Ilya Glinnikov made a scandal when he left. Blood, love and other rhymes: Ilya Glinnikov was hospitalized after a fight with Ekaterina Nukulina

Last Saturday, TNT showed the second edition of the Bachelor show. Main character project, actor Ilya Glinnikov and his brides came to Sri Lanka. At first glance, it seems that the girls are delighted with Glinnikov and are ready for anything to get a rose from the hands of a “bachelor”. But it turned out that everything was completely different - one retired participant, despite the ban on disclosing information, nevertheless decided to speak out about the terrible conditions on the project and about inappropriate behavior Ilya Glinnikov.

26-year-old Tatyana Chelysheva, a producer at the American film company NoRisk NoFun Production, decided to reveal the details of the show on social networks: “I thought for a long time before taking this step - but at some point I realized that I couldn’t help but do it. First of all, because for the next 3 months, every Saturday, the audience will judge and evaluate my friends - wonderful, real, rare, with their own unique history, but, most importantly, very worthy girls. And as a film producer, I understand perfectly well what it is magic art montage, when white turns black and black becomes white, and I know that in the project “The Bachelor” the hero can only be justified at the expense of the participants ... That is why I simply have to start telling the truth that only we know. Because I don’t want the unworthy to be passed off as worthy.”


Also in an interview, Tatyana said: “I will not dissemble, at first I liked Ilya. But when he invited me to a tête-à-tête, I did not feel male energy from him, any emotions and general interest in everything that was happening ... Then I attributed it to stress, because not only girls are nervous. In such conditions it is difficult for everyone. But, as it turned out later, he didn’t really need any of the girls - he pursued completely different goals on the project.

“According to rumors, Ilya still has strong feelings for his ex girlfriend. At least, my television colleagues saw how, just before the start of filming “The Bachelor-5”, at one event, he did not leave her a single step and ran away from the presentation after her. It is obvious that Glinnikov came to a project connected, if not by relationships, then at least strong feelings", - continued the participant of the show" The Bachelor.

Also recently, another participant in the show, Veronika Pavlova, spoke about the backstage life on the project: “We filmed the first series for two days, everyone was on their nerves ... Someone sacrificed a lot to become part of the project. It was an incredible experiment, and I'll tell you honestly: none of the girls knew who would be a bachelor. It was really a mystery. I got out of the limousine and saw that very “dream man”. The thought flashed, but is this my place? The man was shorter than me. I am a tall lady and I am looking for a prince to match!

It all started with the fact that on Sunday, September 17, Ilya Glinnikov was hospitalized after a fight with his girlfriend Ekaterina Nikulina, when he allegedly tried to kick her out of the apartment. As it turned out, the actor had long been dissatisfied with them. living together. Nikulin, according to Glinnikov's close circle, does not work and lives at the expense of the actor. In addition, she allowed herself to return home at a very late time. On this occasion, quarrels arose between young people.


In fact, it happened this time as well. Nikulina returned home at an unacceptable time, probably after a night party, and besides, she was also drunk. Glinnikov, who was waiting for his chosen one, being in an extremely nervous state, also drank. When Catherine finally appeared at home, Ilya immediately pointed her to the door, as a result there was a quarrel that turned into a serious fight.

According to Glinnikov's relatives, Nikulina broke his entire face, and she herself received only a couple of bruises. Catherine allegedly threw at Ilya not only kitchen utensils and bottles, but also equipment: tablets, phones. According to "Moskovsky Komsomolets", after the conflict, the apartment was in a deplorable state. The fight between the lovers was so fierce that there were traces of blood everywhere in the dwelling.

Glinnikov was the first to come to his senses. Allegedly, he contacted his relatives, who rushed to his apartment during the day. They also called an ambulance. The carriage took Ilya and Ekaterina to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. In Glinnikov, in addition to a concussion, his forehead was cut, bruises formed under his eyes, and an old knee injury aggravated. As a result, Ilya was admitted to the traumatology department.

But Catherine refused to stay in the hospital. She was also diagnosed with a head injury. They say that Glinnikov is now considering whether to write a statement to him against Nikulina. It all depends on her future behavior. The actor is ready to write a statement to her in the event that she does not leave his apartment and continues to run into trials.

Interestingly, the official representative of Ilya Glinnikov denied the information about the fight and hospitalization, saying that popular actor allegedly is in Georgia and everything is fine with him. By the way, on his page in social network Instagram Ilya made a post three days ago, indicating the location of Tbilisi.

Last Saturday, March 11, the long-awaited season of the romantic reality show "The Bachelor" started on TNT. This time, charming seductresses will try to win the heart of the star of the Interns series, actor Ilya Glinnikov.

In the fifth season, the creators of the project approached the selection of the candidacy of the groom more responsibly than ever. Everyone remembers how the previous bachelor Alexei Vorobyov disappointed the audience, for three months he failed to choose his lady of the heart. This time, Yegor Creed, Miguel and even Timati were named among the possible contenders for the role of the main fiance of the country. However, the choice fell on Ilya Glinnikov, who not so long ago broke up with his partner in Interns, actress Aglaya Tarasova, and decided to heal his heart wounds with the help of the project.

Who will Ilya Glinnikov choose in the Bachelor show: the brightest participants in the project

As always, the main intrigue of the new season is who Ilya Glinnikov will choose in the Bachelor show.

This time the line-up did not disappoint: the girls turned out to be not only stunning beauties, but also quite diverse and deep personalities. I am glad that there are no representatives of the "silicon valley" with pumped up lips and false implants. Well, let's get to know the brightest contenders for the heart of a bachelor.

From the first moment of acquaintance, several participants immediately attracted attention.

Daria Putina - was remembered for her outstanding surname, relaxed manners and unusual profession. The girl works as a face controller in one of the most pretentious nightclubs in Moscow and would look more organically in the role of Ilya's bodyguard than a lady of the heart.

The more glasses of champagne she got into her hands, the louder her voice became and the more categorical her judgments. She will show herself!

Snezhana Samokhina - a girl with a very bright appearance and unreal transparent eyes. Effectively appeared, rolling on a bike. At 23, he has a four-year-old son and an unsuccessful marriage to some metropolitan nouveau riche.

Generously uses unprintable expressions in speech, is capable of reckless actions. Without thinking for a long time, I dived after Ilya into the pool from the roof of the bungalow.

Madina Tamova - a Caucasian beauty, who was passed from hand to hand to a bachelor by her numerous mountain brothers, who galloped spectacularly on horseback and clanged their sabers intimidatingly. Ilya immediately remembered his Georgian roots and vowed to treat Madina like a crystal vase.

To finally appease the girl's formidable relatives, he gave her the first rose of sympathy.

Lesya Ryabtseva - a journalist, worked as an assistant to the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy. She quit when rumors spread about her romance with boss Alexei Venediktov, who was almost three times older than Lesia. A girl with very mediocre external data and crooked facial expressions. It seems that she did not come for a romantic relationship, but for new "intrigues, scandals, investigations."

Already at the first party in Sri Lanka, she managed to arrange a performance around her bruised leg in the best traditions of provincial theaters.

Radmila Sadykova - spectacular beautiful girl, the first was presented to Ilya and immediately decided that half the success was in her pocket.

She positions herself as a cunning, insidious seductress, but so far she is quietly weaving her nets, without showing herself in any way.

Daria Klyukina - a very sweet girl, whose special charm is given by a slight stutter. She lives in Sochi, is a co-owner of a cafe where she cooks almost all the dishes herself. It was her Ilya invited on a first date in Sri Lanka.

Despite the fact that the girl is terrified of heights, the extreme Glinnikov raised her on a glass platform to a height of 60 meters above the ocean. At the same time, he still managed to whisper some romantic nonsense about a star and a month into the ear of a frightened girl to death.

Dasha withstood this test with dignity and, judging by the comments of the audience, she is one of those who will win in The Bachelor with Glinnikov.

Even his classmate, 32-year-old mother of three children, Nadezhda Lysenko, came to compete for Ilya's heart. Their meeting was very warm, but more like brotherly than romantic.

Nadezhda successfully appeared on TV in a scarlet dress and crown, and soon went home to her children.

Will "intern Romanenko" be able to become the main heartthrob of the country

Glinnikov himself made an unexpectedly pleasant impression on the spectators, judging by the comments. Many considered him an arrogant narcissistic actor, but after the first two episodes they changed their minds.

The fans were captivated by his depth, wisdom, endurance and intelligence. He immediately tried to calm the participants, relieve tension and create a relaxed atmosphere. He especially succeeded during the dances in the villa - no one expected such extravagant steps from the "intern Romanenko"!

Who will win in the Bachelor with Glinnikov - will the hero of the project find his love

It is worth saying that Bachelor-5 recently found himself at the center of the first scandal. Information has already appeared on the Web from one of the retired participants, Tatyana Chelysheva. The girl assures that Ilya is not at all who he claims to be. According to the former participant of the show, the girls are happy to leave the project due to inappropriate behavior famous fiance. Is it possible that the fifth “Bachelor” will repeat the history of the previous season, when none of the girls became the winner of the final.

Tatyana accuses Glinnikov of insincerity, posturing and dismissive attitude towards the participants. According to Chelysheva, Bachelor-5 even dared to raise his hand to some girls:

...on a trip to Sri Lanka, he showed himself in all his glory and was wildly angry when the participants were happy to leave the project. And, as they say, he even raised his hand to one of the participants. It's hard for me to even imagine. The girls are so shocked that five of the thirteen participants who went with him to Sri Lanka left the project for own will, and one ran home straight from a date.

Whether the show “Bachelor-5” really turned out to be a nightmare for girls, or is it an invention of an offended participant, will become clear over time, so we stock up on popcorn and start placing bets, trying to guess who will win in “The Bachelor” with Glinnikov, and who will leave the project just before final.


Filming of the domestic reality show "The Bachelor" came to an end last winter, and in May of the current multimillion-dollar audience learned the name of the owner of the most coveted "intern" in Russia. Until the beginning of this week, fans were inclined to believe that the Glinnikov-Nikulin family was dominated by complete harmony and mutual understanding, however, as you know, sooner or later even the most ideal romantic relationships begin to have problems. It turned out that the newly-made lovers began to “overcome” difficulties with the help of assault. It is curious that the actor himself was a victim of domestic violence.

Representatives of the media made a sensational statement: Ilya Glinnikov was taken to hospital as a result of a fight that arose between him and his fiancee. Citing anonymous sources Russian journalists hastened to declare that the greatest troubles in love union celebrities began to appear a long time ago, but the sweet couple found the strength to fight for their romantic relationship. With the completion of the filming process, Ekaterina Nikulina often began to take strong alcoholic drinks. Several times a week, and then for days in a row, the girl returned in a state of alcohol intoxication, and quite strong.

The classic.

In their recent interviews the winner of the reality show "The Bachelor" declared her desire for self-realization and finding a job suitable for her interests. However, time passed, and a suitable place of employment did not turn up, and the young lady had no particular intention to somehow resolve this issue. Insiders reported that Ilya Glinnikov was not at all satisfied with the behavior of the second half, in whose person he had previously seen his wife and the future mother of their children, and therefore made repeated attempts to influence her. Conversations and showdowns usually ended with the words “Forgive me, I won’t do it again,” but there was no visible result after them.

The incident that took place on the night of Monday to Tuesday began quite classically: Ekaterina Nikulina again showed up home drunk not with the power of love, but with red semi-sweet. It turned out to be quite difficult for Ilya Glinnokov to withstand the expectation of the chosen one, therefore, in a state of despair (otherwise he would hardly have done what he reproached his young lady for), he also took a glass of something extremely strong.


When the girl opened the door of their joint apartment, the young man without any hesitation asked her to collect all her things and get out. As a result, between the sweet couple broke out major scandal, as a result of which household utensils and appliances were badly damaged. And the star of the comedy serial film "Interns" got in the face several times, after which young man had to be taken to the hospital.

Doctors hastened to declare that they diagnosed Ilya Glinnikov with a concussion, and his attractive face was complemented by a dissection. The knee was also slightly injured. On this moment the domestic artist did not decide to contact law enforcement agencies on the fact of inflicting minor bodily harm. Representatives famous actor refuse to comment on the situation.

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February 17, 2017

The famous groom admitted to reporters that it was difficult for him to restrain himself, being surrounded by such beauties.

We have already said that in March of this year the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" starts, they will fight for the heart of Ilya Glinnikov. Among them is the infamous journalist. In many interviews, the actor admitted that filming in the project became a real test for him, the star of "Interns" took participation in the show extremely seriously. Unlike other suitors of the Bachelor, Glinnikov tried not to make scandals and behave like a real man, but surrounded by so many attractive women it turned out to be difficult.

“Since the project pursues such good goals as maintaining the hope that there are still worthy girls and men in our country, I decided to try. I wanted to get away from all the kissing and other vulgar moments and turn the show towards a quest, turn The Bachelor into a more ideological show, with some subtext and background, ”the actor shared. And yet, he surrendered under the onslaught of the beauties of the participants. According to Glinnikov, he was struck by the beauty of the contestants and periodically lost his head from everything that was happening.

“A man is the one who thinks with his head up, not down. But when you are surrounded by 25 girls, I would look at all of you in this situation. I’m just going crazy,” the portal quotes the artist’s words. According to the organizers of the project, they have prepared many surprises for the audience. Filming of the show took place, including in luxury resorts: in Sri Lanka and Dubai. Recall that the hero of the previous season of the project "Bachelor" was Alexei Vorobyov. In the final, the artist, alas, did not choose any of the contenders, although many spectators "bet" on.
