What numbers represent financial wealth. What is money numerology? How to calculate your own money number

Numbers and money are inseparable concepts. Without the concept of number, the very concept of money is impossible. But, as life shows, the “money/numbers” pair does not really obey a person. Despite all forecasts, crises come suddenly, companies suddenly go bankrupt and national currencies collapse in an instant.

A person wants to conquer money, but at the same time refuses to understand the essence of numbers. And this big mistake, which can be corrected by turning to the wisdom of the ancients.

Numerology dates back to the time of Pythagoras, and it may well help in your life. The main thing is that before each operation that you want to carry out with money, find out the secret number of this operation in order to understand in which direction to move on.

Finding out this number is easy. You just need to add all the numbers one at a time until you get a single digit. For example, a friend asked you to borrow 5,500 rubles. Add all the numbers together until you get one number. You will get a “one”, which refers to unfavorable financial numbers (hence, it is not recommended to borrow this amount). And now about all the numbers in order.

Favorable money numbers

Money number 3

The number 3 is the leader in attracting money to the budget. Do you buy securities whether you invest in business development - everything will turn out for you better side and good profit. This number can be safely trusted in all operations related to investment and investment.

Money number 6

The number 6 stands for strength and stability. It is most favorable for shopping and spending. The number 6 is well suited for solid and expensive acquisitions, as well as for paying bills and loans. Also this is the most best number for use in savings.

Money number 8

Eight refers to favorable numbers, but unlike 3-ki and 6-ki, it is much more unstable and tricky. Following this number, be prepared for sharp rises and similar declines in capital. However, numerology says that despite such jumps, the eight will invariably lead you to victory.

If you want to learn more about numerology, calculate your individual success code and learn the magic of numbers, then you can listen to a free course “Numerology of personality. How to change your life.

Unfavorable money numbers

Money number 1

This is one of the most unfortunate numbers and it is advisable not to use it at all for money matters. This number is barren, it has no continuation. A unit can be multiplied by itself countless times, but the result will always be the same - the same unit. So it is in money matters: make some kind of investment with a secret number "1" and, in best case, get nothing, and at worst - lose everything.

Money number 2

This is the number of empty and meaningless spending. And this can concern not only solid investments, but also ordinary purchases. For example, if you purchase household appliances for a price whose secret number is two, then be prepared for a quick breakdown or bad job. When lending, be prepared for the fact that the money will not be returned to you.

Money number 7

Seven is considered a lucky number... but only in the spiritual realm. She has an incredibly strong energy, but in money matters she works in the negative. So let's say, here the incompatibility and irreconcilability of the spiritual with the material is fully manifested. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid any operations related to the seven and not even store amounts in the wallet, the secret number of which is equal to seven.

Ambiguous monetary numbers

Money number 4

The four sides of a rectangle from the time ancient egypt associated with the concept of work. Therefore, in money matters, the four will support only those who are ready to work hard and are not afraid of difficulties. That is, you won’t get lucky like with a troika. The four will give luck completely into your hands, and your success will depend only on your efforts.

Money number 5

Five is a symbol of risk, according to numerology. In money matters, a five is an opportunity. By performing any operations with this number, you can both hit the jackpot and stay with nothing. But, as they say, who does not risk ... This number is best suited for shopping and spending, and even better than six.

Money number 9

The number of wisdom that everything material bypasses. Nine will be a bad sign for any attempt to both save something and spend money on something. This is the number of enlightenment and can only bring good luck if the amount under its protection is spent on charity and good deeds. Nine, like no other number, is best suited for just such purposes.

That's the whole monetary numerology. As you can see, everything is quite clear and simple. Of course, having studied the favorable and unfavorable numbers, you should not go to extremes and calculate these numbers constantly, even when buying milk and bread. But for larger and more serious money matters, you can turn to numerology and not neglect its help. In our shaky and difficult times, this science may well help you learn how to predict your financial expectations and give confidence in the future. .

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Financial well-being, financial success, material wealth of a person depends not only on his business and entrepreneurial abilities, efforts, perseverance and ambition, but also on his personal wealth number, - numerological code, which is calculated by the date of birth and the full name of the person.

Personal wealth number, also known as personal Money Number or Work Number- these are the prerequisites for wealth, the financial opportunities that are given to every person at birth. Knowing your wealth number, you can properly build relationships with money; decide which direction to take own business or work in a company; act alone or with a partner who will complement your abilities.

How to find out your Number of Wealth, work and money?

To calculate the Number of Money, Work and Wealth, you need to add all the numeric matches of the letters of the full name (they can be found in) with the date of birth (without month and year) and collapse the result to a single digit (from 1 to 9).

Important! The numerological code of wealth is calculated by full name (full name) and shows the monetary potential of a person, what he could have under an ideal set of circumstances. If you, introducing yourself to superiors or business partners, are used to calling yourself by your first and middle name, or simply by your first name, then the wealth code calculated from them will show what you have at the current time. That is why it is useful to calculate the number of Wealth by the full name (full name) and compare the result with the number of Wealth calculated by the name by which you usually call yourself.

The personal Number of Wealth, Work and Money should not be confused with, which is calculated for financial objects and has other meanings.

Online calculation of personal Wealth Number

Enter the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth in the field and click the "Calculate" button. For example: Izotov Nikolai Vladimirovich was born on June 6, 1994. To find out his wealth number, enter in the field: Nikolay Vladimirovich Izotov6.

1 — People who have the vibration of “one”, striving to be the first everywhere and in everything, do not count on anyone and try to do everything on their own. As a rule, they receive good material rewards for their work, but they rarely become millionaires, since they are more attracted to the work process itself, and not to the accumulation of capital.
"Ones" are encouraged to work in private business or in enterprises with advanced ideas and principles. These people should have their own, separate area of ​​work, for which they bear full responsibility.

2 — The owners of the "two" always find those partners who complement their talents and abilities, help create the conditions under which they successfully realize their potential. People of this Wealth Number achieve a stable financial position by working with someone in a pair or in a team. They are suitable for those activities that are associated with communication, collective creativity.

Twos become truly rich either by opening their own business with a reliable partner, or by receiving a large inheritance.

3 — "Threes", being creative and artistic natures, love money. However, wealth comes to these people only when they manage to connect their lifestyle and their desires with business activity. In other words, the Troika can make the most capital if their work is related to fashion, entertainment, and recreation.

If at the same time such a person has real talent or luck, then he will be in demand and very rich, and if neither one nor the other is present, then he will spend his whole life doing odd jobs. Although, there is also a high probability of receiving an inheritance or a large loan.

4 — People who have the vibration of the "four" in life are given nothing for nothing. They achieve everything only by hard work, refusing entertainment and recreation. However, they do not have to worry about their daily bread. Even if their financial flow is not always large, it is stable and reliable.

The greatest income for the people of the "four" will bring work that requires a careful and meticulous approach - their ability to analyze everything and everything will make such a person a highly paid specialist.

5 — "Fives" are rarely low-income, because they have a variety of talents, are easy-going and quickly change their field of activity if circumstances require it. They often make a fortune through travel, business trips, and working with foreign partners.

People with the vibration of the "five" are sensitive to change and able to adapt to circumstances. Such abilities allow them not to lose money even where others suffer losses.

6 — Money loves people who have the vibration of the "six", they literally flock to them, albeit in small, but stable streams. Such people achieve the most significant success in the family business, in conditions of mutually beneficial cooperation with like-minded people. Areas that can also bring success are education, law, healthcare, and the hotel business.
The peculiarity of the people of the "six" is that the more they give to others, the more they themselves receive. If, for some reason, they do not have the ability or desire to give, they run the risk of finding themselves in very cramped financial conditions by the end of their lives.

7 — The people of the "seven", as a rule, have little interest in the financial side of life, they are not commercial personalities. Moreover, they tend to spiritual growth rather than increasing prosperity. These people are able to work for an idea, so they can live a life of poverty, doing the thing that really fascinates them.

"Sevens" should do science: psychology, history, astronomy, the study of the unknown. So they will be able to receive both moral satisfaction and material reward, which will provide them with a comfortable life.

8 — The life of the G8 people is focused on a specific result, while they can even engage in unloved business, the main thing is that any of their work be adequately paid. Such a person is not interested in work as such, he will never work on sheer enthusiasm.
The calling of the people of the "eight" - financial activities, because they know how not only to earn money, but also to invest it so that they work and bring additional profit. These people will always have as much money as they personally need for a comfortable life.

9 — People with the vibration of the "nine" often strive for global activities, through which they can benefit all of humanity. At the same time, they expect that all their aspirations will be immediately paid for, and they harm themselves with their impatience.

"Nines" can achieve a strong financial position, and sometimes wealth, if they receive confirmation that their work and efforts will be rewarded without fail. Oddly enough, working with charitable organizations and public funds.

Our daily life is surrounded by numbers. Numerical values ​​haunt us literally at every turn.

But how many have thought about the existence of the so-called numerology of money?

Many of you have noticed that there are people who are constantly lucky in money matters. They easily find a decent job for themselves and it seems that the money seems to flow to them like a river. Others, on the contrary, try in vain to attract money into their lives.

The thing is that, according to numerology, there is a special monetary matrix for each person individually, as well as special lucky money numbers, using which you can properly use your financial flows.

Personal calculation

In order to define specifically monetary number According to numerology, it is necessary to carry out fairly simple calculations. All of them are based on your full name. Add up all the numbers that correspond to the letters in the table below.

Let's take a specific name as an example:

  • Eliseev Ivan Sergeevich
  • Eliseev: 6+1+10+7+6+6+3=39=3+9=12
  • Ivan: 10+3+1+3=17
  • Sergeyevich: 7+6+6+4+6+6+3+10+1=49=4+9=12
  • The result is a number: 12+17+12= 41= 4+1= 5

Significance of the results obtained

When calculating, you should get a certain number up to the number 22 inclusive. Thus, the personal numerology of money is calculated. Now let's analyze what each number matters in monetary numerology.

  1. A person whose money number corresponds to the number 1 will receive the greatest profit from intellectual activity that is associated with various trips, this is the number of the road. For example, attracting money will be most likely through business trips.
  2. Those who have the number 2 have a great propensity to spend money, they should be careful in this matter. The most suitable profession for them will be in the field of accounting related to finance.
  3. They strive for luxury, they want to get easy money. You need to be very careful with the people around you, trust only trusted partners.
  4. Very hardworking people who are able to earn money in almost any field of activity. But you should be very careful in your spending, you can accumulate a lot of debt.
  5. This number is positive enough to receive money. Such people easily receive the desired amounts, in addition, it is possible to receive a large inheritance. But at the same time, you need to watch your financial condition to keep everything under control.
  6. By investing their cash right, such people are able to create attraction of money in their lives without much effort. By itself, the number 6 already has special monetary vibrations.
  7. Money will come from different places with a certain frequency, but very stable. Unjustified risks should be avoided.
  8. The thirst for big profit, the desire to get income from everywhere can lead to big expenses. Such people should be more attentive to their partners and check the sources of income more carefully.
  9. A person has a great desire to achieve financial well-being, he uses his savings very sensibly. You need to listen to your inner voice, the most profitable investments will be in investment.
  10. Gambler. Strives to receive money through various lotteries and gambling. And he succeeds, but there are also major losses, so you should not abuse your luck.
  11. Such people have a very developed power of persuasion. There are always a lot of like-minded people around them who can support in Hard time and increase savings.
  12. There is a double attitude to money, then ups, then small falls. Most often, people are very hardworking, with sufficient effort, they can easily and quickly achieve the desired result.
  13. If a person is satisfied with the work, then he is able to achieve very good results in his business, money will be easy for him to get.
  14. How honest a person is depends on his income. Only honesty in work and relationships with colleagues will help such people make good profits.
  15. People with original ideas, very addicted. Getting money comes through the embodiment of the most daring ideas, while you should be persistent and persistent in your endeavors.
  16. Hardworking people earn money through hard work. They are also able to spend them quickly. Partner support required.
  17. A person receives profit from different places. Such people can have a main job, but at the same time implement their intended interests. The travel industry is very successful.
  18. Upon receiving the desired amount of money, he is able to multiply it many times without making any special efforts.
  19. This figure indicates that a person needs not to be afraid of large projects, to be decisive, then luck will smile, and money will easily come into his life.
  20. Initiative people. They get a stable income, they know how to properly manage their finances. Profit is possible through good gifts, inheritance.
  21. A man with a developed sense. It is recommended to play on the stock exchanges. A very useful number that can attract good profits.
  22. Not good good figure for money, but if you have stocks for the future, you can avoid financial holes.

Digit Meanings

In order for money to bring even more income to its owners, some features in the numerology of numerical values ​​should be taken into account. Each person can attract the necessary amount to himself, knowing certain numerical values ​​​​of money.

The meaning of numbers in relation to money:

  • 0 is the so-called empty number, no result. If you have a desire to accumulate a certain amount, then you do not need to start with it, most likely this will not bring the result you need.
  • The unit itself begins the number series, this is a good number to start a project or business. In general, a positive figure in monetary numerology.
  • 2 - deuce, as a rule, is considered a useful number for money, it is able to double profits, you can get good result. However, you should try not to lend such amounts in which there is a figure 2. That is, 200, 2000 and so on.
  • 3 is a very active money number. It is suitable for business development, in order to spend amounts with numbers 3. This is the number of acquisitions. In order to save money, it is not very suitable, but when buying something, you can get very good results.
  • 4 is a very stable number. It symbolizes average prosperity, but very stable. If four partners open their own business, then you can be sure that everything will go well, of course, there are no immediate ups and downs, but the company will develop very steadily, and the profit will be constant. If you keep funds in the amount of 40, 400 and so on, then you can be sure that nothing will happen to them. A very good stable number for money.
  • 5 - intended for various expenses. If you are going on a trip, then it is best to take cash with you in just such an amount. Five will bring positive emotions from shopping, entertainment. If you keep a five in your wallet, then you can attract easy money to your wallet.
  • 6 is not a good number for money. It is very weak financially. It entails a need, a lack of funds. Such money will be enough only to survive. It can attract everyday routine worries, chores.
  • 7 - it is believed that if you store savings in amounts with sevens, this can bring good luck. This lucky number. And also use this number in card numbers and pin codes.
  • 8 is a very changeable money number. With it, you can make big profits if you know how to take risks correctly. It is necessary to follow external changes in the world, to keep up with the times, then you can get rich very well.
  • 9 is a neutral monetary number. In savings, it is unlikely to bring great results, but it can be used for donations, spending for your own personal purposes. Symbolizes life experience and wisdom in business and life.

To achieve financial well-being, diligence, knowledge of one's business is necessary, but knowledge of some numerological laws will be very useful.

Using the knowledge gained in the numerology of money in the practice of accumulating funds, you can achieve great results, the main thing is the desire. Author: Marina Turcan

In the article you will learn:

Lucky banknote with number 888 - a magnet for money

Every person has dreams and desires, maybe you, like me, have a huge list of desires that you intend to realize. Desires can be of the most diverse plan - from health for all family members to a two-story yacht.

  • Only one point connects all desires - they all rest on the material side of the issue. Almost every dream requires money. And for money, you need a lucky bill with the number 888!
  • Of course, of course, there is still work to be done; get along with the team; realize what you want; take risks and so on. But we will leave this boring routine for tomorrow and dive into the world of energies, feng shui and magic.

It is believed that if you become the owner of a lucky bill with the number 888 , then your the wallet will attract a lot of cash. Because the number 8 is the number of financial well-being, as well as just a universal lucky number.

Especially in China, since the number 8 sounds similar to the phrase "growth and prosperity." And the triple repetition of the eight triples the magic, since 3 is a divine and happy number.

In order for the attraction of energy to work, you must put such a bill in your wallet and under no circumstances spend it. She is happy, but it’s not worth distributing happiness left and right.

Who is the lucky one?

How to understand that you are the owner of such a happy and money talisman? If you see 3 eights in a row on a bill, then you are very lucky! From my own experience I will say that you first have to work hard to find such a bill! When I found it, I folded it into a triangle and put it in my red wallet.

There are other lucky numbers and you need to know them in person so that the streams of wealth do not run around you.
Number 128
Room 777
And number 888(as already said)
She are yours the best helpers in attracting the energy of money according to Feng Shui. I advise you to definitely read the article on how to quickly attract good luck and money to the house.

Banknote with the number 128 at the end

Many people are interested not only in the number 888, but also in the number 128. Especially if the latter is at the end (but this is not so important). And I'll explain why.

People say this combination is the most light a combination of numbers to attract money. In order for it to work, you need to put it in a money place. For example, a wallet. Or just carry it with you all the time. You can keep this bill for yourself or give it to loved ones people - for their well-being and financial luck.

Since you are interested in various lucky numbers and banknotes, you will surely be interested to know how magic and imagination will make your wish come true as soon as possible. In the article you will learn Simoron rituals with money and visualization methods.
Tell me, did this method help you and do you believe that by applying feng shui methods you can attract more wealth into your life?

I have always believed and believe in money rituals. I also have a picture Ganesha lay in my wallet for many, many years and I specially selected a red wallet. In the end, you know, it's always nice to have some rituals and rituals. At least just to cheer up (well, for money, of course: D)
Sincerely ,

Numerology covers many spheres of life, not bypassing the topic of money, especially since banknotes are measured in numerical terms.

If there are numbers, then there is an account. By applying simple numerological secrets, you can succeed in achieving material wealth. Consider which numbers attract money, and which, on the contrary, act unfavorably. Knowing the influence of numbers will give answers to many questions, for example, how much to put into a bank account, at what cost to evaluate your services, how much to get a loan, how much to lend and how much to donate to charity.

How to calculate the numerological value of the amount of money?

It's very simple. Sum all the digits of a number. The result is the value of the numerological value. For example, you are considering whether to borrow a certain amount of 2,500 rubles. We add up all the available digits of the number: 2+5+0+0 = 7. We get the numerological value of this amount: 7. And if so, then this amount should not be lent. Why? Seven is an unfavorable figure for the material sphere, from which it follows that the debtor may have problems with the fulfillment of obligations. Offer a loan of 2400 rubles, the numerological value of which is 6, or 2100, which in the sum of the numbers will give 3. Six and three are the numbers of wealth, so you can be sure that these numbers can increase your wealth. Let's talk about the features of numbers in more detail.

Three, six, eight - wealth numbers

Number "3"

Three is the ideal number for increasing wealth. This number literally attracts new financial opportunities, increasing capital. If you intend to invest in expanding your business, take advantage of numerological knowledge: the number "3" is very favorable in this sense. You can safely operate with a sum of money that has a numerological value of "three": lend or borrow, determine the cost of your services by this number. If you have an electronic wallet, choose a password for it so that all its digits add up to "three". So you increase all the chances that the funds in your e-wallet will increase noticeably.

Only one should take into account such a feature of the three as continuous movement, which is why the three is an unsuitable value for the accumulation of funds. There is no need to save such an amount for storage, it is better to put it into circulation so that it works to improve your situation here and now.

Number "6"

Six is ​​another number suitable for attracting wealth. Unlike the three, in the six there is something more connected with the routine. For the purpose of daily expenses, it is desirable to spend an amount whose digits add up to the number six. You can use the six by paying loans, shopping, buying clothes. Keep in mind that six is ​​the number of stability. It turns out that amounts equal to six are ideal for saving money. This means that you can put such an amount on a deposit or put it in reserve. At the same time, money will multiply and work for you. You will not have the desire to send them in a dubious direction.

Number "8"

Eight is a controversial number. It has a constant financial instability. figure eight then
increases or decreases profits. But be that as it may, "8" is the number of wealth. Therefore, no matter how the case ends, you will still win. The collapse does not threaten you. If you start bold projects, you can be confident in your endeavors. If you have a balanced nervous system, test the eight in achieving financial results. With it, you can both achieve great success, and simply return all the money spent. All risks will be minimized.

One, two, seven - not money numbers

Number "1"

In the field of finance, a unit is not the most successful value, since its position is not many better than zero. From the unit you can not expect income. This number is a symbol of poverty. Make sure that you never have the number "1" in your money transactions. The unit will not lead you to prosperity, no matter how other circumstances contribute to it. Avoid using such amounts. Even if you don’t have exactly 100 or exactly 10,000 monetary units in your wallet, because the vibration of poverty comes from zeros, enhanced by the value of one.

Number "2"

Two also radiates the vibration of poverty. Let financial transactions not involve amounts whose numerological value is reduced to two. The number "2" is able to divide and divide other numbers. In the monetary sphere, the deuce symbolizes deceit and theft. If any thing is bought for an amount with a value of "2", it will quickly fail or simply turn out to be unnecessary. If you lend an amount equal to two in a digital value, there is a high probability that it will never be returned. Two is a symbol of empty expenses. It is also not recommended to lay out money in two wallets. If you are going on a trip, do not divide the money into two piles or two pockets, it is better to put them in four different places.

Number "7"

The number seven is a very lucky number in numerology. But in the accumulation of wealth, it will not bring success. Seven is a symbol of spirituality, which means given number the opposite of everything material. That is why you should not lend an amount with a value of "7". Do not borrow or lend such an amount, do not put it in storage either. Avoid the seven in dealing with money matters if you do not want to face material needs.

The number "4" is the number of stability

Four is a symbol of stability. If in the solution of your financial issues the amounts with the vibration of the number "4" appear, well-being in the material sphere is guaranteed to you. Just remember that the four support those who are not afraid of hard work. Thus, do not expect money to rain from the sky by allocating $ 4,000 or another amount with a value of four for business development. Of course, you will not be left without money, but in order to make a profit, you will need to work hard. If you need to pay utility bills, purchase goods for home and family, feel free to use the vibration of the number "4". Amounts that result in a four are favorable for saving them for the future. The amount you deposit into your account is unlikely to multiply quickly. But this money is ideal for contingencies.

The number "5" is good for spending

The number five is favorable for anything new in the financial sector. Five belongs to the numbers material well-being, but does not always attract wealth like a three, six or eight. The five is somewhat associated with risk, so it all depends on the case, as they say: "or pan, or lost." But the five have something else, no less important quality: It is very favorable in terms of costs. Spend the amounts that eventually give the number "5" with pleasure - for relaxation, entertainment and everything that brings joy. Under this condition, all the money spent will return to you in the near future. Attention! The number "5" is not suitable for accumulation. Everything that you put off will go away for other purposes and much earlier than the allotted time.

Number "9" - for charity

Nine is not the most monetary number. It does not help in increasing wealth. The number "9" helps a person to realize the hidden wisdom of true happiness, which is not material. Therefore, if you have an amount equal to the number "9" in your hands, it will bring good luck if you give it or donate it to those in need.

The science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on the surrounding reality, life, character and destiny of a person, could not ignore the financial sphere of life, the topic of money and wealth, especially since banknotes are measured in numbers. Finance and the science of numbers are closely related to each other - based on the laws and methods of numerology, you can determine which numbers and dates attract money and which repel; find out how much you can borrow and lend; when to take risks financial operations, and when it is impossible to do this in any case; what amounts are better to put aside in the form of savings, and what amounts to spend on recreation and entertainment.

For such calculations in numerology, the principle is used - when, to obtain the final numerological index, the numbers and letters of the object under study are reduced to a base number. So, for example, to find out what amount of money is successful for financial transactions or whether the price of the purchased item is happy, it is enough to add up all the numbers in the initial amount and reduce them to the base one (suppose the amount of interest is 22550, as a result of folding we get the base number 5: 2+2+5+5=14=1+4=5). In the same way, you can find a lucky bill that will attract money and wealth to you: the letters (their numerical values) and the numbers that make up the series and number of the bill are reduced to the base number (for example, a bill with the BU series and number 2694981 has a monetary the numerological index will be 2: 2+6+2+6+9+4+9+8+1=47=4+7=11=1+1=2).

You can calculate the monetary numerological index for everything related to finance and money: for a specific date (by adding the numbers of the day, month and year), for an enterprise or firm (by summing the numerical values ​​of the letters included in its name), for an electronic wallet number or credit card, to determine the amount that is better to keep in your wallet, etc. To simplify the process of calculating the monetary numerological index, you can use the online calculation form below - just enter the numbers and letters of the object of interest in the field and click the "Calculate" button - the online calculator will calculate the index and show the result. By clicking on the link corresponding to the received index, you can find out its value.

Online calculation and values ​​of the monetary numerological index


Money numerological index:

Money numerological index "1"

"Unit" is far from the most successful value in the financial and monetary area. This is due to the fact that the energy vibrations of this figure are not much different from "zero". From the "unit" you should not expect income, an increase in profits or significant cash savings. Moreover, it symbolizes poverty and poverty. Therefore, we must try not to operate with amounts of money at all, the numerological index of which is equal to “one”, and make sure that the number “1” never appears in actions with money - it will not lead to financial well-being and prosperity, no matter how other factors contribute to it. You should not keep in your wallet, borrow or lend exactly 10, 100, 1000 or 10,000 monetary units - "zeros" radiate the energy of poverty, amplified by the vibrations of "ones". It is also better to completely abandon any financial transactions on days whose dates are ruled by the number "1".

Money numerological index "2"

The "two" in the financial sphere symbolizes austerity, a lack of something, a sense of duty, the need to share and share, give and sacrifice, empty and unnecessary expenses. Therefore, in financial transactions, you should not use those amounts whose numerological index is equal to "two". If any thing is bought for an amount with a value of "2", then it runs the risk of quickly failing or being simply unnecessary. If you are paid an amount equal to 200, 2000 or 20000, remember - after a short-term joy of success, your expectations will be in vain. Therefore, when discussing the amount of remuneration or salary, avoid such figures. Let the amount about which in question, will be at least a penny more or less.

"Two" in the field of finance also symbolizes deceit, theft and fraud. Borrowing or borrowing 20, 200, 2000 or 20,000 monetary units, or doing it on days whose dates are ruled by the number "2", means not having a guarantee of repayment of the debt. Moreover, this money will go away like water in the sand: nothing useful will be bought with it, but everything will be spent. It is also not recommended to keep money in two banks, purses or pockets at the same time, and when going on a trip, you should not divide money and put it in two different places.

Money numerological index "3"

"Three" - the number is open and dynamic, it symbolizes the emergence of a new quality, opportunities, the growth of small to larger and indicates financial opportunities and additional income. "Three" is the best number for increasing and increasing capital, it literally attracts finances to the wallet, attracts additional financial opportunities, and significantly increases material well-being. You can safely invest an amount of money equal to the “troika” in business development, lend this amount, borrow it, or make money transactions on days whose dates are under the vibration of the number “3”. It is also better to set the price for services in such a way that in total it gives this figure.

However, when operating with amounts with the numerological index "3", it should be remembered that this figure indicates more about expenses and the movement of capital than about its accumulation, therefore it is difficult to put aside 30, 300, 3000 or 30,000 banknotes for a "rainy day" - always there will be a temptation to climb into the piggy bank and start emptying it. Therefore, you should not put aside such an amount for storage - it is better to put it into business so that it constantly works, brings additional income and improves financial well-being.

Money numerological index "4"

"Four" - a symbol of a stable financial situation, average income, wages, pensions, savings for a "rainy day". It is also financial predictability and reliability, and therefore a well-deserved guarantee for the future, which was achieved by our own work. All financial transactions with amounts that result in the number "four" or are committed on days whose dates are under the control of the number "4" lead to a stable financial situation and an average income. The postponed 40, 400, 4000 or 40000 will never disappear, and they are spent only in that case and for those purposes that were planned in advance. The “four” is interest on bank deposits and the family budget, household purchases and monthly utility bills, and installments for purchases on credit. It is also a sign of reasonable savings and the possibility of budget planning.

In terms of amounts with the numerological index "4", it should be remembered that this figure is also the number of hard work. Therefore, you should not expect that money will fall from the sky - they will undoubtedly be, but for this you will have to work hard. Cash rewards with a numerological index of "four", as a rule, do not delay and pay regularly, but it takes a long time to wait for an increase. Perfect option for those who like to live in abundance and do not like to take risks, small regular receipts of money from four different places.

Money numerological index "5"

"Five" is a kind of signal that the time has come to easily spend money or dispose of what you have earned. The energy vibrations of this figure incline to expenses and purchases, promise an increase in capital in the future, and call for long-term planning. Often the "five" brings happiness and good luck in financial endeavors, but this number is always associated with a certain risk. With fives, you can go all-in and win, but you can also lose everything. This also applies to days whose dates are under the energy vibration of the number "5".

To accumulate wealth, the number "five" cannot be used in any case, it is unnatural to store amounts with such a numerological index "in a jar": everything will be spent much ahead of schedule or for other purposes. But spending these amounts on entertainment, pleasure or recreation is easy and pleasant. Therefore, it is these amounts that you should take with you on trips, on vacation, to a restaurant. "Fives" are better spent on gifts for loved ones, on something romantic, cordial and sincere. Moreover, this should be done exclusively with pleasure, so that it brings positive emotions. In this case, everything spent will definitely return a hundredfold in the very near future.

Money numerological index "6"

The "Six" in the field of finance governs common sense and calculations and is responsible for routine periodic, habitual and everyday amounts. For example, for food, for the repair of clothes and shoes, all installment payments and loans. Therefore, the amounts with the numerological index "6" should be spent on such daily needs and it is better to engage in these operations on days whose dates are under the energy vibration of the "six".

Amounts and dates with index "6" are great for accumulating wealth. Money signs in the amount of 60, 600, 6000 or 60000, it is best to put it in the bank at interest, on a deposit, or simply put it off for the future. In this case, money will constantly increase and work to strengthen the financial situation, and there will be no desire to spend it unnecessarily. Especially if the above amounts are set aside on a day also managed by the Six.

Money numerological index "7"

Despite the fact that the "seven" is considered very lucky number, for money it is a bad and even dangerous number. Everything material loves stability and stability, but not surprises. And the “seven” is, as it were, opposed to the material and creates situations in relation to property and money that are inexplicable and beyond the control of a person. It is for this reason that you should never lend, borrow, put in a bank, bequeath or keep amounts that ultimately give the number "seven" - they will either disappear or bring only misfortune. For the same reason, and on days whose dates are under the influence of the "seven", any financial transactions should be abandoned.

As already mentioned, the vibrations of the "seven" contain opposition to everything material. Her acquisitions are spiritual world, and losses are a signal for internal change and spiritual development. The numerological index "seven" is an illusion of the reliability of the financial situation and therefore the vanity of mercantile thoughts and efforts. This is the ephemerality of owning something, compared with the accidents of fate and the will of fate. "Seven" is the superiority of the spiritual over the material, of faith over the thing, the idea over reality. Do not be afraid of the "seven", but you should respect it.

Money numerological index "8"

The G8 is a constant movement of money and property, fluctuations around a value established by society and the market. These are indices of financial activity, uptrends and downtrends, bullish and bullish. These are sale and purchase, import and export, profit and loss, income and expenses, wills and inheritances. The vibrations of this number then increase income, then again reduce it. But, despite this, the "eight" is considered the number of wealth, it is ideal for bold projects and minimizes any risks in business. The G8 can be used to achieve financial goals - either tremendous success will be achieved, or everything will simply remain at the same level.

Money numerological index "9"

"Nine" is a number that has very little to do with money, finances and material well-being. Rather, even its vibrations symbolize the lack of money or speak of a loss of interest in financial areas. This is a kind of result, achievement, a situation where the benefits of wealth are no longer obvious. In addition, the numerological index "9" gives wisdom and gives an understanding that happiness is not only in money. That is why the amounts of money that result in the “nine”, and the days whose dates are under its influence, are very favorable for giving something or directing finances to charity.

It is hardly advisable to operate with amounts of 9, 90, 900 and 9000 of any monetary units. And businessmen who mention such amounts during negotiations most likely have neither the initiative nor the desire to earn money. Therefore, if there is a goal of making a profit, you should stay away from such business partners.

Numbers have been of interest to people since ancient times. Today the science of numbers is called numerology; she is able to tell a lot of interesting things, for example, determine lucky numbers. For any of us, numbers are associated with mathematics, and this is an exact science. Perhaps that is why everything that relates to them, the majority inspires confidence. The most important numbers for a person are those that accompany him all his life. They can help determine compatibility when choosing a friend, life partner, business partner, tell about the nature of a newborn child.

Almost no one doubts that any person has a certain program for life, which is determined by the forces of the cosmos at the time of birth. Therefore, it is the date of birth that is considered the most magic number. After all, both the name and surname can be changed during life, but the date of birth remains unchanged.

To calculate the number of the date of birth, you need to count the numbers indicating the year, month and day of birth and reduce to a simple number (from 1 to 9). For example, if a person was born on June 27, 1975, then his magic number is calculated as follows: 2+7+6+1+9+7+5= 37=10=1.

In addition, a certain planet corresponds to the number indicating the date of birth: “1” corresponds to the Sun, “2” to the Moon, “3” to Jupiter, “4” to Mars, “5” to Saturn, “6” to Venus, Mercury - "7", Uranus - "8", Neptune - "9", Pluto - "0" and "10".

The talisman number is the number that is obtained if you determine not only your magic number, but also the magic numbers of your parents, count them and divide by 3. For example, if a person was born on July 13, 1988, and his mother was on August 14, 1965, and father - November 4, 1961, then:


If the number is not an integer, it must be rounded up. In this example, it will turn out 32. Numerologists say that the image of the talisman-number should always be carried with you. For example, embroider on a handkerchief, write on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, write on a watch strap, order a pendant with his image, get a tattoo. The number-talisman protects from failures and troubles, gives strength and self-confidence, attracts good luck in life.

There is an opinion that such a talisman appears at the right time and helps to make an important decision. For example, it appears as the number of a house, apartment, bus, trolleybus. A person ceases to be nervous in difficult situations; fate and the world present him with pleasant surprises, for example, winnings in lotteries (of course, if the talisman number is present in the ticket number). Whenever a person catches the eye of his talisman, any, even very a difficult situation will certainly be resolved favorably.

Another lucky number is the one that is obtained from the first name, patronymic and last name. After all, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to some number: a, i, c, b - "1", b, d, t, s - "2", c, k, y, b - "3", g, l, f, e - “4”, d, m, x, u - “5”, e, n, c, i - “6”, e, o, h - “7”, f, p, w - “8 ”, z, r, u - “9”.

For example, Maria Anatolyevna Ivanova:


For this woman, the lucky number is 3.

Problems can arise if a person changes their first or last name. Most often, this happens to women after marriage. Numerologists believe that a change in a lucky number can radically change not only the character, but also the fate of a person, especially if the values ​​​​of the numbers differ sharply. Therefore, experts advise before changing the surname to determine the number that will be obtained after changing the surname.

You can refer to the following features:

  • "1" - predominance male traits character - leadership, independence, ability to independently make decisions in difficult situations;
  • "2" - the desire in any situation to seek a compromise, to work in a team;
  • "3" - enthusiasm, optimism, sociability, the ability to influence others with words;
  • "4" - the desire to overcome difficulties, the refusal to build a life according to the rules, diligence;
  • "5" - unwillingness to take responsibility, passion for extreme sports, frequent changes of residence, work, partners;
  • "6" - a pronounced sense of responsibility for others, the desire for balance and harmony, the search for benefits in communication;
  • "7" - the ability to analyze, meticulousness, closed character;
  • "8" - competent handling of finances, the desire to convert everything into a monetary equivalent, craving for power and hoarding;
  • "9" - humility, submission to the desires of others, inability to make decisions independently, a tendency to romanticism and daydreaming.

Nothing good awaits a woman in family life if, after changing her last name, her number changes, for example, from 1 to 9. After all, her husband loves her not only for her appearance, but also for certain character traits. If independent woman will begin to turn into a romantic dreamer, pleasing others in everything, the husband will be at least unpleasantly surprised.

Numerologists consider 11 and 22 to be special numbers. “11” is a double unit, but at the same time the number 2. Numerologists say that all those born on the 11th are psychics from birth, guides to other worlds, prone to hypnosis, alchemy and the occult. They have a well-developed intuition, so they easily adapt to people and any conditions, have knowledge that is not available to others, and achieve success in any endeavor. The only drawback is the desire to divide everything into separate components, that is, pettiness, meticulousness, pickiness.

People who were born on the 22nd in character combine the properties of the number 4 and the doubled two. They are contradictory, prudent, both logical and emotional, have an analytical mind and intuition at the same time. They can achieve success both in the economy and in creativity. The disadvantage is too much attention to one's own failures and an inability to see successes. IN Everyday life these people need a partner who constantly reminds them of their virtues.

Lucky numbers for everyone

In addition to individual lucky numbers, there are numbers of luck for anyone and everyone. For example, if you need to determine what is the best thing to do on a particular day, you can use a table compiled on the basis of the fact that single-digit numbers “command” double-digit ones.

It turns out that each day of the month is intended for some specific work and deeds:

  • 1 (10, 19, 28) - any problem is solved favorably, especially if it is related to work or the implementation of legal ideas;
  • 2 (11, 20, 29) - suitable for analyzing the past and planning for the future, you should prefer things that are associated with minimal energy costs and bring satisfaction;
  • 3 (12, 21, 30) - these days are suitable for entertainment and adventure, the start of new projects;
  • 4 (13, 22, 31) - not suitable for complex cases and acute entertainment, it is best to complete the usual, not very difficult cases;
  • 5 (14, 23) - days for risky cases and surprises;
  • 6 (15, 24) - days of comfort, harmony and mutual understanding, not suitable for starting new business at work, but favorable for housework, meetings with family or friends, risk and uncertainty are unacceptable;
  • 7 (16, 25) - days for reflection, study, creative work. Many consider these days happy;
  • 8 (17, 26) - designed for the most important matters, decisions difficult problems, making important transactions and investing (investments will definitely be profitable);
  • 9 (18, 27) - to start large-scale, important things in business, finance, art.

Another way to determine a lucky number for yourself is to find out your zodiac sign and the lucky numbers corresponding to it:

  • Aries -7, 9, 10, 19, 28, 29, 39, 47 and all subsequent numbers containing the number 9;
  • Taurus - 6, 15, 24, 25, 75;
  • Gemini - 3, 7, 13, 16, 25 and all numbers that end in 3;
  • Cancer - 2, 8, 12, 26, 72;
  • Leo - 1, 9, 18, 27, 81, 91;
  • Virgo - 3, 7, 16, 23, 25, 35;
  • Libra - 5, 6, 15, 24, 25, 35;
  • Scorpio - 5, 7, 14, 23, 47, 87;
  • Sagittarius - 4, 13, 14, 24;
  • Capricorn - 3, 8, 12, 18, 28, 30;
  • Aquarius - 2, 9.11, 20, 39, 49;
  • Pisces - 1, 4, 10, 14, 19, 24, 28.

Those who are fond of feng shui know that in the East, the numbers that bring good luck are determined separately for each number. 8 is considered the most important and lucky number, followed by 1 and 6. If you put 2 in front of them, the positive properties are doubled. Therefore, now not only in the East, but also in the West, there are people who are ready to pay big money to get a number for a car or apartment containing 28, 66 or 88.

The numbers 2 and 5 or 2 and 3 are considered unlucky in the East, but only if they are located nearby. But the worst number is 4, which is pronounced “death” in Chinese. To reduce the level of negativity, Feng Shui experts advise circling the number in a red circle. The exception is people who were born on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 23rd or 25th.

In Chinese, the number 8 is pronounced the same as the words "prosperity and growth." The sign "8" is very very similar to the sign of infinity, drawing positive energy from space. Particularly happy are people whose phone number or credit card number ends in 8. The number 28 (according to Feng Shui) gives success in all endeavors, happiness and a lot of money. In China, all spells are cast exactly 28 times. For people who were born on the 28th of any month, luck is tripled.

According to Feng Shui, the critical age (when energy changes) for women is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ... years, for men - 19, 29, 39, 49, 59 ... years. It is believed that at this time it is impossible to go on long trips, move, perform operations using anesthesia.

In Feng Shui, various combinations of numbers are also considered, for example:

2, 5 and 8 - the most favorable, happy combination;

1-6-8 - favorable in any order;

1 and 8 - the opportunity to win a lot of money;

1 and 6, 1 and 8 - success in entrepreneurial activity;

4 and 8 - the opportunity to earn a lot of money, a fortune;

2-8-8 - the ability to quickly and effortlessly get money;

2 and 4 - loss, even death;

2 and 7, 5 and 9 - the possibility of a fire;

2 and 9 - failures in work, entrepreneurial activity;

2 and 5, 5 and 5 - diseases, failures, disasters;

5 and 8 - the probability of losing money;

6 and 7, 6 and 9 - the possibility of dangerous situations.

Numbers and money are inseparable concepts. Without the concept of number, the very concept of money is impossible. But, as life shows, the “money/numbers” pair does not really obey a person. Despite all forecasts, crises come suddenly, companies suddenly go bankrupt and national currencies collapse in an instant.

A person wants to conquer money, but at the same time refuses to understand the essence of numbers. And this is a big mistake that can be corrected by turning to the wisdom of the ancients.

Numerology dates back to the time of Pythagoras, and it may well help in your life. The main thing is that before each operation that you want to carry out with money, find out the secret number of this operation in order to understand in which direction to move on.

Finding out this number is easy. You just need to add all the numbers one at a time until you get a single digit. For example, a friend asked you to borrow 5,500 rubles. Add all the numbers together until you get one number. You will get a “one”, which refers to unfavorable financial numbers (hence, it is not recommended to borrow this amount). And now about all the numbers in order.

Favorable money numbers

Money number 3

The number 3 is the leader in attracting money to the budget. Whether you buy securities, invest in business development, everything will turn out to be the best side for you and a good profit. This number can be safely trusted in all operations related to investment and investment.

Money number 6

The number 6 stands for strength and stability. It is most favorable for shopping and spending. The number 6 is well suited for solid and expensive acquisitions, as well as for paying bills and loans. It is also the best number to use in savings.

Money number 8

Eight refers to favorable numbers, but unlike 3 and 6, it is much more unstable and cunning. Following this number, be prepared for sharp rises and similar declines in capital. However, numerology says that despite such jumps, the eight will invariably lead you to victory.

If you want to learn more about numerology, calculate your individual success code and learn the magic of numbers, then you can listen to a free course “Numerology of personality. How to change your life.

Unfavorable money numbers

Money number 1

This is one of the most unfortunate numbers and it is advisable not to use it at all for money matters. This number is barren, it has no continuation. A unit can be multiplied by itself countless times, but the result will always be the same - the same unit. So it is in money matters: make some kind of investment with a secret number "1" and, at best, get nothing, and at worst, you will lose everything.

Money number 2

This is the number of empty and meaningless spending. And this can concern not only solid investments, but also ordinary purchases. For example, if you purchase household appliances for a price whose secret number is two, then be prepared for a quick breakdown or poor performance. When lending, be prepared for the fact that the money will not be returned to you.

Money number 7

Seven is considered a lucky number... but only in the spiritual realm. She has an incredibly strong energy, but in money matters it works in the negative. So let's say, here the incompatibility and irreconcilability of the spiritual with the material is fully manifested. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid any operations related to the seven and not even store amounts in the wallet, the secret number of which is seven.

Ambiguous monetary numbers

Money number 4

The four sides of a rectangle have been associated with the concept of labor since ancient Egypt. Therefore, in money matters, the four will support only those who are ready to work hard and are not afraid of difficulties. That is, you won’t get lucky like with a troika. The four will give luck completely into your hands, and your success will depend only on your efforts.

Money number 5

Five is a symbol of risk, according to numerology. In money matters, a five is an opportunity. By performing any operations with this number, you can both hit the jackpot and stay with nothing. But, as they say, who does not risk ... This number is best suited for shopping and spending, and even better than six.

Money number 9

The number of wisdom that everything material bypasses. Nine will be a bad sign for any attempt to both save something and spend money on something. This is the number of enlightenment and can only bring good luck if the amount under its protection is spent on charity and good deeds. Nine, like no other number, is best suited for just such purposes.

That's the whole monetary numerology. As you can see, everything is quite clear and simple. Of course, having studied the favorable and unfavorable numbers, you should not go to extremes and calculate these numbers constantly, even when buying milk and bread. But for larger and more serious money matters, you can turn to numerology and not neglect its help. In our shaky and difficult times, this science may well help you learn how to predict your financial expectations and give confidence in the future. .

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For everyone, financial stability is presented in different ways: for some it is the presence of yachts, factories and steamships, for others it is restaurants and beautiful things, for others it is the opportunity to travel, but for the fourth it is just good food, but to find a way to provide for yourself monetary happiness, one ... by all means increase your well-being.

The numerology of money and wealth, monetary numerology can help with this. Like money, this science is connected with numbers, which means that it is she who will answer which numbers will attract finance, and which, on the contrary, will repel. Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to easily answer such questions: “How much can I borrow, and which is better not to borrow?”, “How much money to put in the bank?”, “How much to invest in a business?” and others.

Determination of the numerological number of a given amount of money

So, you have decided to give someone a loan, but you do not know whether to do it or not. For example, you were asked for 1200 monetary units. Calculate what you get numerological number: 1+2+0+0=3. Three is a good monetary figure, so you can give money without worrying that they will not be returned or that it will hit your pocket. If the number is unsuccessful, for example, 7, then you just need to add a little more, 20-30 monetary units, bringing the amount to a favorable numerological figure.
