The real reason for the dismissal of Malakhov from the first channel. Became known the true reasons for Malakhov's departure from the talk show let them talk Why did Andrey Malakhov leave let them talk

A few months ago, the news about the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One produced a bomb effect. Many wondered why the TV presenter at the peak of his career made such a decision, and even put forward their own versions about this. But now Andrei Malakhov himself commented on the situation.

Recall that in July this year it became known about the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One.

Andrey Malakhov for the first time commented on his departure from Channel One. A popular journalist and TV presenter went to "Russia 1" and became the host of the program "Andrey Malakhov.

Live”, and then founded his own TV company “TV Hit”. Legends are already making up the reasons for his departure from Channel One, but first-hand information has finally appeared.

Presenter Andrey Malakhov gave an interview in which he explained in detail why he stopped working with Channel One. Since the showman moved to work on the Russia-1 channel, various versions have appeared in the press, according to which he could leave the First.

It was rumored that the reason was the imminent paternity of Malakhov, who wished to go on maternity leave to help his wife.

It was also suggested that the journalist wanted to produce a new show. Finally, Andrei Malakhov himself decided to clarify the issue of his dismissal.

As it turned out, the showman changed his place of work really because of a woman, but not at all because of his wife Natalya Shkuleva, who is in an interesting position. Changes in Malakhov's life occurred through the fault of the young editor.

As the TV presenter explained, before his dismissal, he had a conversation with the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst. Andrei Malakhov wanted to be the producer of the talk show “Let them talk”, but he was only an intermediary, and the program itself, in his words, belongs to the country.

Together with Ernst, they planned to meet again and discuss the further development strategy of "First" and the role of Malakhov on this channel. However, the next meeting did not take place.


Malakhov said that he wrote a five-page letter to his leader Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, and then met with him:

“... We parted on the fact that we will once again think about where the channel is heading, how it might look in the future and about my role on this channel. The second time, unfortunately, we never met. When I was driving to this meeting, the girl editor who worked for me called and asked which entrance I would call in to set up the camera. And I didn’t want to meet under the cameras, so I didn’t get there ... I just went to a meeting. A suit, a tie, a haircut - and then the editor called and asked which entrance to put the camera in ... Young editors, you know, will kill everything in the world, this has long been clear: the whole world depends on them, on their idiocy and on their level of education ... "

Andrey Malakhov said that with Boris Korchevnikov, whom he replaced in a talk show on the Rossiya1 channel, he has "simple and comfortable communication." Boris's mother called Malakhov and said that she was happy that it was Andrei who took the place of her son.

The TEFI award found its hero, however, the hero did not want to take it.

The awarding of the program “Let them talk” with a television award happened after the dismissal of its permanent host Andrei Malakhov.

Since Andrei is already working on the Russia channel, Konstantin Ernst, the general director of Channel One, took the stage, took the TEFI figurine and assured everyone present that he would hand it over to Malakhov. However, Andrei refused to accept it, without explaining the reason for such a decision.

For a long time, the TV presenter did not comment on the event in any way and finally said in the author's column of his Star Hit publication that he was sincerely grateful to Ernst, but the award should be presented to the talk show producers Natalya Galkovich and Mikhail Sharonin.

Andrey Malakhov is a charming showman who devoted 25 years of his life (1992 - 2017) to working on Channel One. He was the host of the projects Good Morning, Malakhov + Malakhov, Let They Talk (formerly: Big Wash, Five Evenings), Lie Detector, hosted the Golden Gramophone, Eurovision, Minutes glory." In August 2017, Malakhov announced that he was leaving Channel One for Russia-1, where he was offered the position of the host of the live talk show.

In addition to his activities on TV, Malakhov is the editor-in-chief of the StarHit publication and teaches journalism at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Andrey Malakhov was born on January 11, 1972 in the northern town of Apatity, where his father Nikolai Dmitrievich Malakhov, a geophysicist, was assigned. Mom, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malakhova, devoted her life to raising children in kindergarten, for which she was awarded a medal.

“She turned the most ordinary day into a theatrical performance,” recalled the pupils of kindergarten No. 46.

Andrei became a “late” child - his mother was 30 years old at the time of birth. He inherited his appearance from his father, as well as stateliness and impulsiveness. By his example, Nikolai, who always bowed politely to women, brought up courtesy and delicacy in his son.

But Malakhov's inexhaustible internal energy is clearly from his mother. According to Malakhov, in childhood he was a cross between a nerd and a slob. He studied at school number 6 in the same class with Zhenya Rudin.

Andrei's first teacher, Lyudmila Ivanova, recalled that from childhood he was a surprisingly resourceful and intelligent child. So, once, instead of the traditional story “How I spent the summer,” Andrei went to the blackboard and sang the song “Summer, oh, summer!” in a thin voice! Alla Pugacheva, the idol of little Malakhov.

The boy was a social activist - he led the October detachment, then the pioneer link. In parallel with the school, Andrey Malakhov learned to play the violin at the Children's Music School No. 1.

“I immediately realized that I would not be Oistrakh, so I served my duty through my sleeves. At the music school, demonstration performances of children were constantly held at parent meetings. They always put me first on them, so that later, in the middle, I would not spoil the impression with my game. And then they began to put me as the leader of concerts, only so that I would not pick up an instrument. Even on posters they wrote my name in capital letters - Andrey Malakhov is leading the concert. I was happy".

After graduating from school with a silver medal, Andrei Malakhov entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and left in 1995 with a red diploma. In 1998, he entered the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Acquaintance with Russian television began with disappointment.

A woman came to their faculty looking for capable interns. There were many applicants, but they did not want to take Malakhov.

When it became known that the work consisted of nightly labors over the translation of CNN news, there were much fewer applicants.

Andrei was not afraid of difficulties, he agreed, but he still remembers those nights with a shudder. He sat until the morning with a dictionary, and then processed the news. The efforts were crowned with success - the chief editors liked Malakhov's work.

After graduating from university, Andrey Malakhov became a text editor for Teleutra (later Good Morning) at Ostankino. In 1996, when all the leading programs went on vacation, the management put Malakhov in place. For the next 5 years, Malakhov met Russians going to work every Friday from television screens.

In 2001, the talk show "Big Wash" was first aired by ORT, later renamed "Five Evenings", then - "Let them talk." The success of the project, which took American shows with Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Springer as a model, was phenomenal.

Every evening for an hour, Andrey Malakhov discussed topical issues with the guests of the studio: divorce and infidelity, family problems, prostitution and drug addiction. Both ordinary people and celebrities fell under the scope.

Soon Malakhov began to be called the face of Channel One. His "pro-American" style of conducting - intrigue, heating up the public - maintained constant tension and, as a result, the interest of the audience.

Malakhov and his program were loved and criticized, they were called both "a knife that reveals the ulcers of society", and "propaganda of chernukha" and "a free circus of freaks."

Andrey Malakhov was the host of "Let them talk" for 16 years. During this time, hundreds of ordinary and famous Russians visited his studio.

The audience sympathized with the beaten wife of Marat Basharov, watched Nikolai Baskov donate DNA, how children and parents who had not seen each other for decades were reunited, followed the development of the story of the raped Diana Shurygina, listened to the dramatic love story of Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov, and resolved the issue of the adequacy of the relationship between Alexei Panin and his daughter.

In 2006, for about a month, Andrey was co-host of Gennady Malakhov in the Malakhov + Malakhov program on traditional medicine. However, the "younger" Malakhov could not fit the new show into his busy schedule and was forced to refuse.

First, Elena Proklova took his place, then Gennady Malakhov began to host the show under the new name "Malakhov +" alone.

In 2008, Malakhov, together with Masha Rasputina, participated in the second season of the Two Stars show, in which popular people perform hits from past years in a duet. "I raise my glass" by Philip Kirkorov in their performance was greeted by the audience with a bang.

By the way, it was very important for Malakhov to sing with Rasputina - he felt embarrassed for the incident when he did not warn the singer that not only her, but also her ex-husband Vladimir Ermakov was invited to the Let Them Talk studio.

Then the indignant Masha made a terrible scandal and for some time she and Andrei did not communicate. The duet in the show "Two Stars" was supposed to mark the final reconciliation. But from the first days of filming, Rasputina behaved boorishly with Andrei, and once beat him because he was half an hour late for filming.

In 2009, Malakhov, together with model Natalia Vodianova, hosted the Eurovision semi-final, which was held in Moscow at that time, then the opening ceremony of the final with Alsou.

The first true love of Andrei Malakhov was an opera singer from Sweden named Lisa, 14 years older than him.

They met at a time when the future presenter was a student at Moscow State University. For 7 years they lived together in Moscow, but the girl was very homesick and wanted to return to Stockholm, and Andrei did not want to hear about the move. On this basis, they parted, Lisa returned to Sweden. A few months later, Malakhov found out that she had thrown herself out of a window.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Malakhov remained a bachelor until the age of 38. He had many women: businesswoman Maria Kuzmina, actress Elena Korikova, millionaire Margarita Buryak, singer Anna Sedokova ... But he did not want to start a family with any of them. The yellow press began to speculate: is Malakhov really gay?

The wedding was played in June 2011 - a month earlier than planned. They say that the dates were changed after the hype about the upcoming celebration appeared in the media, so the lovers signed in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy and did not invite star guests.

The wedding was played in the family circle, in the Palace of Versailles, where the rent of one hall costs at least 150 thousand euros. And the honeymoon night of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Le Meurice in Paris, one of the most expensive hotels in the world.

In 2017, Malakhov's fans found out that his wife was pregnant. The presenter stated that he intended to help her with raising a child and, in this regard, wants to take “maternity leave”. On November 17, Malakhov became a father for the first time.

The boy, who was born in an elite clinic in Lapino, was born quite large: 54 centimeters and 4 kilograms.

With the choice of a name, parents rush to steel: Malakhov called on the audience of "Live" to vote for the name of his first child. Two names became leaders: Nikolai (in honor of his grandfather) and Alexander (as Alexander Nevsky). The second option won.

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Finally, all the i's are dotted - Andrey Malakhov officially left Channel One. "I have always been subordinate. A soldier who follows orders. But I wanted to be independent. I looked at my colleagues: they became producers of their programs, they began to make decisions themselves. And suddenly an understanding came: life goes on, and you need to grow, get out of the tight framework" , Malakhov explained in an interview with Woman`s Day.


And in an appeal to the country's chief TV doctor Elena Malysheva, published in StarHit, he was a little more specific: "We need to develop, you, as a producer of your own program, understand this better than others. male menopause "is also not bad."

Now, for people far from television cuisine, it is worth explaining what Malakhov meant. The fact is that Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One as a producer. She returned and developed a stormy activity, seizing the reins of government with the Let Them Talk program. Employees of Channel One reported that Nikonova's task is to "shake up the socio-political block of programs." These changes were not to the liking of the star TV presenter.

It must be said that the changes were revolutionary. Firstly, Andrey, as they say, was deprived of the opportunity to form the editorial plan of the program "Let them talk." He was assigned only the role of a presenter, to whom they write questions to the heroes and in the ear monitor of which the director gives the commands “Let them fight”, “Do not approach the heroine, let her scream”, “Come to the experts in the hall”. Malakhov did not satisfy the function of the "talking head".

The second change concerns the subject matter of his program. If earlier in "Let them talk" the social sphere was touched upon, then Nikonova decided to make a political talk show out of the program, which would talk about America, Syria, Ukraine and other countries supplying news. The new format has already been tested - the first issue of "Let them talk" with a new presenter was dedicated to Mikheil Saakashvili. Malakhov, of course, is not at all interested in politics.

Finally, competitors from "Russia" are said to have offered Andrey almost double the salary. And the “best presenter of the country”, as Malakhov was introduced to the “Live broadcast” team, now needs money for diapers, rattles and strollers - at the end of the year he will become a dad.


The requirement of the producer of the talk show “Let them talk” to cover as many political topics as possible prompted the presenter Andrei Malakhov to a possible departure from Channel One. This is reported by the BBC, citing unnamed sources.

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov posted an open letter on the StarHit portal addressed to the CEO of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst.

“Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in a man's life, I gave 25 of them to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything you have done, for the experience that they gave me, for that amazing journey along the television road of life that we went through together, ”wrote Malakhov.

In his letter, Malakhov addressed other employees of Channel One, thanking them for their work on joint projects.

Thus, it became clear that Malakhov finally moved from the program "Let them talk" to the program "Live".

Andrey Malakhov became the host of the updated version of the show "Live" on the TV channel "Russia 1". As it turned out, in the new workplace, Andrei will not limit himself to one program, but will become the host of another author's show. On Instagram, Malakhov himself shared a teaser for the program "Tonight ". "It is useful to change something in life," the journalist says in the video.

Andrey's fans once again wished him good luck in the new shows and noted that they would definitely watch Malakhov's programs, regardless of which channel they would be on.

Russian TV presenter Andrey Malakhov became the face of the project "Live". The video of the program was published on the website of the Rossiya channel.

The topic of the first broadcast with Malakhov was his new appointment, and the guest was the former presenter Korchevnikov.

“I decided that the program should be about Boris. Boris decided that the program should be about me. Therefore, today we have a frank conversation between Korchevnikov and Malakhov,” he explained.

Korchevnikov after leaving "Live" will lead the Orthodox TV channel "Spas".

The famous TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, after a long break, finally got in touch with his fans. He announced the presentation of the new project, which will take place on August 28.

Today, August 28, the first message appeared on the Web from the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who had previously gathered a lot of rumors around him regarding a job change. Andrei announced that from this day, August 28, viewers will be able to see his author's program on the air. Her first debut issue will take place on the same day.

The actor advised the famous presenters not to openly discuss their health and family problems.

Stanislav Sadalsky was one of the invited guests on the new edition of the "Live Broadcast" program, which, as it turned out, was co-hosted by Boris Korchevnikov and Andrey Malakhov.

After this broadcast, the famous actor sharply condemned the actions of the presenters during the program, accusing them of the flow of personal information that they shared with the audience.

“Never talk about your illness! When a person talks about his illness, he takes energy from an already sick, de-energized organism,” Sadalsky addressed Korchevnikov.

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Andrey Malakhov is one of the main presenters of Channel One. He has been working on the channel for about 25 years. His first stories - then still for the 1st channel Ostankino - he began to do in the early 1990s.

Several media immediately reported the possible departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One.

However, today, August 10, 2017, it became known that Malakhov would return to Channel One after his vacation.

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov will return to Channel One on August 10 after his vacation. About this writes "Gazeta.Ru" with reference to his friend. According to the publication, Malakhov did not apply for resignation from Channel One. Earlier, a source said that the host of the program “Let them talk” wrote a letter of resignation. On July 31, the media reported that Malakhov was moving from Channel One to work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The press service of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company did not confirm this information.

Malakhov will become the new host of the live talk show?

Andrei Malakhov's team, following the presenter, packed their things in boxes and left the Ostankino television center.

Until recently, it was not clear whether Malakhov would make a “transfer jump” to another TV channel. For more than 15 years, the showman led the program “Let them talk”, which appeared on Channel One under various names, but the essence of the program did not change from this. Guests and talk show experts have repeatedly said that Malakhov managed to maintain his reputation and not get his hands dirty, digging into the dirty laundry of Russians for many years.

Together with Andrei Malakhov, his colleagues on the set, editors and assistants, who were looking for heroes with incredible stories to transfer, are also moving to Rossiya 1.

Malakhov signed a letter of resignation from Channel One - media

Earlier it was reported that one of the possible reasons for the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One is a conflict over maternity leave. According to Elle magazine, citing sources, the TV presenter's wife Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant, and the leadership of the First refused to let Malakhov go to care for the child.

The essence of the conflict lies in the fact that the new producer of "Let them talk" extremely sharply commented on Malakhov's desire to go on parental leave. He said that talk shows are not a nursery, and the TV presenter must make a choice of who he wants to be in the future.

The leading account of such a statement of the question is absolutely unacceptable and even cynical. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, parental leave can be granted not only to the mother, but also to the father.
Malakhov hinted at who is to blame for his departure from Channel One

Malakhov leaves "Let them talk": the media found out the reason for the departure of the presenter. One of the most popular TV presenters in Russia, who has been the permanent host of the Let They Speak program for several years in a row, is going to leave Channel One.

This news simply shocked the fans of this program, because it is already difficult to imagine that someone else will be its host.
And although this information has not yet found official confirmation, a source close to Malakhov said that all this is true.
As it turned out, the reason for all this was the change in the leadership of the program, with which not only Malakhov, but almost his entire team, could not find a common language. Now we are talking not only about replacing the leader, but the team as a whole.

The new producer of the program, who held this post several years ago, was returned to his previous position, and Malakhov did not like the innovations that they decided to make to the program, and since he could not find a compromise, he decided to take such a radical step.

There is already talk that the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company has announced a casting for the position of a new presenter.

But there is a completely different opinion on the net that all this is just PR, and thus the ratings of one of the most popular programs have risen even higher. Malakhov himself does not comment on the current situation in any way, and simply avoids talking to journalists.

Malakhov leaves "Let them talk" 2017, why

Rumor has it that the family of the popular TV presenter and his wife Natalia Shkuleva is preparing a replenishment. On this wave, Malakhov decided to pay attention to his family through work on Channel One. Insiders have long been talking about the pregnancy of Natalia Shkuleva, but now none of the family is going to refute this fact. In the pictures from the island of Sardinia, where the couple are resting, Natalia's stomach is clearly visible, but there is not even a word about comments from her husband.

At work, Malakhov was clearly given to understand: either work or childcare, there is no third way. Offended by Nikonova for the word "baby sitter", with which the producer decided to get him, in response, the TV presenter decided to use the law under No. 256, paragraph 2 of the Labor Code, which allows not only the father, but also any other relative to take parental leave.

Although maternity leave is not a rule for fathers, there are already quite a few of them among the famous and famous. Upon registration, the parent receives 40% of the average salary, but no more than 17,990 rubles, which is a considerable increase in the family budget anyway.

Some dads do quite well with their babies no worse than moms, and at the same time they find home work, as Aleksey Afanasiev, the manager of the purchasing department of one of the large retail chains, did. Moreover, a new business (sale of products via the Internet), as well as maternity leave, Alexey issued in accordance with the law.

For others, the family income is unimportant: they want to lend their courageous shoulder to their wife at a difficult moment for their wife. So did Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, after spending two months with his little daughter, he calmly went to work, knowing that his “family ship” could already set sail on its own.

0 August 3, 2017, 14:05

On July 30, Russian media reported that Andrey Malakhov was leaving Channel One and would no longer host one of the most popular talk shows, Let Them Talk. Many Internet users who found out about this at first could not even believe that it was true. Whether this information is true and how far it has not yet been possible to find out: every day a variety of assumptions appear on the network about the reasons for the quarrel between the showman and the channel's producers, as well as the names of possible candidates for Malakhov's place and even versions that the scandal is all just PR. We understand.

Blame it on a new producer and political themes

According to the BBC, Andrey Malakhov decided to leave after returning to "Let them talk" producer Natalia Nikonova. She has extensive experience in television, collaborated with many major television companies, including Channel One. Twice became the owner of TEFI.

Nikonova directed the special projects of Channel One, was the producer of "Let them talk", "Malakhov +", "Lolita. Without complexes" and "Judge for yourself."

We once had a crazy live broadcast on which I was sitting at the director's console. At some point, Andrei and I reached such agitation that he could not stand my screams in the "ear" and yelled directly at the camera: "Stop it, Natasha!" - and put his hand forward, as if pushing me away with my instructions. It's good that there was a scream in the studio and no one noticed our squabble. In general, I admire Andrey's professionalism. Even without a director, he feels with the back of his head who to turn to,

- this is how Natalya spoke about Malakhov in one of her interviews 10 years ago.

Now that Nikonova has returned, she is allegedly going to change the vector of the program and focus on socio-political issues. It is believed that this categorically did not suit Malakhov and he decided to voluntarily leave the channel, where he worked for more than 15 years.

The insider assures that Nikonova is going to work precisely in the political direction, since very soon, in 2018, presidential elections will be held. "Let them talk" is one of the most rated programs, it has a large audience coverage, and this guarantees greater involvement of viewers in topics of this kind.

Who will get the role of the host "Let them talk"?

With the departure of Andrei Malakhov, a completely reasonable question arose: "Who will replace the TV presenter?" There are several candidates for the position. The first on the list of applicants was Dmitry Borisov, the host of Evening News on Channel One, where he has been working for a little over 10 years. Dmitry is a multiple winner of major awards.

The network is also discussing information that Malakhov will be replaced by Boris Korchevnikov, who collaborated with NTV for a long time, then switched to Rossiya, where he began to host a similar Live broadcast program. It is believed that he will do an excellent job with his duties, because he understands the specifics of working on a talk show.

Among the applicants was Dmitry Shepelev, who came to Channel One in 2008. Then he was the host of the program "Can you? Sing." After that, he became the host of several more programs - "Minute of Glory", "Catch up before midnight", "Two Voices" and "Property of the Republic".

Rumor has it that Krasnoyarsk TV presenter Alexander Smol is aiming to replace Malakhov. He is working on the New Morning program on TVK. The broadcast brought popularity to the journalist, during which he congratulated the officials on the fact that they themselves raised their salaries. The host's irony was appreciated by YouTube users.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that a version that is quite predictable for television about Malakhov's departure is being put forward. Netizens believe that Channel One wants to increase its own ratings in an already "dead" season, when there are no major events as such, and interest in the program and specifically in Andrey must be permanently maintained.

There is an opinion that the creators of the program are not going to let Malakhov go, but as soon as the passions around this story subside, they will hush everything up under the guise of the usual misunderstanding and misinformation. Although many experts agree that Channel One would not have taken such a step, because nothing like this has ever been observed behind it.

Malakhov's new place of work

While some are arguing about the reasons for Malakhov's departure and discussing almost conspiracy theories, others are worried about where the most rated TV presenter of Russian television will go now? According to one version, Andrey is going to go to the competitor of the First - VGTRK. He will broadcast "Live", hosted by Boris Korchevnikov.

Moreover, together with Malakhov, a whole group of specialists plans to quit with Let They Talk. But the insider assures that no statements of resignation have been received from anyone. And while Malakhov is on vacation, it’s quite difficult to understand how things really are.

But Andrew receives a lot of offers. So, for example, the Spartak hockey club invited the TV presenter to host home matches by issuing an official letter.

Spartak is seriously concerned about incoming information about the possible departure from Channel One of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov,

the club wrote on its official Twitter account.

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