What precedes the meeting of Oblomov and the visitor table. Characteristics of Oblomov's guests

- representatives of different classes, busy with their own affairs, but the results of their efforts are not much different from what happens in the house of Ilya Ilyich. In one day, six visitors appear - quite enough for a "lazy" gentleman. Oblomov himself is a little over thirty years old, so his acquaintances extend in a group of young people, among them: fashionable dandy Volkov, former colleague Sudbinsky, young writer Penkin, official Alekseev, bully and swindler Tarantiev and a doctor who recommends Oblomov to change his lifestyle.

"The most diligent visitors to Oblomov" Alekseev and Tarantiev are declared to have a delicious lunch and spend extra time. The rest looked infrequently, communication was gradually interrupted: “Oblomov was sometimes interested in some news, ... then, satisfied with this, he was silent. They had to reciprocate, to take part in what interested them. They are trying to get him to visit, they invite him to a walk in Yekateringof, "he did not like all this, it repelled him."

His idleness is provided by the social position and work of other people, but Ilya Ilyich clearly understands that he is unable to reorganize his life in such a way as to benefit or enjoy secular receptions. The absence of a common cause deprives the relationship of meaning, people have nothing to discuss and nothing to share, so Goncharov’s sympathies clearly lean towards the main character: “It’s better to do nothing at all than to do it somehow.”

All topics have been exhausted, nothing interesting in the future, and only relations with Andrei Stolz, who also often visits Oblomov, enliven Oblomov's behavior. This image is given as the opposite of Ilya Ilyich, the author endows him with the idealized features of an enterprising nobleman who received a “labor and practical education” from childhood. On the eve of the abolition of serfdom, Goncharov is trying to determine the driving forces of social development. Not without reason, even the beautiful Ilyinskaya joins her fate with him, because he is muscular, interesting, and Oblomov, with flabby cheeks and apathetic, "has grown a belly and thinks that nature sent him this burden."

None of Oblomov's guests is essentially able to change and change the surrounding life, the novel presents personal and social characteristics that show that these people are ordinary consumers who can only use what others have invented and created. At the dawn of technological progress in the middle of the 19th century, many writers and famous thinkers believed that accessible education, industrial advances would change the human race.

This delusion was later refuted: in our time, the class of consumers is constantly expanding, while the number of people in production and agriculture is falling. Therefore, Goncharov's critical attitude towards Oblomov's guests is not entirely justified, their "senseless" behavior allows people like Stolz to demonstrate their successes and achieve recognition in the crowd of "unfortunate" and worthless people.

Volkov is a secular dandy, one of the guests in Oblomov's house. He is a young man of about twenty-five, full of health, with laughing eyes and lips. His life consists of endless visits to St. Petersburg houses, as well as all kinds of entertainment. Oblomov himself considers such a pastime empty and useless. Spending his days at home, he prefers not to "crumble" in vain for the sake of social life. In addition to Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, Tarantiev are in the main character's house. All these people, one way or another, bring at least some variety to Oblomovka.

If the first chapter of the novel is devoted mainly to the protagonist, who lies on the sofa all day and night, then the second and third chapters are devoted to the visits of St. Petersburg friends. Volkov's conversations include stories about his constant visits to various houses, his falling in love, showing off new acquisitions, such as a tailcoat or gloves. In the view of Oblomov, Volkov is an unfortunate person who is trying to get into ten houses in one day, as if “crushing” his soul into pieces. Listening to his guest, he is once again convinced that he has chosen the right way of life.

Target: show the role of secondary characters in the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" in identifying the author's position.



To form an idea of ​​a harmonious personality as a guideline for the self-education of each person;

Show the complexity and ambiguity of the character of the protagonist of the novel I.A. Goncharov through its comparison with the images of other characters in the work;

Reveal the originality of the means of creating images of characters in a work of art.


Develop logical thinking and the ability to defend your position;

Form a personality capable of creative activity;

Develop group work skills.


To cultivate love and respect for the Russian language and for Russian classical literature;

To promote the education of a culture of communication, the need for self-education;

To promote the education of the moral qualities of students, paying attention to the education of an active life position.

Lesson type: lesson learning new knowledge.

Work form: frontal work of the teacher with the class, group work, individual work, role-playing game.

Educational technologies: theatrical technology, activity-type technologies (technology for the development of critical thinking, technology for problematic dialogue), game technology, technology for student-centered learning.

Equipment: projector, Power Point presentations “Visiting Ilya Oblomov”, “Physical Minute for the Eyes”, video clips from the feature film “A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”, an audio recording of “Oblomov’s Thoughts”, handouts, scenery for the lesson illustrating the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov’s room.



Grade: 10

Lesson #3

Date of:

Subject: Heroes of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" in their relation to Oblomov.

Target: show the role of secondary characters in the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" in identifying the author's position.



To form an idea of ​​a harmonious personality as a guideline for the self-education of each person;

Show the complexity and ambiguity of the character of the protagonist of the novel I.A. Goncharov through its comparison with the images of other characters in the work;

Reveal the originality of the means of creating images of characters in a work of art.


Develop logical thinking and the ability to defend your position;

- to form a personality capable of creative activity;

Develop group work skills.


To cultivate love and respect for the Russian language and for Russian classical literature;

- to promote the education of a culture of communication, the need for self-education;

To promote the education of the moral qualities of students, paying attention to the education of an active life position.

Lesson type: lesson learning new knowledge.

Work form: frontal work of the teacher with the class, group work, individual work, role-playing game.

Educational technologies:theatrical technology, activity-type technologies (technology for the development of critical thinking, technology for problematic dialogue), game technology, technology for student-centered learning.

Equipment: projector, Power Point presentations “Visiting Ilya Oblomov”, “Physical Minute for the Eyes”, video clips from the feature film “A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”, an audio recording of “Oblomov’s Thoughts”, handouts, scenery for the lesson illustrating the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov’s room.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time. Motivational mood.

Good afternoon guys. Today we continue our acquaintance with Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", we continue to analyze the text and comprehend the secrets of the author's artistic skill.

As you know, this novel is a classic of world literature.Roman Goncharova " Oblomov "is prominent in Russian and world literature a milestone on the way to solving many problems by mankind.Do you think it is important to read classical literature? (Yes)

Let's play the speaker game. Take on the role of a speaker and prove that reading classic literature is essential.

(Children's answers:

- A classic has become a classic because it carries something that, even after a long time, retains its relevance.

- Classical books are timeless, as they help to reveal many moments of human life, relationships that do not depend on time.

- Reading Classical Literatureaffects the inner world of the reader. Even if the book is a hundred or more years old. She is the only one who can tell about interesting events, convey all the shades of the characters' experiences, their thoughts, accurately describe the actions and their causes. Some works can play a big role in the life of the public.

Another reason that can be a significant argument in favor ofreading classical literature- this is what these works are part of the intellectual and cultural heritage of mankind, to lose which would be just a crime. Those joys, successes, defeats that our ancestors left us in the classics should not become unnecessary.)

Well done! With such an attitude, we can safely continue our journey through the pages of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

2 . Checking homework.

At home, you were asked to fill out a questionnaire of minor, seemingly inconspicuous, characters of the novel, which can still influence the formation of the idea of ​​the main character. I hope that in the course of reading the novel, these characters helped you to reveal the image of Oblomov to a greater extent.

Guys, tell me, the names of which heroes did you put in this questionnaire?

(Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, Tarantiev, Mukhoyarov, Olga's aunt, Zakhar).

(See Appendix 1).

3. Actualization of experience. Goal setting.

In the previous lesson, we studied the central image of the novel - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Let's make a brief portrait of him. (Notes in a notebook).

Based on the completed table, answer the question: what do these characters have in common and what distinguishes them from each other?

(The first five characters - Oblomov's "guests", Olga's aunt and Mukhoyarov - are not directly related to Oblomov, they play a direct role. Zakhar is a servant, but has similarities with Oblomov. They will unite one thing - they are all secondary characters, but they are all concentrated around the main character, some of them even contribute to the creation of the image of the main character).

Important!! When using the “joint search” technique, the teacher takes into account the opinion of each student who speaks.

What features of the characters can be defined as contrasting? Why this contrast to the author?

(All the features that are opposed to the main character. To oppose each to Oblomov, to add up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe image more clearly and vividly).

Do you think one character can somehow influence the reader's perception of the main character? How does it manifest itself?

What do you think, what will our today's lesson be devoted to, if we have already touched on the image of the central character? (They formulate the topic of the lesson approximately “Minor characters in the novel“ Oblomov ”).

How do you understand the meaning of the word "secondary"?

(Minor, -th, -th. Not main, not main, less significant (second degree in importance).

What is the purpose of our lesson? (Assess the role of secondary characters in the novel)

4. Learning new knowledge.

Guys, today's lesson can be called unusual. If we came up with a name for each lesson, then today's name would be: "On a visit to Ilya Oblomov." Let's imagine that we are in the artistic world created by Goncharov on the pages of the novel.

front poll."Reference point".

1) What era are we in? (19th century)

2) What city are we in? (Petersburg)

3) What social circle does the hero belong to? (Nobility // master who has an estate, land, peasants)

4) Where could you meet people of this circle? (At the service, in the theater, at a ball or at a reception, in a park, on the Neva embankment).

5) Where are we going? Where can we find a hero? (Gorokhovaya street, rented apartment).

6) Why is the hero at home now? (Oblomov is always at home).

Since our hero does not go anywhere, we ourselves will have to go to visit Oblomov.

Only today, one half of the class will have the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of Oblomov's life and be a witness of Oblomov's communication with his guests, and the other half of the class will have a wonderful opportunity to express themselves from the creative side and show themselves a short excerpt from the novel, to be Oblomov's guests. So, we plunge into the atmosphere of eternal peace and sleep and look into the house of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. And at the same time we will get acquainted with the guests themselves.

Using the theatrical technique (Appendix 2).

After staging:

Call phase: Evaluation questions:

What feelings did you experience while watching the dramatization of the text?

What questions arose during the comparison of the text and living characters?

Were the actors able to portray the characters they were imagining?

Were you able to trace the complexity of the character of the protagonist?

5. Physical minutes.

6. The stage of checking the understanding of what has been learned.

Target: establish whether or not students have learned the connection between facts, eliminate the gaps found.

Way to reach:group form of work (reception "Double diary"),posing questions that require active mental activity of students ("Educational Brainstorming"); frontal work with the class (creating non-standard situations when using knowledge; the teacher’s appeal to the class with the requirement to supplement, clarify or correct the student’s answer, find another, more rational solution, etc.; taking into account additional answers in number and nature when clarifying gaps in understanding students of new material), individual work.

Result : the teacher asks average and weak students, the class is involved in evaluating their answers, during the test the teacher seeks to eliminate gaps in students' understanding of new material; the main criterion for the performance of the didactic task is the level of awareness of the new material by the majority of weak and average students.

  1. Group work. Reception "double diary".Divide the class into two groups. The teacher asks one group to fill in the column of the table “what the guests brought to Oblomov was positive” (+), the second - “what is negative” (-). It turned out the following:
  1. Individual work(written, theses):

Who is Zakhar? What are the features of this character? What is its role?

(performed by a strong student while others work orally)

  1. Front work.

a) Blitz poll:

How many guests came to Oblomov? (5).

What are their names (Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, Tarantiev).

Where did some of the guests call Oblomov? (To Ekateringof, for entertainment, for the celebration of May 1).

What phrase did Oblomov repeatedly repeat when meeting with guests? ("Go away, you're out of the cold...").

What question was Oblomov trying to solve, asking for help from his visitors? (Housing problem).

b) Educational brainstorming.

Is the image of Oblomov as easy as it seems at first glance? (The image, like the novel, is ambiguous).

Due to what does this certain complexity of the image of the main character develop? (Due to the projection of images of secondary characters onto the main image. We can trace his actions, speech, behavior in general).

What do you think, what character traits does Oblomov lack for an ideal hero? (Self-confidence, panache, mischief, optimism, an active life position in general).

Can these qualities be adopted from his acquaintances, friends? (Perhaps he misses all this).

And what features of Oblomov's guests would not be worth adopting? Why? (Reverence, pretense, farce, spinelessness, impudence, rudeness).

Why are the guests unable to lift Oblomov off the sofa? (He is above their interests. He is a philosopher.

M. Prishvin: “No “positive” activity in Russia can withstand Oblomov’s criticism: his peace is fraught with a demand for the highest value, for such an activity, because of which it would be worth losing peace”).

Which literary hero of Russian literature of the first third of the 19th century is reminiscent of those qualities of Oblomov that appeared in the first episodes? (Manilova is a dreamer from the novel "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol).

The typological feature of which heroes is unfulfillment in business, society? (Type of "superfluous person").

How does the treatment of the problem of the “superfluous person” in this novel differ from its consideration in previous literature? (In the works of A.S. Pushkin, A.S. Griboedov, the type of “extra person” is an outstanding, titanic personality. I.A. Goncharov showed how reality destroys not a titan, but an ordinary son of the century, just a good person. Goncharov brought the logic the development of the “extra person” to its logical conclusion (non-realization, complete inactivity. The conflict “man-environment” is moved inside the hero himself: it prevents the personality of the “landlord” from being realized in the hero himself, in the soul of the hero).

What role does the seemingly inconspicuous character Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov play in the novel? (He is the spring in the events associated with Oblomov, decides the fate of the Oblomov estate, an unpleasant character).

And Olga's aunt, Marya Mihailovna? (Nothing special of itself. On the other hand, for a long timeIn the course of Olga’s romance with Oblomov, Marya Mikhailovna remains true to herself, without betraying her own attitude to their frequent meetings. Usually during the visits of Ilya Ilyich, "my aunt ... looks at him with her languid big eyes and thoughtfully sniffs her alcohol, as if she had a headache from him." It is in the behavior of Marya Mikhailovna, from whom he never officially asked for Olga's hand, that Oblomov finds mute support for the thought of the futility of this decisive step).

Checking the answer to the questions posed about Zakhar. Determination of its place in the text.

(Based on the irony of Blom and life perception, as well as based on the key points that we saw in the text, we can say with complete certainty that Zakhar is “even more Oblomov than Ilya Ilyich himself.” This is most clearly expressed in the following episode of the text: “Oblomov looked reproachfully at him, shook his head and sighed, and Zakhar indifferently looked at the window, it seems, thought, and also sighed. brother, you are even more Oblomov than I myself ... ". The image of Zakhara is necessary in the novel, without him the picture of Oblomovism would be incomplete.)

Does the novel pose the problem of a holistic harmonious personality? How? For what?

(IN All the main characters of the novel are perfect. But they are perfect in every way. In Oblomov - the ideal of a poet, in Stolz - the ideal of a sober-minded person, in Olga - the ideal of a person who is aware of his duty. Oblomov is ideal for Pshenitsyna and Oblomovka. And Stolz and Olga are ideal for society. A harmonious personality is not Stolz, not Oblomov, not Olga separately. That's all of them put together. Oblomov is not an absolute ideal. If Goncharov combined the qualities of Stolz and Oblomov, he would have a perfect image).

With the appearance of which guest, the image of Oblomov seems to us not at all unambiguous? (when the Stolz-next topic appears).

7. The stage of fixing the new material.

A basket is placed on the table in front of the students. In advance, the teacher selects abstracts on the topic, including erroneous ones, and puts them in a basket. Students take out a piece of paper with some thesis from the basket, agree or refute, correcting.

  1. As he gets to know Oblomov's guests, the reader understands that perhaps the main character is right in his attitude towards them. All of them are also Oblomovites, despite their seeming opposition to him. They only create the appearance of activity, while in fact they do nothing.
  2. Oblomov's guests are not accidental. Volkov - a secular dandy, a dandy; Sudbinsky - Oblomov's colleague, who was promoted; Penkin is a successful writer; Alekseev is a faceless man, Tarantiev is assertive, arrogant, boorish. Oblomov could have been a social dandy, like Volkov (and women liked him, even very beautiful women, but he alienated them from himself), could serve and rise to high ranks , like Sudbinsky, could become a writer, like Penkin (Stolz, bringing him books to read, addicted Oblomov to poetry. Oblomov found rapture in poetry ...), could take over people, allow assertiveness in actions, like Tarantiev, and faceless Alekseev tells us that the choice can still be made.
  3. The scene of Oblomov's meeting with the guests does not represent anything artistically valuable.
  4. The author treats Oblomov in a completely different way than he treats other heroes of the novel - guests of the Oblomov estate. Volkov, Sudbinsky, Alekseev, Penkin, Tarantiev - all these cheap gentlemen are bright representatives of the local secular society, "with ranks and titles." Their traditional visit is simply alien to the understanding of the protagonist. He is above their understanding of the world. He is more human.
  5. Zakhar "is even more Oblomov than Oblomov himself."
  6. The life and fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov cannot make one think about the most complex issues of free will and the need to live "as one should" or "as one wants."

8. The stage of informing students about homework, briefing on its implementation.

  1. Consider a couple of "Stoltz and Oblomov". Answer in writing the question: “Oblomov and Stolz: twins or antipodes?”
  2. Love in a novel The development of relations with women in Oblomov. Fill in the table with the necessary quotes (handout).
  3. What is "Oblomovism"? Summarize what has been said before. Make a cluster "Features of" Oblomovism ".
  4. For everyone: get acquainted with excerpts from the critical articles of Dobrolyubov N.A. "What is Oblomovism?" Druzhinina A.V. "Oblomov", Pisareva D.I. Oblomov. Roman Goncharova I.A. (summary in a notebook).

9. Summing up the lesson.

The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

It was difficult…

I have been doing assignments...

I realized that...

Now I can…

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned…

I managed …

I was able...

I will try…

I was surprised...

Lesson taught me for life...

I wanted…

Evaluation by the teacher.

Today in the lesson we examined the role of the secondary characters of the novel. We have proved that one of the means of creating an image is to compare the character traits of several minor characters with the main one in order to more clearly trace the development of the image in the novel. In the next lessons, we will continue our conversation about a work of art, make sure of its specificity, reveal new manifestations of the author's skill - Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov in his controversial novel Oblomov.

Lesson over! Goodbye!

Appendix 1. Inconspicuous characters of the novel.

Questionnaire to fill out (the form was distributed to the house).

Full name


Type of activity and occupation

Quotes (optional)

1 Volkov

Young, 25 years old.

“Thank God, I have such a service that I don’t need to be in office. Only twice a week I will sit and dine with the general, and then you will go on visits where you have not been for a long time.

"I am the decoration of the ministry."

2 Sudbinsky

Department Director

“Well, of course, it’s nice to serve with such a person as Foma Fomich: he doesn’t leave him without awards; who does nothing, and those will not be forgotten. As the term came out - for the difference, it represents; who has not reached the deadline for the rank, for the cross, he will get the money ... "

3 Penkin


“The whole mechanism of our social movement has been revealed, and everything is in poetic colors. All springs are touched; all rungs of the social ladder have been moved. Here, as if for a trial, the author has summoned a weak but vicious nobleman and a whole swarm of bribe-takers who deceive him; and all the ranks of fallen women are dismantled... Frenchwomen, Germans, tubs, and everything, everything... with amazing, burning fidelity... I have heard excerpts - the author is great! In it one hears Dante, then Shakespeare ... "

4 Alekseev

No age

“In the service, he does not have a special permanent occupation, because his colleagues and bosses could not notice in any way that he was doing worse, what was better.”

“-No, I always feel good with you; I am satisfied…”

5 Tarantievs

forty years old

bribery official

Calls Stolz a "blowing beast"

6 Zahar

Elderly man, over 50.

Oblomov's devoted servant

“Oblomov looked reproachfully at him, shook his head and sighed, while Zakhar looked indifferently at the window and also sighed. The master, it seems, thought: “Well, brother, you are even more Oblomov than I myself,” and Zakhar almost thought: “You're lying! You are only a master of speaking tricky and miserable words, but you don’t care about dust and cobwebs.

7 Mukhoyarov Ivan Matveevich

forty years old

Activities blurred

“Time has passed ... all the milk-suckers have been killed: they break down, read and speak French ... everyone spoils us ..”

8 Olga's aunt

Almost 50 years

Peasants. Lady.

Appendix 2

The use of theater technology in the classroom. Staging of the reception scene in Oblomov's house.

Oblomov, Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, Tarantiev, Author.

The ticking of a clock is heard. On the screen - frames from the film "A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov" (the Hero lies, turned to the wall). The student playing the role of Oblomov lies on a previously prepared sleeping place in the middle of the class.

Call. Volkov enters.

A young man of about twenty-five entered, radiant with health, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes. Envy took to look at him.

Hello Volkov! - said Ilya Ilyich.

Hello, Oblomov, - said the shining gentleman, coming up to him.

Don't come, don't come: you're out of the cold! he said.

You haven't gotten up yet! What is that dressing gown on you? They stopped wearing these a long time ago, ”he shamed Oblomov.

This is not a dressing gown, but a dressing gown, ”said Oblomov, lovingly wrapping himself in the wide skirts of the dressing gown.

Where are you from so early? - asked Oblomov.

From the tailor. Look, is the coat good? - he said, tossing and turning in front of Oblomov.

Great! Made with great taste, - said Ilya Ilyich.

Oblomov, do you know, I ... am in love with Lydia, - Volkov whispered.

Bravo! How long ago? She seems to be so cute.

That's three weeks! Volkov said with a deep sigh. - What you have dust everywhere! - he said.

All Zakhar! Oblomov complained.

Well, I have to go! Volkov said.

Come in the evening to drink tea, from the ballet: tell me how it was there, ”Oblomov invited.

I can’t, I gave my word to the Mussinskys: today is their day. Let's go and you. Do you want me to introduce you?

No, what is there to do?

You won't please. How many houses! Now everyone has days: at the Savinovs they dine on Thursdays, at the Maklashins - Fridays, at the Vyaznikovs - Sundays, at Prince Tyumenev - Wednesdays. My days are busy! Volkov concluded with shining eyes.

And you are not too lazy to hang around every day?

Here, laziness! What kind of laziness? Have fun! he said nonchalantly. - Farewell. I have ten more seats. And he disappeared.

Oblomov's thoughts (recorded in advance, audio recording is included):

“Ten places in one day - unfortunate! And that's life! Where is the person here? What does it break up and fall apart into? Of course, it's not bad to look into the theater and fall in love with some Lydia ... she's pretty! In the village with her, picking flowers, riding is good; Yes, ten places in one day - unfortunate!

Doorbell. Enter Sudbinsky.

A new guest has entered.

Hello Sudbinsky! Oblomov greeted cheerfully. - Forcibly looked to the old colleague! Don't come, don't come! You are cold.

Hello, Ilya Ilyich. I've been going to you for a long time, - the guest said, - but you know what a devilish service we have! There, look, I'm taking a whole suitcase to the report; and now, if they ask anything there, he ordered the courier to gallop here. You can't have yourself for a minute.

Are you still in service? So late? - asked Oblomov. - You used to be from ten o'clock ...

What to do! You have to work when you get money. I’ll rest in the summer: Foma Fomich promises to invent a business trip on purpose for me ... here, here I’ll get runs for five horses, three rubles per day, and then a reward ...

Ek break! - Oblomov said with envy; then he sighed and thought.

I need money: I’m getting married in the fall,” Sudbinsky added.

What you! Indeed? On whom? - Oblomov said with participation.

Not joking, on Murashina. Remember, they lived near me in the country? You drank tea at my place and it seems you saw her.

No, I do not remember! Pretty? - asked Oblomov.

Yes, honey. Let's go, if you want, to dine with them ...

Oblomov hesitated.

Yes... well, just...

That week,” Sudbinsky said.

Yes, yes, that week, - Oblomov was delighted, - my dress is not ready yet. Well, good party?

Yes, the father is a real state councilor; gives ten thousand, the apartment is state-owned. He gave us a whole half, twelve rooms; state-owned furniture, heating, lighting too: you can live ...

Yes, you can! Still would! What is Sudbinsky! - added, not without envy, Oblomov.

I invite you to the wedding, Ilya Ilyich, as the best man: look ...

How, certainly! Oblomov said.

Farewell, - said the official, - I chatted, something will be needed there ...

Oblomov's thoughts:

“Stuck, dear friend, stuck up to his ears. And blind, and deaf, and mute to everything else in the world. And he will come out into the people, in time he will turn things over and pick up officials ... We also call this a career! And how little a person is needed here: his mind, will, feelings - why is this? Luxury! And he will live his life, and much, much will not move in it ... And meanwhile he works from twelve to five in the office, from eight to twelve at home - unfortunate!

Penkin enters.

Hello Penkin; don't come, don't come: you're out of the cold! Oblomov said.

Oh you weirdo! he said. - Still the same incorrigible, carefree sloth!

Yes, carefree! Oblomov said. - Now I'll show you a letter from the headman: you break, break your head, and you say: carefree! Where are you from?

From the bookshop: went to see if the magazines were out. Have you read my article?


I pass on this thought, and I know that it is new and bold. One traveler witnessed these beatings and complained to him when meeting with the governor. He ordered the official, who was going there for the investigation, to casually verify this and generally collect information about the personality and behavior of the mayor. The official summoned the townspeople, as if to ask about trade, but in the meantime, let's explore this as well. What about the burghers? They bow and laugh and extol the mayor with praises. The official began to recognize the party, and he was told that the bourgeois are terrible scammers, they sell rotten things, they weigh them down, they even measure the treasury, everyone is immoral, so these beatings are a righteous punishment ...

You should write, Ilya Ilyich, you have a lot of tact!

Oblomov waved it off.

Yes, read it yourself.

What didn't I see there? Oblomov said. - Why do they write this: they only amuse themselves ...

Depict a thief, a fallen woman, an inflated fool, and don’t forget the person right there. Where is the humanity? You want to write with one head! Oblomov almost hissed. - Do you think that a thought does not need a heart? No, it is fertilized by love. Stretch out your hand to a fallen man to lift him up, or weep bitterly over him if he perishes, and do not mock. Love him, remember yourself in him, and treat him as if you were yourself—then I will read you and bow my head before you...” he said, lying down again calmly on the sofa. “They portray a thief, a fallen woman,” he said, “but they forget about a person or they don’t know how to portray. What kind of art is here, what poetic colors did you find? Expose debauchery, dirt, only, please, without pretensions to poetry.

Well, would you order to depict nature: roses, a nightingale, or a frosty morning, while everything is boiling, moving around? We need one naked physiology of society; we don’t have time for songs now ...

Human, human give me! Oblomov said. - Love him...

However, I have to go to the printing house! Penkin said. Write at night and send light to the printing house. Farewell.

Oblomov's thoughts:
“Write at night, when do you sleep? And come on, five thousand a year will earn! It's bread! Yes, write everything, waste your thought, your soul on trifles, change your beliefs, trade your mind and imagination, force your nature, worry, boil, burn, not know peace and everything is moving somewhere ... And write everything, write everything like a wheel, like a car: write tomorrow, the day after tomorrow; the holiday will come, summer will come - and he writes everything? When to stop and rest? Unhappy!"

Call. Alekseev enters.

A man of indeterminate years entered, with an indefinite physiognomy, at a time when it is difficult to guess the age; neither handsome nor ugly, neither tall nor short, neither blond nor brunette. Nature did not give him any sharp, noticeable feature, neither bad nor good. Many called him Ivan Ivanych, others - Ivan Vasilyich, others - Ivan Mikhailovich.

A! Oblomov met him. - Is that you, Alekseev? Hello. Where? Don't come, don't come: I won't give you a hand: you're out of the cold!

What are you, what a cold! I did not think to visit you today, - said Alekseev, - but Ovchinin met and took me to him. I am behind you, Ilya Ilyich.

Where is it?

Yes, let's go to Ovchinin. There are Matvey Andreevich Alyanov, Kazimir Albertych Pkhailo, Vasily Sevastyanych Kolymyagin.

Why are they gathered there and what do they need from me?

Ovchinin invites you to dinner.

Hm! Dine ... - repeated Oblomov monotonously.

And then everyone goes to Yekateringof: they told me to tell you to hire a stroller.

I have two misfortunes! I don't know how to be.


They drive from the apartment; imagine - you have to move out: breaking, fussing ... it's scary to think! After all, he lived in an apartment for eight years.

Well, what would you do in my place? - Oblomov asked, looking inquiringly at Alekseev, with a sweet hope, maybe he would think of something to calm him down.

You have to think, Ilya Ilyich, you can’t suddenly decide, ”said Alekseev.

Enter Tarantiev

Hello, fellow countryman, - Tarantyev said curtly, holding out his hairy hand to Oblomov. - Why are you lying to this day, like a deck?

Don't come, don't come: you're out of the cold! - said Oblomov, hiding behind a blanket.

Here's another - what he thought up - from the cold! - voiced Tarantiev. - Well, well, take your hand, if they give! It's almost twelve o'clock, and he's lying around!

Have you heard about my misfortunes? They are being driven from the apartment, the headman sent a letter.

Here's what: tomorrow, if you please, move to an apartment ... on the Vyborg side.

I won't move. (Arguing)

Well, to hell with you! - answered Tarantiev, going to the door. - Look, Ilya Ilyich, I will rent you an apartment - do you hear? he added.

And I'll go until I tell them not to wait for us in Ekateringof. Farewell, Ilya Ilyich, said Alekseev.

They leave.

Appendix 3

Drawing up a quotation table (homework 2nd row)

Before meeting Olga

After meeting Olga

After breaking up with Olga

Favorite sofa


Order in the house

Attitude towards a woman

The novel "Oblomov" is a classic, in which interest either subsides, or, on the contrary, flares up with great force. The thing is the character of Ilya Ilyich, who becomes a symbol of some eras, and a negative hero of others.

Oblomov's guests and the purpose of their arrival will help to understand the nature of a complex character.

Oblomov's guests

Throughout the novel, few guests come to Oblomov. All of them are different in nature, appearance and age. Alekseev and Tarantiev come to Ilya Ilyich more often and more diligently. At first glance, these are two opposite characters: noisy and quiet, rude and timid, arrogant and meek. But in fact, they have a lot in common: the inability to build a career, the desire to eat at the expense of others.

The rest of the guests were infrequent visitors to Ilya. They were brought to him by accidental circumstances. They flew in for a minute and, not seeing the point in communication, quickly left the uncomfortable house. Such guests understood that they could not reciprocate the host, reported some not very important news and left. Friends were an annoyance in Oblomov's life. They tried to return him to a stormy and ebullient life, but their views did not coincide. Oblomov disliked them more and more. He pushed them away, not wanting even ridiculous friendly contact. They were cold from the street, and it was cold not only in the literal sense of the word, but also figuratively.


A cheerful young man is carefree and cheerful. He shares the latest news with Ilya, boasts of new things. The guest is a fashionista who loves to flaunt clothes from the latest collections. He has a beautiful hairstyle. Volkov's life is a stormy holiday. He manages to visit 10 different places in one day:

"Ten places in one day - unfortunate!"

Volkov is trying to change Oblomov's attitude towards women. Thoughts, and not to fall in love, visited the owner and immediately melted away. A busy life did not arouse envy in Ilya. He felt that his balanced and calm lifestyle was better.


The guest is a former colleague of Oblomov, they served together in the office. Sudbinsky has a speaking surname. He is the builder of his own destiny: he makes a career, strives for promotions, receives awards. Sudbinsky came to visit a friend, to invite him to go with him to Ekateringof. The story about the affairs of the service did not arouse Oblomov's interest. He is glad that he does not need, as a guest, to get bogged down in a career "fuss". In the conversation of friends, the theme of the essence of man is raised, which fades into the background, leaving on the surface the desire for rank and service. Good earnings and eternal employment - what Sudbinsky colleague wanted to call for.


With a proposal to go to Yekateringof, the young writer Penkin came to Oblomov. But before pronouncing the purpose of the visit, the guest spoke about his article, about literature in general. He excited Ilya with thoughts about fallen people and changes in society. Ilya even jumped out of a comfortable bed, but it was a momentary splash. Writing even at night is too wrong. Selling your thoughts is also absurd. Oblomov compares Penkin to a machine that spins without stopping every day. Life without sleep and rest is for Ilya Ilyich a synonym for an unhappy existence.


The purpose of his visit to Oblomov, like his whole life, is to eat. He invites Ilya to dinner with a mutual friend, and after dinner to go with friends to Yekateringof. Oblomov offers to stay and dine with him. Alekseev is a timid man who is afraid of himself. He does not advance in the service, does not have his own opinion, adapt to others, gradually losing face. It becomes unremarkable externally and internally. But only to this quiet guest Oblomov was able to voice his problems.


Countryman and friend of Ilya Ilyich Tarantiev is a noisy and rude guest. Without asking consent, he tries to lift Oblomov out of bed. At the request of Tarantiev, the servant Zakhar dresses the master. Oblomov sits down in a chair. Tarantiev was an invited guest, he was invited to dinner, but another purpose of the visit was to beg for a black tailcoat. Only the servant prevented the impudence of the guest. Tarantiev constantly scolds, grumbles and swears. He is dissatisfied with everything in the world, looking for profit, an opportunity to deceive and cheat.


The purpose of visiting the doctor is Oblomov's health. He warns Ilya about the possibility of a stroke (stroke), about the need to change his lifestyle, but he does not listen to his advice. The doctor is elegant and attractive. He enters the homes of wealthy patients, so he is reserved and calm. The doctor has a good income, his behavior is of interest.

Critics have repeatedly noted the lack of dynamism, the slowness of the plot action in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", the external eventlessness of the work. Dobrolyubov considered the novel "stretched". “In the first part, Oblomov lies on the couch; in the second, he goes to the Ilyinskys and falls in love with Olga, and she with him; in the third, she sees that she made a mistake in Oblomov, and they disperse; in the fourth, she marries his friend Stolz, and he marries the mistress of the house where he rents an apartment. That's all. No external events, no obstacles (except perhaps the opening of the bridge across the Neva, which stopped Olga's meetings with Oblomov), no extraneous circumstances interfere with the novel. Oblomov’s laziness and apathy is the only spring of action in his entire history,” the critic wrote in the article “What is Oblomovism?”.

It can be noted that the first part of the novel differs from the other three parts. The first part is an exposition. Here Goncharov introduces us to Oblomov, his character, way of life, shows the origins of the formation of his personality. In the exposition, Goncharov gives the whole background of the hero - a description of his childhood in Oblomovka, adolescence in the Stolz boarding house, youth in St. Petersburg. The exposition here merges with the prologue.

In this regard, the ninth chapter, "Oblomov's Dream", has expositional significance, although in the context of the history of the creation of the novel, the ninth chapter acquires a certain independence. A. V. Druzhinin notes that Goncharov's novel "splits into two uneven sections." Under the first part of "Oblomov" is 1849, under the rest - 1857 and 1858. Alekseev and Tarantiev, it seems to us musty and almost disgusting, so the same Ilya Ilyich, who himself destroys the love of the woman he has chosen and weeps over the wreckage of his happiness, is deep, touching and sympathetic in his sad comedy, ”notes A. V. Druzhinin.

"Oblomov's Dream" was the connecting thread that held the novel together, gave it completeness and unity. "Oblomov's Dream" not only illuminated, clarified and reasonably poeticized the whole face of the hero, but also connected him with a thousand invisible bonds with the heart of every Russian reader. Thus, the ninth chapter not only contributed to the creation of a special artistic authenticity, the realism of the image of Oblomov, but also gave the novel poetry, light lyricism.

The first part of the novel is thus an exposition that includes a prologue. However, here the character of the hero and his background are not only outlined. In the first part there is a peculiar alignment of forces in the novel. Here Goncharov presents us with a number of characters embodying a different, "neoblomov" attitude to life. Each of them represents a certain type of Russian reality.

So, the first guest of Oblomov is Volkov, a young man of twenty-five. The "credo" of this man is a secular life. All Volkov's time is scheduled by the minute - social visits, balls, dinners ... Oblomov finds this way of life vain and tiring.

The second guest of Ilya Ilyich is Sudbinsky. This is a person concerned about promotion, career. However, this way of life is unacceptable for Oblomov. All the troubles of Sudbinsky seem to him vain, meaningless, repugnant to living, genuine life. “Stuck, dear friend, stuck up to his ears,” thought Oblomov, following him with his eyes. - And blind, and deaf, and dumb for everything else in the world. And he will come out into the people, in time he will turn things over and pick up officials ... We also call this a career! And how little a person is needed here: his mind, will, feelings - why is this? Luxury! And he will live his life, and not much will move in it ... Meanwhile, he works from twelve to five in the office, from eight to twelve at home - unfortunate!

Oblomov's third visitor is the writer Penkin, who advocates a "real trend in literature." This image is depicted by Goncharov almost as a caricature, in which he denounces the superficiality, lack of ideas, the "emptiness" of some "writers", their love for novelties, fresh facts. Here, the very name of the hero, Penkin, is already symbolic. He writes literally about everything - "about trade, about the emancipation of women, about the beautiful April days." Ilya Ilyich attacks such "literature" with noble indignation, noting that in such works there is no life, "there is no understanding of it and sympathy." “Do you think that a thought does not need a heart? No, it is fertilized by love. Reach out your hand to a fallen man to lift him up, or weep bitterly over him if he perishes, and do not mock. Love him, remember yourself in him and treat him as if you were yourself - then I will read you and bow my head before you ... They portray a thief, a fallen woman, - he said, - but they forget a person or not are able to portray. What kind of art is here, what poetic colors did you find? Expose debauchery, dirt, only, please, without pretensions to poetry. Here, of course, Goncharov expresses his own thoughts in Oblomov's words.

The last two guests of Oblomov are Alekseev and Tarantiev. "These two Russian proletarians" visit Ilya Ilyich with a very specific goal - "drink, eat, smoke good cigars." Alekseev personifies dullness, invisibility, uncertainty. This is a person devoid of individuality, in whom there is “no sharp, noticeable feature, neither bad nor good,” who has neither friends nor enemies.

Tarantiev is a type of cunning, arrogant, dodgy, deceitful person, prone to fraud. “A bribe-taker in the soul” - such a definition is given to him by the writer. It is characteristic that Goncharov tells us Tarantiev's background, describes his childhood and youth. Here the motif of unfulfilled hopes reappears, accompanying the image of Oblomov. By the will of fate, Tarantiev, who received some education, was to remain a scribe for life, “but meanwhile he carried in himself and was aware of a dormant force locked in him by hostile circumstances forever, without hope of manifestation, as they were locked, according to fairy tales, in the cramped, enchanted walls, the spirits of evil, deprived of the power to harm. The same "dormant power" is present in Oblomov.

Thus, all these characters have an important compositional value in the novel. Each of them reveals to O6-Lomov some side of life, tempting the hero, as if offering him to actively get involved, to intervene in this life. And such sentences are directly present in the speech of the characters. So, Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin call Ilya Ilyich to Ekateringof for a walk.

But something else is especially important here - almost every one of these people is a kind of double of Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich has the qualities of each of these characters. So, no worse than Volkov, he knows secular etiquette, once he went to the theater and to visit. Once Ilya Ilyich served, like Sudbinsky, and could have made a career, as he had obvious abilities. Oblomov's subtle mind could serve to develop both literary talent and the talent of a critic - he could write like Penkin. There is something in Oblomov from the "dullness", invisibility of Alekseev - Ilya Ilyich is also not recognized in society. In the fate of Ilya Ilyich there is some similarity with the fate of Tarantiev, as discussed above. Thus, all these areas of life are present in Oblomov's soul, but the hero is not satisfied with their "content", their ideological content.

And here Goncharov seems to be inviting him to actively intervene in life. Oblomov is not satisfied with the state of affairs in the Russian civil service - why not express his views in the department? Ilya Ilyich is outraged by the lack of ideas and the moral emptiness of other literary works - why not try to write it yourself? Alekseev is called upon to awaken the pride of the hero, his desire to become noticeable. Tarantiev, deftly deceiving Oblomov, “calls to life” the common sense of Ilya Ilyich, his firmness of spirit and character, the desire to oppose any injustice.

However, Oblomov responds to each of these calls with a kind of protest against the emptiness and vanity of secular life, the formalism of the Russian career, the lack of ideas and superficiality of writers, human dullness and lack of initiative, fraud and deceit. And this protest is inaction. Ilya Ilyich rejects all these areas of life, because he does not see in them the inner meaning, depth, spirituality, humanity.

“Why does his passivity leave no impression of bitterness? Because nothing worthy is opposed to it. Oblomov's laziness is opposed to a career, secular vanity, petty litigation ... ”, wrote the critic Annensky.

The last of Oblomov's visitors is Stolz. This character is already very different from all previous characters. Stolz surpasses all Oblomov's guests with his mind, his business qualities, and decency. Andrey Ivanovich is energetic, efficient, practical, resolute, purposeful. And in this regard, Stolz is the antipode of Oblomov in the novel. However, is he morally superior to Oblomov? By comparing Oblomov and Stolz, Goncharov seems to be asking us this question, and the rest of the novel serves as an answer to it.

So, the depth and spiritual subtlety of Oblomov are revealed in the love stories of the novel. As A. V. Druzhinin notes, “The Oblomovs betray all the charm, all the weakness and all the sad comedy of their nature precisely through love for a woman.” Oblomov's acquaintance with Olga Ilyinskaya is the beginning of the first love story. The development of the action is the further relationship of the characters, the emerging feeling of love.

It is worth noting that outwardly the development of the action goes in a zigzag - either rising or falling: Oblomov doubts the authenticity of Olga's feelings, the possibility of his happiness. However, the inner movement of the hero's feelings is on the rise. As A. G. Zeitlin notes, the hero seeks to end his relationship with Olga, writes a letter in which he proposes to part (an external decline in action), but his love intensifies. The culmination is the kiss of Olga and Oblomov, the fall of Ilya at her feet. Then the action moves to the denouement. The denouement is the last explanation of the heroes, where Olga for the first time clearly realizes how wrong she was in her chosen one, and their parting.

The fourth part of the novel is an epilogue in Oblomov's story related to Olga Ilyinskaya. But at the same time, the fourth part is also Oblomov's new love story. However, it begins in the first part of the novel. The exposition of the plot associated with Agafya Pshenitsyna is Tarantiev's story about a quiet, cozy house on the Vyborg side. Having learned about Oblomov's problems, Tarantiev persuades him to move to an apartment with his godfather. Thus, Oblomov's second love story partially overlaps the first.

So, the plot of this plot - Ilya Ilyich's acquaintance with Agafya Matveevna - takes place at a time when his relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya reaches its peak, culmination. Oblomov's life in a house on the Vyborg side is the development of the action.

It is characteristic that the very development of the action is presented through the perception of Stolz. He visits Oblomov three times in the house of Agafya Matveevna. Stolz understands what Ilya does not see, he seems to fix the relationship between Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna, gives them certainty, designates them with a word.

On his first visit, Andrei Ivanovich helps Oblomov in solving problems with the estate. During the second visit, Stolz again saves Oblomov, who has become a victim of Tarantiev's fraud. At the same time, Stolz, as it were, reveals the "secret" of Agafya Matveevna, after listening to the story of the pawn of silver and pearls. During the third visit of Stolz, Oblomov himself already indicates his relationship with the hostess. However, Stoltz forces him to do this. Stolz's third visit becomes the culmination of this story. Here Oblomov for the first time calls Agafya Matveevna his wife, and Andryusha his son.

The denouement of this story and the whole novel is the death of the hero. The description of the further fate of Agafya Matveevna, Andryusha, the Stolz family is an epilogue to the second Oblomov plot and at the same time an epilogue to the entire novel.

And here the opposition between Oblomov and Stolz is already removed. We see all the limitations of the second, its tactlessness, moral underdevelopment. Having learned about Ilya's relationship with Agafya Pshenitsyna, Andrei Ivanovich considered his friend dead, his life forever ruined. “And this is the reason why the blood connection is terminated, Oblomovism is recognized as having crossed all limits! But let's turn the medal and, on the basis of what the poet has given us, ask ourselves: would Oblomov have acted in this way if he had been told that Olga had made an unfortunate mesalliance, that his Andrei had married a cook and that both of them, as a result, were hiding from people close to them? A thousand times and with complete certainty that it was not so ... He would not have said the word of eternal separation, and, hobbling, would have gone to good people, and would have clung to them, and would have brought his Agafya Matveyevna to them. And Andreev's cook would not have become a stranger to him, and he would have given Tarantiev a new slap in the face if he had begun to mock Olga's husband. The backward and clumsy Ilya Ilyich in this simple matter ... would have acted more in accordance with the eternal law of love and truth than two people from among the most developed in our society, ”writes A. V. Druzhinin. Oblomov's inertia and laziness are opposed here only by "cultural and commercial activities."

Thus, the plot and composition of the novel clarify the character of the protagonist, exposing the tragic contradiction of Oblomov's image. The hero of Goncharov wholeheartedly strives for a real, genuine life, he is endowed with the best human qualities, but he is not able to realize them, his very soul "in its extreme weakness acts as an element hostile to life."
