The poetic text of the epic "Ilya's three trips." fairy tale character

Lesson development (lesson notes)

Primary general education

UMK line L. A. Efrosinina. Literary reading (1-4)

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Lesson objectives

  • Form ideas about the Motherland;
  • instill a sense of patriotism;
  • introduce folklore works;
  • give the concept of the epic as a genre of folklore;
  • learn to compare epics;
  • teach independent reading in the classroom;
  • to form the skill of reading silently (to oneself);
  • develop the skill of expressive reading.


    Understand and explain the concept of "Motherland", identify yourself with your people and your country; compare works of folklore and indicate their features (structure, form, purpose); compare works by genre and topic; independently read the text silently; find and independently read the name of the author and the title, correctly name the work.

Key Concepts

    Genre, theme, epic, folklore
Stage nameMethodological comment
1 1. Revealing the Reading Experience: Working with the Book Exhibition - Many thanks, guys, who brought books with epics. Consider them. Epics about what heroes are found in them? - Do they contain epics about Ilya Muromets? Name them.
2 2. Revealing the reader's experience: working with the text of the work - And now let's remember the epic, which we met in the previous lesson. Tell us about the family of Ilya Muromets. Tell us about the meeting of Ilya Muromets with Kaliki.
3 3. Enriching the reader's experience: working with a new work “Today we are going to get acquainted with a new work. This is the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets." Listen. (The teacher reads, the students follow the text.) - What work did you read? - What is said in this epic? - How do you imagine Ilya Muromets? - Who is the author of this work? - What is the title of the epic? Read.
4 4. Enriching the reading experience: completing tasks in the textbook - How many parts are in the epic? (3.) - Let's make a plan-scheme. - Read the 1st part of the epic on your own. - Vocabulary work. - How can you call this part of the epic? - Read the 2nd part of the epic. - Vocabulary work. - How can you call the 2nd part of the epic? - Read the 3rd part of the epic. - Vocabulary work. - How can you call the last part of the epic?
5 5. Enriching the reader experience: working with a new work - Listen to the epic in poetic form. (The teacher reads an excerpt.) - Compare the excerpt from the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" with a retelling of the same epic. - What set expressions are found in this passage; in the retelling of the epic? Read. - What repetitions are found in this passage; in the retelling of the epic? Read. – Read the section “Pay Attention”.
6 6. Generalization of the studied - What was Ilya Muromets like? Explain.
7 7. Recommendations for independent work Houses - Prepare a summary. - Prepare a story about Ilya Muromets "Ilya Muromets - an epic hero." - Complete the tasks in your notebook.


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TOPIC: Epic-genre of oral folk art. "Ilya's three trips" 1

Ilya Muromets Alyosha Popovich Guess the names and tell me what unites them? Dobrynya Nikitich Bodnyyar Kinichti Shalea Pochivop Iyal Rumocem 2

V. Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs 1881-1898, oil on canvas, 295.3x446 cm Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 3

About the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Heroes” A field stretched wide, expanse. Boundless, irresistible. The free wind hums in the feather grass steppe. High in the summer midday sky, strands of clouds float slowly and proudly. Eagles guard mounds. A gusty whirlwind picked up, dispelled the manes of mighty horses, brought the bitter smell of wormwood. The eye of the frantic Burushka, the beloved horse of Ilya Muromets, flashed. Rough hero. Spear made. A heavy right hand is lifted. Looking far, far away. His friends are wary - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. formidable force in this silent waiting. Sleepless squad. None, not even a winged creature will break through. Vasnetsov worked on this painting for many years. He painfully searched for people with whom to write epic heroes. The prototype of Ilya Muromets was the peasant Ivan Petrov, who worked in Moscow as a cab driver in the winter. In the face of Dobrynya Nikitich, there are features of Vasnetsov himself, his father and uncle. Alyosha Popovich, the artist wrote from young son Savva Mamontov. In the Russian epic tradition, there are many heroes. But Vasnetsov chose these three. Probably because they complement each other well. The powerful, stern Ilya Muromets, the noble Dobrynya and the savvy, dodgy Alyosha Popovich all together form the image of a good force - the defender of Russian borders. This picture is so well known that, wherever the conversation about epic knights goes, everyone remembers these three, standing at the outpost in a field pierced by winds. It seems that they are the most popular and beloved heroes of the Russian people at all times. 4

In the world of Russian epics

“An epic is a story about what happened, what happened, a story that is not fictional and true” V.I. Dal

“The Russian people created a huge oral literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles, funny songs, solemn epics - spoken in a singsong voice, to the sound of strings - about the glorious deeds of heroes, defenders of the earth ...” L.N. Tolstoy

BYLINA is a folklore epic song, a genre characteristic of the Russian tradition. The basis of the epic plot is a heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence vernacular name epics - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action about which in question, took place in the past). The term "epic" was introduced into scientific use in the 40s of the 19th century.

In ancient times, people folded epics. They were performed by folk storytellers to the accompaniment of an old string instrument which is called gusli.

V. M. Vasnetsov. "Boyan"

The origin of the word "hero" Where does the word "hero" come from? There is an opinion that it is borrowed from Turkic languages, where is in various forms- baghatur, bagadur, batur, batyr, bator. Scientists (Schepkin, Buslaev) directly deduced the “hero” from “God” through the medium of “rich”

Scientists classify heroes into older and younger. The senior heroes include Svyatogor, Volga Svyatoslavich, Samson, Sukhan, Polkan, Kolyvan Ivanovich, Don Ivanovich, Dunay Ivanovich and others. Danil Lovchenin and others.

The images of heroes are the national standard of courage, justice, patriotism and strength (it was not for nothing that one of the first Russian aircraft, which had an exceptional carrying capacity for those times, was called the creators of "Ilya Muromets").

"Ilya Muromets". Reconstruction by the Gerasimov method

MONUMENT TO ILYA MUROMTS IN THE CITY OF MUROM ancient Russian hero embodied folk concepts of high moral qualities what a true hero should have. One of the most important qualities of Ilya Muromets is a sense of justice and consciousness of his duty - to stand for the truth. He is ready to go into direct confrontation with the prince, with the boyars, when he sees that they are not acting in truth. He is a national, all-Russian hero. "I'm going to serve for the Christian faith And for the Russian land, Yes, and for the capital city of Kiev, For widows, for orphans, for poor people."

Healing of Ilya Muromets; Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber; Ilya Muromets and the robbers; Ilya Muromets on the Sokol-ship; Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor; Ilya Muromets and Sokolnik; Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar; Ilya Muromets and Idolishche; Ilya Muromets and son.

epic "Ilya's three trips" 17

Dictionary work Flint - Damascus armor - Decoration - Estimate - Mace - Fathom - made of silicon. steel and patterned. decoration, exterior decoration. countless, uncountable wealth. a heavy club with a thickened end. 2.134 meters (3 arshins) 18

Vocabulary work Platynivat - Zapodval - Do not be simple - Hats - Ravens - Barns - convert to the Catholic faith. lock up in the basement. don't be deceived. a warm headdress over a hat. Cloth hood with long ends. black. sheds for storing crops, supplies, goods. 19

Fizminutka 20 We stood up together - one, two, three. We are now rich. We will put our palms to our eyes, We will spread our strong legs. Turning to the right Let's look around majestically. And to the left, you also need to look from under the palms. And to the right, and over the left shoulder. With the letter L we will spread our legs, Like in a dance, arms at the sides. Leaned to the left, to the right, It turns out well!

Conversation 21 - How does an epic look like a fairy tale? What is the difference? - Does the epic look like a poem? How? -Can the actions of Ilya Muromets be called feats? Why do you think so?

In ancient times, storytellers played along on the harp; later epics were performed in recitative. Epics are characterized by a special purely tonic epic verse. Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations, and also changed the timbre of the voice. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Guslar"

V. Vasnetsov. Ilya Muromets. (Fragment of the painting "Heroes") Ivan Petrov, a peasant of the Vladimir province Study for the figure of Ilya Muromets in the painting "Heroes" 1883, oil on canvas, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Ilyina three trips 23

V. Vasnetsov. Knight at the Crossroads Oil on canvas. 1882 Moscow, Russia. State Tretyakov Gallery 24

The plot of a stone at a fork in the road is found in many fairy tales and epics. The stone indicates to the traveler what fate awaits him on each of the diverging paths. Vasnetsov, choosing such a plot for the picture, tried to make it as believable as possible. He wanted to convince the audience that everything told in the epics actually happened, however, in the distant past. The artist was well acquainted with the archaeological research of his time, so he accurately recreated the appearance of the hero of epic times. The landscape is also shown with great historical accuracy - a wild steppe dotted with boulders that the last glacier dragged here. On one of the stones there are outlandish half-erased letters. Whose hand knocked them out? In what immemorial time did this happen? What kind of power begins to control the fate of travelers, as soon as they read the letters promising death, or marriage, or the loss of a horse? The hero is alone in the endless steppe, and there is no one to tell him which path to take. Under the stone lie two skulls, a human and a horse. This is the only clue. If you take too long to choose, you can lay down your head right here without stepping on any of the roads. 25

Summary of the lesson. Reflection 26 Name distinctive features epics. lack of rhyme melodiousness rhythmic narration of exploits hyperbole - exaggeration repeats ...

To the question of what events are told in the epic of Ilyina, three trips are given by the author chevron the best answer is Ilyina's three trips
In the middle of a clean field, At sunset, the sun is red, At sunrise, the month is clear At the outpost of the heroic Slavic Russian heroes gathered for a marching council. We thought and thought about the thought, We equipped ourselves according to the outfits.
Got Ilya Muromets To go to the Western side To the great heroic patrol.
Ilya Muromets left, He reached the Rosstan, Under the western night cloud. Ilya ran into a white stone. The moon peeped out from behind the clouds: Read out, on the Roadside stone, the inscription is Clearly raised:
“To go straight - to be killed! To go to the left - to be married! To go to the right - to be rich! All this is prescribed by fate! » In deep thought, Ilya. He stands, he says to himself: “This is God with you, what is fate: I am ready to fight with fate! Just choose which fate, To fight with it? I don't need a wife, I don't need wealth. Oh, I'll go, well done, I'm going to where it is shown to be killed! »
A black cloud has fallen, It has swallowed up the bright moon. And Ilya Muromets went To the death prescribed by the dark-plant Night. Suddenly, out of the darkness of the night, From behind low bushes, From behind flinty pebbles, Walking robbers, Dogs of night plantains, looked out and jumped out. Their voices are loud, And their shields are cruciform, They have helmets on them, like buckets upside down,
Horse-horses in damask armor. And the title dog-robber Pushes, threatens with a threat: “Stop! Where, villager? Pray before death! »
A good fellow does not pray, He does not bow before a dog.
The bright moon again came out, All the decoration on Ilya lit up: The helmet shone in forty thousand, Yahonta stones shone A hundred thousand in the horse's mane, The horse itself is higher than prices, higher than estimates! It was then that the robbers On wealth and slandered, Each other incited, Incited, incited: “We will kill him, rob him, Separate him from his horse! Ilya waved his club Yes, lightly and hit the leader, And the leader softened from the blow, He swayed, fell, did not get up. A tight bow from a bow, From a quiver a red-hot arrow Ilya took out and let go Into a cracked, bursting oak. Tore, split the arrow Old oak into chips, into cuttings.
Shanks and slivers Scattered, they pleased In the robbers and every one
Lost in a row at once! Ilya turned to the stone. He crossed out the old inscription, He inscribed the new one: “Bogatyr Ilya Muromets was there, but he was not killed. Traveled the path, cleared wide! »
After this visit, Ilya: “I will go,” he says, “to the place Where it is shown to be married! » Meadows, mountains, rivers and fields Ilya Muromets galloped, Red stone palaces came in large numbers. Strings of girls came out to him, met the young man.
All beautiful, friendly, All obsequious, affectionate, Fun conversations About marriage, about the wedding. “Wait a minute with this wedding! Seven times I measure, Yes, I cut once! »
Red maidens hurry: On tables, on table-tops Lay charming tablecloths, They put overseas wines, They drink the good fellow to drink, They hasten with betrothal-wedding. Without success! Only laughter Ilya whole year, go, do not make fun! “You would be better, beauties, Would take me to the bedroom: I would sleep and rest from the road! "- Says Ilya Muromets. A beauty came up, took away Ilya Muromets,

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Ilya Muromets

"Three trips of Ilya Muromets" (the text of the epic in the retelling of I. Karnaukhova)

kalach kalach terem 1066.8 meters Verst high residential building or part of it granular

upper room pud the smallest monetary unit in Rus'

Epics "Ilya's three trips" and "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" General Differ

“Here Ilya forever glory and honor went ...”

Homework: Prepare a retelling of one of the trips on behalf of Ilya Muromets

What did we get? Learned... Read... Compared...

Internet resources:


Date______ Lesson #____5____ Grade __4__

Subject : "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" (the text of the epic in the retelling of I. Karnaukhova)

Target: continue to introduce students to the epic as folk genre; to acquaint students with the retelling of I. Karnaukhova, to help see the difference between poetic and prose text; to form the skills of expressive and conscious reading; contribute to the education of independence and mutual control, broadening one's horizons and vocabulary deepening interest and love for literature and reading.

Equipment : textbook, epic text, illustrative material, presentation

Lesson type : combined

Planned educational outcomes:

Subject: know the content of the epic, read it expressively, name signs epic genre, answer questions, give a description of Ilya Muromets, are able to use the knowledge gained to perform creative tasks;

Personal: understand the importance of reading fiction; adequately judge the reasons for their success / failure in work in the lesson; have a positive attitude towards learning activities, cognitive interest to educational material;


cognitive -

general education : formulate questions and answers on the topic under study; listen carefully, build speech statements; express and justify their opinion;

brain teaser : show independent thinking, the ability to analyze language material, generalize, draw conclusions;

regulatory - correctly perceive and understand the educational task, plan their action in accordance with the task; carry out self-mutual control;

communicative– know how to interact constructively in work, learn to listen and evaluate each other, adequately perceive praise and comments.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time. Greetings.
  2. Updating of basic knowledge
  1. Checking d / z. Read prepared responses.
  2. Checking theoretical knowledge. The yes-no game

Chronicle is a genre of folklore (no)

Recorded in chronicles historical events by years (yes)

Epics could sing like songs (yeah)

The heroes of the chronicles were simple people(No)

Heroes of epics were heroes and defenders native land(Yes)

- “Three trips of Ilya Muromets” is a chronicle (no)

The singing of epics was accompanied by playing the harp (yes)

The chronicle describes tragic death Prince Oleg (yes)

The chronicle told how Prince Oleg raised his banners over the gates of Constantinople (no)

Ilya Muromets went straight at the crossroads (yes)

  1. Motivation for learning activities

In the last lesson, we learned about the first trip of Ilya Muromets from a roadside stone. And how many more roads departed from the stone? (three) What is the name of the epic? (“Three trips ...”) Did Ilya Muromets travel along these roads? (yes) Are you interested to know what happened to the hero during these trips? (…)

  1. The stage of determining the topic and goal setting

Read the name of the epic in the textbook and write it down, supplementing the topic. Read it in full. Set goals for this lesson by completing the sentences?


  1. Work on the material of the new topic

Vocabulary work.

Let's find what these words mean (to establish a correspondence between the word and its meaning):

Verst - 1066.8 meters or 1 km 67 m (approximately).

tower - a raised, tall residential building or part of it.

grainy kalachi- consisting of individual particles, grains; grainy.

burner, mountain- room upstairs, on the top floor

pood - 16 kg

polushka - the smallest monetary unit in Rus'

Work with text.

Reading an epic. Understanding what has been read.

- Did you like the continuation of the epic?

- briefly tell about the second trip of Ilya Muromets.

- How did Ilya Muromets guess that the princess was up to no good?

- who was saved by Ilya Muromets?

- what did Ilya Muromets get on the third trip?

Why didn't Ilya Muromets become rich?

Physical education minute

Compare the texts of the epic "Ilya's three trips" and "Three trips of Ilya Muromets." What do they have in common, how do they differ? (Filling out the table)

Sample Answers

General : main character- Ilya Muromets, tells about his trips, remembers a stone at a crossroads; The second text is a continuation of the first.

Differences : the first text is poetic, the second is prose; the first is like a song, the second is like a story; in the first, a connection with nature is visible, in the second there is no such connection.


Did you like Ilya Muromets? What exactly? If you met Ilya Muromets, what would you say to him? Do you think they fulfilled last words epics? (“Here Ilya forever glory and honor went”) Look at the monument to Ilya Muromets in one of the cities of our homeland, Vladivostok.

Would you like to be like Ilya Muromets? Homework will help to imagine yourself in his place.

  1. Homework: retell one of the trips on behalf of Ilya Muromets
  2. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Back to goal setting. Have you been able to achieve your goals?

Let's finally read how, after three trips of Ilya Muromets, the inscription on the stone began to look like?

Mutual evaluation.
