Give a lot of mana to the poor sorceress. Children's fairy tales online

Collect bottles of Rejuvenation and store them all in the chest. It is also useful to put all the found mana potions in it, leaving three or four things in the inventory. Try not to waste mana bottles. Remember that they (unlike health drinks) are not sold, but only found by the hero himself in his adventures!

Pay special attention to the selection of the staff for your sorceress. Try to buy one that increases the Warmth ability by 3 (the maximum increase in a skill or spell with a staff is plus three units!), And also increases your favorite spell by the same three points: Glacial Spike, Blaze, Chain Lightning or another.

Try to buy and find magical amulets and rings that give mana for kills or allow you to cast spells faster (of Apprentice or of Magus).

The ability to retreat in time to restore mana is the most important skill. Use it more often. It is very useful to periodically return to the city to talk with the seller, who will automatically restore the mana and life of the heroine.

Don't go for a high Defense Rating, better increase the magic defense or add Faster Run/Walk to run away from enemies faster.

Of all the characteristics, it is most profitable to develop Energy and pump up Strenght a little. Dexterity, and even more so - Vitality increase is almost meaningless. Why is it important to spend almost all points on Energy? Of course, it is obvious that this will allow you to accumulate more mana ... It is a little less obvious that with an increase in mana magical energy at the same time, its regeneration is accelerated. As for strength, this stat is only needed to be able to wear cool things like advanced boots and heavy belts with several additional slots for potions. Usually, very cool magical amplifiers are added to more powerful protective personal belongings (read: requiring a lot of strength). What magic boosters do you need? Of the more or less common ones, this is an increase in the number of lives and an acceleration of mana regeneration. In the early stages, you really need things like chain mail of Tiger, which add about 30 lives that way. And then the items of the Colossus, which increase the maximum lives of dozens at once by five or six, will not hurt either.

Your task is to avoid hand-to-hand combat. Believe me, even if you fight off the enemy more or less well, you will still lose a certain number of lives (it’s better to spend mana, which will restore itself) and further reduce the durability of your weapons and armor. You will still lose a certain number of lives from enemy ranged attacks and offensive magic, so fill the first three slots with bottles of treatment, and the fourth with a mana drink, just in case of a "fireman".

To play effectively as a magician, try to use as many lethal spells as possible in such a way that they do not immediately eat up your entire supply of mana.

The sorceress can follow several paths of development. She can try to learn all the spells available, each with a 1 or a 2 in each. In this case, the damage from each spell will be small, and their effectiveness will be small. On the other hand, the magician will be able to select a special combination of spells for each enemy or situation. For example, you can cast Ice Bolt on a fast enemy to slow them down, then switch to a more lethal Fire Bolt and fire at the enemy from a distance. The next spell, when the enemy gets close, will be Inferno. However, I repeat, having a rich repertoire of spells will allow you to be more flexible in your approach to the battle with each enemy, but on the other hand, each spell will not be very strong. If you can compensate for the lack of power with the right application, then go ahead.

Another option is to download a "fire", "ice" or "electric" sorceress. This approach is good because each spell of the selected element will be well pumped. On the other hand, if you run into a monster with a lot of resistance to your element, then it will be more difficult to fight him.

The third option, chosen by me, is to download all three elements, but not completely, but only the selected "branches" of development. For example, in the ice element, I refused all three "shield" spells. If a strong monster gets to me, then they will not help, and I will fight off a weakling anyway. From the "lightning" did not begin to download a branch, starting with telekinesis. In the element of Fire, the branch starting with Fire Bolt remained undeveloped.

Your goal is to choose five or six spells in such a way that for every possible game situation one of them will be as effective as possible. I advise you to find one spell that hits a single target. For example, lightning or Ice Blast. The second could be mass destruction sorcery: Glacial Spike, for example, or Fire Ball. The third and fourth will be sorcery applicable in special situations: Cold Nova and Inferno. As a fifth, Blaze or any other spell that spends little mana, but requires time to cast is good (while you use it, you have time to recover a bit of mana).

ice element

Important note. If a frozen enemy is smashed or hard frozen again so that he runs out of life, he will turn into a pile of broken glass on the ground and melt. Creatures humiliated in this way cannot be resurrected by enemy shamans, and their bodies cannot be used by you or the enemy. Well, for example, the creature from the fourth episode will not be able to use bodies as projectiles.

Ice Bolt. In terms of the amount of damage, the speed of casting and the speed of flight, it loses to the Fire Bolt, which is similar in action, but, nevertheless, differs from last topics, which freezes the monster for a significant time, slowing down its movements and attacks twice. Very useful against fast melee opponents. Slowed down a bit - and fire at them from all trunks.

Ice Blast. The spell allows you to freeze the enemy for a while, completely paralyzing him. Cool "nominal" creatures and champion monsters, unfortunately, are not paralyzed, but slow down for a while. I advise you to take this spell when you get the sixth level.

Frost Nova. Absolutely not a combat spell, but useful in a tactical retreat. A fairly large circle of blue flame slows down all enemies who are close to the sorceress. Initially, it is used to disperse peaceful demonstrations from any small fry. Once or twice they used demons in the center of the party - and they are dead. In the second and subsequent acts, it is used to slow down especially fast enemies. After all, if you use Ice Blast, then there is a chance to miss (this is one), and secondly, you need to turn around towards the enemy and lose some precious time that the enemy uses to reduce the distance between you (this is two). If you need to run away (don't forget to turn on Blaze!!!), then this is it.

Frozen Armor. Operating for a while magical protection, which increases the level of armor and freezes all who attack the sorceress. Unfortunately, not a very useful thing, because everyone knows that ... right! Witches don't fight hand to hand! And to constantly renew the spell, which hardly helps, is more expensive for yourself. You can try to use it together with Inferno, if the latter is sufficiently pumped.

Shiver Armor. The same as Frozen Armor, but a little stronger and deals small damage to all enemies attacking the heroine.

Chilling Armor. Takes revenge on shooting enemies by sending them gifts of ice in return. It is also of little use in most tactics, like the two previous armors.

Glacial Spike. The same as the previous spell, but only deals more damage and hits several nearby creatures. A sort of freezing Fire Ball. A very effective spell and almost the only salvation, when there are a lot of enemies, they come very close, and you have nowhere to retreat. A good spell against shooters and mages, as well as against all fast opponents.

Blizzard. A flurry of ice large area. Hits enemies and also slows them down. Rulezzz against crowds of slow, fat and big critters. The smaller and faster the creature, the worse it will work. Good to use in the last act. It is useful to throw at the enemy and after a couple of seconds - at yourself. So the enemy who runs towards you will be under the influence of the spell for quite a long time.

Frozen Orb. Quite expensive in terms of mana costs, a clot of ice that deals decent damage (with the help of ice scattered in all directions) and freezes enemies for a significant period of time. Use if you have more or less pumped mana.

Cold Mastery. Passive skill. Frost attacks gain the ability to better overcome monsters' inherent resistance to them. A must have for Frost Mages.

Fire Release

firebolt. A small fireball with which you begin your acquaintance with the witch's magic. It casts very quickly, flies fast, eats little mana, but does little damage. It makes no sense to have more than one in it.

fire ball. A classic fireball, a medium lousy spell that hits several opponents that are close to each other. Average: neither particularly strong nor particularly weak.

Warmth. A cool passive ability that allows you to increase mana regeneration by 30% at first, and then by 12% per point invested. Mandatory for leveling as a magician, it is desirable to develop the level to the 10th ... You can also develop if you clearly do not need to study other spells yet.

Inferno. Small, portable flamethrower. A jet of fire goes from the magician until you release the mouse button. You can aim at one enemy, but no one interferes and drive them in all directions to spud several opponents. Good to use in conjunction with Ice Blast or another freeze spell, especially against slow and survivable melee units. If you drive the shooter or the magician into a corner, then this option will work very well.

fire wall. Well what can we say? Eats a lot of mana, has a relatively short lifespan, and creates a not-so-great wall of fire. If you pump it, then maybe it will do, but does it make sense to pump if there are better things?!

Blaze. An ideal spell when you have little mana, a lot of enemies and there is room for maneuver. It takes a little skill to use.. The easiest option is to slowly back away from the enemy (make sure he's following you!) and wobble - go in small zigzags. Great against slow but strong hand-to-hand opponents. Almost does not work against shooters, the use on magicians affects a little more effectively than on shooters. Sometimes it is used not to harm the enemy, but to create turmoil in the camp of the enemy.

Enchant. Allows a weapon (ranged or melee) to deal additional Fire damage. IN single player there is no point in using it.

meteor. A weighty fiery gift from heaven falls at the indicated point. The radius is not very large, but it deals good damage and does it immediately, almost without delay. Good against small groups of monsters.

Hydra. Grows out of the ground fiery creature, not very long spitting balls of flame. Not very dangerous for enemies, but if you invest a few points, it will become very even nothing. It is used when the enemies are far enough away, and it is desirable that there are several of them.

Fire Mastery. Passive ability that increases damage from fire spells. A must-have item for mages using two or more spells of a given element.

Lightning Release

Charged Bolt. In the direction where the spell is directed, several electrical discharges fly. They fly in a random direction and can easily miss. If most of them hit the monster, then he will receive quite serious damage. Great against crowds, while Fire and Ice Bolt are used against singles.

Telekinesis. Telekinesis, the influence on objects by the power of thought. Allows you to pick up things from afar, affect doors and boxes, and repel monsters. I would not spend even one skill point on all this.

Teleport. The hero is instantly transported to the selected point. Used to fight clumsy "hand-to-hand". Useful if a crowd of demons is about to pinch the magic in the corner.

energy shield. Mana absorbs some of the damage received, thereby allowing you to save health. A good spell if you have well-developed regeneration and if you spent points on teleport and telekinesis.

Static field. Creatures located near the heroine receive an electric shock. Tests in the military field, however, showed not very great usefulness of the spell. Weak.

Nova. An electric circle radiates in all directions from the character. Spends a lot of mana and does not harm monsters very much. The radius of action is also small, that is, if the enemies survive and come closer, then problems can begin. So-so.

Lightning. Lightning that strikes enemies, passing through their bodies and harming all creatures that are in its path. Well, if the enemies are not very close, but lined up. If close and not in line, then I advise Glacial Spike. There are some drawbacks: firstly, it does not pass through all sorts of obstacles like trees and small walls that do not serve as an obstacle to various balls of ice and fire. Secondly, throwing lightning, the magician stops in place and for about a second "holds" the witchcraft caused by him. Various balls, for example, can be thrown in half a second and immediately continue the heroic path, not caring about the further flight of the spell. Conclusion: lightning is a great thing in narrow corridors and against not very fast enemies.

Chain Lightning. The same powerful thing as Lightning, but only capable of aiming at some nearby enemies by itself. Spends a little more mana, dealing damage to additional enemies. Therefore, it is much more effective than a simple lightning, it completely replaces it.

Thunder Storm. For some time, a lone lightning bolt falls on one monster that is not far from the hero. The gap between lightning bolts is large, and the damage is medium in magnitude. Useful as an additional spell that spends a bit of mana and makes life a bit easier for a long time.

Lightning Mastery. Passive skill. All Lightning spells cost less mana. For fans of Chain Lightning and frequent teleporters.

Once upon a time there lived a widow who had two daughters: the eldest was so similar to her in disposition and face that anyone who saw her seemed to see her mother in front of him. Both mother and daughter were both so nasty and so arrogant that it was impossible to get along with them. The youngest, who in meekness and good-naturedness completely resembled her father, was also one of the most beautiful girls that have ever been seen. And since everyone, of course, loves his like, the mother was crazy about her eldest daughter, and felt a terrible dislike for the younger one. She allowed her to eat only in the kitchen and forced her to work incessantly. This poor girl, among her other duties, had to go twice a day to the spring, half a mile from the house, and bring a large jug of water. One day, when she was standing by a spring, a beggar came up to her and asked for a drink. Here, grandmother, please,” the beautiful girl said to her and, immediately rinsing the jug and scooping up the freshest water, handed it to her, all the time supporting it so that it would be more convenient for the beggar to drink. The woman got drunk and said: You are so beautiful, so kind and courteous that I cannot but reward you with a magical gift. (For she was a sorceress who assumed the form of a poor peasant woman in order to test the girl’s good character.) This gift, continued the sorceress, will consist in the fact that at every word that you happen to say, either a flower or gem. When the beauty came home, her mother scolded her for not returning for so long. Forgive me, mother, that I hesitated so much, ”the poor thing answered, and when she uttered these words, two roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips. What is this? said the surprised mother. “Pearls and diamonds seem to be pouring out of her mouth. How is that, my daughter? (For the first time she told her my daughter.) The poor girl innocently told her everything that had happened to her, not failing to pour innumerable diamonds. Really, - said the mother, - I will have to send another daughter there too. Here, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister's mouth when she speaks. Wouldn't it be nice for you to have such a gift? All you have to do is go to the well for water, and when the beggar asks you for a drink, give her a drink with all courtesy.

I will go to the spring for water! the rude daughter answered arrogantly.

I want you to go there, and at once, - answered the mother.

The daughter went, continuing to grumble. She took with her the most beautiful silver vessel that was in the house. Before she reached the spring, a splendidly dressed lady emerged from the forest, who approached her and asked her to drink. It was the same sorceress who appeared to her sister, but this time she dressed up as a princess in order to test the extent to which this person's wickedness extends.

Is it not for this that I came here, - said the arrogant and ill-mannered girl, - to give you water? And she carried a silver jug ​​to drink your grace? Well, drink if you like.

You are not polite at all,” the sorceress objected, not at all angry. “If you are so unkind, I will give you such a gift that at every word you say, either a toad or a snake will fall from your mouth.”

Mother, as soon as she saw her, shouted: So what, daughter?

So that's it, mother! - answered the rude daughter, and two vipers and two toads jumped out of her mouth.

Oh my God! the mother exclaimed. - What is this? It's all her sister's fault; she will pay me for it.

And she immediately rushed to the one to beat her. The poor thing ran away and hid in the nearby forest. The king's son, returning from hunting, met her and, seeing how beautiful she was, asked what she was doing here all alone and why she was crying.

Ah, sir! My mother kicked me out of the house.

The king's son, seeing that five or six pearls and as many diamonds fell from her mouth, asked her to explain what was the matter. She told him her story. The king's son fell in love with her and, judging that such a gift was worth more than any dowry, he took her to his father's palace and married her there.

And her sister was so hated by everyone that even her mother drove her away, and the unfortunate one, whom no one wanted to shelter, no matter how much she wandered, died somewhere in the forest.

Hello, dear reader. The Fairy Tale (Fairy Gifts) by Charles Perrault is extremely instructive. The magical, but worldly not quite convenient property of spitting out pearls and diamonds at every word, the youngest daughter from Perrault's fairy tale clearly inherits from the heroines of Italian short stories, kindly treated the fairies: this is Blanchebel from Basile's Pentameron (III, 3), as well as the stepdaughter from the fairy tale "Three fairies" (III, 10) and beautiful and kind youngest daughter in the short story "Two Pies" (IV, 7), roses and jasmine pour from her mouth, and pearls and pomegranates fall out of her hair. Marie-Jeanne Lheritier de Villudon (Lheritier de Villaudon M.-J., 1664-1734), Charles Ileppo's niece, also uses the plot of the "Sorceresses" in her fairy tale " Magic power eloquence" (1695). She calls this plot "one of those Gallic tales that go back in a straight line to the storytellers or troubadours of Provence, once so famous." Probably, the uncle and niece worked on the theme in parallel, each developing it in his own direction: Perrault - in folklore. Leritier de Villodon - in the spirit of a gallant novel, with the introduction of quite modern details. So, her heroine Blanche, like Cinderella, suffering from the intrigues of an evil stepmother who wants to imprison her in a monastery, tries to forget herself in reading novels with Greek titles. The stepmother and her ugly daughter attend plays, balls, and promenades, and are stared at by musketeers and young officers. Blanche meets the prince returning from the hunt not at the well, but at the fountain. Instead of a bow and arrows, the prince has a completely modern firearms. Chasing the boar, he wounds the girl. He tries to stop the bleeding using his neckerchief. True, then you still have to resort to the help of fairies. In the fairy tale "Sorceresses" a metaphor is materialized: kind words are identified with flowers and precious stones falling from the mouth, and evil words are identified with toads and snakes. This can serve as a good lesson for children, so parents can safely read the fairy tale "Sorceress (Fairy Gifts)" online with pictures, with illustrations from famous books, children of any age.

About once there lived a widow with two daughters: the eldest was so much like her mother in face and disposition that it was impossible to know which was the mother, which was the daughter; they were both so bad-faced and so proud and quarrelsome that no one could get along with them. The younger one, whose crumb and good disposition resembled her late father, was the most beautiful of the girls. As it is already known that every person loves more a character similar to himself, then the widow loved her eldest daughter to madness and terribly hated her youngest daughter; she made her dine in the kitchen and work incessantly.
Among other things, the poor girl had to go twice a day with a large jug for water to the source, standing more than two miles from their house. Once, as she came to the source, a poor old woman came up to her and asked for a drink.

- Now, kind woman, said the beautiful girl, and at the same moment she ran to the source, scooped up water and gave it to the old woman, supporting the jug with her hand so that she could drink more comfortably. The good old woman, drunk, said to her: you are so good, so kind and smart that I can’t help but thank you (it was a sorceress who, disguised as a poor woman, wanted to know to what extent the virtue of this young girl extends ); Here is my gift to you, the sorceress continued: with every word you say, either a flower or a precious stone will fall out of your mouth. When the beauty came home, her mother began to scold her that she went for a long time to fetch water. I'm sorry, mother, said the poor girl; at these words, two roses, two pearls and two diamonds fell out of her mouth.

What I see? cried the astonished mother, are pearls and diamonds falling out of her mouth? What is it, my daughter? (for the first time she called her daughter). The poor child told frankly everything that had happened to her, and during the story, many diamonds fell out of her mouth. Fanteta, said the mother of the eldest daughter, you must go to the source; look at what comes out of your sister's mouth when she speaks. I think you want to have the same gift? Go get some water, and when the poor old woman asks you for a drink, give it to her kindly. - That's good, answered the wayward, for water, for water! To make all the neighbors laugh at me! No, no, I'm not going! - And I order you, my mother objected; go now. Fanteta, taking a silver mug with scolding and grumbling, went to the source and as soon as she came to the place where they drew water, she saw a splendidly dressed lady coming out of the forest, who approached her and asked her to drink (it was the same sorceress who accepted looking at herself as a princess, wanting to see how great Phantheta's wickedness is). Did I come for that, the rude woman told her, to give water to all the passers-by?

That's right, I brought this silver mug for you. Drink yourself, ma'am, if you like. “You are very helpful,” the sorceress retorted without anger. And so for your indulgence, I must thank you: at every word that you utter, a snake or a lizard will come out of your mouth; her mother, who was impatiently waiting for her, as soon as she met her immediately shouted: what, dear Fantatushka? What, mother ... answered the rude woman, and at this word two snakes and two lizards crawled out of her mouth.

My God! exclaimed the mother, what do I see! Your sister did it all, oh! she will not pay me cheaply, and she ran to beat her. The poor girl hastily left the house out of fear and hid in the nearest forest. The king's son, returning from hunting, met her and seeing how beautiful she was, asked what she was doing here alone, and what she was crying about. — Ah? sir, said the poor girl, my mother drove me out of the house.

The royal son, seeing that six pearls and the same number of diamonds spilled out of her mouth, asked to explain the reason for this; the beauty told him frankly everything that had happened to her. The King's son, touched by her position and beauty, fell madly in love. Believing that such a gift, which the sorceress awarded her, exceeds the dowry of the richest bride, he brought her to the palace to the King, his father, and having received his consent to marriage, married her and lived for a long time safely; as for Phanteta, she became so hated by everyone that her mother herself drove her out of the house, and the unfortunate rude woman, finding no shelter anywhere, died of despair.

Release year: 2008

Genre: romance, comedy, drama, everyday life

Type: TV

Number of episodes: 22 (25 min.)

Description: So, before continuing the story of Tomoe and his friends. The series continues storyline, at the breakpoint of the first season. Our heroes grew up, rested on summer holidays and ready to meet their last school year. Many have already decided where to go, but still there is anxiety for the future in that little-known adult life. Our main character Tomoya Okazaki moved in with his girlfriend, Nagisa Furukawa, and the girl's family turned out to be an unimaginable miracle for him, which he was deprived of in childhood. Only after going through all the trials, he realized how valuable it is that close friends are with him, a girl to whom he is ready to devote his whole life. Tomoya has thawed out, but new challenges await him on the path of life.

So, the heroes of the series understand that the role of the family in a person's life is paramount, and only by realizing how great it is to live as a family, they begin to move towards a real adult life. But everything does not end there, and the main characters of the series again meet obstacles that they successfully fight, because there is no life without difficulties and losses, such a life is boring and uninteresting to those who are above.

There was once a rich and powerful king. He had as much gold and soldiers as no other king had even dreamed of. His wife was the most beautiful and smart woman in the world. The king and queen lived together and happily, but often grieved that they had no children. Finally they decided to take some girl and bring her up as own daughter. The opportunity soon presented itself. One close friend The king died, and his daughter, a young princess, remained after him. The king and queen immediately transported her to their palace.

The girl grew and every day became more beautiful and more beautiful. This pleased the king and queen, and, looking at their pupil, they forgot that they did not have their own children.

One day, the queen fell seriously ill. Day by day she got worse and worse. The king did not leave the bed of his wife for days and nights. And she grew weaker and weaker, and the doctors unanimously said that the queen would no longer get out of bed. The queen herself soon realized this. Feeling the approach of death, she called the king and said to him in a weak voice:

I know that I will die soon. Before I die, I want to ask you only one thing: if you decide to marry a second time, then marry only the woman who will be more beautiful and better than me.

The king, sobbing loudly, promised the queen that her wish would be granted, and she died.

Having buried his wife, the king could not find a place for himself with grief, did not eat or drink anything, and became so old that all his ministers were horrified by such a change.

One day, when the king, sighing and crying, was sitting in his room, the ministers came to him and began to ask him to stop grieving and get married as soon as possible.

But the king didn't even want to hear about it. However, the ministers did not lag behind him and assured him that the king should certainly marry. But no matter how hard the ministers tried, their persuasion did not convince the king. Finally, they so annoyed him with their harassment that one day the king said to them:

I promised the late queen that I would marry a second time if I found a woman who was more beautiful and better than her, but there is no such woman in the whole world. That's why I never get married.

The ministers were delighted that the king had given up at least a little, and began to show him portraits of the most wonderful beauties every day, so that the king would choose a wife from these portraits, but the king said that the dead queen was better, and the ministers left with nothing.

Finally, the most important minister came one day to the king and said to him:

King! Does your pupil seem to you, both in intelligence and beauty, worse than the late queen? She is so smart and beautiful best wife you can't find! Marry her!

It seemed to the king that his young pupil, the princess, was indeed better and more beautiful than the queen, and, without refusing more, he agreed to marry the pupil.

The ministers and all the courtiers were pleased, but this seemed terrible to the princess. She did not want to become the wife of the old king. However, the king did not listen to her objections and ordered her to prepare for the wedding as soon as possible.

The young princess was in despair. She didn't know what to do. Finally, she remembered the sorceress Lilac, her aunt, and decided to consult with her. That same night she went to the sorceress in a golden carriage drawn by a big old ram who knew all the roads.

The sorceress listened attentively to the story of the princess.

If you do exactly what I tell you to do," she said, "nothing bad will happen. First of all, ask the king for a dress blue as the sky. He can't get you a dress like that.

The princess thanked the sorceress for her advice and returned home. The next morning she told the king that she would not agree to marry him until she received from him a dress as blue as the sky.

The king immediately summoned the most the best craftsmen and ordered them to make a dress as blue as the sky.

If you do not please the princess,” he added, “I will order you all to be hanged.

The next day, the masters brought the ordered dress, and in comparison with it, the blue sky itself, surrounded by golden clouds, seemed not so beautiful.

Upon receiving the dress, the princess was not so much delighted as frightened. She again went to the sorceress and asked what she should do now. The sorceress was very annoyed that her plan did not work out, and ordered the princess to demand a moon-colored dress from the king.

The king could not refuse anything to the princess. He sent for the most skilled craftsmen, which only were in the kingdom, and in such a formidable voice gave them an order that not even a day had passed since the masters had already brought the dress.

At the sight of this beautiful outfit, the princess sunbathed even more.

The sorceress Lilac appeared to the princess and, having learned about the second failure, told her:

On both occasions, the king succeeded in fulfilling your request. Let's see if he can do it now, when you demand from him a dress shining like the sun. It is unlikely that he will be able to get such a dress. In any case, we will buy time.

The princess agreed and demanded such a dress from the king. The king without hesitation gave all the diamonds and rubies from his crown, if only the dress shone like the sun. Therefore, when the dress was brought and unfolded, everyone immediately screwed up their eyes: it really shone like a real sun.

One princess was not happy. She went to her room, saying that her eyes ached from the brilliance, and there she began to weep bitterly. The sorceress Lilac was very sad that all her advice came to nothing.

Well, now, my child, - she said to the princess, - demand from the king the skin of his beloved donkey. He certainly won't give it to you!

And I must say that the donkey, the skin of which the sorceress ordered to demand from the king, was not an ordinary donkey. Every morning, instead of manure, he covered his bedding with shiny gold coins. It is clear why the king loved and protected this donkey so much.

The princess was overjoyed. She was sure that the king would never agree to kill the donkey. She ran cheerfully to the king and demanded a donkey skin.

Although the king was surprised at such a strange demand, he did not hesitate to fulfill it. The donkey was killed and its skin solemnly brought to the princess. Now she really didn't know what to do. But then the sorceress Lilac appeared to her.

Don't worry so much, honey! - she said. - Maybe it's all for the best. Wrap yourself in a donkey skin and get out of the palace as soon as possible. Take nothing with you: the chest with your dresses will follow you underground. Here's my magic wand. When you need a chest, strike the ground with your wand and it will appear before you. But leave quickly, do not delay.

The princess kissed the sorceress, pulled on a nasty donkey skin, smeared her face with soot so that no one would recognize her, and left the palace.

The disappearance of the princess caused a great stir. The king sent out a thousand horsemen and many archers on foot in pursuit of the princess. But the sorceress made the princess invisible to the eyes of the royal servants. Therefore, the king had to abandon the futile search.

And meanwhile the princess was on her way. She went into many houses and asked to be taken at least as a maid.

But no one wanted to take the princess with them, because in a donkey's skin she seemed unusually ugly.

Finally she came to some big house. The mistress of this house agreed to accept the poor princess as her worker. The princess thanked the hostess and asked what she should do. The mistress told her to wash clothes, look after turkeys, herd sheep and clean pig troughs.

The princess was placed in the kitchen. From the very first day, the servants began to mock her rudely. However, we got used to it little by little. In addition, she worked very hard, and the mistress did not allow her to be offended.

One day, sitting on the bank of a stream, the princess looked into the water as if into a mirror.

Looking at herself in a nasty donkey skin, she was frightened. The princess felt ashamed that she was so dirty, and, quickly throwing off her donkey skin, she bathed in the stream. But when she returned home, she again had to put on a nasty skin.

Fortunately, the next day was a holiday and the princess was not forced to work. She took advantage of this and decided to dress up in one of her rich dresses.

The princess hit the ground magic wand, and a chest of clothes appeared before her. The princess took out a blue dress that she received from the king, went to her little room and began to dress up.

She looked at herself in the mirror, admired the wonderful outfit, and since then every holiday she dressed up in her rich dresses. But, except for sheep and turkeys, no one knew about it. Everyone saw her in an ugly donkey skin and nicknamed her - Donkey Skin.

It happened somehow, the young prince was returning from hunting and stopped by to rest in the house where Donkey Skin lived as workers. He rested a little, and then began to wander about the house and the yard.

By chance, he wandered into a dark corridor. At the end of the corridor was a locked door. The prince was very curious, and he wanted to know who lives behind this door. He looked into the crack. What was his surprise when he saw in a small cramped room a beautiful elegant princess! He ran to the mistress to find out who lives in this little room.

They told him: the girl Donkey Skin lives there, she wears a donkey skin instead of a dress, so dirty and greasy that no one wants to look at her or talk to her. They took Donkey Skin into the house to graze sheep and clean pig troughs.

The king knew nothing more. He returned to the palace, but could not forget the beauty, whom he accidentally saw through the door crack. He regretted that he had not gone into the room then and made the acquaintance of her.

The prince made a promise to himself that next time he would certainly do it.

Thinking constantly about the wonderful beauty, the prince fell seriously ill. His mother and father were in despair. They called for doctors, but the doctors couldn't do anything. At last they said to the queen: her son must have been ill from some great grief. The queen began to ask her son what happened to him, but he did not answer her. But when the queen knelt down and began to cry, he said:

I want Donkeyskin to bake a cake and bring it back as soon as it's ready.

The queen was surprised at such a strange desire. She called the courtiers and asked who this Donkey Skin was.

Ah, that filthy bastard! - explained one courtier. She lives not far from here and tends sheep and turkeys.

Well, whoever this Donkeyskin is, said the queen, let her bake a pie for the prince at once!

The courtiers ran to Donkeyskin and gave her the queen's order, adding that she should carry it out as best and quickly as possible.

The princess locked herself in her little room, threw off her donkey skin, washed her face and hands, put on a clean dress and began to cook a cake. She took the best flour, and the freshest butter and eggs.

While kneading the dough, on purpose or by accident, she dropped a ring from her finger. It fell into the dough and stayed there. And when the cake was baked, the princess put on a nasty skin, left the room, served the cake to the courtier and asked him if she should go with him to the prince. But the courtier did not even want to answer her and ran with the pie to the palace.

The prince snatched the cake from the hands of the courtier and began to eat it so hastily that all the doctors shook their heads and shrugged.

Such swiftness portends little good! they said.

Indeed, the king's son ate the pie with such greed that he almost choked on a ring that ended up in one of the pieces of the pie. But the prince quickly took the ring out of his mouth and after that began to eat the pie not so hastily. He looked at the ring for a long time. It was so small that only the prettiest finger in the world could fit. The prince kissed the ring every now and then, then hid it under his pillow and took it out every minute when he thought that no one was looking at him.

All this time he thought about the Donkey Skin, but he was afraid to talk about it aloud. Therefore, his illness intensified, and the doctors did not know what to think. Finally, they announced to the queen that her son was sick from love. The queen rushed to her son along with the king, who was also upset and upset.

My son, - said the saddened king, - tell us the girl you love. We promise that we will marry you to her, even if she is the last servant!

The queen, embracing her son, confirmed the promise of the king. The prince, touched by the tears and kindness of his parents, said to them:

Dear father and mother! I myself do not know who is the girl whom I fell in love with so passionately. I'm marrying someone who will fit this ring, whoever she is.

And he took out a donkey-skin ring from under the pillow and showed it to the king and queen.

The king and queen took the ring, examined it with curiosity and, deciding that only the most beautiful girl could fit such a ring, agreed with the prince.

The king ordered the drums to be struck immediately and the runners to be sent throughout the city to call all the girls to the palace to try on the ring.

Walkers ran through the streets and proclaimed that the girl who would fit the ring would marry the young prince.

First, the princesses came to the palace, then the ladies of the court, but no matter how hard they tried to make their fingers thinner, not one could put on a ring. I had to invite a seamstress. They were pretty, but their fingers were too thick to fit into the ring.

Finally it was the turn of the maids, but they, too, failed. Everyone has already measured the ring. No one had to fit it! Then the prince ordered to call cooks, dishwashers, swineherds. They were brought in, but their hardened fingers could not get into the ring any further than a fingernail.

Did they bring that Donkey Skin who just baked a pie? asked the king.

The courtiers laughed and answered him:

Donkey Skin was not invited to the palace because she was too dirty and nasty.

Now send for her! - ordered the king.

Then the courtiers, laughing quietly, ran after the Donkey Skin.

The princess heard the beat of the drums and the cries of the walkers, and guessed that her ring had raised all this turmoil. She was very happy when she saw that they were following her. She quickly brushed her hair and dressed up in a moon-colored dress. As soon as the princess heard that they were knocking on the door and calling her to the prince, she hastily threw a donkey skin over her dress and opened the door.

The courtiers mockingly announced to Donkeyskin that the king wanted to marry his son to her, and took her to the palace.

Surprised by the unusual appearance of the Donkey Skin, the prince could not believe that this was the same girl whom he had seen so beautiful and elegant through the door crack. Saddened and embarrassed, the prince asked her:

It is you who live at the end of the dark corridor, in big house, where did I recently go from hunting?

Yes, she answered.

Show me your hand,” continued the prince.

Imagine the amazement of the king and queen and all the courtiers when a small tender hand appeared from under the black, soiled skin and when the ring fit the girl. Then the princess threw off her donkey skin. The prince, struck by her beauty, forgot about his illness and threw himself at her feet, beside himself with joy.

The king and queen also embraced her and asked if she wanted to marry their son.

The princess, embarrassed by all this, was just about to say something, when suddenly the ceiling opened, and into the hall on a chariot from lilac flowers and the sorceress Lilac descended from the branches and told everyone present the story of the princess.

The king and queen, having listened to the story of the sorceress, fell in love with the princess even more and immediately married her to their son.

At the wedding, the kings gathered different countries. Some rode in carriages, others on horseback, and the furthest on elephants, on tigers, on eagles.

The wedding was celebrated with luxury and pomp, which can only be imagined. But the prince and his young wife paid little attention to all this splendor: they looked only at each other and only saw each other.

Retelling from French by M. Bulatov
