Galkin Vladislav cause of death suicide note. Vladislav Galkin: biography, personal life, cause of death


When examining the rented apartment of actor Vladislav Galkin, who died a few days ago, police officers found a note of mysterious content, Life News reports. On the actor's desk was found a green sheet of paper with a handwritten text: "Waiting for a call."

Despite the fact that none of the relatives and friends saw that Galkin lived in this apartment with anyone, the note indirectly confirms the opposite. The note could have been written by the actor himself to a certain woman who stayed in the apartment. It could also be that someone who left before Galkin woke up left her, the newspaper notes.

Quotes from today's Russian newspapers, dedicated to death famous artist, leads the site "".

The police officers also seized a leaflet that was stuck on the outside front door. It was written on it: "Ilya, builder, 8-915 .......". It seems that this person had an agreement with Galkin about a meeting, however, when he arrived, he did not get through.

The larva of the lock of the front door to the apartment and two sets of keys, of which, surprisingly, only one is from the front door to the dwelling, have already been sent for examination.

A close friend of Galkin, 39-year-old Igor Kostenko, told the police about last days his life. On February 25, Igor came to Vladislav together with his father Boris Galkin. “I noticed that Galkin had a bruise under his eye, abrasions on his elbows and a drop of blood on the floor,” says Kostenko. “Vlad explained to us that he fell in the apartment when he was in a state of very strong alcohol intoxication. Then Boris Sergeevich and I began to persuade him to undergo a course of treatment for alcoholism.

After this conversation, at about 23:30, Galkin Sr. turned to him with a request to check Vlad at least once a day. He gave the key to Vlad's apartment, and he left for the shooting.

On February 26, Kostenko came to check on a friend, but could not open the door - it was closed with an internal latch. He called Vlad on his cell and home, but no one came up.

On February 27, around noon, Kostenko again came to Vlad's apartment and again could not open the door. Then he called the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police. Rescuers opened the door and found Galkin dead.

Despite the fact that the preliminary diagnosis of the death of Vladislav Galkin (acute heart failure against the background of chronic inflammation of the pancreas) has already been named, there are still many mysteries in his death, the newspaper writes.

In the apartment of the artist, who allegedly died a day and a half before his body was found, forensics found traces of blood.

The body of the actor was found in the room. Vlad lay face down on the floor. In the kitchen, police officers found an almost empty 0.7-liter bottle of Araspel cognac and two glasses. One is empty, the other has leftovers. tomato juice. Next to them is a small ashtray filled with cigarette butts. Here, in the kitchen, lay the actor's mobile phone, the second phone was in the room.

There are no signs of violent death, experts will conduct an autopsy

As Anatoly Bagmet, the head of the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) of the Russian Federation, told reporters, on Monday experts will conduct an autopsy on the body of Vladislav Galkin, RIA Novosti reports.

"There are no grounds for initiating a criminal case. Today, on Monday, an autopsy of the artist's body will be carried out, which should finally establish the causes of his death," Bagmet said.

"We did not find any signs of the actor's violent death," the representative of the UPC said. At the same time, he noted that the pre-investigation check on the fact of Galkin's death continues.

Recall that a month ago, Galkin underwent a two-week course of treatment in a Moscow clinical hospital named after Botkin, where he was taken with inflammation of the pancreas. It is possible that the health of the actor, who had previously been seen drinking alcohol more than once, could be shaken by New Year's events. Earlier, for the same reasons, he had problems with the law.

Colleagues of the actor believe that one of the reasons for the sudden death of Galkin could be his experiences and media hype about his trial. Recall that in December, the Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced Galkin to one year and two months in prison on probation. probationary period a year and a half, having found him guilty of hooliganism and resistance to police officers.

The artist will be buried on March 2. Farewell will take place from 9 am to 12 pm Tuesday in the Big Ritual Hall of the Burdenko Hospital. And the actor will be buried at 15 o'clock at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Vladislav Galkin - Honored Artist of Russia. He starred in 40 films. His film debut was the role of Huckleberry Finn in Stanislav Govorukhin's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Then he was nine years old. Godmother Vlad Ekaterina Vasilyeva also starred in this film. His last work is the television series "Kotovsky", which is just about to be released. October 2, 1998 Galkin married actress Daria Mikhailova, he has no children.

We want to dedicate today's article to a talented theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia and just wonderful person Vladislav Galkin. Many viewers remember him as a cheerful, never desponding driver from the series "Truckers".

Over the years, our hero has starred in many films. Basically, these were serious roles, which he played just perfectly. It seemed that as if you were in the center of the events of the film, everything happened so vividly and vividly. Vladislav Galkin became a favorite of the public. He had incredible charisma, special charm and natural charm. He devoted himself to work completely and with soul. There was not a single role that he would have treated negligently. He approached all his images with all seriousness. His good-natured look disposed people. He easily gained confidence. He was a man with an open mind.

The actor has a lot of fans. Films with his participation are relevant and popular even now. Vladislav Galkin has achieved the recognition of colleagues and the public. But the path to success was not easy. There were obstacles in his life. But it seemed that nothing was impossible for an artist. He easily solved the problem and moved on.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Vladislav Galkin

Our hero was very attractive. His gaze always radiated kindness and positive. He has many fans who were literally interested in everything about their idol, including his physical data, namely height, weight, age. Years of life of Vladislav Galkin 1971 - 2010 At the time of his death, the artist was only 38 years old. We remember Vladislav Galkin as young, talented and sympathetic. Photos in his youth and now are quite popular on the Internet.

The actor has always looked very good. He had good physical data. His height was approximately 176 centimeters.

Vladislav Galkin was born under the zodiac sign of the industrious, persistent and purposeful Capricorn. And the goal of the Boar endowed him creativity, sincere kindness and self-confidence.

Biography and personal life of Vladislav Galkin

The life path of our hero began in the city of Zhukovsky in 1971. The real father of the actor left the family early. Vladislav Galkin did not know him and never saw him. Mother - Elena Dimidova, actress, playwright and screenwriter. Later, she met Boris Galkin, a famous actor and director, who later became a stepfather for the boy.

The parents of our hero were often not at home. The upbringing of the future actor was carried out by his grandmother. It was she who predetermined the destiny of Vladislav Galkin. Grandmother saw acting talent in the boy and successfully developed it.

Vladislav Galkin's parents were against him following in their footsteps. But still, you can't change the destiny. His creative career began at the age of nine. The debut film was the film The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Vladislav Galkin played a small role there. Later, the actor realized that this is what he wants to do all his life.

IN school years Vladislav Galkin starred in several more films. Parents also recognized the boy's right to do what he loves.

Having received a secondary education, Vladislav Galkin enters the Shchukin Theater School. Later he becomes a student at VGIK.

Our hero left early native home. At the age of seventeen, he began to live separately. Vladislav Galkin greatly valued freedom and personal space.

The personal life of our hero was not as successful as his career. The actor was married four times and not one of them can be called a full-fledged marriage. Even the last family relationship came to naught. The actor had no children of his own.

Thus, we see that the biography and personal life of Vladislav Galkin are full of bright events. He went through a number of obstacles on the way to fame and popularity. Nevertheless, Vladislav Galkin managed to overcome difficulties. self-confidence and positive attitude helped him in everything. He had incredible charisma and natural charm. His eyes radiated positivity and kindness. Thanks to his acting talent, determination and hard work, he received the recognition of the public and the respect of his colleagues.

Filmography: films starring Vladislav Galkin

Particularly popular and widely known to Vladislav Galkin was his participation in the film "Truckers". Here the talent of the actor was revealed in full form. As the artist himself later admitted, he was satisfied with his work in the film. Each series can be considered a separate film, where there are different genres (action, drama, comedy, thriller, etc.).

Further, his filmography only expanded. The actor became more and more popular and in demand. Films with his participation have always looked with ease and ease. It seemed as if you were living together the life of Vladislav Galkin's character. His game was so believable and realistic that some moments were breathtaking.

Last creative year actor, 2009, was perhaps the most eventful. The actor seemed to be in a hurry to play more roles and leave memories of himself. His last film was Love in the Manger.

Family and children of Vladislav Galkin

Our hero was brought up in a family of actors. Mother not only served in the theater, but was a famous playwright and screenwriter. The stepfather of Vladislav Galkin is a famous actor and director. Parents, respectively, worked very hard and were often not at home. Therefore, the boy was brought up mainly by his grandmother, whom he later often remembered with tenderness and love. It was she who had a huge influence on the fate and creative career grandson.

Thus, the present family happiness Vladislav Galkin never knew in childhood. He dreamed that in adulthood he would have his own family and children. Vladislav Galkin, unfortunately, died at a young age.

The artist was married four times. All of them were not so successful. He never had any children of his own.

The ex-wife of Vladislav Galkin - Svetlana Fomicheva

For the first time our hero married at the age of seventeen. His chosen one was young, beautiful girl- Svetlana Fomicheva. He had known her since school days. The young people were so young. Passion and attraction to each other boiled in their blood. But they did not understand what they wanted from marriage and family relationships. Their union did not last long - only a year.

A future fate the girls do not know anything: nor who is her husband, children, etc. Ex-wife Vladislav Galkin - Svetlana Fomicheva, not a public person. And the artist himself also did not say anything in his interviews, perhaps he also did not have information.

The ex-wife of Vladislav Galkin - Elena Galkina

Some time after an unsuccessful first marriage, our hero met a young, attractive girl named Elena. Passion kicked in again. Young people loved each other so passionately that it seemed that this was fate. Therefore, Vladislav Galkin decided to offer his hand and heart for the second time. But something went wrong again. In marriage, discord began, minor inconsistencies. So, family life Vladislav Galkin and Elena did not last long. After almost a year of family relationships, young people divorced.

The ex-wife of Vladislav Galkin - Elena and a talented artist broke up calmly, without litigation of conflicts.

The ex-wife of Vladislav Galkin - Valentina Elina

Our hero has always noted his amorousness. There was nothing he could do about it, and he didn't really try. Vladislav Galkin has always loved women. But, like a real gentleman, he immediately led his beloved to the registry office. So it happened with the third wife of the artist.

Vladislav Galkin fell in love again. And again not for long. The ex-wife of Vladislav Galkin - Valentina Elina and a talented artist stayed in family relationships not for long. The reason for the breakup is unknown, however, as well as the fate of Valentina Elina. Personal life talented actor has always been a taboo subject.

Wife of Vladislav Galkin - Daria Mikhailova

The fourth last marriage of the artist was the most successful. The wife of Vladislav Galkin, Daria Mikhailova, is an artist, a teacher by education, and a screenwriter. She became his destiny. They met and got married in the late nineties. And after that they never parted.

Vladislav Galkin and Daria Mikhailov lived together happy life. They did not have common children. But together they raised Daria's daughter Vasilisa from her first marriage.

It is known that Vladislav Galkin and Daria Mikhailova of the artist decided to divorce, but did not manage to file a divorce.

Cause of death of Vladislav Galkin

In the second winter month, February 2010, our hero was found dead in his apartment. A lot of information appeared on the Internet that Vladislav Galkin had died, a photo of a face, etc.

Was named official reason death of Vladislav Galkin - cardiac arrest. But everything is not so simple in this matter. At first it was said that a suicide note had been found. A little later it turned out that this was a letter to the artist from his mistress Anastasia Shipulina. The artist's father believes that the cause of death is not correct and it was a murder.

The place where Vladislav Galkin is buried is known. This is the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vladislav Galkin

Our hero was quite famous and one of the most bright actors Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that Vladislav Galkin's Instagram and Wikipedia are popular queries among active Internet users.

It is known that Vladislav Galkin did not have an Instagram page, so all the information of interest can be found on Wikipedia.

The site tells about the formation of Vladislav Galkin as a person and as an actor. Here is his biography, creative way. You can get acquainted with his filmography, awards and prizes. All information is reliable and is in the public domain. The article was found on

Vladislav Borisovich Galkin (nee Sukhachev). Born December 25, 1971 in Moscow - died February 25, 2010 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2009).

Vladislav Galkin grew up in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow in the family of his adoptive father, actor and director Boris Sergeevich Galkin and theater actress, screenwriter and screenwriter Elena Petrovna Demidova.

Biological father - Georgy Cherkasov.

His mother met his biological father in Sverdlovsk, they had a fleeting romance. The fact that he has a son, Georgy Cherkasov found out only when Vladislav Galkin died. Himself that then many programs were dedicated to the actor and in one of them he heard that own mother artist - Elena Demidova, gave birth to him on December 25. George, counting 9 months, realized that it was during this period that he had a relationship with Demidova. “I couldn’t come to my senses for several days - I didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep at night. I made a promise after our fleeting meeting in my youth, in 71, that I would find her. It was in Sverdlovsk - from March 20 to March 27, " he said.

Georgy Cherkasov - biological father of Vladislav Galkin

Elena Demidova - mother of Vladislav Galkin

As a child, Vladislav lived with his grandmother Lyudmila Nikolaevna Demidova, a teacher lower grades. Grandfather Pyotr Nikolaevich Demidov was an art teacher, died under the wheels of a bus when he was in a hurry to work. He studied at school number 6 in the city of Zhukovsky, where his grandmother taught. In the summer, she worked as a teacher in a pioneer camp, where she took her grandson with her.

Despite the bad behavior at school, thanks to Lyudmila Nikolaevna, the teachers gave Vlad good performance. Grandmother worked until the age of 75, until her granddaughter Masha graduated from high school. Died of breast cancer.

It was grandmother Lyudmila Nikolaevna who, secretly from her mother, brought 9-year-old Vlad to the screen test. The film debut for Vladislav Galkin was the role of Huckleberry Finn in the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" based on the works of Mark Twain - then he was nine years old.

Godmother Vlad, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, also starred in this film.

“My parents were generally against my work in cinema. They knew how hard the work of an actor was both morally and physically, and did not want such a fate for me. that my grandmother, who always had “verbal incontinence”, could hide our secret for almost half a year,” the actor recalled.

Vladislav Galkin in the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn"

The next bright work in the cinema was the main role in the children's film "That scoundrel Sidorov"(1983). “When I saw the film“ This scoundrel Sidorov ”, where Vladislav played the main role, I realized that my son had grown up. He starred a lot before this picture, but there was real acting work. a good artist". He was 11 years old," said Boris Galkin.

In 1986, Vladislav Galkin starred in the film by A. I. Muratov "Gold chain"(based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Green) as Sandy.

Vladislav started early adult life and left the family at the age of 17. “Initially, we were not fathers and children, but friends. It happened to us. It seems to me that a family is two people, husband and wife. I love my parents madly, but I understand that under no circumstances can I live with them "There is such a thing as personal space. So, people who live together violate it in one way or another: one gets up at 8 in the morning, the other at 2 in the afternoon, irritation appears from here. Another thing is a husband and wife, they are one whole ", he explained.

By the age of 18, Vladislav had a lot of successful work to the cinema. Therefore, the choice of profession was predetermined.

After graduation high school he entered the Theater School. B.V. Shchukin (course of Albert Burov), which he graduated in 1992. He also studied at VGIK on the course of Vladimir Khotinenko.

In 1998, he starred as the district police officer Alexei in the film by Stanislav Govorukhin "Voroshilov Sharpshooter". This role was the first major role in the so-called "adult" cinema for Vlad.

In 2000, Vladislav played Senior Lieutenant Tamantsev in the film "In August 44th...". It was his first big serious work, not as a teenager, but already as an established actor. "His hero from that time, he reminded me of my father's brother-soldiers. Vladislav did even more than just an actor - he was imbued with the spirit of that time," Boris Galkin noted.

Vladislav Galkin in the film "In August 44th ..."

From 2000 to 2001 he starred in the TV series "Truckers", which brought him crazy popularity.

Vladislav said that he liked the script of the series right away: “Volodya Gostyukhin and I felt: these are our roles. All 20 episodes - individual stories taken in different genres. When you still have time to play in a few months in an action movie, and in a melodrama, and in a thriller, and in lyrical comedy". His famous “suit” - overalls and panama - Galkin came up with himself: “The overalls gave me the opportunity not to change clothes often. I laughed at Volodya Gostyukhin, who changed T-shirts, shirts, and jackets five or six times."

Vladislav Galkin in the series "Truckers"

In 2002, he starred as a GRU special forces officer nicknamed Yakut in the TV series "Special Forces" and in the role of a young officer Sergei Vysik, after the demobilization of the appointed head of the Moscow Region Criminal Investigation Department in the thriller "Beyond the Wolves".

Vladislav Galkin in the magazine "Yeralash"

In 2004, he played in the film "72 meters", as well as in the series "Truckers 2" and "Saboteur".

In 2005, he played Ivan Bezdomny in the television series "Master and Margarita" directed by Bortko novel of the same name Bulgakov.

Vladislav Galkin in the series "The Master and Margarita"

In 2007, he starred in the TV series "Saboteur 2: End of the War" and in the movie "Imperfect Woman".

In 2008, he played in the series "I'm flying" in the role of Alexander Nikolaevich Gordeev - a talented surgeon, head of the student practice and "Petrovka, 38. Team Semyonov" as police major Andrei Semyonov.

Vladislav Galkin in the series "Kotovsky"

Bar Scandal

When the shooting of the series "Kotovsky" ended, Vladislav came from Yaroslavl to Moscow. On the way, the actor sees a bar, which he enters and orders himself a glass of whiskey. He drinks in one gulp and asks the bartender to repeat. The bartender repeats and Vlad drinks again. And so, glass by glass, Vladislav drinks a lot. When the actor asked Once again repeat (and the bartender, seeing that the client was too drunk, thought that enough was enough), the bartender refused to pour whiskey.

Vladislav had a traumatic pistol with him. Angry and under the strong influence of alcohol, Vladislav first takes a chair and hits it on the bar counter, and then shoots at the bottles in the bar, and then at the visitors. At that moment, there were few people in the institution and no one was injured. When the police arrived, Vladislav hit one of the law enforcement officers and was arrested. Vladislav was taken to the department.

“He came to Kotovsky. He didn’t come out of it. He looked like that. In the bar, when this breakdown happened, he began to behave like Kotovsky, who is a man of the people. And how is it possible to ban, not give something like that "And the request in the bar was enough for a Russian person. He was not given something or was forbidden, and he simply did not get out of this role, and he began to demand," recalled Mikhail Zakharov.

When Boris Galkin found out about what had happened, he immediately arrived at the bar, but Vladislav was no longer found there. Later, Vladislav was rescued from the Presnensky District Department of Internal Affairs by a visit from his father, Boris Galkin, and several high-ranking police officials.

“10 minutes after Vladislav was taken to the police, I ended up in that bar. The first thing I asked the bartender was Vladislav paid for the drink and did the establishment suffer financially? suffered,” said Boris Galkin.

He was brought to trial and on 12/23/2009 sentenced to 14 months of imprisonment with probation for a year and a half under the articles "Hooliganism" and "Use of violence against a representative of authority."

When Vladislav himself saw the recording from the surveillance camera in the bar, which completely recorded the incident, he said that he did not remember anything.

Debosh Vladislav Galkin in the bar

Death of Vladislav Galkin

On January 11, 2010, he was hospitalized in the 50th Department of Surgery of the Botkin Hospital in Moscow, where he spent two weeks due to exacerbated inflammation of the pancreas). Previously, V. Galkin was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

February 27, 2010, at about 2:00 pm, Vladislav Galkin was found dead in own apartment at the address Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya street, 12/23, apt. 19. The day before, the actor's father sounded the alarm, informing a family friend that Vladislav had not been in touch for more than a day. Friends came to the actor's apartment, but no one answered the doorbell. The called rescue team opened the door of the apartment at 14:07.

According to differing reports, the body of the actor was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down. During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found.

The examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and acute heart failure with cardiac arrest was named the cause of death. The death certificate lists "cardiomyopathy (sudden cardiac arrest)" as the cause. Also, during the autopsy, the doctors came to the unequivocal conclusion that the actor's body was seriously worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Vladislav Galkin was buried on March 2, 2010 on the alley of actors of the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. The funeral was attended by a narrow circle of friends and relatives.

Boris Galkin's version of the murder of Vladislav

In the program "Man and the Law", the father of Vladislav Galkin, actor Boris Galkin, provided facts on the basis of which one can make an assumption about a premeditated murder.

So, on February 19, 2010, Vladislav Galkin withdrew $ 136,000 from the bank, which he was going to spend on repairs in the apartment he bought after breaking up with his wife. According to his father, the actor kept the money at home (which the alleged customers and perpetrators of the crime could know about); in addition, threatening SMS messages came to Galkin Jr.'s phone, and a few days after visiting the bank, bruises appeared on the actor's face.

According to Boris Galkin, abrasions and bruises were visible on the body of an already dead actor and during the initial medical examination immediately after the discovery of the corpse.

The amount indicated by Galkin Sr. was not found during the search of the apartment. The father was also embarrassed by the presence in the room next to the body of a bottle of cognac and a package of tomato juice: after Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, he stopped drinking alcohol and went on a diet.

The investigation into the causes of death also raises a number of questions for the father: for example, one of Vladislav's close friends is an active law enforcement officer. According to Boris Galkin, he had the keys to the actor's apartment and thus had the opportunity to influence the course of the investigation.

The facts cited by Boris Galkin are not confirmed in any way and are not reflected in the documents of the investigation. official version The death of the actor remains acute heart failure.

In memory of Vladislav Galkin

The growth of Vladislav Galkin: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladislav Galkin:

Was married four times. Didn't have children.

First wife - Svetlana Fomicheva. Married in 1988, divorced in 1989.

Svetlana Fomicheva - the first wife of Vladislav Galkin

The second wife is Elena Galkina.

The third wife is Valentina Elina.

Valentina Elina - the third wife of Vladislav Galkin

"I never thought about what love at first sight is. A certain myth, of which there are many. I have always been a very amorous person, but we never crossed paths with Dasha, although both passed great life in the cinema: I started acting at the age of 8, she - at 12. But I have not seen a single picture of her, and she has mine. Dasha staged the play "The Brothers Karamazov" based on Dostoevsky and invited me to play the role of Dmitry. We met at the Actor's House, went into the elevator and ... then everything happened. It's pointless to explain it. What the hell is a chemical-physical process, some kind of explosion. Then there was a conversation about the play, about the role, but it seemed to me that I was talking complete nonsense. We parted ways, but I already knew that Dasha was my wife," Vladislav said.

They didn't have children. They raised Daria's daughter from her first marriage, Vasilisa.

Galkin celebrated his last birthday on December 25, 2009 - two days after the sentencing - with a one-day trip to St. Petersburg with his last lady of the heart, 34-year-old Anastasia Shipulina, close friend Katerina Bashkatova and her husband, famous actor Mikhail Bashkatov.

Officially, Vladislav Galkin and Daria Mikhailova never filed for divorce - they did not have time.

Filmography of Vladislav Galkin:

1981 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn - Huckleberry Finn
1983 - Dunno from our yard
1983 - This scoundrel Sidorov - Alyosha Sidorov
1984 - Unmarked cargo - younger brother
1985 - There lived a brave captain - a driver boy
1986 - Ransom - Mussolini's punk
1986 - Golden Chain - Sandy Pruel
1987 - Son is a bully
1987 - On my own land - Artyom Zhukov
1988 - Aboriginal - Borka Khromov
1990 - Ravines - Timokha
1990 - Muzzle - Tolik
1990 - June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock ... - Vanya
1991 - Death in the cinema - Egor
1992 - Game
1994 - Black Clown
1997 - Princess on the beans - driver Vladik
1999 - Voroshilovsky shooter - district police officer Alexei
2000 - Kamenskaya - Zhenya Shakhnovich
2000 - Maroseyka, 12 - Evgeny Kalinkin
2001 - In August 44th ... - Senior Lieutenant Tamantsev
2001 - Thief - Glory
2001 - Truckers - trucker Alexander Korovin ("Sashok")
2001 - Rostov - dad - Vasya Ostapenko, butcher
2001 - Sketch on the monitor - Oleg
2002 - Kamenskaya - 2 - Zhenya Shakhnovich
2002 - On the other side of the wolves - district police officer Sergei Vysik
2002 - Special Forces - Senior Lieutenant Yakov Urmanov ("Yakut")
2002 - Connoisseurs are investigating. Arbitrator - Avdeev
2002 - Yeralash - prisoner
2003 - Heaven and Earth - Pavel Susak, cynologist
2003 - The Adventures of a Magician - Senior Lieutenant Grigoriev
2003 - Bomb for the bride / Gossip columns / Theatrical blues - Anton Karyagin, photojournalist
2003 - Special Forces - 2 - Senior Lieutenant Yakov Urmanov ("Yakut")
2003 - Plot - Vitaly Stupin
2004 - 72 meters - midshipman Mikhailov
2004 - Saboteur - Grigory Ivanovich Kaltygin
2004 - Truckers 2 - trucker Alexander Korovin ("Sashok")
2004 - Daughter-in-law - Anton
2004 - Lily of the valley silver - 2 - Malkin
2005 - The death of the empire - Nikitin, head of the district counterintelligence
2005 - Kazarosa - young Svechnikov
2005 - Lethal Force 6 - Bespalov
2005 - Master and Margarita - poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev (Homeless)
2006 - Savages - Black
2006 - Hot November - Captain Owl
2006 - Vices and their fans - Vladimir Arkhipov
2006 - You are me - Andrey
2007 - Saboteur. The end of the war - Grigory Ivanovich Kaltygin
2008 - I'm flying - Alexander Nikolaevich Gordeev, surgeon
2008 - Imperfect woman - Valery, screenwriter
2008 - Petrovka, 38. Semyonov's team - Andrey Semyonov, police major
2009 - Dirty work - Timofey Tarasov, private detective
2009 - Lair of the Serpent - Vladimir Drach, hired killer
2009 - I'm not me - Viktor Zapaltsev
2009 - Kotovsky - Grigory Kotovsky
2009 - Love in the hay - Nikolai Evlashkin

The famous actor Vladislav Galkin died in Moscow at the age of 39 in Moscow. According to LifeNews, the artist died today at about 14:00 in his apartment in the center of Moscow.

According to doctors, the cause of death was acute cardiovascular failure.

To check the circumstances of the emergency, an operational-investigative team headed by the head of the MUR went to the scene.

In the first half of January of this year, Galkin already had health problems, he then ended up in the Botkin hospital. Doctors diagnosed him with delirium tremens and acute pancreatitis. According to doctors, Galkin had problems with the liver and pancreas. The actor was prescribed conservative treatment. At the same time, it was reported that he most likely would not need an operation.

Recall that the actor Vladislav Galkin has been in the center of media attention for six months now because of the loud noise arranged in a Moscow cafe. According to the investigation, on the night of July 24, 2009, Galkin, being in a state of extreme intoxication, made a brawl in the Tiki Bar cafe. In response to the bartender's refusal to provide whiskey, the actor took a chair, hit it against the bar, and then fired a traumatic pistol at the bottles, continuing to demand a drink and threatening to use a weapon. Obviously, due to a conflict with the bartender, he suddenly opened random fire from a traumatic pistol. He devastated the bar shelves with several bursts, some of those present in the bar were hurt by bullets. When the precinct police officer for the Presnensky district, who was on duty, demanded to stop the illegal actions, Galkin hit the police officer in the head with his fist.

When the police squad arrived, he beat one of the employees, causing him serious injuries. Galkin was taken to the police department of the Presnensky district. Later, his father, Boris Galkin, the actor's lawyer and several high-ranking police officials rescued him from there.

On December 23, 2009, Vladislav Galkin was found guilty and sentenced to 1 year and 2 months of imprisonment with probation for a year and a half under the articles "hooliganism" and "use of violence against a representative of authority."

Vladislav Galkin grew up in the family of actor and director Boris Galkin and Elena Demidova. His father and Vladislav himself are direct descendants of the sister of the famous Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov. The film debut for Vladislav Galkin is the role of Huckleberry Finn in Stanislav Govorukhin's film The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Then he was nine years old. Vladislav's godmother Ekaterina Vasilyeva also starred in this film.

In 1991, Galkin married Svetlana Fomicheva, whom he divorced about a year later. On October 2, 1998, he married actress Daria Mikhailova, there were no children.

Vladislav Galkin can rightfully be called the favorite of millions of domestic viewers. The actor is known for such films as "Voroshilovsky shooter", "Truckers", "In August 44th", "Saboteur", "72 meters". Last work actor - the main role in the series "Kotovsky".

Called the cause of death of Galkin

Actor Vladislav Galkin died about 74 hours before he was discovered. Cardiac arrest occurred due to acute pancreatitis, according to a group of doctors and pathologists.

The factor that led to cardiac arrest was heart failure. According to one of the doctors, pancreatitis most likely led to cardiac collapse.

As reported, for the last five days, Vladislav Galkin's father, Boris, was very worried and feared for his son's life. According to his father, Vladislav never had excellent health, family problems, constant loading on film set, as well as alcohol led to this tragedy.

Recall that on the afternoon of Saturday, February 27, friend famous actor found Vladislav Galkin dead in his Moscow apartment on Sadovo-Spasskaya Street. The cause for concern appeared when the actor stopped answering calls from relatives and friends.

In the death of Galkin remains a lot of incomprehensible

When examining the rented apartment of actor Vladislav Galkin, who died a few days ago, police officers found a note of mysterious content, LifeNews reports.

On the actor's desk was found a green sheet of paper with a handwritten text: "Waiting for a call." Despite the fact that none of the relatives and friends saw that Galkin lived in this apartment with anyone, the note indirectly confirms the opposite. The note could have been written by the actor himself to a certain woman who stayed in the apartment. It could also be that someone who left before Galkin woke up left her, the newspaper notes. Quotes from today's Russian newspapers dedicated to the death of a famous artist, are quoted by the website "".

The police officers also seized a piece of paper that was stuck on the outside of the front door. It was written on it: "Ilya, builder, 8-915 .......". It seems that this person had an agreement with Galkin about a meeting, however, when he arrived, he did not get through.

A close friend of Galkin, 39-year-old Igor Kostenko, told the police about the last days of his life. On February 25, Igor came to Vladislav together with his father Boris Galkin. “I noticed that Galkin had a bruise under his eye, abrasions on his elbows and drops of blood on the floor,” says Kostenko. “Vlad explained to us that he fell in the apartment when he was in a state of very strong alcohol intoxication. Then Boris Sergeevich and I became his to persuade him to undergo treatment for alcoholism.

After this conversation, at about 23:30, Galkin Sr. turned to him with a request to check Vlad at least once a day. He gave the key to Vlad's apartment, and he left for the shooting.

On February 26, Kostenko came to check on a friend, but could not open the door - it was closed with an internal latch. He called Vlad on his cell and home, but no one came up.

On February 27, around noon, Kostenko again came to Vlad's apartment and again could not open the door. Then he called the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police. Rescuers opened the door and found Galkin dead.

Despite the fact that the preliminary diagnosis of the death of Vladislav Galkin (acute heart failure against the background of chronic inflammation of the pancreas) has already been named, there are still many mysteries in his death, the newspaper writes.

In the apartment of the artist, who allegedly died a day and a half before his body was found, forensics found traces of blood.

The body of the actor was found in the room. Vlad lay face down on the floor. In the kitchen, police officers found an almost empty 0.7-liter bottle of Araspel cognac and two glasses. One empty, in the second - the remains of tomato juice. Next to them is a small ashtray filled with cigarette butts. Here, in the kitchen, lay the actor's mobile phone, the second phone was in the room.

Anatoly Bagmet, the head of the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) of the Russian Federation, told reporters that experts will perform an autopsy on Vladislav Galkin's body on Monday, RIA Novosti reports.

"There are no grounds for initiating a criminal case. Today, on Monday, an autopsy of the artist's body will be carried out, which should finally establish the causes of his death," Bagmet said.

"We did not find any signs of the actor's violent death," the representative of the UPC emphasized. At the same time, he noted that the pre-investigation check on the fact of Galkin's death continues.

Recall that a month ago, Galkin underwent a two-week course of treatment at the Moscow Botkin Clinical Hospital, where he was taken with inflammation of the pancreas. It is possible that the health of the actor, who had previously been seen drinking alcohol more than once, could be shaken by New Year's events. Earlier, for the same reasons, he had problems with the law.

Colleagues of the actor believe that one of the reasons for the sudden death of Galkin could be his experiences and media hype about his trial. Recall that in December, the Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced Galkin to one year and two months suspended sentence with a probationary period of one and a half years, finding him guilty of ****ganism and resistance to police officers.

The artist will be buried on March 2. Farewell will take place from 9 am to 12 pm Tuesday in the Big Ritual Hall of the Burdenko Hospital. And the actor will be buried at 15 o'clock at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Vladislav Galkin - Honored Artist of Russia. He starred in 40 films. His film debut was the role of Huckleberry Finn in Stanislav Govorukhin's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Then he was nine years old. Godmother Vlad Ekaterina Vasilyeva also starred in this film. His last work is the television series "Kotovsky", which is just about to be released. October 2, 1998 Galkin married actress Daria Mikhailova, he has no children.
