If the wallet was bought on a waning moon. Conspiracies for a new wallet

All people want to increase their profits and use all possible ways to achieve this goal. Someone is trying to move up career ladder, someone changes jobs or opens their own business. You can find additional sources of income or try your luck and buy lottery ticket. There are many options. However, there are those who resort to the help of magical means and use whispers and conspiracies for a new wallet.

Everyone knows that a purse is a place to store Money and in order for them to become more and more, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for this. Today in stores there is a huge selection of wallets, men's and women's, of different shapes, sizes and colors.

However, few people think about the fact that they tend to attract money in the amount that their owner needs. It's no secret that any person will feel much calmer and more comfortable if he has in his wallet large sum which he can spend as he pleases. And if you choose the right wallet, it can become a reality. There are a number of rules that you need to remember when buying a purse:

Another important point is the following: as soon as a person has bought a wallet for himself, he must immediately get rid of the old one. It is better to burn it, while saying the following spell:

Burn with a red flame and take poverty with you into the fire. What used to be in you will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen.

Why is a conspiracy needed?

Since ancient times, many people have considered natural seek help from various natural phenomena because they have huge force and energy. The very process of seeking help, as a rule, was carried out in the form of a conspiracy. They were composed in the form of a special sound set, and it was believed that this was the best way to attract the attention of higher powers.

When pronouncing a conspiracy, the mood of the soul with which the necessary words are pronounced is very important. one more important point is that you need to choose the right time for the magical ritual: this is done so that the impact force has maximum efficiency.

Many esotericists know how to charge a new wallet for wealth. Here is one way:

To activate a new purse to attract monetary energy, a special ritual must be performed. First you need to go to church and buy candles Green colour, preferably expensive, in the amount of 7 pieces.

The magic ritual is best done at 12 o'clock at night when the moon is in its growing phase. The best day for this is Thursday. A new purse should be placed in such a place that the light of the moon falls on it, put candles around it, then light it and say:

Strives and runs cash flow into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, it will only be so. My word is strong. Amen.

After reading the plot, you need to wait until the candles burn out. The remains of candles should be disposed of. A new wallet should always be with you and kept in perfect order. You can’t tell anyone about this ritual, neither relatives nor other close people. Otherwise, the material energy may turn away and it will be quite difficult to pull it back.

Adjusting to the frantic rhythm modern life We rarely pay attention to the little things. Here, for example, the place where our money is stored and the item that everyone has - a wallet, do you attach importance to it appearance, color, condition? But it turns out that all this greatly affects the level of our financial security. And today we’ll talk about how to choose this thing correctly, what to do with the old one after buying it, and how to pronounce a magical conspiracy for a new wallet so that your finances never sing romances.

How to choose the right wallet?

Many do not even think about what kind of energy this thing carries in itself, so they simply buy the first wallet that comes to hand or take the one that they liked purely visually. But esotericists believe that if you do not want to live in poverty and dream of material well-being, you need to approach the issue of purchase deliberately, observing a few simple rules.

  1. Do not buy the cheapest wallet presented - saving on an item with monetary energy is very stupid
  2. Color matters a lot: for attraction financial well-being fit dark colors: black, dark brown, dark gray, and also deep shades of green
  3. The material of the product must be natural
  4. Please note that there are three compartments in the wallet: for large and small bills, as well as for coins - this harmonizes the energy of the item

What should be done immediately after purchase?

Do not immediately run to make a wallet conspiracy for money, first follow these simple recommendations:

  1. First of all, burn the old wallet - while it is in your house, you can not expect financial well-being. During the burning, you can read the words: “Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What used to be in you will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen"
  2. Put in a new product an unchangeable coin or banknote that cannot be spent - it will accumulate the energy of wealth and attract money
  3. To attract money luck it is recommended to put a talisman of wealth inside the wallet, for example, a piece of dried horseradish root, a leaf of mint or green tea, a small piece of paper with an image. You can put a couple of drops in your wallet essential oil patchouli - it will attract material well-being to the owner

After that, you can already perform one of the rituals listed below. Important: you need to read conspiracies for a new wallet on a growing moon so that your income also grows, and does not decrease.

Simple rituals for a purse

A newly purchased wallet can be easily set up to attract monetary luck with the help of special magical affirmations. You can choose any method you like best.

Magic words to say before putting the first bill in your wallet:

“Every time I remember the Lord God, every time I take out a ruble, let the Lord be remembered, and the ruble will increase. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

“Just as money hurries to a coin, so wealth runs to me with joy, flows into a new wallet. And in that wallet there is always a rustle, always ringing, for new clothes, for gifts, and for everything that is sweet to the heart. I say the word, but I do the deed. Amen"

And here is another magical text that can be used to activate financial flows. We put a coin and a bill in a new product, and then we say the following:

“As a penny saves a ruble, so does a coin save money. May they attract with them the streams of good luck, prosperity and wealth. Others will come to the sound of coins and the rustle of banknotes, and all of them will fill my wallet to the brim. For everything I want, I have enough in full. The word is strong, the deed is true. As I say, it will happen!”

Activate money energy with candles

To attract wealth, you can read at home a conspiracy for a new wallet so that money flows. You need to visit the church, buy the seven most expensive green candles there, and then at midnight on Thursday put the wallet on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it, arrange candles around it, light them and say the following text by heart:

“The cash flow is striving and running, into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, it will only be so. My word is strong. Amen"

Let the candles burn out, throw the cinders out the window.

Using the power of the moon

There are special lunar rites which help to attract cash flow. Here are a few of them.

You can read the plot for a new wallet on the new moon. Late in the evening you need to let your hair down (of course, if you are a girl), sit barefoot near the window, put your new wallet in front of you, light a candle (not necessarily a church one, an ordinary one will do), cross it three times, saying the words “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen". Then you need to put two coins inside the wallet - silver and gold, or two jewelry made of similar metals, and then read the text:

“Moon-Moon, silver horns, give my new silver-gold purse so that it grows, fills up and saturates with money. Yes, it will only be so. Amen!"

The second lunar ritual is carried out as follows: on the night of the purchase of the product, the purse must be filled with coins and placed on the windowsill, saying the following magic words three times:

“I speak this wallet for myself (my name) for monetary growth, for prosperity, so that money multiplies and grows in it, as a month grows in the sky and stars multiply from evening until late at night. And if someone wants to take my wallet into their hands, then severe, dull lack of money and 33 misfortunes will fall on this person, which I will not see forever and ever. Amen"

After that, we leave the wallet lying by the window for three nights, and on the fourth day we put any bill in it and start using it.

Ritual with the elements

If nature is close to you, try using a conspiracy for a new 4-element wallet so that money flows. To do this, you need to take salt, water, fragrant stick (incense) with the smell of patchouli or money tree, a candle. Put the purse in front of you on the table and do the following: pass the product over the flame of a candle, through the smoke of an incense stick, throw a pinch of salt on it, and then sprinkle it with water. You need to pronounce the following words: “I carry through the fire - I ask for wealth. I blow air - I add capital. I sprinkle salt - I get money. I wash with water - I attract good luck "

Rite by the pond

If you live near a lake, river or any body of water, you can plot a wallet for money near it. Leaving the house, put any coin that is not out of use in your purse, and then go to the reservoir. Arriving at the place, wet your hand with water three times, sprinkling droplets on the open wallet so that water gets not only outside, but also on the coin, saying the following text each time:

“The water in the river (lake, spring, stream - choose the right one) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkle. So money will always arrive in my wallet, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone.

The coin that lay inside must be spent within the next three days, otherwise the spell will not work.

Use or not folk magic, everyone decides for himself. But these simple rituals really work, especially if a person believes that the Universe will definitely help him.

To increase profits, many people use various methods: some are constantly in the process of looking for a new high-paying job, others develop their business, some invest in gambling- a huge number of options.

However, one of the selected options can be well strengthened if you use the help of higher powers. For people, a wallet has always been a symbol of wealth, so it is hardly possible to come up with a more relevant talisman to attract wealth.

No wonder people call this accessory a money house.

It has the ability to attract money, promotes the magic of wealth, based on money energy. When purchasing a new wallet, do not rush to throw away the old one, it is recommended to use the appropriate conspiracy on the wallet, for example, from Natalia Stepanova. He will make you rich. The ideal time for the ritual is the full moon or new moon. A person can achieve a significant increase in profits at work if he follows the “rules of the game”.

Be sure to follow the rules

In order for a conspiracy or a whisper to be effective, you need to follow some rules, the most important thing is to follow the instructions exactly, do not make any changes to it. This can only be done by professional magicians in exceptional cases. Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, it is recommended that Natalia Stepanova's money conspiracy or whisper be carried out on a new moon or a full moon.

If you do not have the item that is necessary for the ritual, then you better choose another plot. A conspiracy for a new wallet is not a joke, so it’s highly recommended not to carry it out at any time, otherwise you risk making powerful enemies. Each word in the plot matters, so do not rearrange them, do not change them. In every word of the conspiracy you need to invest your energy, feelings and emotions.

Concentrate as much as possible on your desire to earn more money rather than the financial problem itself.

Usually, wallets are given to people already with money, for example, with a piglet. It is better not to waste it, because it will bring you good luck. It is also worth remembering that magic works effectively only in conjunction with your actions. If a person constantly lies on the couch, then he is unlikely to be able to see any money. You don’t need to throw away your old wallet until you read the money plot over the new one.

What to do with a new wallet

Find on lunar calendar the period of the new moon or full moon, at this time the conspiracy, the whisper is especially strong. In the early morning, one coin of different denominations, as well as banknotes, is put into a new wallet. The more money you put into it, the better. Foreign currencies can also be used for this procedure. The most important thing is not to put in it "dead bills" that have gone out of use, for example, Soviet ones. Then you need to say the magic words over the wallet.

Conspiracy "On the wallet"

“The cash flow is striving and running, into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, it will only be so. My word is strong. Amen."

Carry the charmed wallet with you until the evening, only after that you can take out and spend money from the new wallet.

Another ritual with your new wallet is a conspiracy for a wallet with seven candles. Buy the 7 most expensive green candles from the church. Perform the ceremony on the new moon or full moon at midnight, preferably on Thursday night. A new unused purse is placed in a place where moonlight can freely enter.

Around you must place 7 candles, they are set on fire, then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

Conspiracy "On the wallet" on candles

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will go, crossing myself, I will follow my mother on the damp earth, I will cover myself with the sky, I will gird myself with dawn, I will stumble with stars, I will put on a white robe, I will be baptized in Christ. I will make the Life-Giving Cross, I will pray to God. Holy soul, Light unnamed. light unsearchable and hidden, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all darkness of ignorance, make us drunk with the streams of Your knowledge; Restore us, cast down by sin, free, enslaved by passions, healed from every ulcer that lurks in us, by partaking of the Divine and incorruptible Food, the Body and Blood of Christ, we pray Thee, hear us and have mercy. God! You have many things, give me, Your servant, a small fraction of your riches. Daily bread, well-being in the house, a haven on the road, haste in business, an increase in money. Before this, give me, Lord, repentance for sins and justification at the Last Judgment.

After reading the candles should burn out completely, you need to get rid of the cinders. They always carry a new wallet with them, keep it clean, do not carry useless garbage, checks in it.

People read the simplest conspiracy or whisper over an open wallet on a full moon or a new moon, you need to put one single coin in it.

Conspiracy "On the wallet"

“As a coin is collected for money, so happiness with prosperity is collected for me, money flows into a new wallet for a coin. And in a new wallet it constantly rustles and rings, for new clothes, for a shiny ring, and there is enough for everything. My word is strong. To those words of mine, heaven and earth are the key and the lock. Amen."

It should preferably be silver in color, this is done so that you do not confuse it with the rest. It can be dyed red. A coin from a new wallet cannot be given to other people, if this nevertheless happened, then it is better to give the wallet to the new owner.

What will be the result

It will not be difficult for you to guess that with the correct observance of the ritual, you can achieve a significant increase in income. The new wallet will be your reliable ally, a talisman that will increase your ability to earn money. Treat it with care and you will see how effective magic can be. If you follow all the rules, and read the conspiracy or whisper of Natalia Stepanova on the new moon or full moon, then the effect will be stunning. Thus, a regular wallet can become a true ally and a tool to increase earnings for many people.

Video: Purse conspiracy

Very often, simple, uncomplicated magic that every person can use helps to solve financial problems. Purse conspiracy - effective method to attract money. If you do not believe in your strength and that you can get rich, then not a single ritual and conspiracy will help you. If you are confident in your strengths and capabilities, then success awaits you, since almost nothing but faith has such a powerful force.

Purse conspiracy

The conspiracy does not have to be pronounced on a new wallet. You can read it on your old one too. Main. So that it is not torn or full of holes.

It is necessary to read the plot on the wallet during the growing moon. You will need to take a penny and put it in your wallet, say: “As the moon walks in a circle, so the money curls around me. My wallet will never see poverty or problems as long as the moon rises every night. Let it be so."

Conspiracy for a new wallet

If you bought a new wallet and want to cast a spell on it, then you first need to charge it with the energy of your money, otherwise all actions will be in vain. To do this, carry money in this wallet for three days. And on the fourth day, you can read a conspiracy for money: “Money went to my wallet, goes and will go.”

A conspiracy on an old wallet to get rid of lack of money

There is also a ritual for an old purse. It is usually carried out in order to get rid of lack of money, debts and financial problems. You need to read it on the waning moon. Take your old wallet, take out all the money from there and put in a nickel. Preferably new and shiny. Speak the conspiracy to the wallet out loud: “I pay off from misfortune and lack of money. Don’t follow me, you cruel misfortune.” After that, throw the wallet away from home with this coin inside.

Using rituals and conspiracies to attract money, you must remember that money will not appear on its own. positive data money conspiracies may be the emergence of new opportunities, a new job or a new source of income. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Esotericists, magicians and psychics say that in order for money to flow, it is necessary to read and perform rituals for a new wallet.

In their opinion, buying a new wallet, a person changes the material energy. And in order for it to act to increase wealth, it is necessary to read certain conspiracies and spells over a new wallet.

If you do everything right, then the wallet itself will begin to attract money in large quantities.

Ritual for a new wallet

In order for money to be found in a wallet, a person must definitely buy a wallet that he especially liked. You should not save on this accessory, it is better to buy exactly the one you like, regardless of the cost.

In addition, there is also a number of criteria to follow when buying a wallet:

  • It must have compartments for large and small.
  • If the wallet has transparent inserts, then they it is better not to take any other documents, as this will impede the flow of monetary energy.
  • It is better if the wallet is a calm color, for example, dark brown is able to protect money from envious glances and help attract positive financial energy.
  • Immediately after buying a new wallet, it is necessary to put a coin with a face value of 1 ruble or 1 kopeck in it and never waste it.

In order to set up a new wallet to attract money, you need to perform a special ritual with it. For this it is necessary put any coin in your wallet, and go with it to any body of water.

On the shore it is necessary wet your hand in water and sprinkle three times on the open wallet so that the droplets fall on the coin itself. In this case, you need to pronounce the following words (preferably out loud):

The water in the river flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkle. So in my wallet money will arrive forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone.

This coin must be spent in the next three days, after the commission.

On the same day, it is desirable to get rid of the old wallet. It is not recommended to give or give this wallet to someone else.

Most the best option deliverance - burning the wallet. You can do this at home. While the wallet is burning, you need to cast the following spell:

Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What used to be in you will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen.

Powerful spells to attract money

In order to have money in the new wallet, over it you need to read special conspiracies. There are several special options strong conspiracies, which will necessarily attract the energy of money.

On the new moon

To conduct it, you need to prepare three different coins: white, gold and copper (it doesn’t matter what time they come from or from which country). They must be put in the wallet and go outside. Looking at the moon, you need to say the following words:

Money is floating in the sky.

They will send me wealth.

Then these coins must be carried with you in your wallet.

On the mouse

Before this rite, need to buy a small size mouse figurine. After that, you need to put it in your wallet and cast the spell:

The mouse sat down, the money came.

To the red wallet

If purchased red wallet, then there is a special conspiracy for this.

In order for money to start flowing into a red wallet, you need to put it in front of you on the growing moon and hold a lit candle over your wallet.

At the same time, say: “With the power of fire - charge!”. Then it is necessary to sprinkle with a pinch of earth and say: “Prosper with the power of the Earth!”. Then sprinkle with water with the words: “Fill with the Power of Water!”. And finally, blow on it and say: "With the power of the Air - multiply!".

After that, put the wallet for a day in the eastern part of the house, and then you can use it.

What prayer should be read?

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and do not be angry at my mortal request. bless me for wealth in a new wallet. As from all eternity everything is bought, and to this day it is famously sold. May God's will not resist your will and my income will rise. As the wallet is filled with prosperity, so for the good my request will be fulfilled. May your will be done. Amen.

This must be done sincerely, while you need to ask not only for material benefits, but also for health, peace and harmony in the family.
