Summary of the lesson on the alphabet of courtesy. Summary of the lesson on the alphabet of courtesy Fairytale City and its inhabitants

This book is over 30 years old. Experienced teachers and educators claim that it has not lost its relevance.

Fairytale City and its inhabitants

Behind a clean, clean field, behind a dense, dense forest, behind a long road, behind a sugar mountain, there is a city ...

Ah, if you, my friend, at my will - at your command, suddenly found yourself in it! You would even open your mouth in surprise.

The houses here are made of chocolate. Candy roofs. Pretzel shutters in every house. And on the spiky gingerbread city towers, weathercocks are spinning.

All the wonders in Fairytale City can not be counted.

Firstly, here in a high, high tower, under a talking clock, in a small room behind a multi-colored window, lives the most educated fairy in the world. She graduated from the Academy of All Magical Sciences with a chocolate medal. Her name is Fairy Hello.

Secondly, the funniest Postman in the world lives in Fairytale City. Joker and laugher. He knows how to laugh so enticingly that all-all-all around suddenly begin to laugh too! His name is: Jolly Postman.

Thirdly, three wise, wise Gnomychs live in a small hut made of chocolate in the Fairytale City. Gnomych-grandfather. (He has a long beard and a red magic cap). Dwarf son. (He has a red mustache, in a green magic cap). And Gnomych-grandson. (He has freckles on his plump nose and a blue magic cap on top of his head.)

Dwarfs can cure a frog from a cold or mend a torn wing of a dragonfly... And, if necessary, they will immediately cure all the inhabitants of the Fairy Tale City from all diseases.

But ... To be honest, the fabulous townspeople live according to a strict regime. (In the morning, of course, they do exercises. They douse themselves with cold water. They wash their hands before eating. They walk on time and go to bed.) Therefore, none of them get sick.

There is also a Flying Umbrella Saleswoman in the city.

There is a Shoemaker here who sews seven-league shoes.

There is a Baker who bakes jump-jump-buns. They spontaneously jump into your mouth.

And the rest of the residents of the Fairytale City - each of which will surprise you with at least something, my friend ... Of course, if you (at your request - at my command) one day suddenly find yourself in a fairy tale.

And I think that in this case, first of all, they will tell you about the wonderful, wonderful fountain, which is located behind the main city square. A little to the left of the park...

Blue, silver, golden jets of the fountain soar almost to the sky, almost to the blue-scarlet clouds. And fall to the ground, crumbling into forty forty magic splashes. And if someone washes himself with this miraculous water and drinks three sips of it... Then any good wish of his will come true...

Living in this city is a pleasure.

All the inhabitants here are fabulously polite ... Even the dogs are embarrassed to bark too loudly here. And the puppies stretch out their paws to passers-by to say hello.

The sparrows dare not fight here. Jackdaws and rooks do not rumble, but peacefully and quietly solve their bird problems ...

And weathercocks on gingerbread towers wake up the townspeople every morning with a cheerful cry:

— Ku-uka-re-kuuu! Get up! Good morning!

This is the most polite city of all the fabulous cities in the world.

But it wasn't always like that...

Our history begins much earlier. Back when the city was called Ordinary City. An ordinary Postman lived in it, an ordinary Guard, an ordinary Saleswoman of umbrellas that did not even fly at all ... And other ordinary residents. They were not very well-mannered and polite people. And they lived like this until Alyosha Ivanov once suddenly quarreled with a fairy ...

This Alyosha was a fabulously impolite boy. Honestly, my friend, I would not want you to be even a little bit like him.

So I interrupt my story to explain to you:

Why be polite

Not only children, but also very many adults want all their friends, and all neighbors, and even completely unfamiliar passers-by to always treat them attentively, kindly, always love and respect them. So that no one, no one will make comments to them.

The whole secret is that only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is always treated kindly by people around him. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone. And he has loyal and reliable friends with whom he is never bored.

And yet, a polite, well-mannered person has no time to be bored. After all, he lives under a strict regime.

Early in the morning he will do exercises. Then he will wash. Then he makes his bed. Dress neatly. Then she helps her mother and grandmother prepare breakfast and set the table.

During the day, a polite person - if he is not in kindergarten or school - will definitely help his grandmother clean the apartment, water the flowers, feed the cat and fish in the aquarium. He is not too lazy to clean his shoes and go to the store for bread or milk ...

A polite person always takes care of relatives and friends, is ready to help them. And this is very correct. After all, if you understand well, all people in the world help each other, work for each other. Which means they're working for you too, my friend.

The builders built a house for you.

The janitor cleans up the yard for you and the playground for games and walks.

Chauffeurs take you around the city.

Doctors treat diseases.

Gardeners and foresters plant gardens for you, grow forests...

Why should we not be attentive, polite and kind to each other? After all, it's not that hard!

It is not difficult to give up your seat on a tram or bus to an elderly person.

It is not difficult to greet people when you meet. And tell them "goodbye", "all the best" when parting.

It is not difficult to be neat, combed and washed, so that the people around you would be pleased to communicate with you.

It is not difficult to help elders around the house.

It's easy not to scatter your things around the room and fold toys.

But a polite person must comply not only with these rules. There are many more. If you, my friend, do not know all the rules that are obligatory for a polite person, do not worry. I will try to help you. And not only me, but all the heroes of this fairy tale.

But first... First, it is absolutely necessary that from this moment on, you yourself absolutely firmly decide to become a polite person. Then, so that you have many new wonderful friends.

Then, so that mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, your neighbors and even strangers respect you.

And besides... I promise you that just when you become a truly polite, well-mannered person, at my behest and at your desire, you will one day find yourself in a fairy tale.

Return of the Fairy

So, to make everything clear and understandable to you, let's start our story from those ancient times when the Fairytale City was called the Ordinary City. And they lived and lived in it: an ordinary fairy, an ordinary Postman, an ordinary Guard and other ordinary residents.

Among them lived a boy. Alyosha Ivanov.

Alyosha had a mother, a father, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa. They loved and adored him.

That is why Alyosha went to bed when he wanted to.

Slept until noon. I woke up ... I yawned, my mouth wide open. And Aunt Lipa immediately poured cocoa into his mouth. And both grandmothers handed him a cake. Aleshin's father at that time played the pipe to cheer up the child. And my mother ran to the store to buy Alyosha some gift.

This boy had an awful lot of all sorts of toys, albums, books, paints! He was so fed up with them that Alyosha threw them out of the window onto the heads of passers-by. Aleshin's father played the harmonica at the same time. Grandmothers beat the drum. And the mother clapped her hands to cheer the child.

Alyosha was constantly bored. Therefore, out of boredom, he pulled the girls' braids. Beat the kids. Threw rocks at the birds. Pushed passers-by.

Even mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa could not cheer up this child. And then one day they decided, they came up with the idea of ​​taking Alyosha to the zoo:

The zoo is always so fun and noisy! The old camel rides the guys here along the narrow paths. The monkey strings glasses on its tail. And the turtle treats children and adults with tea from a samovar, which is on its back.

So it was in the zoo until Alyosha appeared.

He spat at the old man camel. He pulled the red monkey by the tail. And he threw a stone at the turtle, so that the samovar fell off her back.

- Ai-ai! said the animals and shook their heads. The fairy, who was talking about something with the wise lion, interrupted her conversation and also shook her head. And the wise lion roared.

Then mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa Ivanov ran up to the fairy and said:

- Don't you dare irritate the child! If you really are a fairy, then make it according to our desire, at your command, well-mannered and polite! Yes Yes!

An ordinary fairy could not, could not make such a fabulous transformation. She immediately decided to go to the Academy of All Magical Sciences to complete her magical education.

And so… The Fairy said goodbye to the wise lion, as well as to small and large and other residents of the Ordinary City. And she flew on a magic umbrella, which a hundred years ago was presented to her by her beloved great-great-grandfather. She flew over the sugar mountain... Over a long road... Over a clean, clean field...

She flew three nights and three days. And landed on the porch of the Academy of All Magical Sciences.

Here the fairy studied for three years, three months, three days and three hours. She perfectly mastered all-all magical sciences. And for this she was awarded a large chocolate medal.

Hanging the medal on her chest, the fairy went to the post office and sent a telegram to the Ordinary City: “Meet. I'm flying out. your fairy.

Little ones and big ones rejoiced when the ordinary Postman read this telegram to them. After all, in the last three years, three months, three days and three hours, not a single, tiniest miracle has happened in Ordinary City! And without miracles, living in the world is very boring.

That is why all the townspeople looked out the windows, ran out onto the balconies, and some even climbed the fire escape to the roof ... And they began to look at the top of the sugar mountain, from behind which the fairy was supposed to appear.

They looked through telescopes, spyglasses, glasses, and microscopes, and even just like that ... And finally everyone saw a fairy flying on her magic umbrella.

The little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of them almost shouted in unison:

Fairy, hello!

(Since then, everyone has called her that: Fairy Hello.)

- I am glad to see you! the fairy sang, circling over the city. - And more than that! I am very very happy! I am now ready to fulfill all your desires!

Then the boys and girls (who were not yet very well brought up) exclaimed:

- We want! We want our city to become fabulous! And let the houses in it be chocolate! And the roofs - candy! And the shutters - even from pretzels!

- And the towers are gingerbread! shouted the smallest child.

- Please! the fairy sang.

And the Ordinary City became Fabulous!

The boys and girls clapped their hands in joy. But none of them thought to say "thank you". (After all, they were still not very polite children).

Therefore, their mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and aunts blushed terribly. And they asked almost in unison:

“According to our desire, at your command, fairy, make our children well-mannered and polite.

- Please! the fairy sang.

And in the Fairy City, a fountain began to beat. Behind the main square. A little to the left of the park.

Blue-silver-gold jets soared up to blue-scarlet clouds. And they fell again, scattering into forty forty magical splashes. Small ones, and big ones, and others-the rest - all on whom the magic water of the fountain fell, immediately became fabulously well-mannered and polite people. They smiled at each other.

- Hello! Good afternoon

We are very glad to see you...

- Be so kind…

- Please sit down!

— Come on!

Fairy Hello clapped her hands with joy.

“It is fabulously pleasant to live in such a city, among such well-mannered and polite children and adults! May this day for each of you, dear boys and girls, be the day of fulfillment of desires! Speak! I'm listening to…

“Thank you…” the polite girls and boys said.

- Please! Yulika-Yula asked politely. “Let my father, an ordinary Postman, turn into the most cheerful Postman in the world.

- And our ... - asked the seven sons of the Shoemaker, - Let him sew seven-league fabulous shoes. Please!

“Let my grandfather bake wonderful jump-jump-buns that themselves jump into everyone’s mouth,” the smallest kid asked. Please!

- And let our mother sell fabulous flying umbrellas to everyone! asked for twin girls. - Please!

- And let ... - said the rest of the children. “May someone’s wish come true every day in Fairy Tale City.” Please!

So it all happened.

I'm sorry to interrupt my story, my little friend. Someone is calling me. I'll open the door... Wait a minute! I am now, now!

  1. Do you like or dislike Alyosha Ivanov? 2. If you don't like it, then why? 3. What impolite things does he do? 4. What do you like about the rest of Fairy Town residents?

Three wise-wise Gnomych

As soon as I opened the door, three umbrellas flew into it ... But what is it ?! Unbelievable, unheard-of wonder!

The umbrellas landed rather deftly in the old armchair. And then three wise, wise Gnomychs appeared.

Ah-ah-ah ... Here it is what's the matter!

— Whew!!! - said the Gnomes.

And looked around. We noticed a jar of blueberry jam on the kitchen table. And - without even asking me for permission - they began to eat it with their hands and a large spoon, licking it in turn.

“Forgive me…” I whispered, because I lost my voice from surprise, But… it’s impossible! Where did you come from? It seems to me that you lived and lived until now in a fairy tale.

It's not that far from the fairy tale to the real! - answered Gnomychgrandfather. (The one with a long gray beard and in a red magic cap.)

“Especially when there is a fair wind…” the Gnomych-son muttered with his mouth full. (The one with the red mustache and the green magic cap.)

“What did you need to prove ...” the Gnomych-grandson chuckled, pulling off his bright blue magic cap and wiping his jam-stained lips with it.

Then the gnomes knocked over a jar of jam on my favorite tablecloth. And they pounded on the table like a drum.

We are thirsty! Give us a drink! they shouted.

“Here’s the faucet…” I said angrily. - Here are the cups. And I don't want to - I don't like to sit here with you.

- Why? - three wise, wise Gnomychs were surprised.

"Because I've never seen such impolite gnomes before," I said. The gnomes wept.

- That's the problem! A few days ago, we became infected ... We fell ill with a terrible disease - impoliteness! ..

“But how did this happen to you?” I asked.

Squishing their noses, interrupting each other, waving their arms so that the dishes from the table flew to the floor, the three Gnomychs told me:

- There was a city in the world. All its inhabitants suffered from a terrible disease - impoliteness.

When they met, they did not greet each other.

When parting, they did not say "goodbye" or "all the best."

At the table they dangled their legs and talked with their mouths full.

The strong here offended the weak.

Adults quarreled, shouted at each other.

Children never gave up their seats on buses or trams to older people.

In short, the inhabitants of this city behaved so badly that every single one of them should one day become dragons. Fortunately, three wise, wise Gnomychs found out about their misfortune.

Without delay, the gnomes began to gather for an urgent fabulous business trip.

They took with them three buckets filled with blue silver-gold water from all the wonderful fountains and springs.

Then the wise, wise Dwarfs turned their magic caps back to front. And they became invisible.

Picking up tubs of miraculous water, each of the dwarfs opened his umbrella. And they flew...

It seemed to passers-by that three umbrellas and three buckets were floating in the clouds by themselves.

Therefore, the townspeople, sick with impoliteness, opened their mouths wide in surprise and quickly began to blink their eyes. Then the invisible gnomes poured three sips of magic water into each mouth. And everyone was washed. And when the inhabitants of the Discourteous City finally closed their mouths, they had already managed to turn into fabulously polite and well-mannered people.

Since then, they greeted each other when they met.

When parting, they said: “All the best to you” or “Goodbye!”.

There was no dangling at the table. And they never spoke with their mouths full.

The strong defended the weak here.

The adults were kind and gentle with each other. And with children.

Children gave up their seats on buses or trams to older people.

And this fabulous business trip would have ended very, very well, if the three wise, wise Gnomychs themselves had not suddenly contracted a terrible, terrible disease - impoliteness.

Oh! What happened here! You can't even imagine, my friend...

The invisible gnomes took thirty packs of ice cream from the saleswoman without permission. Loudly smacking, they ate it. And they threw all the wrappers on the pavement.

They plucked all the flowers from the big city flower bed.

Then suddenly they started teasing the big old crow. And they threw all three buckets into it, while dousing the crow with the remnants of blue silver-gold water ...

— Karr! Carr! croaked the crow, which immediately became a fabulously polite bird. — Poor Dwarfs! You are ill with impoliteness!.. Carr!.. If you start behaving like that, one day you will suddenly turn into dragons! Carr!

- Oh! the Gnomes were afraid. - What do we do?

- Immediately fly wherever your eyes look, - the polite crow advised them. — Karr! Until you find yourself on Chertanovskaya street, in the fifty-second building, on the fifth floor. There they will again turn you into fabulously polite gnomes. Carr! Hurry!!!

That's how the Gnomies ended up on my street, in my house, on my floor.

“It’s not an easy task: to turn the gnomes into fabulously polite again!” I sighed. For this I need a magic wand...

Once! .. And three wise, wise Gnomychs were already holding out a real magic wand to me.

“Thanks…” I said. “Well… I am ready to help you. And give you some courtesy lessons. But please remember that during these lessons you must be fabulously attentive and fabulously patient students.

“We will try…” the gnomes decided.

Here I waved my magic wand. Once! Two! Three!

- Let's start.

First lesson in courtesy

And the kitchen is in order again. All things are in their places. Pots - on the shelves. On the table is my favorite tablecloth. Smart and clean. On it are cups, saucers and plates, large and small vases for jam, cookies and sweets ... Each spoon and each fork on the table took its rightful place.

“So,” I said to the three wise, wise Dwarfs, “today we will talk about how to behave at the table.

— Aha! Let's talk! the gnomes rejoiced, jostling in the blue armchair and trying with all their might to reach the vases in which the sweets lay.

I waved my wand again.

Once! Two! Three!

And the old blue chair rushed with all its legs to the bathroom.

“And what does this all of a sudden mean?” the Dwarfs were terribly angry.

This means that every time before eating, you need to wash your hands.

Cold water poured out of the tap... And the soap and washcloth immediately set to work... After the three wise, wise Gnomychs had dried their hands with a towel, I invited them to the table.

The dwarfs again tried to climb into the blue chair together.

I had to wave my magic wand again.

Once! Two! Three!

And the chairs sang:

- Calmly! Sit down everyone in your place! ..

The gnomes sat down in their places. And from embarrassment, they began to dangle their legs with all their might.

"Please don't dangle your legs at the table," I told them. And don't bang your spoons on the saucers. At the table, you should behave slowly, calmly, without unnecessary noise.

- Yeah ... I see ... - three wise, wise Gnomychs agreed. And they began to sip the soup, drinking it straight from the plate.

I had to explain again:

- Soup is eaten with a spoon, and the second - with a fork. When you accidentally get your mouth and hands dirty while eating, don't forget to use a napkin.

Here, just in case, I myself wiped the dwarfs on their sour cream-stained hands.

Don't forget to say "thank you" when you leave the table.

“Thank you…” Gnomych-grandfather muttered. “But it turns out to be a terribly difficult science ...

— Karr! said suddenly someone sitting on the kitchen windowsill. It was, of course, a wise, polite crow. — Karr! To learn and remember all the obligatory rules of politeness, you need patience and work. Please remember! Carr! Carr!

And, as always, she was right. Therefore, I asked the wise and wise Dwarfs to help me clear the table and wash all the dishes. What they did...

How mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa became fabulously polite people_

On the morning when the fairy was supposed to return to the Fairy City, the Ivanov family decided to take a break. Mom, dad, two grandmothers, aunt Lipa and Alyosha got into a motorcycle story teller and rolled wherever their eyes looked.

Their eyes looked beyond the sugar mountain... Over the long road... Over the pure, clean field... To where the dense forest turns green.

... In the forest there was a hut on chicken legs.

Around her, blue-red-yellow flowers smiled at passers-by. Blue grass stretched towards the sun. Red squirrels sat on silver bushes and cracked nuts loudly.

Click yes click!

Near the porch of the hut stood a very old pine tree. Its top has grown to the sky. At night, the stars played hide-and-seek between the branches. In the morning clouds and birds dozed on it. And in the evening, eared Uncle Owl peeped out of the black hollow. And uhh-hhaya and hohh-hhocha, he told fairy tales to the forest people.

Mom, dad, two grandmothers, aunt Lipa and Alyosha rolled up here.

I want these flowers! Alyosha said.

And Aunt Lipa began to pick blue-red-yellow flowers ... Although the flowers were crying so bitterly! And so they asked not to tear - not to kill them. But Aunt Lipa did not understand their language.

- I want nuts! Alyosha shouted.

And both grandmothers, having dispersed all the red squirrels, began to break silver branches and collect nuts. Although the squirrels were very, very angry and scolded! But the grandmothers did not understand their language.

- Want! I want a fire from this pine tree! Alyosha shouted. And mom gave dad a big axe. And dad went up to the pine tree and knocked-hit it with an ax.

A very old pine trembled. And moaned...

— Trouble! Trouble! - Eared Uncle Owl flew out of her black hollow.

- Help! the squirrels took it. - Robbery!

Hearing about this, hares rushed from the white-trunked birch forest!

From a distant ravine - foxes!

From the dense spruce forest - two gray wolves!

And from the den stomped the bear Matryona. With her children, with cubs ... Matryona had been friends with the fairy Hello for many years and therefore she knew the human language perfectly.

- Be ashamed, people! she said, and shook her shaggy head. Then the rest of the bird-beasts also shook their heads and shouted:

- How are you not ashamed?

Why are you picking and killing flowers? the hares asked.

- Why are you breaking hazel branches? the foxes barked.

- Why are you destroying the pine tree? howled the wolves. And Uncle Filin was completely angry:

- Uff! Get out of here! Evil! Disrespectful people! he shouted. And the squirrels picked up:

- Get out! Away! Away!

Mom, dad, two grandmothers, aunt Lipa and Alyosha got scared. Rushed to the motorcycle storyteller. Started the motor. And rolled away from the forest!

Through a clean, clean field ... On a distant road ... Around a high sugar mountain ... At night they drove into their city.

Not noticing or noticing anything, the Ivanovs ran into their house. They lay down in their beds. And fell asleep.

The next morning, mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa woke up early.

Finally Alyosha Ivanov woke up, opened his eyes and yawned.

Aunt Lipa rather poured cocoa into his mouth.

Grandmothers shoved some cakes into his mouth. And dad played the pipe. And yet Alyosha shouted:

- I'm bored!

“I’ll have to buy a present for the child,” Mom decided.

And ran to the store.

But as soon as she went beyond the threshold, she suddenly stopped and quickly blinked her eyes. She even opened her mouth in surprise.

Around her were houses made of chocolate. And candy roofs. There are pretzel shutters on the windows. And on the pointed gingerbread towers perched weathercocks.

— Kuuu-kua-reukuu! they shouted. - Good afternoon, Ivanova's mother! Hurry to the wonderful fountain! There the fairy Hello is waiting for you!

“Miracles!” Mom said.

And her feet themselves carried her to the fountain. There was a fairy sitting on a bench.

“Hello,” she said to her mother and handed her a glass of magical blue water. - Only three sips. And I would advise you to wash your face now… Please.

Indeed, miracles! Mom said.

To be honest, she was an obedient person. She did everything as the fairy Hello told her. And immediately turned into the most polite mother in the world. And then she blushed in embarrassment.

- Oh oh oh! What a shame! Yesterday I behaved badly in the dense forest.

“I know,” the fairy replied. - Take this watering can. Fill it with magic water... And go to the forest. Don't forget to buy an umbrella from the Saleswoman around the corner. In the meantime, I will try to get Alyosha to run to the wonderful fountain.

- Thank you! - Mom said and ran to the Flying Umbrella Saleswoman.

Soon it was already rushing over the city... Over the sugar mountain... Over the long road... Over the clean, clean field... Heading to where the dense forest was green...

The Ivanovs waited and waited for her and began to get excited. Moreover, the boy did not stop crying.

“I’ll have to buy a present,” Dad finally decided, and hurried out of the house.

Stepping outside the threshold, he quickly blinked his eyes and opened his mouth.

Around it were chocolate houses with candy roofs. And the weathercocks on the towers shouted:

- Kuukaruuuuuu! Hello, Ivanov's father! Hurry! A fairy is waiting for you at a wonderful fountain! Dad ran to the fountain.

“Good afternoon,” the fairy said Hello and handed dad a glass of magical water. - I ask you to. Exactly three sips. And, if it's not difficult for you, wash yourself with blue-silver-gold water from the fountain.

“You can wash yourself,” Dad agreed.

He did everything that the fairy advised. And he turned into the most polite dad in the world.

- What a shame! he exclaimed, immediately blushing. “Yesterday I behaved very badly in the forest!” Fairy Hello handed dad a shovel and a bag of seeds.

“Don't worry,” she said. “Alyosha will run to the fountain himself… And you… Please don’t forget to buy a flying umbrella from the Saleswoman around the corner.

- Thank you! Dad replied.

Very soon he was already hovering over the city ... Over the sugar mountain. Over a long journey ... The Ivanovs waited and waited for him and began to worry.

- I want a gift! yelled Alyosha.

“Now we’ll buy it,” both grandmothers shouted.

Beyond the threshold they opened their mouths in surprise.

Windcocks sat on gingerbread pointed towers.

— Kuuukuareuuuu! they shouted. - Greetings, Ivanov's grandmothers! Hurry to the wonderful fountain!

Grandmothers drank three sips of wonderful water, washed themselves with it. And they turned into the most polite grandmothers in the world.

- Ai-ai! they said and shook their heads. We did something like this yesterday! And it's good to remember!

The fairy gave them a basket of ripe nuts. And she pointed out where you can buy flying umbrellas.

Soon the Ivanovs' grandmothers were flying over the city... Above the sugar mountain... In the direction of the dense forest.

Aunt Lipa was the last to run to the fairy. Soon she, too, turned into a fabulously polite aunt. And having bought herself a flying umbrella, she flew over the Fairytale City ... In the direction of the dense forest.

In the forest, near the hut on chicken legs, Ivanova's mother watered bushes, flowers and herbs with living magic water. Both grandmothers fed red squirrels with ripe nuts. Dad planted seeds of outlandish trees and flowers in the clearing. And Aunt Lipa covered up the wounds on the trunk of a very old pine tree with a healing ointment that the fairy gave her.

Very, very soon, blue-red-yellow flowers smiled in the forest clearing. Blue grass stretched towards the sun. Squirrels jumped and danced on the branches. And out of the black hollow suddenly peeped eared Uncle Owl.

- Uff! he shouted. - All over here! Hares rushed from the white-trunked birch forest. From a distant ravine - foxes. From the dense spruce forest - two gray wolves.

And from the den stomped the bear Matryona with her children, the cubs.

Thank you very much, people! - said the bear and bowed low. And the rest of the bird-animals also thanked the Ivanovs.

- Thank you! the hares yelled, the foxes yelped, the wolves howled and the squirrels chirped,

And the old pine dropped a small green star into my mother's palms.

And from all this, mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa felt so good and pleasant that, returning home, they even sang a song. So with a song they flew to the Fairy City.

Finally, multi-colored candy roofs shone below.

Mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa landed near a wonderful fountain. Here, on a bench near him, the fairy Hello was sitting and weeping bitterly.

And under the blue-silver-gold jets of the fountain stood shaggy, wet Alyosha Ivanov.

“I want, I want, I want to be the most, most, most terrible, impolite boy in the world!” Alyosha yelled in a hoarse voice.

“Unfortunately, he’s been here for a long time…” the fairy sighed. “And what’s more… His wish came true!” Then mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa sobbed.

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. Were mother, father, two grandmothers and Aunt Lipa at first behaved politely or impolitely in the dense forest? 2. How do you behave in the forest? 3. Why was Alyosha capricious? 4. Is it polite or impolite to be capricious at all? How do you think? 5. Did mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa behave correctly in the forest when they became polite?

About how to behave with mom, dad and other family members

I can't tell in a fairy tale, or describe with a pen how bad it is when some child is so ill-mannered and angry as our Alyosha!

I hope that you, my little friend, do not behave like that?

Of course, you know that mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather and other members of your family are your most faithful, most reliable friends. They are always, always by your side. And on holidays. And in a difficult moment for you.

And no matter how tired they are, and sometimes even sick, they will always feed you, give you drink, listen, caress. They will give you good advice.

Isn't it?

Remember: when you are sick and lying in bed, and you have a high temperature, how attentive and caring your mother and grandmother are with you these days! They give you medicine. They put mustard plasters and a thermometer. And they whisper and say such kind, affectionate words to you, from which the pain subsides and the disease goes away.

And if there is a holiday in your house? .. Well, let's say, New Year ... Together with you, your parents clean the apartment in a fabulous outfit. Grandma is baking a cake. These days, from cheerful worries and from the love of your loved ones, it becomes so warm in your house that even Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka look into the light!

Everything that is in the house and you yourself - all things, books and toys are made by hand or bought with money earned by your parents, your loved ones. After all, your mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather do not get tired of working all their lives.

Take a look, my friend, carefully at the hands of your grandmother or your grandfather. How much work they did in their lifetime!.. Perhaps they built houses? Or maybe they drove ships into the sea? Or planes in the sky?.. Maybe your grandparents taught children at school? Or heal people? Or grew bread, orchards?

Sometime affectionately ask them to tell you about it. After listening to their story, you will understand even better: what wonderful people live in your family.

To tell the truth, some boys and girls don't know their parents very well, they don't think about them very often. Meanwhile...

Here is your mother ... How many different things she manages to do in just one day! Prepare breakfast in the morning. Clear the table. Take you, baby, to kindergarten, and your older brother or sister to school. Mom is at work many hours. But she still has time to go to the store and cook dinner. Get everything in order in the house. Read a book with you and play. Wash you and put you to bed. Then wash, sew, and knit, and watch a little TV. Not a single fairy-tale sorceress manages to do so many things in a day! Even though the sorceress has a magic wand ... But my mother does not have such a wand. However ... Maybe mom wouldn’t have coped with all these things if your dad (and other family members) didn’t help her. Because your dad is almost fabulously kind, almost fabulously smart, almost fabulously educated. He knows about everything in the world. About your plant. About hockey. About where the stars came from. And what you need to smear skis in a big frost. About different countries. And about the fish that are found in your river. About famous chess players. And sometimes even about how to fry fried eggs.

These are some amazing people living in your family, my friend. All of them are your most faithful and most reliable friends.

And friends need to be protected. To care about them. Try to help them in everything.

Therefore, please, as often as possible, wash the dishes myself after meals. Do not leave this business for grandmother and mother.

When grandmother, grandfather, mother come home from the street, help them undress. And bring slippers.

And if you went with your parents (or grandparents) to visit or for a walk on the bus, on the tram, do not rush to get on your own. Be sure to seat your favorite older friends in an empty seat. Especially women. They rarely rest.

Never interrupt adults in a conversation. Please don't be rude to them...

Try to be a real master in your house. A good host is neat and tidy. He knows a place for his things, toys, books. Every day he cleans the house: he sweeps the floor and wipes the dust. (To live in a clean, tidy apartment is pleasant for both children and adults.)

Don't make noise if someone close to you is sick or working. Try not to quarrel-do not fight with younger brothers and sisters, if you have them.

Please be gentle and kind with your loved ones and with everyone around you.

Then you won't upset your mom, dad, grandma or anyone in your family. And you will not be like the boy Alyosha from our fairy tale.

The second lesson of politeness

- It's a pity that we don't have, like in a real school, a ringing bell ...

- How is it not? grumbled Gnomych-grandfather. And he took out from his pocket a large, very large and blue-blue bell-flower.

Immediately there was such a ringing-chime, which was heard in all the fabulous Far Far Away and Thirtieth States.

... Out of nowhere, fabulous firebirds flew into my windows and doors, fabulous miracle animals ran in! .. Princesses! Princes! Tom Thumb! And the girl Thumbelina!

- Hello! sang the firebirds.

- Good afternoon! the miracle beasts hissed and growled politely.

“We are glad to see you,” the princesses, princes and other friends of the Dwarfs said almost in unison.

“I am also very, very glad to all of you,” I replied.

“But still…” suddenly sang out my windows and doors. - Before entering someone's house, you should knock or ring the doorbell, and only then - when you enter - be sure to greet the owners.

— Ah! Sorry! said the girl Thumbelina.

- Please. Come in, - I invited friends of the Dwarfs. Just... Let me remind you all to take off your hat when entering someone's house. Even if it's an invisibility hat.

Here the princes, princesses, and even wonder-beasts rather took off their hats. And they hurried to wipe their feet and paws on the rug near the door.

- Well done! I praised them all. “But don’t crowd around the door. The princes must first let the princesses and those who are older go through ... For example, this already gray-haired Dragon Dragon.

All passed. The firebirds sat in a row on the windowsill and sang. The Wonder Beasts crawled under the bed and growled. The princesses immediately began to dance. And the princes suddenly quarreled over something.

In short, there was such a noise-din that even the gnomes shouted:

We seem to be deaf!

“Actually,” I said, “it’s not supposed to make noise and talk to everyone at once at a party. Moreover, there is no need to quarrel and fight. Furniture should not be broken. Let's play something together.

- Play! Play! - the friends of the three wise, wise Dwarfs sang, growled, shouted.

- Just please, during the games, do not quarrel, do not be rude to each other, do not call each other offensive words.

“Yeah… We got it,” the guests said, stamping their feet with impatience.

Animated drawings

Unfortunately, the wonderful fountain fulfilled Alyosha's evil wish. (After all, the fountain granted any wish!) And Alyosha became the most impolite boy in the world.

He showed his mother, father, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa his tongue! And he ran wherever his eyes looked. On the way, Alyosha licked the walls of houses... He pulled the tails of dogs and cats... He threw stones at the birds. He took ice cream from the kids… He behaved so badly that the little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of the inhabitants of Fairy Tale City became ashamed of him. They all blushed and ran to the high tower to consult the fairy.

- What should we do so that Alyosha, at our will, turns into a polite child?

“Sorry… I should think about this carefully,” the fairy answered them. - Goodbye!

She shut herself up in her room. And I started thinking, thinking, thinking. But I didn't come up with anything. Then she took out a magical encyclopedia from a secret chest. And I started reading, reading, reading. But didn't read anything. Her frustration even gave her a headache.

Fairy Zdraste drank an aspirin and called for help the Shoemaker, the Guard, the Baker and the Postman.

“How can we do,” she asked them, “so that Alyosha Ivanov becomes a polite child?” The Shoemaker spoke first.

“That's how it is,” he said. — I'll give him seven-league shoes. Alyosha will put them on. He will run around the whole city ... He will see fabulous miracles. And immediately he wants to become a kind-polite child.

“Unfortunately,” the fairy Hello sighed, “from various evil deeds, the eyes of this boy began to see badly. He will not notice any miracles ...

“Then…” said the strict-polite Guard, putting his hand to his visor, “it is necessary to explain to Alyosha all the obligatory traffic rules. Having become accustomed to fabulous discipline and order, the child will naturally want to become polite.

“From various evil tricks,” the fairy sighed, “this boy’s ears have become hard of hearing ... He will not hear any rules.

"Let's feed him my jump-jump-buns that jump and jump into their mouths on their own," the Baker smiled. - They are amazingly delicious! And the child will immediately wish to become polite.

— Ah! the fairy sighed. Alyosha is spoiled. He doesn't even have an appetite. And he won't eat jump-jump-buns...

“Then we need to have a party!” exclaimed the Jolly Postman.

- How is it a holiday? Why all of a sudden a holiday?

“All children and even all adults,” said the Jolly Postman, “need to have fun as often as possible. Laugh! And dance! From this they have a fabulous mood. And fairy tales, as you know, always end well. A cheerful boy will eventually wish to become a polite person himself.

And soon the weathercocks on the towers shouted:

— Kuu-auuureukuu! Girls and boys! Today on the main city square there will be a Festival of magical drawings.

Hearing about this, the boys and girls - both red-haired, and fair-haired, and black-curly - quickly, quickly, quickly asked the adults very politely for permission ... And they, of course, allowed them to leave everything for a while and hurry to the square.

And then… No cars were driving on the main square, no passers-by were stomping…

In the middle of the square stood a strict-polite Guard, raising his almost magic wand. Next to him, on a bench under an umbrella, sat the fairy Hello. Beside her were jars of magic paints, boxes of brushes and multi-colored crayons.

“Please,” the fairy said Hello to the children, “take paints, brushes, crayons as soon as possible and draw whatever you want right on the main square, on the pavement ... And all your drawings will come to life!”

- Hooray! - the boys and girls were delighted - both red-haired, and fair-haired, and black-curly.

And they began to draw.

And wonderful flowers bloomed on the pavement, wonderful butterflies fluttered their wings. Wonderful trees raised their branches to the sky. And wonderful birds sang.

... At this hour, Alyosha was climbing a linden tree that grew in the park. At the top of the linden lived a rook with a rook. And they had seven rooks.

— Ha-ha! I will destroy your nest! Alyosha shouted.

- Please! Don't do this! the rook asked.

- It's horrible! It's not polite! Shameful! the rook shamed the boy. And the linden, on which Alyosha was climbing, took pity on them. Crunch! A branch broke off… Bam! Alyosha flew to the ground ...

- Well, wait! he got angry.

But then the weather-cocks suddenly cried out.

— Kuukaureuu-kuuu! All boys and girls! More to the main square! There you will get magic crayons and paints!

Alyosha's feet themselves rushed to the town square.

On the main square…

On its black pavement, the Shoemaker's seven sons painted wonderful flowers. And as soon as they finished drawing the last petal, when suddenly the flowers came to life, rose on thin stems. And smiled at the sun and children.

On the main square, the Baker's grandson painted a butterfly. He had just finished painting the very last spot on one of the wings for her ... The butterfly suddenly came to life! She flapped her wings! And flew into the sky!

And Yulika-Yula, the daughter of the Postman, first drew on the pavement two kind and cheerful eyes that looked like flowers. Then - two long ears, similar to burdocks. Then - a curly and golden mane.

- What is this? - asked her smallest kids, who did not dare to draw.

“Probably, this is Igogonya,” Yulika laughed. - The most-kindest fairy-tale horse in the world. Whoever wants - everyone - can draw him one leg at a time. A fast fairy horse must have a lot of legs!

The little ones rejoiced. And they set to work.

Yulika finished Igogone with everything else and a long and curly tail. Here Igogonya became alive, for real. Jumped up! He shook his golden mane! And neighed:

- Igogo-go-go-go! Get on me! I'll ride you all!

Boys and girls - red-haired, and fair-haired, and black-curly jumped up on him. And after them the fairy... And then - the polite and strict Guard... And the many-legged horse rushed along the main square!

- Igogo-go-go!

Alyosha Ivanov stood aside. The boys didn't call him.

"Well," he snapped. - Huh! I'll show you!

Alyosha took crayons and paints. And he drew two angry, gloomy eyes. Then - two sharp ears. Then - a double-humped nose.

- Who is this? - Yulika-Yula asked him, who, it turns out, was standing nearby all the time.

“Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang!” Alyosha frowned. - The most evil fairy-tale wizard.

- Oh! the girl was frightened. - Please! Don't! Don't draw him!

But Alyosha drew the wizard's arms and legs. And even high-top shoes. He had just finished painting the shoe on his left foot, when... Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang sneezed. And he rose from the asphalt alive, for real.

- A? Who painted me?

“Well… me,” Alyosha frowned. - And you for this ... Make it so that no one can ever educate me!

- Be calm! said the magician.

And he whispered evil, terrible words ...

All the boys and girls - both red-haired, and fair-haired, and black-curly, immediately fell from Igogoni to the ground ... Even the fairy ... And even the guard ... The fairy-tale horse stopped.

- Igo-go! What is this? Is this how we play? he wondered.

- Let's play! the wizard shouted. Then he grabbed Alyosha. And together with him he jumped on a many-legged horse. - Huh! Press! Let's!

Before anyone else had time to recover, they disappeared in an unknown direction!

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. What did Alyosha want to do when he climbed the lime tree? What was his act? 2. Do you like the Postman's daughter Yulika-Yula? And why did you like her? For what? 3. Did Alyosha commit an evil or good deed when he painted Gruppi-Gruppy-Yan with magic paint? 4. Who do you want to be like? To Yulika? Or Alyosha? And why?

The third lesson of politeness

Three wise, wise Gnomychs rushed to me again. And they shout:

“Isn’t it polite not to walk for such a long time?”

“Please, I beg you, don’t shout,” I told them. And remember that this will not be a simple walk, but ...

But, apparently, without hearing me, three wise-wise Gnomych rushed out of the apartment! On the stairs we went down the railing. And in the doorway they suddenly knocked down a little girl ... I barely had time to wave my magic wand.

Here the doors closed and closed before the dwarfs.

- What a disgrace! sang and creaked the doors. - First, you must first let the hostess and any other woman pass, holding the door in front of her. Secondly, you can not move out on the railing. For this there is an elevator. And thirdly, you need to apologize to the girl you knocked down!

“Sorry…” mumbled the three dwarfs. - We are ... in a hurry!

"I'm not angry," said the girl, holding out her hand. - My name is Alena.

“And we are the Dwarfs,” said the Dwarfs, and hurried on again. They rushed right across the street so that they almost ran into a big bus! And because of them, the oncoming truck slowed down so much that it almost rolled over.

And in front of the dwarfs, the guard suddenly appeared.

"Excuse me," he said politely, putting his hand to the visor of his cap. “It seems you are not at all familiar with the mandatory rules for pedestrians.

What other rules? the dwarfs almost shouted in unison. - We really want ice cream! Here!

The sentry politely led them across the street and said sternly:

- Remember! You should only cross the street using underground passages or special footpaths. In this case, you need to look at the traffic light. When the light is yellow or red, you cannot cross the street. And if the green light is on, look to the left ... if there is no moving traffic - feel free to walk to the middle of the street. Stop there. And look to the right. If there are no cars this time, move on. Also remember, please, that a standing tram should be bypassed in front. Bus and trolley bus - behind. Please follow all these rules.

“We will try…” mumbled the three dwarfs.

And with all legs rushed to the blue stall. Several people were already here. Three wise, wise Dwarfs pushed everyone aside and found themselves in front. And I don’t know how it would have ended if our new friend, Alena, hadn’t arrived in time for the stall.

She whispered softly to the dwarfs:

"It's impolite to do so!" Let's wait for those who came here earlier to buy ice cream. And let's skip grandma. It must be hard for her to stand...

Incredible transformations

Rides-rushes Igogonya! Behind him is the Fairytale City... And the sugar mountain... And the long road... And the pure, clean field... And ahead is the dense forest.

In the dense forest stood a hut on chicken legs.

Around her, blue-red-yellow flowers smiled at passers-by. Blue grass stretched towards the sun. Red squirrels cracked nuts on the silver bushes.

Click yes click!

Near the porch of the hut stood a very old pine tree. Its top has grown to the sky. At night, the stars played hide-and-seek in it. Clouds dozed on it in the mornings. And in the evening, eared Uncle Owl peeped out of the black hollow. And, uhh-haya and hho-hhocha, he told fairy tales to the forest people.

This is where Igogonya rushed.

The evil wizard and Alyosha entered the hut on chicken legs.

There was a stove in the hut. On it is a boiler.

Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang whispered evil, terrible words. And immediately an evil potion gurgled and boiled in the cauldron.

With this potion, the wizard filled a large watering can. And sprinkled everything, everything around from it ...

Blue-red-yellow flowers turned black. The blue grasses withered. Rotted nuts on silver bushes. And the squirrels quarreled. Like this…

Uncle Owl himself jumped out of the black hollow: And let's make noise:

— Uuf! Ha ha ha!

At this noise came running animals. Hares rushed from the white-trunked birch forest. From a distant ravine - foxes. From the dense spruce forest - two gray wolves. And from the den - the bear Matryona with her guys, cubs. And they did not even have time to gasp, what had begun here! Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang has already splashed everyone with an evil potion.

The foxes chirped. Wolves howled, hares, cubs fought. And Uncle Owl shouts from his hollow:

- Let's! Phew! Ha ha ha!

Bear Matryona was angry. And spanked everyone.

Even the boy Alyosha!

— Oh-ho-ho!

Not even the terrible evil wizard Gruppy Gruppy Yang.

- Igo-go!

Even a many-legged good fairy-tale horse.

- I do not play like that! - Igogonya was offended. - Igo-go! And dashed off wherever the eyes look.

— Ha-ha-ha! the magician laughed. "Now I will fulfill your wish." And he doused the boy with the evil potion. “Now no one will ever be able to re-educate you!” Now you, too, can speak evil, terrible words and do evil deeds! Just look! Don't turn into a dragon!

The bird-animals looked at Alyosha and sobbed bitterly.

— Ha-ha! the boy told them all. Now I am stronger than you. Aha!

He kicked the fly agaric giant's hat off. He put it on his head. Then he jumped onto the porch of the hut on chicken legs. And he ordered her to rush to the city.

The hut listened to him. And she ran so fast that even Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang barely had time to jump through her window.

And in the Fairytale City there was a re-re-commotion! Little ones and big ones ran, shouted, called, looked under the benches in the park ... And everywhere, everywhere, everywhere! And everywhere, everywhere, everywhere! They were looking for a boy Alyosha! ..

Yulika-Yula was the first to see him.

- Run to the wonderful fountain! she called. - Mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa are waiting for you there!

“Aha!” the wizard whispered. “Now they will start educating you.

Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan and the boy shouted evil, terrible words ...

And Yulika suddenly froze, froze! She couldn't even take a step. She even cried out of frustration.

Immediately Alyosha felt that a real dragon's tail was growing on him! It was then that the strict-polite Postovoy grew up in front of them.

- What's going on here?

“He wants to re-educate you…” Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan whispered to Alyosha.

Together they whispered evil-magic words.

The strict-polite Guard suddenly lost his weight. The southwest wind immediately lifted him over the city and carried him away in an unknown fabulous direction.

And the boy's legs and arms turned into dragon paws.

Alyosha was even frightened.

— Ma-aa-ma! he shouted.

Mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa were already in a hurry to meet him.

“Now they will start re-educating you…” the evil wizard whispered to Alyosha.

And Alyosha inadvertently... Out of bad habit... He whispered evil-terrible words after Gruppi-Gruppy-Yan... Mom, dad, two grandmothers and Aunt Lipa turned into drawings with colored crayons on black asphalt!

At that very moment, Alyosha became a real dragon. Tailed. Three-headed. Sneezing fire and smoke.

— Ku-uu-kuaaareukuuuu! the weathercocks shouted. “Evil magic is happening in Fairy Tale City!”

- Shut up! the wizard ordered. “Otherwise I will take away your sonorous voice.

And since the weathercocks did not agree to be silent, he immediately carried out his threat. And shouted:

— Kuukuareku! The Dragon! Dragon - Alyosha! Haha! Now I'll chain you up. You will guard my hut on chicken legs. Bite the heels of all passers-by! Sneeze on them with fire and smoke! Kuuukaquareuuuuu!

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. Why didn't you like the wizard Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang? 2. What evil deeds did Alyosha commit? And why did he suddenly turn into a dragon? 3. Is the Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang Wizard a bad friend or a good friend? Do you want to be friends with him? No? Why? 4. Which of the heroes of our fairy tale would you like to be friends with? And why?

Fairy tale wizards (talk to children)

I think that you, my friend, are certainly not afraid of evil wizards. Why be afraid of them when every girl and every boy knows that fairy tales end well?

And in our fairy tale, its good heroes will win. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let the fairy tale go its own way. Slowly: Not in a hurry ... So that during this time you, my little friend, have time to think about what is happening in it. And I would have learned something useful and necessary during this period.

As for wizards. By the way, they live not only in fairy tales!

Every person who is kind, who honestly, diligently, lovingly does his job, is a little magician.

Honestly fabulous!

Isn't it magic to build a beautiful house in a wasteland, on a bare spot in a few months? With windows through which the sun looks. With a porch with an old poplar tree leaning against the railing. With balconies with flowers and flags.

And to cure a sick person who, due to a serious illness, could not work and meet friends ... And now he again went on a ski trip ... He meets friends again. Works. Healthy and happy again. Isn't this miracle magic?

Or... Grow a garden. Which stands white-sleepy in winter. Only in some places rowan berries turn red. And the bullfinches squeak... And in the spring, under the bright, hot sun, the snow will run away. And the garden, as if with a pink fire, suddenly flares up, lights up. The bees buzz in the flowery thicket. Birds will sing songs to all people about the beauty of the earth. And by summer, flower snowfall will swirl, so that by autumn, miracle magic will appear on each branch ... Only good wizards can do this!

And to come up with and make-assemble a truck? One person cannot do such a miracle. Hundreds of real wizards work here - at the machines, on the drawings.

And lead the icebreaker to the pole! Through icebergs and ice hummocks... And at the same time, of course, do not forget to politely greet every polar bear or penguin you meet...

I am sure that only a truly kind, kind wizard can bake a sweet, delicious cake! Eat a piece and lick your fingers. Few!

In the world and around each of us, there are not so few such fabulous wizards! To notice them, we must look more closely at all the people we know and do not know.

And you don’t have to go very far ... Isn’t your mother a sorceress?

What she can't do! Cook dinner. Sew you a dress. Sing a happy song. Read a book. Tell a tale. Iron. Wash ... It was mom who made your house so warm and cozy with her magic hands ...

And dad? Isn't he sometimes a real wizard? When he teaches you to ski down the mountain! When in some twenty minutes, laughing and joking, he rubs the floor in the whole apartment! .. When he takes pictures ... And you sit next to him in a dark magical room and watch ... And how your dad swims! How he dives! How brave and kind he is!

And your grandmother, and grandfather, and many of your friends, my friend, are good wizards.

You, of course, really want to learn a lot from your familiar wizards. After all, you yourself do not yet know how to work miracles.

However. This is where I seem to be wrong.

Even though you're only a few years old. And that's why you still can't know as much as your mom or dad. But after all, your younger brother or sister is even weaker, smaller and less skilled in everything than you. Isn't it? So, for them, you can already be a real wizard today. You will help dress and put on the baby. Take a walk with him, feed him semolina.

Now imagine that you are walking through a suburban forest or park. Here you are for every ant, for every blade of grass, for a butterfly or a flower, a mighty magician. And you can, at your own will, perform evil or good miracles.

An ill-mannered child, like an evil wizard, will mercilessly destroy an anthill, break a thin tree, catch and torture a beautiful butterfly ... Forest kids tremble from one rustle of his steps.

A polite boy and girl will make bird feeders and squirrels. (And they will not forget to bring and pour food into these feeders every day.) They will never kick handsome fly agarics with their feet. All good wizards know perfectly well: although this mushroom is inedible for humans, its mycelium perfectly fertilizes forest soil. And besides, fly agaric is a wonderful medicine for various hare, squirrel, elk and other animal diseases.

There are not so few wonderful things on earth for you, fabulous wizards from 3 to 8 years old. Everything here depends only on your desires and efforts. And of course, I believe that you will not be lazy and will try to perform at least one good miracle every day.

The Fourth Lesson of Politeness

“First, remember, please,” I said to the three wise, wise Dwarfs. - Every dwarf (and also a boy or a girl) should have his duties for every day.

- Responsibilities? And what is it? asked the Gnomes.

“It means everyday and obligatory things. In the morning, for example, you need to make your bed. After the game - put away toys, books, colored pencils and albums in the right place. Every day or every other day you need to sweep your room and wipe the dust in it. After eating, you should wash the dishes. Clean your shoes after walking.

And it’s not bad at all if a fairy gnome (or a non-fabulous boy or girl of 6-7 years old) learns to cook a simple breakfast. To do this, first you just need to ask some of your adult friends - you can mom or grandmother - to help. And an adult friend will willingly explain and show how to fry scrambled eggs or cook semolina. Then two or three times you should do this work with your mother or grandmother. And after that, try to cook breakfast or dinner completely on your own.


The sun woke up. It peeped out from behind the clouds and stretched out in all directions forty forty clear-red rays... The weathercocks on the tall gingerbread towers opened their beaks to shout out polite morning words... But they did not succeed at all! A terrible, evil wizard stole their loud, sonorous voice from cockerels!

That's why the people of Fairy Tale City, big and small, overslept this morning.

The talking clock on the high tower ticked twelve times when the fairy Hello opened her eyes.

- I overslept? she wondered. - Strange!

“Tick-tock,” the hours passed. “An unforeseen, unpleasant incident happened in Fairy Tale City… Hurry up!” Hurry! Hurry!

The alarmed fairy Hello took the magic far-sighted pipe, which two hundred years ago was presented to her by her beloved great-great-grandfather. She sat on the top of a tall tower. And looked to the right.

And she saw the weathercocks, which opened their beaks, but could not utter a sound!

- Ai-ai-ai! .. - said the fairy. And looked to the left. And she saw that there was no polite, strict Guard on the main square!

- Ah ah ah! the fairy said. And looked ahead. And then she saw a dragon flying over the city.

- Ai-ai-ai-ai-ai! the fairy said. - How? Why? Where? - And, unfolding her umbrella, the fairy rushed to catch up with the dragon.

Before she had time to fly even ten meters, she suddenly heard that someone was crying. It was the Merry Postman sobbing. He sobbed so bitterly that a large, very large puddle had already formed around him, on the edge of which Yulika-Yula stood motionless.

— Trouble! A terrible, evil wizard has bewitched her! Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

“Please don’t grieve,” said the fairy. She twirled her umbrella over her head.

And across the puddle, fabulous shoes suddenly floated towards Yulika.

“Please take them, Yulika,” the fairy said Hello. “And remember: as long as these shoes are on your feet, you will not be afraid of any evil magic!” And when you start dancing, everyone who looks at you will start dancing.

“Thank you…” the girl said.

She pulled on two amazing crystal slippers on her feet.

She stamped her foot ... And she began to dance! So cheerful and well that, looking at her, the Jolly Postman wiped away his tears. And he started to dance. Behind him was the Flying Umbrella Saleswoman, who was running past. And the Baker, who was in a hurry to the bakery. And the Shoemaker, who was late for his workshop this morning... Both small and large residents of Fairy Tale City. And even the fairy Hello was about to start dancing, but then a cry was heard:

— Save!

And everyone saw the dragon.

Why is there a dragon in our city?

- Scaled!

- Tailed!

And three-headed!

"It's a boy, Alyosha Ivanov," Yulika said and blushed. She was ashamed to remember everything Alyosha had done.

“Probably, these are all the tricks of Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan,” the fairy immediately guessed.

- Yes Yes! He wants to put me on a chain so that I can guard his hut on chicken legs! the dragon shouted. "But I won't guard anything!" I'd rather be a boy again! Yes! Yes!

Then there was thunder and Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang appeared.

— Kuu-quareukuu! - he said. This is my dragon! After all, he had not been a boy for a long time! He behaved all the time like a real fairy-tale dragon! Isn't it?

“So…” said the little ones, and the big ones, and the others. Yes, unfortunately. But…

— Ku-uu-quareukuu! Be calm! said the magician. And no "buts"! In all his life, Alyosha did not do a single good deed. He never gave way or a seat to an elderly person. He abused kids. He shot birds with a slingshot. And pulled the tails of dogs and cats. And he did not spare even his own mother, and father, and two grandmothers, and Aunt Lipa! Well? Can he be human?

“No…” lowered their heads, small ones, and big ones, and others. “A person cannot and does not have the right to behave in such a way ...

— Ah! If so! Alyosha shouted to them all, “I will sneeze at you with fire and smoke!” I will bite your heels! A-am!

And he opened his mouth so wide that the inhabitants of Fairytale City were terribly frightened. And they fled in all directions. Only a small dragon, a wizard, a fairy and Yulika Yula remained in their original place.

- All this is very, very sad ... - the fairy Hello sighed. “You will be alone, dragon-Alyosha. And what's more... If no one ever becomes your true friend, you'll never turn back into a human.

Then Yulika-Yula sighed, looked at the dragon and said:

I will be his friend...

- I really need it! The dragon struck the ground with its tail.

— Kuu-quareukuu! exclaimed the evil wizard. - The guard had friends ... And yet he lost his weight. And flew away in an unknown fabulous direction!

“I will become his friend,” Yulika repeated quietly.

- No one is asking you! the dragon sneezed with fire and smoke.

— Kuu-quareukuu! the magician laughed. “Your weathercocks have friends… And yet I took away their sonorous voice from them!” Yes! And no one helped them! Ku-uukuareukuu!

“I will become his friend,” Yulika said even more quietly. - And Alyosha will again be a man ...

And deftly jumping over a large, very large puddle, she headed for the dilapidated chocolate house, on the threshold of which the alarmed Postman was waiting for her.

We have seen such friends! the dragon-Alyosha yelled after her.

— Kuu-quareukuu! added the evil wizard. “Moreover, your mother, father, two grandmothers and Aunt Lipa had friends ... But you and I turned them into ordinary drawings on the pavement anyway ... Ha-ha! So now you will remain a dragon for a hundred years! And I! I'll chain you up!

Hearing all this, the dragon-Alyosha sobbed and began to cry.

“Now listen to me,” said the fairy Hello, who had been silent until now and only looked attentively at the wizard and the dragon. “I give you an honest fairy tale that I will destroy all evil magics as soon as the talking clock on my tower strikes exactly twelve times. Let the little dragon do three good deeds and he will turn into a man.

— Kuu-quareukuu! said the magician. - Anything is possible ... He was terribly cunning and treacherous. And so he figured out how to deceive the fairy. Especially since she was very, very, very gullible.

“Khe-khe…” said the cunning Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang. “Perhaps I myself will be re-educated here with you over time ... And I will become a good fairy-tale wizard ... Everything can be ... One way or quite the opposite! Ku-uukuareukuu! I really like you, dear fairy. And together with you I am even ready to take a walk to the wonderful fountain.

... But as soon as Fairy Hello took her eyes off him to open a magic umbrella ... as Groupy-Groupy-Yan deftly-quickly sprinkled her from head to toe with a magic potion. And the hello fairy is fast asleep!

"She'll sleep like that for a thousand years!" the wizard Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang whispered to the dragon. - Be calm! Kuukuarekkuuu! Well, now ... Now I will fill up the fountain. Magic latyr-stone ...

The wizard then ate the chocolate medal the fairy received and took it to a room in a high tower. He locked all the doors in the tower with a hundred locks that can only be unlocked with polite words. And ate-stopped the talking clock.

— Kuuu-kua-rekuuu! he shouted in a loud, sonorous cock-like voice. Now the talking clock won't strike twelve. Now no one can - will not be able to wake up the good fairy! The dragon will never turn into a boy now. And all the little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of the inhabitants of the city will fall ill with impoliteness! Kuukuare-ku. - And, flying up to the dragon, the wizard put a chain around his neck. (He could not sit for a minute without an evil deed.)

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. Why is the fairy so worried? 2. What has changed in Fairytale City? And who is to blame for this? 3. Was the Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang Wizard honest or not? 4. And you, my friend, do you always tell your friends the truth? And how do you think cheating is polite or not?

Why be honest?

The words "honesty", "honor" are similar to the word "purity". Isn't it true, my little friend.

We call an honest person one who has not “stained” himself with pretense, cowardice and lies.

An honest person is one who is truthful and brave. One who values ​​friendship. Who respects and loves their loved ones and other-other acquaintances and even strangers.

A polite-honest person tries not to do such deeds of which he would have to be ashamed. Deeds that he would have to hide from his parents or friends. After all, that would be a pretense. And every pretense teaches a person to lie and be a coward.

Therefore, a polite-honest person tries to do such things that you can always tell your friends about in order to please or cheer them up.

Such a person himself knows how to rejoice at the success of his friends. And never envy anyone. If someone has a new bike or a soccer ball - that's very good! So, in the yard you will become even more fun ... And if you have this ball or some other toy, that's also great! Now you can play the new game with all your friends.

A polite and honest person respects and appreciates the work of his mother, father, grandmother or grandfather. He knows how to work and loves to work.

After all, it is not fair when only adults put things in order in the house, cook dinner and go to the grocery store, repair an apartment or decorate a Christmas tree for the holiday.

After all, if adults take care of everything, all household chores, it will not be very fun for boys and girls to live and live in this world. Guys have hands too. And these hands must become dexterous and skillful. They must work too.

Therefore, every polite boy and every polite girl tries to have their own business-duties in the house. And if your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and all the rest of the grown-ups haven't given you any important housework yet, please remind them of it, my little friend.

And if you already have obligatory household chores, try to do them well and on time. Honestly…

And if suddenly during some household chores you accidentally break a cup or knock over and spill jam - be honest. Don't put your blame on someone else. Confess to everything. And apologize for your unintentional act.

You can always rely on an honest person. That is why everyone respects and believes him.

A polite and honest person, if he takes a book from a friend (for a while, to read), will return it when it is supposed to. And this book will not be torn or soiled.

If a polite and honest child promises his comrades to come to visit them, he will appear exactly at the appointed time. It's not nice to be late. And if suddenly you can’t come for some reason, then try to warn about it. And, as a last resort, apologize to your friends at the first meeting.

A person who always tries to behave politely and honestly develops a strong will and a strong character over time. They say about this:

This man knows how to educate himself.

Parenting is never easy. Even very, very smart dolphins can't do that. And very, very kind elephants. But real people educate themselves all their lives. And they start this business from childhood. Yes Yes! My little friend! When any boy or any girl tries his best in everything, always to be an honest, polite and kind person, then this child has already begun to educate himself. Over time, he will definitely have a strong will and a firm, courageous character.

If you, my little friend, also want to cultivate will and character in yourself, here are some tips for you:

  1. Be disciplined and careful. Do not waste your time on whims and other stupid things.
  2. In the morning, be sure to do exercises to become strong and agile. (Suddenly you ever need to protect a girl or a weak kid from a bully? To do this, you must be strong.)
  3. Behave delicately, kindly with all acquaintances and strangers.
  4. Always give up your seat on buses, trams and other vehicles to people who are older than you. Or who - you see very tired, sick.
  5. Never deceive your comrades and adults. Most often, cowardly and poorly educated people lie and pretend. Don't be like them!

And if you suddenly ask me now:

- What to do when suddenly it is not clear why you really want to, well, just like that ... Without any pretense, without any cowardice, lie! Dream up! Well, to cheer up your friends! To laugh!

“Please,” I reply. - Make up your mind! Such a kind, almost fabulous lie-fiction is very useful for every person. Yes Yes! After all, fairy tales, funny stories and children's performances are born and come out of it.

And it is called, such an invention, with a very beautiful word: “fantasy”.

So invent and fantasize for your health, for joy, for fun, my little friend! Fantasize alone. Better yet, with friends.

Forest Lessons on Civility

They knocked on me softly.

“Forgive me…” said Gnomych-grandson, looking in. - You seem tired?

As you can see, my friend, three wise, wise gnomes have almost recovered from impoliteness. Now, to all adults and to little-known people, they turn to “you”.

- Please! Let's go now all together to the forest ... - I waved my magic wand - and we are in the forest.

— Karrr! Karrr! Good afternoon - the polite wise crow, which was right there, greeted us. “Heed my advice… Carr!” Carr! Please. Do not shout or make noise in the forest. Do not tear flowers, do not break branches. Do not scare - do not offend the forest dwellers. And then the forest will reveal to you all its secrets-miracles! Karrr! Karrr!

Of course, we obeyed her ... And the autumn forest opened up, opened up before us, as if drawn by rain and sun.

It looked like it was flying somewhere. And the Christmas trees wave their shaggy paws:

- Goodbye!

And the swan geese cry:

- Ha-ha-ha-ha! Farewell! Farewell, good people! Until next year! Until spring! Please! Take care of our forest without us! For the animals and birds that stayed in it to winter, arrange-make feeders! Ha-ha-ha! And when you go for a walk in the woods, don't forget to take some cereals, carrots, crackers, cabbage leaves with you! Don't forget about your forest friends!

Do not destroy anthills by accident or on purpose! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their tower-house before frost. And they will die! In autumn, do not break tree branches, just because they have beautiful reddish-golden leaves. And in winter... Please don't destroy the New Year's trees! Everyone is celebrating this time! And woe to the poor fir-trees! So pity them!

The swan geese have flown away. And I and the wise, wise Dwarfs sat on a stump and began to think ...

Sit and think and you are with us, my little friend.

... How little we all - adults and children - care about our friend. About the forest. How rarely do we plant trees and flowers! How often we trample the grass without thinking. We catch dragonflies and butterflies, which then die in our boxes. But dragonflies catch flies and mosquitoes. This means that they protect us, people, from them ... And butterflies, like bumblebees and bees (and even flies!), Pollinate flowers. So that a seed ripens on every thinnest stalk. So, thanks to them, in the new spring and new summer, we will again be able to rejoice at white lilies of the valley and golden primroses, purple blueberries and cornflowers ...

Trees, grasses, a tiny forest stream and a narrow path between flowers - all this gives us a forest. He is very kind. And if the forest you are walking through is not trampled, not broken, not exhausted by unkind people, it will still give you a handful of berries and hare sour. And the boletus - a cheerful fat man - will suddenly meet you and quietly, quietly (so that not everyone will hear him) will say:

- Hello!

One must learn to listen to the forest, one must learn to see its wonders. One must be kind to everything that lives and grows in it ...

Dragon for sale!_

The unfortunate, unfortunate dragon Alyosha, sitting on a chain, guarded the hut on chicken legs. He was terribly bored and sad.

— Ku-quareukuu! shouting at the little dragon, Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang looked out of the window. - Why did you hang your tail again, dragon? Bite the heels of all passers-by! Sneeze on them with fire and smoke! Ha ha ha!

But for a long time no one walked past the fairy-tale hut. Nobody spoke to the dragon. No one played with him. A gray rain poured down on him from gray clouds. And at night the wind pierced Alyosha to the bone. And now he so often recalled his warm house, in which his mother, father, two grandmothers and Aunt Lipa once lived.

“They loved me…” the dragon sighed. - And how many toys, paints and pencils I had! .. Which I didn’t save at all ... What a fool I was!

Sometimes he wept softly.

But right there, a terrible, evil wizard looked out of the window of the hut and shouted:

- What are you upset about? Why are you sitting idle? Let's bite passers-by! Kuuukuareukuu!

In the end, Alyosha was so tired of sitting on a chain near the hut and listening to Gruppi-Gruppy-Yan's stupid orders that he said:

- I won't. I don't want to.

- Do you want to guard my hut? Do you want to bite on the heels of all passers-by and sneeze on them with fire and smoke? Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang was terribly angry. — Ku-uukuareku! If so, then I'll sell you!

And the evil wizard led the dragon to the bazaar.

... Sadly tinkling an iron chain, Alyosha wandered through the streets and alleys and did not recognize them.

Now the Fairytale City really was unrecognizable… during this time, all the little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of them, were infected with impoliteness by the terrible-evil wizard!

That is why none of them greeted each other when they met. When parting, no one said "all the best", "goodbye."

There was rubbish all over the streets...

On every corner, children and adults quarreled with each other.

The strong offended the weak.

No one gave up their seat on the bus or tram to the elderly.

The boys weren't friends with the girls.

… Even the dogs here barked from night to morning. And shaggy puppies bit the legs of passers-by.

Even the sparrows fought!

And an amazing thing! In Fairytale City, all its good miracles suddenly disappeared.

Chocolate houses gradually turned into ordinary gray, candy roofs became tiled. There are no pretzel shutters left on the windows.

And what's more… All city masters, at the evil desire of Gruppi-Gruppi-Yan, forgot-lost their beautiful arts! Therefore, they grieved terribly.

Ohal in the shoe shop Shoemaker. Akhal outside the walls of the bakery Baker. Oykal in a small house is now a sad Postman.

And the Saleswoman of flightless umbrellas snored sleepily. She now slept every day on a bench in the green park.

And only Yulika-Yula, the daughter of the Postman, remained the same. Polite, kind, skillful and neat girl.

But she, too, had no fun in the Fabulously Disrespectful City. Often she sat by the window. And I thought:

— How to return all good miracles to our city? Who to consult? Who can help me with this?

Outside the window was the main square. There was now a market. Here they sold short-tailed hares, golden squirrels and foxes, two gray-haired wolves ... And even a kind bear Matryona with cubs. All of them, on the orders of Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan, were caught by unkind hunters in the forest. And they put them in cages. And the animals wept bitterly.

But the dragon sobbed the loudest. He was tied with an iron chain to a tall post on which Gruppy Gruppy Yang sat.

— Kuu-kua-rekuu! shouted the terrible evil wizard. The dragon is for sale!

Small and large residents of the Fabulously Disrespectful City crowded around.

The boys threw stones at the dragon. The girls were tugging at their tails. Some grandmothers stepped on their paws. Someone's grandfathers showed him his tongue. And someone's moms and dads called the dragon evil, offensive words.

Who needs him? Such a dragon!

None of them spared the dragon. And no one even wanted to buy it. Until the Shoemaker came to the square. The shoemaker took a purse out of his pocket. I gave it to the wizard. And he ordered, untying the chain:

Let's go, dragon!

He brought the dragon to the workshop and said:

- If you, a magical fairy dragon, make and sew fabulous seven-league shoes, I will let you go. After all, only in this way can I remember again my beautiful art ...

“I never sewed anything!” the dragon explained to him. - I can't!

"It can't be," said the Shoemaker.

He gave the dragon an awl, a dagger, a knife and other tools necessary for the job. And he lay down on the bed and dozed off.

The dragon took a knife - and immediately cut his paw ... He took a fight - and confused everything. He took an awl and pierced his other paw. And cried...

Just then Yulika-Yula appeared at the door.

- Hello. Why are you crying so bitterly, little dragon? the girl asked. A long time ago no one spoke to Alyosha so politely.

How can I not cry? he replied. - The shoemaker told me to sew seven-league fabulous shoes ... Then he will remove the chain from me! And will be released. But I can't sew boots! I can't do anything at all! Mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa did not teach me this ...

“Don’t cry,” Yulika-Yula said. - I will help you. And she rushed home. She pulled out old seven-league shoes from a dark closet.

“Let me give them to the Shoemaker, please,” the girl asked her father.

- Oh oh! replied the gloomy Postman. - Give ... Just leave me alone ... - And Yulika brought seven-league shoes to Shoemaker.

The shoemaker even jumped out of bed.

- Amazing! Wonderful! he exclaimed, looking at the fabulous shoes. "Now I'll remember my art!" And you, Yulika, take a dragon and do whatever you want with it!

- Come with me. Let's be friends with you,” she asked the dragon-Alyosha very politely.

I don't hang out with girls! he replied blushing. And flew where the eyes look.

But before the dragon reached the High Tower, Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang grew up in front of him.

— Kuu-quareuku! he shouted. "I'll sell you again!" The little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of them crowded around the dragon again. The impolite boys threw stones at him.

The impolite girls pulled his tail.

The impolite grandmothers stepped on his paws.

The impolite grandfathers stuck out their tongues at him.

And someone's impolite moms and dads scolded the dragon with evil words.

And no one took pity on him. Nobody even wanted to buy it. Until the Baker appeared on the square.

The baker gave the magician his purse. And he untied the chain on which the dragon was sitting from the high pillar.

The baker brought the dragon to the bakery. I gave him sour cream, flour and other things necessary for the work. And said:

“I will let you go, magical fairy dragon. Only first you bake me a jump-jump-bun. So that I remember my beautiful wonderful art.

The dragon immediately accidentally overturned a box of flour... Then he spilled sour cream... Then he spilled sugar... And then he wept so bitterly that he did not even notice how Yulika-Yula appeared on the threshold.

Are you crying again, little dragon?

How can I not cry? The baker ordered me to bake a wonderful jump-jump-bun ... But my mother, father, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa did not accustom me to any business. And that's why I can't do anything!

"Don't worry," said the girl. - I will help you…

Yulika-Yula took another box of flour, a second jar of butter, and other things necessary for the job. Kindled a fire in the oven. She kneaded the dough. I made little buns out of it. Laid on a baking sheet. Then I put the pan in the oven...

And she sang such a cheerful song, to which the fire suddenly danced in the furnace. Immediately, the bakery smelled so deliciously sweet that the Baker shouted: “Beautiful!” - And he rushed to the stove, from which the buns suddenly began to jump and jump. And straight to the dragon, Yulika and Baker in the mouth.

“Now I will remember my marvelous art!” Baker said. Take your dragon, Yulika, and do with it what you will. Yulika-Yula removed the chain from the dragon's neck and asked:

- Come with me. Let's be friends with you.

"I'm not friends with girls," said the dragon, turning pale. And flew where the eyes look. He had hardly reached the park when he saw the magician.

— Kuuu-quarekuuuu! You won't get away from me, dragon! he exclaimed, throwing a chain over him. "I'll sell you again!"

And again…

The boys threw stones at the dragon.

The girls pulled his tail.

Grandmothers stepped on his paws.

Grandfathers stuck out their tongues to him.

And someone's moms and dads scolded him with evil words.

Then Yulika-Yula appeared at the market. She went up to the wizard and suddenly took off her feet the wonderful shoes that the fairy had once given her.

- What are you doing? shouted the little ones, and the big ones, and all the rest. “Without these shoes, you won’t even be able to take a step!” And what's more... Without them, terrible, evil magic will affect you too!

But Yulika-Yula was already holding out two wonderful crystal slippers to the evil wizard. Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang grabbed them.

— Kuu-quarekuuu!

- Please! - said the girl, - remove the chain from the dragon. Let him fly wherever his eyes look.

The little ones, and the big ones, and the others ran up to the dragon and unchained it themselves.

- Come on, dragon!

But the dragon didn't fly anywhere this time. He went up to Yulika, who now could not even take a step, and asked her:

- Please ... Let's be friends with you. Get on me, Yulika Yula.

— Kuuuu-quarekuuuu! the wizard cackled. What a stupid girl! What a stupid dragon!

- Stupid girl! Silly dragon! - picked up the little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of them. After all, they were all now terribly impolite, ill-mannered people.

But the dragon did not look at them, he carefully carried on his back the kindest girl in the whole city. And I felt almost human.

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. What was the dragon-Alyosha sad and crying about when he guarded the hut on chicken legs? 2. Do you feel sorry for the little dragon, my friend? 3. How did the inhabitants of Fairytale City behave now? And why did they behave this way? 4. And how do you behave on the street, at the cinema, at a party, on the tram, at home, are you, my friend? Do you look like an impolite person? Or are you always polite and kind? 5. Why did the dragon-Alyosha not know how to do anything? What can you do, my friend? How do you help mom, dad, grandma? 6. Who in the Fairytale City remained a polite and kind person? 7. Did Yulika-Yula do the right thing when she gave her magic shoes to free the dragon? And would you do that? Or didn't?

Boys and girls

Honestly, it’s nice to look at a polite, neat, kind girl. Such girls are always a little bit like fairy princesses.

Polite girls talk very delicately with all acquaintances and strangers. They never shout, do not argue or quarrel, do not utter rude, ugly words.

And what clever, skillful these girls are! Not worse than Cinderella!

If such a girl notices that a button on her friend's jacket has come off, she will carefully sew it back on. If a mother or grandmother asks such a girl to look after her younger brother or sister for an hour or two, she will willingly agree to do this. She will sing a song to the baby, play with him, feed him porridge, as his mother ordered.

A polite, kind girl is a real little mistress in the house. She will not allow dust on the bookshelves or on the table. She will willingly wash the dishes after breakfast or dinner. Sweep the floor. Will water flowers. Give milk to a kitten. Help grandma peel potatoes. He even launders his handkerchiefs and apron.

Such a girl is never naughty. She is friendly, cheerful and kind to her friends. And he cares about his loved ones.

And of course, any truly polite boy is happy to be friends with such a girl.

After all, every real boy also always really, really wants to be like a fairy-tale knight or prince. And fairy knights and princes are very, very, very polite to all girls and women. Isn't that right, my friend?

Boys and girls should be good, loyal friends.

And friends - as we already know - need to be protected. You need to take care of them. You need to behave with them well-mannered and polite.

Therefore, a polite boy will definitely give up his seat on a tram or bus to a woman or even a girl.

Therefore, he will never sit down at the table until the girls take their places at this table. A polite boy will definitely help a girl who comes to visit him take off her coat, give slippers to her mother and grandmother, and help them around the house. And of course, the knight will never offend girls!

In order for you to always have many friends, I advise you, my friend ...

Never be rude to your comrades. Do not call offensive words. Don't give them nicknames. Do not try to hit or push someone in order to take a place convenient for you (for example, in a game).

Don't forget to say hello to all your friends. Even with those of them who are very small. You can and should be friends with kids, and with big guys, and with boys, and with girls.

If you are offended by your friend for something, try to quickly forget and forgive him your offense. Don't be angry!

If your friend asks you for some toy or to see/read a book, don't refuse him. Don't be greedy!

If you yourself took a book or a toy from a friend, handle these things carefully and do not forget to return them on time (when your friend asks or when you yourself promised).

Always follow these rules, my little friend.

Farewell to the wise-wise Dwarfs

"Someday we'll also have a Feast of Friends," the Dwarfs said. “And we will invite all the boys and girls to this holiday, all the good fairy-tale inhabitants, animals and birds, trees and flowers, all worms, bugs and spiders, and butterflies, and the sun, and ...

How are you going to invite them? I was surprised. “Where can you find a house that will fit all of your friends?”

- Of course in a fairy tale! - answered the three wise, wise Gnomychs. And we invite you too...

During all this time we have made friends with the wise, wise gnomes. That's why I felt sad when suddenly Gnomych-grandfather said:

— Excuse me... It's time for us to fly.

— Where to fly?

- Of course in a fairy tale!

“A lot of such… Wrong things happened in the Fairy City,” explained Gnomych-son.

- Every polite dwarf is obliged to help everyone out of trouble! said Gnomych the grandson, pulling his cap over his head. - Goodbye!

- Goodbye! shouted the dwarfs almost in unison.

And they flew out on their big umbrellas from the open doors.

For some time I still saw Gnomych-grandfather, Gnomych-son and Gnomych-grandson rushing in the blue-blue sky.

Ahead of them flew a smart-kind crow, which pointed the way to the Fairytale City.

— Karrr! she shouted. - Forward! I have the key to the talking clock, which I almost accidentally stole from under the very nose of Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan!

How to wake up a fairy?

Terrible-evil magical Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan sat on a gray cloud and dropped snowflakes on the city.

These snowflakes were not easy!

The one to whom they flew into the ears ceased to hear reasonable words. To whom snowflakes fell into his mouth, he could not laugh, smile. The one to whom - in the eyes, did not notice his friends. And if a magic snowflake suddenly hit someone's heart, the person no longer believed in good miracles!

The wind carried snowflakes around the city, threw them into the windows and doors. And the evil wizard was fabulously pleased with that.

But then he saw behind one of the windows a dragon and Yulika-Yula, who were playing something.

Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang shouted evil, terrible words, from which a terrible wind rose. He broke the window and threw a whole handful of snowflakes at Yulika.

Four snowflakes flew into her ears, three into her mouth, two into her eyes. And one prickly snowflake hit the heart. And the Postman's daughter immediately stopped smiling, seeing friends and believing in good miracles.

From all this, she suddenly began to turn pale, thin and melt. And it became so transparent that through it it was already possible to make out Group-P-Group-Yan, who was flying on a gray cloud.

“Now only a miracle can save her!” Kuuu-quarekuuu! But there are no good miracles in this city! exclaimed the evil wizard, disappearing into a whirlwind of snow.

And then the little dragon flew out the window. It flew over the gray and boring houses... Over the park, where the Saleswoman of non-flying umbrellas dozed on a bench... Over the city towers, on which weather-cocks were sitting, ruffled,... Not one of them looked at the dragon. But magical snowflakes danced and swirled around him. The dragon breathed fire on them. And the snowflakes melted.

Finally, he went down to the porch of the bakery and knocked on the door.

- Who's there? asked the Baker outside the door.

“I am… a dragon.

- What do you need here?

- A wonderful jump-jump-bun.

“I don't bake them,” said the Baker. - After all, in our city now no one believes in miracles ...

- I believe! shouted the little dragon. “Only a miracle can save Yulika!” And then she grows!

“I will do my best for this kind girl,” the Baker agreed and opened the door for the dragon. “But if you help me, dragon…

Three nights, three days The baker and the dragon worked tirelessly. Hot-hot fired up a large stove. The flour was sifted cleanly. We prepared the dough ... And baked such wonderful buns that themselves jumped and jumped into their mouths.

Then the Baker shook the dragon's paw and said:

“From now on, I will always be your friend.

“Thank you,” the little dragon replied. Grabbing a basket full of wonderful jumpy buns, he rushed to the Postman's house. And some weathercocks inadvertently glanced at him.

The dragon flew into the window where Yulika was sitting. It was so transparent that the entire gray neighboring house could be seen through it.

- Eat, please ... - said the dragon and handed Yulika a basket. But she did not touch the ruddy buns.

- Ai-ai! exclaimed the gloomy Postman, and immediately jumped up from his sofa. “I’m afraid this miracle won’t help her…”

He wanted to say something else, but then a wonderful bun jumped into his mouth. And the Postman sadly began to chew it.

And the little dragon flew out the window again.

It flew over boring gray houses... Over the main square, where the bazaar roared and shouted... Over the city towers, on which weathercocks were sitting. They all looked at him in surprise...

The dragon knocked on the door of the shoe shop.

“Who wanders in such bad weather?” asked the Shoemaker from behind the door.

“I am a dragon.

- What do you need?

“Speed ​​shoes,” the little dragon replied.

“The old ones have fallen apart. I don't make new ones,' muttered the Shoemaker. - In our city, no one believes in miracles ...

“But I need a miracle,” said the dragon, “to save Yulika!”

- For this girl, I will try if you help me, said the Shoemaker and opened the door for the dragon.

For three days, three nights they worked tirelessly. And they made such wonderful seven-league shoes, which no one has yet sewn. They could be pulled on any legs!

And the Shoemaker shook the dragon's paw.

Now I am your friend forever.

“Thank you…” the little dragon replied.

He took the wonderful seven-league shoes and flew to the Postman's house. And the weathercocks looked at him attentively.

The dragon flew into the window, near which Yulika-Yula was sitting. It was so transparent that the entire city square was visible through it.

The dragon-Alyosha laid marvelous seven-league shoes at her feet.

“Put it on, please…” he said.

But Julia did not touch the wonderful shoes.

- Ah ah ah! exclaimed the Postman. “This miracle doesn’t help her either ... Then he accidentally pulled seven-league shoes on his feet and walked at breakneck speed around the sofa.

The fairy will help her! shouted the Postman as he ran.

… Again the dragon was flying over the city… Over the boring gray houses… Over the gray park… Over the main square… Over the towers, on which weathercocks sat. They looked at him and beat their wings with impatience.

- Where? Where are you in such a hurry? called the Baker from the window of his bakery.

To the high tower! I have to wake up the fairy!

“If so,” the Baker decided, “I will go with you.” And ran after the dragon.

- Where are you in such a hurry? called the Shoemaker, peering out of the door of his workshop.

To the high tower! We need to wake up the fairy!

“If so,” said the Shoemaker, “I will go with you!”

And the Shoemaker ran after the little dragon and the Baker. Soon all three were near the high tower. Rusty iron locks hung on its doors. And no matter how hard the Shoemaker, the Baker and the dragon tried, they could not unlock them. Here they are fabulously offended. All three looked in my direction. And so they said:

“According to good fairy-tale laws, someone should help us!” Otherwise, this story will not appeal to girls and boys.

- Natural and natural! Carr! someone suddenly shouted over their heads.

It certainly was a good crow. Three wise, wise Gnomychs hurried after her on their umbrellas.

Gnomych-grandfather. With a long white beard and a red magic cap on his head.

Dwarf son. With a red mustache. In a green magic cap on his head.

Gnomych-grandson. The one with freckles and in a blue cap on a red forelock.

— Karr! Carr! asked the polite-kind crow. - Can you tell me the name of this city?

- Fairy City! the little dragon, the Baker, and the Shoemaker answered her almost in unison.

“Thank you,” said the gnomes. "So we've arrived!" Hello!

Then the good crow took out from its beak the key which it had snatched from under the very nose of the evil wizard. Then she, along with the gnomes and the little dragon, flew up to the talking clock...

Three days, three nights the gnomes, the crow and the dragon worked. For three days, three nights, they repaired a watch broken by a terrible, evil wizard.

For three nights and three days, the Baker and the Shoemaker helped them with good advice ... Finally, the talking clock began to tick:

— Tick-tock! Thank you very much! By the way, the rusty iron locks that hang on the tower doors can be unlocked with polite words.

The shoemaker and the baker clutched their heads.

- Ai! they said. We have forgotten all the polite words during this time! Here the little dragon even began to cry.

"Why, why didn't I try to be polite?" Why didn't you learn polite words? And now Yulika will melt because of me! And I can't help her!

- Do not be sad, please! Carr! said the good crow. We will help you…

“Of course,” agreed the three wise, wise Gnomychs. - We know the ABC of Politeness by heart. They all whispered, conferred, and asked almost in unison:

— Be so kind, dear castles! Open up - open up! And the locks suddenly opened... The Little Dragon, the Baker, the Shoemaker and the three wise, wise Dwarfs clapped their hands for joy.

— Karr! the kind crow reminded them sternly. Let's hurry, though.

She was the first to run up the winding stairs. Everyone else follows her. So they ran to a small door. Here they knocked politely ... Here they opened it a little. And they shouted:

Wake up, wake up, good fairy! Please!

Nobody answered them. The room was empty. Fairy wasn't there.

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. Did you like the little dragon in this chapter? Why do you like him now? 2. Say: now will you agree to become his friend? 3. Why did the dragon-Alyosha have good friends? 4. What kind of magic could open and unlock iron locks? What polite-kind words do you know, my friend? And how often do you say them to different people?

The return of good miracles

Where did the fairy go?

It turns out that she woke up when three wise, wise Gnomychs, a dragon and a crow were repairing a talking clock. And the Baker and the Shoemaker gave them reasonable, useful advice. They all tried so hard, making noise, knocking and creaking, that the fairy Hello even woke up from an enchanted dream. And I was very surprised.

Why am I suddenly in broad daylight in bed? the fairy asked herself sternly. - And what's more! .. I immediately remembered everything ...

- Ai-ai! she thought. “While I was sleeping here, the terrible evil wizard Gruppy Gruppy Yang did a lot of evil deeds. Hurry! For business! Everything needs to be fixed urgently!

Fairy Hello did not find her umbrella and therefore sat down on an old whisk, which her beloved great-grandmother Yaga gave her a long time ago. Then she threw open the multi-colored window and fluttered out of it.

Fairy Hello was in such a hurry that she didn’t even notice the dragon, the Baker, the Shoemaker, the crow and the Dwarfs.

And they didn't notice her either. But the fairy Hello was seen by a talking clock and therefore began to tick even more confidently and louder.

Meanwhile, the fairy flew over the city and did not recognize him at all.

- Tell me, please, where did the chocolate houses go? she asked a passer-by who was wandering down the alley. The impolite passer-by did not look at her.

“Excuse me…” the Hello fairy turned to another. He sat in the middle of the pavement and gnawed nuts, scattering shells around him. Why are all the roofs so gray?

But this man just chuckled.

The fairy circled a little over the park. And landed to rest. The Umbrella Saleswoman was sleeping on a bench here.

“Excuse me…” the fairy Hello said to her. — I need a new umbrella. Can you sell it? Please…

“Take it…” the Saleswoman said without opening her eyes.

- Thank you! - the fairy was delighted, opening the umbrella over her head. And then she was surprised and upset. He doesn't fly!

Why would he fly? the Saleswoman grumbled. And she snored again.

- Ai! Fairy guessed. “Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang seems to have infected the little ones, and the big ones, and the rest of them with impoliteness!” That is why good miracles disappeared from the city. Yes Yes! And what’s more… It seems to me that I can’t cope with such evil magic alone! Who will help me?

Then the fairy remembered Yulika.

This girl has miracle shoes! And she is not afraid of evil magic!

And Fairy Hello on an old panicle rushed to the Postman's house.

... The cheerless Postman was still rushing around the sofa at breakneck speed and chewing on buns that jumped and jumped into his mouth by themselves. Yulika-Yula was sitting by the window. It was so transparent that a tower was visible through it, on which a talking clock was ticking.

Here someone knocked.

- Who's there? the Postman mumbled as he had another bun in his mouth.

- I'm Fairy Hello.

— Ah! Fairy!

The postman happily opened the door.

Immediately there was a terrible fabulous draft! Who picked up a girl as light as fluff! Spin her around! And carried in an unknown direction!

— Help! Catch! Hold on! Oh! - exclaimed the Postman and rushed in seven-league shoes for his daughter. Fairy Hello flew next to him on an old panicle.

- Miracles! - said, noticing this, small ones, and large ones, and others-the rest. "It hasn't happened in a long time!"

And then the talking clock on the tower began to ring. They hurried to strike exactly twelve times as soon as possible.

— Bom-bom! Delin-bom!..

This ringing was heard by Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang. He got scared. And rushed to the high tower to stop the clock. But a fairy suddenly appeared on the way of the wizard.

"I'm sorry," she said politely. “But you behaved terribly. You need to be re-educated.

— Kuuuukuarekuuu! What more! said the magician. And he took out a watering can with a potion from his pocket. The clock on the tower chimed.

— Bom! Boom! Delin-bom!

Immediately all the potion dried up. And what's more ... The terrible Gruppi-Gruppy-Yang suddenly lost his sonorous, loud voice. But all the weathercocks on the towers sang and screamed.

— Kuuu-quarekuuu! Small ones, big ones, and more! Hurry to the wonderful fountain! Roll away the heavy latyr-stone from him! And good miracles will return to you again, without which it is so boring and sad to live in this world!

“That’s right…” the little ones and the big ones agreed. “To live without miracles is terribly sad… And they ran as fast as they could to the fountain.

- Where are you going? Stop! Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang called out to them. And again the talking clock struck:

— Bom! Boom! Delin-bom!

And in front of the terrible, evil wizard, the Guard suddenly grew up. own fairytale persona. During this time, he circled the whole wide world. I've seen and heard so much that I've regained my weight. And what's more... Now the polite, strict Guard stood very firmly on his own feet. And no wind could carry him away.

The guard waved his almost magic wand. And at the same time, the talking clock struck exactly twelve times.

The terrible, evil wizard Gruppy-Gruppy-Yan shrunk and shrunk ... And suddenly turned into a drawing on the pavement. And the fairy Hello swept away this drawing with her magic whisk.

“It will be better that way ...” Mom, dad, two grandmothers and Aunt Lipa agreed with her, who again became real and alive.

"Comrades Ivanovs," the Guard politely told them. - A dragon is waiting for you at the wonderful fountain.

... The little dragon was sitting on a gray latyr-stone and weeping bitterly. Neither the Shoemaker, nor the Baker, nor the good crow, nor the three wise Dwarfs could console him.

- Nowhere, nowhere is Yulika ... Probably, she has melted! .. - the dragon sobbed. “But I didn’t save, I didn’t rescue her!”

- No need to cry. Let's better all together roll off this heavy and impolite stone! - said, flying up, the fairy Hello.

Hearing this, the latyr-stone suddenly became ashamed, blushed and rolled away in an unknown fairy-tale direction. And blue-silver-gold jets soared into the sky.

- Make a wish! - said the fairy Hello.

- To return Yulika! said the dragon. - Please!

- So that Alyosha becomes a boy! - said mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa Ivanovs. - Will you be so kind!

— So that good miracles return to our city! said the little ones, and the big ones, and the others. - Do me a favor! So it all happened.

- Igo-go! - exclaimed the many-legged horse Igogonya, on which Yulika-Yula, healthy and unharmed, was sitting. - I really like this game. Yoke! Suddenly a girl jumped from the sky! And we rushed with her to the Fairy City. In which there are chocolate houses and candy roofs! Where the Shoemaker sews seven-league shoes, the Baker bakes wonderful jump-jump-buns! Where are flying umbrellas for sale! Yoke! I really like to live in a fabulously polite city! But it's even more interesting to go on a round-the-world trip right now! Get on me, boys and girls! And we will rush to distant lands-countries! And we will explain to all-all-all children how it is necessary to be polite and kind people!

Everyone agreed with him.

... And now Alyosha Ivanov and Yulika, and all the other boys and girls were galloping and racing on the many-legged Igogon.

And mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts shouted after:

- Bon Voyage!

What did the fairy ask when you read this chapter:

  1. Why did none of the passers-by answer the question of the fairy Hello? 2. Why didn't Gruppy-Gruppy-Yang want to be polite at all? And why didn't he have friends? 3. Do you regret the evil wizard who suddenly disappeared? And if you do not regret, why? 4. Did the residents of the Fairytale City make good or bad wishes? What wish would you make, my friend? 5. Which of the heroes of this fairy tale would you now like to be like? And which one would you like to be friends with? 6. In fact, which of our heroes do you most resemble? And who will you try to be very, very like?

« ABC of courtesy or etiquette for every day »

Goals and objectives:

Formation of students' ideas about the basic ethical norms and skills of cultural communication;

Education in schoolchildren of ethical norms of a culture of behavior;

Instilling the skills of observing the rules of good manners and etiquette;

To develop the communication skills of students, the ability to properly communicate in society.

Good afternoon guys! What does it mean to say hello? First of all, it is to wish health, long life, it means to confirm that you treat a person well. With a greeting, communication begins. Therefore, it is very important to choose those words that will help us start it, will dispose the interlocutor to us.

Name the words we use to greet other people.(Answers from participants.)

What forms of greeting do you know?(Answers from participants.)

Greeting is a custom that has come to us since ancient times, we most often meet with it in everyday life. We say greetings several times a day. Every conversation begins with a greeting. The first impression of a person is the most memorable. Greetings options: words, gestures, facial expressions, drawings. Words of greeting are often accompanied by actions appropriate to the occasion - a handshake, a bow, a kiss on the woman's hand, and the removal of a hat. The knights greeted each other at the duel, lifting the visor of the helmet.

Game "Question-Answer"

1. Who is the first to say hello when entering the premises?

Answer: The incoming person is always the first to greet, regardless of gender and age.

2. Who is being introduced to whom?

Answer: The youngest - the eldest, the man - the woman, the less known - the more famous.

3. Who should greet first: standing or passing?

Answer: passing.

Today we will talk about politeness, about the rules of everyday communication, about etiquette. Do we know how to behave in public places, at a party, at school, at home? Alas! Not all and always! Who among us has not had to deal with manifestations of tactlessness, indifference? Many people know from their own experience how insulting it can be and how the mood deteriorates when someone pushes, even if unintentionally, and does not apologize, or says a rude word, or does not understand your condition and will joke when you are not in the mood for jokes.

Etiquette It is the established order of behavior of people in society. The essence of etiquette is to show respect for others.

Politeness means to be polite, therefore, to know how to behave, to treat others with respect

What is etiquette in your understanding? (Participant responses)

1. You will learn to maintain the freedom of your actions and decisions without offending others.

2. You will learn not to interrupt, not to make noise, not to yawn out loud, not to talk loudly in public places, to give way to elders, etc.)

Test task "A well-mannered person"

Five questions are asked in turn with three possible answers for each question.

Game questions:

1. Beautiful gait, posture, graceful gestures adorn:

A) a man

B) a woman

C) both men and women.

2. The youth don't know "what to do with their hands". In terms of good manners:

a) keep both hands in your pockets;

B) waving them while walking or walking, gesticulating vigorously;

B) keep loose along the body;

3. You should sit:

A) keeping a leg on a leg, swinging it or hugging a knee with hands;

B) on the edge of a chair, keeping your back straight;

B) lounging like in an armchair.

4. Yawning in society is indecent. Educated person:

A) cover his mouth with his hand;

B) yawns with his mouth wide open;

C) turns away and yawns.

5. Cough is usually impossible to deal with. When coughing, :

A) cough loudly, not paying attention to others;

B) turn your head to the side and cover your mouth with your hand;

C) put a handkerchief over your mouth.

6. A well-mannered person laughs:

A) after each phrase;

B) for no reason at all;

C) only for certain reasons.

7. With regard to friends, we often feel the need to thank for the service rendered. But here:

A) you should not rush in any way, frantically look for a gift and urgently hand it over;

B) it is not superfluous to make a nice small gift;

C) forget about everything.

8. Borrowing money is a service of a special nature. Borrowing money:

A) we immediately discuss the term for their return (the borrower himself names the term);

B) just give them and forget;

C) write down the debt in a notebook in the presence of a person.

There is great power in the word. A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, it can help dispel a bad mood. But not only our words must be kind, but our actions must also be reasonable, clear, such that we do not have to blush and be ashamed of them. Try to be helpful.

Game task "Finish the sentence"

- An ice block can melt when it hears a warm (Thank you) .

-The old stump will smile if you tell him (Good afternoon).

- We can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell grandmother (Thank you).

- And in May, and in July, and in August, when they meet, they say (Hello).

- So that mom does not scold us for pranks, we will tell her (forgive me please).

- And in England, and here, and in Denmark, saying goodbye (Goodbye).

- Don't sleep in class. And if you're late, tell me (Sorry).

There are a number of special rules that prescribe different behavior for women and men. Throughout the ages, femininity has been valued in women, and masculinity in men. This difference is made up of many elements, including the special behavior of both. The more clearly the nature of a man or woman is manifested in their behavior, the more sympathy and respect they deserve.

First, students are asked questions. After the discussions, in turn, the students come out and read the correct answers from the provided cards.

    According to the rules of etiquette on the street, a man, as a rule, goes to the left of the lady. On the right are only the military, who should be ready to salute.

    The man accompanying the lady must not smoke. If both smoke, then it makes sense for them to stop for this, find a comfortable place, but in no case do not smoke on the go.

    Before entering the room, the man opens the door for the woman, and he enters after it.

    If a man and a woman go somewhere by taxi, then the man, approaching the car, opens the right rear door. The woman sits first, the man sits next to her.

    The man gets out of the car first and helps the woman out. If a man drives the car himself, then at first he helps the woman sit in the front seat, and then he gets behind the wheel.

    Going down the stairs, a man goes one or two steps ahead of the woman, and going up - a couple of steps behind, in order to have time to support if the woman stumbles or slips.

    In the cloakroom, a man helps a woman to undress, and, leaving, gives her a coat.

    A real gentleman will always help a lady of any age carry heavy things or give her a seat on public transport. Unfortunately, this seemingly simple rule is rarely remembered.

    A well-mannered man will never be frank about his relationship with a girl or a woman with another person (this is called gossip and humiliates both the narrator and the listener).

    A well-mannered man can afford to enter the room in front of the woman only if it is dark and he needs to turn on the light so that she can enter.

    A well-mannered man will never sit in the presence of a standing lady or sit down uninvited.

    It is not customary to start a conversation with a woman until she recognizes you. Although there are exceptions to this rule. If a man wants to attract the attention of a certain acquaintance, he can catch up with her and gently touch her hand or call her quietly by her first name and patronymic (but by no means by her last name).

    A well-mannered man will never talk to a woman about her age, with the exception of situations when they are on duty.

    You should never touch a woman unwillingly, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street .

    You should give a hand at the last moment when you come up to say hello, and not go with an outstretched hand to the one who meets. Strongly squeezing the hand when shaking is indecent. When greeting a woman, you need to remove your hat. A man, when meeting a woman or an older person, does not shake his hand first. If a woman enters the room, the man must stand up.

The ability to behave correctly in society is very important: it facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates good relationships. Manner is a way of behaving with other people, i.e. what and how you say and do.

Game Please!

The players perform the exercises not by order, but after the word “Please”. Jump, hands up, sit down, hands on your belt, turn back, hands behind your head ...

Game task "Track of polite people"

Two participants on either side of the colored stripes alternately say polite words without repetition.

Let's summarize. Today you learned something new, but you already knew something and therefore just repeated and consolidated. I hope that today's meeting will not be in vain, you will definitely adhere to the rules of etiquette and the culture of behavior. Our meeting has come to an end. All the best guys!


Fairytale City and its inhabitants

Behind a clean, clean field, behind a dense, dense forest, behind a long road, behind a sugar mountain, there is a city ...

Oh, if you, my friend, at my will - at your command, suddenly found yourself in it! You would even open your mouth in surprise.

The houses here are made of chocolate. Candy roofs. Pretzel shutters in every house. And on the spiky gingerbread city towers, weathercocks are spinning.

All the wonders in Fairytale City can not be counted.

Firstly, here in a high, high tower, under a talking clock, in a small room behind a multi-colored window, lives the most educated fairy in the world. She graduated from the Academy of All Magical Sciences with a chocolate medal. Her name is Fairy Hello.

Secondly, the funniest Postman in the world lives in the Fairytale City. Joker and laugher. He knows how to laugh so enticingly that all-all-all around suddenly begin to laugh too! His name is: Jolly Postman.

Thirdly, three wise, wise Gnomychs live in a small hut made of chocolate in the Fairytale City. Gnomych-grandfather. (He has a long beard and a red magic cap). Dwarf son. (He has a red mustache, in a green magic cap). And Gnomych-grandson. (He has freckles on his plump nose and a blue magic cap on top of his head.)

Dwarfs can cure a frog from a cold or mend a torn wing of a dragonfly... And, if necessary, they will immediately cure all the inhabitants of the Fairytale City from all diseases.

But... Honestly, the fabulous townspeople live according to a strict regime. (In the morning, of course, they do exercises. They douse themselves with cold water. They wash their hands before eating. They walk on time and go to bed). Therefore, none of them get sick.

There is also a Flying Umbrella Saleswoman in the city.

There is a shoemaker here who sews seven-league shoes.

There is a Baker who bakes jump-jump-buns. They spontaneously jump into your mouth.

And the rest - the rest of the inhabitants of the Fairytale City - each of which will surprise you with at least something, my friend ... Of course, if you (at your request - at my command) one day suddenly find yourself in a fairy tale.

And I think that in this case, first of all, they will tell you about the wonderful wonderful fountain, which is located behind the main city square. A little to the left of the park...

Blue, silver, golden jets of the fountain soar almost to the sky, almost to the blue-scarlet clouds. And fall to the ground, crumbling into forty forty magic splashes. And if someone washes his face with this miraculous water and drinks three sips of it... Then any good wish of his will come true...

Living in this city is a pleasure. All the inhabitants here are fabulously polite... Even the dogs are embarrassed to bark too loudly here. And the puppies stretch out their paws to passers-by to say hello.

The sparrows dare not fight here. Jackdaws and rooks do not make noise, but peacefully and quietly solve their bird problems...

And the weathercocks on the gingerbread towers wake up the townspeople every morning with a cheerful cry:

Ku-uka-re-kuuu! Get up! Good morning!

This is the most polite city of all the fabulous cities in the world.

But it was not always so...

Vasilyeva-Gangnus Lyudmila

ABC of courtesy

Lyudmila Vasilyeva-Gangnus


Fairytale City and its inhabitants_

Behind a clean, clean field, behind a dense, dense forest, behind a long road, behind a sugar mountain, there is a city ...

Ah, if you, my friend, at my will - at your command, suddenly found yourself in it! You would even open your mouth in surprise.

The houses here are made of chocolate. Candy roofs. Pretzel shutters in every house. And on the spiky gingerbread city towers, weathercocks are spinning.

All the wonders in Fairytale City can not be counted.

Firstly, here in a high, high tower, under a talking clock, in a small room behind a multi-colored window, lives the most educated fairy in the world. She graduated from the Academy of All Magical Sciences with a chocolate medal. Her name is Fairy Hello.

Secondly, the funniest Postman in the world lives in Fairytale City. Joker and laugher. He knows how to laugh so enticingly that all-all-all around suddenly begin to laugh too! His name is: Jolly Postman.

Thirdly, three wise, wise Gnomychs live in a small hut made of chocolate in the Fairytale City. Gnomych-grandfather. (He has a long beard and a red magic cap). Dwarf son. (He has a red mustache, in a green magic cap). And Gnomych-grandson. (He has freckles on his plump nose and a blue magic cap on top of his head.)

Dwarfs can cure a frog from a cold or mend a torn wing of a dragonfly... And, if necessary, they will immediately cure all the inhabitants of the Fairytale City from all diseases.

But ... To be honest, the fabulous townspeople live according to a strict regime. (In the morning, of course, they do exercises. They douse themselves with cold water. They wash their hands before eating. They walk on time and go to bed.) Therefore, none of them get sick.

There is also a Flying Umbrella Saleswoman in the city.

There is a Shoemaker here who sews seven-league shoes.

There is a Baker who bakes jump-jump-buns. They spontaneously jump into your mouth.

And the rest of the inhabitants of the Fairytale City - each of which will surprise you with something, my friend ... Of course, if you (at your request - at my command) one day suddenly find yourself in a fairy tale.

And I think that in this case, first of all, they will tell you about the wonderful, wonderful fountain, which is located behind the main city square. A little to the left of the park...

Blue, silver, golden jets of the fountain soar almost to the sky, almost to the blue-scarlet clouds. And fall to the ground, crumbling into forty forty magic splashes. And if someone washes himself with this miraculous water and drinks three sips of it... Then any good wish of his will come true...

Living in this city is a pleasure.

All the inhabitants here are fabulously polite... Even the dogs are embarrassed to bark too loudly here. And the puppies stretch out their paws to passers-by to say hello.

The sparrows dare not fight here. Jackdaws and rooks do not make noise, but peacefully and quietly solve their bird problems...

And weathercocks on gingerbread towers wake up the townspeople every morning with a cheerful cry:

Ku-uka-re-kuuu! Get up! Good morning!

This is the most polite city of all the fabulous cities in the world.

But it wasn't always like that...

Our history begins much earlier. Back when the city was called Ordinary City. An ordinary Postman lived in it, an ordinary Guard, an ordinary Saleswoman of umbrellas that did not even fly at all ... And other ordinary residents. They were not very well-mannered and polite people. And they lived like this until Alyosha Ivanov once suddenly quarreled with a fairy ...

This Alyosha was a fabulously impolite boy. Honestly, my friend, I would not want you to be even a little bit like him.

So I interrupt my story to explain to you:

*Why be polite*

Not only children, but also very many adults want all their friends, and all neighbors, and even completely unfamiliar passers-by to always treat them attentively, kindly, always love and respect them. So that no one, no one will make comments to them.

The whole secret is that only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is always treated kindly by people around him. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone. And he has loyal and reliable friends with whom he is never bored.

And yet, a polite, well-mannered person has no time to be bored. After all, he lives under a strict regime.

Early in the morning he will do exercises. Then he will wash. Then he makes his bed. Dress neatly. Then she helps her mother and grandmother prepare breakfast and set the table.

During the day, a polite person - if he is not in kindergarten or school - always helps his grandmother clean the apartment, water the flowers, feed the cat and fish in the aquarium. He is not too lazy to clean his shoes and go to the store for bread or milk ...

A polite person always takes care of relatives and friends, is ready to help them. And this is very correct. After all, if you understand well, all people in the world help each other, work for each other. Which means they're working for you too, my friend.

The builders built a house for you.

The janitor cleans up the yard for you and the playground for games and walks.

Chauffeurs take you around the city.

Doctors treat diseases.

Gardeners and foresters plant gardens for you, grow forests...

Why should we not be attentive, polite and kind to each other? After all, it's not that hard!

It is not difficult to give up your seat on a tram or bus to an elderly person.

It is not difficult to greet people when you meet. And tell them "goodbye", "all the best" when parting.

It is not difficult to be neat, combed and washed, so that the people around you would be pleased to communicate with you.

It is not difficult to help elders around the house.

It's easy not to scatter your things around the room and fold toys.

But a polite person must comply not only with these rules. There are many more. If you, my friend, do not know all the rules that are obligatory for a polite person, do not worry. I will try to help you. And not only me, but all the heroes of this fairy tale.

But first ... First, it is absolutely necessary that from this moment you yourself absolutely firmly decide to become a polite person. Then, so that you have many new wonderful friends.

Then, so that mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, your neighbors and even strangers respect you.

And besides... I promise you that just when you become a truly polite, well-mannered person, at my behest and at your desire, you will one day find yourself in a fairy tale.

Return of the Fairy_

So, to make everything clear and understandable to you, let's start our story from those ancient times when the Fairytale City was called the Ordinary City. And they lived and lived in it: an ordinary fairy, an ordinary Postman, an ordinary Guard and other ordinary residents.

Among them lived a boy. Alyosha Ivanov.

Alyosha had a mother, a father, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa. They loved and adored him.

That is why Alyosha went to bed when he wanted to.

Slept until noon. I woke up ... I yawned, my mouth wide open. And Aunt Lipa immediately poured cocoa into his mouth. And both grandmothers handed him a cake. Aleshin's father at that time played the pipe to cheer up the child. And my mother ran to the store to buy Alyosha some gift.

This boy had an awful lot of all sorts of toys, albums, books, paints! He was so fed up with them that Alyosha threw them out of the window onto the heads of passers-by. Aleshin's father played the harmonica at the same time. Grandmothers beat the drum. And the mother clapped her hands to cheer the child.

Alyosha was constantly bored. Therefore - out of boredom - he pulled the girls' braids. Beat the kids. Threw rocks at the birds. Pushed passers-by.

Even mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa could not cheer up this child. And then one day they decided, they came up with the idea of ​​taking Alyosha to the zoo:

The zoo is always so fun and noisy! The old camel rides the guys here along the narrow paths. The monkey strings glasses on its tail. And the turtle treats children and adults with tea from a samovar, which is on its back.

So it was in the zoo until Alyosha appeared.

He spat at the old man camel. He pulled the red monkey by the tail. And he threw a stone at the turtle, so that the samovar fell off her back.

Ay-ay! - said the animals and shook their heads. The fairy, who was talking about something with the wise lion, interrupted her conversation and also shook her head. And the wise lion roared.

Then mom, dad, two grandmothers and aunt Lipa Ivanov ran up to the fairy and said:

Do not dare to irritate the child! If you really are a fairy, then make it according to our desire, at your command, well-mannered and polite! Yes Yes!

An ordinary fairy could not, could not make such a fabulous transformation. She immediately decided to go to the Academy of All Magical Sciences to complete her magical education.

ABC of courtesy, or Etiquette

on every day

Target: To form students' understanding of the basic ethical norms and skills of cultural communication.

Form: Brain - ring.

Information to think about:

Good manners are those who embarrass the least number of people.

J. Whist

Preparatory stage.The class is divided into 4 - 5 teams. Each team chooses a name, kaitana, prepares for the class hour within 1 - 2 weeks.


  1. 4 – 5 tables and chairs
  2. gong;
  3. stopwatch;
  4. team names.

It is necessary to choose the jury and the host of the game.

All questions to the teams are written on cards with clear wording of the correct answers.

The course of the classroom.


Man lives among people. The attitude of other people towards you depends on many factors, including the inner qualities of a person, but people need time to get to know you.

A Russian proverb says: "They are greeted by their clothes." This means that a lot depends on what impression the person makes. Appearance, manners of behavior determine the perception of one person by another. And the bridge connecting the inner world of a person with his inner manifestation is etiquette.

Etiquette - the established order of behavior of people in society. The essence of etiquette is respect for others.

There are different types of etiquette:

  1. official (business);
  2. diplomatic;
  3. military;
  4. pedagogical;
  5. medical;
  6. etiquette in public places

Etiquette is closely related to the rules of courtesy.

  1. You will be considered a polite person if you:
  1. You will learn to maintain the freedom of your actions and decisions without offending others.
  2. You will learn:
  1. Do not interrupt;
  2. Keep quiet;
  3. Do not sniff;
  4. Do not yawn out loud;
  5. Do not wipe your shoes on the trouser leg;
  6. Recognize everything that distinguishes a civilized person from a savage.

The teacher invites the children to test their knowledge of the rules of etiquette in a playful way and announces the rules of the game:

  1. The game goes to 6 points.
  2. The order of teams in the game is determined by a draw.
  3. 1 minute is given for discussion.
  4. The right to answer is given to the team that first raised their plate.

Sample questions:

  1. What is politeness?

The word "politeness" comes from the Old Slavonic "vezhe", i.e. "connoisseur". Be polite, therefore, know how to behave, treat others with respect.

  1. What is considered good manners?

In society, modesty, restraint, delicacy, the ability to control one's actions, and to communicate with people carefully and tactfully are considered good manners.

  1. Who is the first to yawn when entering a room?

The incoming person is always the first to greet, regardless of gender and age.

  1. Who are they representing?

The youngest - the eldest, the man - the woman, the less known - the more famous.

  1. Who should say hello first: standing or passing?


  1. What are the options for response remarks about the acquaintance?

Very nice! I am glad! I'm glad we got to know you! Etc.

  1. In the shop:

1. Who should let pass whom: the one who enters the store, or the one who leaves?

We must let the one who leaves the store.

2. How to ask correctly: “Who is the last one?” or “Who is the last one?”

"Who is last?"

  1. Is it possible to enter the store with a dog?

No, even if the dog is small.

  1. How to contact the seller?

By name - patronymic, which is indicated on the badge (special tablet on the chest), with the words "be kind", "please", "be kind".

  1. On the street, in transport:
  1. On which side are passers-by bypassed?

Those walking in front are bypassed on the left, and those going towards them are bypassed on the right..

  1. When entering or exiting public transport, who is given priority?

The lady enters first, then the man, and vice versa when leaving.

  1. What to do if there is an older person standing next to you in transport?

You have to get up and give up your seat.

  1. In the theatre:
  1. The couple needs to go to the theater to the place. Who goes first?

A man walks and leads to a place, and facing those who are sitting.

  1. What can not be done during the performance?

Talking, rustling papers or a program, fidgeting, sighing, sharing impressions, getting up and leaving during the performance.

  1. Behavior at the table:
  1. How should you eat bread, sandwiches?

They take bread with their hands, put it on a napkin or a special plate, eat it, breaking it into small pieces.

  1. How do they eat cakes, cakes, pies?

Pieces of biscuit are eaten by breaking off small portions with a teaspoon, puff pastries and pies are eaten by holding them in hands..

  1. How to leave the table?

They leave the table, thanking the hosts, and push the chair behind them.

Mini - results

At the end of the brain-ring, the teacher sums up the game.
