How to draw cats in different positions. How to draw a cat with a pencil step by step

Drawing master class for children from 5 years old "Cats of our yard"

The master class is designed for older children preschool age, students, teachers and parents.
Drawing- one of the favorite activities of children. Most children boldly take on any visual material. But unfortunately, not everyone manages to transfer their plans to a piece of paper. In this master class, a method for teaching drawing according to algorithmic schemes is proposed.
The proposed algorithms are simple and rational.
Target: To teach children to draw animals using algorithmic schemes.
- to educate children's interest and desire to engage in artistic creativity.
- cultivate patience and perseverance,
- develop creative thinking
-to consolidate the ability to draw round and oval shapes.
For work you will need:
- paints or pencils (in this master class we used watercolor)
- simple pencil

Lesson progress:

"Cats of our yard"
It was raining outside the window. Fedka went to the window, sighed heavily, from that that today he will not be able to go for a walk. Probably the same way Fedka thought and his cat sitting on the window and looking at the falling raindrops. The cat's name was Vaska, he was red-haired and loved to walk on warm sunny days. Vaska did not walk alone, he had friends from our yard.
The cat from the second floor was called Tihan, he was black in color, and a white wooly path ran from the pink nose to the tip of the tail. Tikhan was the master in the yard, that even the dogs were afraid of him, and once again preferred not to meet him. Tihan loved to fight very much.
In the summer, grandchildren came to Baba Shura from the first floor and brought their kitty Murka. Murka had a smoky color, her fur was soft like plush. Murka loved to sleep on the windowsill and look at people passing by.
And not so long ago, another red cat Murzik appeared in our yard, he was presented as a birthday present to a girl named Olya. Murzik is still quite small and restless, he loves to hide everywhere, run in packages, and sometimes he climbs to the very top of the carpet hanging on the wall. All cats, like people, are very different, each has its own character and appearance. These are the cats of our yard.
-Guys, let's try to draw cats, which are described in the text.
Step work.
"Cat Tihan"

1. We draw a large circle - the torso. photo 1

2. In the lower part of the large circle - the body, draw a smaller circle - the head. photo 2

3. Draw ears. photo 3

4. In order to symmetrically draw a muzzle, you need to divide the small circle into 4 parts. photo 4

5. Now draw the eyes, nose, mouth. photo 5

Remove dividing lines.
6. We draw the antennae, paws and tail. photo 6

7. Coloring. Meet the cat Tihan. photo 7

Murka cat.
8. We place three identical circles on the sheet - the head, the front of the body, the back of the body. photo 8

9. We draw paws, ears, a tail. photo 9

10. Draw eyes, mouth, nose, mustache. photo 4.5.

11. Coloring.
Murka kitty.

Cat Murzik.
12. We draw a circle-head, an oval-torso. photo 12

In this article, I want to tell you how to draw a kitten. I found 20 step by step diagrams featuring cats and kittens different breeds, ages and in different poses. All schemes increase when you click on them! I also prepared for you some video tutorials on drawing a kitten! Watch and learn!

Cats are incredibly graceful, they are well oriented in space and often surprise us with amazing tricks. Therefore, in order to draw this animal correctly, good clarity of lines is required.

1 scheme:

To draw such a fluffy cat, you should determine the main figure that can describe his body and start moving from less accurate styles to more accurate ones.

2 scheme:

The cat's skull has an incredibly complex anatomy. Big eyes and a small muzzle are difficult to portray. Therefore, it is important to convey the relief of the head so that further steps are clear.

3 scheme:

A cat that lies on its back is a rather non-standard pattern. That is why you need to master it. Pay attention to overlapping details. Try to draw this funny kitten.

4 scheme:

Little kitty- an incredibly gentle creature. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly convey his emotions: fear, interest, desire to learn. The kitten's paws should be massive.

5 scheme:

The schematic and semi-childish style of drawing also requires effort and step-by-step work. Therefore, try to see the end result - a cheerful and mischievous kitten.

6 scheme:

The graceful Siamese cat is an example of what all cats should be. With the help of this breed, you should study the anatomy of the animal. Emphasize the sharpness of the lines.

7 scheme:

To correctly convey the purposefulness of the cat's gaze, you need to depict the eyes as voluminous. Therefore, add more highlights in the eyes and correctly depict the pupil. It's best to follow suit so you don't get frustrated if you don't get a different angle for the cat.

8 scheme:

When a cat washes, he treats himself very carefully. All muscles are relaxed, and the animal feels completely calm.

9 scheme:

If the drawing has few distinct lines, use this. Carefully draw the structure of the cat's coat, his whiskers. Add some formlessness.

10 scheme:

The humorous image of a cat requires the drawing of certain elements. Funny paws, long whiskers and striped colors make our cat a typical yard dweller.

11 scheme:

Learn to draw not only correctly, but also quickly. Having selected several shapes in the drawing, practice drawing the finished high-quality image at speed.

12 scheme:

Anime style kitten has a typical big eyes and very nice looking. To evoke tenderness and joy, you should add contrast to the pattern. A large head and a small muzzle just correctly convey this mood.

13 scheme:

This drawing is not standard, because its drawing begins not with ovals, but with rectangular figures. By the way, this approach does not spoil the kitten at all. He is quite sweet and not at all rude. Try to draw this fluffy kitten.

14 scheme:

The number of cartoons on a cat theme reaches record levels. Moreover, all these drawings are very easy to perform. As we see between schematic representation and the finished look is not such a big difference.

15 scheme:

Not all cats are graceful and cute, moreover, there are quite large breeds of animals. Therefore, one should be able to portray such cats. The chest is rougher and the neck is shorter.

16 scheme:

By breaking the whole drawing into circles, you can fill your hand and achieve softer lines in the drawing. By adding slight asymmetry to the paws, you can make the kitten more funny and naive. Try to draw such a kitten with a ball.

17 scheme:

A sitting cat is a very curious phenomenon. Here is another comical image of a sitting cat. Several figures can perfectly portray a pet.

18 scheme:

A lying cat is not a simple drawing, because you need to correctly depict the posture of the animal and its body parts.

19 scheme:

The fluffy cat is looking straight at us. The drawing is pretty easy. Only 8 steps.

20 scheme:

The curiosity of a cat can be conveyed with the help of a long tail, mischievous ears and huge eyes. By correctly depicting these parts of the cat's body, any drawing can be made attractive.

The cat is one of the most beloved animals in children. Cats attract them with their fluffy fur, affectionate playful disposition. In ancient times, cats were considered sacred animals. And until now, some people are convinced that these animals can heal people.

It doesn't take much skill to draw a cat. With the help of video and photos, let's see step by step how to easily and beautifully depict the figure of a cat.

1. We draw a circle, from which we lower an oval down, expanded at the base. We get the head and body of the cat.

2. Draw triangular ears on the head.

Stage 1-2: draw the head, ears and torso

3. From the middle of the body, draw the paws with four lines.

Step 3: Add the legs to the body

4. On the muzzle, add eyes, nose and mustache.

Stage 4: draw a muzzle

5. It remains to draw a raised tail.

Stage 5: draw the tail

Coloring and toning our cat. It turns out here is such a picture.

Step 6: coloring the cat

Graceful kitty

In the following way, you can draw a graceful cat in stages. The photo and video are detailed instructions how to draw a cat with a pencil.

1. Draw an oval and divide it into two perpendicular lines into four parts.

Stage 1: draw an oval with lines

2. Slightly sharpen the corners on the sides, add a nose, mouth and ears.

Stage 2: sharpen the corners, draw the ears and nose

Stage 3: draw the eyes

4. Lower down another circle - the body - and two paws.

Stage 4: draw the torso and front legs

5. On top, draw the base of the egg-shaped body with a pointed end up.

Stage 5: draw the torso from behind

6. We draw paws and a tail at the base.

Step 6: Add the tail and hind legs

7. We tint the top of the muzzle and tail.

Stage 7: coloring the cat

We get a beautiful charming cat.

Little kitty

And now we will depict a small kitten. To correctly and beautifully draw the figure of a cat, consider the instructions, photos and videos. Here's how to draw a kitten with a pencil step by step.

1. We draw two circles one above the other: one larger and the other smaller.

Stage 1: draw two circles: head and torso

2. On the muzzle we depict eyes, nose and tongue, and on top - two ears.

Stage 2: depict the muzzle and ears

3. The next step is the front and hind legs, tail.

Stage 3: draw the front legs Stage 4: draw the hind legs Stage 5: draw the tail

In the picture - here is such a baby kitten.

Ready kitten

Draw a cartoon kitten:

cartoon pussy

Easy and original in four steps, you can draw a cartoon cat for children. The video and photo provide detailed instructions on how to do this step by step.

  1. We draw a circle beveled from above - the head - and an egg-shaped body.
  2. Add a raised tail.
  3. We draw the eyes and nose, with a curved line we divide the body in half.
  4. We depict the pupils of a cat and a mustache.
  5. We color the picture in shades of purple.
Kitty with a pencil step by step

This is how beautifully and quickly you can portray a cat from a cartoon.


If you do not want to depict a cat in full growth, you can only draw the face of an animal. Let's see how to draw a cat's face step by step. The drawing is easy and accessible even to children.

  1. We draw a circle and divide it into four unequal parts with two smooth lines.
  2. In the center we place the nose and mouth, and to the right and left of the center - the eyes of the cat.
  3. On the head in the form of two triangles we depict the ears, below - the contours of the neck.
Cat muzzle in pencil

So, it is not difficult to draw the face of an animal beautifully and correctly.

in profile

To depict the cat's face in profile, we start with the same circle. Divide the circle in half horizontally. We draw the ears and lengthen the circumference with the contours of the nose. On the line we depict the eyes and nose, a little lower - the mouth. Refine the contours of the ears and delete the circle. We get an easily and beautifully drawn muzzle. Stages of drawing a muzzle of a cat in profile

With kittens (1st option)

It will be interesting for children to draw a cat with kittens. However, the drawing is complicated by the fact that in this case it is no longer a separate figure that is needed, but a whole composition. You can easily and correctly depict a cat with kittens in stages as follows.

1. Draw an oval (torso and center of the composition), and a circle from the bottom right.

Stage 1: draw an oval and a circle

2. At the next stage, we draw the head and the contour of the torso.

The article contains instructions and diagrams that will help you draw a kitten, a Siamese cat and a lop-eared cat, sleeping, in anime style.

A cat is an amazing animal: elegant, graceful, smart and cunning. Sometimes she is tenderness itself, sometimes she is a formidable predator with the habits of a born killer.

The habits of a cat, its postures in a dream can be observed for hours. And the breeds of this animal are so different! That is why it is quite difficult to draw a cat, to display it realistically without missing details. But why not try?

How to draw a kitten with cute eyes in stages with a pencil for children and beginners?

Drawing a kitten is very pleasant and not very difficult. What should be done first?

IMPORTANT: It is best to start by marking up the drawing. It is necessary to decide where the kitten’s head will be, in what position the little body, how to add paws and a tail to it, whether the kitten will walk or lie down.

Markup can be done using simple forms:

  • head - like a ball flattened from above and below
  • the body is like a big bean
  • paws - like sausages
  • tail - curved and tapering towards the end
  • ears are triangles

  1. The next stage is the connection of forms, so that the paws are not drawn separately from the body, but so that they are one with it.
  2. Next, you need to draw the natural curves of the body and head of the kitten, draw the paws.
  3. The next step: drawing a muzzle, again, with the help of preliminary markup. The eyes of the kitten and his nose will be located approximately at the same level in the picture. If you look at pictures with cats, they get like a triangle between the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose. In order for the kitten to have cute eyes, you can make them a little larger than usual, draw and darken the pupils, leaving glare at the bottom.

VIDEO: Learning to draw a kitten's face

How easy and simple to draw a kitten in the cells in a notebook?

Drawing by cells is easy and convenient both for children, who have more than enough such notebooks, and for adults. The advantages are that you do not need to make preliminary contour sketches of the future drawing, it is easier to calculate the symmetry, etc.

  1. Depict the head of a kitten - this will be the widest place on the paper.
    For example, they draw a straight line of 3 cells in place of the head - the forehead, which goes to the top of the head. Next, and 3 cells each, where the “cheeks” of the kitten will be.
  2. Make stepped transitions in the head pattern, they will add volume and a sense of wool.
  3. Allocate cells for large and voluminous eyes and a small nose 1 cell lower than the lower part of the eyes.
  4. The necessary part of the essence of the cat is attached to the head - his mustache.
  5. Ears are drawn using stepped transitions.
  6. They move on to the image of the neck, and with the help of the cells they try to make it not straight, but in some places stepped. The body of a kitten is also depicted.
  7. When drawing a ponytail, you need to make sure that it curves beautifully and gracefully.

How to draw a lop-eared kitten?

Fold-eared Scottish and British cats have a peculiarity - their ears are bent forward, and do not stick out, like other fluffy ones.

  1. Make two vertical and horizontal lines to determine the symmetry of the head. horizontal lines they will help to draw the eyes and nose of the kitten, and the vertical ones - the position of the head, using the lines to determine that the kitten's head is turned as if to the side.
  2. Draw eyes. They are placed at a distance from each other, equal to the volume of each of them.
  3. Below in the middle between the eyes draw a small nose.
  4. They make expressive contours of the eyes and leave white highlights on the pupils on them. The eye section is created for the cat by slightly lengthening the outer part of the eye.
  5. Auxiliary light rounded arrows are drawn symmetrically from the spout. They will help draw fur.
  6. Shade the fur with a pencil. On the top of the head, under the ears, on the “cheeks” and at the bottom of the muzzle, the hatching is thicker, so the hair grows in the Scottish Fold.
  7. We must not forget to draw a long mustache - whiskers.

VIDEO: How to DRAW a Scottish Fold CAT?

How to draw a Siamese kitten?

Siamese cats have a main distinguishing feature- their coloring, so they draw a cat in full growth so that the whole coloring is visible.

  1. A vertical line is drawn, from which there will be lateral symmetry and several horizontal ones, indicating the head, an extension on the cat's chest and the place where the paws will be located, that is, the end of the pattern.
  2. The contours of the head are outlined around, and the contours of the chest and bent paws in the sitting position of the kitten are outlined in ovals.
  3. Draw a drop-shaped oval between the chest and paws of the cat. In this part, the front paws of the cat, on which it rests, will be drawn.
  4. Eyes are drawn symmetrically to the first vertical line from which the drawing began.
  5. Begin to draw the body and head of the kitten. Lines are narrowed on the head in the chin area, a nose is drawn, which in Siamese cats is larger and more protruding than in some other breeds. Depict paws, and finish the tail.
  6. They begin to hatch those places where thicker hair grows, these are lines from the nose, on the forehead, under the ears, on the stomach behind the front legs, at the tip of the tail. Also do hatching for shading.
  7. Erase the auxiliary lines and start coloring the muzzle, ears, paws and tail like Siamese cats.

How to draw a sleeping kitten step by step?

  1. First draw a circle for the head of a sleeping kitten. Inside the circle, markup is made that will help draw the eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. Eyes, nose, mouth are outlined with semicircular lines, and ears are also added. Lightly outline the kitten's fur with lines. The ears of a sleeping kitten are lowered parallel to the head.
  3. A larger oval is drawn behind the head, which will mean a sleeping kitten curled up. Stretch a rounded line forward of the kitten's muzzle, as if he was hiding behind his tail during sleep.
  4. A paw is drawn under the fluffy cheek, on which the kitten rested its head.
  5. Erase the auxiliary lines, circle the main ones.
  6. Draw a mustache on the muzzle.

Sleeping cat: stages 1-2.

Sleeping cat: steps 3-4.

Sleeping cat: steps 5-6.

Sleeping cat: steps 7-8.

VIDEO: draw a sleeping cat

How to draw an anime kitten?

A feature of anime characters is the huge eyes of cartoon characters. As for the kitten, in addition to huge eyes, it should have a head much larger than the body. That's why:

  1. Draw two circles - one bigger for the head and one smaller for the torso.
  2. Where the head will be, markup is made, dividing the circle into 4 parts.
  3. Now it is necessary, focusing on the contours, to change the shape of the head, expanding the lower part, where the fur is located, and finish drawing the kitten's ears.
  4. Draw big eyes on the kitten using oval lines. Display the eyebrows and nose of the kitten.
  5. In front of the oval denoting the body, paws are outlined.
  6. Round the body and draw a tail.
    Make the eyes of the anime kitten expressive by darkening certain areas and round light highlights inside the pupils.

Anime cat: steps 1-2.

Anime cat: steps 3-4.

Anime cat: steps 5-6.

Anime cat: steps 7-8.

VIDEO: Kitten in stages with a pencil

How to draw a muzzle of a kitten?

  1. by the most simple pattern the kitten's muzzle will become an oval, above it there are triangles-ears.
  2. Inside the oval, the eyes are depicted symmetrically from the conditional line of the vertical center of the oval.
  3. Below the eyes, between them, there is a nose, short rounded top lines extending from it, and under them a dot indicating the mouth.
  4. Ears are drawn with triangles and they are lightly stroked, they also make the “bangs” of the kitten with lines.
  5. Draw a mustache.

Drawing for sketching: a striped cat in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a cat with a pencil?

Cats rule the internet! No doubt one day they will finally seize control of the world in general and humanity in particular. By drawing cats, you can understand what they are actually made of. But you need to know the enemy in person But seriously, in this lesson we will get acquainted with the anatomical structure of cats and learn how to correctly depict them in illustrations.

Final result

1. The structure of the cat's skeleton

Step 1

Studying the structure of the skeleton is the first step to drawing a believable pose. Everything else rests on the bones, and it is they that primarily determine the range of possible movement of the body.

Step 2

Luckily, we don't have to memorize the shape of each bone. It is enough to remember their length and the places in which they are connected to each other. The good news is that most four-legged animals have a similar skeletal structure. Only the length of the bones and the distance between them differ. Learn this material now, and you won't need to go back to these basics again.

You need to remember the structure of the skeleton as a group of ovals (joints, skull, chest, hips) and lines (bones, spine). After you remember this, you can draw any cat pose.

Step 3

There is one more thing to remember: each joint has its own range of motion. If you violate these restrictions, your cat will look broken. To understand this range, take a close look at the animated picture below. While running, the cat uses its joints to the full extent. As you can see, all movements look natural.

What is worth noting:

  1. Jump start. The hind legs push off the ground.
  2. When the hind legs move backward, the front legs move forward.
  3. When the legs are pushed off the ground, the part of the torso to which they are attached remains at their original height. The second part of the body can rush up.
  4. Note that the paw bones never line up in a straight line. Even when stretched to the max.
  5. Flight moment. Not a single pair of paws is on the ground. The body is maximally stretched.
  6. Forelegs in maximum readiness for landing.
  7. The front legs are now fully extended. Again, they do not stretch to a straight line.
  8. Again note the difference in height.
  9. Landing completed. The hind legs are now aiming to land at the same point.
  10. Pay attention to this point; it cannot move separately from the chest.
  11. The movement of the tail is determined by the position of the hip joint.
  12. When all paws are on the ground, the front and back of the body are on the same level.

Step 4

You can say, "I don't need it. I feel correct posture". Perhaps, but there are a few mistakes that most people make due to simple inattention.

This is a popular way of depicting a skeleton. The mistake is due to the fact that we confuse the structure of the front and hind legs. It is different! Just compare your arms and legs.

The following pose is not natural, but is used quite often in animation when the characters move their paws like propellers. IN real world the hind legs are not capable of performing an amplitude of movement of more than 120 degrees (even in cheetahs). Also, a real cat will strive to keep its head at the same level, and not lower it down (unless, of course, it's not a zombie cat - there are such in cartoons).

Which interesting structure skeleton! In this case, the bones just stick out of the thigh. The problem is that there are not only bones, but also, to a large extent, muscles. And this moment cannot be ignored. Also in the first pose we see the front legs tucked in and the hind legs sitting. Small cats eat in this position, but their chest is not on the ground.

Another common mistake lies in habits. Cats during normal walking first carry two paws on one side, and then two paws on the other side. This mistake will go unnoticed by most people, but it will still be a mistake! True, during acceleration, cats switch to a “diagonal” movement of their paws.

Step 5

You have learned all about poses. It's time to sketch your own drawing.

The structure of the cat's muscular skeleton

Step 1

Muscles give the body shape. You can draw a body without understanding the structure of the muscular skeleton, but guessing is not our way. The learning process may seem complicated at first glance, but later you will see that in reality everything is much simpler.

To begin, add simplified muscle shapes to the sketch. Pretty simple! If your cat is going to be very fluffy, you won't need more. The muscles will still not be visible.

Step 2

This is what our cat looks like after she has a basic set of muscles.

Step 3

If you want to draw a smooth-haired cat, you will have to do more. Below you see the outlines of the largest muscles that can be seen. In order not to strain too much, just use this picture as a reference, and draw on it. After a few exercises, the structure will be remembered by itself.

Step 4

Now our cat has a muscular relief!

Step 5

Finally, one more thing. Cats have places in which the skin hangs freely, not tight to the muscles. If you have a cat, feel the area between the thigh and lower leg - you will feel only the skin and fur! Because of this feature of the skin, the thigh and lower leg are difficult to distinguish while the cat is sitting.

Step 6

Draw these additional skin areas in your sketch.

3. How to draw cat paws

Step 1

The hind and front paws of a cat are different from each other, just like our hands are different from our legs. You can use them to visualize the structure. Cats walk on tiptoe, using only part of the "palm" for support. They also have a “thumb” (in the form of a drop) and a small appendage (pea-shaped), but only on the front paws. The hind legs are generally very similar to our legs.

Step 2

Cat paws are absolutely amazing. Their claws are "retractable", but they do not work quite the way we usually imagine. The claw is attached to the last bone of the finger. However, not to its extreme part, but closer to the base. Only when the claw is fully released does the connection move closer to the edge.

What does this mean for us? The claw, along with the small bone to which it is attached, is found on the outside of each toe. The claw is not symmetrically located on the finger! Look at the photos of Sphynx cats - they have no hair and the structure of the claws can be seen better.

Step 3

Below you see an image of the left and right front paws with folded nails. Try repeating this position with your hands to see where the forearm ends and the foot begins.

Step 4

Let's learn how to draw paws.

  • For the frontal view: draw four lines ending in a stone shape.
  • For the side view: draw four lines starting in an oval and ending in steps. The step in the middle should be beveled to the side.

Step 5

  • For the frontal view: draw four "eggs" at the end of each line in place of the stone shape.
  • For the side view: draw four "eggs" that will cover the last fold of the "steps". Then connect the eggs with lines.

Step 6

We will also need to add a bean-shaped shape (on the outside) for the hind legs, or an elongated shape (on the inside) for the front legs.

Step 7

Now we will cover the entire paw with fur. Above the claws, the wool grows in a special way: we cover it with fur only on top and on the sides.

Step 8

Fine. We figured out the paw with folded claws. But what about an angry cat that has released its claws? Everything is simple if you have mastered the anatomical part.

Step 9

Now our cat has paws.

4. The proportions of the cat's head

Depending on the breed, cat faces differ from each other. But there are rules by which you can draw a "typical" cat face.

Step 1

Draw two circles: one big, one smaller. These are simplified forms of the head and muzzle.

Step 2

Divide the small circle into six approximately equal parts.

Step 3

Divide the midline into about six equal parts. This will help us find the correct position for the nose and mouth.

Step 4

Draw a regular triangle between the lines as shown below. You can also start drawing the mouth.

Step 5

Draw the rest of the features of the muzzle using the lines as guidelines.

Step 6

Now we will determine the place for the location of the eyes. Add four guide lines using the existing ones.

Step 7

Now you just need to add the eyes.

Step 8

If you are drawing a kitten, you need to change the proportions a bit and draw more rounded eyes of a larger size.

Step 9

Add lines for the shapes of the ears and cheeks.

Step 10

Drawing a head in profile is not more difficult if you know how to place the guide lines.

Step 11

Now we know how to draw the shape for the head. But it's still just a sketch. In the following steps, we will look at each element individually.

5. How to draw cat eyes

Step 1

If you went through the previous steps, you should have an oval like this as the base for the eye.

Step 2

We have three elements around the eye itself: the edge of the lower eyelid, the upper lash line, and the dark area in the inner corner of the eye. Part of the third century can also be shown.

Step 3

Draw the pupil:

  • Small representatives of the cat family have an elongated pupil. It becomes round only in the dark.
  • At major representatives of this family, the pupil always remains round, only changing sizes.

Pupil size can play a role in the realism of an illustration. If you draw a cat sitting on a sunny beach or in front of a fire with a large round pupil, it will look unnatural.

Step 4

Add dark streaks around the pupil and lighter ones in the rest of the eye. Position them in the direction from the pupil to the outer part of the eye.

Step 5

The eye consists not only of the pupil and the apple. When you draw human face, then draw the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows to make it seem more complete. For the cat's eye, we can add light areas around the eye and a dark hollow above it - this is a depression from which several vibrissae grow.

Step 6

When the eyes are closed, the incision turns into a dark streak. Light areas become closer friend to friend.

Step 7

Step 8

You already know how the eyes should look. You can draw them on the muzzle.

6. Draw the cat's nose

Step 1

Let's start with an elongated figure in the shape of a crystal. Its lower part is usually darker.

Step 2

Draw two "wings" as nostrils.

Step 3

Draw the nostrils. They don't look like human nostrils, so be careful.

Step 4

Draw a bridge. It should be rounded at the top. Also on the sides of the bridge of the nose will be darker, and the hair on it will be shorter.

Step 5

Now our cat has a nose!

7. How to draw cat ears

Step 1

Cat ears are not as simple as they seem. These are not just triangles, but complex structures that need to be learned to make the drawing seem more realistic.

Step 2

To draw the ear from the front, draw a circle. Then divide it into four parts by drawing lines at a slight angle.

Step 3

Use guide lines to draw the outer outline of the ear.

Step 4

Cats have a strange crease at the bottom of their ears. It's called "goat". It is quite difficult to draw it from this angle, but it is necessary. Draw a tragus and people will think you're a cat expert! :)

Step 5

Now you can draw tufts of hair. Their length and volume depends on the breed, but in general it is better to "fasten" the hair to the inside of the shell, leaving the outer bare.

Step 6

But cats can move their ears! What about all the other provisions? You can use the same method to create ears in any position. The main thing to remember is that the ear is actually much larger than it seems! The bottom part is usually covered with fur (and you will need to draw it too). Look at this photo and you will understand which part of the ear we see and which is hidden.

Step 7

Now our cat has ears!

8. Draw a mustache for a cat

Step 1

Whiskers, or whiskers, are another sense organ for a cat. Vibrissae grow above the cat's upper lip, above the eyes, above the chin, and behind the paws. These "hairs" grow from the dark "hollows" in the cat's coat. We have already drawn such hollows above the eyes. Now draw smaller ones on the muzzle.

Step 2

Cats have 12 whiskers on each side, but you don't have to strictly follow this number. 13 left, 15 right - all right! The main thing is to draw them thin and light. Also, their length should be more than half the length of the head.

9. Draw wool

Step 1

The length of the coat determines the shape of the head. The head of a cat without hair is triangular in shape. The more wool, the smoother the shape of the head. Draw a medium-length coat on the cat and the head will become round (by the way, this is why kittens seem cuter to us). If your cat is long-haired, then the shape of her head becomes trapezoidal.

Step 2

The shape of the body also depends on the length of the coat. Short hair will emphasize the cat's thin body, long hair will make it look bigger. If you are just learning to draw, always start with short hair. Then experiment with the length as you wish.

The author of the lesson Monika Zagrobelna
Translation - Desk
