Selected for checking unstressed vowels. Spelling vowels

Tested unstressed vowels

Unstressed vowels cause difficulties in spelling because they are not pronounced clearly, but are indicated by the same letters as the stressed sounds. Often this results in a discrepancy between the pronunciation of the word and its representation in writing. For example, we say [gълΛва], [мълΛд’еош], but it’s written GO catch, mO lO dezh.

To avoid making spelling mistakes in such cases, you need to check the dubious vowel.

Methods for checking unstressed vowels

1. Change the form of the word:

a) number of a noun mountain mountains, river rivers, wall walls, clock hour;

b) noun case: water water, fields field, spring springs;

c) gender of past tense verbs: took took, led, led;

d) verb tense: fought fights, showed will show, bears.

2. Form the short form of the adjective: gray gray, green green.

3. Choose a non-derivative stem of the same part of speech: Colonel Regiment

4. Choose a cognate word from another part of speech: untranslatable translation, move away, irreconcilable peace, reunification united.

Notes. 1. Exceptions are words with alternating vowels in the root ( dawn dawn) and verbal roots with O, which cannot be verified by imperfective forms for -ivate: speak persuade, be late be late.

2. In some words of foreign origin, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked or verified is part of suffixes of different origins. For example: subscribere cop,(-ment goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe(-edit goes back to the German suffix), engagemente cop, Although engagementAnd to tear; accompanimente cop, Although accompanimentAnd to sleep Compare also as part of a foreign root: disinfectantAnd to sleep, Although disinfectione ction. The same vowel is retained in words aboute ction aboute quote and some others, since here the vowel is part of the root.

3. The correct spelling of the tested unstressed vowels is necessary to distinguish between words that sound the same in oral speech: dedicatede tit(lantern) dedicatedI tit(life science); approx.e swear(dress) approx.And swear(quarrelsome friends); developmente varies(flag) developmentAnd varies(industry); disp.e wat(songs) disp.And wat(tea); Withe children(become gray) WithAnd children(on the couch); mindA lie(to reduce the value of something) mindO lie(beg).

The wrong choice of a test word causes errors in understanding and writing words. For example, the word dO Lina has a common root with the word dO l, A Not dA l, verb blessedO twist formed from the combination “good word”, and not “good glory”. Misinterpretation of such words distorts their spelling.

Unchecked unstressed vowels

There are many words in the Russian language with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by selecting other word forms and related words with stress on the dubious vowel. The spelling of such words is checked using a spelling dictionary.

Words with unverified unstressed vowels include, for example, the following: balalaika, glass, cow, cabbage, concrete, ventilation, lobby, ham, vinaigrette, intelligentsia, periphery, plasticine, privilege, scholarship, elixir, overpass and etc.

As can be seen from the examples, many words with unverified unstressed vowels are borrowed from European languages. The spelling of vowels in such words is based on tradition.

Vowel alternation in the root

Some roots have alternating vowels a o, e and, For example: dawn dawn, die die.

Alternation a o

1. In the roots gar-gor- o (zagA r zagO mature).

2. At the root zar-zor- a (hA roar, sA rnitsa, ozA ryO rka).

3. At the root kas-kos(n) is written O, if followed by a consonant n, and in other cases it is written a (kO dream ToA sit down).

4. At the root clan- clone- under stress is written the vowel that is heard, without stress o (sklO thread clA bow, bowO nklO thread).

5. At the root lag- false before G is written A, before and is written o (sentence)A to offerO live)Exception:canopy.

6. Root poppy- written in verbs meaning “to immerse in liquid” (mA roll the brush into the paint); root mok- written in verbs meaning “to pass liquid: you mO whip in the rain, impenetrableO stone cloak).

7. Fundamentally floating vowel can be stressed or unstressed (float, buoyancy); root pilaf- written in words plO vec, plO sneeze.

8. Root equal- written in words meaning “equal, identical, on a par” (compare, equal); root exactly written in words meaning “even, straight, smooth” (level).Exception:plain.

9. At the root growth grew- is written A before combination cm and letter sch, in other cases it is written o (grow, increase grown, thickets, overgrowth).Exceptions:industry(although no cm);Rostov, Rostok, Rostislav(although there is cm).

10. At the root skok-skoch- before To is written A, before h is written o (jump jump).

11. At the root creature- creative under stress it is written a, without accent o (creature creativity, create).Exception:utensil.

Note. When forming aspect pairs of some verbs, there is an alternation of sounds in the root O - a: be late(perfective verb) be late(imperfective verb), prick, prick, assimilate, assimilate.

Sometimes in modern Russian the following variants are used in parallel: condition condition, concentrate concentrate, empower empower. Writing such verbs does not cause any difficulties, since the vowel sound is stressed. It should be kept in mind that forms with O inherent in the bookish style of speech, forms with A colloquial, for some couples the form is O outdated (challenge outdated, dispute commonly used Wed: ...And don’t argue with a fool. P.)


In the roots ber-ber-, per-pir-, der- dir-, ter- ter-, mer- world-, burn-zhig-, stel- steel-, bleat- blest-, even- cheat is written And, if the root is followed by a suffix - A, in other cases it is written e (I'm going to collect, lock lock up, get away, get away, wipe, wipe, freeze, burn out burn out, spread out, defect subtract).Exceptions:combination, combine, couple(from root even-).

It is necessary to distinguish words with roots measure- world-, in which there is an alternation of vowels, from words with roots measure- world-, verifiable stress. Always written And in words with the same root as the word peace: reconciliation, world. Always written e in words with the same root as the verb measure: measuring, trying on, measuring.

Alternationa(i) im, a(i) in

In the roots with the indicated alternation they write them And in, if followed by a suffix -a (shake shake, understand understand, begin begin, begin, begin). We write remind, attentive. Retained in derivative forms them, even if the suffix is ​​not followed - A, For example: I'll pick it up, take it off, pick it up, take it off.

VowelsO her) after sibilant consonantsf, h, w, sch

In Russian orthography, spelling of stressed vowels causes particular difficulties O her) after hissing sounds f, h, w, sch. This is explained by the fact that in some cases we apply the morphological principle of spelling, that is, we maintain the same spelling of the roots of related words (for example: whisper whisper) although a whisper can be heard), and in other cases we use phonetic spellings, that is, we both hear and write (for example: ok, with a knife, river).

I. Vowels about her) after the hissing ones f, h, w, sch at the root of the word.

After sibilants under stress, it is written in the root her), although it is pronounced [o] if it is written in related words or in another form of the same word e (yellow turn yellow, silk silk). Therefore we write:

1) evening, hard, test, liver, hairstyle, comb, study, black, devil, dash, callous, cheap, grille, whisper, crack(from the gap), brush(from stubble);

2) gooseberry, major, seam, shock, rustle, thicket, glutton.

Notes. 1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of nouns burn, arson and verbs burned, set fire (The people putting out the fire got burns. I burned my hand).

2. In words of foreign origin it is possible to write O after sibilants in an unstressed syllable: jockey, juggler, shock, chocolate, highway, Scottish, chauffeur.

3.IN In proper names, the spelling o after sibilants occurs both under stress and in unstressed syllables, for example: Joliot-Curie, Georges, Pechora, Pechorin, Sholokhov, Shchors, Giovanni, Jonathan, Giordano, Chopin, Schopenhauer, Shostakovich, Shota.

II. Vowels about her) after the hissing ones f, h, w, sch in endings and suffixes.

1. After sibilants, under stress it is written O, according to pronunciation, in the following cases:

1) at the endings of nouns, for example: ball, knife, page, rack, paralysis, hut, boundary, candle(cf. unstressed endings: landscape, prestige, crying, vegetable, barge, cloud, burden, food);

2) at the endings of adjectives, for example: alien, big(cf. unstressed endings: red, good);

3) in suffixes of nouns: -ok (owe, badge, strap), -onok (little camel, little chick, little frog);

4) in suffixes of adjectives: -ov (walrus, reed), -on(with fluent O; funny);

5) at the end (in suffixes) of adverbs, for example: hot, fresh, general, naked.

2. After sibilants, under stress it is written her), although pronounced [o], in the following cases:

1) at the endings of verbs, for example: you burn, bake, flow;

2) in a verbal suffix -yova: to shade, to demarcate;

3) in the suffix of verbal nouns: - ëvk: demarcation;

4) in the suffix of nouns -er: conductor, trainee;

5) in the suffix of passive participles -yonn, -yon (completed, shortened; completed, shortened), verbal adjectives -yon (stewed, smoked), as well as in derivative words (stew, smoked meats);

6) in the prepositional case of the pronoun what: about what, on what, and also in words Moreover, it doesn’t matter.

Vowels after lettersts

Consonant ts in Russian it is always hard, so after it it sounds and is written A(Not i), u(Not Yu), and only in foreign-language surnames and geographical names are there sometimes deviations from this rule (Kotsyubinsky, Tsyavlovsky, Zurich).

However, according to tradition, after ts it's nice to write e(Not e), although after a hard consonant one hears [e].

Depending on the stress in the word, vowels o e after ts can alternate, and then, in accordance with the pronunciation under stress, we write about in an unstressed syllable e. For example: dance dancer, base, gun, window.

In some borrowed words O also written in an unstressed syllable under the influence of the source language (duke, mezzo, scherzo).

The rules for spelling vowels are based on different principles of spelling yy after ts in roots, suffixes and endings of words.

Under the influence of tradition, contrary to pronunciation, in the roots of words after ts is written and (quote, figure). This spelling highlights predominantly words borrowed from the Russian language, the spelling of which is influenced by their spelling in the source language. Original Russian words do not obey this rule. chick, chick, tiptoe and the word Gypsy,a also derived from them: gypsy, tut, chick and so on.

In endings and suffixes after ts is written s(Not And) according to pronunciation, for example: fathers, paleface, sisters(although there may be exceptions to the spelling of surnames in documents (cf.: Sinitsyn, Yeltsin).

Lettersyy after consoles

1. After a prefix ending in a consonant, instead of And let's write s according to pronunciation: play play, play; search, find, find.

Note. This rule does not apply to compound words: pedagogical institute, sports equipment, in a word charge is written And according to pronunciation.

2. After consoles inter- And above- at the beginning of the root it is preserved and, since it is not written after sibilants and back-linguals s: inter-institutional, ultra-refined.

3. Saved And also after foreign language prefixes and particles counter-, sub-, trans-, pan- and etc.: counter-play, sub-inspector, Transjordanian, pan-Islamism.

The theme of unstressed vowels at the root of a word, verified by stress, runs throughout the entire school in the Russian language program, regardless of the name of the educational complex. The student gets acquainted with the spelling of unstressed vowels and checking them in the first grade; in some teaching and learning systems, the root is studied already in the first grade, in others in the second. In any case, the child must learn to find and isolate this root, and to do this, you need to select a couple of related words and find their common part. Then we need to put stress in the word and emphasize the vowel, which we can check. Next, choose a related word in which the emphasis will fall on this vowel.

Multi-level cards on the topic Unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress, grade 2.

Topic: “Unstressed vowels in the root of a word, verified by stress.”

First level

Put emphasis in the words, insert the missing letter.

Card No. 1

goat - to...for

forest - l...snik

mushroom - gr...bok

mountains - g...ra

hill - h...lmy

dew -

ball - m...chi

chizhik - h...zhi

Card No. 2

ball - m...chi

rook - gr...chi

earth - b...blah

heads - g...heads

tree - tree

waves - in... wave

holes - n...ra

hedgehog - ...zhi

Card No. 3

windows - ...button

spring - into... sleep

bees -

rivers - r...ka

letters - letter

honey - m...doc

forest -

lake - ...zera

Card No. 4

candles - candles

number - h...slo

word - sl...var

tip - end

boards - cheek

grain - grain

hungry - hungry...d

order - r...dy

Card No. 5

blind - sl...sing

ice - l...icy

eggs - ...ichny

evening -

leader - in...repressed

center - central

resins - cm...sheets

sea ​​- m...skoy

Card No. 6

cart - to... take

walks - moved

silently - shut up

takes away - n...sit

prank - ours...lil

guests - ug...stil

creaking – creaking….sing

peaceful - m...d...

Card No. 7

herbs -

sea ​​- sea

snow – snow…zhinka

steppe – st…pnoy

cold - cold...cold

running - b... sting

look - see... trill

riddle - answer

Card No. 8

logs - br...obviously

thrush - d...zdy

nose -

hut - ...zbushka

crackle - bang...boring

watch - h... owl

lying down - lying down

cart - to... take

Card No. 9

tears - tears...for

arrow – str….lock

sheep - ...vtsa

happiness - happy

it hurts - damn

dark - t...dark

helped - help

hastily - hastily... sewed

Card No. 10

winters -

log - br...obviously

oars - in...slo

sword - m...chi

useful - useful

fun - in ... sad

tea leaves - in...drink

flying - adj...teli

Card No. 11

rug - k...ver

animals - animals

skvorushka - squ...river

snowy – snowy…govik

chick - pt...tsy

holding - d...neighing

rain - d...rainy

crawled - dropped...crawled

Card No. 12

polely - p...lyanka

light - lamp

buckets - in...durko

garden - s...dovnik

shadow - t...dry

black - black

cleaning - scrubbing

found out - find out

Second level

Put the emphasis, choose a test word from two words, insert the missing letter.


next, traces - enjoy

icy, ice - l...doc

snow, snowman – snow…zhinka

ringing, call - call...thread

kittens, cat - little boy

spoke, talk - talk... thief

dance, danced - dance

tea leaves, brew - brew


surface, top - in... rshina

watchman, watchman - watchman

rings, ring - ring

cheap, cheap - cheaper

rowan, rowan - r... fight

screwed, screw - tighten

lodging for the night, night - n...cheer

pull, taffy - sweat... zeros


poor, poor - b... little thing

shepherd, herd - p...cow

creaking, creaking - creaking...sang

crafts, business -

deceiver, deceived - deceive

warm, warm - sweat... warm

green, greenish - green

reader, read -


to heat, kindling - melt...drank

firewood, wood - firewood

little fox, little foxes - l... little fox

watch, watchmaker -

linen, whitewashing - b...le

littered, littered - littered

shouted, screamer - closed

feeder, feed - feed


salt, salt - salty

rain, rain - d...rainy

planting, gardener - plant

table, dining room - table

hare, white - b...leeva

steel, steelmaker - steel

village, village - s...lo

gift, give - sh...


pine, pine - from..sna

request, petitioner - ask...

wooden, trees - wood

old, old man - st..rushka

ears, ear - to ... elk

pavement, bridge - m...sty

heart, heart - heartfelt

stand, stand - stand


beavers, beaver - b...brow

stepfather, fatherland - ...father

sheep, sheep - ... everlasting

house, house - house

skating rink, rolls - roll

found out, clear - explained

pumping, pumping - unfurled

heavy, heavier - heavy...heavy


task, assigned - task

excitement, waves - in...worry

calves, heifer - baby calf

horse, horse -

sea, sailor - sea

pigs, pork - holy

be patient, patience - sweat...

say, fairy tale - give a hint


harmful, harm – lie...dil

bee, bee -

root, spine - to... roots

wrinkles, wrinkles - wrinkles

reconcile, peacefully - reconciled

debt, lend - ass... lied

motley, motley - p...dark

finish, finished - end


dove, darling - g...dovecote

land, fellow countryman - s...myan

cutting, tailoring - pattern

rocks, rocky - rocks

owl, owl - with...wreath

pasture, racing - to drive

lose, loss - lost

buried, digging - to...dig


dewdrop, dew -

submariner, waterman - in...ditsa

row, row - row

rain, rain - d...rainy

city, fence - fence

study, student - teacher


pressure, presses - split

sky, heavenly -

stable, horse - to... seduction

young, youth - m...youth

fall, trap - fall

trap, catching - cash...vil

Third level

Choose a test word, put an emphasis, insert the missing letter.


... - s...dovnik

... - in ... dyanoy

... -

... - sound ... zda

... - t... dirty

... - m... erase

... - dr... lives

... - s... blah


... - to ... swear

... - st ... foreheads

... - pl...ta

... - skr...pach

... - ... play

... -

... - say


... - woolen

... - l... left

... - cold ... d

... - cl...dovaya

... - pch...liny

... - stop ... leave


... - s...move

... - k... grain

... - k...ver

... - m...hovoy

... - to ... lobe

... - see...

... - colorful

... - creaked ... sang


... - k...rmil

... - black...

... - s... great

... - s... again

... - r... chnoy

... - area ...

... - t... yellow

... - stopped ...


... - b... lil

... - pr... my

... - p...chnik

... - d...letion

... - oh ... nyok

... - damn

... - lift up

... - praise


... - n... vinka

... - pl ... dy

... - mirror ... lo

... - factory ... ka

... - m... stack

... - gr... call

... - pl... tit

... - fast ...


... - n ... zina

... - tr...stnik

... - p... postman

... - m... rskoy

... - cl... new

... - sweat... sweaty

... - look... trill


... - donkey ... white

... - f... jock

... - m...stovaya

... - t...plo

... - g... hungry

... - in ... to die

…. - t...tire

... - sk...slither


... - sl...dil

... - l ... nik

... - sp ... sew

... - key ...

... -

... - separate...

... - t... boggle

... - page ... on


... - b ... rega

... - d...bro

... - trade

... - p... shoot

... - main...

... - spare ...

... - op... let's say

... - k...faynik


... - write down

... - rang ... nil

... - sl ... mother

... - in ... mouth

... - please...

... - st ... on

... - manager

... - sn...govik

Fourth level

Choose two test words, put emphasis, insert the missing letters.

Sample: green, green - g... l... no.


P...l...saty, k...l...juice, x...l...gave,, m...l...doy.


G...v...rivulent, st...r...on,, d...r...goy, in...s...pouring.


St...r...thread, g...l...vastik, v...l...juice, st...b...lek, v...h...rock.


B...r...yes,, g...l...veshka, m...l...tilka,

№5, l...p...tal, in...t...rock, to...l...sits, tr...p...tal.


W...l...toy, g...l...thick, d...r...dry, g...l...gave, g...r...dit.

Cards for test work on the topic Unstressed consonants in the root, stress being checked

Card No. 1

Write test words in brackets.

P..stuff, mo..tub, st..x, p..los, d..leko, star..zda, st..foreheads, n..zina, d..wait, z..nty, d..brota. take, almost..thread, br..dit, h..dit, l..vit, grab..tit, bring, sit..dit, inspect..third.

2. Read the phrases. Next to it, write down a word that can replace this phrase.

Sample. Modeling - sculpting.

To harm -

Make a gift -

Make screams -

Feel pity -

Emit light -

Fire a shot -

In the selected words, underline the unstressed vowel.

3. Read and copy the proverbs.

1) Finished the job - go for a walk safely. The end is the crown of the whole thing.

2) Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. The lazy spinner doesn't even have a shirt for herself.

3) Good fame is more valuable than wealth. Laziness does no good.

5) Shoot at a stone - only lose arrows.

Find the same root words in each proverb. Underline the one that is a test for the unstressed vowel in the root.

Card No. 2

Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Read. Write it down by inserting the missing letters. Explain how they can be checked.

Sacks of rice were lying around me, stocky figures were running. I, too, grabbed the bags, t..knuled, br..salted, again b..squeezed and grabbed..thal. The waves were behind my mouth. began to rain on the decks. The holy wind began to rise above the river. In the damp darkness of dawn, half-naked, wet people ran swiftly and tirelessly and screamed, chuckled, admiring their strength, their work. (M. Gorky.)

2. For these words, select cognates with the indicated meanings.

Blue is the word for the name of the bird.

Snow is the word for the name of the bird.

Red is the word for the name of the mushroom.

White is the word for part of the egg.

Write the resulting pairs of words. Emphasize the unstressed vowel of the root.

3. Write in five columns words with an unstressed vowel at the root, sportive, long..on, s..neva, sh..lun, p..sti, m..snoy, v..knowledge, m..rskoy, l..stva, b..yes, s..rinka, t..darkness,, l..nivy

Card No. 3

Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. The wind from the sea, daisies from the field, a flower from the garden, berries from the forest, a spruce cone, the smell of honey, beet borscht.

Write down the word combinations according to the example.

Sample. Herbal tea – herbal tea.

In adjectives, underline the unstressed vowels in the roots.

2. Write by inserting the missing letters.

Mitya sledded down the ice mountain and skated along the frozen river. My father arrived and said to his father: “What a weight it is! I’d like it if everything was ok.”

(According to K. Ushinsky)

3. Of the words with the same root, write down only those that are test words. Insert the missing letter in the word being checked.

1) Garter, knit, bundle, untie, tied - tie.

2) Gravy, pour, pour, pour - sub..pour.

3) To be aware, to know, recognition - to recognize.

4) Declare, announce, application - announcement.

5) Firefly, light, light, dawn, dawn - light.

Card No. 4

Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Select test words for these words. Write. Fill in the missing letters.

Cold, cold - no good.

... , ... -

... , ... – g..l..give.

... , ... - howls.

… , … –

2. Write down the proverbs. Find words with two unstressed vowels at the root. Orally choose a test word for each vowel.

1) The native side is dear to the heart. 2) Speak boldly about a good deed. 3) An empty spikelet always turns its nose up. 4) The mind is not in the beard, but in the head. 5) Honor the old and the young

3. Read and determine which unstressed vowel is radically verified.

Trembling, ... - tr..p..tali.

Evening, ... - it roars.

Gatehouse, ... – st..r..lived.

Greens,... – green..l..neli.

He's fussing... – he's clapping.

Babbling, ... - l..p..tali.

Write it down, adding a test word for another unstressed vowel

Card No. 5

Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Write it down, inserting the missing letters.

Th...yellow thunderclouds rolled across the sky from all sides; the sun disappeared; somehow I suddenly started sweating; there was a smell in the air...we're waiting. Lightning flashed like a dazzling snake, thunder rolled over the very head of the mountain with deafening peals. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky.)

2. Write, changing the words denoting the action of the object, according to the model.

Sample. Feeds - fed.

Cooks –…. Waving - ... . Knits –….

Moans –…. Plows - ... . Writes –….

Licks –…. He will say -... Hooks –….

Drags –…. Drowns –…. Mows –….

3. Guess the riddles. Write it down by inserting the missing letters. Write the test words in brackets.

1) Behind the iron cap there is a box with d..brom, and through the holey bottom the d..brom falls into the ground.

2) In the cold..nokos it’s g..rka, and in the frost it’s sweet..dka. What kind of berry?

3) You were screaming - it was silent. You were silent - it was screaming.

4) Who crawls so slowly and carries his own house?

5) Sweat..slowly I’m babbling, quench..shit in..doy h..chu.

6) Two s..strings are mothers, each other’s helpers.

Card No. 6

Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Write it down, inserting the missing letters.

A thin willow tree bent over the lake. As if in a mirror, she looks into water as clear as glass. The cash..the body was..grated, and the immediately burned..lo, burst..shoot.

Underline the words in which the unstressed vowel in the root is verified by the letter е.

2. Read.

T..kla through s..lo r..ka. She was...sad, g..eager. People decided to train the river to work. After all, she can help milk the cows, and plow the land, and weed the garden, and weed the logs, and harvest the grain.

Write it down. Fill in the missing letters.

3. Write down the phrases. Underline the words that sound the same. Select and write test papers for them.

Sitting on a bench means turning gray from old age.

Rinse the laundry - caress the puppy.

I’ll stab you with a pin and strengthen my health.

Trying on a dress means reconciling friends.

Sharp swords are soccer balls.

Taking the medicine means singing a song.

Living in the city means chewing food.

She made a nest and took it down the steps.

Write it off the board and hurry home.

Open the door and boil the potatoes.

Get off the roof and lick the sour cream.

Teacher's comments on the material being studied

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to find a test word for an unstressed root because it has fallen out of active use.

N..nie fields - nag (that is, not dressed).

It is difficult to find a test word for an unstressed root because the meanings of the roots currently differ in meaning.

Pros..fuck - chill.

Obsession - fuck.

In this case, you have to rely on your reading and linguistic intuition. If you doubt them, refer to List 1.

The vowel in a word can be checked with different stressed roots.

To develop - to evolve, to evolve.

Start - sing, drink.

Pay attention to the meaning of the root (it is easy to recognize from the context). Choose a test word that is close in meaning. If you find it difficult to do this, refer to list 2.

For the same unstressed root, it is sometimes possible to select two test words of the same root with different stressed vowels.

G..head - heads, two-headed.

City..rodskoy - city, city.

Sat down - sit down, sitting.

Scattered...saved - threw, scatters.

Most likely, you are faced with the phenomenon of full agreement and disagreement. Do not check roots with full vowel combinations –olo- and –oro- and cognates with partial vowel combinations –la- and –ra-.

Pay special attention to the insidious root –sid- / -sed-. Remember the spelling of words with this root:

sit, sit, sit up (sitting),

but: saddle, meeting, chairman (sEl).

The unstressed vowel O in the roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked by imperfective forms. - yat, - yat:
look... third - see(verb considers is not a test word).

It's hard to remember exception words. Sometimes it is not possible to remember which vowel to write in a given exception word.

Think of exceptions as dictionary words. Remember them separately from the rules. To make it easier to remember, refer to List 3. Insert letters instead of ellipses.

It is possible to mistakenly attribute the spelling “Unstressed vowel in the root, verified by stress” to a word with an alternating root and vice versa.

Example of misinterpretation:

rostock - an unstressed vowel at the root is verified by the word podros.

Distinguish between roots that are tested by stress and roots that have vowel alternation.

An example of a correct interpretation:

Rostok - we have before us an exception to the spelling “Alternation of vowels in the root -rast- (-rasch-) \ -ros-.”

Difficulties arise when interpreting the meanings of words with the roots –equal- and –equal-.

Does trimming your hair mean making it the same? Straight?

Both interpretations seem dubious.

Indeed, the rule cannot be directly applied to all cases with roots –equal- and –equal-. Remember the spelling of the words: level, level.

For a word with a dubious consonant, it is sometimes difficult to find a test word.



If you cannot find a test word, refer to list 4.

You are unsure of spelling a word with a possible unpronounceable consonant.

Refer to list 5.

In some words with the same root, either a double consonant or a single consonant is written in the root (tone, but three-tone).

Foreign roots in some Russian words lose the double consonant. Please note the following cases:

tonna - three-ton, five-ton, etc.,

column - column,

grammar - literacy,

crystall, crystall - crystal.

Also, do not confuse two similar roots: -ball- (at the ball, ball gown) and –ball- (five-point storm, the highest score).

In some borrowed words, after a consonant or vowel, instead of the letter E, the letter E is written. How to distinguish such words?

S...sia, strength...t, ma...stro, pro...ct.

After consonants and after the vowel I, the letter E is usually written in such words.

The exception is the word project, the spelling of which must be remembered.

VALLEY - remote area;

developing countries - banners flutter;

defuse the situation - defuse the gun - defuse the beds;

chew bread - live in Moscow;

sign a report - tie a knot;

close the ranks - seal the river - tighten the schedule - pay the bill;

If you guessed the answer, you fell into a trap;

to diminish dignity is an inexorable truth;

sat down in old age - sat on a bench;

to be hungry - to take you home;

to see a friend - the leaves fade;

shine a lamp - dedicate life to society - dedicate to a secret;

keep the house clean - frequency of fluctuations - ambition;

to evoke melancholy - to curl hair - to wind wire onto a reel;

seal with a seal - creak with a pencil;

to blind with light - to blind from clay - the eyes stick together;

try on a dress - reconcile enemies;

evaporate on fire - flog lightning;

open the door - boil it in milk;

the crow made a nest - put a stain on the dress - took it down the stairs;

write down the task - hurry home;

Climb in wounds - Climb in the window;

climb down - lick honey from the lid;

Gold-embossed binding - tight on funds;

fell a tree - allow pranks;

to punish according to the law - to conquer with nobility;

tame the beast - shorten the time;

slaughter - harden on fire;

buckle up - comprehend the truth;

BLESSED - glorification;

wash the child - rinse the linen;

weed the bed - shoot from a cannon;

city ​​guard - guard the warehouse;

run around the house - do not offend the younger ones;

They are shaking from the cold - annoying with their appearance.

1) Cases in which it is difficult to find a test word for a given word.

Neighborhoods - okresT (obsolete);

prazDnik - prazDen (out of use);

honor - honor;

manifest - to manifest;

food - there is;

oral - mouth;

bulky - bulky;

magician - miracles;

wordless - words, words;

peer - on the same level;

peer - versTa (in the meaning of age - from another Russian language);

private, private - part;

crazy - gone crazy;

feeling - in other words language in this word the consonant [v] sounded clearly.

2) Cases in which the check may lead to an error.

Shine (although shine);

staircase (albeit a staircase);

splash (although splash);

skillful - skillful (do not confuse with the words art, artificial).

to patronize (sheF) - to march (walking);

private (part) - hourly (hour);

bone marrow (bone) - inert views.

Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress

Foundation; distribute; shut up; enlightenment.

In most cases, unstressed vowels are checked by stress:

enjoyment - sweetness;

unification - unity.

You should not check unstressed vowels in perfective verbs with imperfective verbs - to yat / -yat(in them the stressed vowel changes):

be late - you can’t check with a word be late;

cut - cannot be verified with words cut out.

Equipment - tackle.

Spread - space.

Protracted - protracted.

Enlightenment is light.

Alternating vowels in the root

In roots with alternating vowels, the unstressed vowel is checked not by stress, but by special rules. These roots can be grouped into four groups.

What determines the spelling of the root vowel:

from stress

from the following consonant

on the presence or absence of a suffix -A-

from the root value


-jump- / -jump-
-rast- / -grown-
-lag- / -false-

-ber- / -bir-
-ter- / -tir-
-per- / -pir-
-der- / -dir-
-steel- / -steel-
-brilliant- / -brilliant-
-cheat- / -cheat-
-zheg- / -zhig-
-mer- / -world-
-kos- / -kas-

-equal- , -equal-
-mac-, -mok-

1. Alternating roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the stress:


Tv..rit; start..start; zag..rel; for nothing; z..mother; float..wok; remember; press..small

In these roots, different vowels can be sounded and written under stress (for example, dawn, glow; incline, bow, etc.).

In the unstressed position, the following variants of roots are written in them:












to dawn;


quicksand .

Burned out


utensil .

Fixed it Squeezing listened Kneaded

Tv about rit - unstressed root -TVOR-.

Nach and nat - unstressed root -CHIN-.

Zag orel - unstressed root -GOR-.

Z a rya - unstressed root -ZAR-.

Zan and mother - unstressed root -HIM-.

Popla vok - unstressed root -PLAV-.

Remember and nat - unstressed root -MIN-.

Press and mal - unstressed root - ZIM-.

2. Roots in which the spelling of a vowel depends on the subsequent consonant: -SKAK- / -SKOCH-, -RAST- (-RASH-) / -ROS-, -LAG- / -LOZH-; upscale; sk..chock; grow..sti; vyr..sli; lay..walk;


With how-

Growing, -growing-




bounced off



I'm galloping;



Grow up









were located

Set forth



Posk a kal - option -JACK-.

upscale - option -SKOCH-.

Jump is an exception.

Grow a sti - option -GROW-.

Vyr about sli - option -ROS-.

Sex - option -LAG-.

Gender o live - option -FALSE-.

3. Roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the presence of the suffix -a-

3.1. Roots -ber / bir-â; ter/tir-â; per/pir-â; der/dir-â; stel/steel-â; shine / shine-â; even / chit-â; zheg/zhig-â; measures/world-â.

Come on; get stuck; deleted..ral; bla..staying.

Here the spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix -a- after the root.

Nast and bark - after the root there is a suffix -A-.

Get stuck - there is no suffix after the root -A-.

Ud and ral - after the root there is a suffix -A-.

Bl and melting - after the root there is a suffix - A-.

3.2. Root -KOS- / -KAS-

An attack; sleep; by tangent; touch.

Prik o dream

To dream - after the root there is no suffix -a-.

By the tangent - after the root there is a suffix -a-.

Touch - after the root there is a suffix -a-.

4. Roots close in meaning, in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the meaning

4.1. Roots -EVN- and -ROVN-

Find (road); cf.. insert segments.

Vyr o heed (the road) - make it more straight, smooth (the root matches the meaning -ROVN-).

Compare segments - compare them (the root matches the value -RAVN-).

4.1. Roots -MAK- / -MOK-

Sweep...drop into tea; wet my feet; wash...whip.

Exchange and whip in tea - lower into liquid.

Prom chill legs - pass liquid through clothes.

Vym about whip - let the liquid pass.

Spelling of checked consonants in the root

Tested consonants are divided into two types: dubious and unpronounceable.

Girlfriend; Dutch; wonderful; salfe..ka.

Let us remember the following cases:

to shine (though to shine);

stairs (albeit a ladder);

splash (although splash);

to patronize (chef), but to march (walking);

bone (brain), but inert (views);

interspersed (to mix) - interspersed (interspersed);

peer, but coeval;

feel, honor;

food, but obvious;

private life);



A friend is a friend.

Gollandsky - Holland.

Wonderful - miracles.

Napkin - napkin.

Spelling Dictionary Words

Words whose spelling is not regulated by a spelling rule are called dictionary words., intelligent.., v..hall, pa..passenger.

Dictionary words are also written according to the spelling norm. This norm was established not according to one rule or another, but specifically for a given word. It is reflected in the spelling dictionary.

The school course requires knowledge of a certain minimum of vocabulary words that are included in the school spelling dictionary. In addition, the required minimum vocabulary words that should be memorized are located at the end of each school textbook on the Russian language.

Lilac, intelligentsia, train station, passenger.


As a general rule spelling of unstressed vowels In all words with the same root, the same vowels are written at the root.

You can check an unstressed letter by stress. To do this, you need to choose a single-root word in which the desired vowel will be stressed. The stressed letter is clearly audible, and you will have no doubts. If it is impossible to find such a word, you have before you an untestable unstressed vowel that you need to remember.


TO A current - k A tit.

M O current - us O tka (we do not check with a verb with -yva: to wind).

P e vec - p e t.

Fri e nets - fri e nchik.

Tr I sit - tr I ska.

History of the rule

For the first time, Mikhail Lomonosov drew attention to vowels in roots in Russian Grammar. But they did not formulate the rule. Developing Lomonosov's thought, the authors of the following textbooks are already formulating a semblance of a rule. Like this:

In general, writing some words with unstressed vowels was considered “obscene”, but there is no rule yet.

Nikolai Grech has already proposed checking unstressed vowels with stressed ones in words of the same root, but he also does not yet have a single rule: he devotes a separate paragraph to each pair of vowels that can be confused.

But over 100 years the formulation has been perfected.

There is not much debate about the rule about unstressed vowels. Everyone understands it, everyone likes it. But it is precisely this rule that causes most of the mistakes.

What to pay attention to

  • In no case don't check with stress vowels in roots with vowel alternation.
  • Don't check with accent words with full vowel have the same root with a “dropped” vowel. For example, in the word h olo That we write the letter combination OLO, although there is a word evil A That.
  • When establishing the spelling o or a in unstressed roots of verbs should not be taken into account imperfect forms of -yat (-iv) with stressed a, for example: T O ptal, because T O pchet (although you A ptyval), m O lie, m O they are talking, because m O lcha (although the mind A hide).
  • When choosing a word with the same root, remember the lexical meaning of the root. There are many similar and even almost identical roots that have different meanings and different vowels. For example, approx. e tear clothes(we check with a word approx. e rka), approx. And five friends(we check with a word m And R), mind And army and mind e howl(alternating mer-world depends on the suffix A, cannot be checked by accent).
There is a special course on our website that will help you make the selection of test words automatic. View course

Here is the most complete list of words with similar roots:

Climb (climb) into a hole - lick (lick) a wound

Started to peel off (peeled off) - lick (licks) the lollipop

Get down (climb) from a tree - lick (lick) sour cream

Start (sing) a song - drink (drink) medicine

Invoke (wind) sad thoughts - curl (curl) hair on a curling iron

To flutter (fly) in the wind - to develop (development) according to age

Rinse (rinses) laundry - caress (caress) a cat

Shine (light) with a flashlight - dedicate (holy) poems to a lady

Hurry (hurry) to work - write (write off) in a notebook

Cleanliness (clean) in the house - frequency (often) of radio waves, visits

Beg (beg) for help - belittle (small) merit

To sit (sitting) on ​​a bench - to turn gray (grey) from grief

To fade (wither) in the heat - to see (the sight of) a friend

Try on (measurement) dress - reconcile (peace) enemies - die, die (mer/peace)

Thin out (rare) carrots - unload (discharge) a gun

Heat (glow) the iron - chop (prick) the wood

Blooming valley (vale) - distant (distant) lighthouse

Driven (drove) crazy - made (made) a nest

She is very nice (nice) – She chalked (chalked) the floor

Dating (date) a document – ​​subsidizing the territory

Chew (chew) meat - live (live) in an apartment

Imitate elders - irritate (tease) - tremble (shiver) in the wind

Unite (tightly) the team - pay (payment) the debt

Fasten (firmly) the sheets - creak (creak) in the wind

Stop repairs - tame the (meek) tiger - reduce (briefly) the fraction

To flap (flap) in the wind - some kind of rag (rag)

To rescue (will) a prisoner - to shoulder (shaft) a load - to felt (felt) wool

An old resident (old) of the city - guarded (watchman) the warehouse

Run around (run) shops - offend (offend) the weak

Gas stove (stove) – weave (weave) a basket

Boastful (boast) arrogant - tailed (tail) devil

Guess (riddle) the word - please (please) the bride

Evaporate (steam) in the air - an undeniable (dispute) argument

Hummocky (tussock) meadow – swing (swing) on ​​a swing – nomad

To press (closely) neighbors - emboss (emboss) on the skin

Constrained (crowded) in means - embossed (embossed) with gold

Blind (model) a snowman - stick (sticky) together

Boil (cook) the potatoes - open (leaf) the door

What happened (shaking) - bursting (crackling) at the seams

Book (reservation) tickets - scold (scold) husband

Rake (rake) leaves – mushroom (mushroom) soup

Hanging (hung) pear, you can’t eat - weight (weight) sugar

To be exhausted (skinny) from hunger - to drag (drag) in the evening, to drag a bag

Mow (cuts) the grass – cashier (cash) - touch, touch (kos/kas)

The best radio operator (radio) is my relatives (family)

Let's go to the skating rink (rolls) - cat, cat (cat)

Guard (security) warehouse - chronology (chronos) of events

Bitter (bitter) taste – mountainous (mountain) terrain – croaker (hump) – grieve (grief) – flare up, tan (gor/gar)

Carrying out (led) the sentence - saw a ghost (sight)

Three girls are spinning - guests will come

Nude (naked) sitter – stab (knife) wound

Obsession (discouraged) – flood (of water)

Gradually subside (quietly) - console (comfort) the child

At this point, we will dwell in more detail on those that have not been analyzed.

2.3.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root

Rule Examples
1. In an unstressed position, the letter that is written in the same syllable when it is under stress is used. To thunder is cumbersome, to imagine, an image is an example, to irritate is to tease, to beg is to beg, to belittle is small.
2. If e is written under stress, then e is written without stress in the same syllable. Scratch - slash, motley - smear, solid - stop blush.
3. In words of Old Church Slavonic origin, in an unstressed position, an incomplete vowel combination is written with one vowel a-ra, la; in parallel native Russian words a full-vowel combination with two vowels is written o-oro, olo. Br A hello - b o ro zda, region A co - about oh lo wow, wow A waiting - x oh lo d, look A s - g oh lo s, ogre A yes - og o ro die, ch A va - g oh lo va, abbr. A forgive - to o ro soft
4. If the spelling of a vowel in an unstressed position cannot be checked by the stressed position, then the spelling of the vowel must be remembered (or checked its spelling in a dictionary). Object, obsession, but aroma, panorama, labyrinth, lottery, concrete, saucepan, privilege, these kets.


1) Word to the line is the same root as the word up to l; word teacher A vatel- with the word give; words overcome, overcome- with the word C to A.

2) Nouns company And company vary in meaning.

TO and the company- 1. “The totality of military operations; war in a certain period" ( military campaign, Russian-Japanese campaign); 2. “Events, activities” ( election campaign, sowing campaign).
TO about the company- 1. “Society, a group of people spending time together” (friendly company); 2. “Commercial or industrial enterprise” (cf.: steel company).

3) The vowels o-a in the roots of verbs cannot be checked using the imperfective form na -yat (-ivat), cf.: rasko let - rask A bark, talk - talk A rip.

4) In some borrowed words with a suffix that stood out in the past, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the vowel being checked belong to suffixes of different origins, cf.:

intellect ct. intelligent gent,
accompaniment. accompany
lead r. to lead,
trainer. train,
subscription subscribe,
disinfection. disinfect.

Note. Read also about ways to check unstressed vowels in the root on the page: How to check words with unstressed vowels in the root?

2.3.2. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels

Roots with alternating vowels A/O

1. Dependence on stress

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Gar-/gor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), o is written in the unstressed position. Tan - tanned, tanned, sunburnt. Burn, burn, burn.
Clan-/clone- Bow, bow - bow, bow, bow, bow.
Creature-/creative- Creature, creativity - create, create, transform, pretend. Utensil.
Zar-/zor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), a is written in the unstressed position. Roar, dawn - roar, dawn, illuminate. Roar, dawn.
Swim-/swim- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a, o, or ы), a is written in the unstressed position. Swim, swim - swim, float, swim beetle. Swimmer, swimmer;
ply vuny

2. Dependence on final consonants of the root

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Before st and sch it is written a, before s it is written o. Grow, plant, grow, growth - grown, thickets, shoots. A) Rostov, Rostislav, Rostok, moneylender, Vyrostok rostivistic).
b) reflection(and derivatives from them, for example: otra left).
Jump-/jump- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), in the unstressed position a is written before k, and o is written before h. Jump, gallop, gallop - upstart, jump in, jump out. Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Lag-/false- A is written before g, o is written before g. Addendum, put, decompose - add, put, decompose. Polo g.

3. Dependence on the presence of the suffix -a-

4. Value dependence

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Mac-/mok- The root mak- (mach-) is written in words meaning “to immerse in liquid.”
The root mok- (moch-) is written in words meaning “to let liquid through, to become wet.”
Let's put the pen into the ink("load") dip bread in sour cream(“immerse”) - promo whip spot(“pass liquid”), promotional paper(“permeable liquid”), moisten(“make it wet”).
Equal-/equal- The root equal is written in words meaning “same, equal, equal.”
The root is written in words meaning “smooth, straight.”
It's time to pay attention(“to be on the same line, in the same position”), the equation(“mathematical equality”) - take in the bushes(“make it even”), take in the sand(“make it even, smooth”). Ravine, age, level, same age.

Roots with alternating vowels I/E

Roots Rule Examples

If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then the root is written and, if there is no suffix, then the root is written e.

Take it - I'll take it.
Jig-/burn- To survive is to survive.
Steel-/steel- To make the bed - to lay the bed.
Blist-/glitter- Shine - shine.
World-/mer- To die is to die.
Tyr-/ter- Erase - erase.
Dir-/der- To tear it apart - it will tear it apart.
Feast-/per- Lock up - lock up.

Subtract that - subtract you. try on, try on a dress, measure.

2) The alternation and /e in the roots pir- / is typical only for words with the meanings “close”, “open”, “move”, “protrude forward, squeeze out”, etc.

To lock - to lock, to unlock - to unlock, to bulge - to bulge.

In words with the root pir-, meaning “rich treat, feast,” and is always written.

Feast, feast.

Alternation A(I)/im(in)

Roots Rule Examples
Roots with alternating a(i)/im(in) If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then it is written in the root (in); if there is no suffix, then a /ya is written in the root. Squeeze - shake, press - press, knead - knead, understand - understand, start - start, remember - memory.

2.3.3. Use of the letter E

As noted (see paragraph 1.5), the vowel letter e is used primarily after soft consonants and at the beginning of a word, after vowels, if it denotes two sounds [j] + vowel ( yes, the land of the Vedas).

At the same time, according to tradition, in many words after hard consonants and after vowels (where there is no sound [j]) e is also written, not e.

When choosing a vowel, you should use the following rules:

Written E It's written E
1. In foreign words after a consonant, for example: muffler, stand, lady, dandy, Mary. 1. After consonants in some foreign words: mayor, sir, peer and derivatives from them ( mayor's office, peerage), in some proper names: Bacon, Bela, Ulan-Ude.
2. After a vowel and, for example: diet, requiem, caries. 2. After vowels (except and), in accordance with pronunciation, e is written, for example: silhouette, poetry, duet.
3. In words: project, projection, register, extravaganza. 3. At the beginning of a word, in accordance with pronunciation, it is written e ( this, exam, floor, economics) and their derivatives ( exam, save).