The more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they believe in it, or Kargina under interrogation. The more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they will believe in it. The more impudent lies Goebbels

Below are 10 popular quotes about the USSR and the Third Reich. Their "authors" never said this, but in fact the quotes are correct. And those to whom they are attributed often acted in this way in life.

1. "The bigger the lie, the sooner it will be believed"(J. Goebbels).

Goebbels never said this. Hitler wrote this about the role of Jews and Marxists in the defeat of Germany in the First World War ("Mein Kampf", ch. 10): "These gentlemen proceeded from the correct calculation that the more monstrously you lie, the sooner they will believe you." True, although Goebbels never said such a phrase, he acted as Minister of Propaganda exactly in accordance with this motto. By the way, there really is one aphorism, the author of which is Goebbels, the phrase has firmly entered the Russian language, but no one guesses who invented it. "Everything ingenious is simple"(J. Goebbels, article "Twenty Tips for a Dictator and Those Who Want to Become One", 1932)

Paul Padua. "The Fuhrer Speaks" (1939).
As Albert Speer said in his last speech at Nuremberg: " With the help of such technical means as radio and loudspeakers, independent thinking was taken away from eighty million people ... "

2. "USSR - Upper Volta with missiles"(Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1974-82)

There is no evidence of where or when he said this. The fact that Schmidt is the possible author of this aphorism was first mentioned in a 1993 book written by a group of American Sovietologists. This is given there as an assumption, and with a characteristic caveat: "If Schmidt had come to such a discovery during the Brezhnev era, he could only share it with his wife, late at night and under the covers ...". This is a hint that West Germany during Schmidt's time was not in a position to grumble at the Soviet Union in such a way. 500 thousand soldiers, 8000 tanks and how many missiles of all kinds were in the GDR, one might say, under the windows of Schmidt.

Most likely the authors of the aphorism are Western journalists. Perhaps it was first publicly voiced by the Financial Times journalist David Buchan in the article "Soviet export of technology" dated September 14, 1984. Be that as it may, the phrase has become catchy, because accurately reflected the essence of the USSR: military power to the detriment of everything else.

Igor Myasnikov. "Program "Time"(1978).
Picture of 1978. At that time, the USSR produced 200 intercontinental and more than 1,000 cruise missiles, 10 nuclear submarines, and 1,500 combat aircraft per year. In year! There was also a struggle with America for influence in Angola and Nicaragua. What these people in the hut were told about by the Vremya program.

3. "No person - no problem"(I.V. Stalin)

Another version of the same aphorism: "We have no irreplaceable people." Alas, Stalin did not say anything of the sort. Both phrases were invented by Soviet writers. "There is a person - there is a problem, no person - there is no problem" - this is from Anatoly Rybakov's novel "Children of the Arbat" (1987). And "there are no irreplaceable people" - from the play by Alexander Korneichuk "Front" (1942). Moreover, Korneichuk, a Ukrainian Soviet playwright and 5-time (!) laureate of the Stalin Prize in the field of art, was NOT the author of this aphorism himself either. He only translated into Russian the slogan of the French Revolution of 1789-94. The Commissioner of the Convention, Joseph Le Bon, responded with this phrase to a petition for clemency from an aristocrat.

In 1793, the Viscount de Giselin, arrested for political unreliability, asked to spare his life, since his education and experience could still be useful to the Republic (as he thought). To which the Jacobin commissar replied: "There are no irreplaceable people in the Republic!" It is interesting that two years later, in 1795, other revolutionaries sent Commissar Le Bon himself to the guillotine. Well, there are no irreplaceable people!

Egil Veidemanis. "Butovo. NKVD firing range. 1937-1938."(2003)

4. "Stalin took Russia with a plow, and left it with an atomic bomb"(Winston Churchill).

Churchill never said that. Although on the basis of the military alliance of 1941-45. really treated Stalin with respect. Even in the Fulton speech on March 5, 1946, which began the "cold war" between the West and the USSR, Churchill said: "I deeply admire and honor the valiant Russian people and my wartime comrade Marshal Stalin." True, this did not prevent Churchill from accusing the USSR of planting communism and tyranny in Eastern Europe in the same speech. By the way, the expression "Iron Curtain" came from the same speech.

As for the phrase about the plow and the atomic bomb, its true author is the Stalinist Nina Andreeva from St. Petersburg, the author of the article “I can’t compromise my principles” (the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya, March 13, 1988). She cited it as "Churchill's quote". The quote turned out to be false, but its essence corresponds to the facts.

This is most likely a variation on the 1956 Encyclopædia Britannica article about Stalin, written by the Sovietologist Isaac Deutscher: second industrialized country in the world. This was not the result of purely material progress and organizational work. Such achievements would not have been possible without a comprehensive cultural revolution, during which the entire population attended school and studied very hard."

Vitaly Tikhov. "Stakhanovka plant named after OGPU"(1930s).
Everything was. You can't take a word out of a song. And factories, and Stakhanovka, and the OGPU. By the way, the factory OGPU is now OAO LOMO. Privatized in the 1990s. Works. Now it is owned by three families (one of them is the former minister Klebanov), as well as guys from the former MMM voucher fund. Well, good. Although three families, but came to a bright future.

5. "I thought I would die of old age. But when Russia, which fed all of Europe with bread, began to buy grain, I realized that I would die of laughter" (Winston Churchill).

For the first time, the USSR began to buy grain in the West on a large scale (more than 1 million tons) - in 1963. The scale grew and in 1984 reached 46 million tons. Churchill died in 1965, having lived to be 90 years old. Indeed, in his lifetime, he found Russia the world's largest grain exporter (1900-1913), and found the beginning of the reverse process - as the USSR began to turn into the world's largest grain importer. There is only one problem: Churchill did NOT say this.

Vasily Borisenkov. "In Cabbage Fields"(1958).
People in urban clothes gather cabbage in the fields. In the USSR, there was a custom not known in Western countries to drive the townspeople in the fall to pick vegetables in the village. Students were forcibly involved in agricultural work (for 1-2 months, the price of the issue is deduction), for a day or two they could take out schoolchildren, employees of city enterprises, etc. And yet, throughout the history of the USSR, there were queues for groceries in stores.

Alexey Sundukov. "Queue"(1986)
Queues were generally a trademark of the USSR. A sad and painful sight... The disappearance of grocery lines in Russia after 1991 is the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.

6. "Don't feel sorry for the soldiers, the women still give birth!"(Marshal Zhukov).

Zhukov did not say this. Here again is the case when the "author" of the quote did not utter such words, but actually acted in this way. The true author of "Women are still giving birth" is not known. According to one version, it was Field Marshal Apraksin during the battle with the Germans at Gross-Jegersdorf (1757, the Seven Years' War). The general refused to send cavalry to attack, allegedly saying: "The horses are worth gold, but women still give birth to soldiers." According to another version, this was written by the wife of Nicholas II in a letter to the tsar dated August 17, 1916. The tsarina complained to her husband about the Minister of War Bezobrazov, who, in her opinion, mediocrely killed the guards at the front:

"He criminally ruined your guard... This should not go unpunished. Let him suffer, but this example will benefit others.... I regret that I did not talk about this more insistently at the headquarters, and not with Alekseev, yours prestige would be saved ... The generals know that we still have many soldiers in Russia, and therefore do not spare lives , but these were superbly trained troops and all in vain.”

The letter itself does not say anything, except that Tsaritsa Alix interfered in military affairs, up to attempts to give instructions to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (Nicholas II) and the Chief of Staff of the Headquarters, General Alekseev. As for "the women are still giving birth" - in a letter she just regrets such methods of warfare. The generals know that there are a lot of people in Russia, therefore they do not spare the soldiers and destroy in vain ... It is likely, given subsequent revolutions, that the words of the empress were changed for propaganda purposes, the meaning was changed to the opposite (instead of condemnation - approval), well, the phrase went to the people.

Denis Bazuev. "Stop!"(2004)
A series of paintings "Battle for Leningrad" by a contemporary artist. D. Bazueva. In 1941-42. Soviet troops near Leningrad were constantly attacking, trying to break the blockade. Some German machine gunners, they say, went crazy ...

7. "The Franco-Prussian War was won by a German schoolteacher"(Otto von Bismarck).

A popular phrase with the allusion that a nation that is superior in education and general culture to the enemy is more effective at war. However, Chancellor Bismarck did not say that. This was said by a professor of geography from Leipzig, Oskar Peschel, and not about the Franco-Prussian war (1870-71), but about the Austro-Prussian war (1866), in which the Germans also won. In July 1866, Oskar Peschel wrote in a newspaper article: "... Public education plays a decisive role in the war ... When the Prussians beat the Austrians, it was the victory of the Prussian teacher over the Austrian school teacher." This attention to learning was retained by the Germans later. A Russian officer in Tsarist Russia studied at a military school for 2 years, as much as the Germans have a sergeant major.

Emil Scheibe. "Hitler at the front"(1943).
This is how the Germans painted themselves. It is somewhat doubtful that someone here could go crazy from the number of machine gun shots ...

8. "When I hear the word "culture" - my hand reaches for a gun"(Hermann Göring).

Sometimes attributed also to Goebbels. But neither of them said that. This is a phrase from the play "Schlageter" by playwright Hans Jost (1933). Hans Jost was a Nazi, winner of the "Grand Prize of the NSDAP" in the field of art and an SS Gruppenführer. After the First World War, the victorious Allies occupied for some time the Rhineland - the main industrial region of Germany. The country capitulated, the monarchy collapsed, the Kaiser fled, everyone reconciled. But there was one fanatic, Albert Schlageter, a former front-line officer. who continued to fight. He derailed French trains. He was caught and shot in 1923.

Nazi propaganda turned this Rhenish partisan into a hero. In the play by Hans Jost, he discusses with his friend whether it is worth spending time studying (to join the culture) if the country is under occupation. The friend replies that it is better to fight than to learn, and that at the word "culture" he unlatches his Browning. And from this phrase, after a series of creative revisions, Goering's "quote" was obtained.

Kukryniksy. "End"(1947-48).
These guys are going to need the Browning for another purpose now.

9. "Russia is a prison of peoples"(V.I. Lenin).

In the USSR, this phrase was often used in propaganda to compare Tsarist and Soviet Russia. There is an empire where non-Russian nationalities were oppressed, here - a voluntary union and friendship of peoples. Lenin did use this aphorism in his works, but he was not its author. But who the author was was not advertised in the USSR. For bad thoughts could inspire.

Author - Marquis de Custine, book "Russia in 1839" describing Nicholas Russia (the time of Nicholas I) with the deadly characteristics of the Russian political system and the Russian people as a whole. In short: Russia is not Europe, a state of general lack of rights and "pyramidal violence." That is, the chiefs rot the people, the chiefs have higher chiefs, and at the top - the king, who had everyone in mind, since his power is one-man and irremovable. The rich here are not fellow citizens of the poor... The bureaucracy is monstrous ("a land of useless formalities"). "The police, so nimble when it comes to torturing people, are in no hurry when they turn to them for help..." And so on. Tsapki, evsyuki and Serdyuki, and the universal Sveta from Ivanovo. Here is such a picture, by the Marquis de Custine.

The Marquis's book about his trip to Russia in 1839 was a huge success in Europe. Almost the same as the previously published book by another Frenchman - Alexis de Tocqueville about his trip to the USA ("Democracy in America", 1835). Only de Custine came and spat, and Tocqueville, on the contrary, sang the defirambs of the United States: the Anglo-Americans as a nation were originally born in freedom, equality, where their successes and great future, etc. come from. Zbigniew Brzezinski once said that to understand Russian-American relations, it is enough to read only 2 books: de Custine on Russia and de Tocqueville on the USA.

Wojciech Kossak. "Circassians in Krakow Suburb"(1912).
This is the uprising of 1863 for an independent Poland. Suppressed by Russian troops. In the role of Russians (judging by the picture of the Polish artist) some persons of Caucasian nationality acted. A wild horde of Circassians in hats and with an Orthodox cross on their flag rushes through the city crushing European-looking people. Interestingly, at the same time, Poles were recruited by Russia to participate in the Caucasian War. One barrack of the prison of nations pacified the other and vice versa. Well, as you wish. There is no other way to build an empire from Warsaw to Alaska.

10. "Who are these gentlemen Nazis? - Murderers and pederasts"(Benito Mussolini).

I also thought it was Mussolini. In 1934, in Austria, local Nazis killed Chancellor Dollfuss (an opponent of the Anschluss), with whom the Duce had good relations. Well, Mussolini threw this phrase in his hearts. In fact, it was said in an editorial in the newspaper "Il Popolo di Roma" ("People of Rome"), which was the mouthpiece of the Fascist Party in Italy. It strongly condemned the assassination of the chancellor and said that the criminals were connected "with murderers and pederasts in Berlin."

It was an allusion to Ernst Röhm, the leader of the Nazi storm troopers, who was a homosexual (and many people from his entourage too). It was the sharpest attack by the Italian fascists against their German counterparts in the entire history of their relationship. Mussolini, himself a former journalist, controlled the politics of Il Popolo di Roma, and of course, an editorial about "murderers and pederasts" from Berlin could not have come out without his knowledge. However, there is no evidence that he personally wrote this article.

On the picture: Gay Pride in London June 27, 2013 During the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, Hitler eliminated Rem and his gay storm troopers, later all homosexuals in the Reich began to be put in concentration camps. But here's the paradox: the SS uniform that Hugo Boss once sewed still inspires and excites gays all over the world.

Tom of Finland (Touko Laaksonen). gay comics(1962)
This is the world's most famous author of gay graphics. Finnish artist who gained recognition in America in the 1960s. In 1941-44. fought in the Finnish army against the USSR. At that time, German troops were quartered in Finland. As the artist himself admitted, he had sexual relations with the Germans and the German form wildly aroused him. No, I do not want to say that the artist Tom of Finland- this is the personification of the behavior of Finland in the Second World War. No, he just liked the shape.

This thesis attributed to Goebbels was actually stated by Hitler in the book Mein Kampf. I was reminded of this ideological paradox when I listened to Poroshenko's speech at the UN climate conference in Paris.
The Ukrainian leader started rather dashingly. “The truth spoken by Abraham Lincoln: A house divided within cannot stand. The earth is our home, at least this time it cannot be divided inside,” the head of state said. But what about Ukraine, dismembered by the Maidan, whose ideology Poroshenko represents? The president of Independent may have forgotten that Abraham Lincoln used a passage from the New Testament as a slogan during his "A House Divided" speech after he lost the US Senate election to Stephen Douglas. In that anti-slavery speech, Lincoln justified the impossibility of the country's continued existence in a state of "semi-slavery and semi-freedom."
It is interesting what role Pyotr Alekseevich assigned to the residents of Donbass, about whom he cynically stated: “We will have work - they won’t. We will have pensions - they don't. We will have support for people - children and pensioners - but they don't. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, and they will sit in their basements. Because they can't do anything!" And this was said about the inhabitants of the most hard-working region of Ukraine, which has always provided the lion's share of the country's gross income. But did the President of Ukraine talk about people? God forbid, only the dregs of society live in the Donbass! Here is what he said at the conference: “Russian-backed terrorists have flooded many mines in the area, poisoning the drinking water, soil, flora and fauna of the region. Donbass has become only a base for Russian and pro-Russian terrorists. As a result, the atmosphere is heavily polluted by exploding munitions, as well as leaks from chemical plants and other industries."
Does anyone still believe that the militias, according to Ukrainian propaganda, like the last idiots, fired at themselves, their wives, old people and their own children only to slander the valiant fighters of Ukraine? Let me remind you that Poroshenko announced to the whole world: “Hardworking and peaceful people, which are the majority of Donetsk and Lugansk residents, have felt our sympathy, love and respect. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and other units will never allow themselves to use force against civilians. They will never hit residential areas, Ukrainian soldiers and guardsmen will risk their own lives so as not to endanger women and children, elderly men. Such is the eternal knightly nature of the Ukrainian army.”
And these "valiant knights" hit the cities of Donbass and the chemical plants of Gorlovka and Donetsk with Tochka-U ballistic missiles, which are certainly not in the arsenal of the militias. However, Peter Alekseevich is firmly convinced that the Goebbels postulate is infallible, therefore he continues: “I believe that the issue of protecting the environment in the circumstances of this conflict should not remain without an adequate response from the community. This issue will be, among others, the focus of our activities, our events that are carried out by the UN system, as well as the UN environmental program.” I really want to believe that the world community will "adequately respond" to Poroshenko's lie and to the truth, which the Ukrainian president is actively trying to hide under the sheep's skin of his fiery speech.
Having entered the courage, the Ukrainian president is already beating his chest with his fists, talking excitedly about the great mission of reviving the ecological cleanliness of Ukraine entrusted to him as the most democratic of all the leaders of the country: “We carry this goal, despite the scale of the problems that Ukraine now has in the form of the coming restoration of Donbass, this is the restoration of infrastructure, industrial enterprises, railways, oil pipelines, gas pipelines and water pipelines, as well as social infrastructure. As a resident of Donetsk, I can confirm that Poroshenko does not throw words into the wind. Recently, “repair teams” have really begun to be pulled to the Donbass. For some reason, they only move in tanks and armored personnel carriers, accompanied by howitzers and multiple launch rocket systems. Looks like Petr Alekseevich decided to take an adult approach to the issue of restoring the region.
The President of Ukraine had short meetings with the Presidents of Austria, Latvia, Romania and the Prime Ministers of Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Greece. Poroshenko called on the leaders of these countries to extend sanctions against Russia due to its failure to comply with the Minsk agreements. Did you think that the Ukrainian president came to the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP21 to talk about ecology? No matter how! Taking advantage of the chance, when they could no longer ignore him, from the high international rostrum, Pyotr Alekseevich again hurried to transfer everything from a sick head to a healthy one. Only the Ukrainian leader forgot that the OSCE representatives staying in Donbas have already managed to report that it is the Ukrainian side that is the initiator of the failure of the Minsk agreements.
Representatives of the French media were not slow to give their assessment of Poroshenko's speech.
“Despite the fact that I understand what a difficult situation Ukraine is facing, this (performance) is an epic fail,” Faz Politic journalist wrote on Twitter.
“Poroshenko showed terrible taste in using the attacks in Paris to draw attention to Ukraine. It is not true and disgusting,” a journalist from France 24 expressed his emotions. “Ukrainians have suffered a terrible fate, but it is even worse to have a president who will do anything to get the sympathy of the world,” he added.
“Poroshenko made a tactless remark by trying to use the terrorist attacks in Paris to draw attention to Ukraine,” a Mashable journalist described the actions of the Ukrainian president.

Finally, I would like to ask a question: how do you feel about the thesis of Goebbels and what the President of Ukraine said at the UN climate conference in Paris?

The bigger the lie, the sooner it will be believed.

Attributed to the Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels. This is actually a paraphrased quote from Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) My Struggle (vol. 1, ch. 10): “The broad masses [...] fall prey to big lies (einer grossen Luge) rather than small ones.” .

Hence the English expression "Big Lie" born at that time.

  • - Wed. All zu straff gespannt, zerspringt der Bogen. Schiller. Wilhelm Teil. 3, 3. Rudenz. Wed Wenn man den Bogen überspannet, so muss er endlich zerbrechen. Grimmelshausen. Simplicissimus. 4, 1. Cf. A bow long lent at length must wax wease. Wed L "arc toujours tendu se gâte. Compare L"...
  • - The farther into the forest, the more firewood. Wed Their only business was lying ... but ... the farther into the forest, the more firewood. With each passing day, the talent for lying became in them ... in undoubtedly greater proportions ...
  • - From French: Plus ca change, plus with "est la tete chose. The author of the expression is the French writer and journalist Alphonse Jean Carr...
  • - The words of the German poet Heinrich Heine ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - See TALK -...
  • - QUICK, -th, -th ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Wed. Their only business was lying... but... the farther into the forest, the more firewood. With each passing day, the talent for lying has become in them ... in undoubtedly larger sizes. Ch. Uspensky. New times. Three letters. 2...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - What you pull more, it will burst sooner. Wed All zu straff gespannt, zerspringt der Bogen. Schiller. Wilhelm Tell. 3, 3. Rudenz. Wed Wenn man den Bogen überspannet, so muss er endlich zerbrechen. Grimmelshausen. Simplicissimus. 4, 1. Cf. A bow long lent at length must wax wease. Wed L'arc toujours tendu se gate...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Attributed to the English writer and statesman, British Prime Minister from the Conservative Party Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - See TRUE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FALSE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FALSE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FALSE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"The bigger the lie, the sooner it will be believed" in books

author Engdahl William Frederick

Lies, devilish lies and Monsanto lies

From the book Seeds of Destruction. The secret behind genetic manipulation author Engdahl William Frederick

Lies, Devilish Lies, and Monsanto Lies The Rockefeller Foundation carefully crafted media marketing and propaganda for the rapid spread of genetically engineered crops. One of his main arguments would be to claim that the global

Chapter 11 Lies, dirty lies, and testing the past

From the book Way of the Turtles. From amateurs to legendary traders author Curtis Face

CHAPTER 11 Lies, Dirty Lies, and Testing the Past Charlatans and scoundrels lurk in dark corners, waiting for those who suspect nothing. Don't become their victims. “Stonehenge Plus turned $5,000 into $1,000,000 in just FIVE YEARS. Stonehenge Plus was invented by Stupendus Magnificus (literally

16. Let people believe in themselves

From the book The Golden Book of the Leader. 101 ways and techniques to manage in any situation author Litagent "5 edition"

16. Let people believe in themselves EVERY LEADER SHOULD STRIVE for the people to follow the course that he indicates. A good way here is to encourage their self-confidence. Ronald Reagan skillfully used this during his 1980 presidential campaign.

3 A new stagnation in the political life of the country - will it rather preserve Russia or rather destroy it?

From the book 26 myths about Russia. Lies and secrets of the country author Dymarsky Vitaly Naumovich

3 A new stagnation in the political life of the country - will it rather preserve Russia or rather destroy it? On July 6, 1796, the future Emperor Nicholas I was born. He ruled Russia for a very long time and remains an ambiguous, controversial figure for historians and posterity. Nikitenko,

There are three kinds of lies: lies, heinous lies and statistics.

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

There are three types of lies: lies, vile lies and statistics. Attributed to the English writer and statesman, British Prime Minister from the Conservative Party (1874-1880) Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield (1804-1881). But in his writings and sayings


Lies and Liars See also Fiction and Fantasy, Truth and Lies There are four kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and quotations. NN* One should not shamelessly lie; but sometimes evasiveness is necessary. Margaret Thatcher * Believe only half of what you see, and nothing

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Truth and Lies See also "Lies and Liars" If you eliminate the impossible, what remains is the truth, no matter how incredible it may seem. Arthur Conan Doyle A fascinating story is rarely true. Samuel Johnson* Truth is stranger than fiction, but

Myth, half-truth or outright lie? When it's hot outside, children need to be given more to drink.

From the book Give Dinner to the Enemy! And other myths about the body and human health author Karev Viktor Sergeevich

Myth, half-truth or outright lie? When it's hot outside, babies need to be given more to drink. Until the baby starts eating solid food, he gets all the water he needs from breast milk or baby food. If the baby drinks too much,

Two levels of lies. The lie is essential and the lie is innocent

From the book All Ways to Crack a Liar [Secret CIA Methods Used in Interrogations and Investigations] author Cram Dan

Two levels of lies. Lies are essential and lies are innocent If the interlocutor deceives you, he does it in one of two ways. Either his lies are significant or they are innocent. An essential lie can offend, betray, frighten you, and an innocent deceit ... well, it can harm you


From the book Why Men Lie and Women Roar author Piz Alan

WHY LIES OF FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS PIT THE MOST The closer your relationship with another person, the more you are hurt by his lies. This is because you do not want to expel this person from your life. For example, lies of parents, brothers or sisters offend

Secret 7: Live life to the full, or How to make him want you more and more and more

From the book You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy by Forleo Marie

PART V. LIE AS A MEANS OF MANIPULATION Chapter 1 . Lies as a socio-psychological phenomenon.

From the book Personality Manipulation the author Grachev Georgy

PART V. LIE AS A MEANS OF MANIPULATION Chapter 1 . Lies as a socio-psychological phenomenon. 1.1. Definition of "falsehood". Forms of manifestation of lies. Already ancient philosophers, starting with Aristotle and Plato, tried to understand not only the essence of lies and deceit, but also

Barriers of time and space on the way of social information. News cannot be "used" twice with the same effect. Hurry, Hurry

From the book Conversations on Journalism (second edition) author Uchenova Victoria Vasilievna

Barriers of time and space on the way of social information. News cannot be "used" twice with the same effect. Rather, rather - At first, as I understand it, the owners of printing houses became journalists, as it were, "part-time." - Not all and not always. AND.

The bolder the lie, the sooner they will believe it.

From the book Yeltsin's Main Mistake author Moroz Oleg Pavlovich

The bolder the lie, the sooner it will be believed In essence, the bureaucracy and "law enforcement agencies" across the country were drawn into the campaign against the SPS. The Perm prosecutor's office suddenly discovered some kind of "shadow headquarters" of the Union of Right Forces, and in it documents "on spending about

A long sheet dedicated to the summons for interrogation. Like other figures from "ecology", (in fact, an organized group that sows social tension and mass psychosis everywhere), the "development director", closes his accounts on social networks from me, is forced to quote the entire full text:

On Monday, February 3, I am going with my lawyer for interrogation as a witness in the case of the so-called extortion from the UMMC company, which is going to mine nickel in the Chernozem region during a total protest of local residents that has lasted more than 2 years. This is criminal case No. 57399, initiated by the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation against two residents of the Voronezh Region under paragraphs “a” and “b” of Part 3 of Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - extortion as part of a group, in the presence of unidentified persons.
What am I going to talk about during the interrogation?
First of all, that the investigation should check the UMMC company itself for the presence of a possible corpus delicti and I will talk about its numerous violations - both of the law and the rights of local residents.
I will bring the investigator the materials of an independent scientific assessment, where leading scientists, including professors of Moscow State University and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirm the fears of local residents about the danger of the project from an environmental and socio-economic point of view. Local residents, 98% of whom, according to a survey conducted with the methodological support of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, consider the project harmful. I will bring excerpts from the Constitution and environmental legislation, according to which local residents in their protest activity acted within the law, even if someone really wants to consider this extremism.
I will talk about the fact that in May 2013 Igor Zhitenev, whom I have known for about 2 years in connection with protests against nickel mining at Khopra, was severely beaten by security guards of the private security company hired by the UMMC, received serious injuries, and was treated for a long time. After that, Igor noticed a constant deterioration in his mental health, headaches and visual impairment. I will talk about the fact that Igor Zhitenev, who was arrested allegedly for extortion, after a severe beating on May 13, Deputy General Director of the UMMC Yuri Nemchinov personally offered 200 thousand rubles to “hush up the case”, about which there is a corresponding audio recording on the Internet. And yes, the opinion of the investigator is interesting, whether attempts at bribery by the UMMC leadership can in themselves be regarded as a criminal offense.
Why does the UMMC company do this, on behalf of the adviser to the general director of the UMMC Petr Yamov, filing an application for extortion against local residents, who, according to her, promised to stop the confrontation at Khopra, although the company perfectly understood that in no way they could influence the stop of the popular protest could?
Because, as we believe, the UMMC company is extremely interested in discrediting a broad popular movement that opposes nickel mining in the Chernozem region as a project that is inappropriate for Russia from a strategic, environmental, and socio-economic point of view. But, it is clear that this is not enough for the company, because the profit goes to its Cypriot offshores, and 98% of nickel is exported abroad.
However, today we are seeing that the protest continues, despite the blow that the popular movement received when the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs grossly distorted the facts (which the media repeated extremely biased many times), stating that activists of the movements “In Defense of Khopra” and “Stop Nickel are extortionists. Although none of the detainees belonged at that time to any of the mentioned movements, but for extortion, they are given out, among other things, attempts by the deputy general director of the UMMC Yuri Nemchinov to bribe Zhitenev.
We also believe that the UMMC company is interested in discrediting the activists for the reason that they constantly trumpet its violations. Thus, Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant LLC, owned by UMMC, conducts exploratory drilling on agricultural lands under a contract with the aim of producing agricultural products. A fence was erected on the territory of the Yelansky mining allotment, capturing other people's plots, public lands, boundary strips and country roads.
Geological exploration drilling takes place near and on the territory of dangerous objects (ammonia pipeline and gas pipeline), while the security hired by the UMMC does not allow the protection of dangerous objects to perform their direct duties by force.
An audit of land use based on complaints about work on the territory of hazardous facilities has not yet been carried out, despite repeated legal demands from local residents and the recognition by the Investigative Committee of the fact of non-compliance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation. In violation of the Town Planning Code and the Land Code, residential buildings with a concrete foundation were built on the sites, activists constantly monitor how sewage is removed from the site to nearby fields.
Representatives of environmental public organizations and local residents who are trying to exercise their right to public environmental control, in accordance with Art. 68 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" are not allowed to the objects.
LLC "Mednogorsk copper and sulfur plant" repeatedly violated the terms of licenses for the use of subsoil VRZh 15395 TR and VRZh 15396 TR. For several months, the company has not provided a response to the request of local residents and regional Cossack organizations for documents substantiating the legality of the work and the legitimacy of the presence of personnel and equipment at the sites. Therefore, local residents tend to believe that the company is working illegally.
And, of course, I will say that the company has repeatedly disseminated false information: about the alleged start of work on January 25, 2012, so as not to violate the license, about the start of environmental monitoring allegedly with the participation of local residents and a commission from the Cossacks on November 21, 2013. On October 29, 2013, the Kominternovsky District Court of Voronezh recognized the spread of information by the general director of Voronezhgeologia LLC, which is contracting OJSC UMMC, that geologists were beaten at the command of Konstantin Rubakhin, which was not true and discredited the honor and dignity of the coordinator movement "In Defense of Khopra".
I assume that the investigator will be extremely interested in where the money for the protests comes from. I'll tell you how it is - that the lion's share of people who do not want either nickel mining or the UMMC company on their land, chipped in with their hard-earned money to prevent this. And that the constant statements that someone paid for them there - either Norilsk Nickel, or the State Department - are lies.
Konstantin Rubakhin, I assume, will also become an object of investigative interest, because in the footage of the interrogation shown on the NTV channel, Bezmensky gives false evidence against the coordinator of the In Defense of Khopra movement, stating that Zhitenev demanded money from the company on behalf of Rubakhin. Having worked side by side with Konstantin, I can tell you that, of course, he did not violate anything, he only gave wide publicity to the violations by the UMMC, which, in fact, bombarded law enforcement agencies with statements accusing Rubakhin of illegal actions: from organizing an extremist community to beating UMMC contractors. On March 25, 2013, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Novokhopersk District responded to one of the statements signed by the Director General of the MMSK, which is part of the UMMC structure, that, quote: “The non-profit organization “In Defense of Khopra” headed by Rubakhin, together with other public organizations and the public in accordance with the Constitution RF and Art. 68 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", since the beginning of 2012, has been exercising public control over compliance with environmental and environmental legislation in the Voronezh Region. The response also states that the facts of calls for extremist actions by Rubakhin, indicated in the statement, are not confirmed.
Tatyana Kargina,
ECA Movement Development Director
Member of the "In Defense of Khopra" movement

If Tatyana Kargina opens her mouth during interrogation, at least on one of the topics proposed to her, then, at best, she will get off with a written undertaking not to leave, in connection with the retraining from the category of a witness to those suspected of complicity. I have already clearly and repeatedly demonstrated the level of "lawyers" of unfortunate ecologists on the pages of this magazine. But, if Kargina tries to use the turnout as a platform for her frankly false, and bordering on slander and extremism, appeals and tales, I will consider her work in more detail.

1) There is not the slightest reason to suspect the UMMC of some fantastic violations and crimes. It has been proven many times, incl. and supervisory authorities, and various kinds of controlling departments, that there is nothing connected with any sins drawn in the inflamed brains of "anti-nickel activists" fooled in the best traditions of Goebbels by malicious ideological saboteurs like Kargina herself, and cannot be in nature. Kargina and the company, based on their own ideas about the legality and a certain right of "environmentalists" to violate these laws, accordingly perceives the activities of state institutions responsible for the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Of course, none of the claims, as well as the numerous shaft of waste paper, written at the suggestion of the leadership of the "movement", addressed to the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor's Office and other organizations, have not been confirmed. What is immediately turned inside out by the "environmentalists", with cries of harassment and bribery from the company that performs the work planned under the license. I will return to the content of the "witnesses" of fables and myths accompanying this thesis, roaming the pages of "anti-nickel" resources on the Internet. Separately, because in itself, lies, flavored with direct calls for violence and rebellion, are openly published, without any regard for the law. Still - for "noble purposes" the law is not written!

2. About the so-called "materials", the so-called "expertise", about which the leaders of a group of poorly educated and often mentally unhealthy citizens who frenziedly believe in the "inevitable death of Khopra" like to repeat. You can trust me, a person who has been to both rallies and to that very circle in Mikhailovskaya. Not a single specialist, with the exception of a couple who have long exchanged their conscience and reputation as a scientist, among the people who signed the ridiculous agitation, called "expertise" for the brainless cattle, will not be found there. By the way, Konstantin Rubakhin, whether overplayed, or out of stupidity, I rather believe in the latter, presented this "collected works" to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on Seliger, where he was led by white-ribbon patrons, like Ilya Ponomarev. Not a single serious objection was found in this work of all kinds of demagogues, regulars of foreign "eco-forums" of various kinds, including the unscrupulous liar Yuri Medovar, who dreams of the same thing. Further, Kargina writes that "some people want to call the lawful actions of the inhabitants extremism." What, if not extremism, can be called the actions of the "anti-nickel crowd" instigated by the "PR specialist" Rubakhin?
See the picture above, in which distraught and unaware creatures, zombified in the best traditions of "work with the population" from the authors of all kinds of "color revolutions", lay out almost a barricade, preventing the passage of vehicles! Look below, at the naive, but from this, even more shameless and disgusting picture below:

A person who is part of a gang of adventurers who deliberately raised a wave of mass hysteria and psychosis in the region, which ended in real eco-terrorism, believes that they have the right to open their mouths about extremism, being called as a witness on suspicion of extorting millions from a victim of eco-blackmail! Insolence, multiplied by naivety, knows no boundaries!

3. Regarding the "accusation" of the representative of the UMMC in the "attempt to bribe" Zhitenev, after orchestrated by Rubakhin "beatings"
Watching the video does not in any way imply the fact that Zhitenev was beaten at all, and whether one of "their own" struck him."autonomous chieftain". IN audio recordings,

to which Kargin refers, but does not cite, one can easily hear how Zhitenev himself, and, judging by the voice, none other than his deputy Esin, are having a completely correct conversation, free from any signs of rally hysteria. It gets there gradually, and Rubakhin himself. The recording ends on the spot, after which, logically, the discussion of anything can be continued, up to trading for a larger amount than 200 thousand rubles. Characteristically, the "unemployed, sick through and through" Zhitenev boasts that he can earn such money in one day! In itself, the offer of money, for the information of the "lawyers" advising Kargina, is not a crime. I have repeatedly demonstrated the stupidity and legal inconsistency of people who pretend to be "lawyers" of eco-punks. We'll have, once again, to do educational program.

The more monstrous the lie, the more likely it will be believed.

Lie and don't stop. In the country, the average life expectancy is 82 years, write that no one lives even to 40.

In the country, the average salary is 1650 euros per person - write that no one even has enough for food.

In the country, the interest rate on loans is 1% (take a loan in Russia with a rate of less than 10%? Weak?) Write that the whole country has got loans and everyone is in credit slavery 🙂 It’s even better to write in anal credit slavery.

Write that you will be ripped off like a sticky - it doesn’t matter that the allowance for never working homeless people in Europe is 550 euros per month + 50 euros if you have a dog. Write cheated - it sounds beautiful, lie as Goebbels bequeathed, the more lies, the greater the chance that they will believe in it.

Let them think that a mortgage in Moscow at 150% of the salary is still lucky, no matter that in France it is forbidden by law to have a payment on all loans greater than 33% of the total monthly income - write that credit slavery strangled the country.

Be sure to write that someone is fucking the country. It doesn't matter what it means - the main thing is that there was humiliation. The more vulgar epithets - the clearer for cattle.

Lies according to Goebbels. You are a liar, young man, the top of fascist Germany would be proud of you if it were not for hanging twitching in a noose with pissed pants.

The "rotten herring" method
A false accusation is made. It is important that it be as dirty and scandalous as possible. But regardless of their views, all participants in the discussion utter the name of the accused again and again in conjunction with a dirty and scandalous accusation, thus rubbing more and more “rotten herring” into his “clothes”, until finally this "smell" does not begin to follow him everywhere.

Method "40 to 60"
It consists in creating the media, which provide 60 percent of their information in the interests of the enemy. But, having earned his trust in this way, the remaining 40 percent is used for disinformation, which is extremely effective, thanks to this trust.

Big lie method
A correctly arranged and well-thought-out “big lie” causes a deep emotional trauma in the listener or viewer, which then determines his views for a long time against any arguments of logic and reason. False descriptions of the abuse of children or women work especially well in this sense.

Method of "absolute evidence"
Instead of proving something, you present what you want to convince the audience of as something obvious, self-evident and therefore unconditionally supported by the vast majority of the population. One of the classic ways to support the method of "absolute evidence" is, for example, the publication of the results of various kinds of sociological surveys.
