stories from Baruzdin. Sergey baruzdin

Baruzdin Sergey Alekseevich (1926-1991) was born in Moscow. When the Great Patriotic War began, he was fifteen years old. He left school and became an auxiliary worker in one of the Moscow printing houses. At the age of seventeen he went to the front. At nineteen Sergei Baruzdin returned home with his wife and daughter. In 1958 he graduated from the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. Baruzdin wrote for children and adults, his critical articles and reviews regularly appeared in the press. In 1966 he headed the railway. "Friendship of Peoples".

Baruzdin's first books were published in the 1950s. His novel " Repetition of the past” (1964) addressed to older youth and adults. And since 1950, Baruzdin's books for children have been published. These are poems about a walking baby, about the friendship of the sun with the sky and the tree with the earth, about the purity of the child's soul (“ Why did the girl cry”), about “earthly living creatures”, about the difficult and good, as well as about the bad (story “ Nothing special”).

Baruzdin also wrote fairy tales: “ Tram Tales”, “The Tale of the Forest King and the Pioneer Camp". In the second tale, all events are shown as they were seen by the clear eyes of children - two boys. The fantastic turns out to be a kind of continuation of the ordinary.

The problems of novels and stories for children are diverse. Sergey Baruzdin writes about the death of young people in the war (“ Her name is Yolka”), about memory and honor (“ Believe and remember”), about the Moscow spring and the affairs of Muscovites, about animals, about the sea, about moods and dreams, about the life of adults and children’s sorrows (“ Mother”), about everything that is important in life for both children and adults. Baruzdin's works are always emotional, the landscape in them - whether it is the sea in reality and in dreams, the Moscow spring or the Berlin suburbs at the end of the war - is not just a background, but a part of a person's being; The dialogues are fast-paced and accurately convey the essence of events and characters. Sergey Baruzdin expanded the subject of literature for children, as he believed in the ability of a young reader to understand and assimilate figurative language. The most ordinary things and events fall into the orbit of the writer's attention - and the reader constantly feels the author's concern for the beautiful and the good.

An important place in the work of Baruzdin for children is occupied by stories about animals. Reading them, the child learns the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

For himself personally, Sergei Alekseevich did not distinguish between children's and "adult" literature. Often children - the heroes of his stories - have to learn to understand which parents they happened to be born to (“ The first of April - one day of spring”, “forest story”).

Little story" Misha and Yasha” (1988) is dedicated to the friendship of a baby and a puppy, their joyful discoveries of the world. Collection of fairy tales " Pea scarecrow” (1988) is diverse in subject matter, simple and expressive in language. IN " short tales”things talk, trees drawn on paper run, bast shoes realize their attachment to a person, the ends of the rope understand that it’s “better to live together than alone”, books run away to where they are read.

I.P. Motyashov noted that Sergei Baruzdin's books "carry the uniqueness of the author's intonation - thoughtful and kind, a little sad, warmed by the warmth of human participation, illuminated by the light of the joy of being and deed." The writer was constantly at the center of the problems of literature and journalism, published a book about leading children's writers. His books carried humane principles, ideals of goodness and morality to adults and children.

Here it turned out that we again met with Sergei Alekseevich. He became a student of the Literary Institute named after Alexei Maksimovich Gorky. And I studied at that creative training group-seminar where I was the leader. But this was no longer a small pioneer-student Seryozha, but an interesting, skillfully and in his own way working writer, beloved by our children. And I recall with pleasure the solemn day when the writer Sergei Barustin, having completed the entire training course of the institute very well, was released by us from the walls into great literature.

Sergey Baruzdin can equally well compose poems, novels, books for both children and adults. For example, he recently published a very interesting novel, Replaying the Past. In this book, Baruzdin very sincerely and sincerely spoke about his peers, with whom he went through the difficult war years. When you grow up, and then you yourself will read books written by Baruzdin "for the big ones."

Well, as for the poems, stories, stories written by him for you, the youngest readers, you probably already know a lot. I will not retell them here now, because for this reason they are collected in this book, you could read them yourself, if not all of them have read before. Or if you want to once again enjoy meeting with the cute baby elephants Ravi and Shashi, who came to us from India. And see how our Snowball got to India. And learn how chickens learned to swim. And read aloud to each other or to yourself about how your peers enter life, step by step. And how Alyoshka from our house lives. And who is studying today. And to see again or for the first time to meet the cunning Handsome. And also with Svetlana, who has already become big ...

No, I won’t tell you anything about all these verses and stories in advance! Who among you cannot read himself, let him ask others to read it aloud to him. And who is already literate and knows how to handle a book, he will open it, read everything himself and say thank you from the bottom of his heart to his older friend, a good writer Sergei Alekseevich Baruzdin.

A man lived in our house. Big or small, it's hard to say. From diapers, he grew up a long time ago, but he has not yet grown to school. Read...

A goby was grazing at the edge of the forest. Small, a month old, but quite dense and lively. Read...

In Odessa, I wanted to find my old front-line comrade, who was now serving as a long-distance sailor. I knew that the ship on which he sails had just returned from a foreign voyage. Read...

It was late autumn in the last year of the war. There were battles on Polish soil. Read...

In the summer we traveled around Ukraine. One evening we stopped on the banks of the Sula, decided to spend the night. The time was late, the darkness impenetrable. Read...

A new theater building was built in the old Ural city. The townspeople eagerly awaited its opening. Finally this day has come. Read...

A new film was being shot at the studio. There should have been a scene like this in the movie. A bear climbs into the hut where a man tired from the road sleeps. Read...

I lived as a child in a village in the Yaroslavl region. He was pleased with everything: the river, the forest, and complete freedom. Read...

On the way to the village of Ozerki, we overtook a chaise. But, to our surprise, there was no rider in it. Read...

During the war years I had a friend. We jokingly called him a fur breeder. This is because he is a livestock specialist by profession, he used to work at a fur farm. Read...

For many years, the state farm herd grazed on the large meadow of the Kamenka river. The places here were quiet, spacious, with low, but juicy grasses. Read...

Ravi and Shashi are small. Like all children, they often play pranks and sometimes cry. And they also eat like little children: they put rice porridge with milk and sugar directly into their mouths. Read...

Little Svetlana lived in a big city. She not only knew how to say all the words correctly and count to ten, but also knew her home address. Read...

Svetlana was once small, but she became big. She used to go to kindergarten, and then went to school. And now she does not go to the first grade, not to the second, but already to the third. Read...

Our cities are growing rapidly, and Moscow is growing by leaps and bounds. Svetlana grew as fast as her city. Read...

It was raining outside the window. Boring, small, turning into a downpour and again small. Spruces and pines do not rustle in the rain, like birches and aspens, and you can still hear them. Read...

She read a lot about the sea - a lot of good books. But she never thought about him, about the sea. Probably because when you read about something very distant, this distant always seems unrealizable. Read...

And yet it is amazing - the forest! Spruce, pine, alder, oak, aspen and, of course, birch. Like those that stand in a separate family at the edge of the forest: all sorts - young and old, straight and short-haired, beautiful and not at all seemingly attractive to look at. Read...

Sergey Baruzdin's stories are different. Most of them are devoted to the relationship between people and animals. The writer vividly and colorfully describes how people show their best qualities in communication with nature. Through his stories, he conveys to us that animals need our care and love. See for yourself by reading "Snowball, Rabbi and Shashi", "Moose in the Theater", "Unusual Postman" and other stories.

Sergey Baruzdin describes the world of a little man in a very interesting and loving way using the example of the boy Alyoshka from “Alyoshka from Our Yard” and “When People Are Happy”. They simply and clearly tell about kindness, about responsibility and growing up. Children's stories by Sergei Baruzdin carry a large positive charge. Read them and see for yourself.

It was in the desert. The turtle met an ostrich and suggested: - Let's compete, which of us runs faster? - Of course, I, - said the ostrich. time she crawled to the other side of the desert to her mother. She crawled for half the night. “Tomorrow morning, mom, sit in this place, don’t go anywhere,” the turtle asked. !An ostrich ran to the other side of the desert, and the turtle was already there...

The magpie has a long nose, and the tail is even longer. The magpie loved to poke its nose into other people's forest affairs, and spread different news on the tail. Especially unpleasant. Forest animals and birds are tired of it. They invited the magpie and said: - You are tired of us. Get out-ka pick up-heal! There is nothing to do, the magpie flew to the village. And here for mine. Poking your nose where it doesn't belong. People are fed up with it. They invited the magpie and said: - You are tired of us. Get out, get well, and say goodbye! There is nothing to do, the magpie flew onto the road. And on the road, cars rush in different directions, but not one of them stops ...

The mole mixed up night and day and crawled out of the hole when the sun was shining. The sun blinded him, the mole does not see anything. The gopher ran up to him: - What are you! - I don’t see anything, - says the mole. the mole to his hole. The mole saw a dark dungeon and quickly go home. - Thank you, buddy, - he says. And the gopher answered him: - Each animal has its own time! ..

Moose's teeth hurt. Passion how ill. The elk went to the owl: - Help! The owl picked his strong beak in the teeth of the elk. Nothing helped. Elk - to the woodpecker: - Help! The woodpecker knocked on the teeth of the moose, they got even more sick. - What to do? - the moose asks. - And you go to the people, - the woodpecker advised. The moose went to the people. The people called the doctor. The doctor cured his teeth. - It turns out, - says the elk, - that the people of all birds are stronger. ..

The hen laid an egg. - Thank you! - said the egg. But after five minutes: - Mom, you're not sitting like that! The chicken moved. Two hours later, the chicken got up to peck the grains. - the egg demanded. The chicken returned. - You're not sitting like that again! - said the egg. The hen moved. The rooster heard it. He wasn't very smart. But even he could not stand it: - Listen, my dear, - he said. - Chicken eggs don't teach. ..

A wolf was walking through the forest, and chipmunks were sitting on the branches of trees. The wolf feels the chipmunks with his nose, but does not see with his eyes. - Where are you, chipmunks? - asks the wolf. - Here, - says one chipmunk. - And what do you look like? - asks the wolf. - Striped, - another chipmunk answers. - Why are you striped? - asks the wolf. - So that you don't see us, - says the third chipmunk. - Why can't you be seen? - asks the wolf. - So that you do not eat us! To not eat us! the chipmunks shouted. ..

There was a mouse in the room. Gnawed the floor, walks around the room and says: - I'll eat everything from you! People got a cat, told her: - Go, catch a mouse! floor, - says the mouse. - Why don't you go upstairs? - I'm afraid of you. - And what are you going to do now? - I'll go to another house, - says the mouse, - where there is no cat. ..

The fox really wanted to catch the chicken. She came to the village. She went into one yard, and there was a cow standing there. - Why did you come, fox? - he asks. - Yes, I want to see how you live. - Well, then come closer, - said the cow. The fox came closer, and the cow would butt her. The fox flew all the way to the gate. The fox went into another yard, and there was a horse standing there. - Why did you come, fox? - he asks. - Yes, I want to see how you live. - Well, then come closer, - said the horse. The fox came closer, and the horse hit it with its hoof ...


The fox really wanted to catch the chicken. She came to the village.

He enters one yard, and there is a cow standing there.

Well, then come closer, - said the cow.

The fox came closer, and the cow, as if butting her. The fox flew to the very gate.

The fox went into another yard, and there the horse is standing.

Why are you here, fox? - asks.

Yes, I want to see how you live.

Well, then come closer, - said the horse.

The fox came closer, and the horse hit it with its hoof. The fox flew over the fence.

A fox entered the third courtyard, and there a big dog lies.

Why are you here, fox? - asks.

Yes, I want to see how you live.

Well, then come closer, - said the dog.

The fox came closer, and the dog grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and carried her into the forest. She brought it to the very edge.

Run, - he says, - take a walk, but don’t visit the village anymore!

Unusual postman

On the way to the village of Ozerki, we overtook a chaise. But, to our surprise, there was no rider in it.

We got out of the car. I stopped the horse. She unquestioningly obeyed, stood on the road. We looked into the chaise. A bag was tied to the seat. It contained newspapers and letters.

Strange! - said my friend. - A postal cart, but where is the postman?

In fact of the matter!

While we were talking, the horse stood still. But then she saw that we were returning to the car, and moved on.

Let's go quietly behind her and see, - suggested my friend.

It was another two kilometers to the Ozerki. We continued to move slowly after the cart. The horse calmly trotted along the road, only occasionally slowing down and looking in our direction.

Finally we entered the village. The horse turned off the road and stopped near the second extreme hut. We also stopped. At that moment an old man came out of the gate, busily tied his horse to a post, and began to take off his sack.

Seeing us, he asked:

Are you curious?

We're not just curious," I said. - we are surprised. Maybe something happened to the postman?

And what happens here? The old man laughed slyly. - Here she is our postman - Marya Ivanna, but simply Mashka! And he patted the horse. Our road to the post office is close, she knows. And everyone there already knows it. So she runs back and forth.

We looked at each other cheerfully.

But to speak seriously, it’s just trouble with these postal affairs, the old man complained. “Young people don’t go to postmen today, and they do it right. What a job: three versts there and three back. I retired, so out of old habit I carry out postal duties. It seems to be on a voluntary basis! Yes, and Marya Ivanna helps. She has one flaw, it’s true, she’s illiterate! Cannot subscribe. When there are parcels or money transfers, you yourself have to. And that's how it works! Okay works!

sly mouse

There was a mouse in the room. Gnawed the floor, walks around the room and says:

I'll eat everything from you!

People got a cat, they said to her:

Go catch a mouse!

A cat walks around the room, asks:

Mouse, mouse, where are you?

I'm here, under the floor, - says the mouse.

Why don't you go upstairs?

I'm afraid of you.

And what are you going to do now?

I'll go to another house, - says the mouse, - where there is no cat.

black pig

The pig gave birth to five pink piglets, and the sixth black.

The pig was surprised, and the pink pigs no less.

Why are you so scary? - they ask.

The black pig did not answer them, only laughed, grunted.

It's already interesting that you first learned to grunt, - said the pig.

A month has passed, all the piglets have grown up, and the black one is the most.

We'll see, - he says, - who is better.

A commission arrived and selected a black pig for an exhibition.

You will look at the world, you will look at people, - they told him.

Now the piglet lives at the exhibition, he writes letters to his mother, brothers and sisters: "I represent our entire family here at the exhibition. Come visit!"
